#ifan ben mezd rp
weaponizedembrace · 11 months
Hey, everyone! I haven't been around this part of the internet for quite a long time, and I'm not sure who is still around that would remember me, but I am back! Sort of!
I've been debating coming back to Tumblr because I've been really needing some rp, but I'm not sure I have the energy for this platform if it's as busy as it used to be, so I'm hoping I could entice at least couple/few of you to come rp with me on Discord?
I still have muse for Bucky/Jamie(modern Buck) and Steve is... in my head somewhere, and maybe they will come out to play again (esp if I really click with a writing partner), but I have been playing Divinity: Original Sin II, and Ifan ben-Mezd has been LOUD in my head, so I'm really wanting to write him. The short description is that he's a 40-something ex-military (in the Medieval-ish [???] universe of the game) mercenary with a boatload of shame and guilt (bc duh, dark and sexy broody hero), a crossbow you don't want to be on the wrong end of, a sexy smile, and oh yeah, he's also a sorcerer in a world where magic is vilified, and a reluctant/resentful "chosen one" of one of one of the gods of his world. :D
If anyone is interested, I could maybe write up a short bio/info about him? I don't have verses for him (yet?), and I'll just be honest rn and say I'd really love shipping and smut, as long as it makes sense and there's chemistry (I'm ok with slow-ish burns and he's queer). Looking for para rp (min), adult partners only (I was old when I was here a couple years back and I'm older now), blah blah blah.
Please message me if you're interested, or reply here, or even just send me something to say hi, because I have missed this space and my writing buds here. <3
This weekend is going to be absolute chaos for me, as I'm performing in a shadow cast of Rocky Horror Picture Show tomorrow and Saturday, which has been a dream to do for a million years, but is going to have me AFK a lot and likely energy wiped later. If you hmu, I'll try to respond when I can. I also literally don't know if I'm set up to get notifs from Tumblr anymore, so I may not see them til I log on again, so please be patient! <3
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eliseliedl · 3 months
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Divinity Original Sin II 42 / ?
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meatball-soup · 4 years
NPC: gives a convincing argument abt how the villain"™of the story has betrayed her and she no longer want to follow him so she told u everything she knows and how she want to go against him despite her attempts to murder you in the past
Me: hhmmmmmmmm idk shes sounds good for me, she just want to spite him rn right? thats means she is a possible ally amright?
Ifan: no, kill her >:(
Me: sorry ma'am your life privilages has ended, i don't make the rules :)
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kingtonberry · 5 years
So I was fighting a certain Archdemon when...
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sorrelchestnut · 7 years
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Fandom Primer
As far as I can tell, there isn’t actually much of a fandom for this game, which is a CRYING SHAME since it’s a) really damn good, b) has the kind of RP-flexibility that I see people lauding from FO3 and New Vegas, and c) has a solid stable of great companions, all with their own personal quests that tie into the main story, and are all romanceable and not gender-locked.  (Yes, even the nerdy skeleton dude!)  I really recommend the game really highly (although make sure you don’t have anything planned for, like, a month if you start it, it’s that huge and really addicting) and the setup just begs for fanfic.  So here is my fandom primer, with all the basics that you need to read in this fandom.  Also useful for deciding if you want to try out the game.  (Just sayin’!)
Setting: Rivellon.  Semi-typical fantasy world.  Magic is called “Source,” and magic users are called “Sourcerers.”  Some races have more of them than others.  There are seven gods.  There is a Divine, who’s politically kind of like the Pope but metaphysically more like Jesus: a man who becomes imbued with Divinity.  Or I should say, there was a Divine: he got himself dead before the game starts and a new one hasn’t risen yet, which is causing all sorts of problems in the form of demonic critters called “Voidwoken” that appear to follow Sourcerers.  The Magisters have responded by rounding up Sourcerers and throwing them into a prison to get experimented on, because that literally never backfires on anybody.
There are six total races, but four “main” ones.  Humans are the usual bog standard default, but you also have dwarves, elves, and lizardfolk.  (Not featured in this game installment: orcs and imps.)  Dwarves are fairly typical fantasy dwarves: short, wide, loud, generally Scottish accents.  Currently ruled by a despotic queen.  Lizardfolk are sort of what it says on the tin: they are humanoid lizards, from a proud and warlike empire. (The women are much taller than the men!  I love that.)
Elves are the most divergent from fantasy tropes: while they are tall, lean, and mostly immortal, they’re less ‘tall, graceful human’ and more ‘Poison Ivy had sex with Mr. Fantastic.’  They’re also ritualistically (and occasionally opportunistically?) cannibalistic, and can absorb memories through consuming flesh.  Not-elves find this incredibly suspect and more than a little gross.  Because we’re still rebelling against Tolkien by writing elves as oppression metaphors, their homeland got wiped out in the last human war against a bunch of evil wizards, along with a lot of the people who lived in it.
There are six ‘origin’ characters, and you have the choice of playing as one or a custom OC, and the rest are available as companions.  They’ve all got tragic backstories and major personal quests that tie back into the main plotline one way or another.  Your Quirky Companions™ come in six flavors:
Beast.  Dwarf, bastard royalty, failed revolutionary-turned-pirate.  Cheerful and blustery, rambles a lot, easily sidetracked, goes into Dad Mode™ at the sight of tears.  He found out that his cousin the Queen got her hands on some kind of weapon she probably shouldn’t have (since she’s evil) and he’s out to retrieve it, stop her, and save his people.
Ifan ben-Mezd.  Human, soldier-turned-mercenary, used to be in the Divine’s army until ~betrayal~ caused him to go into the killing for hire business instead.  Gruff ranger archetype that’s actually a marshmallow with a blush reflex.  For someone called a Lone Wolf, he’s REALLY bad at being on his own.  He has a grudge against the old Divine and took a contract to kill his son, the current Bishop.  (Also the name is not misleading: not a white guy!)
Sebille.  Elf, fond of dark places and sharp things, tattoos her kill list on her arms.  Wants to be a marshmallow but would probably stab it by accident.  Assassin who was held in slavery by a mind-control brand and used to kill her own people until she broke loose, and now all she wants is to kill her old master so she can finally be free.
The Red Prince.  The only lizard with red scales, supposedly fated to be emperor because of it until he got caught dabbling in a smidgen of dark magic and got ousted.  Arrogant, disdainful, fiercely intelligent and ruthlessly determined, he’s out to find his way home and regain the throne that was promised to him.
Lohse.  Human, bard, Hostess with the Mostess™.  Slight problem of being really attractive to spirits.  Charming, flirty, sarcastic, currently possessed by a demon.  Accidentally pulled Source during a concert and almost drove the crowd into a Bacchanalian frenzy and got herself arrested.  Mostly just wants to a) not be in jail, and b) not be possessed by a demon.  (And honestly, who could blame her?)
Fane.  Of the race of Eternals, who came Before, which translates into looking like a skeleton with a very angular face but he’s got a nifty mask that can make him look like any race.  Sort of an arrogantly bumbling scholar stereotype, with a side of delighted anthropologist.  He woke up from a very long nap to find his entire people gone and the world covered by mortals, and would rather like to discover why.
The game starts with everyone on a ship to Fort Joy, the Sourcerer prison.  Shit goes sideways on the way there, you crash onto the shores of the island, and have to find your way out of prison, off the island, and through a political and theistic quagmire, with the fate of the world (naturally) at stake.  No pressure!
Aaaand there you have it.  Divinity Original Sin 2, in a nutshell.  I’m currently like halfway through the game, so there’s tons of larger plot points I haven’t gotten to yet, but if anyone has any questions, hit me up!  I love having an excuse to talk about my newest obsession, and I think my spouse is getting tired of it, lol.
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