whatodoo-finland · 2 years
IPK - Hermes - Iisalmi, Finland | 10 Mar, 2023.
Find out more / Tickets are here.
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✯ Round 4 ✯ Match 5 ✯
The current flag of Iisalmi, North Savo, Finland
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The current flag of Gallup, New Mexico, United States
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Tournament Policies: ✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you! ✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary! ✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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flagwars · 23 days
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Finland City Flag Wars: Round 3, Bracket 2
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An introduction to VR multiple units, part 4: Dm12
The Dm12. Lipokas (Slipper) aka Vankka (Stout, Solid) aka Konkka (Bankruptcy), aka Peräkylän Pendolino (Backwater Pendolino... a dear child has many names. These stout boys are currently our only diesel railbuses in use, operating the slow-stopping services on non-electrified routes. They're also our newest multiple units in operation at the time of writing (the Sm6 Allegro trains are newer, but currently not in operation).
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A two-carriage Dm12 train in the current livery at Haapamäki, 2020. My photo.
Since I love context, to understand the Dm12 we need to go back over 30 years. Our previous mainstay railbus class, the Dm7, was retired in 1988. Diesel multiple units (DMUs) remained in use on some local services using the Dm9 units (downgraded from the original express services), but these too were withdrawn in 1990. No new diesel multiple units were built to replace either class; instead, services previously operated with DMUs were replaced by locomotive-hauled trains using blue carriages (which were in turn replaced by the new Intercity coaches on many long-distance trains). This resulted in some funny combinations, such as a single carriage being hauled by a single locomotive.
As should have been obvious from the start, not having any DMUs was A Very Bad Idea. Already in 1995 our Pieksämäki workshop rebuilt a second-class blue carriage into a DMU by putting in two bus engines and fitting control cabs at both ends. This single Dm10 unit was used successfully for three years around eastern Finland, but our illustrious leadership decided not to proceed any additional conversions due to the projected relatively short lifespan, instead ordering 16 brand new units from Alstom. The first of these Dm11 units were delivered in 1997... and quickly discovered to be heavier and noisier than specified, and the windshield had an unfortunate habit of freezing so the driver could not see. Already in 1997, we canceled the contract and all units were returned to the builder (reportedly they were eventually sold to Cuba).
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Left: The sole Dm10. Photo Nikolas Lintulaakso, Wikimedia Commons. Right: A rake of Dm11's inbound to Helsinki to be returned to the builder. Photo Jarkko Voutilainen, Vaunut.org.
Several new rounds of tenders were held over the subsequent years, none of which resulted in acceptable bids, until finally in 2001 ČKD Vagonka (today a part of Škoda Transportation) in the Czech Republic offered railbuses that fulfilled the specifications of the tender put out on that year. 16 units were ordered, with an option for 20 (which we never took up – a mistake, as we shall see).
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A two-carriage Dm12 rake at Seinäjoki, with the first car in the original livery apart from the added green high-visibility tape in the front. My photo.
The Dm12 railbuses finally entered service in 2005-2006. They have a service speed of 120 km/h and a capacity for 62 seated passengers. Funnily enough, they actually weight 8 metric tons more than the Dm11's abandoned due to excess weight. The new railbuses replaced locomotive-hauled trains on the routes Pieksämäki-Joensuu-Nurmes, Iisalmi-Ylivieska, Savonlinna-Parikkala, Jyväskylä to Tampere and Seinäjoki via Haapamäki and Karjaa-Hanko. Due to the better acceleration compared to locomotive-hauled trains, two stations (Oriveden keskusta and Kolho) could be (re-)opened without increasing travel times.
However, it quickly turned out the 16 Dm12's were not enough to cope with the passenger demands on all these services, and most notably Jyväskylä-Seinäjoki reverted to locomotive-hauled trains already in 2007 (but returned to Dm12's in 2011). For reasons unknown to the author, despite the clear need for more railbuses the option for additional units was never taken up, and no additional DMU's of other design have been ordered to date, despite there being more demand than the Dm12 can cope with on many routes.
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The middle passenger compartment of a Dm12. Otto Karikoski, Wikimedia Commons.
Perhaps a reason for not building any more Dm12's is their unfortunate habit of catching fire. Between 2007 and 2022, Dm12's have burnt no less than 15 times. The whole class has been out of service due to the fires twice, first in 2012 and again in 2022. One unit was damaged so badly it had to be withdrawn from service entirely. And the fires have not been the only problems with the class, often less than a half of the Dm12's have been in operable condition.
Still, despite the persistent problems, there have been no concreate plans to get new, less combustible railbuses, or even to simply get more railbuses so there would be enough of them to go around. The situation was slightly improved in 2020, when passenger services between Karjaa and Hanko ceased for the duration of electrification works. Passenger services on the route will restart next week, but using Sm4 class electric multiple units.
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 5 months
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Päivi Eskelinen
s. 1960 Iisalmi Asuu ja työskentelee Helsingissä.
Eskelinen valmistui Filosofian maisteriksi Helsingin yliopistosta (Italialainen filologia, taidehistoria) 2006 sekä Filosofian tohtoriksi (Italialainen filologia) 2013.
Eskelinen on pitänyt lukuisia yksityis- ja ryhmänäyttelyitä ja hänen teoksiaan on useassa kokoelmassa.
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bluesrockjazz · 2 years
Robben Ford & The Band Iisalmi, Finland
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spreejobs · 2 months
Substitution of a nurse Job Vacancy in Iisalmi, Finland
Substitution of a nurseJob Vacancy in Iisalmi, Finland Welcome to the Pohjois Savo Welfare Area in Iisalmi! We are looking for a nurse for a temporary substitute for the primary care department. Read more about working with us, and apply soon! Ylä-Savo’s wards are primary health care wards with 26-30 beds, where patients who are acutely ill and need short-term hospital treatment and…
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nectalinks · 2 months
Voita Iisalmi ja tienoot -verkkokauppaan lahjakortti! Arvonta päättyy 31.8. Arvonnan järjestäjä Iisalmen kaupunki
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formula1986 · 6 months
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At Pori 2019, and at Iisalmi 2016. Learning to rescue, and learning "sculling". There were an instance where a reptilian humanoid couldn't take my presence well. Tried to make stop my training.
There are a lot reptilians. Finding 'reptilian shapeshifting' videos online helps. Freakin' youtubes. Howabout bitchute. Try reptilian eye. Keyword.
watching men and females, boys and girls at the pool. lol
what is missing is toddler training, and beach rescue dog service, he he
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rtvhuoltortvhuolto · 1 year
Antennihuolto iisalmi
RTV-Huolto tarjoaa lämpöpumppu- ja elektroniikkahuoltopalvelut Iisalmessa ja lähialueilla. Meiltä löydät asennus-, korjaus- ja huoltopalvelut mm. Mitsubishi Electric
Antennihuolto iisalmi
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pakdirectcargo01 · 1 year
Antennihuolto iisalmi
RTV-Huolto tarjoaa lämpöpumppu- ja elektroniikkahuoltopalvelut Iisalmessa ja lähialueilla. Meiltä löydät asennus-, korjaus- ja huoltopalvelut mm. Mitsubishi Electric
Antennihuolto iisalmi
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whatodoo-finland · 2 years
IPK - Peliitat - Iisalmi, Finland | 4 Feb, 2023.
Find out more / Get Tickets here.
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✯ Round 3 ✯ Match 9 ✯
The current flag of Spring Grove Village, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
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The current flag of Iisalmi, North Savo, Finland
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Tournament Policies: ✯ Choose the flag that's more meaningful to you! ✯ Be respectful of place names and cultural symbols in your commentary! ✯ If you want to submit propaganda, you may do so at the submission form linked in the pinned post. It will only be included if it is submitted before the next post with that flag is drafted and will be included in all subsequent posts the flag is featured in.
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flagwars · 27 days
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Finland City Flag Wars: Round 1, Bracket 7
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Osaatko kertoa jotain Sukevan asemasta ja sen vanhasta asemarakennuksesta? Ihastelen sitä aina kun oon sukuloimassa ja isotäti osaa vaan kertoa et se on myyty yksityiseen omistukseen.
Ooo, jotain muita kuin Etelä-Suomen vanhoja-vanhoja asemia!
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Sukevan asema kuvattuna vuonna 2013. Kuva Ost1121, Wikimedia Commons.
Sukevan asema on rataosalla Iisalmi–Kajaani, ja se on yksi radan alkuperäisistä asemista eli avattiin liikenteelle radan valmistuessa vuonna 1904. Toisin kuin aiemmissa asemien esittelyissä kerrotut paikkakunnat, Sukeva oli tärkeä kyläkeskus jo ennen rautatien tuloa ja oli itsestään selvää että sinne tulisi myös asema. Sukeva oli alkujaan ainoa varsinainen asema Iisalmen ja Kajaanin välillä; kaikki muut liikennepaikat olivat pysäkkejä tai laiturivaihteita.
Sukevan asemarakennus on Rautatiehallituksen silloisen arkkitehdin Bruno Granholmin suunnitteleman Iisalmen radan V:n luokan aseman tyyppipiirrustusten mukainen. Se edustaa kansallisromanttista tyyliä ja on säilynyt hyvin alkuperäistä vastaavassa asussaan. Samoilla piirrustuksella piirrettyjä asemia on Kuopio–Iisalmi-radan lisäksi myös Porin Mäntyluodossa; Iisalmi–Kajaani-radalla sen sijaan Sukevan asema on ainoa noilla piirrustuksilla tehty.
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Sukevan asemalla oli alkujaan komea yhdistetty vesitorni ja halkokatos höyryvetureiden polttoainetäydennystä varten, mutta se on sittemmin purettu. Tietoa vesitornin suunnittelijasta ei ole minulla käytettävissä olleissa materiaaleissa, mutta olettaisin senkin olevan Granholmin kynästä. Kuva Tapio Keränen, Vaunut.org.
Lipunmyynti Sukevan asemalla loppui vuonna 2000 ja asema muutettiin miehittämättömäksi vuonna 2006 kun turvalaitetöiden myötä koko rataosa siirtyi kauko-ohjattavaksi Iisalmelta käsin. Tämän jälkeen asemarakennus siirtyi Senaatti-kiinteistöille ja myytiin yksityiselle jo 2007, mutta junat toki pysähtyvät edelleen Sukevassa.
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Sukevan asemalla oli myös yksi Suomen viimeisesti käsikäyttöisistä asetinlaitteista, joilla siis ohjattiin vaihteita ja opastimia. Kuva Ilari Eskelinen, Vaunut.org.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Finland has submitted a plea for defence-trade guarantees from Israel, in connection with its purchase of an air defence system, Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) (HS) writes on Monday morning.
The so-called David's Sling air defence system uses air pulses to help defend against potential air and missile threats.
Finland has requested that the supply contract binds Israel into continuing to supply critical parts of its anti-aircraft missile system even in the event of war, according to the newspaper report.
Israel has been criticised for not providing arms to Ukraine because it does not want to jeopardise its relations with Russia over the situation in Syria, the newspaper notes.
"We have wanted to make this arrangement so that the material is also available from Israel in a situation of crisis. The aim is to ensure that additional material is available in all security circumstances," Defence Ministry expert Frans Peltonen tells HS.
The Finnish Ministry of Defence announced that Finland would be purchasing the system from Israeli defence equipment company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems on 5 April.
The deal is reportedly worth 392 million euros and includes missile platforms, missiles, data links and sensors from the Israeli company Elta. There is also an additional purchase option of some 264 million euros, which, if selected, would bring the total price tag to some 660 million euros.
"The arms deal is the most important and most anticipated of the year. The lessons learned from the war in Ukraine have highlighted the importance of air defence," the newspaper writes.
Bus firm's illegal imports from Russia
Traffic authority Traficom has slapped Iisalmi-based bus company Mika K. Niskanen with a 442,000 euro fine after finding the firm illegally imported diesel fuel from Russia. The story was picked up by tabloid Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) (IS).
Investigations revealed that the company had been fuelling two of its buses in the Russian city of Vyborg for years, systematically importing full tanks to Finland to fuel its other vehicles.
The paper adds that investigators found a set of guidelines which instructed employees to fuel vehicles from the company's parking hall tank, instead of Teboil's gas stations.
Mika K. Niskanen's management has admitted issuing the instructions and fuelling the Russia-imported gas to other vehicles belonging to the group.
Sunshine until the weekend
The sunny spell of the recent days is set to continue this week, according to Tampere-based Aamulehti (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
Based on a forecast provided by Finnish news agency STT, Aamulehti writes that the mercury could pass the 15-degree mark in southwestern areas this week, but will most likely stay below 20 degrees Celsius.
"Thursday and Friday will be the warmest days of the week, especially in the south, according to current forecasts. Temperatures in the south could rise to over 15 degrees Celsius. In the north, it could approach 10 degrees Celsius," Ville Siiskonen of the Finnish Meteorological Institute says.
A high-pressure system has also kept the weather exceptionally dry. However, Siiskonen said that dry conditions may ease by the weekend with the arrival of a low-pressure front that could also bring showers.
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