#ignore the low effort background i was going for A Vibe ok
quirks-art · 2 years
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sunrise, abram
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Hey guys! SO, I decided to make a one-shot on how Amy’s feeling very stressed, and her feelings on top of that make it harder for her to be happy. How will Sonic feel once he finds out? Let’s GO!!!!
Amy was sitting at Tails’s house, listening to Tails identify his newest invention, and was smiling, as if she were listening, but the only thing she was listening to was her thoughts. 
  ‘Ugh, don’t you have better things to do, Pinky?” her thoughts kept focusing on when she’d get to go. She started going to far in thinking and ended up hurting her own feelings. ‘Yeesh, you’re so weak, no wonder no one likes you.’ Amy widened her eyes, realizing that everyone had their eyes on her.
  “Uhm, why is everybody staring at me?” Amy asked, not liking the sudden attention. 
  “We were asking if we could have dinner at your place?” Sticks said. 
   “OH. Uhh...o-of course! I’ll go home and start. What does everyone want?” 
    “CHILI DOGS.” Sonic yelled, kneeling down, begging Amy to make them.
    “Eh, I’m fine with whatever you make, Amy.” Sticks said. Amy smiled, not sure whether to take that as a compliment. Amy looked at Tails.
     “Cookies for dessert, Tails?” Amy asked, smirking.
     “You know me, Amy! You’re chocolate chip cookies are the best things that ever happened to me!” Amy felt tears coming, this was too much for her to take. She ran towards Tails and hugged him, and then hugged Sticks, and Sonic, lingering a bit during his turn. As she was about to turn to Knuckles, Rouge slammed the door open, and bent down to control her breathing. 
   “Eggman’s...*pant*...attacking...the *pant* village.” Sonic immediately got up, still a bit giddy from Amy’s unexpected sign of affection, and sped off. Rouge, flew by Amy as they all ran. “What’s up with Blue Boy today? He seemed a little excited, did you kiss him?” Rouge asked the petite pink girl.
   “OH NO, no, no, No, no, NO Rouge! I just gave him a hug.” Amy exclaimed while blushing. 
    “But you wish you could more, right?” Rouge said, nudging her elbow at Amy. Amy turned red, trying to hide the fact her heart was hammering. The team made it to the battle scene, finding Eggman in his Eggmobile waiting to introduce his newest robot. 
   “OH Ho, ho, ho, this robot is sure to get rid of that pesky blue rat!” Eggman laughed evilly, while the villagers just rolled their eyes and watched the fight.
   “You keep calling him a ‘pesky blue rat,’ just call him something else! Maybe...,” Lyra stared off into space for a few moments. “DEFORMED PINEAPPLE!” Amy was the only one that giggled. Sonic glared at her. Amy just smirked at him, and sent a blowing kiss. Sonic went giddy and red again.
   “Ok, let’s take this from the top. OHOHOHO, THIS ROBOT IS SURE TO GET RID OF YOU, YOU DEFORMED BLUE PINEAPPLE!” Eggman shifted to the side, to reveal a 20 foot tall robot, with lasers, missiles, and shooters on its arms, legs, and head. Everyone went straight for it, Sonic being in the lead. The missiles fired, but were quickly dodged. Then the lasers started firing, and that started to get tough. Along with the crabbots and beebots in the background, it was gonna put up a lot of effort. Knuckles and Tails got blasted away leaving Shadow, Rouge, Amy, Silver, Sonic, and Lyra left. Suddenly a missile was fired, and pushed Rouge aside before exploding. It didn’t cause too much damage to her, but she fell to the ground, caught by Knuckles. 
     “Come on Hedgie Squad, we can do this!” Lyra said, stabbing the beebots with her scythe.
     “Don’t call us that ever again.” Shadow muttered, running towards the back of the robot. That wasn’t a very smart idea, because there were lasers and missiles at the back too. Shadow got blasted, and that only enraged him. He ran faster, but got shot by a laser. He gave up, needing a break. Lyra gave up too, because she just felt lazy. She was cautious though, she didn’t feel like this would end well. Silver, Sonic, and Amy were left. Silver got annoyed with all the unnecessary scrap metal zooming around them and picked them up with his powers, and pushed them all together, and threw them to the side.
While he was doing that, he didn’t notice that Sonic was warning him to get out of the way, and Sonic pushed him, but they both got shot by the laser. 
   Eggman chuckles. “Looks like Sonic’s whiny little girlfriend is left. Well, that’ll be easy, since she’s so weak and pathetic anyways. I mean come on! The pink brat can easily be thrown off with a laser, or her hurt feelings.” Lyra and Rouge widened their eyes. That wasn’t a good idea...
Amy fell to her knees. She let out a loud sob. She recited every cruel thing that’s ever been told to her. ‘Weak and pathetic.’ ‘Pink brat.’ ‘Those people aren’t your friends, they just feel sorry for you.’ Everyone looked at Amy with surprise. They didn’t know that Amy was getting bullied. Amy stood up, feeling her heart burn with that same weird feeling she had earlier. She couldn’t identify what it was...
Until Sonic muttered. 
Amy’s eyes went dark, along with her quills, and her outfit changed, which surprised Sonic. He was the same when he was in his dark form, he never got a change of wardrobe. Amy however, did. Her dress turned into a dark red halter top, with a high-low skirt, with the back ending just a little below her knees. Her quills became longer, and a blackish aura tinted her vibe.
   “I’m sorry Dr. Eggman, what did you say?” Amy asked, floating towards the eggmobile.
    “Uh...I’m sorry?” Amy leaned back, and the aura only seemed to deepen.
    “YOU LIE! Pathetic old man!” Amy shot some of her negative energy at him, and he disappears into the sky. She summoned her hammer, and it evolved to about 10 feet, and she smashed the robot. It fell back, and then Amy pounded its head.
    “Amy?” Amy’s pupils came back, and she looked scared. She turned back to her normal form, and ran off crying. Lyra held Sonic from catching up to her.
    “Give her a few minutes, bro. Then go.”
Meanwhile, Amy was in her room sobbing, her thoughts keeping her up in a bubble. She didn’t know how it started, but wanted it to stop. She couldn’t help how she felt, but it only hurt her more. She heard a knock on the door, but ignored it. She heard the door open, and she dashed into her closet, and hid under the clothes. 
    “Ames, I know you’re in the closet, open up!” Sonic yelled from the other side.
    “And what if I were changing?” Amy asked, in quite a harsh tone. “I-I’m so sorry, Sonic. I-I don’t k-know what’s happening to me!” Amy let out a sob. 
    “Amy. Just open the door and talk to me. Please.” Amy thought that his tone was a bit strange. It almost sounded as if he were...begging her to open the door. She got up, and slowly opened the door. “Thank Chaos, I thought you’d never come out.” Sonic wrapped his arms around Amy, and sat on her bed with him. “Now, tell Doctor Sonic what’s wrong.” Amy put her head on his lap, and he stroked her quills.
    “Well, it started a few months ago. I was walking through the village, going to a local mall, and I heard some teens talking trash about m-me. You know how I am when that happens, right?” Sonic nodded. He knew what it was like under the wrath of Amy Rose. “I hit th-them with my hammer, and they literally started crying. Those weird feelings kept my brain occupied for some reason.”
    “Don’t worry, Amy. Just be ha-” Sonic was cut off by Amy’s growl.
    “Don’t tell me to be happy, Sonic the Hedgehog, don’t you think I already tried that?!” Amy sobbed. Sonic hated the fact that she was depressed. He would do anything to see her smile. He pulled her up, and hugged her. 
    “I want you to be happy, so what can I do?” Sonic pulled back just a little, to tuck a loose quill out of her face. 
    “Well, you can kiss me, take me out on a date, marry me, have about seven children, I don’t mind more. You can-” This time, Sonic was the one to cut off Amy. However, it wasn’t with a comment. It was with a kiss. Amy immediately kissed back. Sonic used tongue in this kiss, and that excited specific parts of Amy’s body.
    “Sorry Ames. Only one at a time, you’re only 16! Chaos.” Amy pouted. “Okay, two things.You are officially now my girlfriend.” Amy smiled, and squeezed the living daylights out of her new-found boyfriend. 
 Sonic wrapped Amy’s hair around in his finger. “I see your quills are still long from that, incident.” Amy giggled a little. 
    “I don’t think I want to cut it.” 
    “And I don’t mind that at all. But, next time, can’t you tell us what’s eating you.”
    “Why do I have to acknowledge that you’re eating me?” Amy joked. Yes, she intended the joke to sound a bit...dirty.
    “Oh my CHAOS, Amy! Way to get a man’s hormonal drive up to 130%!” Sonic said, putting his hand to his heart, acting all dramatic. 
    “Wow. How was it so easy to confess to me?” Amy asked, while smirking.
    “I never confessed! But here it is! I...I-I l-love...you...” Sonic barely said it all out. Kind of hard to explain feelings when you’re ego is the size of an Olympic Swimming Pool. His ego would probably die there, anyways.
    “IT’S ABOUT TIME, GOD, I THOUGHT AMY WOULD END UP WITH SOMEONE ELSE!” The couple turned around, to find the whole team standing at the door. Lyra was recording with a camcorder, a digital camera, and her phone. She even set up a tripod. Knuckles was the one who yelled, just wanted to let you know. Suddenly, Sonic felt warmth on his ear.
    “I love you too. Good job on recognizing your feelings for once.” Amy winked at him and left the room.
WOW WAS THIS LATE. Sorry for posting this a bit late. I started this on Wednesday, but somehow completed this Sunday night. It’s weird because I usually spend fifteen minutes writing a oneshot, but writing this was a bit difficult, because I’m not one to insult Amy Rose. I LOVE HER TOO MUCH SHE’S MY FAVORITE SONIC CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!! I’m very tired because my bed is so fricking hard. 
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adulttalk · 5 years
Ok so basically to give some background I’ve been best friends w this girl for 12 years (since first grade) and I feel like she low-key hates me/doesn’t want to be friends anymore. I asked her if that was the case and she was like nah but the vibe is so wrong and things have changed between use and I can’t just brush it under the rug anymore. I feel kinda neglected in our friendship for the past 2ish years. I feel like I’m putting in so much effort to make things work and she’s putting in (1)
none and is just hanging around because its convenient for her. Her parents are really controlling so its not as easy for us to hang out. I try to make things work and get past this obstacle, but I end up feeling I’m the only one jumping through hoops instead of both of us making in effort to stay friends. She also takes like hours to answer texts regularly so its impossible to keep a convo going and since that’s our main source of communication its really frustrating. I understand that not everyone is on their phone 24/7 and ppl get busy but its obvious she’s not busy and even then she takes like an hour to reply. It just feels like she’s ignoring me and doesn’t want to be around me/in my company. Ive brought this up a few times the past couple of years and she always apologizes and measures me the she does care about me and is just bad with communication bc she’s emotionally closed off bc of her family stuff or along those lines. Tbh its kinda seems like a bs excuse but in the past I’ve always sympathized and accepted her apology bc im just relieved it’s not what I thought it was. The months following she replies to text a bit faster and seems to put in a bit more effort but it all seems forced and dies down after like two months and things go back to the way they were. I’ve just made excuses to myself bc of her situation which leads me to being treated like shit. I don’t know what to do bc I’ve told her this like multiple times and it just feel like im policing her at this point. I feel really paranoid and I don’t know how to bring it up without feeling like a clingy psycho bitch lmao. Ik I should talk to her but it just feels like we’re going in circles and idk what to do. I also feel like im being bossy/controlling by asking her to act a certain way ugh idk what to do pls help 
Hey, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this. I feel like you’re pretty spot on with what you’re thinking, that she doesn’t really wanna put in the effort or hang out or anything. If I had a “friend” doing this to me, we wouldn’t be friends anymore. The friendship would be over real quick. I think it’s time to end it. I know it can be hard because they have been your friend for so long but you can find even better friendships that could last twice as long. All the energy you put into this one-sided friendship you could be putting into a friendship that reciprocates.
All the love xx
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lamptracker · 6 years
Ok so to give some background I’ve been best friends w this girl for 12 years (since first grade) and I feel like she low-key hates me/doesn’t want to be friends anymore. I asked her if that was the case and she was like nah but the vibe is so wrong and things have changed between use and I can’t just brush it under the rug anymore. I feel kinda neglected in our friendship for the past 2ish years. I feel like I’m putting in so much effort to make things work and she’s putting in none (1/?)
and is just hanging around because its convenient for her. Her parents are really controlling so its not as easy for us to hang out. I try to make things work and get past this obstacle, but I end up feeling I’m the only one jumping through hoops instead of both of us making in effort to stay friends. She also takes like hours to answer texts regularly so its impossible to keep a convo going and since that’s our main source of communication its really frustrating. I understand that not everyone
s on their phone 24/7 and ppl get busy but its obvious she’s not busy and even then she takes like an hour to reply. It just feels like she’s ignoring me and doesn’t want to be around me/in my company.Ive brought this up a few times the past couple of years and she always apologizes and measures me the she does care about me and is just bad with communication bc she’s emotionally closed off bc of her family stuff or something along those lines.Tbh its kinda seems like a bs excuse but in the(3/?)
I’ve always sympathized and accepted her apology bc im just relieved it’s not what I though it was. The months following she replies to text a bit faster and seems to put in a bit more effort but it all seems forced and dies down after like two months and things go back to the way they were. I’ve just made excuses to myself bc of her situation which leads me to being treated like shit. I don’t know what to do bc I’ve told her this like multiple times and it just feel like im policing her at (4)
this point. I feel really paranoid and I don’t know how to bring it up without feeling like a clingy psycho bitch lmao. Ik I should talk to her but it just feels like we’re going in circles and idk what to do. I also feel like im being bossy/controlling by asking her to act a certain way ugh idk what to do pls help
Well. First of all, it seems like you have talked to her about this before. And you’re recognizing there’s a cycle here - you call her out on her behavior, she apologizes, things change for a little bit, then it slides back into the routine from before. 
And I know her parents are kind of a barrier, as you said, but you’re right: This should be a two-way street, and it definitely seems more like a one-way here. I would say sit down with her, talk to her. Tell her you love being her friend, and you love her, but you’re honestly feeling shut out and you miss her. If things change, for the long run, then great. If not, then I hate to say this, but it may be time to scale back your relationship. What that means - whether just occasionally hanging out or cutting her out completely - is up to you. In the meanwhile, I would hang out with people that actually want to make the effort, and do.
And, as always, if anyone has better advice, let me know. :)
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