#ikesen nobunaga oda x reader
Behind The Veil - Oda Nobunaga (Ikemen Sengoku) ~ On Going
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A young woman, silent, yet extremely observant, finds herself in the middle of a carnage, along with her boyfriend, and ends up rescuing one of the most famous warlords in the History of Japan. They stare at each other, frowning at how weirdly they are dressed, but a single question makes the sky fall, and it shatters the reality and all the laws of physics and ration known to human-kind. Time-traveling exists.
Chapter 1 - A Demure Smile Chapter 2 - Unwritten Laws Chapter 3 - Tug of War Chapter 4 - Sutures Chapter 5 - Wabbit Season Chapter 6 - The Onsen Murder Chapter 7 - The Tiger's Invitation Chapter 8 - Starlight Sky Chapter 9 - Protecting You Chapter 10 - Smallpox Chapter 11 - Out Of Touch Chapter 12 - Poison Kiss
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blueberri-bois · 9 months
Warlord's Concubinus
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Part 1 | Part 2
When you saved a sleeping man from a burning building; you certainly didn't expect this outcome.
Dressed up in a seemingly very luxurious deep sea green yukata with a pale peach peony pattern made of fine silks; you were laid out on the man's futon. By dressed up, I mean that after he had taken you back to Azuchi Castle, you were whisked away into another room where they bathed, beautified, and clothed you. It was strange, given that you were a man in all this. Truthfully, you've never felt this pampered in your life and while it certainly does feel nice you're a bit nervous about what your new role entails.
As you remember it, Oda Nobunaga, the man whom you saved from that burning building had expressed his gratitude for you by offering to have you be trained by the many teachers at his disposal in the art of war. He expressed that he would be happy to have you fight with him on the battlefield as a fellow soldier. You, however, were not built for something as physically taxing as combat, nor did you have any interest in it; the bloodshed seemed unnecessary as you preferred to solve issues with words instead of violence and you told him as such.
He was amused by your response but thought on it for a while and suggested that you either become his servant or enter into a concubinage under him. To you, both alternatives were pretty similar but one was just slightly better than the other and the only reason that you're even considering these options is because the warlord didn't seem like he'd be letting you go any time soon.
Thus, you chose the role of a concubinus.
Why? Well, a concubine's/nus' job isn't simply to please their lord sensually; they are also entertainers. Being adept in many different things like games, playing instruments, singing, dancing and even painting, but that's only a handful of things. The true job is to entertain. A concubine/us is also treated quite nicely compared to a soldier and a servant and they have servants of their own.
Not that you'd ever like the idea of waiting on someone hand and foot or following their whims without the ability to say no anyway; that's why being a servant was swiftly crossed off the list. You weren't exactly the subservient type either.
So here you were, relaxing on the futon of a man you quite literally just met 5 hours ago; waiting for him to get out of whatever meeting that he started when he got back to the castle. And though you were starting to become impatient, you were also becoming drowsy from the low lighting of the small candle-lit paper lamp that sat on the tea table across the room and the surprisingly soft futon underneath you.
Resting your head on one of the pillows; you let your heavy lids begin to shut. The quiet sound of the door sliding open was unable to coax you into glancing its way; nor the husky chuckle that followed shortly after.
It seems that he's returned you thought as you drifted off to sleep.
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This work has some serious divergence from canon. This is most likely going to become a series instead of just a random oneshot, but that depends tbh.
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whatever-fanfics · 15 days
No one humbles them like their toddlers
Imagine Nobunaga with a mini him
Like he's in a meeting with the other warlords holding his toddler who was playing with a toy and becomes entranced by their papa who is speaking. 
And everyone’s faces turn to shock as their lord was dealt a serious blow to his face. 
Headline: Lord Nobunaga taken quick and strong by wooden toy! The blow was dealt by none other than his own child!!!
And further all the warlords look on in astonished surprise as this man has a full on conversation with his babbling baby as to why you can't hit daddy in the face.
Alternatively, he raises his sons challenge, in the middle of war council...
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afi-writes · 4 months
Until the Dawn Breaks
Oda Nobunaga x female reader
Losing in the game of Go can be a win on another battlefield, can it not? Once again, you are trying to beat Nobunaga in his own game while you both know how it is going to end. But which part of you he will conquer this time?
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You stare at the Go board and your pieces on it. There is no doubt in which direction the game has turned once more. You did your best, yet the result is spreading right in front of you. Trying to predict Nobunaga’s actions, you had made yours. And for a moment it had seemed that you would succeed. But now, everything is lost; there are no actions that could turn the tables for your benefit.
Nobunaga’s gaze is glued to the board as you wait for his next move. He’s taking his time as if the decision was difficult even though he must see what you are seeing.
You can’t help it. A warm bubble pops in the depths of you, making your skin tickle all over. You force your breathing to stay calm and your heartbeat steady… but it is as useless as to tell the birds not to chirp in the spring breeze.
Long fingers grab a black piece and move it on the board. Nobunaga is expressionless as he lifts his gaze. “Your turn.”
Your hand trembles as you shove a white piece forward. It’s pointless to pretend that you have choices. No matter what you do, the final outcome will be the same.
“Aren’t you eager~?” Nobunaga smirks at your movement, responding with his. It’s the last one, and he pushes the Go board aside. Some pieces roll on the tatami, but he doesn’t bother to pick them up. The carnelian eyes are now completely focused on you as restless waves course through your veins.
You lean your hands against the tatami, fingers brushing the material. Shallow breaths vibrate between your lips as you stare at the man before you.
Nobunaga is still smirking, getting smugger by the second as his gaze doesn’t waver from your curves. “Tell me you wanted to lose.”
So unfair. A couple of evenings earlier you had another game of Go. One you lost, obviously. That moonlit night, Nobunaga conquered your voice, telling you that you can only say what he wants you to say. Back in your day, that would have caused a serious discussion about consent… but then again, you both know that you already consented to his game. Now, you play by his rules.
That doesn’t mean, you happily admit his win and your loss. Gritting your teeth, you meet the carnelian gaze. “I wanted to lose.”
One day you will win yourself back. Perhaps.
Unless you will stop wanting to.
“I see.” Nobunaga inches closer. “Craving to know which part of you I’ll conquer tonight?”
You stay silent.
Nobunaga leans even closer until you can smell the sake in his breath. His fingers are reaching for your obi belt and manage to open it with a couple of fast tugs. “Admit it.”
Grabbing your yukata, you gasp. No way, you allow him to slide it off. You wouldn’t…
You would.
You know you would.
But no way you are telling him that.
“Tonight, I will conquer your sight.” Nobunaga rises. He roams behind you and brushes the wild strands of your hair behind your ears. “Close your eyes.” A mere whisper against your left eardrum.
Not obeying isn’t an option.
You let your lids flutter down, and the silk fabric caresses your face, wrapping around your head. The knot presses slightly to the back of your head but doesn’t hurt while you feel a fingertip toying with your earlobe.
“This already belongs to me.” A touch sweeps your hair just before the teeth meet the sensitive skin of your ear, pulling you into the borderland between pain and pleasure. You try to swallow your groan yet fail as it escapes from your mouth anyway.
You’re about to rest your body against Nobunaga’s chest when he retreats and crawls to your front side. As you still hold your yukata, he grabs your left hand and raises it. Your stomach churns from anticipation.
“This, I conquered first.” Nobunaga’s lips touch the tips of your fingers. He sucks your index finger into his mouth, his tongue sliding underside of the said digit and playing with it as if he hasn’t tasted it before.
Small quivers run from your fingers to your wrist and up to your arm until they reach your heart which bouncing quickens with every teasing suckle. You remember that first game of Go very well. You thought that was your way to redeem your way back home from Azuchi Castle. At the time, you lost and agreed to give your left hand for Nobunaga to use as he wished, and ever since then, he has not missed a single opportunity. Or lose a single game of Go either.
You never redeemed your return home. But don’t they say the home is where the heart is? You voluntarily succumbed to Nobunaga as he told you that first night. He conquered you piece by piece until even your heart didn’t belong to you alone anymore. It is his, like everything in you. Yes, every now and then a tiny voice in you rebels, yet in the end you know it’s vain, for this man has sneaked his way into your soul.
Nobunaga kisses your palm and advances to your wrist, his tongue meandering up your arm and finally reaching the bend of your arm. A giggle whirls up your throat, and you try to yank your arm from Nobunaga’s grasp.
But he doesn’t let go, instead, sucking the skin on the sensitive spot. “I didn’t give you permission to escape.” The words vibrate against your skin.
Nobunaga nibbles you before his tongue continues to trace your upper arm while his hand pushes the sleeve out of his way. You would yearn to see his face but don’t shove the blindfold aside. You made a promise after all. You lost, so you can’t do anything else than submit to his will.
The sleeve slides down to your arm when Nobunaga releases your hand. You can hear him moving a little further on the tatami. However, it only takes a moment before the warm fingers are already brushing the toes of your right foot. His hand snatches your ankle, lifting it so fast that you need to take support from the tatami.
Nobunaga toys with your pinky toe. The urge to pull your leg away from him radiates through your muscles, yet you fight back and stay still.
“We were visiting the hot springs when I made this conquest.” Nobunaga breathes onto your toes. A sigh escapes from him. “Sadly enough, we were interrupted that night. But today, I have made sure no one will bother us.”
The fact makes something heated smolder deep within you. You have all night without disruptions, and if you have come to know Nobunaga at all, that night will be long.
Hot, wet mouth wraps around your big toe, tongue traveling along it. A moan erupts from you as sparkles rush from the toe to your ankle, searching its way to higher and higher. Your hand slips and your back hits the tatami. At the same time as your hand squeezes the yukata, preventing it from sliding off, the other scratches the tatami, not getting a grip on it.
As Nobunaga’s tongue follows the curve of the instep of your foot, your body arches, and a groan presses past your lips. Laughter sweeps your skin before the lips stop to kiss your ankle. Nobunaga traces your calf, shoving the fabric of your yukata out of his way until he reaches your knee. You can’t help but moan when his fingertip teases the bend of it.
You want this man. The mere thought of him makes your innermost parts tremble and his touch is enough to make you lose your mind. You can feel how your depths turn into a moist swamp, ready to take him in. His hands run along your thighs as his lips cover them with kisses. His fingers brush your right butt cheek, which also belongs to him, while he slides his tongue on your thigh and gazes at you. As a fabric brushes your leg, you realize that Nobunaga has already tugged his obi open as well.
Digits dig into your buttock’s skin, causing you to inhale deeply. The tongue leaves a damp trail as it proceeds upwards. Before you know it, you have spread your legs for the man who owns you.
“All this is mine. Only mine.” Nobunaga’s voice is dark and rough.
Your heart skips a beat when Nobunaga lets go of your butt and shoves himself against you. His hand detaches your fingers from your yukata and hustles it aside. Even though the evening is warm you shiver when he reveals everything for his eyes while you don’t see a thing. His finger runs in the valley between your breasts before he presses his palm against your chest right above where your heart thrums.
“Say it belongs to me. Your heart.”
“You don’t have to ask.” You can’t but whisper. “It’s yours. Forever.”
Nobunaga’s hair tickles your skin as he presses his lips where his palm rested just a moment ago. However, he doesn’t stop there but nibbles your breast, making you whine. You raise your hand to sweep his head aside, but he grabs your wrist, preventing your intentions. “Are you not enjoying this?”
“…it tickles…” you manage to muster out.
A smile shudders on your skin. Nobunaga passes your hips with his foot, taking your other wrist as well and pinning them both against the tatami. Nudging you, he drowns you in a kiss that steals your breath while his groin rubs on your belly, revealing how much he craves for you too.
Pulling your lip, he groans into your mouth. “I want you. I want you completely. Tonight.”
You lift your hips to meet his. “Take me then.”
The response is a chuckle. Tugging your lip with his teeth, Nobunaga grinds against you. His tongue conquers your mouth without mercy, and you submit to him. Willingly. Completely.
All too soon, he breaks the smooch, tracing your chin with the tip of his tongue. It meanders along the column of your neck until the greedy mouth captures your breast once more, imprisoning the perky bud that cries to be touched. He sucks it in, teasing it with his teeth and forces moans out of you as your back arches and fingers curl as if trying to grab something. Heat courses through you and makes you pour for him.
As Nobunaga’s mouth travels south, he lets go of your hands. You comb his hair with your fingers, allowing the shower of kisses on your lower belly. He stops right there, just above the hairline. A whimpering sigh escapes you as you push his head slightly.
A hot blow caresses your curls, but Nobunaga doesn’t mind about your commanding fingers. He simply toys with your hair as if that would be all he wanted. Then… he slides his hand up your inner thigh, finger slithering up… up… up… and stopping. “You have to ask for it.”
Unbearable flaring rushes to your cheeks. He must know what you want. It should be obvious by now.
“Remember, I have also conquered your voice. You have to say it.”
You swallow and suddenly you are more than grateful for the silk in front of your eyes. At least you don’t need to see his smug smirk right now. “I… I want you to…”
Why is this so difficult? You’re on fire, your heart pounding so fast it’s almost painful as your breathing is growing fierce. No one can hear your words. No one but him. Whatever you say, it’s for his ears only, and because of that you have nothing to be ashamed of.
“Say it.”
Turning your head to the side, you draw breath. Yet that doesn’t calm down your heart. “I want… you to…” You swallow again while your fingers entangle with Nobunaga’s hair. “… kiss me…”
“Oh? I think I already did.” Such a teasing voice. He is doing this on purpose, isn’t he? “Try again.” He inches his finger closer yet doesn’t touch the area that yearns for it the most.
“I want you to…” You are scorching all over. “…lick me.”
That’s all Nobunaga needs. Without further ado, he buries his face between your thighs, his tongue finding its way over your already plump and opened petals. He sucks the throbbing nub of yours, circling it over and over again. A sigh erupts from you and turns into a series of moans as he keeps going while digging his digits into your buttocks.
Soon, one of his hands leaves your butt. He skims along your folds, dipping a finger into your dampness. You raise your hips, and he dips again, refusing to go further. All the while his tongue never stops.  
Nobunaga pushes his finger further in but makes it retreat right after. Not saying anything, he continues dancing his tongue on your most sensitive spot.
“Please, please, please. I need to feel you… your fingers inside me.” A groan follows your words. You’re gushing against his mouth, hanging on the edge of pleasure without really getting there.
In that instant, not just one but two fingers push past your barriers, commandeering even this region of yours and making it his. If there was shame before, there is none now as you wail in bliss while he finishes his triumph. Tugging his hair, you succumb to his control over you. The lamentation of your lust probably carries through the door to the castle’s hallways, but you do not care. Every cell of yours is Nobunaga’s realm now, and if he wishes to make them sing, he will. And you sing and sing until you have no voice, and you simply tremble in his grasp out of breath, nearly sobbing from the pleasure that is almost too much to bear.
As Nobunaga separates your fingers from his hair, you try to steady your wheezing. He crawls next to you, releasing the knot behind your head. You blink while the familiar scent of your own desire wafts into your nose, making your face flaring all over again.
“I will never stop loving the view of you when you surrender to me.” Nobunaga lifts you in his arms bridal style and carries you on his futon. He scoots by your side, brushing your hair behind your ear. “And I’m going to enjoy that view over and over again until the dawn breaks.”
If you like my work, consider reblogging it. That helps more people to find it. Don't feel obliged though. Only do it if you want to, but I do appreciate the gesture.
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Can I ask for Napoleon, Nobunaga, but especially MASAMUNE and MITSUHIDE being called cute by his s/o? In the current event the reader called Masamune cute and he was No, I’m not cute! But I can’t help to think they are cute, very cute. Your headcanon a are very good, I like them, keep working please ❤️❤️❤️
Characters: Napoleon Bonaparte | Oda Nobunaga | Date Masamune | Akechi Mitsuhide  Rating: General.  Word count: 1,231 words  Warning/s: None Author note: Howdy! I’m so sorry this took me so long to write, but I’m writing this at work lmao, please get me out of here. 
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[୨୧] — Napoleon Bonaparte
Cute? Him? 
Of course, he is. 
When you call him cute he just blinks a couple of times, making you think maybe he didn’t like that or was taken aback about being called it... 
Him? The Emperor? Called “cute” by his sweet nunuche? 
He just does a big smile, and puts his hands under his chin, mimicking a sweet cherubim. “Am I the cutest?” 
This only makes you laugh until your tummy hurts too much.
And Napoleon only keeps pressing about it. “What am I not cute?” while making an exaggerated sad face.
He starts chuckling then, asking you if he is really cute. And just as you thought, he would never in his life (lives?) have been called cute and he is happy you are the first one to think so.
Honestly, he does a lot of cute things, like kiss you the first thing he wakes up, and speak nonsense. 
Hell, you could pull up his hair in pigtails and he’d own it, calling himself cute. 
Also, I can imagine him pondering it sometimes. Like, in the kitchen. 
Sebas is polishing the silver while Napoleon cooks, and when he needs to wait for food to be ready, he leans against the counter and asks. “Sebas, do you think I’m cute?”
Sebas wants to say yes, but he forces himself to say no and instead asks about what brought the question. 
“Hm, never mind. Just thinking about some nunuche.”
[୨୧] — Oda Nobunaga
If you call him cute I can imagine him as the type who shot circuits at the thought of himself being cute.
He ponders and reflects if he has done things that might be classified as “cute” lately. 
Then with his face twisted, eyebrows scrunched up together, lips pressed into a thin line. 
“You are growing bolder every day by now, daring to call me cute, fireball.” 
Says the man who uses his haori as an invisibility cape whenever he wants to sneak out and steal konpeito from the kitchen. 
Says the man who stole your teddy bear because it amused him. 
There are things of him that are terrifying, yes, and thankfully, he has learned to be more human about certain traits of himself, thanks to you. 
You just believe, after learning of his story and life before meeting you, that he is still just a child at heart.
Oh, but if you insist that he is cute, be prepared. 
He’d get all dominant, like the conqueror he is, towering over you with a dark smile. 
“I. Am. Not. Cute.”
You battle this by reaching out, as fast as lightning, and touching the tips of his ears, making him cringe away from you while covering his ears, his cheeks turning into the most lovely shade of pink. 
“Yes, you are.”
[୨୧] — Date Masamune
Oh, to tame the wild tiger.
In my head, Masamune is just like a tiger, yes, but the type of tiger that if left with a cardboard box nearby, will sit if it fits. 
He also loves to deny that he is so adorable it makes butterflies bat their wings violently in your stomach because it only makes him cuter. 
When you tell him out loud that he is cute, he looks beyond offended. 
How. Dare. You. (...Tell the truth). 
This makes a game of “No, you” start between you two, where he is deemed to lose. 
You only reach to pinch his cheeks, tugging at his face affectionately while trying to make the harsh frown on his face disappear while he does the same to you. 
I can imagine him being bothered about it, he just wants to play a brave front and be the perfect leader for his clan and people, he cannot be cute. 
You beg to differ, he only is cute with you, and you are glad you are the only one who gets to see him like that.
Though, he is too hard-headed to admit it. 
He is very insistent when you keep calling him cute. “No, I am not!” it's such a great way to tease him and make his cheeks go red and his usually wild personality become coy. 
These kinds of arguments always end up in one of two ways. 
The first one is with him chasing you all over the castle until you say the contrary, the staff, and servants already knowing what was all the spectacle about and even just stepping aside to let you and the lord run. 
The other is with him, cuddling you in bed after a tickle fight he won, taking the place of the big spoon, he hides his face against the crook of your neck, cheeks still tinted red as your words replay in his head. 
“I adore it when you are this cute! It's like you are a big kitty!” 
He hates how warm it makes him inside
[୨୧] — Akechi Mitsuhide 
Where do I start with this man? 
He is…difficult to tease by calling him cute. 
You have already called him “cute” before, comparing him to a white cat that had crossed your path when you were walking through the market. 
Resulting in him, smiling at you (beware, it was the snake smile), which made a heavy weight settle on your tummy. 
But then with his hands imitating cat paws, saying “Meow”. 
You didn’t know if to cringe or if to laugh until you coughed a lung out. 
The way he kept his smile made you wheeze until you were struggling to get air because he kept acting that way.
(He is torturing you this way, by the way)
And he is having the joy of his life by watching you struggle to breathe as you laugh. 
And he is the type to not take it seriously, you are calling him “cute”, and he thinks you are trying to tease him. 
If you stand your ground (after laughing your lungs out), he’d just blink, and you can’t quite read what he is thinking. And that is terrifying.
Mitsuhide honestly doesn’t know how to react to his first instinct is to go blank, thinking of how to respond properly. 
Mostly, because he thinks he is far from cute, and people have found him to be scary with his demeanor, and he doesn’t blame them. He likes to give off that vibe to protect you and himself. 
After his blank expression, he only frowns, “I doubt I can be considered cute, but I believe this is something of you that is rubbing off on me.” 
He smirks after this, noticing the way you blush, having turned the tables.  
You, however, are not happy, you just want to make sure he knows he sometimes is cute! 
He absolutely keeps trying to do everything possible to turn it around every time until you are frustrated, turning your head the moment the door opens. 
You are left staring at Kyubei, who just bows deeply in greeting.
You don’t let the vassal talk before you ask him. “Do you think Mitsuhide is cute?”
Kyubei is sweating bullets at the question, it's not known if it's because of your question or the killer look his master is directing at him. 
Without a word, the vassal decides he doesn’t want that question to be the last one he answers, so he leaves without saying a word, leaving you with an argument unresolved.
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lucyw260 · 3 months
Water Reveals All - Nobunaga
Another birthday of mine is here, so that means my yearly Nobunaga fanfic must be written. I wasn't having a good day today so I knocked this out in record time but then accidentally deleted most of it and had to rewrite it, it was way better before so I'm mad. I haven't posted since the last yearly fic, I hope you all are well
Words = 664
Warnings = establilshed relationship, bruises, water
Excerpt = “I conquered your thigh at this very hot spring. Have you forgotten?. It is mine, not even you are allowed to harm it"
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After joint hard work trying to unify the country, Y/n and Nobunaga deserved a relaxing break away from castle life and responsibilities. So here they both were having a short hot spring vacation together.
Nobunaga was already lounging in the hot spring, steam obscuring his body so no prying eyes can take advantage of his visage, well he doesn't mind the prying eyes of his lover.
Y/n was hesitating at the edge of the hot spring, she wasn't even in the warm water and yet her cheeks were as red as the sunset behind her.
“We didn't come so I alone could bask in the water” Nobunaga declared as Y/n paced around the edge and he watched her
“Hang on, I'm trying to sike myself up” she said while trying to shake the nerves off. It was silly to be nervous as it's not like her beloved would see anything he hadn't seen before.
“I guess you don't love me enough to keep me company” Nobunaga had the audacity to pout and show his childish side while saying that.
Y/n laughed slightly, feeling glad that her beloved was free from stress and showing weakness.
“Okay okay, I'm getting in” she chuckled and dipped her toes in before sitting down a ways away from Nobunaga.
“Come closer” Nobunaga demanded in his lordly voice.
“As my lord says” Y/n jokes and makes her way over to Nobunaga but not close enough for Nobunaga’s liking.
He sighs before grabbing her waist and guiding her onto his lap, she wraps her legs around his waist in surprise so she doesn't fall backwards.
“That's better” he stated, staring into her eyes with his own carmine ones. He smirks as she puts her arms around his neck as he adjusts his grip.
The movement of them both had caused Y/n’s thin, almost seethrough bathing robes to ride up her thighs. Blushing furiously, she quickly tries to pull the cloth down before Nobunaga can get any steamy ideas.
Nobunaga can't help but try to sneak a peek of her perfect thighs but something else catches his attention instead. He firmly grabs her hand before she can fully cover her thighs.
Startled, she looks up at Nobunaga only to see him staring down at her thighs with trembling eyes.
“When did you get this?” he questioned in a nonchalant voice but those who knew Nobunaga well would be able to pick up the hint of obvious worry that was apparent.
He reaches down and lightly brushed his long fingers across a brown bruise on the top of her thigh, in no more than a phantom touch.
Y/n looks down to see what Nobunaga is talking about and sees a bruise decorating her high but she can't answer his question because she doesn't recall when she got it but then suddenly remembers something.
“Oh, I remember. I was organising the archive when a book fell off the top shelf and the corner of it hit my leg” she revealed before looking up at Nobunaga.
She could see the telltale signs of worry for her wellbeing in the set of his face so she continued talking.
“I didn't even know it had bruised, it was only a slight pain” she adds to try to soothe her black haired lover.
Nobunaga lifts his eyes off her thigh and looks into her eyes before his next action makes her gasp.
He bends slightly and presses a soft kiss to Y/n’s thigh, like a mother kissing away the pain of their child's wound.
“I conquered your thigh at this very hot spring. Have you forgotten?. It is mine, not even you are allowed to harm it" Nobunaga asserts with admonishment in his eyes.
And just like that, Nobunaga the warlord has come back to the forefront but his strong minded lover will cherish the brief and rare show of concern for her that came from his slow thawing heart.
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Please don’t repost, edit or steal. Reblogs are more than welcome though!  
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MC: You’re the most jealous man I know.
Nobunaga: You know other men?
MC: …
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 3 months
IkeSen x armless reader
Im going with reader dosent have a right arm- it's your choice if you're amputated or just born without it 🙃
After being thrown back in time, saving Nobunaga, then proceeding to run at the tought of being spoiled and realization fo being tossed back in time. You found the reason why you're here, and the root of all of the problems- who has become.. a Ninja? You kinda just shrugged it off and the two of you got to talking, then he realized. You don't have an arm-
"Oh yeah- it kinda went poof! When comeong back here-"
Sasuke imedeately started to panic and imedeately apologized for this and the instability of your trip and-
"Hey- hey- it's ok! It was like that before-"
Sasuke sighed, relaxed, processed it, and let out a chuckle "I'm glad you can make some jokes-"
Over yout time the two of you got very close and friendly. He also joins in on the missing arm jokes, fooling everyone, and getting people to laugh, even in hard times. Sasuke also helps you with self defense things since he is more experienced with one handed blades and more speed based attacks.
He dosent care that you don't have an arm, actually, he respects you even more. He sees it as a show of a strong charicter that you don't let it hold you back, allowing yourself to do whatever you know you can. This makes him all the more proud when you request a job, he makes sure to have someone there to help you if needed (I mean- he has the same with Mitsunari- Mitsunari dosent realize and probably would feel bad about asking for help). When he does spend time with you, he makes sure you're happy, safe, and flourishing. You easily put a smile on your face with some of the stories you share, the passions you have, and so much more. He is proud to have found such a beautiful gem
The flirt off is imedeate. You gotta understand that you two, are firing so many pickup lines, jokes, everything you can think of at eachother. Chemistry? Imedeate. It honestly makes everyone a little jealious of him and his fans a little jealious of you-
So- the Oda's local mom, can, will, and does worry about you alot. He will chastise you about joking about your arm, then sigh, and do something with you that's fun as a bit of an apology(with headpats).
Takeing care of Mitsunari is one of the easiest jobs you have, and you don't mind it much either. Spending time with him is a joy, and it's clear that things with him are also improving. It's just a win for you, a win for him, and a win for Hideyoshi.
You should understand that- this man probably dosenr get jokes- at all. Unless he makes them of course. (My HC so ye lol) so- you made it your solem duty to make this man laugh at one of your jokes. So far- it has failed...
I think he would be a bit curious about you and how you have done things. Of course, he won't say SHITTTT, but he follows you around when he can to awnser as many questions as he has. You two do hangout and he helps you work on differnt medical things, seeing that when it comes to war, you want to help people not have to face the struggles you do. He finds that admirable. He names a three legged cat after you that he has taken in, yes they and Kitty play often-
Ranmaru: (SWEET BABY BOIIIIIIIIII, we don't have much for cannon so this is based off of the limited knowledge I got :/)
He often does his best to help you with your job(s) when he thinks that you may need it. He is overprotective of you, and is a little pushy. It's sweet.. but uneeded. So you make sure that he knows that you can still do these things and you don't need his help unless asked. So he backs off, but still tries to be there if you need it.
I know even less about him so I'm going to skip
Another flirt off! You two honestly have alof of fun with your flirting, you do also get that bit of chemistry too. He is careing, but not to thr point of being overbearing. It's a bit of a nice change compared to some of the Oda.
Kenshin: (my lord of bunnies)
He very much respects you. He did tryyyy to lock you in a cage, but the rest of them somehow managed to just give you a room in the palace instead. You very much can keep his pace when drinking, terrifying everyone but him. Also, bun army cuddles
He thinks you're a badass. He even joins Sauske in teaching you self defense as a attacker. He holds alot of respect for you and the skills you have had to learn because of your disability. He definately learns how to do some of the things you can, just in case it is needed in his future. He is also annoyed about Shengen teasing him about wanting to marry you-
During wartime:
As allways you are in the back helping warriors recover from wounds. There is another nurse helping you by being an extra pair of hands. After battles you do also help as much as you can with the cooking and serving food.
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lorei-wrote · 1 year
Ikemen Sengoku - HC
* - HCs/series with this symbol by the title have had their trigger warning lists updated in co-operation with readers via this survey. The other works may lack certain (all) trigger warnings. all = all suitors available at the time of posting the work
Truth Serum: (all warlords)
*Warlords & Summer: (all warlords)
*Warlords having “THE TALK”: (all warlords, minus Motonari and Keiji)
*Warlords reacting to pornbot siege: (all warlords)
Reacting to ff about themselves: (all warlords)
Modern things the warlords would appreciate (all warlords, excluding Kennyo)
What if IkeSen was a Disney movie and ONLY Kenshin wouldn’t sing.
*HC: Bunnies at Work - Kenshin
*x Witch!MC:
Nobunaga Oda + visualisation of MC
Masamune Date
Behind the scenes: Masamune & Nobunaga
Mitsuhide Akechi
Ieyasu Tokugawa (+visualisation of MC in the notes) 
Behind the scenes: Ieyasu & Mitsuhide
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Mitsunari Ishida
Behind the scenes: Hideyoshi & Mitsunari
Kenshin Uesugi
Shingen Takeda
Behind the scenes: Shingen & Kenshin
Yukimura Sanada
Sasuke Sarutobi
Behind the scenes: Yukimura & Sasuke
*The way meeting her changed him… :
Masamune & Mitsuhide
Hideyoshi & Mitsunari
Kennyo & Kyubei
Kenshin & Shingen
* Modern AU Boyfriend:
Family AU:
Masamune; Masamune ft. Shogetsu
If he were to be a parent:
Coming to the future: 
Finding the guide:
Mitsuhide, Masamune, Kenshin
Modern AU
Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari
Kenshin & Shingen +mentioned Yukimura
Nobunaga, Mitsuhide
*MC with/who is...:
Insecure about her body: Kanetsugu
a Chinese contortionist: Nobunaga & Kenshin
Innocent / Kind: Kenshin & Hideyoshi
Insecure about having small breasts: Masamune, Mitsuhide & Kenshin
Very Serious about Pinky Promises: Masamune & Kenshin
Fear of Needles: Masamune & Shingen
Sensory Sensitivity - Food: Masamune
Attention Deficit Disorder: Mitsuhide
Atopic Dermatitis: Masamune, Kenshin, Hideyoshi
Apathetic / Depressed: Masamune, Nobunaga, Ieyasu
Physically Strong: Masamune & Shingen
Loves tuba: Nobunaga, Ieyasu, Shingen,Mitsunari
Conflicted about her passion (swimming): Masamune
Finally snaps: Ieyasu, Hideyoshi, Nobunaga
A prosthetic leg, threatening to boink warlords with it (crack): all warlords, Kennyo excluded
Experiences linguistic brain lags: Nobunaga, Masamune, Yukimura, Shingen
Traumatized after a battle: Masamune, Mitsuhide, Nobunaga
Polish: Hideyoshi, Masamune
*OTP Prompts
*Who is not afraid to embarrass the other in public?
*Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
*Who has trouble sleeping alone?
*Who says “I love you” more?
*Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
*Who fusses over takes care of the other when they get ill?
*Emoji Prompts
Prompts developed in the same post were grouped together.
❣️ What makes them blush (...)? 🎇 Are the feelings they have like a whirlwind (...)? 💐 Do they enjoy giving compliments (...)?
🌼 How do they view their significant other? 🌻 Will they do anything for their s/o? 🤧 How far will they go to take care of their sick s/o?
💕 Their future goals in a relationship? 🥰 How often do they stare lovingly at their s/o? 💋 How do they kiss?
❣️ What makes them blush? 🎁 What gift would they get their s/o? 💋 How do they kiss?
NSFW Alphabet
Mitsuhide Akechi (C, F, R, W) (D, E, L, M, V, Z)
Masamune Date  A-Z 
 Kenshin Uesugi (A, F, M, S, X, Y) (C, I, K, J, P, V)
Shingen Takeda (D, J, K) 
Yukimura Sanada (E, I, K, M)
*Smut Alphabet
Masamune Date (A-Z)
Kenshin Uesugi (A, T, X)
Fluff Alphabet
Nobunaga Oda (W, Q, L, K)
Mitsuhide Akechi ( A, F, K, M, O, R, Z)
Ieyasu Tokugawa (B, F, K, P, V, W, X)
Masamune Date (E, J, O, T, S, Y)
Shingen Takeda (A, S, E)
IkeSen Thoughts Playlist (Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari, Masamune, Kenshin, Shingen, Kennyo)
65 notes · View notes
Chapter 1 - A Demure Smile
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It was a lovely evening of Spring, not too hot, yet not too cold either. It was the perfect time for two people, a woman and a man, to casually walk through the illuminated streets of the beautiful Kyoto. The night was starry, and a calming breeze was enough to calm everything down, and pass along the beautiful perfume of the blooming flowers.
The couple was carrying some big luggage, yet they were both dressed elegantly - Not too posh, not too casual either - Just enough to pass off as respectable people. They were planning a long awaited trip, and their car was close-by, yet they decided to take a short detour, the weather was that lovely.
However, in the spur of the moment, almost as if in the blink of an eye, really, the beautiful night turned into a complete mayhem, as sudden thunders were heard in the distance, and the lightning struck dangerously close, and blindingly bright. And then, a torrential rain poured over them. The two looked at each other, ready to run away to cover, back at their car, only to feel a killing dizziness take over them... 
A mixing vertigo was enough to make the two faint on the spot.
The red haired woman, Katrina, with some difficulty, opened her eyes, realising the dizziness passed - But she was alone. She didn't panic, not yet, at least, as she figured out that not only was she alone, but she was in a completely different place altogether. In front of her, there were no more building, nor shops or the beautiful trees from down the road - Instead, a temple alit by flames was the sole thing she saw through the billowing scorching smoke that was obscuring her vision.  In fact, she was in this wooden building, and she had to run the hell away, before it collapsed on her, or she asphyxiated on the Carbon Dioxide.
She covered her nose and mouth inside the trench coat hanging from her shoulders, and just as she was about to leap the hell away from there, she noticed a man laying on the ground, seemingly asleep or knocked out. He was dressed in what looked like a suit of armour from long ago... Like a samurai. Or something close to that. Approaching him, another man, dressed in robes, of a rich purple and possibly green, raised what looked like a cane or a staff, along with a glimmering blade - It seemed to Kat that he had murderous intentions.
Not sure of what to do, or whether to act in any way, she decided to take a piece of rubble and hurl it at the assailant. "Leave him alone!" she yelled at him as she rushed to the unconscious man's side, shaking him awake until finally he lethargically opened his eyes.
"Who are you?" his voice was deep, possibly made even deeper by the way he was so deep into his sleep.
"Later. You were about to get killed, and this place will collapse soon. We've got to escape." the red haired girl grabbed him by the arm, helping him up, and together, they ran away from there, just in time to watch the temple collapse to the ground. "That was close." the woman muttered, getting in a crouched position, trying to ground herself and ease her breathing.
"Someone tried to do away with me while I slept? Audacious, but foolish. Killing my guards and getting that close to me is another matter." the man huffed, glaring at the temple with resentment.
"Say what you will about that assassination attempt, but it was almost successful." the woman sighed as she got up and used her sleeve to wipe the soot away from her face. However, her beautiful outfit was a mess. The black turtleneck, the black jeans, the boots, her watch, jewellery... Everything was covered in soot and ashes.
"You saved my life. You may be some girl the monks snuck in for amusement, but I owe you my thanks." he said, looking the girl up and down, analysing her and her weird attire.
She looked at him, and said nothing for a while. She was always the kind to either be silent or, in the cases she wanted to speak, to collect her thoughts and think before letting those ideas get out of her mouth. "I'd rather you not make such obsolete assumptions." came her response, her arms crossed defensively over her chest, as she looked away, offended.
"What were you staring at? Surely, you know who I am." his rough voice came out as cold and bored.
"...Sorry, I really don't know." she muttered, not daring to look at him, yet she wasn't afraid, just uncomfortable.
"You saved me without knowing who I am? Not expecting reward or favour?" he asked, almost as if shocked by her words.
"Promise to ask for your identity card next time." she pulled her trench coat closer to her, almost as if it was her only defense mechanism available.
"So be it. I shall tell you my name. I am the man who will rule all under the sun-" he began, as the girl noticed a confident, devilish smirk growing on his face.
"Not interested." she deadpanned, turning away to look into the horizon, scanning the place for any other person... Or any clue as to where she was and what was going on.
"What?" he blinked, not expecting such a response. "You're a curious one, woman. No one's ever spoken so impudently to me before." he spoke, but she didn't even turn to look at him or acknowledge he spoke. "You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise as saving my life." he let out a loud, amused laugh, and the devilish glint in his eye only glimmered brighter. Katrina merely hummed in approval, absent-minded. "I am the Lord of Azuchi Castle and the Daimyo of Owari, Nobunaga Oda."
For the first time since the beginning of the conversation, Katrina turned to properly get a look at him. Then, with concern and worry painted on her face, she turned to look back at the temple. The name 'Honno-Ji' was engraved on the gate. Putting her hand on her forehead, the woman turned her gaze back to the brunet man, looking him in the eyes with a very exhausted look. "Please don't tell me the year is 1582."
"With what purpose would I lie about the year we are in?" he asked, seeing the girl close her eyes and slap her forehead. As soon as she opened her eyes again, she let out a dejected sigh.
"Things got very problematic and complicated all of a sudden." it seemed to him that she was made to take care of 100 naughty children, that's how done with life she looked.
"What are you doing that for? I've given you my name, now it is your turn." that wicked smirk on his face grew wider. Before she got to answer, however, he took a step forward and took her chin in his hand, raising her head as he forced her to meet his dark, abyss-like eyes. "Give me your name."
"Don't do that please, it is rude." she calmly put her hand over his, taking a step backward. "My name is Hasashi Katrina." she informed him.
"Katrina, huh? An unusual name, but rather pretty." he mused at her.
"...Thank you? I will inform my mother that you thought so." she raised her eyebrow questioningly, yet looked to the side, uncomfortable. "Listen, I-... Uhm..." the girl fidgeted on her spot, biting her lip and trying to come up with a viable question, but her attempts were drowned out by a loud voice, calling out her name, along with the loud sound of a large group coming their way.
"Nevermind..." she muttered in a low, barely audible voice.
"Lord Nobunaga, you are safe!" a man dressed in white and purple, with grey hair and a calm expression, called out and rushed to their side.
At the same time, Drew, Katrina's boyfriend, hurried and pulled her roughly to his side, making her uncomfortably stumble over her own feet. "Calm down." she muttered, putting her hands over her chest to pull some distance between them. It wasn't proper to behave that way in front of people, especially strangers.
"Why are you rejecting me?!" the man was angry, and it grew more as the girl shushed him, paying attention rather to the strangers' interactions, than to him.
"Mitsunari? Why are you here? Where is Hideyoshi?" Ishida Mitsunari... Toyotomi Hideyoshi... Oh dear. No bueno.
"Lord Hideyoshi sent me ahead. He should be here shortly." then, Mitsunari looked at the raging flames dancing everywhere around the collapsed temple and frowned gravely. "We received information about an assassination attempt. It appears to have been true. I had my men search the grounds, but whoever it was had already fled. If I may ask, who is this? I saw the two of you leave the temple together." 
"Katrina, present yourself to my subordinate." Nobunaga ordered simply.
"I am-" she began, only to be cut shortly by the man dressed in a dark red shirt who put his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them enough for her to blink in pain and bite her lip.
"Her name is Katrina, and she is my girlfriend. I am Drew." the possessive poison in his voice made the girl want to throw herself in the nearest well and end her life from the embarrassment she was feeling.
"I'd... Rather speak for myself." she muttered after a tense silence.
"I believe I asked the woman who saved my life, not her lackey." Nobunaga's glare sent shivers through the modern man's spine, but he didn't budge. Stupid man ego.
"Please, this is on me. It was rude of me not to introduce myself first. My name is Ishida Mitsunari. I serve at the side of Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Nobunaga's right-hand man." the grey-haired man spoke with curtesy, in a gentle voice.
"It is a pleasure meeting you. I am Hasashi Katrina." the girl bowed slightly at the man as a greeting.
"I don't know who she is, but she woke me up and saw me to safety." Nobunaga informed his vassal.
"She did! I can't thank you enough for protecting our Lord's life." Mitsunari thanked the girl, who could only blush slightly from the embarrassment for having so much attention on her. 
"Please, do not thank me. I did nothing worth of praises." she shook her head lightly, biting her lip.
"But what brought you here tonight?" he asked again, a bit suspicious. "You don't appear to be a nun, and your outfit is unusual. Are you from abroad?"
"Ah... You wouldn't believe me if I told you." she scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, trying to find some words to explain what happened.
"We're from the future." Drew spoke without thinking, which only made the girl roll her eyes and sigh loudly. "Great." she muttered, done with life.
"What?!" both the lord and the vassal exclaimed in shock at the same time.
"Can we... Have this conversation over tea or something? It's... A lot to explain." she tried to explain the situation.
"It's not so much to explain. We got stuck in a thunderstorm that made us time-travel to this point in the past. We are from 500 years in the future." the man explained simply, making his girlfriend put her hand over her forehead in disbelief.
"Quite the story-teller too, yet I've never heard such an absurd story!" Nobunaga barked a laugh.
"The smoke and tiredness from the journey must be disorienting, I'm sure. Sit down over there, try to get some fresh air. Someone will bring you a change of clothes. Once you're freshened up, you'll feel much better." the man said in a sweet voice.
"Thank you for your consideration, Mitsunari." she spoke graciously, only for the grey-haired man to take her hands in his, holding them until a soldier came up with a bundle.
And thus, a light, yellow kimono, along with an orange haori were brought for the girl, while her boyfriend was given a plain, green one. Once they were changed - Thankfully, using different tents - Mitsunari guided the two to the center of the hastely-put up camp. He then went ahead to bring them both a cup of warm water to clear their throat. The only other person around was Nobunaga, whose gaze lingered on the girl who couldn't look at him because of that. Drew's hand went over her shoulder, squeezing it tightly as he pulled her to his side. She said nothing.
In that instant, another man, with white hair and dressed in white and aquamarine, made his way to the Lord, with a concerned, yet somehow passive expression.
"Lord Nobunaga, are you alright?" this man asked, stepping in front of the brunet lord. The first thing Katrina noticed about him wasn't his snake-like smirk that followed soon after the concerned look, but the beautiful rifle that hung from his waist. 
"Mitsuhide?" Nobunaga seemed surprised to see him here. The man who, in the future, is known as Nobunaga's traitor, the one who had him killed here, seems concerned in all the weirdest ways about his Lord.
"I hurried here when I heard about the attack, but it seems there was nothing for me to worry about." he spoke, the smirk gracing his features seeming more natural than the concerned one.
"You, worry? Don't make me laugh. I've never even seen you sweat." Nobunaga seemed amused and at ease around him, as if they were old friends.
As they had this exchange of words, another man, with messy chestnut hair, burst through, much louder - And he seemed more genuine in his concerns too. "Lord Nobunaga, are you alright?!" he, too, asked, in a more shouted voice.
"Hideyoshi. The only injury I suffered is to my pride in letting my assailant escape." Nobunaga's hand casually traced his sword's handle, a serious expression on his face.
"At least you're alive! And it's thanks to my girlfriend! You could be a bit more grateful, you know?" Drew glared at the Lord, making Kat hide her face in her hands in shame.
"Well, aren't you outspoken and rude?" Hideyoshi glared at the man, whose grip on the girl tightened enough for her to jolt her arm away from him and walk towards the warlords.
"Please don't mind him. My name is Hasashi Katrina, it is a pleasure meeting you." she spoke, gracing them with a bow.
"She is the one who saved my life." he spoke so casually, as if it meant nothing at this point.
"Forget it. It's nothing worthy of so much attention." her voice was calm and demure, never once wavering.
"You saved Nobunaga...? My, and you're such a slender thing. But it appears your courage makes up for it." Mitsuhide praised the girl, who could only sigh and look away, saying nothing more.
"Mitsuhide, what are you doing here?" Hideyoshi asked accusatory.
"I was wondering the same thing. I didn't know you were in Kyoto. What about the campaign?" Mitsuhide asked with a similar tone.
"When I heard about the threat on Lord Nobunaga's life, I dropped everything to come here. But I never heard anything about you being in Kyoto." came the dead pan response.
"Are you implying anything?" Mitsuhide asked with a cold sneer.
"Can you swear before our Lord you weren't plotting anything?" Hideyoshi glared at the man - They seemed like arch-nemesis.
Katrina, feeling uncomfortable with the horribly tense silence, cleared her throat and casually spoke up. "If my testimony matters for anything, the man who tried to kill Nobunaga was wearing deep purple and green robes - Not armor - and held a staff and a sword. Also, he was tall and pretty burly... And I'm pretty sure he was brunet. That's, uhm... All I was able to see through the smoke and fire. I'm sorry I can't be of more help." she spoke, only to be received with even more silence, yet now everyone was looking at her now. "I-I mean... I just think it wasn't Mitsuhide... Because his outfit is pristine clean, while my outfit was completely ruined, and he doesn't look like that man either... Uhm..." she coughed awkwardly. "Please don't fight in my presence, it makes me very uncomfortable." she crossed her arms to her chest, looking down.
"Katrina, was it? Stay out of this." Hideyoshi's harsh voice became directed towards the red haired girl, who could only remain silent. "We'll settle things with you later, and learn why you've schemed to get so close to Lord Nobunaga."
"...Sure." she simply shrugged her shoulders, not caring about any implication. "No good deed goes unpunished with you, I see." her snark towards Hideyoshi made the silver haired fox snigger.
"Enough, Hideyoshi. Regardless of what bring Mitsuhide here, I am alive and well." and with that, Hideyoshi visibly relaxed and apologised to his Lord. "Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide... And you... Whatever you name was. Give us a moment, I have something to discuss with Katrina." Nobunaga ordered the three man.
"What?! Why the hell do you want to stay alone with my girlfriend? I won't allow it!" Drew's loud and annoying voice came through, making the girl hide her face in her hands.
"Please, just... Stop making a scene. Step aside, it's just talking." she tried to make him go quiet, but he didn't. In the end, both Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide took Drew by each arm and got him out of there. "I'm very sorry about him. He, uhm... Well... Nevermind. What did you want to talk to me about?" she sighed, exhausted, yet her voice was as calm and collected as always.
"Your bold lies about coming from the future aside, you saved my life. I'm intrigued by you. You're a woman who carries fortune's favour, of that, I'm certain. You have a man by your side, yet he's not man enough to be worthy of you. How would you like to rule the world at by side?" Nobunaga's strong arm snaked around her waist, drawing her flush against his chest.
"U-Uhm... That's uhm... You're making me uncomfortable, being so close." she said after registering what was going on. She then put her hand on his arm to get him to let her go, and she stepped backwards - For the second time that day. "As I said previously, I would like to clarify the incident of us coming to this place. I... I am not a liar. I do come from a future time, yet since you do not believe us - Understandably so, might I add - I will have to show you proof of that." her voice was as mellow and collected as always. "Also... I have been alive for 25 years and I don't remember any time when I was lucky... So I hope you don't actually fool yourself into believing I'm some kind of... Lucky charm." the girl explained - And he slowly looked up to see the look on his face. He was stunned, at first, but then, he started laughing.
"One of a kind, aren't you? I hope you'll speak more in the near future. It is a pleasure listening to your voice and the eloquent and calm words you're uttering." and thus, he put his hand on her back, guiding her to the horses outside.
"Don't flatter me." she muttered with an awkward cough. "So, uhm... Do I get a horse too?"
"You will be riding with me." and thus, he effortlessly got up on his very tall black stallion.
"U-Uhm... Wouldn't it be more appropriate for me to ride by myself?" the girl asked awkwardly, fidgeting on her feet; She loved horse-riding, and although pair-riding looked awesome in movies, she couldn't imagine how it would be in real life.
"Are you a confident full-speed horse-rider? bingo.
"... I guess not. I didn't get past the trotting and slow-running lessons..." she nodded in understanding. "So, uhm... How do I get up? I only ever got up on a horse when I was by myself." she chuckled lightly and a bit nervously.
"What do you mean - Riding with that guy?!" Drew's voice echoed angrily through the place. "That's my girlfriend, she'll be riding with me!" his words and tantrum made the girl hide her face thoroughly with the long sleeved of the haori. 
"Give me your hand, Katrina." peeping through the draping sleeves, she saw the man encouraging her with a smirk, as he leaned down, extending his hand towards her.
She slowly stepped towards him, only to flinch and draw away her hand as soon as her boyfriend stomped over to her, yelling some more. It was a bit of a chaos, and Hideyoshi was trying to fight with him into obeying already to reason, while Mitsuhide was mocking him. Biting her lip, she focused on tuning out every bit of external sounds and shifted her gaze toward the Lord's hand - And with a spur of firey bravery, she let her hand fall over his like a discarded flower petal - And then she found herself on the horse, pulled with one swift and fluid movement, in Nobunaga's arms.
"Holy cricket." she let out a flabbergast breath of shock as she looked up at the brunet man, not even feeling the nervousness or awkwardness, only being amazed by what just happened. "That was so cool. I thought these things were only possible in movies. I was wrong." she blinked in surprise, only to look down and cover her mouth with her sleeve, letting out a silent chuckle.
"You seem easily impressed. Are men from your life that boring?" he jabbed at her with a smirk on his face.
"A-Ah... W-Well... Uhm... I-I suppose you could say that." she stammered, not really wanting to insult anything, but she seriously doubted she ever met a man who could do that with such ease.
"What a pitiful place filled with fools!" he barked tauntingly. "I will have Mitsunari prepare room a for you and that man when we arrive to Azuchi. In the meantime, I would like to have that discussion over tea you talked about." it was more of an order than a request, but Katrina didn't mind. She didn't feel threatened by the man, at least for now.
"Alright." she nodded and tried to relax, matching her breathing with the rhythm of the horse. "Separate rooms, please." that comment made the man smirk - No woman likes obnoxious brats like him. 
It was weird, sitting like that on a horse, not to mention, with someone else in the same saddle, but you get used to it fairly easy, she thought to herself as she let her mind forget about anything modern and just allowed herself to lean back into his chest and admire the rising Sun, despite the feeling of drowsiness she was feeling from everything going on. In spite of the chest armor, she felt rather comfortable in his arms like that. Yes, the rhythmic up and down almost got her hypnotised, but... She felt warm and safe right where she was.
As soon as they arrived, Nobunaga didn't wait for everyone to introduce themselves to the two new-comers. Instead, he jumped off the horse and picked the girl up with ease, like a feather, then dragged her to his room, all while instructing Mitsunari on the accommodation required.
Then, as soon as they got to his room, he took off his heavy armor and sat down in front of his desk, waiting for the servants to pour tea for the two of them. Katrina sat down opposite of him, finally letting go of the small bag she had been taking care of more than her own life, and she clutched it in her hands.
She then unclenched her fingers from around it and moved her hands gingerly around the tea cup, and let herself embrace the warm feeling going down her throat, soothing her senses, a calm smile gracing her features. Finally - She was peaceful.
"I want to hear your story and proof now. Later on, when everyone has gathered, I will have a meeting and discuss everything of importance - And that includes you and the one whose name I refuse to bother to remember." hearing him address that way to Drew, she had to look down and cover her face so she could stifle a chuckle.
"Alright, I understand. I am happy that you are willing to listen to what I have to say." she said in a soft voice, after after a few seconds of silence, she opened her bag and looked at everything she had, putting it on the table. "This is a phone, this is a phone charger, an external battery, my wallet - Along with my lip balm, money, cards, keys, chewing gum, my identity card, my driver's license... Here I have a bottle of soda... Some tissues... Ah? I forgot I had my surgical gloves and spare scalpel, scissors and forceps. Why do I still keep them here?" the girl muttered, carefully examining her own instruments.
"These contraptions look foreign. I will await explanation on their usage." he spoke patiently, picking each object with care and analysing every inch of them.
"Let's see... " and thus, with the patience and calm of a princess, she took each object in her hand and explained what they were, how they were used, what they were made of and so on. It seemed to captivate the man significantly, as he didn't want her to stop talking.
"Interesting. The future seems bright and very technologically advanced and developed. So you say, with this device, I could contact anyone from across the globe by just tapping my finger on the... Screen?" he somehow managed to find the button that lights up the phone's screen, and saw the picture of the girl speaking to him, smiling happily as she let a small, black puppy lick her face. "What is this?"
"Oh... Ahaha... Sorry, that's embarrassing. Well... Most people put their lockscreen picture as something they want to see often... And that... Well... I had a puppy. She passed away recently and I really miss her. I loved her a lot. This picture makes me tear up every time I look at it, but at the same time, it makes me smile, so I don't have the heart to change it. Although... By the time I get back home, this phone will already have its battery drained, so I won't be able to see her again until then." the girl sighed pitifully, only to shake her head and regain herself. Then, she put her finger on the unlocking sensor, showing him the wallpaper. 
"People in your time value their animal companions dearly, I see." he affirmed, seeing the drastic change of expression on the girl's face. Nostalgia, pain, sorrow, but also a sweet and pure kind of love and beauty were painting her visage. 
"Yes... Very often, they mean to us more than children or spouses or other family members. The beauty of having a pet dog is that it loves you unconditionally. It doesn't judge you, nor does it bring you harm, or demands anything from you. It just... Exists to bring you happiness whenever you return home after a dreadful day at work." she smiled sadly, bringing her hand to her eyes, softly tapping away the wet glimmering of forming tears from her lids with the back of her hand.
"I am sorry for your loss. The way you describe your world, it seems almost as harsh as ours. A lonely place." he noted, only for her to tilt her head just a tiny bit.
"We live in the same world, yet different eras. Humanity is still humanity, facing the same hardships as they always have, through the years, since the forming of the Earth, only it is disguised under different veils and it has different-looking layers." she turned to give him an enigmatic smile. "This picture here... It is called a wallpaper. Like the one you put on the walls in a house. It is me and my best... And only friend. We are dressed in medical outfits. It was taken when we got a job as doctors in the same hospital, and we worked together in a surgery. It was the first surgery we ever did. It was very exciting, despite the stress and tension. All the blood on us made us look as if we were serial killers, but the surgery was a great success... And we couldn't not take a picture." her smile grew a bit, a soft chuckle being heard by the Lord as he saw the girl fondly trace her fingers over the screen of the phone.
"Ha! To think such a soft Princess like you would make light of being covered in blood! Aren't you amusing?" the devilish smirk on Nobunaga's face appeared once again, only for the girl to look away and hide her smile.
"It was funny!" she tried to defend herself, only to chuckle more at the silliness of the situation. "Okay, alright. You are right, I admit. It is weird. And most people don't make fun over that... But! My sense of humour is ridiculously dark and dry, especially for my time, so don't judge me!" she said, without the least bit of malice.
"I don't judge anyone for their sense of humour or their work. Very well, Katrina, I have concluded that you are, indeed, from the future, therefor I have to continue on accordingly." as they engaged in a little more light conversation, Hideyoshi knocked on the wood and told Nobunaga that all the warlords have gathered in the meeting room - The brunet said they will come soon as well.
Extending his hand for the girl to take, he guided her to the meeting room, and she saw, somewhere in the corner, Drew was seething in anger, glaring at her. Her previous passive smile and the warmth she felt by holding the Warlord's hand were wiped, and she let the cold, unbothered facade take over again.
Nobunaga went to sit in front of his table, where the Lord should stay, and Kat was invited to sit down on the pillow opposite of the table, in front of him. Katrina stood with her back to most of the Lords, and despite feeling uncomfortable with all the attention, she kept her composure straight and demure, like a proud lioness. From the back, a commotion was heard, as someone - Unexpectedly, that being Drew - Took his pillow and went to sit uncomfortably close to the girl.
"That's my girlfriend right here, I should stay next to her and protect her. You can't have me seat away from her, nor sleep in another room!" the man complained, as the girl could only close her eyes and take a deep breath, pinching the bridge of her nose and keeping her composure.
"Please stop making such a scene. We are not home, nor are we with people we know, therefore it's rude to complain and have a bratty behaviour with the people welcoming us with a temporary residence in their own home." she spoke elegantly, only for the man to grip her wrist tightly, using his strength to drag her up and make their way towards the exit - But Katrina snatched away her hand from his grip, shocking him, as she rubbed the reddening spot. 
"You are embarrassing not only yourself, but me as well with such a tantrum - Please, stop." was all she said, giving him a look of warning, before going back to sit on the pillow as if nothing happened.
"You have a lot of nerve behaving in such a way in front of our Lord! Do you have a death wish?" Hideyoshi warned the man who was breathing heavily.
"Stupid woman." was all he could sneer under his breath, but he was ignored by everyone as Nobunaga started speaking.
"Henceforth, you will reside in this castle and give your services to me." Nobunaga spoke, as if he was reading an edict.
"How are we to serve you?" the girl merely nodded in understanding.
"However you like." he spoke, and seeing her eyes widening in confusion, he reached forwards and grasped her hand, drawing it towards him, but not enough to make her get up, like Drew did.
"Your only duty is to stay nearby. That is what I need of you. You will be my lucky charm as I unify this nation and all that lies beyond." he spoke, a smirk on his face, yet his eyes seemed cold and devoid of any kindness.
"I don't know what you see lucky in me, but... I suppose, as long as you're happy...?" she muttered, not bothering to move her hand from his grasp. 
"Don't fear. You shall be known as a princess from afar and will be treated as such. Spend your days on make up, or cards and games if it suits you. And, most of all, speak up if you have anything to object or tell. Your interactions have been rather educational." as the man said that, he could see the gears of her mind working, as she was pondering over and answer. Then, she got her hand up in the sky, as if to interject something.
"I object." she exclaimed loud and clear. "I hate yellow and orange." she said, making the man blink in confusion. "My clothes." she pointed out with a playful whisper. This objection made a few of the Lords laugh, baffled by her boldness - It was Ieyasu alone, who could only huff in disbelief, and Hideyoshi who felt personally attacked.
"How dare you speak like that to Lord Nobunaga, after he so gracefully offered you a change of clothes, when your own were dirty from the fire!" Nobunaga looked at the girl who could only smile wryly and chuckle, just a bit awkwardly - Yet she still looked at him with a small, playful smile, as if she was holding back a giggle.
"I... Was joking. Nobunaga told me to object when I saw fit... And I did." she replied simply. "Although, I rest my case, I hate these two colours." she muttered, making the lords laugh more at Hideyoshi's horrified expression.
"Leave her be, Hideyoshi! It is my fault for giving her such a freedom! Her humour is outlandish, I admit, but it is not unwelcomed. Anything else you'd like to add to that objection of yours?" and with that, the girl nodded once again.
"I am a person who likes to play to her strengths, not weaknesses. I was a practicing physician in my time - Albeit, I was taking care of animals - Therefore... I would much rather like to be working as a physician here too, rather than wasting my time doing nothing. I'd go crazy if I did nothing but loaf around." she spoke, with every bit of seriousness she could muster.
"I agree with you, Katrina! I'm the same way." the man who, she learnt, was Masamune Date, had a fearless and daring smirk on his face, that she noticed as soon as she turned to look at him.
"So be it. Rather impressionable speech too, might I add. I shall appoint you as a physician then, however, apart from horses, there won't be many animals to attend to, thus you will have to take care of humans, should that be the case and need." the brunet nodded, and he took his hand back from her, his arms now crossed to his chest, pondering and looking over all the warlords.
"What an excellent idea. Katrina, I'll provide you with all the support you need to get started. Out of all of us, Ieyasu is the most well-versed in the arts of medicine, I suggest seeking some help from him as well." Mitsunari was the first to chime in.
"Hey, don't include me in your unnecessary schemes without informing me first. Besides, how could this waif be of any use to us?" the blond man, Ieyasu, grumbled with a glare.
"It's Lord Nobunaga's decision, Ieyasu, hold your tongue." Hideyoshi reproached the Tokugawa lord in an instant.
"When you see this one covered in blood from head to toe, only to see her laughing merrily, you will understand." hearing the Oda Lord say such things, Kat could only stiffen up in embarrassment.
"Nobunaga!" her calling out to him sounded more like a teased kitten whining for attention, the Lord thought. "That was... Uncalled for. You make me sound like a psychopathic serial killer, not a healer!" the girl protested, hiding her face with her hands.
"... I suppose only time will tell if we can trust her... Let alone, that one." Hideyoshi threw a shady glare towards Drew.
" Who says you have to? Just keep an eye on her. You're good at that, right? She may surprise you."  Mitsuhide's slithery voice came out, as both a defense and a jab attack.
"Then, it's decided. Work hard and prove your worth to me, Kat." Nobunaga smiled triumphantly at the girl, who could only give a composed, princess-like smile and nod at him. She was struggling hard not to grin - For once, she felt... Important. Appreciated, even. She hoped this warm feeling will last forever.
"Thank you. And thank you for letting us stay here. I promise I won't let you down." she said, and the man realised she wasn't promising for her man as well. It seemed that she was getting fed up with being silenced and undermined by him, and as she saw others encouraging her to be more like her own self, she is taking small steps towards the light.
"I plan on taking good care of you." he said, his smile turning wicked for a few seconds, before it changed into a more serious one.
"As for him... I cannot bring myself to give him any trust. I'd rather him do nothing of significance around the place, nor have the liberty of being a bother. Might as well be the castle's minor caretaker. Mitsunari will give you some pointers. Dismissed."
As she was already pretty exhausted, she went to her assigned room, happy to see her bags safely delivered and, even more, cleaned of all that soot. She had a huge room - Fit for a princess, they said - And she wasn't going to complain about anything. It was beautiful, and she already had quite a variety of clothes in a chest. Everything was meticulously planned, clearly by Mitsunari, so she needed only to lay down on the futon and let sleep take over her, without any of the world's worries on her shoulders anymore.
She left peacefully.
Next Chapter >
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blueberri-bois · 6 months
Flaming Angel
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“Mister…”  A soft voice akin to a tinkling bell barely roused him from his deep slumber; little hands pushing frantically on his shoulder.
Deep crimson eyes crack open as he registers his surroundings and the blistering heat that only seems to be growing in temperature. He turns his head to the figure in the corner of his eye to be met with a small boy. The child was covered in soot and severe burns; the small sleeping yukata that he wore was also in tatters. Strangely enough, the boy didn't seem to be affected by the surrounding smoke or his injuries in the slightest.
“We have to leave now, mister... If you stay, you'll die, you know…”  The child spoke again, his voice was raspy but high-pitched and youthful as he continued to kneel by the now-awoken lord's side.
Nobunaga groaned and coughed as he got up from his futon and stood; his bare feet feeling the warmth of the floorboards beneath them. The young boy followed suit, quickly getting to his feet and grabbing onto the older man's large calloused hand in his own, oddly cold, little soot-covered hand. With a gentle tug, the child led him towards the blazing doorway in confidence.
“Don't be scared, okay mister, I'll protect you till we get outside…”  The small boy looked up at him with a gentle and comforting smile as he led him down the hall and passed collapsed beams and smoldering shoji doors.
Nobunaga, still in shock, kept his eyes on the child who somehow ended up inside the burning temple with him. He was sure that there were no children inside before, no, he was positive that he was the only person inside. That would mean that this little boy had entered the building after he had fallen asleep… but why? The feeling of the child's cold hand pulling away from his own snapped him back to reality and the warlord realized that he was now outside.
“I'm glad I came in time… we all would be really sad if you died here…”  The young boy smiles up at him as he grabs a fistful of the older man's yukata.
Nobunaga raises a brow, “We? Who is we?”.
The boy giggled lightheartedly and pointed off to the left with his free hand. The warlord follows his gaze and his crimson eyes widen; a group —a crowd— of people that, if he thought about it, he recognized. People that he used to know that were taken from him by the sands of time. Family, friends, neighbors, and people that he didn't even know all that well were standing just outside the treeline of the forest next to the temple.
“All of us wanted to make sure you didn't die too early, like we did…”  the child's soft voice rings out again, pulling the man's attention back to him as he joins the crowd of distant memories. “We have to go now, Brother Nobunaga… All of us… we're rooting for you, okay?”  
Just as the boy finishes his sentence, he and the rest of the people gathered begin to dissolve into tiny particles of light. The others in the crowd begin to bid the warlord goodbye with smiles and misty eyes. Seemingly, in only seconds, the child's upper body is the only apparition left, dissolving slower than the others.
“Even if I finally got to say goodbye, I'm still not satisfied… I know I'm being selfish, but I can't help it…”  the boy's bell-like voice seemed to echo in the open field as what little was left of him began to fade away. “If it's not too much… will you achieve my dream too?”
Nobunaga couldn't feel the tears streaming down his warm cheeks and he didn't hear the approaching Mitsunari. His leaky eyes stayed locked on the dispersing particles of light that made up the person who was closest to him.
“Thank you… Everyone…”  the warlord muttered.
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whatever-fanfics · 10 months
Much has changed but I still have you
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Ikemen sengoku x reader
Keiji Maeda x reader
Part of @aquagirl1978 's "a series of firsts" challenge
Prompt: First child (getting used to life as parents)
In which while getting used parenthood, you and Keiji introduce your newborn son to the Oda forces.
A shrill cry woke you both out of your sleep, he heard you before he could even open his eyes completely. "Oh my baby" you soothingly said, as the light assaulted your eyes. Quickly assimilating to the light Keiji saw you bump into the wall before feeling for the door, finding it and sliding it open.
He took a moment to sigh before sitting himself up and pulling the covers off.
He'd long since realized his dream, bringing an alliance back from Echigo. Becoming lord of the land, giving a home to his parents. Marrying you, becoming a father.
He inhales as he breaks out of his reverie at the sound of the door opening and closing. "Maybe we should move his room, it's always cold in there" you say, voice laced with exhaustion matching your dark eye bags, walking over to the futon, your son of barely 5 months in your arms. "Yeah? Maybe next to ours, instead of down the hall" he answers as he ties his hair. You nod in agreement, smiling at him as he settles himself behind you.
"Good morning" he says leaning over to kiss your temple, taking the blanket and repositioning it to cover both you and the babe in your arms. "Morning" you say back, letting the yukata slip off your shoulder in order to feed him. "How many hours did you get" he asks softly so as not to jostle the baby who is blissfully feeding on your nipple. "Hours? More like minutes" you joke, not entirely a lie, he laughs "after they go, get some sleep I'll watch him" Keiji offers not looking away from your half asleep baby. "Nah, you need sleep too, don't think I don't know you're sleep schedule is worse than mine" despite your words your tone was as soft as ever. "Okay" he tenderly whispers in your ear followed by a slight nibble to your earlobe.
"Keiji" you whimper, "they'll be here soon" you breathe out as he works his way down your neck. "So..." he reasons, you turn to him lips slightly parted as he leans into you slowly, his hand lightly caressing your jaw. Your lips are the only thing on his mind.
You feel a breath of cold air on your nipple right before your son's high pitched mewls turned into high pitched cries breaking the mood.
You both heave a sigh, before separating, he helps you restate your robes. "Do you know how much time we have before they get here?" You ask as he takes your baby to change his diaper "soon, but probably not until after breakfast" he estimates.
You hand your son off to the nursemaid, so that you and Keiji can enjoy breakfast together. After that you dressed the baby and then yourselves. Before going to the meeting room you took a mat for him to lay on along with a few toys that you knew he liked.
A delighted smile spread across your face as you wiggled the den-den daiko, one of the many gifts gifted to him by his grandparents. His cheerful gurgle and drool making its way past his chin, he flails as he sees your smile making your soar. The light of the sun breaks through the crack of the shoji doors illuminating his rosy cheeks making a sheer contrast to the bright blue kimono you'd made him.
"A strong voice makes good on the battlefield" Nobunaga's booming voice echoes throughout the meeting room, as you turned around you saw everyone pile in.
After exchanging greetings everyone took their seat around the room. You handed him to Nobunaga, helping him support your son in the right places.
"I think he has your nose" Hideyoshi whispers from his place between you and his liege lord, the latter's attention consumed by the child he was currently bouncing through the air. A breathy laugh leaves your lips "yeah and he has Keiji's hair" you whisper back. As your conversation dies down you both turn back to Nobunaga and the baby staring intensely into his eyes, kicking his feet as the former bounces him into the air.
He'd been doing this for quite a while now so you were concerned. "You might want to put him down for a minute, he might-" words dying down in your throat, pulling your lips back into a thin line.
Some watched in terror others in surprise as your son's throw up met its mark, on Nobunaga's face.
Your son's cries of displeasure followed right after as he felt the a sting in the back of his throat.
"Nobunaga-sama!" Hideyoshi's shocked voice broke everyone out of their stupor.
You didn't have to see Mitsuhide's smile as his snicker was enough to warrant a quick reprimand from Hideyoshi.
A small "oh..." escaped Mitsunari as Masamune and Ieyasu wore matching expressions of silenced shock.
Sighing you made your way to the door, hollering out for some towels and water as Keiji made his way from next to you to gather the child from Nobunaga's hands.
Said lord kept his eyes closed, not uttering a single word as chaos around him ensued. You made your way back over to him towels in one hand and a bowl of water in the other, placing one dampened towel in his free hand and the others on his knee.
Upon lifting your hand with another dampened towel, he holds up his hand to accept the towel from you. "Well..." you begin before finishing "at least your clothes are safe." Time stops as everyone in the room freezes astonished by your statement. "Y/n!!!" Hideyoshi scolds his tone scaring your son even more, you turn as Keiji struggles the fussing baby in his arms. "Hideyoshi please don't scare the baby" Ieyasu chimes in from his spot.
Hideyoshi's retort is cut off as everyone's attention is drawn to the slight chuckle coming from their liege lord. You turn surprise plastered on your face, as he leans forward so as not to get the retch in his mouth while wiping his face with the towels. As his laughter quieted down, you handed him the other towel so you could help your struggling husband.
"You got 'em" Keiji asked as you situated your son in your arms in a way that didn't involve getting the spit up on your kimono. "Yeah" you assured as you gently rocked him in your arms, careful not to agitate him any further. Gently thanking Keiji as he opened the door for you to swiftly exit and change his dirty clothes.
Sliding the door closed was harder with a 14 pound baby in your other arm. Mitsunari, being closest to the door, rushed from his sitting position to your aid "here" he said reaching behind you to close the door. You quickly thanked him and went to sit by the others, who were huddling around something.
"What's goin' on" Keiji turned at the sound of your honeyed voice, he swears you make his heart stutter every time. Keiji nods towards the center of the circle where multiple items were splayed out on the floor, some laying on the clean towels from earlier. "Awww" you swooned at the sight of baby sandals, several sounds of laughter meet your ears as you slowly sit down.
You asked, eyes a little teary voice wavering with emotion, making your husband's eyes and heart soften. Looking around the room you saw Hideyoshi put up his arm with a slightly bashful smile. You thanked him passionately the tears welling up in your eyes, pregnancy hormones not quite all gone, he waved his hand as he eased you a bright smile on his face.
"Lass" Masamune drew your attention to the small posh in front of you. Your look of confusion melted into one of adoration as he opened the pouch to reveal a small container filled with puréed fruit. Taking the spoon he had with it you gently placed some of the fruit on your son's parted lips. Everyone waited in silence as he contemplated the new flavor invading his senses, you and your husband laugh as your baby lifts his eyebrows in confusion, before using all of his strength to reach for the spoon again.
Your shared laughter was heard from down the hall, laughter that would illuminate your home for years to come.
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aquagirl1978 · 2 years
Heey! Could I possibly ask for a ikesen Yukimura promis; Touches #11, ”head on chest” nsfw??
Btw you seem very cool :3
Anon, sorry this took me so long, but today is your day. I don't know who you are, but you're very cool too!
Remember Me - Yukimura Sanada x Reader
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A/N: Part of my 500 Follower Celebration as well as Be My Valentine 2.0 hosted by @xxsycamore and @chaosangel767
Pairing: Yukimura Sanada x Reader
Prompts: head on chest and "I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; slight angst
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His head rested on your warm chest; the sound of your heartbeat soft in his ears. Your fingers stroked his soft hair, the movement soothing to you both. The night air was still, save for the choked sound you attempted to suppress. 
Yukimura shifted in his spot; his eyes opening, soon met yours. “What’s the matter?” he asked when he saw the tears welling in your eyes.
Looking away, you wiped your eyes quickly with the heel of your hand. “It’s nothing.”
Yukimura sat up, his hands lifting you into a seated position. “Now’s not the time to be a dummy,” he said, his fingertips stroking your cheek, your skin still wet with tears. “I’m leaving tomorrow, so…” 
As soon as he uttered those words, you felt as if you might burst into tears. Leaving. Tomorrow. 
You knew when you chose to stay in this time period that war was commonplace. Fighting was a way of life. A necessity to survive.  And under Oda Nobunaga, things were changing - the world was becoming more peaceful. 
So why were you so worried?
“Shhh…” Yukimura brushed his fingers through your hair as he held you close to his chest. “What are you so worried about? Afraid you won’t see me again?”
You pulled away, staring him straight in the eye. “Yes,” you replied solemnly. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much,” you added, your voice barely a whisper.
“Don’t forget me, then.” You looked at him somewhat confused. “Commit my every feature to memory,” he clarified. “Every touch. Every kiss.” He dipped his head, his lips capturing yours in a searing kiss. The kind of kiss that would send shivers down your spine. The kind of kiss that would sweep you off your feet and make your toes curl. The kind of kiss that was unforgettable. 
Gently, he laid you down in the futon, prepared to spend what was left of the evening ensuring that you remembered each and every part of him.
“Tomorrow, when you go to bed alone,” his voice was low and husky, thick with desire, “I want you to think of me. Remember how I touched you; all the places I touched you.” Your lips met again as your bodies joined together, his name sweet on your lips as he filled you with the greatest pleasure. Your bodies rocked against one another in sync, each stroke carving a memory of his deep love for you.
Memories that you would never, ever forget. 
Tagging: @violettduchess @alixennial @redheadkittys @atelieredux @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @ikehoe @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260 @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen
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art-of-love-and-war · 2 years
The s/o (reader) of Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide and Arthur of Ikevamp is going to die in a few years (put 4 or 5 years) and she know it. Thanks for your work and effort, I glad to see another writer here. 🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Characters: Oda Nobunaga | Date Masamune | Akechi Mitsuhide | Arthur Conan Doyle | x GN!Reader Rating: General. Word count: 1479 words Warning/s: Slight angst, mentions of illness and medication. Author note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, but I'm so happy for this request, I hope it lived up to your expectations. Thank you for requesting for Arthur, it's my first time writing him.
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Traveling through time had never been in your plans. You had grown too used to the commodities of your life, knowing that you were living as best as you could before the tragic end would come.
Your plans had been to love freely, to live to your heart's content before everything came to an end. It was the least you could do despite knowing the end of your life was near. It was not your plan to find a love so strong you wished and begged destiny to stop the cruel punchline of the joke.
It was not your plan to be so madly in love you wished things were different to stop the wounds of your heart from making you bleed out on your lover’s hands.
[୨୧] — Nobunaga Oda
You and Nobunaga had danced around each other from the very start. Bumping heads as the woman who saved his life and the cruel conqueror who sought to claim each part of you little by little until you were nothing but his.
There was fire and passion at every moment, with you fighting the hard walls he built around his heart to pass as the heartless man who’d do anything to accomplish his goal. And him trying to shape you into a soul that belonged only to him.
Yet, the result was that his soul was stripped before you, heart laying in your hands to protect and help him grow and heal, while he shielded all of you from the dangers of the world while trusting your strength and convictions to survive.
Survive. What a funny word, right?
Having a relationship meant being honest, so you had to tell your lover about the condition that was going to cut your life short.
Your tale was welcomed with a hard stare, concerned, thoughtful. Knowing he was thinking of all the possible ways he could help you, but none came to mind.
He could assure you to put you under the best care, but the thought that you came from a time beyond, with lots of technology he still couldn’t entirely comprehend, and you still didn’t have hopes of living a long life.
How could he promise you something he wouldn’t be able to grant?...
Yet, he promised he wouldn’t leave, and he’d stay until your last breath, trying to keep you alive for the years you had ahead, and in history itself so the love promise wasn’t forgotten even in the centuries to come.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[୨୧] — Date Masamune
He was a hurricane, coming to sweep you off your feet by how strong he was, taking your breath away with the energy he carried.
He lived fast, too fast. Making sacrifices for the greater good that was to come, not minding if he got caught in the middle.
He looked forward and never stopped to look behind unless it was to honor those that made the future possible, but always looking at the new day that came.
Once he met you, he slowed his fast pace to backtrack and reflect on everything that had happened in his life, how he never gave his heart out unless it was to lose himself in the emotion and the throes of passion and fire.
But you had been different, stopping him in his tracks, making him hesitate about the next step and wonder about the life he was living.
You were a bright spark, a bright firework…that was going to extinguish sooner or later.
When he wanted to know about the future you came from, he was amazed by how the world moved on, by how it developed and advanced.
Until it came to your health. You had patiently explained that you had been ill for a long time, and your life expectancy was not greater than a few years, that even if the technology of your home was quite advanced, or at least much more than what they had in Sengoku period, your hopes for a long life were not in the picture.
He took it upon himself to show you how to live a wonderful life, a fast and beautiful one before the end came, and you gladly took his hand through it.
Masamune then slowed down later, when his heart ached inevitably whenever you shared your time, thinking that you were going to be gone and he’d have nothing but the memories.
If he was so used to moving on, why did the thought of moving on without you hurt so much?
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[୨୧] — Akechi Mitsuhide
This man can read you deeply like an open book even if you shut yourself with a lock and key. There’s nothing you can hide from him.
Not even when your origins are secret enough that he decides to look through your room and your belongings, finding your bag that carried your things from your time.
He immediately questioned the mysterious containers that were not made of glass nor clay but…something else, and colorful contents.
In his mind, it could be poison, which wouldn’t be rare, but combined with the other things he found he wasn’t happy about someone like you having so many interesting secrets he was yet to find out.
The interrogation wasn’t pretty. He was terrifying once he showed his bad side, and he was bad enough of a tease already, but this was meant to rip information out of you even if you didn’t have anything bad to hide.
You calmly took one of the pills, and swallowed it down, then calmly explain what it was, how you got it, and why did you need it.
His hard stare and cocky smile turned into one you couldn’t quite read.
He clicked his silver tongue, taking a seat right in front of you, hinting at you to continue your strange story, wanting to know more to determine if what you said was true or not.
Surprisingly, even for the expert liar that he was, you spoke nothing but the truth, he could clearly see it and piece together the puzzle of how you acted like you didn’t belong there at all, now knowing the reason.
After that, he decided not to pry too much into your life, unless you were willing to open up to him, which you were after you two had spent too much time together as mentor and apprentice, as a fake wife, and fake husband.
Mitsuhide didn’t want to admit that he was smitten with you, deciding to show his affection as the helpless teasing to the point of tears. He decided his heart had been closed off for too long, and when you came, he wanted to open up more than anything.
Until he remembered that there was a time limit to having you.
Maybe the only way he could treasure you as he wanted was by deciding to not have you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[୨୧] — Arthur Conan Doyle
He liked the little game you played together, he lived for the fun of just unwrapping every layer you had to offer until your soul laid bare for his curiosity to gobble you up.
Yet, he had his limitations once he realized you were too pure and bright, that your light was one too warm he craved in the unforgiving storm of the memories that still haunted him from his mortal life.
You were so, so warm. So full of life…
And he had fallen hard for you without noticing until his heart was so full of you and was spilling. So helplessly in love, wanting nothing but to give all of himself to you in exchange for a small bit of your affection.
It was so dark and so cold inside his mind, that you made him want nothing else but to give you his heart, and in exchange, he’d take care of your life and destiny for the years he had to come.
That is when after adventures solving “mysteries” downtown you decided you trusted him enough to tell you about the illness shortening your life, and how you had traveled to Paris as part of your idea of traveling before it came to an end.
He stood quiet the whole time, face turning into one of deep regret and melancholy. Memories of all that he had lost­-- All he couldn’t save.
And you… You were innocent, pure, bright light. A warm fire. And even without having you, you were going to be ripped away and become one more of the many losses. Another beautiful soul with their lives cut short.
Arthur once again couldn’t do anything to stop that dreadful thing from happening. No matter how much he loved you, he was still doomed to lose you…
Or not.
He just hoped you could agree to share eternity with him, and maybe you and he would have to ask Comte for a not-so-small favor.
But the fear of loss still wouldn’t leave as easily.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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lucyw260 · 1 year
Yore Of Shooting Stars - Nobunaga
Every year on my birthday I post a little something to commemorate Nobunaga's death anniversary which so happens to be the same day, I wanted to write a little something to keep up the tradition. I hope you like it.
Words = 364
Warnings = established relationship, kissing
Excerpt = "I hope the stars were not listening to our wishes"
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Summer was beginning and the nights were getting shorter and hotter. Y/n and Nobunaga were out on the balcony of Nobunaga's tenshu, watching the stars in the humid breeze. Nobunaga's arms were wrapped around Y/n as she was seated in his lap.
Suddenly a bright light shot across the deep cerulean sky and Y/n quickly clasped her hands together and closed her eyes.
Nobunaga angled his eyes down towards her as he watched her effulgent and elysian visage in all her glory. He waited until she her interesting action was finished but it ended up being protracted and he became impatient.
He stroked one long finger down the side of her face to draw her eyes to his. "What were you doing just now?" he inquired in confusion as her eyes flittered open to meet his.
"A shooting star just went by so I was making a wish" Y/n spoke as if it was obvious
Nobunaga hummed but before he could answer, another bright light arched across the sky.
"Quick Nobunaga, clasp your hands together and make a wish!" Y/n enthusiastically pointed out in a slight panic.
He did as she said and put his hands together in silence, he wished for the first thing that came to mind. When he opened his eyes, Y/n's curious eyes looked eager to hear his wish.
"That was a pointless activity, the stars cannot answer a person's wishes" Nobunaga boldly declared. Y/n's expression fell a little upon hearing his opinion.
"However, sharing a superstition you believe in was interesting but I hope the stars were not listening to our wishes" he declared as Y/n tilted her head in puzzlement.
"How come?" she asked inquisitively.
Out of nowhere, Nobunaga pulled her by the waist towards him and planted a deep kiss upon her lips of pulchritude before pulling away.
He looked straight into her eyes as he replied...
"Because it is my duty as your boyfriend to fulfill all your wishes. I won't let the night sky steal that from me"
Y/n chuckled quietly as she stared in mild shock, adoration and love for Nobunaga overflowing in her heart.
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Please don’t repost, edit or steal. Reblogs are more than welcome though!  
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