#ignore how i misspelled their. on a post about writing. this is so embarassing
wormsdyke · 1 year
i do think it’s a bit bonkers that i spent the first 20 years of my life adamant that my passion and purpose was writing and it’s all i did every day and i got published and i was good at it and i was proud of it and then i let someone i loved tell me it was annoying so i stopped. and i could start again any time but i look at all those chapbooks and i just hurt
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imagining-life-with · 4 years
{then they were rommates}
They need an extra roommate and you’re desperate enough to live there.
As sunlight shines through the shutters of the living room Sakusa is sitting comfortably on the couch going through his ‘Real Simple’ magazine making note of all the cleaning tips listed for mothers with toddlers. Bokuto, who had recently lost a handstand competition to Atsumu, is sulking in the kitchen as he works on making lunch for everyone as a result of his loss and nearby is Atsumu smugly watching said loser make the lunch.
“I’m just going to say what everyone else is thinking,” the three look up at the young red-head as he descends down the stairs and continues, “the rent for this place is insanely expensive.” 
Closing his magazine, Sakusa rolls his eyes “Well, we are living in the nicer part of town. I’ll agree it is expensive to live here but it’s not like we’re not making any money” 
Waving a piece of paper in the air “But this much money...” Hinata then points to the number on the paper which is revealed to be the lease, “PER PERSON?!” 
“Shoyo-kun’s got a point, why don’t we offer the master room to someone?” Atsumu suggests to the group. 
“Ew,” Sakusa  crosses his arms and scowls at Atsumu, “you want to bring in even more germs into this house?”
“I thought we were going to make that room into a communal space. I was personally thinking a movie room.” Bokuto chimes in as he finishes up their meal.
Ignoring the former statement Atsumu looks at Sakusa “Listen, the master has their own bathroom so they won’t contaminate the the bathroom we use.” 
As Hinata he stands next to Atsumu he sings “and it lowers the rent.” Atsumu nods his head in agreement.
“Well,” Bokuto says as he’s setting the table in the background, “we could ask someone from the team if they’re looking into new housing?” He gestures to the group that lunch is ready.
Walking over to the table and Sakusa sits down, still not convinced on the proposal he stares tiredly at Bokuto and Hinata “I’m not very keen in seeing my teammates every single day, I’m already exhausted being around you guys.”
Both Hinata and Bokuto were taken aback by the slight jab, “That’s rude!”
Taking a bite into his food Atsumu looks at the duo who are still in shock by the comment “You really think the other guys want to live with us anyway?”, he then glances at Sakusa, “Inunaki-san literally said he can’t stand being around Omi-omi and his attitude most of the time.”  
Flinching at the nickname given to him Sakusa sighs, “Please stop calling me that, and it’s not my fault he misinterprets almost everything I say.”
Bokuto stands up with his hands on his hips and smiles as food is spilling from the sides of his mouth he points to Hinata “As house leader I say to put an ad up, Hinata go!”
Still eating, both Atsumu and Sakusa angrily look to the owl-like man for making the decision without having the entire group agree. 
As quickly as he ate his lunch a streak of orange is seen as Hinata dashes up the stairs to his computer, “On it!”.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───  
Stepping into Bokuto’s room, Sakusa watches two of his roommates playing video games. “Yo, it’s been two weeks have we got any offers yet?”. 
Not bothering to look at his teammate Bokuto continues to play his game when he replies “I haven’t heard anything, Hinata?”
“Nothing.” The younger man replies, focusing on the game before him, determined to win.
Still watching the two play from the doorway Sakusa looks to Atsumu who is lazily sitting on one of Bokuto’s beanbag chairs  “We should re-upload the ad or something.” Sakusa says not really talking to anyone.
At the pause of the game Hinata grabs his cellphone next to him and pulls up the app where ad was posted. Atsumu glances over his shoulder and notices something odd about the post.
"Wait let me see that ad,” grabbing the phone from Hinata he looks closely at what the orange head had posted and his eyes widen, “You moron! Look at this!” throwing the phone to Bokuto and Sakusa’s direction.
Bokuto picks the phone up and holds it up allowing Sakusa to look over his shoulder. “Gah!” Bokuto looks to Hinata “What kind of ad is this?”
“You misspelled our team name...” Sakusa points out.
His face reddens over the embarassment “I figured if I put that we’re pro athletes people would fight over who would get to live with us.” Hinata admits. 
Atsumu shakes his head “You idiot, this ad looks totally fake.”  
Hinata takes his phone from Bokuto “It’s kind of hard to find people looking for housing right now.” He says, as he scrolls through the app.
Sakusa leans against the doorway “Hinata is right, it’s the middle of the school season and no one around our age would be looking for housing right now, only someone insanely desperate would even respond to this.” He turns to Hinata and observes as his face turn from concern to excitement.
Pointing to at his phone he jumps to the middle of the room “Oh! Look I actually got a message from someone” Everyone’s face looks surprised at the sudden remark. Hinata points his screen toward the three men and they all lean down to read the message.
message: hello! my name is l/n f/n. I’m transferring to the university and I’m in desperate need of housing so I’ve just been replying to any ads I can find. I haven’t heard of the “Bulk Jackless” but if this is at all legit I’d like to come by and look at the place!
Looks like they might be adding a 5th roommate.
*Author’s Note* 
Bahaha I made a fic, I don’t normally write and my whole intention with this blog is to practice writing. Which is really why I don’t take requests. Although if you have suggestions or ideas on how this fic might go I’ll be willing to write it into the story! 
I have two seperate blogs one is a studyblr and then this one!
If you want to know more about me ask away! 
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