#iguichi shuichi
super-paper · 1 year
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LOV-centric Text Posts, Part 5 (4) (3) (2) (1)
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femb0y-joker · 1 year
♡[S p i n n e r]♡
kinda random concept, but whatever! ♡
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
The League Comforts You
A/N: I really don’t like holidays
You never really understood why you kept coming to family events. It's not like you liked your family. Well, that's not quite right either. You love your family, and they love you, but you think if you had met them and were strangers, you wouldn't like them nor would they like you. They're mean and exclude you, and when you try to match their energy, you come across as mean and rude. You like your peace and quiet, you never really minded being alone, but you still can't help but feel hurt when they have fun without you and don't seek you out. 
You're sitting at the end of the couch, nursing on something alcoholic to get you through the chatter- through the teasing remarks about you still being single, about you still being as quiet as ever. You smile with your teeth and take another sip. You glance at your phone- there’s no notifications other than online sales and emails. You have no messages from your friends since they're all busy with their own families who love and like them.
You wish that you were home.
Laughter is loud in the house and everyone is engaged with someone in a conversation. You try to put yourself in a conversation but you’re laughed at and your ears burn hot, and you hate yourself just a bit more. You're sure that if you got up right now and excused yourself outside and never came back in, they wouldn't notice that you left.
The bottle in your hand is empty, and you rise from the end of the couch and quickly, your space is taken, the crowded couch now more breathable without you. No one asks you anything, they don’t question why you’ve stood up, but you still tell them why. I need some air, to be right back. You smile and grab your things, placing the empty bottle next to the other bottles on the table. Your phone is tucked into your back pocket and you hold tightly onto your charger.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that the night life is bustling, that it’s fun and bright and you hate the people that have fun with others. The walk back home is loud. There are bars packed with people, groups of people walking in a tight group along the sidewalk, cars passing back with streams taped onto them. There's confetti and plastic cups and glass bottles on edge of the sidewalk and you stand in front of a bottle with the label missing, debating in picking it up and being a good civilian or picking it up and risking whatever germs someone else had, now on your, unable to properly wash your hands. 
You decide to let the issue be left for someone else, the streets of the city can remain dirty for one more night. Blowing out a puff of air that forms into a cloudy puff, you walk past the bottle, holding on tight to your charger. 
Finally, you’ve made it home, and you tell yourself to not be disappointed if you check your phone and no one has checked in on you. It’ll be fine. You don’t need them. If your phone has no notification, then that’s fine. It’s fine. You suck in a deep breath of air and hold onto it, and you check your phone. 
You haven’t received a single call or text from any of your family members.
The keys shake in your hand and you feel like crying. You aren't sure why. You don't care if your family doesn't like you. Well, you do, because of course you do, you've always been sentimental about family even if they aren't. Even if they're a bit mean towards you and leave you out if things, but they're your family. You still cling to the past, wanting to remember them as they were clinging to you, how they loved you and cherished you, how you were close to your cousins. But you’ve grown up now, and all that familial love has thinned, you’re left starving for it. 
The lock clicks open, and you enter your home. You kick your shoes off and drop your things on the table. It’s dark, and it’s lonely, and you tell yourself that it’s fine. That it’s better when you’re alone because you can do what you want. You try not to worry about the tears that have welled in your eyes and are burning, you bite the inner corner of your lips when you let a cry whimper out. 
And finally, you reach your room, and close the door with a smack, trying to keep your composure until you’re in bed. But then the light clicks on, you aren’t alone. 
Bubaigawara Jin:
The closing door was enough to wake him from his short nap, but you crying, was enough to jolt him awake. Jin hadn’t expected you to be home- you had mentioned how you were excited to be with your family after so long, that he assumed that he was going to have your place to himself for  a few hours before you returned. You always talk so fondly about your family, and he listens, trying not to interject because it’s one of the few times that you share so much about yourself. It’s not like he has anything to share either way- so many of his memories are muddled, and most of the ones about his family are nonexistent, he can’t even really remember what their faces looked like. He doesn’t mind when you talk about your family- he welcomes it, it’s nice to hear you talk and even when his other starts to interject, it’s always something nice, sarcastic, but nice.
Your home, and you’re crying- well you’re close to tears, breathing in deeply and fisting your hands at your side, and he doesn’t know what happened. You seem fine- no skinned knees or bloody lips. You’re okay- physically. Hopefully. So what happened? And the question is forming on his tongue and fills the room, and it’s less than polite, a bit crass and with sleep lingering in on his voice, it’s easy to mistake it for annoyance. But you know him- of course, you wouldn’t take for anything other than just him. At least, he believes that that’s true, but then you start to cry, and he realizes that he shouldn’t have been senseless with you. You’re already near tears, of course, anything harsh would have made you start crying, but then you rush to him and as he’s sitting up, you hug him, and sit on his lap, and you’re pulling him closer to you.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn't felt relieved when you chose to sit on his lap and pull him close- you’re still crying, but at least he knows that it’s not because of him, that you still want him to hold you. You;ve always been there for him, and you try to understand him, and you never really leave him alone, and he wants to do the same for you. He holds you tight, and his hands are ever moving- running up and down from your arms to your back, to your thighs, and back to your arms, and starting the cycle all over again, desperate for your cries to quiet down. Maybe he should do something right now- No. He should be doing something right now. Panic runs a cold chill down his spine, and he blurts out that he’s glad that you’re here with him. He could do without the crying, and he immediately fixes that little slip up, but you only snort, apologizing, and kissing at his collarbone. Of course, you wouldn’t take offense to it. 
In a quiet voice, when you’ve settled, and your legs spill over the edge of the bed, he asks if you need anything, juice, alcohol, candy, smokes? Anything at all, he’d go rushing out to get it for you. And you shake your head, telling him that you just want to stay with him like this for a bit longer, reaching for his hand to hold in yours. You trace up and down his fingers, across each ring of lines that circle around his finger, and trace on his palm. You tell him that you would have liked to take him out tonight. Maybe to meet your family- an hour max- and then go get something to drink afterwards. He’s never met your family, but he hates how they’ve made you cry. If it were anyone else, they’d regret it, but he knows how you feel about family, he knows that hurting them would only hurt you, that it wouldn’t make you feel better, it’d only push you away from him, and isolate you further. He doesn’t want that. He kisses the top of our head, and he says that maybe when it’s cold out, he can wrap himself in a scarf and you two could go out-it’s be cold, but he could treat you to something warm. 
A part of him wishes that he could have met you before everything went so awful for him. No. All of him wishes for that. If you accept him as he is now- a villain with a dissociative disorder- then maybe you’d like him back when he was younger, when he was making ends meet, and could hold up a job. Maybe during his life of theft, he would’ve stolen something nice for you- a ring, maybe. But, you met him as he is now, and you still want to be with him, and you even wish you could show him off to your family. You wish you could be seen with him. And maybe that makes up for all the string of bad luck that has followed him around his entire life. And with you tracing the lines on his palms, lying and making up what the lines mean- a long life, a wealthy life, lovers past and future. He thinks your crap at telling fortune, but he likes the life that he has with you now. He kisses the top of your head, and holds you tight, the lines that you’ve traced burning his palm, and lays back down, smiling when you let out a squeak and a laugh mixed together. 
He doesn’t really spend the night at your place as much as he should. It's too quiet at your home, too neat and orderly, too tucked away in its own little corner with the only noise available being your fan that hums. Dabi is used to the noise, the screeching of tires and yowling cats and barking dogs, the loud, drunken laughter and belches of people, that being in your home makes him feel discomfited. He’s only staring at your ceiling, trying to force himself to sleep until you shut the door and he’s alert. Heat tickles and burns his palms until he realizes that it’s you, and in the next moment he realizes that you’re crying, and he’s throwing his legs over the edge of your bed, and you meet him at your bed, rushing to him, and holding him. You cry silently, whimpering and taking in shaky breaths that shudder throughout your body. Your hands are cold as they hold onto him, pressed against his thinned shirt. 
Your tears don’t last- you cry and you sniffle and when you pull away, your face is wet, and can’t look him in the eye. He stays still beside you, and you’re silent, pulling your hands away and twisting them in front of you. The silence is killing him worse than before, he needs something to fill the air, and it’s always been you, always humming or talking about something or another that he’ll listen to and remember when he’s stuck somewhere else. Slowly, his hand reaches over to your side, his index and middle finger wrapping around your thumb and pulling it towards him, his thumb rubbing softly over your thumb knuckle. He offers you something- alcohol, you know, just to get the edge off a bit, he reasons, whispering into the quiet room. You shake your head, and twist yourself to wrap your arms around him, your face nestled against his chest.
Even after all these years, all this resentment and hatred, he hates that he understands why you’re so sentimental; he hates knowing why you want to hold onto the fond memories of your family, and why you seek their validation and love. He had hoped that after being with you, that he would have gotten better at being able to provide some type of comfort, that he could do more than sit on the bed and let you cry. You start out slow, and he realizes that it’s because the pain is still too fresh, the humiliation and the exclusion are burning through you and making you shake beside him. It isn’t a big deal- it shouldn’t be a big deal. You’ve been excluded from conversations loads of times, this isn’t anything new, and yet it still hurts as if you were a child facing rejection for the first time all over again. You talk about how you aren’t treated like an adult, but neither as a child, a weird middle ground, a punching bag because if you fight back, if you return the same energy, you’re mean. It isn’t fair for you- to have to face the constant pressure from them when you’ve been doing so well, when you’ve finally feel like you’re on the right track.
Words fill the air, a spew of nonsense that comes from him, slow and unsure, trying to find something to say, but being unable to fill it with any meaning. All he’s aiming for you is to be distracted, to think about anything else than your family. The thing about him is- and you learned this quickly- he will never talk about his own family with you; try as you will, he never utters a single word about them, and he knows that it irritates you, but it’s his own thing to deal with. But he understands you, and he doesn’t know how to fix it, because his own solution was to kill himself, and now he’s missed so much of his youth and his own body is no longer his. But it’s about you and your pain, and he doesn’t know how to make you feel better other than just talking. He tells you about how quiet your room is when you’re not there, and how he likes the scent of your new soap, and that he might have ruined a towel, and you laugh, it’s short, but you laugh and he pulls down on the bed, pulling and letting his hands run underneath your shirt till your laying beside him, your back pressed against his chest and his nose rested in the back of your scalp, nestled into your hair.
His body aches, and you’ve laced your hand with his, trailing it from the soft curve of your stomach, to the swell of your chest and resting it above your heart. Every breath that you take is getting slower, and heavier. Dabi wonders to himself, if he ever will tell you about his family, how his father threw him aside, how he said such awful things to his mother and how he wished he could have apologized, how there was a moment in time where all he wanted was to have them hold him and tell him that he’s been forgiven, and held like a child. He calls your name, and after a moment, you squeeze your hand, and he knows you’re already asleep, in the odd place between sleep and consciousness, and he won’t pull you away from that. If things were different and he weren’t born with a cursed body, that he would have liked to sleep with you in a quiet room, that he wouldn’t let you feel alone in a room filled with others.
Iguchi Shuichi:
Shuichi thinks to himself that he probably shouldn’t have come over- that maybe it would have been better for him to just have stayed back at the base. But you look so pitiful, and he knows that you need him- hopefully- he still isn’t quite sure how to tell whether you need comfort or space. He clears his throat, and awkwardly opens one arm, inviting you to come sit with him, and you nod. With you so close, he can see the tears in your eyes, how they swell and catch on your lashes, and he wonders if you’ve looked like that the whole walk home. You slip into the space that he’s created, leaning on him, and wrapping your arms around his torso as he leans against the headboard of your bed. He’s hardly ever seen you cry from something that wasn’t from a television show or a video game, and he knows what to do in those scenarios, hear you out and nod along, and it shouldn’t be different in this case, but the atmosphere and the way that you hold yourself feels so much heavier than it’s ever have before.
Softly, he asks what happened, his body shifting to hold you at a more secure position. His hands lay on you, and when you don’t respond, he adds that you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. He can hear you intake deep, shaky breaths, trying to catch letters and shape it, only for you to stay silent. He decides to talk before he can lose any of his nerves. You were supposed to be with your family. How come you’re not? You were so excited too. He regrets talking immediately when you begin to cry, latching onto him and going to hold at one of his hands. You clasp onto him with such strength, and you need him at the moment. He tries to soothe you, but the only he knows how is to scratch at your back, slow, steady movements where his hands reach underneath your shirt, feeling the warmth of your skin against his claws. It’s steady, and it keeps you grounded enough to have you go to a quiet whimpering, with your hand cupped over his chest. 
Something must have happened. Of course, something had to have happened if you had come back with tears in your eyes, so desperate to hold onto any part of him, and only cry further when he asks directly about your family. He doesn’t really get it. He always thought you had a nice relationship with your family- you speak so highly of them, and yet, you’re here, crying on his chest. You know enough of his own backstory to understand that he didn’t have a good support system- or any for that matter. Even if mutant quirks have grown more accepting in a city, the country and town life is still difficult. People still look down on him for being anything less than normal. Only a few looked past his quirk- you included, and he can never thank you enough for that. He tells you all of this, and he apologizes to you, that he wasn’t there for whatever it was that happened. There are times that he wishes he was still a shut-in, that he ever saw Stain on television and never got inspired, and maybe then, he would have met you in a grocery store or something. But he also knows that he never would have met you, and if he did, he wouldn’t have bothered with you, because Stain sparked something inside of him, and then you did so, when he realized there was something past reshaping society that was worth living for. 
Slowly, you start to speak, grabbing at the hand that isn’t scratching up and down your back, and placing it over your cheek, holding it there. You’ve never been good at socializing with your family. You love them, but you aren’t like them, and he understands that sentiment. He taps two fingers against the soft plush of your cheek, encouraging you to continue with your story. You go on and about how lonely you felt- how everyone was with someone and you were alone. It was a room full of loved ones and all you could do was pity yourself and hold an empty bottle. You felt like you did when you were younger. And you hated it. You felt so embarrassed and they didn’t even call after you left- and your voice cracks. He shushes you quietly, and moves the hand that is resting on your back to curve over your waist. You’re here with him now and even though it’s not what you had planned for the night, he’s happy that you’re here with him. 
Shifting under you, he moves until you’re laying beside him, and he can stare at you. Your eyes are rimmed red, and there are tear tracks that curve down your cheeks and dry at your chin. With a shaky hand, he reaches to wipe away the tear tracks, and you lean into his touch. He smiles softly, and he asks if there’s anything more that you want to get off of your chest. He isn’t fond of his family either, but he has you now, and the League, and he thinks that’s all that really matters- found family or something like that, that you like to fantasize about. Nervously, he inches closer to you, and your breath is warm and it smells sweet and it must be the drink that you talked about, and he leans in, and there’s pressure against his snout, until you twist your head and kiss him back, pulling away to intertwine your body with his, hiding your face into the crook of his neck, and peppering kisses along there as a show of thanks.
Sako Atsuhiro:
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen this side of you. You've cried before him, but it was reactionary- you watched a show and cried, you’ve read a book and clung to him, whining and moaning about how they deserved a happy ending- things like that. You’ve never closed a door so roughly, not on purpose, not without saying a  quick sorry to the inanimate object. You’ve never closed a door with tears in your eyes, looking so sad. Atsuhiro didn’t mean to be here- it just happened. He thought about not coming to your place when you told him you wouldn’t be here for the night, that you would be out with family. He even sat on your chair as you pulled out a potential outfit- something appropriate, that would still seem nice around others. You were excited for it. And now you’re home, and you’re crying, and he isn’t sure what to do. Do you want to talk about it? Because of course something happened, and it hurts him to see you look so small. You’ve closed in on yourself, lowering your shoulders and clasping your arms around yourself, and you haven’t looked him in the eyes since you’ve entered the room. 
Come here, he tells you. And you walk towards him, your steps quick to reach where he now sits upright on your bed, and his arm wraps around you, running up your torso, and cupping it over your neck. You’ve always been more of the crier in the relationship, always tearing up in moments as you read, clinging to characters and to people, and he knows what to do, how to comfort you- to offer a talking point and to let you stay silent until you’re ready, and give you a promise that he’s still by your side. Unlike you, he doesn’t talk about his family much, when you pout about him keeping secrets, he pulls out some line about magicians and secrets- something corny that has you rolling your eyes, and grinning at him. You’ve always been one to overshare, to tell stories about your past, to tell him whatever it was that he wanted to know, and he always liked you for it. He never really liked keeping secrets from you, and while he strongly doubts that you would ever judge him for who his lineage is, he doesn’t want to have that looming, he doesn’t want to think about the questions you’d have and the answers he would be unable to tell you. 
Seeing you defeated leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He was hoping that he’d fall asleep in your bed, and in the morning, he’d wake up with you curled next to him, hair a mess and he’d spend the whole day with you and get to eat your cooking, and just laze around with you. However, now with you crying on his chest, and how you intertwine your legs with his, he thinks that you’ll be the one to taste his cooking. He doesn’t pry further about what happened- you’re still too sentimental about it, the wound and pain too fresh for you, and he doesn’t want you to cry because of him, because of the memories that he’s trying to dig up no matter how recent they are. 
You tell him that you wish you could introduce him to your family. That maybe if you met earlier, before his name was released to the public, that you could have, that you would have been able to show him off. He counters that when his name did get released, you’d have to explain to your family. You say silent after that, he kicks him for bringing reality back to you after hopeful wishes. He stutters in trying to fix his mistake, telling you that it would’ve been nice to be introduced to your family. That he would’ve liked to meet the people who you talk about. He tells you that he would have been perfect at meeting your family- the shining example of what it is to look like a good partner. You interject with a laugh, that he would have been the prime example of a “bring home boyfriend” until it was revealed who he is. You’re laughing and that’s a good sign. He smiles, and his hand lowers curving underneath your chest. He agrees, stating that then he’d be the worst example, and that he probably wouldn’t mind being referred to as the bad boyfriend whose parents disapprove of. You groan and pull away from him, and the tears have dried, and all that remains are reddened eyes, and quiet sniffling. 
Holding his hand in yours, you apologize in a low voice, telling him that you didn’t mean to wake him up, nor did you mean to cry in front of him over something so trivial. Atushiro hums, telling you that he doesn’t mind being woken by you- that he’d rather wake up and be with you, than let you cry alone. He’s glad that he was here, that he feels better knowing that he was able to just be here with you, that he didn’t want you alone. He brings up your held hand to his lips, giving short kisses to each knuckle, and turning it over to kiss your palm. You smile, and pull your hand away, leaning into him, giving out another small cry, thanking him for being here, and promising him a meal tomorrow. He watches as you move, curling beside him your hand going to rest over his ribs, and you trace arcs over his chest, stopping at where you think the rib would stop and he watches you get lost in thought, resting back on the pillow and kissing your temple. 
Shigaraki Tomura:
Seeing you teary eyed always makes him uncomfortable. Tomura isn’t sure of what to do in these types of scenarios; he isn’t sure on how he should go about to comfort you. Should he hold you? Should he be giving some type of advice, something vague that could be applied to any scenario? He knows that you need something and the most that he could offer up is patting the space beside him, offering up your own bed to you. You nod, scurrying in beside him, your bare legs cooled from the outside air and enough for him to feel through the material of his own pants. You hide yourself in his chest, arms going around to clutch at the back of his shirt. If he knew that you were going to arrive early and cry, he probably wouldn’t have even shown up in your home. Immediately as that thought enters his mind, he feels awful. You’ve done a lot for him, the least he could do is hold you, or allow himself to be held for a moment.
You shouldn’t be home- so why are you home? He had messaged you a few days prior asking if he could stay the night and he remembers that you told him he could, but that you were going to be with family. And he remembers it so, because he thought about just not showing up because if you weren’t going to be here, then why come at all, but the temptation of your bed, pillowed with blankets and stuffed animals, was far too much for him. He’s careful to put his arms around you, careful to make sure he isn’t completely touching you, trying to avoid adding injury to your less than great night. He asks why you’re home so early, and he quickly adds that he doesn’t mean anything mean by it, he’s just curious is all. You’ve been still the entire time in his arms, you don’t move even when you sniffle and the pillow and his shirt are damp with your tears. 
Family is complicated, and- you can’t go on any further. Your voice cracks and he moves closer to you, closing the already small gap between the two of you. Something awful must have happened. He doesn’t remember much of his own family- before All For One and Kurogiri. The things that he does remember make him itch- more so than usual, more than just scratching until his skin is a bright red, but a depper, primal urge that has his skin feel too tight. Even so, All For One wasn’t a good caretaker, and Kurogiri did the best that he could with a bratty child from the streets. Even so, he knows how much you care for your own family, how you hold his hand and tell him that you wish things were different so you could introduce him, how maybe if you were a family of villains, they’d be proud of you. You always cut the conversation right after that, and you always have a sad look in your eyes. He never really wants to talk about his own upbringing, always talking about it as it was unimportant, never wanting to recall how empty his bedroom was until he used his quirk. He’s sure that his retelling how he decayed two people who were mean to him wouldn’t bring you the comfort that you need, nor is it the story that you would like to reminisce about with him late in the nights.
He should be offering you something. A drink maybe? But then that would mean that he has to pull away from you, and he doesn’t want that. He doesn’t think you want that either. Still, he should be doing something right now, something to fill the gap of silence and to stop you from whimpering. He presses his lips against the top of your crown, and  when he pulls away, he starts. Talking about his past is far too much, but talking about the future isn’t so bad. He talks about how nice it would be that when he topples over society or makes some type of chaos, that you would be right there. When it comes to it, he’s going to bring you with him. It’ll be great- you won’t have to get the approval from family, or anyone else. It’ll be you and him- and the others, but they’re not important in the story he’s telling you. He likes to think that it’ll be the end of society, and he’ll be able to stand beside you, to not worry about heroes- bad or good- would interrupt the both of you.
When you’ve calmed down, you lift up from him, and he misses the warmth that you provided. You wipe at your eyes and pat your cheeks, and he stays watching you, waiting for you to come back to bed. You do so, and you apologize for all the crying, giving a humorless chuckle that you’ve always been the emotional one, and he doesn’t mind because why would he. He sits up beside you, and your head rests on his shoulder, and it’s the two of you alone in a room, and your arms slink around his, holding tightly onto him, and he can feel the tears that wet his shoulder. You don’t have to think right now, at least not about family. And again, you apologize for crying, and again he tells you that it’s fine, even when he’s so unsure of what to do, but you still cry, and you still latch onto him, and in the dead of night, he holds you, and he stays there until you’ve fallen asleep, with tears and warm cheeks.
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quirkfics · 2 years
If you don't mind, I'd love Spinner with flutter!
Leaving Spinner flustered isn’t exactly a difficult undertaking. Your fingers plucking at the scarf around his neck, or tangling in the tattered ends as you step into his space is always a guarantee. As is whispering his name, or anything that might come to mind - just as long as you say it like a secret, meant for him and him alone. 
It isn’t a game to you, though you’re beginning to think that he believes it’s one, because he just keeps making excuses. They’re transparent things, and half hearted at best, spoken in a frenzy before he does his best to slip away - and you’ve had enough of his doubting. 
“Question,” you state, sitting close enough that your thigh is pressed to his, blocking the single escape route. 
Spinner sucks in a breath, which is all the incentive you need to continue. 
“You do know that I’m serious, right? With all the-” you motion vaguely between the two of you, offering up an unsure little smile. “I’m not trying to get your heart to flutter because of a joke. I mean it. This,” you clarify, slipping your hand into his, pleased by the look of realization beginning to bloom in his eyes. 
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Shuichi my beloved 🦎💚
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godofvillains-a · 2 years
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Spinner request from @jikanyahana​. The lizard boi deserves more love. <3 Hope you like it!
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batsyart · 4 years
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Spinaraki week Day 2: Children!
baby tenko meets baby shuichi!
sorry this is just a sketch, i can’t really use my tablet for awhile but i still wanted to join in on this awesome event!
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anime-freakchow · 5 years
Realize how no one in the league has brushed their fucking teeth for like, a month.
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lunanight2012 · 3 years
Now we see the Sports Festival!!!
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hearth4days · 2 years
Shuichi Iguichi, Kurogiri & Oboro, Hearth (the book character), Deerkeethus and Stain. I’ll let you know more if I think of some
Winning 💪
Your list because I feel like it:
Sarah Lynn
Maybe more head is swiss cheese
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super-paper · 1 year
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LOV-Centric Text Memes, part 4 (3) (2) (1)
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plush-rabbit · 4 years
Masterlist of BNHA and Pokémon
Current Series:
Shigaraki Tomura Fanfic - I Want To Hear You Say It: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight
Ghostface Fanfic - Picture Perfect: One Filler Two Three Four Five
League of Villains:
Platonic Headcanons
Holding Hands
College Majors
LOV W/ Quirkless S/O
Types of Ice-Cream
Kinkcanons - *
A Simple Wager -*
A Flip of a Coin
Aphrodisiac Induced Reader
Aphrodisiac Induced Villains
Oboro’s Sibling:
Oboro’s Younger Sibling
Aizawa Shota:
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Expecting S/O
Chubby S/O
Happy Birthday Headcanons
Crawling Back To You -*
Only Fools Rush In
A Pair of Scissors - *
Akaguro Chizome:
NSFW Headcanons
Amajiki Tamaki:
Sugary Sweet Tears -*
Curry Night
Hair Fluffing
Amajiki Tamaki W. Parental!S/O
Clumsy S/O Headcanons
Cuddling Headcanons
Horror Movie
Happy Birthday Headcanons
Mexican Immigrant S/O Headcanons
A Full Belly Headcanons
Happy Birthday
Holding Hands
Ashido Mina:
Horror Movie
Bakugou Katsuki:
Angry Birthday - *
Smothering Feelings - *
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
Demon Spider Quirk
Bakugou Katsuki W/ An Insecure S/O
Alternate Reality 
Yandere Bakogou Headcanons
Straightforward Confessions
Bubaigawara Jin
Crushing On An Ex-Yakuza Member
Chubby S/O
Hair Fluffing
Supportive Hugs
Bubaigawara Jin Flirting Headcanons
Blushing Headcanons
Cuddling Headcanons
Insert Squirting Emoji -*
Behind The Mask Headcanons
SFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Badly Injured S/O
Clit Piercing S/O Headcanons
Raising a Teen Headcanons
Affectionate S/O Headcanons
Overseas Trip Headcanons
Dom!M!S/O Headcanons - *
First Anniversary
Aloof S/O
A Full Belly Headcanons
Dry Humping - *
Chest Dysphoria
Late Night Talk
Touching Them
Loneliness With Jin Headcanons
Comforting You When It’s Too Much
Wearing Their Clothes
Half Gloves
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Issues with Intimate Touch
Chisaki Kai:
Scent - *
Beg For It - *
Don’t Move - *
They Know Best - Sequel to Don’t Move
NSFW Alphabet W/ Hari
Asking You To Come Back
Affectionate S/O Headcanons
Social Anxious S/O Headcanons
A Bundle of Joy - *
Making Them Blush Headcanons
Valentine’s Day - Wedding Dress
Valentine’s - Big Bear
Firsts Edition
Independent S/O Headcanons
First Anniversary
Villain’s Deception
I Love You
Dom!S/O Headcanons
Happy Birthday
Words Taken Too Literally
The King With Golden Eyes
The Pregnancy
Sincere Gesture Gone Unnoticed
Soulmate AU
What A Good Little Girl
A Doctor’s Visit
Cultural Differences
Dating Dabi While Being A Civilian
Platonic Headcanons W/ Dabi
NSFW Alphabet
Fluff Alphabet
Dabi W/ An Insecure S/O
Cuddling Headcanons
Crushing On An Ex-Yakuza Member
Burnt - *
Raspy Voice S/O
Chubby S/O
Soulmate Color AU
Dabi W/ Bunny S/O -*
Truth or Dare -* Sequel available on AO3
Quiet Flames -*
Public Kiss
Spiderman Quirk S/O
DJ Civilian S/O
Pushed Away
Royal S/O
Clit Piercing S/O Headcanons
Aftercare Headcanons
Affectionate S/O Headcanons
Social Anxious S/O Headcanons
Valentine’s Confession
Valentine’s Day - Wedding Dress
Valentine’s - Big Bear
Consumed By Flames
First Anniversary
Humiliation Taken Too Far
Gentle Eyes
I Love You
A Full Belly Headcanons
A Lasting Moment
Late Night Talks
Straightforward Confessions
Intimacy and Vulnerability in a Different Form
Comforting You When It’s Too Much
Writing Notes
Soulmate AU
Half Gloves
Chronic Pain
Frozen Knuckles
Murder House AU
Dating a Shy!Reader
Phantom Pains
Coping with Homelessness
Sleeping with the Villains
Dating Headcanons
Cultural Differences
Tickling Headcanons
Chikazoku Tomoyasu:
Dating Headcanons
Gentle Eyes
Iguichi Shuichi:
Touching Them
Relationship Headcanons
Chest Headcanons
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Dating Headcanons
Kaminari Denki:
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Kirishima Eijirou:
Say My Name - *
Sleeping Beauty - *
Promised Breakfast - *
Syrupy Kisses - *
Permission - *
Kirishima Eijirou W/ Bunny Crush
Kirishima Eijirou - Hero Costume -*
SFW & NSFW Headcanons
Kurono Hari:
Don’t Move - *
They Know Best - Sequel to Don’t Move
NSFW Alphabet W/ Kai
Overseas Trip Headcanons
A Bundle of Joy - *
Making The Blush Headcanons
Villain’s Deception
Behave Yourself
The Pregnancy
Sincere Gesture Gone Unnoticed
Overhaul’s Little Sister
Monoma Neito:
Enemies to Lovers
Blushing Headcanons
Happy Birthday Headcanons
Crushing on 1A!Reader
Holding Hands
Cat Quirk!Reader
Rappa Kendo:
Let’s Split A Taxi
Blossoming Love -*
Kiss My Tears -  *
Sakamata Kugo:
SFW & NSFW Headcanons
Sako Atsuhiro:
Giran’s Daughter Headcanons
Crushing On An Ex-Yakuza Member
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
An Indulgence For The Night
Behind The Mask Headcanons
First Anniversary
Red Scarf
Dad!Mr. Compress
Soulmate AU
Doting Over Atsuhiro Sako
Late Night Talks
A Gift for Mr. Compress
Bunny!Reader Headcanons
First Date With Mr. Compress
Comforting You When It’s Too Much
Writing Notes
Learning Magic for Mr. Compress
Chronic Pain
Courting Headcanons
A Fleeting High
Phantom Pains
Secret Admirer
Coping with Homelessness
Shigaraki Tomura:
General Headcanons
Shigaraki Realizing He’s Crushing On You
Playing Animal Crossing
Can I Ask You Something?
Can We Kiss? - *
Shigaraki W/ A Petite S/O
Shigaraki Dating A Humanitarian
Innocence - *
It’s Just A Crush
SFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
Shigaraki Is A Baby
Shigaraki Is Cute
Eye Contact Is Key
Immunity Quirk S/O Headcanons
Take Care Of Yourself
A Broken Night
Nerdy S/O Headcanons
Cotton Candy Skies - *
Dating An Artist Headcanons
Silent Words
Don’t Tell Shigaraki
Giran’s Daughter Headcanons
You’re The Worst
Bouncing Knees
Broken Charger Headcanons
Tickle Kink Headcanons
A Moth To A Flame
Crushing On An Ex-Yakuza Member
Tomura Takes It Poorly
Teasing S/O
Bloody Knuckles
Lost Cat Headcanons
Ex-Pro Hero
Piercing Headcanons
Arcade Game
Sweet Honey Love - *
Praise Thy Master - *
We Could Just Kiss
White Lilac - *
Comforting S/O
Depressed S/O
Goofy S/O
Chubby S/O
Suckle - *
Clean Blood
Dad!Shigaraki Tomura
Tear Stained Love -*
Together Forever - Sequel to Tear Stained Love - *
Shigaraki Tomura W/ Bunny S/O -*
Shigaraki Tomura W/ Bunny Crush
Shigaraki Tomura Celebrating Your Birthday
A Simple Wager -*
A Flip of a Coin - Sequel to A Simple Wager
Who’s A Pretty Boy? - *
Sub!Shigaraki Tomura - *
Crumbling Attitude - *
Burning Scratch Marks
Red Tipped Ears
Soulmate Color AU
Supportive Hugs
I Wouldn’t Know It
Shigaraki Tomura W/ A Restless S/O
Blushing Headcanons
Enemies to Lovers
The Evil Within 2
Old Habits
Bandaged Tummy
Poetic Confession
Guess The Game
Clumsy S/O Headcanons
Spiderman Quirk S/O
Happy Birthday Headcanons
Yesterday’s Love
Bad Romance
Feather Light
Public Kiss
Time Never Stops
Only Fools Rush In
You’re A Brat
Metal Head S/O Headcanons
DJ Civilian S/O
Insert Squirting Emoji -*
Behind The Mask Headcanons
Hand In Unlovable Hand
Pushed Away
Royal S/O
Vulgar Nicknames
Ultra Gold - *
Filling You - *
Clit Piercing S/O Headcanons
Mexican Immigrant S/O Headcanons
Raising A Child Headcanons
Plum Blossom
Overseas Trip Headcanons
Shigaraki Tomura Being Called Handsome
Social Anxious S/O Headcanons
Valentine’s Confession
Valentine’s Day - Wedding Train
Valentine’s - Big Bear
First Anniversary
Villain’s Deception
Humiliation Taken Too Far
Gentle Eyes
I Love You
Dating A V/A Headcanons
The Mask of the Dead
A Full Belly Headcanons
Happy Birthday
Words Taken Too Literally
Hug Types
Not You
Dry Humping - *
Protective Headcanons
Calloused Hands
Peaches and Cream
Chest Dysphoria
Doting Over Tomura Shigaraki
A Protective Partner Headcanons
Straightforward Confessions
Unrequited Pining for Tomura Shigaraki
Pining for Tomura Shigaraki
Intimacy and Vulnerability in a Different Form
Rescued by a Hero
Maybe I’m The Problem
Soulmate AU
Wearing Their Clothes
Half Gloves
Chronic Pain
Desperation and Deception
Grief in December 
Dating a Shy!Reader
Frayed Stitching Under Your Fingertips
Coping with Homelessness
Sleeping with the Villains
Ice-Cream Date
Cultural Differences
Chronically Ill S/O
Secret Admirer 
Issues with Intimate Touch
Shinsho Hitoshi:
Hair Fluffing
Blushing Headcanons
Clumsy S/O Headcanons
Horror Movie
Happy Birthday Headcanons
Happy Birthday Headcanons
Holding Hands
Cat Quirk!Reader
Shimura Tenko:
Bento Box
Rattled Bento Box - Sequel to Bento Box
S/O W/ A Lisp Headcanons
Build-A-Bear Headcanons
Valentine’s Confession
A Few Words - *
Twenty Minutes
Shishikura Seiji:
Blushing Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet
Holding Hands
Cat Quirk!Reader
Takami Keigo:
Two Cups Of Ice Cream - *
Hawks W/ Jewel S/O
Platonic Headcanons
Badly Injured S/O
Hawks & Preening S/O Headcanons
Momentary Idol! Hawks Headcanons
Social Anxious S/O Headcanons
Cuddling W/ Hawks Headcanons
Independent S/O Headcanons
Humiliation Taken Too Far
Faded Vermillion
Intimacy and Vulnerability in a Different Form
Cultural Differences
Ticklish S/O
Tickling Headcanons
Todoroki Natsuo:
Forehead Kisses - *
Collarbone Kisses - *
Take A Break - *
Milk - *
Milking - *
Puppy Love - *
Todoroki Shoto:
Shoto’s Twin
Shoto’s Twin And Enji’s Atonement
Todoroki Touya:
S/O W/ A Lisp Headcanons
Toga Himiko:
Supportive Hugs
Stashed Snacks
M!Significant Other
Straightforward Confessions
Toshinori Yagi:
Corruption Kink 
Toyomitsu Taishiro 
Oh My Baby, I Love You
Surprise Visit
Low Fat
A Shared Umbrella
Tsutsumi Kaina:
Dating Headcanons
Usagiyama Rumi:
Miruko W/ Jewel S/O
Yoarashi Inasa:
Yoarashi Inasa W/ Cuddly M!S/O
Hits Headcanons
SFW Alphabet
Chest Dysphoria
Holding Hands
Cat Quirk!Reader
Possessive Partners - *
Poly!Dabi/Hawks/Reader Headcanons
Poly!Monoma/Shinsou/Reader Headcanons - *
Big Three:
Poly!Yandere! Big Three in a Relationship
SFW & NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
After - *
Migraines - *
Sexual Tension - *
Dom!Lance Headcanons -*
First Loss - *
Ridin’ Solo - *
I Call Shotgun - *
Leon Dating A Ballerina
NSFW Alphabet
Leon Dating A College Student
Leon and S/O W/ Migraines
Steak and Fries and Pasta
Leon and Poet
Returned Affections - *
Migraines Headcanons
Overstimulation - *
Repressed Leon -*
Bitter Friends
Little Bit Of Affirmation
Poly!Leon/Raihain/Reader -*
A/B/O Leon Headcanons - *
A Full Belly Headcanons - *
Leon Spa Day
Show Time - *
Cold Coffee - Sequel to Show Time
Pegged - *
Getting Dom’d - *
A Full Belly Headcanons
Sugar and Spice
Prince Lear:
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
Special Treatment - *
Short S/O Headcanons
Raihan - Dom’d -*
Pelted Popcorn
Frosted Windows
Poly!Leon/Raihan/Reader -*
A Full Belly Headcanons
Happy Birthday
Steven Stone:
NSFW Alphabet
2K notes · View notes
quirkfics · 3 years
Hiya wanted to say I love your work and also request noise for iguchi x reader thanks!
Iguchi's face is hidden in the crook of his elbow, eyes squeezed tightly shut, even as you trail kisses along the length of his neck. It's not that he isn't enjoying himself, or that he doesn't want to participate - the hand he has on your hip, trembling to keep himself from grasping too fiercely, tells you exactly how much he wants to touch you - but he's doing his level best to keep quiet, to keep still.
Iguchi is so responsive, no matter the level of affection, that it's almost become a game: How long can he last without making any noise?
It's muffled, but you think you catch him whimpering your name. His shoulders slump when you laugh. "Y-you win," Iguchi mumbles, shifting his arm so you can hear him clearly.
"I think we both win."
80 notes · View notes
sanchoyo · 5 years
sksksk coffee shop au + roommate au for shigaraki and spinner bc i know u lov them
     Shuichi was so goddamn tired of his backwater town, full of small-minded people, so when he realized he’d finally saved enough to move to the city, the relief was so overwhelming he started crying.
The City! Full of opportunities, and no one- or at least, not as many people, would look twice at him! He’d saved enough for two months of rent, plus utilities and food! 
…For the small town rates. In his excitement, he might have forgotten how much pricier The City was; shattered were his dreams of lofty penthouses. But..he could look for roommates! The idea made him nervous, but this was The City! He could reinvent himself as someone who liked to be social! 
…And his money was running lower every day he squatted at the shitty motel, and every day his mom called, and he still didn’t have an answer to soothe her endless worries. He wasn’t going back home, he was too damn stubborn.
But by the weeks end, his hope had nearly gone out. As he got more desperate, shitty places started looking better- he could ignore a little mold! A terrible draft, leaking roof and no heat? Well, better than rats! 
There was a wanted ad on craigslist (yes, shady drug deal craigslist- he’d gotten some cheap, cool stuff (like swords!) in the past though, so don’t knock it!) for a roommate. The listing showed a nice apartment- it was no penthouse, but..it didn’t have mold, or visible cracks in the wall. It was short and to the point:
-Roommate wanted. No heroes, No cops. 20000 Yen / mo. Utilities included. Reply to set up interview.
…And why was it so cheap? The no cops and no heroes part threw him off for only a second; but he wasn’t exactly a fan of either, so no big deal. He replied, asking for the interview, and only got an address and date back, for tomorrow. Thank god. This was it! He was going to get a roommate, and get started in The City, and not get any organs harvested, probably! 
He had the jitters; the potential roommate, (potential organ harvester), wanted to meet at an ungodly hour, so he decided to fill his day with caffeine. Because more jitters was what he needed, and it was cold out so it was totally justified, and looked like a more adult choice than an energy drink, even if that’s what he was craving. He needed something huge, with too much sugary shit on it.
The menu was practically hieroglyphic to him.
“A venti?” The man behind the counter asked. Shuichi floundered. He’d never been in a real coffee shop like this; he was a total fast food junkie, his old town only having a single McDonalds.
“Uh, is that the big one?”
The man was enjoying this. Where other people might have been helpful, he was just grinning, leaning on the counter. Shuichi was even more flustered when he got a good look, because powder blue hair tied up into a ponytail framed sharp red eyes: this wasn’t an average barista, this was a Hot Barista. And his gaze wasn’t letting up, not even a little.
“Yeah, it’s the big one. This is your first time ordering here, isn’t it?”
“You don’t have to be rude about it.” He fumbled. “Yeah, a venti.”
“Wasn’t trying to be rude. Actually, how about this. I throw in a few espresso shots for free.”
“Really?! Sure!” He had no idea what that meant, but the man’s sweet smile convinced him.
“Okay, what’s the name for that?” 
“Sh..Spinner!” It was a snap decision; Being in The City, he needed to totally reinvent himself! Shuichi Iguichi was a socially anxious mess, depressed from a small town’s small ideas; Spinner was a cool, brave, outgoing guy who wasn’t afraid to try new things in his coffee or talk to new people!
It only took a minute; at this hour, not a lot of people were waiting around.
He was shaking so bad when he got to the apartment and couldn’t actually feel his sky-rocking heart anymore.
“Fuckin’ asshole poisoned me, stupid city-” His teeth were chattering, and he pulled his thin jacket around himself tighter. He’d downed the massive cup of coffee in one go because it tasted good! But something was definitely wrong, his heart had never raced this fast in his whole life. Even after several energy drinks on a serious gaming night! 
The place looked normal, maybe a sketchy neighborhood, but nothing too bad.
A single knock on the door was all it took before it nearly flung off it’s hinges.
“Omigosh hiii! You must be the new roommate!” A blonde girl was grinning up at him with fangs bared. “What’s your name? I’m Toga!”
“Uh- I haven’t- I’m not really a roommate yet, I just g-”
“Toga, give the guy some space! I’m Jin, don’t even think about coming in my room or I’ll kill you! Haha, but actually come in whenever you want, don’t listen to me!”
“Honestly, you’re both crowding him. Give the boy some space.” A..magician..? Said. Yes. A Magician. Right.
The City was wild. More people kept popping out of rooms…
“Hey.” A man sitting on the couch waved. “Dabi.”
A woman beside him waved a hand too, grinning behind stylish glasses. “Magne, but everybody calls me big sis, so don’t be formal~”
“Uh. Sh..Spinner. Am I at the right place?”
“Rents cheap ‘cause we all live here! Pretty cushy, right?” Toga spun her arms, as if to show him the living room. It..was nice enough, but for this many people? “Not that all of us hafta pay, but it’s good for people in need! Tomura’s so nice like that-”
“Kurogiri does the renting out for the landlord because he’s usually busy.” The magician informed him. “But he’s out this evening running errands, so you’ll have to talk to Tomura.”
“S-Sure. Where-”
“Over at the end of the hall.” Magne informed him. Everyone had gone oddly quiet, a stark contrast to the chaos earlier.
“Good luck, Spinner!” Jin saluted. “We won’t forget you!”
“He isn’t dead yet.” Dabi deadpanned. He wanted to think they were joking; but could he be sure? 
He knocked on the door labeled ‘KEEP OUT’, and slowly twisted the knob. The room was pitch black except a game pause screen from a computer, illuminating crushed soda cans and powder blue hair.
No fucking way.
“You’re the coffee guy!”
“How are you still standing?” Gone was the clean uniform with too many buttons and the messy cute ponytail; the guy was in black pajamas and looked like he’d slammed hard drugs or something; his eyebags looked pretty serious in this lighting. 
“Do you get off on trying to give customers heart attacks?! Seriously-”
“I gave you a free product, why are you complaining?”
The guy, Tomura? Had enough decency to look a little embarrassed.
“…I thought you were a newbie hero or something.”
“What?! So you spiked my coffee?” He remembered the ‘no hero’ bit from the ad; this guy clearly wasn’t a fan. But… “Why would you think that?”
“…” He idly scratched his neck, and his eyes drifted to Shuichi’s well-defined arms. “I dunno.”
“…Sure. So you work at a cafe during the day and rent out apartments by night. I, uh..wanted to ask about that- the apartment!”
“Yeah, so this is it. The landlord is a regional manager for all the AFOffee’s Coffees around here; pretty much everyone here works at one- Toga doesn’t because she’s still in school, Mr. C adopted her so they live here…you can live here if you have a criminal record or whatever, bad credit, the landlord isn’t strict, but he’s got two rules.”
“Uh-no heroes or cops, right?”
“That’s one of them. The other is that if you’re able to work, you have to work at one of his shops. He’s gotta pretty fierce competition with All Might’s Express Marts. The pay’s good.”
A place to live and a job? He’d never heard of such a law- was it even legal to force your tenants to work for you? He didn’t know enough about the laws to know, and the place was shady, so were the people; but..but he’d come this far! He’d already decided he could handle shady! If he had to throw away his morals to make it here, so be it! He’d work for them!
“O-Okay! Yeah, let’s do it!”
“Okay, ‘Spinner’. I’m Tomura. Shigaraki.” He shuffled some papers around; they were crumpled up under the cans of soda, something spilt and stained on them. “Just fill it out. Also, if you quit the job before you move out, the manager will kill you.”
He laughed, and Spinner hoped he was joking.
But he kinda doubted it.
So the first day was rough- by the end of the week he was ready to give up and die. He’d entered a pseudo-coffee-cult living situation. When Tomura had said the ‘manager’, he’d meant himself. His landlord- (who, apparently adopted him? Toga and Jin told him in late-night gossip-y talks that it was ‘complicated’ and that Kurogiri, who lived in the apartment above theirs basically raised Tomura for the landlord. The man seemed like the only one who ever brought food over that wasn’t junk.) Anyway, the landlord? Was also the district manager of all the AFOffee’s- and the founder, so kinda also the CEO- and Shigaraki was in line to inherit the whole business, so he got an easy ride into managerial status at a young age. 
And he for sure did get off on fucking up orders, putting way too much sugar or caffeine in them and watching people try the vile concoctions. He was a sadist for sure. Maybe even the devil. Spinner had watched him down a cup that was half espresso shots and half ‘LOV energy drink XTREME ENERGY’ topped with whipped cream without flinching.
Also, that might have been the moment Spinner decided he felt strongly towards him; which way was debatable,it was always rapidly oscillating between a serious crush and seriously wanting to crush him. Because he got the absolute ass jobs, like scrubbing toilets and cleaning stuff around the bar instead of doing anything important or cool!
…As cool as you could get in a cafe, like, doing those cool patterns in coffee cream! 
So he’d hit his limit, and stormed up to Shigaraki, crossing his arms and trying to look stern.
“Oi, Shigaraki! Why do you keep giving me the worst jobs?”
Red eyes blinked slowly at him, like Shuichi was stupid. Which made him more mad. 
“Seriously! I want to be up here making the stuff!”
“…Sure, if you feel so strongly about it, I’ll train you up here.” He was surprised by how easily that was resolved, and almost felt bad for being so snappy.
“Uh. Okay! Thanks!”
“Yeah. So let’s start with sizes, since I know you don’t know them.” 
It dawned on him, sometime later, that Shigaraki had been giving him the easy jobs, one hundred percent, absolutely. Customer service was a huge bitch, customers were all evil, and he was seriously considering doing some very mean, villainous things to them. He was only human! It wasn’t his fault if he wasn’t going as fast as they wanted, or if he messed up sometimes! 
(Also, the coffee machine itself was distracting. It had googly eyes, and Tomura called it ‘Noumu’ affectionately. And he was totally distracted and spilling shit all the time because of that, not because of how cute his boss slash housemate was- yeah.)
“I hate people,” He seethed. Shigaraki nodded. They were in the break room, about to open. “How do you even deal with that?”
“I hate them too. I deal with it because I’m the manager.” It was a shockingly mature answer. “Also, I get to tell them ‘no’ and tell them how stupid they are without being fired.”
“But if they give you too much of a hard time, let me know.”
“Sure,” He said, noncommittally, because he didn’t really feel too comfortable relying on his boss too much; even if they lived together and kinda had gaming nights and stuff, it was like Shigaraki had a ‘day’ and ‘night’ mode; by night he was the kinda creepy, but fun gaming buddy roommate among several in their weird, kind of sweet clique, but during the day he put on a brave face and marched into the warzone that was fronting as a quaint coffee shop on the corner. It was admirable; Spinner really liked that about the guy. 
No matter what, he never bullshitted either. Which was why Spinner was so conflicted about telling him how he’d been feeling, because while Shigaraki seemed to carefully consider how all of them felt, what if he was so honest that he’d laugh in his face? He could barely imagine it, but what if? The thought killed him, so he pushed it back.
Opening the door was like opening the gates of hell; a businessman marched up to the counter, toting a Very Important Business Briefcase, and sunglasses indoors- but of course still made time to glare at Spinner with a tilt of his head.
“Two tall, iced, sugar-free, vanilla latte with half whole and half soy milk. And one non-fat frappuccino, tall, with two pumps vanilla.”
It was Friday, opening hour, and there was already a line, and this jerkoff wanted some really extra shit. 
“Sure, can I get a name?” He got the name, and even made the drinks perfectly in record time! Not only were they perfect, but they were pretty as hell, and his handwriting had gotten a lot less shaky since starting this job.
He’d been so pleased when handing the drinks over that he had held them a little too tightly and one of his claws slipped into the plastic, making it go everywhere on the counter.
“Oh- I’m so sorry!” He gasped, pulling it back. Luckily, it hadn’t gotten on the guy, and it was iced, not hot, so- “I’ll make you another-”
“This is unbelievable. I’m going to be late to a meeting with the CEO- do you have any idea who I am? I’m about to be a business partner with this company you work for- I can get you fired over this.”
“What? I can make you another-” He gritted his teeth. “There’s no need to-”
“I want to speak to the manager, now,” The man had the audacity to snap his gloved fingers. Spinner was reaching his breaking point. 
Then, deathly calm, Tomura cleared his throat from behind Spinner.
“I’m the manager.”
The man looked far too smug, and Tomura looked composed, but there was something wild in his eyes. Spinner took a step back unconsciously to get distance from the shitshow that was about to go down.
“Your employee spilled my drink everywhere. I think I should get something for that, and I think you should discipline him for that. If my subordinates messed up that badly, there’d be worse than a firing.”
“Is that so? What would you have me give you?”
“Upgrade my drink for free- no, the whole order free, make it a grande. That seems fair for my time.”
“A grande is smaller than a venti, dipshit.” He actually reached across the counter and ripped the man forward by his tie, halfway across the counter. Other customers yelped and flinched back, but Spinner just stared, wide-eyed in awe. “You have some nerve, coming in here asking my employee if he knows who you are when you don’t know who I am. He’s worth a hundred of you, and I’m going to call right now and make sure that you don’t only never get that business deal, but that you never step foot in an AFOffee again.”
“You can’t do that- I’m- I’m in the yakuza, I’ll-”
Tomrua slammed his head on the table so hard he made the man black out.
“Dude,” Spinner whispered. “That was so badass. Where-”
“The landlord used to be into crime, but decided to open up chain restaurants instead. Turns out ruling through capitalism is easier than villainy, but I picked up some tricks in the transition.”
“Uh,” Spinner’s mouth felt like cotton. That..explained a lot, actually. “Cool.”
“Yeah, we’re going to have to close for the day and clean this up; we can’t have anyone putting this on social media. Maybe I was too hasty?” He scratched his neck. “When I saw him berating you like that I got angry.”
So Spinner was certain those strong feelings were admiration, and kinda love? Because he’d never had someone fuck a guy up like that for him, and something about that was so…
So violently sweet.
“How do you do it?” He found himself asking while they were sweeping up; Kurogiri had stopped by and portalled the concussed yakuza away a while ago, and only the two of them were left in the shop. “Don’t you get fed up with that all the time?”
“Of course I do. I feel like I have so much pressure on me all the time, being next in line for this. I want to crush everything; I want to make those damn customers feel the despair they try to put on us.”
“I do too!” spinner gripped his broom tighter. “I want to see you destroy them all! So-!”
“Spinner.” Tomura interrupted him. “Kurogiri wants to reno one of the rooms into an activity room since there’s so many of us now.”
“What?” His heart practically stopped beating. He had been in the middle of a confession here!
“So..move into my room.” 
“…There’s one bed.”
“And?” Tomura shrugged. “Kurogiri and Compress sleep together. I think Dabi and Magne-”
“I- What the hell. Of course I want to sleep with you, you don’t need to ask in such a roundabout way!” As soon as the words were out of his mouth he could feel his cheeks burning. “There’s so much I like about you, but you’re the most frustrating guy ever! Seriously, you-”
“Jeez, I wasn’t being roundabout, stop yelling-” Tomura had gotten up in his face, but instead of squabbling more, he brushed his lips against Spinner’s briefly, effectively shutting down all of his major brain functions. “-Oh, and relationships with employees is against the rules, so you’re fired.”
“Those two seem cozy.” Magne commented.
“Please, we’re all a little cozy with each other. How long have we been living together?” Jin waved a hand. “They’re basically married!”
“I heard Tomura fired Spinner! Like, fired him!” Toga pouted. “He made up some weird rule that we had to work for him or something to spend time with him at work ‘cause he thought he was all pretty, but then cut it short! I don’t get it!”
“Ah, isn’t it obvious? It’s young love,” Compress sipped his tea. “They were making eyes since Spinner came in here, and then they were coworkers, and now…”
“And they were roommates.” Dabi said, smirking.
“Oh my god!” Toga shrieked with laughter. “They were roommates!”  
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let-me-vibe · 4 years
*Ahem* Feline Shuichi Iguichi; you are...NOT THE FATHER! (He probably already knew that but just let me make this joke, Hearth)
| °O°
No Shu rights around here today folks 😪
At least he laughs at your jokes.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 6 years
I Screamed Into the Void, and He Told Me To Get Some Rest
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zZ1ciy by bdiddy150 (dismalspacenoodle)
by bdiddy150 (dismalspacenoodle)
There's a villain on the loose. Dubbed Chimera by the media, he's wreaking havoc on do-gooders and heroes alike. He's silent as the grave and powerful enough to easily rival the number two hero, Endeavor, but seems to be biding his time, refusing to make big moves.
At Yuuei, the students of class 1-A are in disarray. One of their classmates just died, after all, and his father, Endeavor, has refused to make a public statement. Everyone seems content to mourn on their own and move on with training, but Midoriya Izuku thinks that the death of Todoroki and the appearance of Chimera are too close together to be coincidental.
Or, Shouto is a villain who can't remember who he is and Izuku refuses to let the dead lie.
Words: 2349, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Dabi (My Hero Academia), Yaoyorozu Momo, Amajiki Tamaki, Toogata Mirio, Toga Himiko, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, I'll add more as I go - Character, Jirou Kyouka, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Sero Hanta, Iida Tenya, Tokoyami Fumikage, Kouda Kouji, Hagakure Tooru, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo, Dabi & Todoroki Shouto, Bubaigawara Jim | Twice & Toga Himiko, Kurogiri & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne & Shuichi Iguichi | Spinner, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku & Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Amnesia, ? - Freeform, Psychological Trauma, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Violence, Panic Attacks, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, the league is a chaotic dysfunctional family, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor is a Bitch, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi and Todoroki Shouto Are Siblings, Villain Shouto, Heroes to Villains, Shouto is a little bit of a bitch, but we love him, why is amajiki in here if there's no internships yet? you ask, because I love him, anyways he's a background character, you don't have to read the manga to get this, Murder, duh - Freeform, Identity Issues, listen the timeline in bnha is so shaky i'm not even trying, they're in the dorms, Tada
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zZ1ciy
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