#if youre rude in any way shape or form to customer service workers youre going to hell
pawphin · 8 months
working customer service has opened my eyes up to how awful and horrible people can be "before theyve had their coffee"
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Conductor x Oblivious!Reader Oneshot: Is it Still Called a Ship if it Involves a Train?
My muse is all over the place and I have tons of ideas, my mind cannot contain them all and I don’t know how I wrote this. Also as a heads up I’ve been thinking about backing up my other reader oneshots on Tumblr on AO3 just in case something happens, so if you see them there don’t be surprised. 
Wordcount: 2791
Summary: The Conductor loved his train and wanted it in peak condition, that was why he visited the repair shop so much, and of course you were always the technician who checked everything, you specialized in trains after all! It only made sense!
Now, what didn’t make sense was how oblivious you were to his feelings. 
“The Conductor’s back?! Again?! I thought we just checked out the train last week! Everything was fine!” 
“Maybe he blew some of it up again? Like in that one movie?”
“I doubt it! He’s just train crazy!”
You let out a chuckle at the banter between your coworkers as you clicked away your computer, scanning through the active tickets and what needed to be done after. You worked in a repair shop for all sorts of vehicles. Most of the customers had cars that needed to be checked out, but some had more unusual modes of transportation. 
Like the Conductor and his train. 
He was one of the more… interesting customers you had interacted with. He was loud, very loud, and self-centered. 
Not that he was ever rude to any of your coworkers, or your boss, but you assumed this was because you were the ones responsible for keeping his train in tip top shape. 
Granted, the pool of people responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of his train had slowly dwindled until you were practically the only one checking it out. This was mainly due to the fact that you were the one on site who was the most knowledgeable about trains, they had been your passion since you were a child, and… 
Well, for some reason the Conductor always wanted you to be the one doing the work. 
You assumed this was for consistency’s sake, and the fact that it would make it far easier for him to get to know you as it was generally a good idea for a mechanic and their long term customer to have a good relationship, but he was surprisingly insistent about it even if there were long wait times. 
Fortunately he was never rude to your coworkers while he waited, nor did he insist on rushing anything. He just waited patiently for his turn and occasionally spoke to some other customers about his movies, being surprisingly polite when one of them mentioned not having seen them. 
Which was very out of character according to some of your coworkers, and speaking of them-
“Hey! You got Conductor’s ticket again?” The coworker nearest to you asked, their overalls stained with oil and grime, as were their feathers. “Since he’s just gonna bug us until we ask you to…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll cover it!” You quickly nodded while walking over to them. “Do you know what he’s coming in about?” “I dunno, something about his train sounding weird earlier.” They shrugged. “According to the boss he didn’t sound super worried or anything, but he insisted on coming in later today.”
“CAW!” You both jumped at the sudden noise and spun around, facing the newest arrival of the slowly forming group. Towering above the both of you was yet another coworker.
Or, perhaps croworker would be a more accurate title to call her by. 
She crossed her wings and glared down at you. “Are you the reason why he’s back, again?! I thought you fixed everything the last time he was here!”
“I did!” You insisted, taking a step back and raising your hands defensively. “Everything was fine when he left, and I didn’t see any problems other than cosmetic damage in the first place!”
The occasional bump and scrap was much better than the broken up and busted train that had been brought in one day, the Conductor sheepishly scratching the back of his head as he briefly mentioned something about a filming incident. 
You had cried true, honest tears upon seeing all that damage. That poor, poor train. 
The Crow stared at you for a moment longer before leaning down and asking a rather strange question. “Did you say yes or no then?”
“... To what?” You countered, extremely confused. Your confusion grew when she threw her wings up into the air and stomped off, yelling something about dense bird brains.
“I wonder what’s up with her?” Your other coworker mused, and you offered them a weak shrug before getting back to work. 
Hours passed and eventually the train engine belonging to the Conductor appeared in the front of the shop. Already, you could hear the mumblings and grumbling of the train being immaculate, and it was fine before, followed by a why is he here?
Even your boss seemed to be a bit annoyed at the Conductor’s insistence on getting the train looked over, and probably would have scolded the bird if it were not for how much money the shop made off of him. 
It was a lot of money. 
You were snapped out of your musings when you heard that accented voice grow louder, indicating that he was getting closer. You quickly dusted off your overalls, smiled that signature, customer service smile, and made your way towards the source of the shop’s annoyance. 
And then there he was. 
The Conductor. 
There was no mistaking his short stature and the brightness of his feathers. Although, something that was quite unusual was the bag he was carrying with him, the plastic giving away nothing about what item might be contained inside. He was looking around the shop, trying to find something from the look of it, but the moment his gaze landed on you-
“There yer are!” He called out, waving eagerly as he practically ran over to see you. You instinctively smiled and waved back. 
It was good to be polite to customers, especially someone who spent as much money as the Conductor, but you also enjoyed your talks with him. Watching him ramble about his train and his experiences driving it were always fun, and you had learned that he was a magnificent storyteller. 
You missed the way one of your coworkers elbowed the other while quietly whispering something to get, getting a laugh out of the one they had spoken to. 
“Hello, Conductor!” You cheerfully greeted, smile immediately growing more genuine at the thought of being able to chat with him once again. “So, what’s going on with the train?”
“Well, erm… me train started soundin’ a bit… off.” He explained, sounding strangely nervous as he discussed what the problem was. “Can yer check the engine?”
“So you think the sounds were coming from the engine? Not the wheels?” You pressed, leaning forward as your eyes narrowed in concern. “Did you do anything to the train? Any… intense activities?”
Did you blow up your train again?
“N-Nae!” He quickly objected, quickly shaking his head. “Nothin’ like that! Just strange sounds. Can... can yer help?”
“I can take a look and tell you what I find.” You said, getting a toothy grin out of the Conductor. 
“Yer an angel.” The bird sighed, sounding quite relieved at your offer. “If yer’d like ta know more-”
“Of course I would!” You immediately replied as you made your way over to the train. “You and I need to have a long chat about what you’re worried about, and I’ll keep you updated on the status of the train. I’m assuming you’ll be waiting here?”
“Aye!” The Conductor was quick to nod, secretly happy to be able to spend more time with you.
You were definitely the best part about visiting this shop. Your personality was so bubbly and warm, but you also were not afraid to put rude customers in their place as he had seen you do on multiple occasions. You were smart and confident, yet you were also very humble and compassionate. 
Far more compassionate than he was, and he knew this. He knew how rude he could be at times, the Receptionist had scolded him on multiple occasions about his behavior, but… 
Every reason that caused him to act the way he did, his inner insecurities and worries and fears that bubbled up and filled his mind to the brim with their screaming seemed to fade whenever he was around you. 
You and your questions about his movies and his train, about the stories that he had memorized to tell his grandchildren over and over again. He knew he would get mocked if he ever voiced such feelings, so he always kept them hidden and to himself. 
Although, his feelings were not quite as hidden as he had hoped for since it seemed as though most of the workers in the repair shop had figured out why he was so insistent on you being the one to look over his train. That, and the smug looks some of them sent his way.
Especially that one Crow…
He was shaken out of his thoughts when he noticed you making your way over to the train, and he quickly rushed over to join you, the bag on his arm swaying. That’s right, he still needed to give you that, too. 
But first, train inspection. 
Together, you both climbed up the side of the train, with you taking a moment to make sure the Conductor was still following you, before making your way inside. You were unable to stop the impressed noise from escaping you as you took in the interior of the train engine, all the high tech glowing buttons and levers covering the main console. It was so easy to imagine how amazing it must feel to drive this train, the sheer amount of power and speed.
It left you breathless. 
… But, the interior was as spotless as it had been the last time you had seen it. Granted, you had not thoroughly checked anything yet, but the sheer amount of light reflecting off of the metallic surfaces, and the general lack of dirt and grime led you to believe that the problem was not here. 
And your hypothesis was proven soon enough as, after spending nearly an hour looking over all the intricate mechanisms, and chatting with the Conductor, you did not find anything that was damaged or showed signs of potentially causing problems. 
You let out a concerned hum and looked at the Conductor, not really registering how some of his feathers took on a more reddish hue, nor how he seemed to anxiously mess with his suit. Without a word, you made your way out of the train and moved to inspect the massive wheels, assuming that the problem might be there.
“There… there isn’t anything I can see wrong.” You slowly concluded as you backed away from the train. “No breaks, no other forms of damage, no malfunctioning parts, nothing.”
“Aye? Erm, well, perhaps yer should take yer time? Try not to rush and give yerself a break-” The Conductor rambled as you practically glared at the train, as if trying to force it to give up all its secrets. 
Where, where could that problem be?
You crossed your arms as you contemplated how to best solve this problem. The engine was… fine. Nothing seemed to be out of place or broken, nor were there any leaks or other signs of potential sources of problems. It was downright immaculate, what you had come to expect from the Conductor, but you knew you would not rest until you figured out what the problem was. 
It was a source of pride for you, how thorough your work was, and it helped that your boss rewarded you for your efforts. Not knowing whether the train was actually fine or not would… nag at you. 
Although, given the fact that the train was stationary and the Conductor claimed to have heard those strange noises when he had been driving it, it was possible that the problem would not show itself unless the train was moving. Something that might be caused by stress, or even a poorly connected section of the tracks. 
You clapped your hands together as you came up with an idea. Yes! That would work perfectly! Excitement filling you at the prospect of your plan, you turned to the Conductor and spoke. 
“Can you give me a ride?”
The reactions to your question were… varied, to say the least. 
You heard one of your coworkers break down laughing hard enough to the point where they started coughing, you heard what sounded like someone facepalming hard enough to leave a mark, and as for the Conductor-
He squawked, loudly. 
The feathers on his face took on a more reddish hue, especially around his cheeks and forehead, and his maw hung open in what you assumed to be surprise. The feathers on the side of his head also seemed to have fluffed up at some point. It made him look…
“I might be able to find the problem if I’m with you when the train is moving.” You explained, watching as the red flush faded from the Conductor’s feathers. “So, would it be okay if I joined you on your next train ride?”
“Erm-course!” The Conductor quickly replied, still strangely flustered. “When… when should I pick yer up, then?”
Obviously you needed to conform to his schedule since you had a feeling his days were pretty busy between running his train and filming movies, plus you were certain you could haggle your boss into covering how many hours you were there for.
“How about I spend the day with you?” You suggested. “That way I have plenty of time to check out the train without interrupting your schedule. Does that sound good?”
“Yer… yer be wantin’ ta spend the whole day…?” The feathers around the Conductor’s face started taking on that reddish hue once again. “From sunrise ta sunset?” 
“For as long as you’ll have me!” You answered with a nod. “And you can tell me to leave if I start bothering you.”
“Nae! Nae! That won’t be a problem!” The Conductor quickly objected as he flailed his feathery hands. “Yer can spend as long as yer want on… me train-”
Wow, I wonder why his voice cracked like that…
“Alright, it’s a date, then!” Once again you were oblivious to how his face flushed as he replied with his own, eager nod. Instead all you could think of was how wonderful it would be to ride a train across the tracks, see the sights and feel that wonderful breeze. 
“Ah, and I got yer somethin’ as thanks fer keepin’ me train in top shape.” The Conductor added as he reached into the plastic bag from earlier and pulled out a small cactus. 
“I remember yer mentionin’ that yer liked deserts, so-” He started to explain before he was cut off by you quickly picking up the cactus to inspect it. 
“I love it, and that’s so sweet!” The cactus was so tiny and round and just… looked adorable! You smiled brightly at the Conductor and instinctively reached out to hug him. “Thank you!” 
His suit felt surprisingly soft and warm as you wrapped an arm around him for the hug, careful to keep the cactus away so neither of you got accidentally pricked. His feathers were pretty soft, too, and you just barely managed to restrain yourself from impulsively running a hand through them. 
“Yer… yer welcome.” He mumbled, still blushing furiously. 
“I need to find somewhere safe to put this so it doesn’t break. Oh! I also need to find a good spot to put it when I get home, or maybe I can keep it here and it can be our little mascot!” You rambled as you made your way over to the staff room, too distracted to remember to say goodbye to the flustered bird. 
The Conductor just stood there, maw open in surprise at the fact that you had hugged him.
Oh god, you hugged him. You actually hugged him. 
He was dazed, stunned, and frozen on the spot as the memory of you hugging him replayed itself over and over in his mind. How warm you were, how bright your smile was. 
It was nice to see you smile, see you so cheerful and happy. 
He wanted to see that smile again. 
As the Conductor stood in place, too surprised to move, the operations of the repair shop slowly resumed. Technicians and mechanics got back to their assigned vehicles, and even the music that had been quietly playing in the background increased in volume. Of course, this also meant that conversations resumed, including ones focused on the interaction that had just taken place. 
“So,” The Crow began, leaning down towards one of her coworkers and whispering to them. “Are we shipping them, or do we call it something else since there’s a train?”
The resulting laughter could easily be heard by you in the staff room, leaving you confused as to what they were laughing at, and somewhat concerned as to what might have happened. 
Oh well, you had to get ready for your date tomorrow with the Conductor anyways.                                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Maybe I'll write a follow up to this, maybe not~
I hope you all enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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chadsinclair · 3 years
How millennial Disney star and.
'It's like a war zone': How millennial Disney star and. There are plenty of my colleagues in various places in ABC who have done some cricket and are keen to do more. Hodor hodor hodor hodor. Residents will be asked to fill give feedback in a survey before leaving to plan for next year fair.. When about to enter upon her duties, she was warned that the servants were all so thievish that she would be under the necessity, in common with all other housekeepers, of keeping everything under lock and key. Let's move onto the testing, as we know that's what everyone is here for. As Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS Kimley Horn's Julie Beauvais puts it, giving employees a way to acknowledge a co worker "puts the feedback control in the hands of the folks who are closest to the activity".. I described the challenging conditions in Western Europe and Japan, and the gross margin pressures we faced. Big and brown puma red bull racing evo cat ii and full of fear. Everyday theres something new I find that upsets me in some way. If you feeling bloated, especially around your feet, ankles, face or fingers, you might be suffering from fluid retention. "He enjoys capturing the light of Humboldt County and the beaches," Angela said. 3. Everything in the world may perish, but we shall not perish. That is so, there’s no doubt of it. At his hip hung a sword and dagger. The Night’s Watch takes no part. The Rev.. Hickson ghete galbene piele has really found a home in Portland. They must submit to a DNA order, pay a victim of crime surcharge of $200 for each of their offences and face a 10 year firearms prohibition starting after their sentences are complete. She spoke rudely and crossly. B. Rock on.. This time the prince made friends with all his neighbours, all who were of consequence, that is, of course. "This will be our home."Although the family has received an abundance of support from neighbors, they are still in need of several items:Tops, bottoms and underwear: 2T (girl), 3T (boy), Size bikes btt usadas small or 10 (boy), medium or 12, 14 (girl), medium or 16 (girl), 10 12 (girl and boy). (What's the connection between a tie and a glass of water?) The thirsty wanderer dismisses the salesman and carries on. The tents stood in rows, with broad avenues between them. 30 giugno 2003, n. Three of them, once the queen returns. Once, when my second wife was still alive, he was caught stealing scent from her bedchamber. The Legend has great cowboy songs like "Riders in the Sky" along with classics like "Cocaine Blues." One disc includes Cash's collaborations with everyone from Bob Dylan to U2.. They fight for all of you to have the freedoms we have. We appear strong for the moment, yes. 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Deadline loomed on May adidas stan smith j white tactile blue 23, 2008, Ifergan made the purchase: the first ticket came in before the deadline but the ticket with the fateful numbers burped out seven seconds after the cut off.. They are studying. "Humans are just farm animals," Cain says at one point, pinning Shido body beneath his own on a bed, pouring a glass of blood into the struggling lavender haired vampire screaming mouth, "Eat as many as you want."Hey, if someone told ME to do that in HIS voice. The way was cramped and twisty, and so low that Hodor soon was crouching. You should not in any way force cortege every day. ‘You’re a base man,’ she horno teka hc 610 me blanco had said to him at parting. Taiwan was also a zealous Nike Air Max 24 7 Men Grey/Black participant in this year's shoes fair. Her brown hair was tied back in a knot.. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and causes Earth to cool. The regular oval of his rather swarthy face, his superb teeth, his small, rather thin, beautifully chiselled lips, his rather long straight nose, his high forehead, on which no wrinkle could be discerned, his rather large grey eyes, made him handsome, and yet his face did not make a pleasant impression. “I earned my spurs in Dorne. I did not do none of that, Oakley said. Clarke: (sighs) I'm never going to understand you and I don't want to anymore. I noticed that she was making great effort to suppress her emotion, as though too proud to let me see it. Perhaps he should have asked the washerwoman. His braid was black and shiny, his skin as dark as burnished copper, his eyes the shape of bitter almonds. I didn't even think he drank. If you're suffering from osteoarthritis in your hands, it certainly has nothing to do with this nervous tic. I proved it to him, even from his own point of view. After it had been parked on the driveway for hours. The ball kept Vijay thinking, and after depositing Lyon for one straight six, he fell when an indecisive drive was well taken by Henriques at a shortish mid off.. Vincent de Paul of Philadelphia, National Federation of the legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát Blind, and Military Order of the Purple Heart.. "Max is formulating a plan that will start moving people with a minimum of cost," said Rob Lippincott, owner of G restaurant and one of SSCA's organizers. 0: The Chieftains fell to 2 5.St. Here, Shakespeare's words may be appropriate: there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. We still have a ton to play for and we're excited about that.". You can find the highest level of customer service coupled with a secure payment system that makes A2zShoes store a special choice for buying your sports footwear. It a great family event!. In all, the Census counted 13,404 Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders last year (including 4,145 children in Oregon), still just 0.35 percent of the state's population.
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bikerchanyeol · 8 years
Love Bites - Chapter 1
Vampire!Chanyeol x Reader Genre: Vampire!Au, Fluff, Smut (in future chapters) Rating: G (M in future chapters) Summary: You learn that you have a hot neighbor but he’s not just an ordinary neighbor.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Many centuries ago vampires made themselves known to the human world. The vampires claimed endless victims to quench their bloodlust creating a war between the two kinds. The war lasted for decades as they were unable to reach an agreement to stop all the bloodshed. Eventually with the countless of casualties in the human race caused a standstill, vampires rampaged throughout countries seeking out blood. As the human race started to dwindle down, vampires found it hard to survive and began to attack cattle and other animals. Giving the human world to grow once more, the world became populated again though keeping their farms and animals alive proved difficult, but they were able to continue on as long as they were left alone from the vampires. There were still some vampires who still chose to go after humans being sick of living off animal blood but they were little in number and the vampires who chose to feed upon animals tend to take care of the ones who would attack humans. The good vampires tend to keep to themselves putting distance between them and the humans and so the humans grew accustomed to the idea of living among the vampires, though still in fear but continued on living their lives. As the years went on vampires and humans had formed a sort of treaty. One would be that a vampire could go to a hospital and receive bloodbags but only in small quantities as the doctors still needed blood to help those in need. The vampires were thankful for their generosity and took up the offer. There would also be humans who allowed themselves to be fed from. They could allow this only if they made sure not to take enough blood to kill the human. If a vampire ever broke their treaty, they would be sought out and killed, most of the vampires would never seek to break the treaty because they wanted to live. To this day this is how the two kinds coexisted.
Present day
You were well aware of vampires living in your world, your parents made sure to tell you all the various stories of them and the past. Although, you didn’t like hearing about the long history of the human and vampire war that went on for centuries it made you curious as to why you hadn’t ever came across a vampire not once in your young adult life.
You lived alone, working at a boring customer service call center to make ends meet. You blamed yourself for not ever figuring out what to do for a career and landed the job after searching for jobs online. Even though you hated the job it paid good money so you couldn’t complain really. Monday through Friday from noon to six you worked there. By the time you got off work the sky would be dark.
It was a Friday night as you made your way out of your cubicle, saying goodbye to a few of your co-workers and left the building to your car outside. It was a chilly night as you zipped up your coat and fished for your keys in your pocket once you got to your car. The keys jingled in your hand as you pressed the unlock button on the car key and opened your car door. For some reason you felt a cold chill making you shiver and you were sure it wasn’t just because of the weather. You felt as if you were being watched, glancing over your shoulder you could see nothing, shrugging to yourself you climbed in your car not wanting to wait around if there really was something out there. You started your car and went on your way home.
Upon arriving at your apartment, you could still feel like there were eyes on you but looking around the parking lot there was no one out there. Heaving out a relieved sigh you hurried into the apartment building. Your apartment was on the second floor so you made your way to the elevator. Stepping into it, you pressed the button that would take you to the second floor, the doors started to close but you heard a man with a deep voice calling from the other side, “Hold the door, please!” You quickly pressed the button that would open the doors of the elevator and then you saw a tall male come running into the elevator. You couldn’t take your eyes off the tall man once he was in the elevator with you. There was some distance between the two of you but the elevator wasn’t very wide. You tried not to stare but you couldn’t help it because you had never seen a man this gorgeous before. His hair was short and black swept to one side but you could still see his cute but large ears poking out, he had pretty dark brown almond shaped eyes and his skin unblemished and perfect looking. He couldn’t have been much older than you. He wore a black hoodie, dark blue jeans and nike sneakers. You wondered how he wasn’t cold.
He gasped, trying to catch his breath like he had been running a marathon. “Thanks,” he finally said after he calmed down. That voice, you couldn’t get over how deep and sexy it sounded, it made you blush thinking about it.
“No problem,” you answered quietly, trying to look anywhere else. Your eyes stared straightforward, the buttons that you pressed were lit up. Soon the elevator doors shut, leaving you two in silence and the jolt of it moving up to the next floor had you grip onto the bar next to you. You noticed he hadn’t pressed any of the other buttons to go up to another floor, did he live on the same floor as you? If he did, you were surprised you had never seen him before. It made you look over to him. He looked preoccupied, he held his cell phone in hand looking down at it. He must’ve felt his eyes on you because it made him look up at you. As your eyes met you quickly looked away blushing. The elevator ride seemed to take forever which didn’t make sense because it was just one floor up from the ground level.
“Do you live here?” His deep voice asked, making you look back over at him. Something about him and the way he looked at you made your heart race. You wouldn’t be surprised if he could hear your heart beats with how loud it seemed to be.
Oh god, this hot guy is talking to me. You swallowed. Don’t ignore him, just answer him.“Yes. What about you?” You asked. Good job, Y/N.
“Yeah, I moved here just recently.” He answered back, putting away his cell phone in his pocket.
How odd, you didn’t remember seeing any moving trucks but that could’ve been because you were at work and maybe he didn’t have many things. Not that it mattered, you thought. You couldn’t believe this hot guy lived on the same floor let alone the same building as you. You gave him a smile and said, “Oh, well welcome to the building.”
He flashed you a grin, showing his perfect straight, white teeth. “Thanks. I’m Chanyeol, by the way.” He brought out his hand towards yours for you to shake.
You tell him your name and put your hand out to his and grasped it to shake hands with him. You almost gasped at how cold his hand was against yours making you want to pull back but you didn’t do that in case that would make you seem rude and shook hands with him.
“That’s a pretty name,” he said. Letting your hand go and put his own hand into the pocket of his hoodie. The doors finally chose to swing open, signalling that you were now on the second floor.
Not really, you thought. You hated your name. But you thanked him for the compliment anyway.
“Ladies first,” he gestured you first to leave the elevator, waiting for you to make your move first out of the elevator.
“Thanks,” you moved your feet forward and got out. The long hallway in front of you seemed endless but you knew where yours was, right at the end of it. You wondered where his apartment was. You could hear his footsteps behind you and then the sound of the elevator doors closing. You turned your body around facing him. He was so tall compared to your short stature.
“Well it was nice meeting you,” he said giving you another smile.
You nodded. “Yes, nice to meet you too.” You began to walk down the long hallway away from Chanyeol. Rummaging through your pocket to get your door key, you could hear the footsteps behind you belonging to him. You were just several footsteps away from your door now but it was like you could still feel his gaze on you and you turned around. Your eyes fell on his figure, stopped in front of the door that was next to yours. No freaking way he’s my NEIGHBOR? You thought.
A smile was on his lips as he looked back at you. Keys in his hands, hand on the doorknob. He turned to you and said, “I guess I’ll see you around, neighbor.”
Your heart almost stopped right then and there when he said it, confirming your thoughts to be true. He was definitely your neighbor. You were too shocked to say anything back right away. You watched as he unlocked his door and twisted the knob to open it. He gave you a wink and disappeared inside his apartment and closed the door.
You stood there in the hallway in front of your door flabergasted that this beautiful man lived just right next door to you. You had thought that the apartment was vacant as you never hardly heard anything going on over there but most of the time when you came home from work you would take a quick shower, eat something and then fall asleep so you didn’t really have any idea that someone was really living there. You shook yourself from your thoughts and hurried to unlock your door and go inside.
You took off your shoes and turned on the lights to your dark apartment. It was a nice little apartment, had decent size bedroom with a bathroom. The kitchen wasn’t very big, not that you cared and the living room had just enough room to store all of your bookshelves along the walls. You flipped the kitchen light on to make some coffee. As you waited around for the coffee to brew you went over to the living room, turning the tv on to listen to the local news and relax.
Your mind wouldn’t stop drifting off to your hot neighbor though. Normally you kept to yourself in this building, you didn’t talk to anyone but suddenly you were really wanting to change that. It wouldn’t hurt to make a friend, you could always go ask to borrow some sugar or whatever. The scenerio played out in your mind making you laugh out loud at the thought of going over to Chanyeol’s apartment to borrow sugar. How lame are you?
The sound of the coffeepot beeping made you leave the couch to go get a cup of it and then you settled back down to listen to the news. The reporter came on after a commercial break and began reporting some crime that went on earlier in the evening about a vampire attacking a human.
“As many of you are aware of the treaty between us and the vampires, it is forbidden to take the life of a human. The police are looking for any suspects around the area and at the time that it happened, if you have any information please contact the authorities. In other news…” The reporter continued on with other reports.
Your cell phone began to ring and you fished through your pocket to answer the call. You could see the word Mom on the screen. You swiped to accept the call and pressed the phone to your ear. “Hello? Yes mom, I’m fine.” She began yapping in your ears about how she was worried for your safety, she hated that you decided to get place of your own. You don’t know how many times you’ve explained to her that you were an adult and needed to live away from her and your stepdad. You understood that it was a mothers concern for her child but she was overly protective that it got on your nerves. You had put a lot of distance between them and you because you were so sick of hearing her go on and on about how she wished that you still lived with her. However, your stepdad felt it was good that you were on your own, that created some issues between the two of them.
“I just got home from work like, five minutes ago. I’m watching the news, I heard another vampire attack.” Your mom went on to say that she wished you had a room mate or at least a boyfriend to look after you, it annoyed you to no end that she thought you couldn’t take care of yourself. “How many times do I have to tell you that I can take care of myself? I’m not a little girl anymore.” And then you sighed into the phone before saying the next thing, “I don’t need a man to save me.” You knew those words would shut her up. She finally gave up much to your relief and told you to just be careful. “I will. I’ll talk to you in a few days. Love you too, bye.” You groaned after hanging up.
It was nearly 6:30PM, your coffee mug was empty and you were starting to get tired. You still needed to eat dinner. You got up from the couch and decided to look for something simple to cook, rummaging through the freezer which was beginning to look a little empty, you made a mental note to stop by the store sometime tomorrow and popped a tv dinner into the microwave, your stomach gurgled as it cooked. You thought on just skipping a shower until tomorrow, that way you could just eat and then go straight to bed. The microwave beeped and you moved to get your chopsticks out and then your dinner from the microwave. You brought the dinner to the countertop and waited a minute or two for it to cool down before eating.
After you finish eating you wash off your chopsticks and put them up and return to the living room just to turn off the tv. You leave the living room after doing so and go into your bedroom to change into your pyjamas and go to bed. Climbing into your bed, you lie down and pull the blankets over you. Sleep comes easily and so do the dreams that involve your hot neighbor, Chanyeol.
In the dream, his arms embrace your frame as he leaves hot kisses on your lips and trail them down to your neck. He breathes in your scent and moans, sucking at your skin. Your fingers find his soft hair and thread through it. His mouth sucks harder at a spot that makes your knees go weak it has you moaning out his name. The next thing you feel though is little pin pricks in the same spot, there’s pain and pressure on the spots and it makes you gasp out. You can hear the sounds of him sucking your neck, the room is dark as you open your eyes. You feel your head hazy, like the room is sort of spinning. His mouth leaves your skin, you feel the cold air drying at the spots where his mouth was and his eyes find yours. Hs eyes were no longer their normal dark brown but now they were two burning dark red irises staring at you. “You’re mine now,” he says with his deep voice.
Those words wake you up and you’re staring into your dark bedroom. You gaze over to your clock to find the time. It was only 5:32AM. “Ugh,” you groaned wanting to just turn over and go back to sleep. But Chanyeol’s words repeat in your head over and over again. Why did he look that way and why did he say those things? Well it wasn’t as if you would go and ask Chanyeol why. There was no way you would be telling him that you were having dreams about him either. How embarrassing, you thought.
You rolled over, feeling your face warm at the thought of Chanyeol again. Closing your eyes, you begged sleep to come because there was no way you were getting up this early. Soon you found yourself drifting off.
You were dreaming again. That had to be it. You were walking down that same hallway back to your apartment when you saw him again. Only this time, it wasn’t just you and him. Instead he had someone pushed up against the door of his apartment. His face pressed into the neck of the stranger. The strangers eyes shut tightly, mouth open but no sound came from it. It looked oddly intimate.
You blinked at the scene before you. “Chan-Chanyeol?” You called out to him. He turned at the sound of your voice, his head pulling away from the strangers neck. He turned to face you and you gasped at his face. His mouth stained with blood, a trail of it down his chin. His dark red irises burned brightly. You could recall hearing your parents explain that vampires had different colored eyes very distinguishable, especially when they fed. He wasn’t a human, that much you knew now. You were living next door to a vampire.
You were woken up again, gasping this time. Your body felt hot, your bangs stuck against your sweaty forehead. You shoved the blankets off of you and climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. You checked the mirror, moving your hair off one side of your neck at the spot where Chanyeol’s mouth had been, there were no marks though. You knew they were both dreams. You didn’t know what to think from all this. They were just dreams, stop freaking out.
You sighed and left the bathroom. This time you decided to stay up and make some breakfast. You ate in front of the tv, watching the morning news and afterwards you went to take a shower. Having the weekend off meant that you could laze around your apartment. You still needed to go to the store sometime today but that could wait until later. You stayed inside most of the day and caught up with some of the dramas you had been neglecting since you worked during the weekdays and were too tired to watch after coming home at night.
The hours passed by and through the window you could tell the sun was about to set so you decided to get dressed to go to the store finally. After gathering the things you needed (phone, keys, grocery list) and putting on your coat you left your apartment. You passed by Chanyeol’s apartment, it was silent as ever in the hallway, you couldn’t even hear the sounds of a tv on. You climbed into the elevator and took it to the ground level to where your car was parked.
The store was busy with shoppers antsy to grab what they needed for whatever meals they’d be making for tonight’s dinner and to get home to their family. The long lines irritated you as you made your way to one of the check-outs with your full cart. Your thoughts wandered onto your neighbor again. You began to wonder what sorta food he shopped for. Then the flashback of the blood running down his chin made you shake your head. He’s not a vampire, not a vampire. You repeated in your head.
“Ahem, next please?” The cashier called out. You moved your cart foreward and began piling your food onto the conveyer belt. The cashier rang up everything and you paid for it. Thanking the lady when she told you to have a good night and left the store after putting away the groceries into your car.
What you hated the most about the apartment building was the trips back from the store, with loads of bags to carry up was annoying. You’d have to make several trips to and from your car to get everything out. Then putting away the groceries another thing you hated to do. You sighed after making the first trip to your apartment. Eyes gazing at Chanyeol’s door then walking to unlock yours.
You sat down the first bags of groceries and headed out to retrieve the last of them. You were startled when your eyes met Chanyeol, he was leaving from his apartment when he saw you leave yours. “Hey neighbor,” he said with a smile.
Oh god. Your heart pounded in your chest frantically. “H-hi,” you stammered out. Good going, you sound like you’re scared of him or something. You cringed thinking that.
In one hand was his keys, bringing it to lock his door. “Going somewhere?” He asked you after turning away from his door.
“I just got back from the store,” you told him. You looked at his appearance this time. Your eyes fell on his lips, no blood there. See he’s not a vampire! You thought. Then down at his clothings. He wore that same black hoodie though his shoes and pants were different this time.
“Ah, need some help with the groceries?” He offered.
You blinked up at him. He wants to help bring them up? That caught you off guard. Well he didn’t seem mean at all when you had met him. You didn’t want to be rude to him. So you decided to let him help you. The two of you made your way down from the elevator. “My cars over here,” you pointed at the little black four-door nissan that you drove. He followed you silently and you unlocked the cardoor. He opened one of the back doors where the rest of the bags were and picked up four in each hand. Holy crap this dude carry a lot, you thought. Leaving you with nothing to carry. It made you feel a little bad that he was doing all the work. “Um, I can carry some of those.” You began to say.
He just shook his head and said, “Nah it’s cool, I got them.” You didn’t argue with him and just locked your car back up. The two of you went back up the elevator, the two of you didn’t say anything. You reached your front door and unlocked it again. “You can just bring them in here,” you said letting him inside your house. You took off your shoes by the door and he followed you into the kitchen and sat them down on the counters.
He got a good look of the kitchen then at the living room. “Your apartment is nice, clean and tidy.” He commented.
“Thanks,” you muttered as you rummaged through the bags setting everything out. Then you remembered that he was going somewhere before he had offered to help you bring your bags in. You looked up at him, he stood near the opening of the kitchen where it lead into the living room. “Oh um, sorry if I have made you late.”
He tilted his head at you, looking confused by your words and then said, “Oh. Nah, it’s fine. I was just gonna go hang out with some friends of mine. They won’t care whether I’m late or if I come at all.” He shrugged. He wasn’t in any hurry it seemed. “Here let me help you put these away,” he walked towards you. Stopping at one of the counters, the milk was still out and needed to be put up so put it up in the fridge.
He asked where a couple other things went and you had opened up some of the cabinets where the things could be put away. You found it didn’t take as long with him helping. “So thanks for helping me,” you say to him, after everything was put up.
“No problem,” he smiled. The two of you stood in the kitchen, you felt a little awkward having this hot guy in your apartment. You couldn’t remember the last time you had ever had anyone over that was of the opposite sex.
“Um, so would you like something to drink? Or do you want to go hang out with your friends?” You offered, wondering if he would just choose to leave. The thought made you feel a little sad for some reason.
“Sure. Water is fine.” He answered. You fought the smile trying to appear on your lips. You got out two glasses and brought them to the sink to fill it up with water. You found your hands to be trembling when you held out the first glass towards Chanyeol. He took it gratefully and took a sip from it. “We could go sit down if you’d like.”
He followed you into the living room where you sat down on the couch, you sat on the farthest cushion to the left and he sat on the right of you. You were the first to sit your glass down in front of the coffee table in front of you. He took another drink of his before doing the same. The air around the two of you was awkward you desperately wished for it to go away.
He brought his hands up to his legs resting them there. He cleared his throat and looked over at you. “So have you lived here long?
How long had you lived there? You thought on it. It had been several years. “Yeah,” you nodded. “After I turned 18, had to get out of my parents house. They were driving me nuts.”
He chuckled. “I hear that. So how old are you?”
You told him your age and learned that he was actually two years younger than you. It almost made you laugh, you weren’t expecting him to be younger. Maybe it was his height that made you think he had been older than you. “Wow, I have to say I thought you were older.”
He frowned a little at that for some reason. “Oh, yeah I actually get that a lot.”
“Don’t worry about it. So tell me about yourself.” You were really interested to know about him.
He started with where he grew up, he wasn’t from the area. He loved music, he said he could play various instruments but he preferred playing guitar the most. He loved the color black. He liked animals but they didn’t really seem to like him much, he looked sad when he said that. You noticed he avoided talking about his family, you didn’t know why but it wasn’t your place to ask and so you didn’t. You hoped in time he would choose to tell you about them. He also avoided saying what his job was but he did say that he did work. It was then he started to ask questions about you.
You told him that you worked at a call center, taking calls during the weekdays and that it was boring but it paid well. You told him that you loved to read, hence all the bookshelves you had in the room. You enjoyed listening to music, watching tv and surfing the web in your spare time. You did tell him more about your family and where you grew up.
“So you’re not very close to your family then?” He had asked after you stated how annoying your parents were.
“I mean, they’re just really overly protective especially my mother. She’s a control freak. She didn’t like the idea of me moving out on my own. Always, vampires this, vampires that. Saying I need a room mate or a boyfriend to protect me.” You bit your lips to shut your mouth, perhaps you had said too much. He didn’t want to hear about your family issues. You gave him a puzzled look when he started to laugh. When he saw you looking at him like that, he stopped and straightened up looking more serious. “I mean that’s family right? Just worried about your wellbeing. I can see why they’re like that. But you’re also right too, you need your own place. As for the room mate or boyfriend situation, I don’t really know you but you seem like you can take care of yourself.”
You smiled because finally someone understood how you felt. “That’s exactly what I told my mom last night. She just doesn’t get it. But I think she thinks a man will make me feel more secure probably because she’s always felt that way with my stepdad and wants me to find someone who will make me feel that way.” You shrugged.
“Some women are like that,” he said.
“Yeah,” you nodded. You began to wonder what he thought about vampires. It would definitely switch up the conversation, away from this current discussion. Plus you thought it would put you at ease after having dealt with those crazy dreams involving him being one. “So what are your thoughts about the vampires?”
He was reaching out for his glass when you had asked, after hearing the v-word he paused. His hand barely grasping the glass, making his hand slip and brought it back to his lap forgetting about the glass. “W-what about them?” Why was he suddenly so nervous at the mention of them, you wondered.
“Do you think they’re really that dangerous for us humans to be around? I mean, I know there’s the ones who do attack us but I don’t know. Something about them, they’re so mysterious. It’s sorta scary but at the same time, intriging. I wonder if there are any nice ones who don’t mind to be around us.” You begin to say.
You were surprised he didn’t look at you like you were nuts. It was the first time you had ever spoke to anyone about the curiosity you had for the creatures. “I’m sure they’re not all bad.” He answered, plainly.
“That’s what I think but sadly, I’ve never met one. I wouldn’t know what to do if I did though. I don’t think I would scream just as long as they didn’t attack me. I think it would be cool to meet one.” You sigh.
Chanyeol cleared his voice and said, “Would you really not scream?” He studied your face to see if you were telling the truth. You found his expression unreadable.
“Well not if they attacked me. If they actually talked to me like a person then I wouldn’t have a reason to scream.”
He let out a sigh. “Then, I’ve got something to tell you.”
You blinked at him curiously. “What?”
“I’m not a human, Y/N. I’m a vampire.”
Your eyes widened when he said it. The dreams. No way, you thought.
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malcolmteller-blog · 7 years
[HORROR] Things on the Internet
You never imagine that strange things will or even could happen to you, when you live a life like mine. Me? It’s been cookie cutter and bland, all the way through. When I was in high school, I never had any amazing, formative adventures or experiences like you see in all the TV shows and movies. It was just this boring slog of go to school, go to class, come home, play video games, go to bed, wake up, repeat. Same deal with university - go to class, come home, hang out on the Internet, study, and repeat.
So you can imagine how surprised I was when, at the ripe old age of twenty-four, when I was working at a bookstore after I’d graduated from university, the strangest things in the world started to happen to me.
I should explain why I was where I was at. I graduated at the age of twenty-two with a largely useless degree in Political Science. I had no real connections or relevant work experience, so off to retail I went. I may not have achieved my full potential, but I still had to pay the bills, y’know? Be honest with you, I was pretty much aimless at that point. I knew I wanted more, and I guess I knew deep down that I could be more, but I didn’t know how to achieve it.
Then I found Chatroom Pandemonium.
See, I’d never really had a lot of friends. Well, I’ll just come out with it: I was kind of a loser. Still am. So, I sought refuge on the Internet. By the time all this started to happen, I’d be spending tons of hours on it every night, just reading on my various interests for hours, in addition to streaming Netflix and reading comic book scans.
It was on a March evening that I somehow - I can’t remember how, now - stumbled upon an odd website. It was said in a number of these alt-culture message boards to be ‘the most amazing thing ever’ and ‘everything a person could want’. I go there, and… nothing. Blank, black page. ‘Bullshit,’ I muttered to myself, and navigated away. I then decided to watch some Netflix, so I streamed one of those popular superhero shows for three hours then turned my computer off and went to bed.
I slept peacefully, and woke up early - oddly early, given I’d only gone to bed like three hours before. It was three in the morning, and the first thing I noticed was that my computer was on. It was so strange, because I knew I’d turned my monitor and tower off before I went to bed. How could it just turn itself on? But there was something else - it was on the page that I’d closed before, the one where there was nothing on it. Only now, there was a text box there. I slowly got out of bed and walked over to my desk and sat down, squinting my eyes as I leaned in to read what was on the screen. I soon understood that it was a box for me to type a username into to chat in a chatroom, one called ‘Chatroom Pandemonium’.
So, very much curious, I did so. I entered the name “JohnTheMonk” (an old handle of mine from when I was in high school) and clicked ‘JOIN’.
Chatroom prompt shows up, and I noticed it only had one other person in it. His handle was THE_BELIEVER. To make this go simpler, I’ll type up the chatlog and intersperse it with my own feelings and reactions that I had at the time.
Now, I had no idea who this guy was, but I was mildly curious. So, I decided to spark up a conversation.
I waited a few minutes - oddly long, where chatrooms are concerned (at least in my experience). Finally, he responded.
THE_BELIEVER: im happy youre here. i can tell already that youre a special one
Now, this got me kind of creeped out. I mean, this guy didn’t even know me, but he was saying all this stuff about me?
JOHNTHEMONK: umm..okay.
His next response came immediately.
THE_BELIEVER: im going to come see you. then we’ll have a real good time :)
At this point, I’m basically like “K, fuck this.” So I just logged off, closed the browser, and went back to bed. Didn’t even say goodbye. As far as I was concerned, that was the end of it.
Except it wasn’t.
I woke up a few hours later, got up and showered, got dressed, the whole deal, and went to work. Day went by pretty casually. It was just boring, you know? Bland with not much happening, same as usual for my life. Customers come in, ask about books, I ring them through the cash register, I socialize with my co-workers, that deal.
So I get off work in the evening and I’m walking home. Then my phone dings, so I check it. It’s from a private number and it reads, “it was really rude of you to leave the chatroom without saying goodbye.”
What. The. Fuck.
How the fuck did this asshole get my number? This was getting really scary, and I wasn’t okay with it. But I had no idea how to find out how he got my number, so I just set my phone to not accept texts or phone calls from private numbers. I also resolved to strongly consider changing my phone number later on.
Here’s the thing, though: it didn’t end there.
I was at the comic shop a week later, looking to get a certain item. That’s when the next phase of things started happening.
“Hey,” I asked the clerk who was standing behind the counter, “Do you guys happen to have the latest Hellblazer trade?”
The clerk nodded, pointed out where that title is usually kept, and off I went. I get there and I’m scanning the shelf, and then… then I heard something.
“I haven’t forgotten you.”
It was a thin, small, kind of high-pitched voice. I jumped, kind of, and looked around quickly. No one was around me. Then I heard it speak again.
“I hope you haven’t forgotten me.”
I looked around more. No one there.
I was getting freaked out at this point, so I needed to get out. So I did. Before I knew it, I was out the door and pounding down the sidewalk, trying to shake this. Now I was hearing things? The hell?
But it didn’t stop. The voice kept talking. “I’m going to be there soon, and we’re going to have so much fun.” It sounded almost giddy.
How did I feel at the time? Well, my heart was pounding, and my blood was pumping, and I felt completely on edge - goosebumps all over. What the hell was going on? Two possibilities: something from beyond (as crazy as that sounded) was stalking me, or my mental state was broken. Neither was a comforting thought.
As I walked and desperately tried, and failed, to ignore the voice speaking more and more into my ears and head, I tried to work this out. This all started with that chatroom, and that started with all the postings on the Internet that were gushing about that URL. Nothing about that site had been normal or typical. First time I go there, it’s a blank page. Then my computer and monitor turn on by themselves and navigate back to the website, by themselves, where now it’s a chatroom login page.
This didn’t make any sense, and it was scary as hell. I was on edge the entire walk transit commute home, especially because this voice just would not shut the fuck up. The entire bus ride, it kept telling me all excited how it was gonna come see me and how I’d be ‘changed for the better’ and how ‘pain can be beautiful, and you’ll find that out too’ and all other sorts of horrifying shit. When I got home, I immediately dug out my headphones, put them on and plugged them into my phone and turned on some music to max volume to drown out what I was hearing. It worked.
So, what to do? After some thought, I guess I convinced myself that this had to be a mental health crisis. Like many people, my mind defaulted to the ‘logical’ explanation. I wasn’t at the point where I could convince myself that this was an actual spiritual entity. I just wasn’t wired that way.
So, long story short, I made an appointment with my doctor, got some meds, and everything quieted down. No more voices. At that point, I was satisfied - everything was fine and good, and so was I.
So, back to my boring old life. I went back to the drudgery that was work, while also trying to think on how I could improve my life. Maybe I could go to grad school. Maybe I could try to, somehow, launch a career based on the qualifications and credentials I had now.
So, one night, a week or so later, I was doing web searches for job postings and internships I could possibly take up when I heard something from my living room. I looked at my slightly open door and focused my ears. It was… my TV? How could my TV be on? I specifically remembered having turned it off when I got home that day.
So, I walked out to the living room and checked the TV. It was on to a channel of static. Idly picking up the remote control from the coffee table, I started changing the channel. All static.
‘Well, shit,’ I thought to myself. I immediately assumed it was a problem with the cable company. So I slid my phone out of my pocket to call them, when… I heard the voice.
“You keep running from me, Michael,” it said. My eyes immediately went wide with fear, my blood running cold and freezing inside of me. I, frozen in place in a mix of abject terror and shock, looked up at the TV, which now had a figure on it. It held a basic humanoid shape, but it… it couldn’t be human. Though the figure was largely cloaked in shadows and darkness, I could see its shape. Its head looked misshapen, like there were horns or something coming out of it. As well, the way the sides of its head looked… it looked as if the skin was ridged or something. Logically, the immediate conclusion would be that this was an elaborate prank, but deep down I knew - I knew - that it wasn’t. This was real, and horrifyingly so. I could write off the texts. I could even write off this. But I couldn’t write off the combination of this and the texts and the voice speaking to me out of thin air.
As I dwelt on this, the figure on the TV continued speaking. “I’m going to be arriving soon,” it said, with a happy edge to its voice, “real soon. We’re going to have so much fun then.”
Then the TV switched off. After a moment of me standing there dazed, I hesitantly turned it back on, and it turned on to the standard TV service, like nothing had changed.
This was the point where I decided to go to work figuring out what was going on. I spent the next three days, all day, reading up on that website, what people had said or written about it. After a day, I found one piece of information that I found really helpful. I’ve decided to copy and paste it here:
POSTED BY: TheNightMan Lots of people wonder about what the Pandemonium website leads to, because it appears as different things to different people. But those who have gotten through… well, different things happen. One person got through, and according to reports, months later murdered his entire family before killing himself, but not before talking online about having contacted something. Others report friends or family getting through and talking to people - or figures, whatever they are or whoever they are - and then shortly after their mental state undergoing a rapid deterioration until they had to be institutionalized. Then there’s the murders. One person reported being stalked by some figure from that site, online and in their dreams, until one day their remains - their ripped apart, torn apart - remains were found in their apartment, with no leads on who did it. So, the question remains: who or what is behind the website? I found one lead, in the writings of some hackers from the early nineties who were involved in the occult. It’s… well, it’s batshit crazy, but I feel the need to include it. One guy, who called himself ‘a Cyber-Mystic’, says that there exists spirits - demons, entities, whatever - that exist online, wholly online, in the electronic signals sent to and from across computer networks. Then, when they want to, they show up in the real world. Crazy? Yeah. But I’ve tried to figure out what else could be at work here, and I’m all fuckin’ out of ideas.
It was crazy and insane, but it wouldn’t leave my mind. Now, I should describe my mental and emotional state at this point. At the end of the three days of researching, finding out what I just laid out and other possible ways out of this crisis (but none that I was really all that certain would work), I was just fucked up. That’s the best way to put it. I couldn’t sleep. Every small noise made me jump. My heart was constantly pounding its way out of my chest and I’d never been so afraid. Nights were a terror to get through, because every small bump in the night made me certain that this, this thing had finally shown up to come get me.
It all came to a head two days after I finished doing my research. I was getting ready for bed, and had just finished crying my eyes out in utter terror because I was so terrified that I was fucked with absolutely no hope. I had just finished doing minor chores and other stuff around my room, and had crawled into bed. I shut my eyes and tried to force myself to go to sleep. An hour passed, and I was still awake. As I was starting to despair of ever sleeping again, I… I heard it. A very, very loud sound like a rushing of wind and flame. I opened my eyes and saw in front of my bed this column of flame, that lit up my entire room. Then it disappeared, and, well, there it was. The thing that had been stalking me. I can’t describe it. It was so monstrous, so horrifying. Its long claws, and its razor sharp teeth that dripped blood, and its skin with ridges all over. My heart was pounding so hard I was afraid I was gonna have a heart attack any minute, and I knew - I knew - that this was it. I was done. It was gonna kill me, or take me back to where it was from, or what the fuck ever, and at that moment I wished that I had been a religious person so I could have some protection.
It tried to move forward, to crawl onto my bed to get me. It tried. But it stopped. Something was stopping it.
I realized what happened, and my fear disappeared. Son of a bitch, I thought to myself, the seal worked.
As it shoved itself against the invisible barrier more and more, presumably trying to figure out what the fuck was going on, I felt relief flood through me that that protective measure I’d found in my research on all this had actually worked. First I grinned. Then I laughed - a confident, mocking laugh. I was safe! Then I decided to push my luck. I spoke the incantation of the Mother’s Heart, and just like I expected, the demon was engulfed in bright, vicious blue flame. Its screams sounded like nothing I’d ever heard before. If I had to try and describe it, I’d say try to imagine the cry of a lion mixed with a high-pitched scream, but even that isn’t really close. I watched, my eyes wide open and this big ass smile on my face, as this thing flailed and threw itself against the invisible barrier in all directions, the blue flame eating away at its skin and form. Finally, after a few minutes, it fell to the ground - dead.
I slowly got out of bed and crept over to the corpse. I looked at it. It looked ugly as fuck, to be honest - I mean, not only was it ugly when it was alive, but now it was burned to death. As I looked down at it, I noticed that its flesh wasn’t just burned, it was burned well enough that it was cooked. As I smelt its roasted smell - something like steak - I got an idea. Like, okay, it was a really, really fucked up idea, but equally cool. After as few moments of consideration, I - with a giant smile on my face - went to work putting it into action.
Anyways, now it’s the evening of St. Patrick’s Day, and everything’s fine. I didn’t even have to dispose of the body, it just dissolved into white powder by itself within twenty four hours. That considered, it’s a real good thing I managed to cut off a bunch of the meat from the bones before it all dissolved. You’re probably wondering how the demon meat tasted. Honestly? Like fish. Weird, right? But, hey, now I can say that I’ve done something nobody’s ever done.
But some weird stuff has happened. I feel great - real great. Better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life, than I ever imagined I could feel. Some other stuff, too. My eyes have been changing colour, and I’ve started to notice odd ridges and bumps showing up beneath my skin. I suppose I should be concerned, maybe even scared, but for some reason I can’t find it within myself to give a damn.
So, that’s how my past while has been. How about yours?
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