#yves kloss x you
pochipop · 1 year
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#. synopsis! — yves frequents your family owned bakery in the city, and he's such a pretty liar .
#. characters! — yves .
#. warnings! — very slight angst .
#. word count! — 1.6k .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — is this really the content anyone wants from me? probably not! but hello ikeseries fandom, i've come to join the tumblr ranks !
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There he sits again in one of the worn-out wooden chairs of your family’s bakery, —his hair glistening like little strings of golden sunlight in the dying evening rays. Many moons ago, you’d have been nervous to approach him, smoothing your apron down, dusting flour off yourself haphazardly before making your way over to take his order, minding your posture like a single slump in his presence would have set the world ablaze. These days, you know better. . . Yves may look much too sophisticated to let yourself be true around, but underneath that perfectly polished appearance, there’s a young man much like yourself.
A young man who is also painfully uncertain of it all, who yearns for a place to belong.
With two servings of strawberry mousse in either hand, you place one before him, letting the little ceramic dish clink against the table. His clear, powder blue eyes draw to your face, and he bites back a smile, forcing that same neutral arrogance to remain even as you take a seat across from him.
“Back again, I see,” you grin a bit, shoveling a spoonful of the creamy dessert into your mouth, letting it melt on your tongue.
He hums in acknowledgement, taking his own spoon between his fingers to gracefully scoop an appropriate sized bite from the top.
“I had some business to attend to in town,” he replies evenly, pausing to taste the mousse, and then to swallow it down. “I’m sure I missed dinner at the castle and was feeling pekish on the journey back.”
You know he’s lying, but you don’t ask why. You never ask why he’s often so dishonest; both with himself and others. . . It’s easier to assume that Yves has his reasons and to leave it at that.
“I trust everything went well enough then?” You inquire.
His eyebrow raises in confusion, and you’re quick to clarify: “With the business you mentioned having in town, that is.”
If you hadn’t been sure he was lying before, you certainly were after seeing his face drop for a moment as he realized he’d slipped up in his charade.
“Oh, —yes,” he answers, giving a quick, unconvincing nod. “All’s well, thank you. And I assume business today went smoothly as well?”
“As smoothly as it can go, I suppose,” you laugh, —and ah. . . There’s that funny feeling again, the one Yves has been having in his chest as of late.
The kind that mimics a dastardly mixture of palpitations and the fluttering of insect wings.
He’d really like to fix this. There’s gotta be a way to pass this over, let these feelings pass him by, —because this can’t, won’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t ever work, and he knows it. You live in a world so completely different to his own; one that isn’t tainted by royal politics and all the gossip of bordering kingdoms that always lingers around the corners, threatening to swallow him whole. There’s no place for love when it comes to people like him. Not when any compassion you could ever show him would only prove to marr your reputation. It’s why he never picks the seat by the largest window anymore, why he only comes here when the shop is about to close, and why he’s never allowed himself to sit with you without telling a lie.
So yeah. . . Maybe it is for the best that you never ask why he isn’t as honest as he could be when it comes to you. Or to anyone else. 
“You seem a little down today,” you comment. “Is everything really okay?”
It’s just the way his frown seems deeper, and the way his brows seem so set in their furrow. He never looks outwardly happy as far as you’ve ever see of him, but usually there’s little flecks of joy that swim through his eyes, whether it’s over the sweets, or the peacefulness of the establishment, or over the way you smile at him so reassuringly, as if flashing one at him for just a second should be enough to soothe his deepest hurts.
His expression drops for a moment, like he’s surprised you were paying enough attention to notice the smaller details of his sour mood. Yves does his best to wear his heart beneath his sleeve, keep it hidden away, but you. . . He fears you see him for exactly who he is, and the thought of it terrifies him. Nobody should have to see that.
“Everything’s fine,” he nods after a few moments of silence. “The mousse is quite good today. Did you make it yourself?”
You fear the compliment is little more than a distraction, a way to change the topic without having to dwell on the previous one. But that’s okay.
“Mhm,” you nod. “Just a few hours ago, actually. We’ve been tweaking the recipe a bit as of late, and I think this might be the best one so far.”
“I agree. The sweetness is balanced with the slightly tart flavor of the fresh strawberries on top, and the texture is so decadent and creamy,” he answers, words emphasized by the spoonful he ushers into his mouth much less elegantly than before.
Something about it makes you smile. Sure, he’s a liar, but his eyes are so honest, and you can always tell what he really wants to say when you read between the lines. You imagine it must be hard to be a prince in such a small kingdom. . . To have so many eyes on you at all times, to be judged both at your strongest and weakest points. The riches of it all must be nice, and that’s all well and good, —but there’s so obviously a price to pay for living under that kind of scrutiny. You can’t help but wonder if Yves ever stops to let it all wash over him, or if he goes about each day pretending to be alright for everyone else’s sake.
At the very least, you hope he feels comfortable being himself here, with you. 
“I’m glad you think so.”
Silence falls between you for a bit. The sound of horse drawn carriages padding over the gravel outside and the soft clinks of your spoons against the little ceramic bowls echo in a playful chorus.
You’re happy he stopped by today.
“There’s some leftover honey cake, if you’d like to take it back with you,” you note. “I know you took a slice to go the first time you came in, and you mentioned your brother was a fan of the flavor.”
He blinks, lips parting slightly, as if he just can’t believe you cared enough to remember an interaction from so long ago. It makes him wonder what else you’d be able to recall about him, and he looks down at the strawberry mousse sitting on the table (though it’s mostly eaten by now.)
“If it’s not too much trouble,” he answers, voice softer than before.
Yves tacks on a quiet ‘thank you,’ to which you offer him another smile. He wishes he could see that everyday, feel the way it lights him up from the inside. . . But that’s a fool’s game to play, and Yves is no court jester. He’s a prince, —a cowardly one, and he’s not the kind of man you deserve. He’s not the kind of man anyone should truly care for.
“It’s no trouble at all,” you answer. “You’ve been very generous to myself and my family’s bakery. . . Really, it’s the least I can do. I’m afraid I’m not sure how else to repay the kindness.”
Perish the thought, honestly. He’d do anything just to see you every now and again, to reach out and remind himself that not everyone in this kingdom thinks him to be some kind of humanized betrayal. You look at him with such kindness in your eyes, and it’s a welcome change from the harsh, judgemental stares he often receives on his way anywhere at all. At least with you, he feels content; like there’s no shackles keeping him glued to a place of constant scrutiny.
You see him as he is, —and you ignore everything he isn’t. And he loves you for it.
You pack up two slices of the honey cake, thinking maybe if he really hadn’t eaten that much today, he’d be able to enjoy it at some point or another. As you hand the little box over, you don’t bother to insist he keep his coins in his pocket. He’s already fumbling around in his pockets for payment likely double that of the actual price.
“We’ll have macarons on sale this weekend, if you’d be interested in stopping by,” you smile, handing him the box of honey cake slices. “I can save you some.”
Even if he didn’t want them, (which he most certainly did), he would have accepted your offer anyway. If it means he has a valid excuse to come see you for a bit, then count Yves in without question.
“I’d like that,” he answers, his fingers brushing oh so gently against your own as he takes the box from your hands. 
You swore you could see the faintest smile pull at his lips, but it was gone before you could be certain of it.
The time comes once again for him to leave, and you watch him go with a newfound longing. From the window of the bakery, you watch as his lean frame eventually turns the closest corner, and he disappears for the time being. . . He’ll be back soon enough, you’re sure, but a part of you always hates to see him go.
Maybe one day he won’t have to, but for now, you resign yourself to closing shop, the thought of him dancing around in your head.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
SUMMARY: small moments with rio!!!
COMMENTS: i am not brainrotting oevr rio i am not i would never do that i swear im not i am not i would never i cant its literally impossible i am not thinking about him more than i should i am NOT who even is rio i dont know who that is he sounds like a total loser imagine being a man named rio i would never brainrot over you
im a liar
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rio who wakes you up in the morning with a kiss on your nose and a cheery compliment, your breakfast placed in front of you. he watches you eat it with stars in his eyes, yearning for your approval. he practically jumps out of his skin when you ask him why he’s just standing there and not sharing this breakfast with you, and he’s all too eager to climb into bed and share your warmth (and food.)
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rio who takes you around town while you run errands, insisting that he should be here for you in case something happens. he swings your hands back and forth, humming a tune you don’t recognize. you catch yourself staring at him and look away, even though you know he wouldn’t mind. he’s such a beautiful soul, so devoted and good to you, it makes you feel like the luckiest person in the whole world.
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rio who whines when you try to feed yourself a sandwich you picked up from a vendor for lunch. his puppy dog eyes are something you can’t resist, so you sigh and give him your sandwich. he beams like you just told him you love him again, and he feeds you your lunch. if your hair threatens to fall into your face, he tucks it behind your ear with the softest brush of his fingertips against your cheekbone. it’s enough to make you pause, but he’s still smiling and motioning for you to keep eating. It's a bit embarrassing, but so long as he’s happy, you’re happy.
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rio who turns bright red when you kiss his cream of dessert off his lips while you laugh. you know it’s not fair to tease him, especially when he’s been waiting for years for you to say you’d fallen for him too, but his flustered stumbling and wide eyes are too adorable to resist. he pulls you close and hugs you tightly, and for a moment you swear you can feel the yearning he stored away in his heart for you.
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rio who dances with you in the streets when he hears live music, who sweeps you off your feet in a clumsy twirl (mostly on your part, though he doesn’t comment on it.) he spins you around and holds you close, reveling in your smiles and laughter. he wants to cause as many of your smiles as he can. he wants to absorb your laughter into his skin. he wants to be anything and everything that makes you happy because it’s the least you deserve.
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rio who tucks you in at the end of the day to make sure you don’t get too cold at night. he stays for a few beats longer than he should, just staring at you and replaying the day’s events in his head. it’s selfish of him to want it all to happen again, but that doesn’t stop him from yearning. he leans over and kisses your forehead, only to freeze at the soft murmur of his name. you thank him for helping you to bed, as tired as you were, and kiss his cheekbone softly before smiling up at him.
and just when he thought he couldn’t love you any more, you prove him wrong.
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riveranova · 5 months
(A/N): Aaand the second part! <3
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IkePri's Sleeping positions! x GN! Reader - Part 2
Characters: Chevalier, Luke, Yves, Jin, Licht, Leon, Ikemen Prince
Word Count: 335
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Chevalier Michel
Sleeping schedule worse than Jin's haircut
He's a hugger, 100%
No matter if it's a pillow or a poor, little rabbit
Doesn't sleep much, usually a really light sleeper
We know that he doesn't like to wake up early (slay)
So get ready to get squished to death by him
Luke Randolph
Sleeps everywhere, anytime
Sometimes you wonder if they way he's sleeping ever hurt him
Snores. Snores really loud. You'd think there was a construction side in the garden but suprise! it's just Luke
Head back, arms crossed, legs spread
Ffs, he's taking up the ENTIRE bench
Sleeps like a rock but open a jar of honey and he's awake and ready for duty! (eating the honey)
Yves Kloss
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I will not elaborate further.
Jin Grandet
Similar to Luke, but less.. messy?
Manspreads like his life depends on it, too
But doesn't sleep around the palace (he does but that's a different thing-)
Takes up the entire bed, face first into the pillows
Honestly, he looks like he just fell into bed and went ''fuck it, this is how I sleep today''
On top of his covers, sometimes uses them when it's cold or he has uhm... 'guests' over
Licht Klein
Sleeps like a sick victorian child
Completely still in the middle of the bed, covers halfway up his chest and hands folded on top of them
Quiet, not a single sound can be heard, not even breathing
Doesn't turn around, ever
Just sleeps like that, still, unmoving
When you sleep in the same bed, you'll have to curve around him
Leon Dompteur
''I don't have any space, Leon.''
''Me neither.''
Camera cuts to the entire bed
You lay at the edge of your side, almost falling off while Leon hugs you from behind, the entire bed behind him is empty
Will not move, no matter what
Steals blankets just to throw them to the ground
Hugs you like a baby koala, so you don't even need those blankets :)
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ikemenlibrary · 10 months
Ikémen Prince Gift Exchange Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who chose to participate in this event and helped make it a success! Everyone is so talented, and I am in awe of all of you <3 Going through all your pieces have been truly enjoyable and I've loved every minute of it!
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Prove It To Me | Jin Grandet x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for xxsycamore
They Say Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder | Nokto Klein x Emma (MC) | by @xxsycamore for nightghoul381
Unaccepted Together | Clavis Lelouch x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for scummy-writes
Autumn Daze | Gilbert Von Obsidian x MC | by @scummy-writes for daegupaksu
A Starry Tryst (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x Noele (OC) | by @daegupaksu for drachonia
Sea at Sunrise (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x MC | by @drachonia for nightghoul381
Bookmarked Dialogue | Keith Howell x Julie (OC) | by @ikemenlibrary for queengiuliettafirstlady
The Gentle Stag Rewrites The Stars | Keith Howell x MC | by @queengiuliettafirstlady for ridiculouslly-ridiculous
Princess Picnic Pick Me Up | Rio Ortiz, Clavis Lelouch, Silvio Ricci, Gilbert Von Obsidian, MC | by @ridiculouslly-ridiculous for misty-moth
Peter Clavis and the Lost Boys (Artwork) | Clavis Lelouch, Nokto Klein, Luke Randolph | by @misty-moth for pondlilies00
Take a Rest (Artwork) | Sariel Noir x MC | by @pondlilies00 for alydra (bluejay-writes)
This is fine. | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @bluejay-writes for randonauticrap
Ember Glows the Heart | Leon Dompteur x MC/Reader | by @randonauticrap for myonlyjknight
A Clavish Day Off | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @myonlyjknight for claviscollections
Petrichor | Yves Kloss x MC/Reader | by @claviscollections for pillowpillowillow
The Voyager Prince (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci | by @pillowpillowillo for aquilapolariz
In Business, In Life | Silvio Ricci x Hyacinth (OC) | by @aquilapolariz for tacogawa
La Belle et la Bête (Artwork) | Leon Dompteur x MC | by @tacogawa for kokorokai
The Tyrant's New Wife (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x Airin D'Avalos (OC) | by @kokorokai for airin-queenz
Chilly Morning's Date | Licht Klein x MC | by @airin-queenz for ikemenlibrary
Read to Me | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @ikeromantic for aquagirl1978
What Was I Made For | Gilbert Von Obsidian x Rosemary (OC) | by @aquagirl1978 for prisoniclover
Return | Leon Dompteur x Emma (MC) | by @prisoniclover for chirp-a-chirp
Cat-astrophe | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @chirp-a-chirp (with art by @aide-falls) for katriniac (ohtomatotome)
Getting There is Half the Fun | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @ohtomatotome for violettduchess
Practical Magic | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @violettduchess for ikeromantic
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Maybe, Someday - Yves Kloss x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of the Late Summer Rendezvous event hosted by @xxsycamore. A very late Happy Birthday to Yves! And a special gift to my very dear friend @maries-gallery.
Pairing: Yves Kloss x Reader
Prompt: picking swimwear together goes naughty
Word count: 1108
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNI; oral sex (suitor receiving); reader is female-bodied but no pronouns used
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“Let’s go to that one!” 
Hand in hand, Yves practically dragged you across the street when his eye caught the sign of a new clothing boutique. He had heard about it from people at the palace – they had said the clothes were chic and couture and that half of the store was pink – everything Yves could ever want from a clothing store.
A bell rang when he opened the door for you, signaling your arrival to the staff. Before you had time to pick your jaws from the ground, an attentive clerk was before you, welcoming you both to the boutique.
After sharing their name, and pointing out where the popular pieces were located, they turned and hurried off, leaving you to shop together undisturbed. You slowly made your way around the tables displaying impeccable items, occasionally stopping, your fingertips reaching out to feel soft velvet and plush cotton. 
“What do you think of these sunglasses?” you asked Yves, a pair of heart-shaped lenses perched on your face. “Are they me?”
He tilted his head, curious like a cat in thought. He turned and stepped away gracefully, your eyes admiring how his hips sashayed as he walked. He quickly returned with a big grin and a bigger hat – one that was pale pink with the widest, floppiest brim – and placed it atop your head. “Only if you pair it with this hat.” 
Yves smiled at you, serious for only a second before breaking out in laughter. You reached for each other's hands as you burst out in laughter, not needing a mirror to tell you how ridiculous you looked.
But something in your field of vision caught your eye, immediately putting a stop to your laughter.
“Yves,” you whispered excitedly, pointing towards a display behind him. “They have swimsuits.”
Yves turned around, glancing at the display of brightly colored, barely-there bikinis and swim trunks. “Indeed they do…”
“And don’t we have that upcoming trip to Benitoite?”
Yves' eyes widened as he realized what you were hinting at. “Yes, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the King’s ascension to the throne.”
You bit your lip while staring into Yves’ deep sapphire blue eyes, hoping you won’t come off as too presumptuous with your next suggestion. 
“And you know what Benitoite is known for?” you asked, hoping Yves’ would follow your train of thought.
A pale pink blush painted the apples of his cheeks as he averted his gaze. His silence was all the answer you needed. 
“Yves, can you come in here?”
“What?” you heard him practically yelp. “You want me…where?”
“Yves, I’m not about to leave this fitting room dressed like this. This room is big enough for two.” When not a peep was heard from Yves, you continued. “Unless, that is, you want me to step out of this room for all to see me…”
Three, two, one – and the door to your fitting room was flung open. “No, I don’t want that –” Yves said as he closed the door behind him, his words escaping him as he caught sight of you.
Standing before him was a dazzling vision in pink, a feast for his eyes – and his eyes only. Standing before him was you – dressed in a two-piece swimsuit in the prettiest shade of petal pink, reminiscent of the roses of Rhodolite. Yves’ gaze was glued to your scantily clad figure, lingering on those especially private spots hidden by fabric.
“Haven't you ever wanted to….” you asked, taking a seductive step closer to Yves, looking up at him, batting your eyelashes, “in a dressing room? Or in public somewhere –”
Yves covered your mouth with his hand, stealing your chance to embarrass him any further. “Keep your voice down!” he whispered-shrieked, that familiar crimson blush returning to his cheeks. “Maybe, someday…I might have wanted to…” he stammered, each word struggling to leave his lips. He removed his hand from your mouth, only to be greeted with a sweet smile. 
“Are you satisfied now?”
“No, not at all,” you whispered as you dropped down to your knees. “These swim trunks seem a little tight on you.” 
Your eyes were locked on Yves’ as you traced the waistband of his swim trunks, a pleased smile adorned your face when he let out a soft gasp when you slipped your hand inside his waistband. 
“Yes, these are definitely too tight for you. Maybe if I….”
You kept your gaze fixed on his as you slowly pulled down his trunks, your fingers dragging against his soft skin as you pulled the material down his thighs and past his knees. 
“This is much better now,” you purred as you shifted your gaze from his face to his cock. You wrapped your hand around his shaft, his skin soft like velvet under your fingertips. With a few gentle squeezes, a drop of precum formed on the tip of his now-erect cock. 
You licked your lips, wanting a taste. Bringing  your face closer, close enough to breathe in his scent, your tongue darted out, his taste sweet on your tongue. 
“Delicious,” you whispered before sliding his cock into your mouth. Yves groaned softly as his hand cradled the back of your head, his fingers threading through your hair as he gently pressed your face closer to his heat.
A strangled moan laid dormant in your throat; any sounds you tried to make were muffled by the cock buried deep inside your mouth. Yves made up for your lack of noises – with every lick, came a soft purr-like moan. And for every inch of his cock you swallowed, came a gentle groan. 
It didn’t take long for Yves to come undone in the dressing room; he was already quite flustered when he entered and saw you barely dressed. His hips bucked as your head bobbed up and down his shaft, your tongue tracing the thick vein along the underside, your cheeks hollowed as you sucked his cock. 
Cupping his balls in one hand, you knew he was close when he held your face flush against his body. Breathing through your nose, a sweet warmth filled your mouth, trickling down your throat. When emptied, you removed his cock from your mouth with a pop, your tongue promptly licking his shaft, your lips placing gentle kisses on his tip.
When Yves was completely cleaned, you pulled his swim trunks up. Wordlessly, he offered you his hand to help you get up, a sheepish smile on his face. Pressing the palms of your hands to his chest, you brushed your lips against his in a chaste kiss.
“I hope you liked these bathing suits, because they’re ours now.”
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @itsjudesfault @maries-gallery @xbalayage
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙃𝙐𝙍 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙔𝙑𝙀𝙎 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮
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↬ 💌 Arthur & Yves reassuring you about your body image, sprinkled with some extra words of affirmation.
Arthur Conan Doyle x f!Reader; Yves Kloss x f!Reader • rating: G • tags: Fluff; Comfort; Insecurity; Body Image; Food • wordcount: 1, 354 • masterlist
For my darling @maries-gallery 💕
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It's nothing new for Arthur to barge in your shared bedroom, full-well knowing you've just taken a shower - to pretend he's merely looking for something in his belongings, but never exiting the room without stealing a kiss or two.
Today, as usual, you squeal and tie your towel more securely around your form when you see him entering - but while your affection is genuine when you do return the romantic gesture, the way you strictly prevent the fabric from revealing anything leaves an impression on him.
"Shy, Luv? It's not like there's something I haven't seen under that skimpy towel..."
You smack him playfully and change the topic, neither falling prey to his teasing nor going all the way to push him out through the door and lock from the inside. He brushes his earlier suspicions off as nothing, and goes to the wardrobe instead.
"Need help choosing an outfit for the day, doll? Anything specific in mind? Color?"
There's something heartwarming in letting him pick for you, a way to get to know which articles of clothing he loves on you - but the smile disappears from your face when you see him pick up a dress from the depths of the wardrobe.
"Oh my, hello there. How about this one? I can't recall you sporting it in awhile."
You shake your head and sigh, putting an inevitable start to a difficult conversation, hoping that letting it out would at least make things a little better.
You tell Arthur that you've been avoiding certain clothes lately as you just couldn't feel right in them. The image in the mirror produces a cruel comparison most often than not, with dolled-up ladies crossing Paris' streets, their striking forms clad in fashionable outfits, each one prettier than the other. While you're fortunate to be able to acquire what they're wearing via Comte's limitless generosity, the resemblance ends there. Even the dress that Arthur held out just now, soaked in happy memories, seems to have suited your body better at some earlier point in time. Now, you're not so sure.
Somewhere amidst your confession, Arthur has had you seated on the sofa, rubbing gentle circles into your hands. The gesture prevents those hot tears from spilling past the corners of your eyes, and your lover listens to all you have to say before speaking.
"I could say something was troubling you lately. So, that's what it was, hmm? You're in luck, my dear, because I do happen to have a sharp eye, and besides... not to boast, but, I doubt another chap knows your body better than me. I could even compete with you, if needed. I assure you, you haven't changed a bit; it was this morning when I kissed your eyelids good morning and you opened them for the first time of the day to greet mine - the same eyes I love and adore - and then you let me brush your hair because I couldn't stop complimenting the way the morning sun kisses its ends and colors them with its rays. You asked if I ever get tired of it, no? Same as when I compare our fingers, how I compliment the good pair they make when intertwined. You're still the woman I fell head over heels for. So don't let those thoughts erase the beautiful smile from your face, Luv. It's the smile you're always wearing best."
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Being Yves' lover means having eyes on you every time you're spotted together - or maybe it's him who they're looking at? With his natural looks and the boost coming from his top-notch fashion sense, he's quite eye-catching, and you don't blame others for staring...
With the lately rising insecurities you have about your body come some pretty nasty thoughts: some of which, but not limited to, your lover and his perception of you. Next to the beautiful Yves, you feel your form strikingly unmatching - is someone as observant as the fifth prince able to deny how you mar his image?
It gets worse each time freshly baked sweets are brought into the Domestic affairs faction's office - a bunch of hands nearly bumping into one another in their haste to secure a treat for themselves; full-mounted exclamations of tasting something utterly delectable accompanied by chewing noises. This is just how it is when Yves bakes. And while the princes have surprisingly and wholesomely learned to save a piece for you (even though they're SURE Yves must bake some kind of super-duper special sweets exclusively for his lover!), you don't take advantage of your privilege today again. Someone cheers with "Yay, more for me!" while others jokingly ask if you're being picky about one of the ingredients again - a frequent lie of yours.
Small excuses work with them, but you didn't realize that Yves saw the exchange this time. His brows are furrowed when he approaches you.
"Come with me. I need to talk to you."
Listening to him, Yves' words catch you by surprise as you learn how the situation appears in his eyes. You've been avoiding showing up with him in public; you've been refusing to eat most of what he bakes, you've even refused to wear some of the outfits he picked specially for you.
"You should at least let me know if you don't like my sweets so I can change the ingredients... not that I'm making them all for you! I mean, my brothers eat them too, but... oh, well! They can just make do with what they have!"
No, it's pretty obvious that he bakes everything with you in mind first and foremost... his true tsundere nature brings laughter to your lips, and you feel a little more at ease. And here you thought he nearly lost interest in you.
Before he can get even more confused and hurt by you laughing at him, you take a deep breath and confess what's been troubling you. It's hard for your voice not to waver, and you avoid Yves' clear blue eyes that are getting wider in surprise by the second.
When he takes your hands and makes you meet his gaze, he's furrowing his brow again. You can tell he's going over his words carefully before he lets them flow, the strong emotion making it harder for him.
"I can't believe you! You worried me a lot, making me wonder if you're sick or if you're unhappy being associated with me. Forgive me for thinking this. It's just something that has happened before, because of who I am, so for a second I thought you wouldn't want to be seen with the infamous fifth prince. I'm sorry for doubting you. Now that I know the real reason behind your behavior... I want to tell you something. I can't change the way you look at yourself, or to make you love your body, but I can promise you I always look at you with love. Ever since we became lovers, it's like I want to show you off... don't laugh! I mean it! And it applies to all of you - your looks, but also your sharp mind, your bright personality, your smile, the emotions written in your eyes. And people won't see all of that, and I actually prefer it that way. You're perfect the way you are, but there will always be perfect things about you that only I can see. I keep them to myself because it's embarrassing sometimes, but I will make sure to share them with you more often, seeing that a certain someone is blind to the truth of just how perfect she is! But please know, that just as you accept me for who I am, I too accept you for who you are. What your body looked like, and looks like presently, or how it might change in the future, I already fell inlove with it once, because it's yours. I'm not good with words, so make sure to take notice of my actions too, if you will! And don't hide from me... I want to be here for you when those thoughts come troubling you again."
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @ichigostellaglynn @atelier-the-atelier @cilokgoang @aceuuuuu Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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Ikeprinces and Their Voicemail
Some of these are a bit suggestive so MDNI please!
Jin: Hello, hello, Jin Grandet here; grande in more ways than one. I know what you're thinking. Is this an x-rated hotline? I assure you that is definitely not the case... unless you're a fine-bosomed lady, that is. Single and ready to mingle? Stay on the line, sugar-tits *beep*
Chevalier: *voicemail goes straight to the beep*
Clavis: Hello? *proceeds to have a fake conversation with the caller as if he's actually there* That'll get the flour out of your hair asap. Oh, that's fascinating. I'm so sorry to hear that. Nice legs, you say? *beep*
Leon: Hey there, you've reached Leon. Sorry we missed each other. But it'd be boring if we connected without a little interference, yeah? Kidding, kidding! Just leave a name and number and I'll get back to you with the funniest joke you've ever heard―guaranteed *beep*
Yves: You have reached the Fifth Prince of Rhodolite, Yves Juniper Oswald Kloss. I'm sorry I can't be here to take your call right now, so please leave your name and number after the tone. Unless you're Clavis. Then please hang up and toss your phone into the nearest river―*sound of phone accidentally falling into the toilet*―Are you serious... I wasn't even in the bathroom :(
Licht: This is Licht. I'm not available right now. Leave a message. Give me back my phone, Nokto *beep*
Nokto: Mmmmnnn hello. I had every intention of answering your call, but I'm a busy man with places to be, deals to sign, lips to... You know what I mean... If there's anything I can do for you, do leave a name, number, and a brief description of yourself so I can pick out the perfect pair of―Licht, come on, I wasn't done with―*beep*
Luke: *sound of snoring for 30 seconds cut off by a beep at the end*
Sariel: This is Sariel. My apologies for being unable to receive your call. Please leave a name, number, and 10-word description of what you are calling about. I must stress that it has to be 10 words or you risk my losing interest. Just kidding. Or am I *beep*
Rio: Hello! Rio here! Woof! I don't... actually know why I did that into the phone... Oh well. Let me know what I can do for you and I'll see if Silvio is available to foot the bill. Spoiler: he is. I love Emma today and everyday! *beep*
Keith: I'm so sorry I couldn't be here to take your call! Please let me make it up to you! I know I'm nothing special but if there's anything you need help with―pulling weeds, maybe? Or doing your taxes? Or being your alibi for a future murder... No―NO! Murder is wrong! Please don't murder any―*beep*
Silvio: I ain't here. Leave a message after the fuckin *beep*
Gilbert: Hello. You've reached Gil. I'm sorry I can't take your call right now, because I'm sure you wouldn't be calling just to waste my time. You're smarter than that, right? Hehehe, that's what I thought. Anyway, let me just wash this blood from my hands and I'll get back to you *smiles through the phone*
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beneathashadytree · 8 months
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Warnings : non-sexual semi-nudity, one implication of sex, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff <3
Word count : 1.4K words
Additional notes : This probably makes no sense from a practical standpoint (after all, I’m not a fashion designer) but I just think of how this would be part of Yves’ love language.
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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Yves’ hands were flitting gracefully from one exposed inch of skin to the other, touch achingly gentle despite his precise and calculated movements. Not an excessive flourish of the hand, and not a single gesture out of place; truly, he was always the epitome of grace.
Still, they were rather confused by his actions in the first place. Standing at the edge of their shared bed, they remained as still as he’d first asked them to. “Err, Evie?”
“Yes, darling?” he softly replied, eyebrows still furrowed and his words coming out a little absent-minded, his focus clearly elsewhere.
They watched as he draped another piece of cream silk cloth across their chest, guiding their arms a little outward so that he could wrap it snugly. “Would you mind telling me what you’re doing?”
He only hummed, having placed a pin between his lips and bit down on it. A few moments of silence passed as he fiddled with the sash this way and that, before he finally seemed to have a somewhat-satisfied look in his cerulean eyes and pinned it in place.
Mouth now free, he said, “I’m making you a blouse, of course.” With a shake of his head, he tossed his bangs back from obscuring his vision as he looked up at them. “It’s one of the designs I’d sketched last month.”
“Oh, the one you showed me in bed, after…?”
“Yes, I’ve got a perfectly good memory of when that was, thank you very much,” Yves loudly interrupted, and it took all they had to not laugh out loud at the way his cheeks began to flush as he surely began to recollect the events of the night in question. It was always endearingly easy to fluster him. His expression was quick to turn serious, almost apprehensive even. “Are you okay with this?”
At that, they chuckled a little. “A bit too late to ask me that when I’m already acting as a mannequin, don’t you think?”
The red dusting his cheeks grew a little deeper. “I was in a rush! If I hadn’t done that, all inspiration would’ve been gone in a flash.” Eyeing them carefully, his hand reached out to gently brush against the exposed side of their waist. “Really, is it alright? I do like dressing you up, but after last time…”
Oh, dear, sweet Yves. So that’s what was on his mind. They wanted to quickly dispel any worries he had, and waved him off instantly. “I was feeling particularly sensitive then. I know you don’t mean to imply that I don’t look nice enough besides you.”
“Because you absolutely do,” he fiercely interjected, a proud look in his eyes that others might’ve taken for haughtiness—but no; it was just his sheer delight in their presence on his arm wherever they ventured together. “You’d look absolutely radiant in a sack of potatoes anyways, and I mean it.”
Laughing, they leaned into the embrace he’d unconsciously began pulling them in. Arms wrapped around him as he nestled into their chest, his eyes painfully sincere that it warmed them all the way down to the tips of their toes.
“But you know I want to wear your creations. They’re all so beautiful, and they’re only made ten times more dazzling because I know that you made them with me in mind. So thank you, Evie. You really do make me feel like royalty.”
“Silly,” he clicked his tongue, a small pout on his face as he floundered for something to say for a few seconds. It didn’t matter how long they’d been together; he still had trouble coming up with responses to their forthright affection. An amused look on their face, they waited a few seconds for him to gather his bearings. He quietly went on. “You already are, though. Have you forgotten that you quite literally married a king?”
They shook their head helplessly, leaning down just the tiniest bit to press a gentle kiss to the top of his soft hair. Inhaling sharply, they sought comfort in the fact that that distinctly sweet scent would always be associated with him. Sunshine, pastries, and lavender; all things so utterly him that it was impossible to not see him as the personification of warmth. Try as he might, no sharp words rolling off his tongue would convince them otherwise.
Before they could say anything though, a sudden breeze came in through the half-open window. With autumn right around the corner, it was getting chillier and chillier every day after sundown. Still only half-dressed in the silk Yves had draped on them, they were not immune to letting out a shiver as goosebumps appeared on their exposed skin.
Almost instantaneously, he shot up from their embrace. “You should’ve said something,” he scolded them, that look of immense concentration flickering back to life in his eyes. “I’ll finish up quickly now, should be done in a minute or two.” Picking up one of the pieces of fabric he’d set on the bed, he glanced up at them once more. “Do you want me to close the windows until we’re done?”
“No, it’s fine. The room needs some fresh air anyways.”
Taking that as an invitation to continue, Yves immersed himself once again in the world of fashion and picturesque beauty. With a vision only he could see, it was astounding to see him so intent on turning them into the most breathtaking being on earth, with nothing but his deft fingers, his expensive cloth, the pincushion in his lap, and the detailed sketchbook on the bed.
He’d once said that he wanted the clothes he designed for them to give them enough confidence to translate into power; to somehow turn their already-stunning appearance into a shield like the one he possessed himself. True to his word, there was never a moment they were all bejeweled and lavishly dressed when they felt anything less than incredible about themselves.
Trust; the utmost form of love they could give him. They had no doubt in their mind that Yves had to have worshipped every inch of their body to know what perfectly suited them. And that’s why—as he darted from one task to the next—they could only watch on with affection brimming from their eyes.
“The sleeves should be flared a little. The design’s a little unconventional with silk fabric, but it’ll help make it more convenient when doing things that require rolling up your sleeves,” he mumbled almost to himself, words barely audible as he kept a pin between his teeth, but still just as lively as ever with his crystalline eyes shining. “You said that cuffs are a hassle, so this should solve that problem.” With a flourish and a flap of the big sleeve, he demonstrated that and pinned the cloth in place.
For a beat or two, Yves moved back to take in the sight of them. Whatever he was looking for he seemed to find, for he nodded and gave an appreciative hum. Turnung to his reference sketches, he ticked off a few things, before perking up once more. “Oh, and the collar’s still up for debate. I was thinking two ribbons that you could tie together at the front, maybe into a cute bow... then again, you do feel sick on carriage rides, so that might not be much of a good idea, so maybe—hey, are you listening?”
He was scowling up at them, ready to scold them some more, but the lovesick look they must’ve had on their face paired with the dopey smile stopped him in his tracks, and had him blushing down his neck and even his chest through the wide collar of his chiffon shirt, something they clearly were enjoying admiring now.
“Pervert,” he managed to choke out, following their line of sight, though he made no move to adjust his clothes, and even relaxed his form a little more, unconsciously (or was it?) revealing more of his deeply flushed skin.
“What?” He’d tried to sound annoyed, but there was no bite behind the word. Something about that fickleness of his had more adoration welling up in their chest, threatening to burst through their ribcage and swallow them whole. And so they could only blurt out the words that tore themselves out of their heart and onto their tongue.
“I think I fall more in love with you by the day.”
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randonauticrap · 1 year
Autumn Baking
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Pairing ~ Yves Kloss x Reader
Word Count ~ 667
Author's Note ~ Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's Autumn fluff time!! And I'm starting with Yves! No warnings, all fluffy sweet goodness, plus a teeny tiny Licht feature!
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"Wait, you’ve added too much milk!” Yves shrieked from beside you and you slammed the bowl down on the counter in defeat.
“This is the fourth time I’ve messed it up, I’ll never get it right, Yves.” you sighed, sinking into a nearby chair. The palace kitchen was a wreck, with flour and eggshells scattered haphazardly all over the countertops from your many failed attempts at baking a cake. You reached around to untie the apron Yves had gifted you, but delicate fingers wrapped around your wrist, halting your movements. 
“Wait.” Yves pleaded, and something in his voice gave you pause. You turned and your eyes locked with his bright blue ones that were laced with an underlying desperation. “H-Here,” he stuttered, leading you back to the counter before placing the mixing bowl back into your hands. Then gently - as though he was afraid to spook you - he gingerly settled his manicured hands over your own. You dared not gasp aloud at the spark of electricity that tingled up your arm when skin met skin, because despite his tender motions, it would be he who would more likely get startled than you. 
He guided you to add more flour to the runny mixture, then more vanilla extract before leading the whisk in your hand around the bowl with dexterous skill. His breath tickled your neck as he looked over your shoulder at what he was doing. It smelled vaguely of mind and of the honey tea he had shared with you earlier. You smiled as you felt your cheeks flush, and you couldn’t help but let your mind drift to the fact that Yves had agreed to help you make your favorite autumn dessert - caramel cake - despite the fact that it was his own least favorite; he always claimed that it was far too rich to have much of a flavor profile outside of caramel. But here he was, not only being patient with your repeated failures, but teaching you the feeling of expert baking through touch; touch, that had admittedly turned your face quite hot. 
“D-Does that feel okay?” Yves’s timid voice directly in your ear pulled you from your thoughts in a flash and, without thinking, you turned your head in the direction of the sound and bumped noses with the stunning prince. This gasp could not be contained and drew through your lips with surprise at just how close his face was to yours. He gave a similar reaction and you both froze as your eyes sought refuge in his, and his in yours. You nearly sighed in admiration at just how beautifully the blue of his irises complimented the jewels in his earrings, but held back for his sake. His gaze broke from yours to travel down your face, halting ever so slightly longer at your slightly parted lips before traversing their way back up. 
‘Is he going to kiss me?’ As soon as the thought intruded upon your mind, there was a loud knock at the kitchen door. The two of you broke away with an alarmed flinch and stepped away from each other before the door even opened. Your heart hammered in your chest and you nearly feared it would escape as you placed a steadying hand on your chest while Licht walked in. 
“L-Licht! What are you doing here?!” Yves squealed, at an even higher pitch than normal. You glanced his way to find his cheeks a deep shade of beet red to match the tips of his ears, and you turned away from the pair to hide your smile. ‘He felt it too.’
“I just came to make sure the kitchen hadn’t exploded.” Licht deadpanned and you stifled a giggle. 
“Yves made sure I didn’t do that.” you responded shyly and threw another look Yves’s way. 
He had turned his face away so that neither you nor Licht could see it, but you heard the twinkle of joy in his voice when he mumbled quietly, “Yeah… she’s a natural.”
Tags for the Lovelies: @rhodolitesroseforclavis @aquagirl1978 @ikehoe @queengiuliettafirstlady @maries-gallery @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @veervers @nightghoul381
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dotster001 · 1 year
Yves Kloss as a Yandere
Summary:Yves x gn!reader. Pretty much just the title
CW:Yandere content, unhealthy mindsets, guilting, manipulation, self doubt, spoilers for Yves route because this takes place afterwards
Other Versions: Leon
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With Yves, things start out soft and pretty, much like him. But the deeper things go, you're left with a sour flavor in your mouth.
Yves knows you have to spend time with his brothers so that you can choose the king. They can't all be king forever, a solution will have to be arrived at eventually. But he enjoys this early honeymoon phase. Waking up in your arms, styling the both of you for the day, hand feeding you pancakes he made himself, private tea parties after training; he's never been so happy.
But pressures from Benitoite and Jade for word from the ill king have picked up, and Sariel insists you make a decision. So your days, while still spent with Yves, are also filled with his brothers, each one trying to prove to you that they would be the best king.
Yves no longer feels like he has to be king. He doesn't have to prove himself to anyone. So he helps you come up with questions to ask his brothers, he conducts his own interviews and investigations, he takes notes for you, he's enjoying life as your pretty secretary. It feels so domestic. He's so in love with it.
The brothers grow closer to you everyday, so that when the day comes to choose a new king, none of the brothers are opposed to abolishing clause 99 in favor of you and Yves remaining together.
You both move into his home in the lands he's in charge of managing, and things feel even more domestic. Your days are filled with eachother, and his people quickly grow to see his human side with you on his arm. He's so happy.
He's so excited to show off his newfound luck and happiness when the king decides to visit each of his brothers lands to officially meet the people.
Yves spends the day prepping the castle for the visits. He delegates out tasks, and puts you in charge of entertaining the king until he's able to get there. One thing leads to another, and he gets farther and farther behind in his plans. But he knows you have it under control. You always do!
He knew you had grown close to his brothers. He didn't know you'd grown close enough for the king to put his hand on your knee. 
When he notices Yves, the hand is immediately removed, but you don't seem to think anything of it, and turn to greet Yves happily, asking if everything's ready and if he's okay.
He nods, and gives out a slightly angry response, which you assume is because of his plans being delayed.
He escorts you both around his kingdom, holding your arm tightly the entire time, and gritting his teeth when he has to address his brother. The king gives his speech, they have a feast, then he leaves the next morning. All is well.
The second incident is when you fall ill while out picking apples. Obviously, Rio had followed you when you'd moved in with Yves. He was an excellent butler, and Yves knew he could trust him to someday be his head adviser/manager/representative. He knew you were close, but you'd chosen him.
Then you collapsed with fever in the orchard, and he'd watched as Rio scooped you in your arms and took charge of the situation.
For three days, he watched as Rio tenderly brushed your hair from your sweaty forehead, gazed at you with loving care, and never left your side.
He didn't know how he hadn't seen it before, but Rio was absolutely mad for you. Too much for his liking.
The third incident is when Jin comes to visit. The three of you chat for hours, and as the night draws on, he ends up resting his head in your lap. You simply laugh, instead of telling him off, like you should, and Jin makes a comment about stealing you out from under Evie if he's not careful.
He's angrily whisking eggs the next morning when you ask him what's wrong. He slams the bowl down, uncaring of the liquid that spills on the countertop.
You don't love him anymore. You hate him just like everyone else. He was never lucky enough to hold onto you. He's not strong and smart like his brothers and Rio, who was he ever kidding.
You're standing and wrapping your arms around him. No! He's the one you love! You don't want anyone else, he's your Evie!
He feels guilty how deeply he relishes the attention, but he won't complain when your warm arms are embracing him, and you're telling him everything you love about him.
For a while after that, you're more clingy than usual, like you're scared if you let him go, he'll disappear. You're more attentive, too, trying to prove that you love him. You still let Him rest in your lap, but the way You're treating Yves, it's clear you only see it as a platonic gesture. He feels a little silly. Of course he had nothing to worry about.
But when Licht hugs you for a moment too long when he visits to celebrate Yves' birthday, it no longer feels like he has nothing to worry about….
Both you and Licht immediately catch on to the change in his mood, even though you haven't caught on to the why of it. But he doesn't care. Of course you'd like Licht. He was noble, and strong, and, despite his cold exterior, incredibly soft hearted. He really didn't stand a chance when he looked at it.
And he tells you so, that night, after he finishes brushing his hair. You love Licht. But it's fine. He gets it. He hopes you'll be happy together.
Any rest you may have been looking forward to is far gone in an instant. You're immediately kneeling before him, crying into his lap, your words tripping over themselves as you try to tell him how you only love him. He gets the gist of it from your sobs, and the fact that you don't even look at Licht for the rest of the weekend, let alone talk to him or touch him.
The glee he feels, knowing your attention is solely on him, is addictive. He knows he should feel bad. But he can't.
So the next time he starts to worry you're drifting too far away from him, it's back to the guilt trip. You don't love him anymore. He isn't the one you want to marry. You just feel bad for him.
It doesn't take long for your kind heart to crack, and for you to be ultra aware of the people you interact with. Now before you look at anyone else, you always nervously look at Yves first. If someone else interacts with you, you always make sure it's quick, and then return to Yves and tell him everything you love about him.
But it's still not enough.
All these people want to steal you from him. You are the only thing he has been lucky enough to have. No one else will ever love him like you do. Don't they all understand that?
Even when you aren't interacting with other people, and it's just you and him, if he notices you aren't putting as much effort into proving your love for him, he lays on the guilt thick.
By the time your wedding finally comes around, he feels a joy that is hard to hide. You only look at him. And if your eyes aren't on him, they are on your hands, or closed as you rest your head on his shoulder. You're always touching him in some way, whether it's an arm around his waist, a hand threaded with his, your foot bumping his under the table. He's ecstatic! You truly love only him, and now all those other people know it as well!
One day, Jin pulls Yves to the side, and expresses his concern over your new behavior. He's worried. You only ever talk to Yves now, and you always seem nervous. Are you sick? Did something happen? Him, Licht, and Leon have all been very worried.
But Yves assures him everything is fine! The two of you have never been more happy and in love! 
As to why you don't talk to other people, maybe You've grown a little shy, since you spend all your time with each other? He doesn't know, but you always seem fine to him! 
Jin nods and gives a weak smile, but it's clear he's not really buying the explanation.
It doesn't matter though, now that you're his perfect, well behaved spouse, who only has eyes for him! Who cares if they don't understand your love? As long as you only love him, only look at him, only touch him, the both of you will finally have a happily ever after!
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nightghoul381 · 10 months
Pwetty pwease with raspberries on top but may i have a soft fluffy evie pick me up fic? ;uuuu; where he's just being sweet and soft and comforting and his naturally lovely self
love uuuuuuuu
Didn't even need to throw in the raspberries but I love them so I will accept ^u^ I hope this Evie fic is just what you need!!! Love you tooo!!!
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Yves Kloss (POV) x Reader Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff WC: 1.6k
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“You’ve been crying.”
My voice seems to startle you from your thoughts. You were sat on the corner of my bed seemingly awaiting my return, yet the sorrowful look on your face told me it wasn’t simply a matter of you waiting for me.
When you registered that I was standing there, you wipe at your eyes and plaster a forced smile on your face.
“Oh, Yves! It’s nothing! I’m glad you’re back, I missed you,” you say, trying to sound normal despite the obvious lump in your throat.
I walk up to you with my eyebrows knitted in frustration. Why must you insist on lying to me about how you’re feeling. I can clearly see you’ve been crying and yet you still try to play it off as though your feeling are irrelevant.
“It’s not nothing. If something made you cry it needs to be dealt with, and so help me if Clavis was involved—” my words are cut off at the sound of a muted giggle.
There, that’s the sound I want to hear. The music that fills my heart with such joy. I sit beside you on the bed, wrapping an arm over your shoulder and pulling you in close. I hug you tightly to my body and you instantly melt into my embrace. I can’t stop myself, I press a gentle kiss to your hair, then to your forehead.
“Yves, really. I’m okay. You don’t need to worry about me… it’s not worth your time.” Although you’ve whispered the last bit, my impeccable hearing has most certainly picked up on it and the blazing need to show you just how important you are to me.
“And just what exactly would be more worth my time than wanting my beloved girlfriend to be happy and loved?! I can’t possibly think of anything that would take precedence over that!” I state matter-of-factly.
You cast your eyes down and stare at your hands that are twisting fretfully in your lap.
“I’m sorry… I really don’t think you should be bothering to deal with someone so broken. I’m not… good enough for you. Just look at me. I’m so…inadequate… you deserve to be with someone who’s pretty and sweet. The opposite of me.”
The protective rage that fills me leaves me staring wide eyed, mouth agape, as I try to understand where such thoughts would come from. How could you ever come to such a conclusion about yourself and your worth?
I slip my hands over your cheeks and guide your head to face me.
You look so miserable, and the slight look of surprise that flickers in your eyes tells me that the intensity of my own gaze must be more than I thought.
“Do you know why I’m with you? Why I’m so head-over-heels in love with you?” I ask, searching your eyes for some sort of shy acknowledgement that tells me that you do know why. But you refuse to meet my stare, your head straining against my palms as you try to turn your face away.
“No! I really, truly don’t understand why you would claim such things. You are so gorgeous. You are talented. You are everything that anyone could ever wish for in a partner, so why would you waste your time with me?” You sob, tearing your face away and moving across the room.
My heart shatters. I must not be doing a very good job with demonstrating my love for you to doubt it so strongly. I need to tell you, I need to show you, I need you to know.
“Will you look at me? Please? It’s important. I need you to look me in the eyes and listen to me.”
When you don’t move, I leap to my feet, the small bells on my belt creating an almost embarrassing little tinkling sound as I stalk over to you. Perhaps I should stop wearing them, you might take me and my opinions seriously then…
Shooing away such unnecessary thoughts, I reach my hands out, placing them on the wall on either side of your frame. I lean my head down, pressing my forehead against the back of your head and letting out a strangled breath.
“Please turn around. I want to see you,” I plead. I’m trying to keep my voice calm and steady, but seeing you hurting like this is like a knife in the heart, twisting painfully with each moment I’m not able to see you smile.
I hear you let out a shuddering sigh, and you turn your face, eyes glassy with tears, looking at me over your shoulder. Just as soon as our eyes meet, you turn your face back toward the wall.
“There, you saw me,” you whisper, hugging your arms around your body, shrinking into yourself.
“I need to you look me in the eye. This is the most important thing that I have ever had to say. I need your focus to be on me and me alone. Please turn around, and let me tell you how I feel about you.”
Eventually you turn yourself around, your body facing mine and I take the opportunity to grab your face and pull you into a deep kiss. I can feel your tears along my thumbs and your lips quiver as you hold back a sob. But words can’t possibly express what I need to show you right now.
I put all of my love, all of my adoration and affection, into this kiss. Please understand, I think to myself. I need you to see that you are the most important person in my life. You are the reason I breathe. Just seeing your smile and hearing your laugh is enough to rewrite the worst days I’ve experienced.
I pull back from the kiss, staring down into your eyes with reignited passion.
“I love you. I always will. You are the light in my life, the only one who truly sees the real me. You make me so unbelievably happy, even just thinking about you brings a smile to my face. It helps me get through my day knowing that when I’m finished, I get to come back and see you, and hold you, and talk to you. Hearing your voice is all it takes to make my heart sing. Your touch is enough to melt away all of my stress. If I want to laugh or vent or cry, I know I want it to be you.”
I let my arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you tightly against my chest, my heart skipping a beat when you put your arms around my back.
“I need you to know that you are my one and only. I love you for everything that you are. You mean the world to me and I would give anything to make you smile. I love your personality; you are the most selfless, caring, devoted person I’ve ever met.”
Your hold on me tightens and I can feel your shoulders jumping as you begin to cry against my chest, finally letting your emotions spill out freely.
“I will do my best to show you just how wonderful and special you are, each and every day. You are my moon, my sun, and my stars. I want to be the same for you. I want to bring you more happiness than you ever dreamed possible. I want to be your safe place; somewhere you can go to feel calm and at peace. You are literally the piece of my heart that I’d been missing. Having you in my life makes me feel complete, whole.”
“I am so completely and utterly enamored with you. I know it seems hard to believe, trust me I still feel far less than enough for you myself, but I will put everything I have into showing you that you are perfect for me. To show you how desperately and madly in love with you I am.”
The gentle rise and fall of your back shows me that you’ve calmed down. I press a kiss to the top of your head before loosening my hands and nudging you back just a bit.
“Will you trust me now? Will you believe me when I tell you that I want you, and only you?” I ask, smoothing your hair with gentle strokes.
You nod your head slowly, eyes still glassy but the defeat I had seen in your expression earlier has all but vanished. I offer a sincere smile, my heart near bursting when I see the corner of your lips quirk up.
“Thank you, Yves,” you whisper. The gentle expression that paints itself over your face has my chest tighten. You look so heart wrenchingly innocent and beautiful. I know that I am the only one you trust enough to show this vulnerability to and I’d be lying if I didn’t take some pride in that.
My face is starting to feel warm as you continue to hold my gaze.
I let out a nervous cough, and pry my eyes away from you, letting them dance around the room. The soft giggle I hear is the most soothing balm I could ever imagine. Any pain in my heart, any crack in my thoughts, is eased and healed with just that beautiful sound.
I let my feelings move me and pull you back against my chest.
“I love you, so much. I can’t imagine ever loving anyone more, and yet each day you prove me wrong. You keep finding ways to make me fall even more in love with you. I don’t even know what to do with all this love I feel for you.”
Your lips press against my shoulder and I almost miss the soft response. But I didn’t… and my face gets incredibly hot at your words.
“I have some ideas…”
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Taglist: @judejazza @candied-boys @aquagirl1978 @xbalayage @violettduchess @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @themiscarnival
Let me know if you would like to be added to my taglist in a comment or by sending me a message!
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violettduchess · 1 year
Pssst, I'm dropping by to ask: when you can, could you do a kiss fic for the sweet, capricious cat Yves Kloss? 😽💖 Thank you ahead darling~
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A/N: The final prince suitor to get a kiss fic! (There are still plenty of vamp guys to go)
If you want to see more of the Prince suitors, you can request them for my new series: Afterglow. Requests for this series are always open!
Yves x Reader
Word Count: 600
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He slinks into your bedroom, quiet as a cat, afraid to wake you. You, however, have been up and waiting for him. When he notices that you are not sleeping, he launches into a story about cupcakes that would not rise, berries too soggy to decorate with, and chocolate from a country that is clearly not even fit to be used in batter let alone stand on its own as a treat. You watch him as he fumes, a rogue streak of white flour coloring his cheek, his blue eyes bright as he vents his frustration. He’s already undone his cravat and the first button of his shirt while pacing, still rattling off all the things that made his baking endeavors for tomorrow’s tea such a challenge.
God, you love him when he’s like this.
So caught up is he that he doesn’t notice the way you slide out of bed, fleet-footed, until you are suddenly, shockingly, right in front of him, filling his field of vision with your slow smile, your expression turned-on bright as a flame.
His irritated words trail off as you slide your hands over his shoulders, then inwards. You lean forward, placing a chaste kiss to his cheek, nimble fingers working until the next button of his shirt opens. Yves has gone still, a feline frozen as it assesses a situation it is unsure of. Are you….? Do you want……? You drag your lips down his cheek and stop at the corner of his delectable lips, another button popping open.
Oh…..oh you do…..
“Thank you,” you murmur, the words warm as they brush his skin with heated breath.
Another button opens.
The tea party he has worked so hard for is for you, a celebration of your anniversary at the palace, and he has thrown himself completely into making it absolutely perfect. Because it is for you and you deserve nothing less than perfection.
Another button opens and you can trail the tips of your fingernails over the sensitive skin of his exposed chest. “Thank you,” you repeat before finally kissing him.
He is frozen no longer, your kiss unlocking him as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you tightly against him even as he feels his cheeks grow warm. He tastes sweeter than any confection, his mouth opening at your will, responding immediately to the prodding of your tongue. Your fingers continue on their quest until his shirt is open and pushed off his shoulders, floating to the carpet like a sail in gentle winds. You plunder his mouth, greedy hands sliding over the soft, pale skin of his back. You want him exposed to you, open to your touch and your desire. He allows you to guide him, his bare back hitting the soft bed, his body pinned underneath yours. His cheeks are flushed and you pause for just a moment as the fires of want blaze around you to tenderly wipe the white streak of flour off of his pink cheek. Your expression is soft and in your bright gaze, he sees the love you have for him, all of him, regardless of his background, regardless of his thorny temperament. And he loves you back, with every fiber of his being.
His lips part and you lean down, your body pressing his into the bedding, your mouth accepting his invitation. Tonight you will indulge yourself in all that is Yves, from his sweet kisses to his delicious gasps of pleasure to the enticing feel of his skin against yours.
And you will enjoy every moment of it.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart @bubblexly
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cloudcountry · 1 year
SUMMARY: you're supposed to be doing your skin care routine right now, but teasing yves sounds much more appealing.
WARNINGS: none!!! :D
also tagging @xxoomiii because heyyyyyy haha this is your man i hope you like it!!!
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You can practically feel his disapproving stare as you pull the bed sheets over your face. Right around this time is when you would usually do your skincare routine with Yves, and even though you weren’t opposed to indulging him every night, you were far too exhausted from dealing with his brothers all day to bother with washing various products off your face five different times. You try to ignore how disappointed Yves surely was in you, being as diligent with his self-care routine as he was.
“Belle.” he calls, voice soft and without the scolding you thought you would receive, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“I don’t feel like it tonight.” you murmur, wishing the silky bed sheets would hide your form better.
Your only warning is a soft sigh before the sheet is peeled away from your body. You huff as Yves gazes down at you, his brow furrowed and pretty lips pursed in concern. He looks so worried, and while it should make you feel cared for, you really really just want to sleep. You curl in on yourself in a vain attempt to hide, but before you can hide your face, Yves’s hand shoots out and stops you. Your head jerks up and you meet his gaze, and with the way he’s looking at you you know he didn’t do that intentionally.
“Ah...apologies.” he yanks his hand away, avoiding your eyes, “I just...You shouldn’t skip out on your skincare routine. It’s important to polish your appearance.”
Ah, yes. You remember his first lecture about polishing gemstones all too well. The memory of his breath against your neck is still all too vivid, and you find yourself paying more attention to his moving lips than his words. He talks a bit longer about how beautiful he thinks you are, and although the words are flattering you take far more pleasure in watching his face slowly turn pink. He seems to realize where exactly you’re looking, and as his cheeks turn pink you grab him by the lapels and pull him forward.
The kiss you place on his forehead surprises him. He expected you to go for his lips like you usually do, but he can’t say he’s disappointed. You pull away with a soft smack and press your forehead against his, where you shut your eyes and rest for a moment.
“If you think this will get you out of your skin care routine, you are sorely mistaken!” he babbles, stumbling over his words like a fool.
“I love you,” you say, and you’re sleepy enough that it sounds so dreamy on your lips, and Yves almost combusts on the spot.
“Don’t—!” he sucks in a breath, gritting his teeth, “I love you too, but...where is this coming from?”
“Does it matter?” you say softly, “I don’t think it does.”
Yves supposes you are right. After all, you seem to disregard where many things come from, himself included.
“I like telling you I love you. You’re always so kind to me, and to your people...even though they don’t give a damn about you. And you tried your hardest to look out for me when I first came here, and you even gave me a pretty notebook and did my hair for our date and—”
He gets it. Yves gets it, he gets that you adore him just as much if not more than he hates himself. His body wants to squirm and bolt away from you, but you’re still holding his face and keeping him rooted to the spot. Your eyes are still closed and your voice sounds so sleepy and wow, has your skin always looked this kissable?
“I...I thought you said you were tired.” he stammers.
“No, not tired. Just said I didn't feel like doing skincare tonight. I just want to hug you and go to sleep.” you open your eyes, and for a moment he’s lost in them.
But then you pull away, and reality hits him harder than a slap in the face.
“You’ll have to make up for it in the morning, you know.” Yves says, and you smirk because his choice of words means you have absolutely won.
“Mhm. I know, love.” you laugh, a light, airy sound that makes his heart pound.
He allows you to pull him into bed next to you without resistance. You throw your arm around his waist and curl up against his back, spooning him. For what seems like the hundredth time that night, Yves turns that pretty shade of light pink. Your breathing slows, and he can feel your heart beating against his back. Your breath against his skin makes him nervous. Your hand around his waist finds the hand he rests on his stomach and slides against it. Your fingers intertwine and he has to stop his heart from imploding. He feels warm. He feels so loved and cared for. What a strange feeling this is.
He wants more.
What did he do to deserve this? Usually he asks these questions when faced with hardships, wondering why he couldn’t have just been anyone else. Why he couldn’t have been more like his half-brothers. Why he had to be a prince that didn’t belong in any kingdom. Now he asks because of you. And while your presence has changed nothing about the outside world, it has done wonders to the world inside his head, the one he envisions for you and him. The one he wants to create.
He wants nothing more than to be the person you continue to love. Maybe, if Yves is the person you love, he’d be alright being him. It's not something he can say confidently yet, but you’ve been around long enough that he has little reason to doubt it.
And as your hand squeezes his in your sleep, a little reminder from you to stop thinking like that, Yves finds himself drifting off with a soft smile.
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riveranova · 2 years
(A/N): Aaaaand mama's back! First of all, let me say how grateful I was and am to get so many messages from people sharing their stories and wishing me all the best - made me tear up multiple times not gonna lie. Thank you all so much and let's dive right back in. <3
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IkePri NSFW Headcanons x GN! Reader - Part 2
Warnings: Smut | minors DNI, would this really be a Nova original if there wasn't at least a lil bit crack?, Licht's getting a little sad
Characters: Chevalier, Luke, Yves, Jin, Licht, Leon, Ikemen Prince
Word count: 690
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Chevalier Michel
yk i had a thought for this one
obviously hes a top
but but, hear me out - what if he wasn't?
imagine his cold, blue eyes that normally resemble a frozen lake
well that thick ice is now shattered as he's pressing his head into his pillow, trying not to wake up his annoying brothers (Clavis) while you suck him off
hes a lil bit embarrassed about the way his fists and thighs are clenched together because hes Chevalier Michel, no one makes him this weak
well, exept for you of course
but no one is allowed to find out
i think that hes a little bit bratty as a bottom
like, you want to make him beg? well beg for it.
its kind of a back and forth
but just threaten him to stop and its like a different man lies before you
just imagine him beg for you to get him off in that deep voice
Luke Randolph
i'm a huge suporter of the 'luke only cuddlefucks' theory that a great researcher (me) brought to life
i mean that man sleeps the entire day so why not, right?
he gets horny really fast, just like Gilbert
hes also big, and i dont only mean his body
big boy, gimme a big booooy-
strong hands hold you in place - in front of him, holding you against his chest while slowly fucking you from behind
100% whispers sleepy shit into your ear
honestly so sweet
idk why this is so funny to me but imagine him just falling asleep mid-sex
you're just laying there like '...uh''
lucky for you, this man is into sleep play, so just finish the job yourself~
Yves Kloss
honestly? i think hes one of those really cute and soft tops
soft tops are the best, are they not
but i don't think hes really focused on the sex part
hes a big aftercare guy
he honestly just wants to spoil you and make sure you're all pretty for him
150 step korean skincare routine after every single session without fail
bathing together with him is the most normal thing in the world
hums into your ear while massaging your shoulders
praise praise praise
i honestly think that Yves would be so fucking obsessed with you - in a non-weird way tho
if youre comfortable then he is too <3
Jin Grandet
alright, heres my completely objective take on him
god i love this man so much
crush me with those honke- okay, sorry
i think hes the kind of guy who doesn't want to have one big session but like short ones scattered across the day
lil quickies yk
hes also shameless
so he just pulls you away whenever he wants to and you know what he wants
he has these 'please im so horny its not cool anymore' eyes
and if youre like me then fuck it, leggo
gives zero fucks about how loud you are
castle staff hates it when he does that but as i said
shameless (hot) asshole
Licht Klein
grumpy ass bottom
not even bratty, just grumpy as fuck
but i think thats what makes the entire thing so thrilling for him
yeah so what if he doesnt care what you do? what are you gonna do about it?
okay maybe hes a little bratty
not the guy that makes a lot of sounds while having sex
he kinda just lays there enjoying the attention hes getting from you - the sex is just a lil bonus
tries to take control on very impatient days
but nuh- uh, his moody ass is staying down
100% sure that he has these 'pls humiliate me' days
theyre rare, yeah, but getting told hes the 'bad sibling' his entire life fucked a little with his brain
pls give him aftercare
Leon Dompteur
i swear i need three tries to get his last name right every single fucking time
anyways, this mans obviously a top
he treats you like youre the deity hes praying to every single day
literally worthsips you so much
i think hes a big vanilla boi
no choking or bondage, just sweet sweet vanilla sex
his hands are huge and everywhere, like a blanket that just never ends
big praise guy too
loves to give it and absolutely thrives off of getting some back
please tell him that hes doing a good job, tell him how good his cock is making you feel
hes a big cuddler too, so get ready for some cozy aftercare <3
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syneilesis · 1 year
[fic] More of Barista!Yves fic
More of Barista!Yves fic
Ikemen Prince | Yves Kloss x Emma | G | 495 words
ao3 link (later)
Sequel to Barista!Yves and Customer!Emma vignette
A/N: The sixth of the seven fics for @cy-inky's one week challenge! Prompt is "Please don't cry." I did something a little different today and continued the little ficlet I had of Yves and Emma. There is finally a resolution! You go, Yves!
Divider by @/saradika.
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His reaction was a disaster, and by the time Yves had reappeared Emma was gone. His heart leapt off his chest and did a freefall to splat into the floor. Jin was flirting with a customer, and Yves stomped over, whispering furiously to his brother:
“Where is she?!”
Jin took a few seconds before disengaging from the customer. He had a pitying smile on, and Yves dreaded the response.
“The pretty lady left,” he said, and he looked so concerned. “I saw tears streaming down her face ...”
“Gah!” Yves didn't wait for Jin to finish his reply before scrambling outside. He had to catch up to Emma as quickly as possible; he didn't want things to end up the way they were—him escaping from the confession and Emma thinking that she had no chance. What if she thought she'd be better off with that puppy of a blond? Yves had a better shade of blond than the guy! His hair shimmered gorgeously under any kind of light! He also had better sense of style—so take that!
Emma’s figure stood outside the coffee shop just a few meters away, hunched, head bowed, back on him, and Yves feared the worst. He dashed towards her, yelling, “Please don't cry!”
Emma started, straightened up, and whirled around.
“It's not that I'm reje—oh. You're not crying.”
Emma tilted her head, confused. “I'm not.”
“Then why ...” His gaze dropped slightly to find that one of her hands was holding her phone. “Oh ...”
Then he wanted to crumble into ashes—or fall in one of Clavis's pits.
“My father suddenly called,” Emma explained.
“I-I see ...”
Her expression lit up. “Ooh! Did you think that I was crying from rejection?”
“Don't feel guilty about it, Yves.” Emma pocketed her phone and approached him. Up close, Yves spied some freckles across her ruddy cheeks.
Wanting to take a step back but resisting that urge, Yves remained in place, resolutely concentrated on Emma's (pretty) face.
One step. Then two. Emma's eyes shone, bright with intent.
“I'm determined to win you over.”
And this was it. He couldn't screw this up again. Now or never.
Yves took a deep breath.
“You don't have to win me over,” he said, carefully at first. He's going to melt right on the spot. “B-Because—I feel the same!”
Emma blinked. And blinked. And blinked some more.
Then she blushed. Like ink spreading on water, pearlescent pink blooming over her exposed skin. It didn't stop her from grinning open-mouthed, a sound of joy escaping from her.
“Oh, Yves, I like you so much!”
If Jin and Clavis and Nokto—and even Leon—could see him now, they'd hoot and whistle at his current state. He knew for sure that he looked like a tomato. He hoped that Jin wouldn—
“Ohoho!” Jin's voice cut through the moment. “I'm gonna call Clavis—”
Beside him Emma laughed, her hand intertwining with his.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
Pink- Yves Kloss x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of Visions of Temptations 2023 hosted by @xxsycamore
Pairing: Yves Kloss x Reader
Prompt: Day - Pegging
Word Count: 891
Tags: NSFW; Minors - DNi; pegging; praise kink; anal plug; toy insertion; handjob; female-bodied reader (no pronouns used)
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“What's this?” you asked, your fingers touching something cool and hard. 
“Oh! I, um…” Yves cheeks flushed a rosy shade of pink, flustered by your discovery.  “I wanted to prepare myself and surprise you. I think tonight…”
You couldn’t remember who suggested it first, but it was something you were both interested in; however, you agreed this was something you wanted to ease into and had started by experimenting with some toys. 
Many weeks were spent exploring with various, different sized toys, slowly training Yves’ body to handle the size of your strapon. Week by week, you increased the size of the toys, with you both enjoying this long and pleasurable journey. 
Overwhelmed with excitement, you quickly wriggled out from under Yves’ lithe body. Eager to see this surprise, you kneeled behind him as he propped himself on his hands and knees. Spreading his soft and supple cheeks, you were beyond delighted to find a pink jeweled plug nestled in his hole. What a beautiful sight to behold.
“How long have you been wearing this?” you asked, your finger tracing the soft lines of the pink gemstone, enjoying how Yves’ flinched under your gentle touch.
“Every day this week.”
You huffed out a small puff of laughter. “I meant, how long today?”
Yves groaned and buried his head in the pillow beneath him. “A few hours,” he squeaked out as you twisted the gem with your fingertips.
Curious to know its size, you slowly began to pull the plug out. Without fully removing it, you were shocked by its length and girth. Just thinking of how your lover had been sitting through dinner earlier, his hole stuffed with this plug, drove you wild.
“Wanna get your strapon?” Yves mumbled into his silk pillow.
He didn't have to ask twice.
Yves' body was a sight too beautiful to behold. His ass high up in the air, he leaned forward, resting his forearms on the bed, his face flush against the pink pillow beneath him. Warmth flooded your core as you approached your lover, bare naked save for the pink dildo strapped between your legs. 
Vulnerable and exposed, plug still inside, you took a moment to appreciate all the hard work Yves put in to get here. The training. And stretching. And preparing. You only wished you could have done it all together.
You gently pulled on the pink jewel; twisting it at first, it took a few tugs to remove it, he was clenching it so tight. He whined as you fully withdrew it, marveling over the sheer size of the plug. 
“You like this…” you muttered as you pushed the plug back in, noticing how his hips rocked back and forth to meet your movements.
“So what if I do,” he managed to reply between grunts. Increasing your pace, you began to thrust the plug, twisting it while inside to help prepare him for what was to come.
With a loud plop, you fully removed the plug, your chest filling with pride as you marveled at its size. You reached for the glass bottle on the nightstand you brought over earlier, and removed its lid. The liquid was cool as you poured a generous amount onto your fingers. 
“You’re doing so good, my love,” you praised as you slipped two fingers into his hole, pumping your fingers a few times to make sure he was well coated. 
After removing your fingers, you picked up the bottle again, this time coating your dildo with the cool liquid. Once it was slick enough to shine in the moonlight, you put the bottle away.
Taking a deep breath, you held the dildo in one hand as you guided the tip along Yves’ entrance, probing his pretty pink bud; Yves let out a loud gasp as you slowly pushed inside his walls.
With your hands on his hips, you rocked yours gently against his, keeping your movements slow as you began to thrust inside. Your fingers pressed into his pale skin, pulling him closer to you, pushing him onto your cock.
“Such a good boy,” you whispered when you bottomed out. Your gaze drifted, focusing on where your hips now touched as warm tingles spread throughout your body. You patted his bottom with your palm, so pleased he was able to take your full length. 
Impressed, you slowly dragged your cock out, enjoying the beautiful whimper Yves let out as you roughly slammed your hips against his. You continued this pace, with one hand wrapped around his cock, feeling it stiffen as you impaled him with your cock.
Soft cries filled the air as you squeezed Yves’ shaft. “You look so good filled with my cock,” you cooed as you felt a drop of precum bead on the tip of his cock. 
“Cum for me, baby,” you coaxed, your hand pumping his cock faster, your bodies slamming against each other with each hard thrust. Yves let out a delicious groan, a tear trickled down his cheek as his cock tensed in your hand, his body trembling under yours, his bedsheets painted a milky-shade of white.
You withdrew your length from Yves, and gently guided him to roll over onto his back. After removing your strapon, you returned to his side, cradling him in your arms, stroking his soft hair as he drifted off to sleep.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381 @itsjudesfault @maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @scummy-writes
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