mediumofthestars · 9 years
✯@Ikeatrice, @Notthatspiky: A Bittersweet Turnabout
✯ (Continuation of this)
✯ [Deleted]
✯ [Text] Thks for the Valntines <3<3<3!!! We shuld eat thse togethr ;)
✯ [Deleted]
✯ Maya was having some difficulty with coming with the best way of thanking Beatrice for the chocolate box she’d gotten earlier. Of course, it wasn’t actually the ‘witch’ who sent it to her, but that’s what Maya wanted to believe. Her Golden Truth, if I can call it that.
✯ She thought that, after her blushing incident at the Mystery Shack, that she’d lost all her chances with the blonde, but it seems like she was wrong! Ahhhh, Maya is feeling so happy right now~. And nervous. Terribly, excruciatingly nervous. Her hands shouldn’t be shaking this much just for trying to type something good.
✯ At last, she decided on what to send.
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✯ [FROM]: Maya Fey ✯ [TO]: Beatrice the Golden
✯ [Text] So errr... happ Vday, Miss Batrice!!!! ✯ [Text] Hw are u doin tday?
✯ Good thing you don’t need to stutter while typing.
✯ While Maya is doing this, the cursed chocolate box is right there at her side, sitting at the sofa of the apartment she shares with Phoenix. She hasn’t eaten any of the treats yet because she wants to be sure she’s right about who sent them first. Hopefully, Phoenix won’t take too long to arrive after his own chocolate incident...
@ikeatrice > @notthatspiky
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whyamisweaty · 9 years
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    Couches oftentimes ended up being more comfortable than beds, Dipper had quickly come to realize, particularly when one has been through a particularly exhausting day. This afternoon –morning? Evening, maybe? It certainly felt like the afternoon, in any case– a young man found himself waking up from a deep sleep. At first it was groggy, slow, like sleeping in on a Sunday morning, but it didn’t take long for Dipper to jolt up with a start, scattering the mess of papers that loosely hung out of the book draped over his stomach. 
    “Shit!” First he looked to the window at the midday sun beaming in, then to the friend who’d just woken him upon their entrance into their own apartment, then to his watch whose digital numbers blinked incessantly on 99:99:99. “Shit,” he repeats, quieter and to himself, mostly in response to the broken watch, but also in response to falling asleep on Sayo’s couch. Again.
    “Sorry, Sayo,” Dipper sighs, gathering the scattered papers and stuffing them into the age-worn book whose seams looked ready to split any minute. “It was a rough night. I was...” 
    His brow furrowed for a minute. He didn’t remember. 
    “Thanks for letting me crash here again.”
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odiodise · 9 years
Abuse cycled constantly- an endless repeat no matter how far one was into the future or past. It happened to emerge whenever it could, and it never failed to show the pain that bloomed beautifully from its victim.
A girl was seen in an alleyway, her doll taken away from her by an older man that mocked at her as he lifted it in the air out of her reach. She begged, pleaded for him to drop her friend- but he refused and snickered at her instead. Two hands wrung tightly around the neck and torso of the stuffed animal, and he started to pull and twist, disfiguring the rabbit until it resembled dirty washcloth.
Her screams became louder, telling him to stop, but her voice was nothing more than ghost whispers to his ears. 
Falling gently to the ground were parades of cotton that began to cover around them, white and soft like fresh snow on an early December morning. There was a shriek in response, and the fabricated corpse now tossed aside, her knees shook and fell to the ground, fingers crawling around to clutch against whatever she could to save her only friend. As for the man, he laughed at her one last time before making his leave, abandoning the child with fear still alert in her head.
Don’t cry- she reminded herself. Nee-san always told her to never cry, that it was stupid of her to present herself so pitifully in public. Therefore, she stared solemnly at the mess in front of her, mourning the death of her dear companion. 
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truemansamejima · 9 years
@Ikeatrice: Samejima and Maid Cafe
Ahhhh, nothing like a good restaurant to fill Samejima’s stomach after a hard day of work and snowball fights. Mainly snowballs fights. His chosen place today was one of these NPC-run shops that nobody really pays attention to (thanks to the concorrence of places like Just Desserts, Tinkerbulls and Toro Nagashi), but can be used at threads anyway.
While waiting for a waiter to attend him, a loud noise could be heard close to the demon. Looks like one of the waitresses has lost balance and let her trays fall from her hands and head to the floor, oh noes! Who can stop such a tragedy from concluding?
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“I CAN!!!” Oh, that’s right! With Samejima’s manliness, it was pretty easy for him to swiftly catch the falling trays and rearrange them in a super sophisticated manner fitting for a high class restaurant, just like not even a grain of rice was wasted. He’s truly the hero we deserve!
“Here, dude, all’s safe now. Ya can get back to your work.” Samejima talked to the aforementioned waitress, who happened to be actually a PC...
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aceof4s · 9 years
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>>        “So you live here too? Great! That’s tremendous. I was wondering what all those other rooms were for. But as it turns out, hey, you’ve got a flatmate! Never would have seen that coming.”
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♒ = lying to them .
♒ = lying to them
“Hmph. I had hoped that, perhaps, I’d stumbled across somebody in this city I could trust… Evidently not.”
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opticallyenhanced · 9 years
Risk Assessment || Closed RP @ ikeatrice
It had been some time since Shalem remembered speaking with either Shannon or Kanon. Especially after he had... dealt with Beatrice. Of course, in a city like this, the unfortunate reality was that death was not permanent. But in a sense, he felt he sent a message. Hopefully that would serve enough for now.
Though in the back of his mind, Shalem felt strange. Usually, his targets stay dead when he murdered them. They don’t usually come back to life afterwards. But I guess the scientists weren’t going to make an exception this time.
What a shame.
What also was strange was that he had made a few calls out to both Shannon and Kanon, trying to get in contact with them. But the strangest thing was that he was unable to get in contact with them. Perhaps he was merely calling at a wrong time. Yet he needed to speak with them. Tell them what he had done.
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He couldn’t wait for a phone response though. So he simply headed to their apartment. Perhaps he’ll catch them in their apartment.
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It was nice, actually, to not be hounded just for going out as Takatsuki Sen. No one seemed to recognize the award-winning author, and it was surprisingly pleasant. She did enjoy her fans’ company, talking with them and the like, but to be able to walk down a crowded street and not be asked for an autograph... Well, it was refreshing. She actually enjoyed it.
But, it was strange to not see her books in the front window of any and every bookstore worth its spit. Standing in front of one in particular, the author didn’t recognize any of the titles. What a shame! She liked to keep up with the latest works... 
Her eyes glanced over at the person who’d just walked up beside her; a woman. Was she curious, too? ... How fascinating. Any person who liked reading enough to take time out of their busy day to stop at any old book store was enough to catch her eye. She looked friendly enough, anyway.
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“Hi there -- any of these books look any fun to read to you?”
What a great way to start a conversation than to start with literature!
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whyamisweaty · 9 years
    His mission was a simple one; find people willing to buy a certain product, then send them off to Mabel to purchase it. Simple. Illegal, maybe, but the Pines learned from the best conman out there. So Dipper strides up to one person, one who looks quiet and distant. 
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    “Some lame party, am I right?” Not that it was, it was more like a hook to find potential customers for their under-the-table juice trade.
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odiodise · 9 years
A drink, then two- and the numbers seemed to escalate at a gradual level, though not too riveting enough to overthrow her conscious mind. She stopped once the headache kicked in, swaying back and forth like ocean waves that danced in the breeze.
Her glass clinked against the refreshment table as she set it down, an arm crossed while another raised to touch her forehead. It was then followed by the sound of muffled footsteps approaching her from the side, and naturally, her head turned to face golden locks tied neatly into twin tails.
Nearly had she mistaken the person as another blonde she was rather familiar of at this point, but once her focal vision became distinctively clear on the other- she blinked once to refresh the image through her eyes. 
Did she know them? The back of her neck tingled, as if she were forgetting something. They kept staring at her, eyes wide and large, but all she had to offer was a peculiar stare- one in which she would give at an extraterrestrial entity that she had encountered too many times in this city. 
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sorelais · 9 years
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[ Σ ]—— “I’m quite curious... what do you think originates true happiness? Does it even exist at all? What is your stance on this?”
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crybabytrapmaster · 9 years
@Ikeatrice: A New Alliance? (Mediator Challenge)
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“Ummmm, this is no good, wa....” SATOKO stared at her most recent attempt at item creation. A rope - or rather, a miniature rope, thanks to this stupid limitation of her powers that Hive City imposed. It kinda beat the point of trying to use magic to improve trap confection if she couldn’t get the right materials as she wished.
At this rate, her grand plan would be seriously compromised...
All over the floor, one could see other things SATOKO tried to create: chains, holes, bamboo sprouts, etc. All of them the size of a basketball, at most. Even by using magic to create a large as she’d done before, it took several castings to produce something large enough to fir a human, which was pretty tiring and, honestly, almost as time consuming as simply getting a shovel and digging it.
Time... That was the key word here. She needed to fasten the creating process. She’d thought of some ways to get over the size limit, like summoning a chain link a time so that she could eventually have a whole chain, or make a string a time until she got a rope, but any of those took too long. If only she still had her guardian here at this city to guide her...
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potatoesandmolasses · 9 years
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    “If you’re a witch, does that mean you can grant wishes? Could you turn me into a magical flying tiger? Or help Big Henry learn how to ride a unicycle?”
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mediumofthestars · 9 years
✯@Ikeatrice: Trick or Turnabout
✯ As a good attraction worker at the Mystery Shack, it was Maya’s job to assure that all of her colleagues’ tricks were in top notch for the general public to see. Like, imagine if all of a sudden, their magical power failed and they were unable to keep it going?
✯ That’s why the medium was currently working at what she called an ‘emergency prop’. When real magic fails, a trick must be ready to keep the illusion going, otherwise the Shack will be defamed too quickly. Mind you, Maya had no actual eletrician or engineer skills, so this would prove to be a bit... hard, if not outright dangerous. She was much more of an ideas than an execution person.
✯ More speficially, Maya was working in making a system to make golden butterflies to appear from a secret compartiment, to help her colleague Beatrice. There was something missing, though... These plastic butterflies she’d made were only yellow. How could she make them glow golden? Also, she needed to add an extra ‘tcham’ to it, so people wouldn’t notice the strings that sustained them from the ceiling. Maybe the ‘witch’ herself could help?
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✯ “Hey, Ms. Beatrice, are you there?” Maya knocked at the door leading to the employees’ dressing room. “I need your help with a prop I’m making here, might help you!”
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hiveofmystery · 9 years
Name: Sayo "Beatrice" Yasuda
Age: legally 17, chronologically 19, 1000
Sector of Residence: 6
What position are you applying for?: Attraction!
Why do you think you make a good match for the Mystery Shack™?: With a name like the “Mystery Shack,” surely you’d appreciate a mystery-genre connoisseur like myself? Besides which, I happen to be a 1000-year-old witch–I’m sure I could pull out a few good tricks to impress your humble customers! As long as you’re willing to tolerate my furniture hanging around.
Anything else we should know?: I think you know all you need to know already, Dipper.
Who’s this “Sayo” person? Nobody I know of, hahaha! Consider yourself officially hired!
Just. Try not to murder anyone. This is a family establishment.
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Carousel of Agony: Start (Guardian challenge)
Ever on and on, 
I continue circling 
with nothing but my hate, 
in a carousel of agony...
It had happened almost by accident. Nick was doing his usual delivery rounds when he saw them.
It had been months since he was transported to Citta, but you don’t tend to forget the people who tried to kill you. Nick observed the mystery figures closely, trying to find any way he could be wrong… but sadly, he was not.
The Order of the Black Wheel was in Citta, too.
His first instinct was to get it over with. If they were here, they would find him and attack him eventually. Better to do it on his terms.
But when he stepped out to confront them… they greeted him cheerfully and continued on their way.
That was when the penny dropped.
The Citta chapter of the Black Wheel had no idea who Nick was.
Sitting near his partially-completed map, Nick weighed his options. The most obvious plan was to amass a force while they didn’t know who he was and crush them now. There were merits to that option, certainly. He was trying to do the same in his own world…
But the fact that these cultists knew nothing of him opened up a much more interesting option. He still didn’t know what the Black Wheel were planning, but he could find out.
He could join the Order of the Black Wheel.
Not an easy decision, to be sure. They had tried to kill each other more times than he could count. But it truly bugged him that he had no idea what their long-term goals were. If he just kept pruning them when they grew too big to hide, they’d make progress. He needed to cut them at the root.
And there was no way he could do it alone.
He needed people to work with him. To infiltrate different parts of the cult, and create an intelligence network, just like Jennifer did.
It took a long time, and a lot of research, but in time, he managed to get a team together. Not exactly the Resistance of his own world, but a formidable force nonetheless.
The first was Sayo. He confided in them early on, and secured their assistance.
Cloud, he pulled aside during work one day to ask. Sei overheard, and Nick didn’t turn down his offer to help.
Kanbaru Suruga he asked during one of their runs.
Palla... he was reluctant to involve her, but she insisted. And she suggested another, a mage named Gilles de Rais. Nick had briefly met him before.
And then there was Urataros. Nick had met him recently, but he seemed dependable and offered to help.
And now... it was time to begin.
“So, that’s what we’re all here for. Any questions before we start drawing up the plan?”
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