#ikeseries yves kloss
pochipop · 1 year
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#. synopsis! — yves frequents your family owned bakery in the city, and he's such a pretty liar .
#. characters! — yves .
#. warnings! — very slight angst .
#. word count! — 1.6k .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — is this really the content anyone wants from me? probably not! but hello ikeseries fandom, i've come to join the tumblr ranks !
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There he sits again in one of the worn-out wooden chairs of your family’s bakery, —his hair glistening like little strings of golden sunlight in the dying evening rays. Many moons ago, you’d have been nervous to approach him, smoothing your apron down, dusting flour off yourself haphazardly before making your way over to take his order, minding your posture like a single slump in his presence would have set the world ablaze. These days, you know better. . . Yves may look much too sophisticated to let yourself be true around, but underneath that perfectly polished appearance, there’s a young man much like yourself.
A young man who is also painfully uncertain of it all, who yearns for a place to belong.
With two servings of strawberry mousse in either hand, you place one before him, letting the little ceramic dish clink against the table. His clear, powder blue eyes draw to your face, and he bites back a smile, forcing that same neutral arrogance to remain even as you take a seat across from him.
“Back again, I see,” you grin a bit, shoveling a spoonful of the creamy dessert into your mouth, letting it melt on your tongue.
He hums in acknowledgement, taking his own spoon between his fingers to gracefully scoop an appropriate sized bite from the top.
“I had some business to attend to in town,” he replies evenly, pausing to taste the mousse, and then to swallow it down. “I’m sure I missed dinner at the castle and was feeling pekish on the journey back.”
You know he’s lying, but you don’t ask why. You never ask why he’s often so dishonest; both with himself and others. . . It’s easier to assume that Yves has his reasons and to leave it at that.
“I trust everything went well enough then?” You inquire.
His eyebrow raises in confusion, and you’re quick to clarify: “With the business you mentioned having in town, that is.”
If you hadn’t been sure he was lying before, you certainly were after seeing his face drop for a moment as he realized he’d slipped up in his charade.
“Oh, —yes,” he answers, giving a quick, unconvincing nod. “All’s well, thank you. And I assume business today went smoothly as well?”
“As smoothly as it can go, I suppose,” you laugh, —and ah. . . There’s that funny feeling again, the one Yves has been having in his chest as of late.
The kind that mimics a dastardly mixture of palpitations and the fluttering of insect wings.
He’d really like to fix this. There’s gotta be a way to pass this over, let these feelings pass him by, —because this can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t ever work, and he knows it. You live in a world so completely different to his own; one that isn’t tainted by royal politics and all the gossip of bordering kingdoms that always lingers around the corners, threatening to swallow him whole. There’s no place for love when it comes to people like him. Not when any compassion you could ever show him would only prove to marr your reputation. It’s why he never picks the seat by the largest window anymore, why he only comes here when the shop is about to close, and why he’s never allowed himself to sit with you without telling a lie.
So yeah. . . Maybe it is for the best that you never ask why he isn’t as honest as he could be when it comes to you. Or to anyone else. 
“You seem a little down today,” you comment. “Is everything really okay?”
It’s just the way his frown seems deeper, and the way his brows seem so set in their furrow. He never looks outwardly happy as far as you’ve ever see of him, but usually there’s little flecks of joy that swim through his eyes, whether it’s over the sweets, or the peacefulness of the establishment, or over the way you smile at him so reassuringly, as if flashing one at him for just a second should be enough to soothe his deepest hurts.
His expression drops for a moment, like he’s surprised you were paying enough attention to notice the smaller details of his sour mood. Yves does his best to wear his heart beneath his sleeve, keep it hidden away, but you. . . He fears you see him for exactly who he is, and the thought of it terrifies him. Nobody should have to see that.
“Everything’s fine,” he nods after a few moments of silence. “The mousse is quite good today. Did you make it yourself?”
You fear the compliment is little more than a distraction, a way to change the topic without having to dwell on the previous one. But that’s okay.
“Mhm,” you nod. “Just a few hours ago, actually. We’ve been tweaking the recipe a bit as of late, and I think this might be the best one so far.”
“I agree. The sweetness is balanced with the slightly tart flavor of the fresh strawberries on top, and the texture is so decadent and creamy,” he answers, words emphasized by the spoonful he ushers into his mouth much less elegantly than before.
Something about it makes you smile. Sure, he’s a liar, but his eyes are so honest, and you can always tell what he really wants to say when you read between the lines. You imagine it must be hard to be a prince in such a small kingdom. . . To have so many eyes on you at all times, to be judged both at your strongest and weakest points. The riches of it all must be nice, and that’s all well and good, —but there’s so obviously a price to pay for living under that kind of scrutiny. You can’t help but wonder if Yves ever stops to let it all wash over him, or if he goes about each day pretending to be alright for everyone else’s sake.
At the very least, you hope he feels comfortable being himself here, with you. 
“I’m glad you think so.”
Silence falls between you for a bit. The sound of horse drawn carriages padding over the gravel outside and the soft clinks of your spoons against the little ceramic bowls echo in a playful chorus.
You’re happy he stopped by today.
“There’s some leftover honey cake, if you’d like to take it back with you,” you note. “I know you took a slice to go the first time you came in, and you mentioned your brother was a fan of the flavor.”
He blinks, lips parting slightly, as if he just can’t believe you cared enough to remember an interaction from so long ago. It makes him wonder what else you’d be able to recall about him, and he looks down at the strawberry mousse sitting on the table (though it’s mostly eaten by now.)
“If it’s not too much trouble,” he answers, voice softer than before.
Yves tacks on a quiet ‘thank you,’ to which you offer him another smile. He wishes he could see that everyday, feel the way it lights him up from the inside. . . But that’s a fool’s game to play, and Yves is no court jester. He’s a prince, —a cowardly one, and he’s not the kind of man you deserve. He’s not the kind of man anyone should truly care for.
“It’s no trouble at all,” you answer. “You’ve been very generous to myself and my family’s bakery. . . Really, it’s the least I can do. I’m afraid I’m not sure how else to repay the kindness.”
Perish the thought, honestly. He’d do anything just to see you every now and again, to reach out and remind himself that not everyone in this kingdom thinks him to be some kind of humanized betrayal. You look at him with such kindness in your eyes, and it’s a welcome change from the harsh, judgemental stares he often receives on his way anywhere at all. At least with you, he feels content; like there’s no shackles keeping him glued to a place of constant scrutiny.
You see him as he is, —and you ignore everything he isn’t. And he loves you for it.
You pack up two slices of the honey cake, thinking maybe if he really hadn’t eaten that much today, he’d be able to enjoy it at some point or another. As you hand the little box over, you don’t bother to insist he keep his coins in his pocket. He’s already fumbling around in his pockets for payment likely double that of the actual price.
“We’ll have macarons on sale this weekend, if you’d be interested in stopping by,” you smile, handing him the box of honey cake slices. “I can save you some.”
Even if he didn’t want them, (which he most certainly did), he would have accepted your offer anyway. If it means he has a valid excuse to come see you for a bit, then count Yves in without question.
“I’d like that,” he answers, his fingers brushing oh so gently against your own as he takes the box from your hands. 
You swore you could see the faintest smile pull at his lips, but it was gone before you could be certain of it.
The time comes once again for him to leave, and you watch him go with a newfound longing. From the window of the bakery, you watch as his lean frame eventually turns the closest corner, and he disappears for the time being. . . He’ll be back soon enough, you’re sure, but a part of you always hates to see him go.
Maybe one day he won’t have to, but for now, you resign yourself to closing shop, the thought of him dancing around in your head.
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lumi-cent · 3 months
Whatever it is that the ikedevs are on, I want some.
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hhoneypop · 1 year
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@hhoneypop. — “ i've lived through a war, i'm still soldiering on. . . ”
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ikedoll · 3 months
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cz everyone hates him for being half obsidianite 😖
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙃𝙐𝙍 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙔𝙑𝙀𝙎 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮
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↬ 💌 Arthur & Yves reassuring you about your body image, sprinkled with some extra words of affirmation.
Arthur Conan Doyle x f!Reader; Yves Kloss x f!Reader • rating: G • tags: Fluff; Comfort; Insecurity; Body Image; Food • wordcount: 1, 354 • masterlist
For my darling @maries-gallery 💕
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It's nothing new for Arthur to barge in your shared bedroom, full-well knowing you've just taken a shower - to pretend he's merely looking for something in his belongings, but never exiting the room without stealing a kiss or two.
Today, as usual, you squeal and tie your towel more securely around your form when you see him entering - but while your affection is genuine when you do return the romantic gesture, the way you strictly prevent the fabric from revealing anything leaves an impression on him.
"Shy, Luv? It's not like there's something I haven't seen under that skimpy towel..."
You smack him playfully and change the topic, neither falling prey to his teasing nor going all the way to push him out through the door and lock from the inside. He brushes his earlier suspicions off as nothing, and goes to the wardrobe instead.
"Need help choosing an outfit for the day, doll? Anything specific in mind? Color?"
There's something heartwarming in letting him pick for you, a way to get to know which articles of clothing he loves on you - but the smile disappears from your face when you see him pick up a dress from the depths of the wardrobe.
"Oh my, hello there. How about this one? I can't recall you sporting it in awhile."
You shake your head and sigh, putting an inevitable start to a difficult conversation, hoping that letting it out would at least make things a little better.
You tell Arthur that you've been avoiding certain clothes lately as you just couldn't feel right in them. The image in the mirror produces a cruel comparison most often than not, with dolled-up ladies crossing Paris' streets, their striking forms clad in fashionable outfits, each one prettier than the other. While you're fortunate to be able to acquire what they're wearing via Comte's limitless generosity, the resemblance ends there. Even the dress that Arthur held out just now, soaked in happy memories, seems to have suited your body better at some earlier point in time. Now, you're not so sure.
Somewhere amidst your confession, Arthur has had you seated on the sofa, rubbing gentle circles into your hands. The gesture prevents those hot tears from spilling past the corners of your eyes, and your lover listens to all you have to say before speaking.
"I could say something was troubling you lately. So, that's what it was, hmm? You're in luck, my dear, because I do happen to have a sharp eye, and besides... not to boast, but, I doubt another chap knows your body better than me. I could even compete with you, if needed. I assure you, you haven't changed a bit; it was this morning when I kissed your eyelids good morning and you opened them for the first time of the day to greet mine - the same eyes I love and adore - and then you let me brush your hair because I couldn't stop complimenting the way the morning sun kisses its ends and colors them with its rays. You asked if I ever get tired of it, no? Same as when I compare our fingers, how I compliment the good pair they make when intertwined. You're still the woman I fell head over heels for. So don't let those thoughts erase the beautiful smile from your face, Luv. It's the smile you're always wearing best."
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Being Yves' lover means having eyes on you every time you're spotted together - or maybe it's him who they're looking at? With his natural looks and the boost coming from his top-notch fashion sense, he's quite eye-catching, and you don't blame others for staring...
With the lately rising insecurities you have about your body come some pretty nasty thoughts: some of which, but not limited to, your lover and his perception of you. Next to the beautiful Yves, you feel your form strikingly unmatching - is someone as observant as the fifth prince able to deny how you mar his image?
It gets worse each time freshly baked sweets are brought into the Domestic affairs faction's office - a bunch of hands nearly bumping into one another in their haste to secure a treat for themselves; full-mounted exclamations of tasting something utterly delectable accompanied by chewing noises. This is just how it is when Yves bakes. And while the princes have surprisingly and wholesomely learned to save a piece for you (even though they're SURE Yves must bake some kind of super-duper special sweets exclusively for his lover!), you don't take advantage of your privilege today again. Someone cheers with "Yay, more for me!" while others jokingly ask if you're being picky about one of the ingredients again - a frequent lie of yours.
Small excuses work with them, but you didn't realize that Yves saw the exchange this time. His brows are furrowed when he approaches you.
"Come with me. I need to talk to you."
Listening to him, Yves' words catch you by surprise as you learn how the situation appears in his eyes. You've been avoiding showing up with him in public; you've been refusing to eat most of what he bakes, you've even refused to wear some of the outfits he picked specially for you.
"You should at least let me know if you don't like my sweets so I can change the ingredients... not that I'm making them all for you! I mean, my brothers eat them too, but... oh, well! They can just make do with what they have!"
No, it's pretty obvious that he bakes everything with you in mind first and foremost... his true tsundere nature brings laughter to your lips, and you feel a little more at ease. And here you thought he nearly lost interest in you.
Before he can get even more confused and hurt by you laughing at him, you take a deep breath and confess what's been troubling you. It's hard for your voice not to waver, and you avoid Yves' clear blue eyes that are getting wider in surprise by the second.
When he takes your hands and makes you meet his gaze, he's furrowing his brow again. You can tell he's going over his words carefully before he lets them flow, the strong emotion making it harder for him.
"I can't believe you! You worried me a lot, making me wonder if you're sick or if you're unhappy being associated with me. Forgive me for thinking this. It's just something that has happened before, because of who I am, so for a second I thought you wouldn't want to be seen with the infamous fifth prince. I'm sorry for doubting you. Now that I know the real reason behind your behavior... I want to tell you something. I can't change the way you look at yourself, or to make you love your body, but I can promise you I always look at you with love. Ever since we became lovers, it's like I want to show you off... don't laugh! I mean it! And it applies to all of you - your looks, but also your sharp mind, your bright personality, your smile, the emotions written in your eyes. And people won't see all of that, and I actually prefer it that way. You're perfect the way you are, but there will always be perfect things about you that only I can see. I keep them to myself because it's embarrassing sometimes, but I will make sure to share them with you more often, seeing that a certain someone is blind to the truth of just how perfect she is! But please know, that just as you accept me for who I am, I too accept you for who you are. What your body looked like, and looks like presently, or how it might change in the future, I already fell inlove with it once, because it's yours. I'm not good with words, so make sure to take notice of my actions too, if you will! And don't hide from me... I want to be here for you when those thoughts come troubling you again."
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @ichigostellaglynn @atelier-the-atelier @cilokgoang @aceuuuuu Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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randonauticrap · 11 months
Halloween with Leon (Part 1)
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Pairing ~ Leon Dompteur x Reader
Word Count ~ 1k
Warnings ~ None, except for the fact that Leon only appears in flashback in this fic, since it's just Part 1. But there's a BIG warning for some adorable Licht and Yves content ahead!
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It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to have a Halloween party with the princes of Rhodolite. You wished you could claim credit for the brilliant idea, but in reality, it was Yves. He conjured up the thought one brisk afternoon in the garden. You had relaxed into the sofa, where a table of autumn-themed treats sat before you. Yves had truly outdone himself this time. There were leaf-shaped cinnamon cookies, pumpkin spice cupcakes with adorable sugar leaves and icing pumpkins decorating the tops, a caramel cheesecake, pumpkin pecan pudding, caramel apple tarts, and a beautifully decorated chocolate peanut butter cake.
Yves handed you a cup of warm, caramel flavored coffee, and you took it with a grateful smile. Licht had already grabbed a cookie from the pumpkin shaped serving dish and was quietly munching on it when Yves finally sat down across from you. “So, you and Leon went to the pumpkin patch a few days ago?” Yves smiled over his cup of tea, his clear blue eyes pinning you with questions unasked. In response, your cheeks flushed ever so slightly and you stole a glance into your mug.
“Mhm,” you hummed, knowing you had yet to hear the end of it. 
“Well, how was it? Don’t think you can get away with not telling me. I’ll either find out from you or I’ll go to Leon myself. Now which do you want it to be?”
“Okay, okay! I’ll tell you, have mercy!” you surrendered, giggling.
“That’s more like it!” Yves set his cup down and clapped his hands together. “Ready for this, Licht? This is when we both find out if my lessons paid off!” Licht nodded and they both turned their full attention to you.
“Well, we went to the pumpkin patch, and there were quite a few people who recognized Leon and wanted to talk to him.” 
Yves rolled his eyes. “Didn’t they see that they were interrupting a very important date?!” 
“Yves!” you chided him as the color in your cheeks deepened.
“Well it’s true!” Yves countered. “If they had known how long-awaited this outing was, maybe they would have had the decency to give you two some privacy!”
“Leon is well liked everywhere, Yves.” Lict replied calmly.
“Licht is right.” you said. “No matter when we went or where we went, people would want to talk to him, and he would oblige them. It’s part of who he is.” You paused, wondering if you should let the next bit slip, but you figured it was no use trying to hide it from the 5th and 6th princes anymore. “It’s part of what I love about him.” you muttered, and the irritation in Yves’s eyes disappeared almost instantaneously, replaced by a mischievous gleam.
“Oh, yes?” He quirked an intrigued eyebrow at you. “What else do you love about Leon?”
“Yveeeeees,” you drawled in exhasperation. 
“Alright, so what happened next?” 
“Well, once we got our pumpkins, we decided to get some food.-”
“Oh! Did you use the method I taught you?!” Yves cried and you chuckled.
“I tried to, yeah.”
“How did it work?” He leaned forward, an expectant smile on his lips.
“Leon saw through it right away and just laughed.” you shrugged, and Yves’s shoulders fell.
“Ugh.” Yves swiped a hand over his face in defeat, while your smile widened. He looked up and met your gaze after several seconds, and his expression shifted from disappointment into suspicion. “Why are you smiling like that?”
“Because while he may have seen through my act, he knew what I was trying to do, so he picked me up and carried me to where they were selling food.” You covered your eyes with your sweater sleeves as you thought back to being hauled up against the 4th prince’s warm, solid body in front of all those people.
“I knew it!” Yves screeched in triumph. “I knew it would work!” 
You laughed loudly and reached for a tarte, stealing a glance at Licht, who had already gone through a few more sweets during the conversation. Even he was smiling, if only barely, the sight uncharacteristic to his usually solemn countenance. You couldn’t be more thankful for these princes - your friends. “I guess my favorite season is lucky for me.” You chuckled as you lifted the tarte to your lips. 
“Wait a second…” Yves gave pause, then erupted. “That’s it!”
“What’s it?” You echoed, your tarte still hovering in front of your mouth.
“Your favorite season, your favorite holiday! We can capitalize on this!” 
“Yves, what are you talking about?” 
“You want Leon to take the next step in your relationship, right?”
“...yes.” you murmured, your face suddenly feeling hot again. Yves didn’t realize just how much he was insinuating, but you guessed that Licht did, what with how he turned his face away from you with slightly reddened ears as if to say, “I don’t want to hear this!”
“Then we need to make him jealous!” Yves rattled on, unaware. “We’ll host a party for us and the nobles - that includes you, of course. It can be a masquerade ball for Halloween!” 
“This sounds like an amazing idea, Yves!” You piped up. “But, tell me how a masquerade ball will make Leon jealous.” 
“He won’t get the chance to ask you to be his partner.” Yves grinned wickedly. 
“Who will be my partner then?” you asked, still uncertain about where this was going.
“Me or Licht, of course!” he beamed, but Licht’s frown deepened. Thankfully, before you could say the words yourself, Licht was already saying them.
“Leon knows that neither of us are romantically interested in her. He also knows we would never have unsavory intentions with her. That won’t make him jealous at all.” 
“Hmph.” Yves dropped his chin into his hand, seeing the truth in Licht’s words, but not a way around them. 
“Uhm.” you cleared your throat and their eyes were on you again.
“I know someone who might be willing…”
~ To Be Continued ~
Tags for the Lovelies: @rhodolitesroseforclavis @aquagirl1978 @ikehoe @queengiuliettafirstlady @maries-gallery @veervers @nightghoul381 @judejazza @xbalayage @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @alvieeru @aria-chikage @tele86
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Good Morning, Prince Yves
oneshot . fluff . kissing . 362 words
minors and ageless blogs please dni
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You, floating, saccharine and gorgeous in love, are spooled free from pastel dreams into a warm living-space: his space and sanctuary and stage and storybook, shaded in pastel pillows, teacup furniture, the shimmer off jewels and gemwork, and orbiting him, the doll, the prince, the sweetness God baked into blue eyes and ginger smile.
Yves flips the hair from his face and morning light finishes the rest. "You're not allowed to look that cute while you sleep!"
Your cheek tickles then glows effulgent with his frowning admission. "Good morning, Yves."
He beats you to the kiss, which is more air and lips hiding soliloquy than body finding body after a night without. He nips your nose and retreats into his pillow, even as you chase after your capricous cat.
"You're going on a date with me today and that's final," he very seriously asks the ceiling.
You burrow into his side of the covers. "I have etiquette lessons with Sariel."
Yves jumps when your shadow suddenly eclipses his face. His lashes waltz with each corner of the room in which his gaze seeks asylum. But there is more of you in his room now, clothing, books and vestige, than there was when a certain rose began shedding its hours.
A sigh. "You will learn far more from me, and a host of other things as well. Don't forget who you're-"
Breezy footsteps clip past the door and recede toward the library.
A small cataclysm ripples down to your toes as Yves traces his finger over the hills and crests of your face in profile.
"That's two men you've ignored me for and we haven't even left the bed yet."
You won't give him even a second, not a hundredth of a hundredth a second, to overthink nonsense. You eclipse all of him now, with body and beating heart and brows knit in frustration where your smile doesn't quite reach.
Yves. Is too cute.
"If you have time today, I'd like to take you up on that date."
He makes a tiny, haughty little laugh in his throat. And then a wordless thank-you wraps around your waist and holds you for safekeeping.
inspired by the resplendent bubheart, gilbertvonobsidian and violettduchess
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too-much-otome · 2 years
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝘐𝘯 𝘈𝘱𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘰𝘮 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 (Yves x GN reader)
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↬🌸 A date with Yves in late spring.
Yves Kloss x Gender Neutral Reader • rating: G • tags: Fluff; Dates; Gardens; Tea Parties: Reading; Birds; Tea snacks; Afternoon Naps; Some humor • wordcount: 1, 239 • masterlist
a/n: after 200+ fics, this is my first time fully writing one on my phone 😂 I'm nervous! It didn't come natural to me and it felt different from my usual stuff, but I'm away from home and I had to finish it before the challenge ends 🥺 Inspired by that one time I walked by an apple tree in full bloom in the morning, and the pavement was completely covered in its petals when I returned just a few hours later...I made a poll asking you which character you'd like to see in a spring-themed fic, and here we are, with the winner! Yves + prompts 4. Gardens; 7. Flower Crowns; 14. Birds Chirping (fluff) for Spring Showers, Spring Flowers Challenge by the lovely @aquagirl1978 & @violettduchess 💖 Hope you enjoy!
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Spring is too short.
And unlike the endless duties of those who buzz around the palace, much like the busy bees outside, it has an end. A prince with a penchant for all things beautiful and his equally gracious lover would naturally want to make the most of the season.
Too bad they're just like the bees. And when they are to finally catch a break, the gardens are simply calling for them with the promise of an apple blossom-scented date.
Book in one hand and Yves' hand in the other, you shield your gaze from the suddenly dazzling sun, somehow having missed the mundane act of it.
"Make yourself comfortable. Don't stand so stiffly, this is no tea ceremony with officials."
Watching the back of the bulter that served you tea as he walks away, you move your gaze back on Yves and his kind suggestion. Reclining back and enjoying your book, sitting back up just for a small sip... it does seem pleasant.
"But in your presence, Prince Yves..."
"Don't be like that! You deserve a rest. Besides, I'm fine where I am."
Yves' bright smile is a little too much to argue with. A small sigh leaves your tea-warmed lips as you sink further into the settee.
You and Yves have been dating for some time now, the golden middle of feels-like-forever meeting 'every sensation is new like we only became a thing yesterday'... so much to be felt. Being comfortable in his company is swept by a current of bubbling excitement, of fixating on his every little gesture, of hearing the echo of his words in his head for so long after spoken words of love.
As for him? He seems to have it even worse. The crystal-clear oceans in his eyes waver in turbulence as you look up from your book (not a single full sentence yet read...) to meet his gaze, flashing him a content smile. He smiles back, awkwardly, tipping his chin slightly up to match his usual poise. His eyes though, they linger on your form... For a second you stiffen, sure that it has to do with your current posture - legs folded sideways and rested on the settee - and you consider putting them back down. But Yves just cleans his throat and stands up from the tea table.
"I... Have something I need to do. It won't take long so please wait for me here and enjoy your book!"
And then he's gone.
You blink as the pink of his cape camouflages among the magnolias and fully disappears in another second, leaving you wondering what businesses Yves could possibly have further ahead in the garden...
The book you've acquired puts an old saying to shame as it proves to be as magical as its cover, the further into it you get. In a world of flowers and fairies two people find love, and you wonder with how much the emotion makes your eyes sparkle, if every romance book should be marked as having magical elements. 
When the chirping of birds becomes louder than the narrative in your head, you look up from your book to find two round little sparrows perched on the wrought iron chair Yves was seated in. You figure you've been as still and tranquil as a garden statue, enough for the two little balls of fluff to dauntlessly approach the table. 
'Too bad that not even crumbs are left when Yves' baked treats are brought to the table...', you don't say out loud, seeking their company for longer. It's true, you've already eaten his delicious tea snack... And now you're not immune, and definitely not in this picture perfect afternoon, to getting sleepy.
Suppressing a yawn, you notice how the warm breeze brings a swirl of fallen petals down on you. With the apple blossom standing tall above you, it's no surprise that all nearby surfaces are adorned with the little pinkish white petals. There are some on your clothes, too.
Yes, beauty could be found behind the hard covers of the book too, sometimes. And speaking of it...
'Where did you go, Yves?'
"-falling asleep in a place like this!"
Something is threatening your sacred nap. It's melodic but carries a hint of panic...
"-or if it has gotten cold?!"
It's familiar, yet it could as well be a part of the ambience and nothing more...
"Wake up already!!"
Eyes blinking into focus, the weight of a good nap is persuading you into resting them for a little longer... But you recognize the pinched face of your lover.
"Prince Yves!! I've fallen asleep..."
You lift yourself from the cozy curled-up position you've been holding for awhile now, limbs begging for that nice after-sleep stretch out. And in the improvising version of doing so in front of a wide-eyed Yves, you discover said limbs - and your whole body, actually - covered in fallen apple blossom petals.
"So much of them..."
"You're BURIED in them! It's like you've been out in the snow!"
Truly, it does resemble a thin layer of snow... you should probably get to your feet and shake them off, but solving the riddle behind Yves' strange demeanor takes priority. Taking a better look at him, the last bits of sleepiness make way for becoming more perceptive, and you can't help but gasp.
"What happened to you?!"
Hair slightly unkempt and a mud stain spoiling the beauty of his visage, the lower your eyes go, the more they're met with striking surprise. His clothes are a mess! Splotches of green stain his trousers and blazer, as well as his cape, likely caused by a close and rough encounter with the grass...but why?
"I... Wanted to make this for you."
Only now you notice the hand hidden behind his back, now brought into sight along with the item it holds. 
"A flower crown?"
Yves meets your gaze with barely hidden embarrassment.
"Y-You looked so pretty earlier, it would've been bad taste not to present you with something! And there are all kinds of flowers blooming now, and I've seen you admire all of them...it was hard to choose, you know! And then there were these stupid traps laid all over the garden...!"
That explains a lot... Poor Yves. There's something laughable in his eagerness to go through all of this despite the obstacles, but it's equally touching.
"it's so pretty! Thank you so much! I don't know what to say..."
The sweet smile is back on Yves' face, but the furrowing of his brow returns as he motions to place the crown on your head.
"I wonder if that's needed at all, with you being practically buried in flowers already!"
A chuckle rises to your lips but you don't want to disrespect his efforts, so you begin to brush the petals away - only to be stopped by Yves' gentle hand landing on yours.
"Let me look at how pretty you are a little longer, okay? I was away all afternoon..."
The heat blooming on your face is reasonable given how unexpectedly sweet his words are, yet you wish your composure was harder to break. You nod and a single petal sticking to your head falls down in a slow dance.
You hold your head lowered though, signaling your desire to have that flower crown finally on your head; choosing to bear even the additional heat that would inevitably come to your face with it.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @aceuuuuu @atelier-the-atelier @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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xxsycamore · 2 years
—𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳(𝘴)
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Aside from a holiday to spend with loved ones, Christmas is an opportunity for Yves. An opportunity to put his brilliant mind and his refined sense of beauty to use. Now that he has a Belle to impress, he must be exceptional.
...And when his height gets in the way of achieving that, his tall girlfriend comes to the rescue. Not that he asked for it.
▍yves x tall!MC (belle) ▍rating: G ▍tags: Tall!MC (Belle); Height Differences; Fluff; Christmas Decorations; Humor; Humor and Fluff ▍wordcount:  1,032
▍a/n:  This one is for all the tall belles out there!! I'm quite tiny myself but I always wanted to write something like this! Hope you enjoy!!
Written for mine and @voltage-vixen's 'Tis The Season For Love challenge!
PROMPT: "Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree."
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Aside from a holiday to spend with loved ones, Christmas is an opportunity for Yves. An opportunity to put his brilliant mind and his refined sense of beauty to use. Now that he has a Belle to impress, he must be exceptional. The halls have to be decked and they have to be decked well. The tree must stand tall and glamorous; adorned with ribbons and glass ornaments and to be impossible not to be admired by whoever happens to walk by. No, no, Belle's eyes on the tree is all that matters! The additional praise wouldn't be unwanted, especially if it's from his dear Licht, but then Yves' mind trails off in the list of brothers until he remembers a certain hellcat. Everybody knows how cats and Christmas trees are - they should not be allowed in the same room. Which just adds to the list of rooms Clavis is unwelcomed in.
And tall and glamorous the tree stands.
Now, it's not like Yves has to do everything with his own two elegant hands - there are people for that. That's why he was content enough with giving directions as he oversaw the process of decorating many walls and surfaces around the castle, but this here is different. He specifically ordered for noone to enter here as he takes care of beautifying the tree, sending a note for Belle to come in half an hour to be the first seeing the result.
He's soaring on the wings of love, driven to enfold his talents in order to impress her…alas, the wings don't bring him high enough.
The tips of his deft fingers, clad in snow-white glove, are barely holding onto the star ornament meant to be placed at the highest point of the tree. A little more and he risks it falling to the tiled floor with a horrifying sound of broken glass. He doesn't want that to happen, no, so he summons more concentration. The bottom of the star barely grazes the branch it's meant to stand on, yet, the realization is knocking on the door. He simply cannot reach with that height of his.
Knock knock.
No, this is not his realization knocking at a metaphorical door this time, it's all quite real, so it must be-
Blue eyes widening, Yves takes a step back, lowering himself from the tips of his toes but not fast enough to hide what he's been up to. This is a nightmare; he managed to get distracted enough so the time has passed without his knowledge, Belle is here, he's not ready, and she most likely saw his futile attempt to reach higher…
"Wow…woooow! Yves! It looks amazing! You did this all by yourself?"
Ah. Maybe he's saved by his own creation, albeit unfinished.
"Why, yes. Are you doubting it?"
Belle laughs and her laugher is the sound of dozen delicate little golden bells that unfortunately Yves cannot adorn the tree with. Though, that's fine, she always wears those best.
She comes in closer, sweeping her hand over each of his shoulders as their little inside joke with which she teases him for his occasionally proud nature. Then, she would normally go for a kiss over his cupid's bow, puckered by a frown she summoned with her teasing - yet, this time his lips are the ones welcoming hers. To the disadvantage of his height, Yves loves to grasp the back of her neck and pull her down, gently. It's a simple greeting kiss, a little more than a pressing of lips against lips, but with the perfect amount of decency that only aims to say I missed you.
But his beloved has sharp eyes.
"What about the star?"
Yves' eyes trail down to where hers are curiously staring, the object in his hands, wits are hurriedly coming up on his mind.
"Ah, uh, I actually… I wanted you to place it." He thrusts the ornament into her hands, with a suddenly highlighted reaction to their briefly touching hands. The rise of intensity of the moment doesn't translate to Belle, who only appears more smug about the whole exchange.
"Hooh? Are you sure it's that, and not that you couldn't reach…?"
Yves is at the brink of producing a choking sound in his throat that is anything but suiting his elegant persona. He's so held aback by being found out, he can just grit his teeth and face away from his beloved.
"Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree."
"Huh?" Blinking with invisible question marks floating above her, Belle makes Yves turn towards her but keeps her hands on his shoulders even after he does. "I was just teasing you… why didn't you ask anyone? Or take a stepladder?"
Yves wants to go outside, find a nice pile of snow and bury himself there. It would even help cool his burning cheeks aside from releasing him from living in embarrassment.
"I told you, I wanted you to-"
"Wait, I've got you!"
And suddenly Yves feels weightless, breather dying in his throat. The scent of Belle overwhelms him as the tight hug from behind sends him soaring in the air, this time it's real unlike before, but Yves can't allow himself to bask in the feeling. He wants to be unhanded immediately, and he remembers the star he's still holding, and he knows he has to place it in order to touch the ground again. And place it he does.
"Yaaay!" Belle exclaims, clapping her hands quietly as much as she can while still hugging Yves from behind.
"Why did you do that?? What if you strained your arms? I can't be that light, you could have-"
"But Yveees, you were so cute…"
Belle pouts, glad that at least her boyfriend is not facing her because she wouldn't be able to handle his scolding while face to face. Thankfully he's not struggling to get out of her grasp just yet.
Up this close, she can see the tips of his ears burning red. A goofy smile spreads on her lips.
Smooch smooch smooch
"B-Belle, that's enough! Let me go! I have other decorations to show you…!"
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @atelieredux @moonstruck-writing @aceuuuuu me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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💕— Happy Birthday, Yves ! —💕 09 . 16 . 2022
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◆ 18+ Blog . Minors/ageless blogs please dni 🙏🏽 ◆ Please don't repost. I have a Chevalier and I'm not afraid to use him
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▍ ikepri smutty crack
Y V E S ⨉ R E A D E R
Uh Oh
• • • • •
CONTENT WARNING : crack-smut (literally together), accidental harm to the bodily eggplant
18+ blog, minors/ageless blogs DNI
Yves rattles your skeleton with the herculean force of his regal thrusts. The last of the teacups rattle off his tea-desk and crash to the ground, joining the other fallen: a cat-themed teapot, two glass cake cloches, and an assortment of suspicious-looking desserts (anonymously donated, not a single one touched).
The stimulation is too great, too pink. Your lips part like lid and saucer: "Prince—"
He shushes you with a mouthful of minty-fresh tongue, pulling away only to comment: "It's not like (thrust) we can't (thrust) replace (thrust) them (thrust)!"
His neat-but-disheveled fringe tickles your brow before he flicks his bangs out of his eyes, accidentally slapping you with them in the process. You are blinded for only five minutes.
Then the table breaks. But don't worry, he uses his cat-like reflexes to flip you around so that he breaks your fall, like the gentlemeow that he is.
You stare down at him. "Oh my gosh, is your penis okay? How did you manage to land dick-first? I have so many questions right now????"
But don't worry, Yves makes a full recovery.
The end.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
Luka Clemence, the Third Prince
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What happens when Luka and Clavis swap their places...?
A/N: My loyal partner in crackfics (and in anything related to writing, for that matter), the wonderful @chaosangel767, pointed out similarities between her sweet Luka and... Clavis. Yes, I know. We thought they have nothing in common at first. Or do they? This is a product of our heatwave-rotten minds (maybe mine is extra rotten so forgive me - this is barely proofread at all!). Pure crack. I hope it makes sense! The introduction as well as a passage of this is written by Chaya. She is co-writer of this fanficion. Make sure to go read Clavis side of this story - written by Chaya!
no pairing - characters: Luka Clemence, all the rhodolitian princes + Sariel, mentions of Comte de Saint Germain and Leonardo Da Vinci (ikevamp)
rating: G
tags: crackfic; crossover; they talk about boobs and legs at some point
wordcount: 1,755
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A peaceful day in Central Quarter has Luka relaxing as he patrols near the Civic Center, checking in on citizens and making sure everyone is safe. A man approaches with golden eyes.
"Luka Clemence?" When Luka confirms, he produces a package, handing it to the confused Jack.
"Open this tonight" is all he says. Looking down, Luka inspects the package, wrapped in a dark purple with a gold ribbon. When Luka looks up, the man has disappeared leaving more questions than answers.
That night when the sun goes down and the full moon is high in the sky, Luka pulls out the package again. There is a sender's name in tiny letters, the moonlight making it easier to read the gold ink.
Comte St. Germain
Deciding to open the package to check for clues, he is shocked to find a purple belt laying inside. Taking it out of the box he inspects it more and finds a gold stripe down the front of it.
"Whose belt…?" He sets the package down in wonder and feeling suddenly unable to keep his eyes open, he lays down and shuts his eyes.
When he opens them, he is in a completely different room…
Confusion settles in as soon as Luka gains his senses again. There is a woman - a maid -  towering over him with a worrisome look on her face. Her voice sounds like coming from the bottom of a well in Luka's still-dizzy mind, but he hears clearly the words "Prince Clavis" and the information that he's overslept.
When she leaves, Luka sits up in the bed- no, to his surprise, a sofa, and notices that he is already fully dressed for the day. He can start with his day now, except, he is not sure what he is supposed to do as Prince Clavis, while also simultaneously trying to figure out why he is here in the first place.
Fortunately, there is something like a day planner on the desk.
Unfortunately, the handwriting on it is utterly, completely illegible. More so than doctor Ash's handwriting. More so than any doctor's handwriting at all.
So, he is left to decide what to do with his day for himself. Hopefully this Prince Clavis is your typical, normal, boring person, and he can get away with it easily…
“Has anyone seen Clavis today?” Jin walks into the room with his eyes furrowed, Chevalier and Licht exchange glances and Sariel holds his stomach in worry.
“No… it’s been too quiet.”
As if waiting for that exact moment, a screech is heard from the kitchen. Without even exchanging a glance, everyone is quick to follow inside and see what is going on.
“Get him away from my kitchen!!!” Yves screeches horrified as they see Clavis in an apron, pulling a pie out of the oven.
Jin screeches as well, even if in a way-deeper voice. It is an alarming sight for sure.
But it doesn't stop there. Looking closely, there is food on almost every surface of the kitchen - hors d'oeuvers and main dishes, and now dessert too. By the looks of it, this full three course meal is spread out for all the brothers.
“Come help yourself."
People so different from one another find themselves sharing the same shocked expression in the face of this bizarre event. Not even a warm family meal is bonding the rhodolitian beast prince brothers like being together in the shock of its creation.
"You're not Clavis."
Luka tries his best to not act suspicious, but the remark catches him off guard. First they look like they'll all have a stroke over the mere fact that he is in a kitchen, and now the most intimidating-looking one of them, Chevalier, all is staring a hole through his back. The others laugh off the remark he made.
What is all of this about? He just came here to do the one thing he thought can't get wrong, for a prince that should be assumed to possess so many skills… he swears, this is not stress-cooking. This is not stress-cooking. He is cool.
He catches the words "food poisoning", pretends he didn't hear them, and then the feast begins.
They're crying. They're actually crying.
Another one of his - now he knows, brothers - Leon, wipes his tears in his sleeve while putting his bowl down. He's never had such a delicious soup in his life before. It has such warmth to it, like the soup in the tavern that he finds himself preferring over what the royal kitchen can offer. Yes, warmth. Heart. Love.
Similar to him, Jin puts down his bowl with a thud and wipes his tears. Nokto is smirking and nodding in approval, hand on his chin. Licht, whose smile the others are going a second almost-stroke over, is just as content. Luke says he is going to have the best post-lunch nap in his life.
And Luka sighs. In relief.
"Clavis, please- I can't believe that I'm saying that, but. You're free to enter my kitchen again. No, please enter my kitchen again! Tomorrow, let's have a meal like that again. A-and, thank you for learning how to cook overnight for us, I guess…" Yves shows his enthusiasm and thankfulness, and somehow blushes too.
Across the table, the other blonde prince is still staring at him, akin to a tiger monitoring its pray. It's scary.
Luka excuses himself to find a safer activity to immerse into.
"Not so fast, mister next best chef of Rhodolite. Did you forget what day is today? C'mon, the drinks are on me today."
The wardrobe-of-a-man that goes by the name of Jin pulls him by arm, not waiting to hear any excuses from "Clavis."
Luka did get a little nervous when he heard they will be drinking. However, inspecting the drink placed before him, ordered without as much as a word coming from his mouth, because, Jin just said 'the usual', he is calming down. Or is he? Another bizarre thing. This prince Clavis seems to be enjoying juice as his beverage of choice.
No, this is actually very good. He gulps it down with relief and listens to Jin talking about stuff. This is not so bad actually.
To be hanging around with your brother, chattering, enjoying a drink… it's true that Jin was a bit pushy about dragging him here, but… it's nothing like Jonah.
Luka smiles a little behind his glass. Yes, those guys are good brothers to have. They look like a strange bunch at first, but he felt a genuine warmth towards him at the table earlier.
This is not so bad.
"But nevermind that. Let's talk about some real stuff now. Check this out."
Luka snaps from his thoughts and sees Jin… gesturing with his eyes to the left. He does it twice and thrice, waiting for Luka to get the hint.
"What? There is just the waitress there."
Jin clicks his tongue.
"Just the waitress and two large…" he gestures the rest with hands, semi-discreetly. He seems to be making the shape of large balls in the air.
Luka is beyond confused.
"She started here this week. A little more and I'd come here without waiting for you. But I'm being a good brother."
"Thank you." Luka is still confused.
"Ahahah, stop it with the politeness, I'm cracking up. What's in this juice? Anyway. As per our deal. What do you think now?"
"What do you mean?"
"What, have you forgotten?? We made a deal. I show you a girl with boobs so pretty you admit boobs are better than legs just once." He does the thing with his eyes again. "So?"
It's Luka's longest "uh" in his life. Maybe he didn't heard that right. Maybe he really hit his head hard somewhere in the black army headquarters and this is all just a bad hallucination, this is the version he is sticking to, about the whole mess.
"Soo? Hurry up. Aren't they big? Aren't they pretty?"
"Uhhh…" Before he can go for a longer uhhh and outdo his personal record, he thinks quick. What is this Clavis person supposed to say?
"Yes. They're better than legs. Let's go back to the caste now."
"Woah. Woah!!!"
Jin stands up quickly from his seat, his chair falling backwards with a bang.
"Bottoms up everyone! I'm buying everyone a drink!"
As stress-cooking is crossed from his list, Luka is beyond glad that there is another activity that can help calm him down - one he is just as familiar with. He is thankful. He goes into the training grounds and prepares for some good mind-clearing sparring.
Until everyone starts pointing out the huge-ass sword he choose instead of his "usual one". Another commotion starts playing. Another one of his "brothers" start teasing him about something.
It has no end.
Or so it seemed.
By the time the sun set and the moon came out high in the sky, Luka is certain his fate is to remain here forever. He strolls along the outstretched balcony wrapping around one of the sides of the castle, the only sound his own footsteps.
And then, another pair. It's strange. The only thing in that end of the balcony should be that old door that doesn't open and likely leads nowhere. Suddenly, there is a man with brown hair approaching him.
He has golden eyes that very much remind him of someone… he has vague memories of a man with eyes like that. Seeing that the one who approaches him is holding a strange packet, he starts to remember - a blonde count, a package. He palms the belt on his waist.
"Ahh, here you are. I'm sorry, I don't have much time for explanations. Take this and clip it on. And give me that belt."
Confused, for the nth time today but getting used to it, Luka opens the package. To his surprise (more confusion added to the mix), inside is his hairclip.
He remembers to take off the belt (with difficulty) and give it to the golden-eyed man, before clipping on his own item.
Suddenly, he starts feeling extra sleepy…
"Woah there." The man, Leonardo, manages to catch him before he can collapse. He shakes his head.
"This damned Comte and his messes. And he says he has put his mischievous past behind him. Tsk."
He leaves the man on a nearby sofa and lights a cigarillo, off to his other destination.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza@ale-teodora@kimi00twin@otomelady@privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou  @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch  @coornn @cilokgoang​ @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @moonstuck-writing @cilogoang @joy-the-reader @atelieredux let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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too-much-otome · 2 years
Spoilers for IkePri Yves Dramatic ending
Slight spoilers for Arthur Romantic ending
Under cut
What in the obey me mc-
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YO! What's the ikemen devs thing with tormenting these poor boys! First Arthur now Yves!? My bby was almost killed and you gonna give him more hurt!
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