#my cradlesona
youreawizardharr · 3 months
(Harr Silver x Eirene Chapman)
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Characters: Harr Silver
Genre: ---
Prompt: ---
Pairing: Harr Silver x Eirene Chapman
Warnings: Mentions of Blood and Violence
Tagging: @rairahime
Disclaimer: I do not create Harr, credits to Cybird for creating a character I love so much
Notes: Thank you @otomememento  for beta reading this story. I’m sorry for bothering you. This took me a long time to write and finish. I'm not confident with this little fic, but here it is. I hope you enjoy. This is my first attempt at writing something like this. I'm used to writing with another person, you see. So writing in this format is complicated for me. And while constructive criticism is very much appreciated, you don't have to be rude about it.
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Harr sensed the soldiers the moment they stepped through the treeline, lifting the hood of his cloak to conceal himself from view as he casted a simple teleportation spell. The area was bathed in a light blue illumination, leaving no traces that he had been there at all. Arriving at his destination, peeking over the side of a tree, the wizard eyed the group of soldiers, his ears picking up on their conversation.
"Where do you think the girl is? This forest doesn't appear to be ending anytime soon." The lone soldier complained, following the others. He stepped over a fallen log in the middle of the man-made trail, readjusting his anti-magic rifle. "The Magic Tower gave us clues about where to find the girl. That clue led us here, so she's somewhere in this forest." The captain responded calmly, then glared down at the low ranking soldier. "If the Commander heard you complaining, he'd punish you severely for your insubordination. He wants her alive, so make sure you don't harm her. Accidentally, or otherwise. Do I make myself perfectly clear? He already has plans for her." The other soldiers saluted their captain in response, pressing onward with renewed vigor, intending to carry out the commander's orders even if it meant their deaths.
As Harr stepped backwards, he made the simple mistake of snapping a twig in half with his left boot. The noise alerted the small group of soldiers. "Aye, it appears we have some company." The captain silently made a command with a hand gesture, walking in the direction where the noise came from. Harr gritted his teeth as he attempted to get away from the soldiers before they noticed his presence, however, a hand grabbed his upper arm, the expression on Harr's face contorted in pain as the fingers of the soldier keeping him in place dug into the fabric of his cloak. The skin along that area felt tender the longer the other man continued to grip him firmly. Harr was pulled and shoved along before he made eye contact with whom he assumed was the leader of the group, pressing his lips into a thin line, schooling the expression on his face as not to give them the satisfaction of showing emotion.
"Well, well, well." The captain approached Harr, his lips forming a wicked grin, forcing the wizard down onto his knees on the ground, while a soldier kept Harr in place. "The Magic Tower told us about a wizard living out here. I never thought one of our targets would make the job easier. Isn't this a nice surprise?" The man was given incoherent, verbal agreement from his subordinates. "Since you so kindly offered yourself without any trouble, I'm going to give you a chance to tell us where the girl is." Harr refused to bargain with them. He loved Eirene too much to give her up. The captain frowned, clearly displeased. "Don't make this any harder for yourself. All we want is the girl. Our Commander harbors no ill will towards you people. He just has some unfinished business and it involves that girl. Now, tell us where she is." Callous fingers quickly removed the hood to forcefully yank Harr's head back by his hair. The pain along his scalp caused the muscles in his face to twitch in response to the harsh treatment. The eye that wasn't obscurred by a silver mask weaved back and forth, studying the captain's oily and sweaty features.
"The sooner you give us her location, the sooner all of this mayhem will end."
Harr remained silent, which angered the captain, grunting when the older man sent a balled fist against the left side of his face. The wizard fell backwards onto the ground due to the force of the blow, his left ear ringing, as a seering pain emitted along his bottom lip where he must have accidentally bitten down from the impact of the punch. With his eye squeezed shut, Harr shifted slightly, the scent of moist dirt, leaves and iron reached his nose, pain radiating in the left side of his jaw. A bruise was likely forming. That much was obvious by how much his face swelled up in a matter of moments. Though all he could focus on was the pain and how disoriented he felt.
Before long, the sensation of two hands grabbing a hold of his cloak made Harr open his eye in time to watch the soldier who captured him minutes ago force him to sit upright, releasing his cloak to step away. The captain impatiently paced back and forth, feeling the wizard's gaze following him. "Why are you refusing to give her up? Don't you want this war to end? Don't you want peace to be returned?" The man stopped pacing to coldly regard Harr. "We know you have her hidden somewhere; the Magic Tower was forthcoming with information, after all. So staying quiet won't help you, wizard." While his silence could be taken for defiance, Harr was actually contemplating his next move, eyeing the soldiers while gauging the chances of defeating them. There were at least five in total. All were carrying weapons made to be utilized against magic wielders. He's heard of the term anti-magic through his dealings with merchants from overseas. If these Glassian soldiers were to use these anti-magic weapons, his magic would be useless against them. It didn't mean he was powerless, though. He just had to be patient and coordinate accordingly.
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katriniac · 7 months
IkeRev OC Bio
Meet Nate - the 3 of Hearts in the Red Army
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Like many of the officers, the 3 of Hearts is an inherited rank. Unlike most of the Red Army, however, he doesn't come from a wealthy background. His family fell on hard times two generations ago. Now all his pay goes to support his widowed mother, who struggles to make ends meet.
Due to the unruly reputation of his hereditary rank, he gets all the "trouble makers" reassigned to his unit whether he likes it or not.
New recruits shake in their boots when lining up for training because they've all heard stories of Nate's "yakuza-like" aura and how merciless he can be, just like the rumored organized crime ring his grandfather had been the head of. Whether the tales of their gangster background are true or not, most give him a wide berth and try to stay on his good side.
Nate works his soldiers hard, and he works even harder on himself. He's constantly exercising, training, and lifting. He has never felt like he fit in at the Red Army, with all their noble lineage and displays of wealth. It makes sense that his closest friends would be Zero and Kyle. The Queen of Hearts considers his presence a blight on the noble rank, but most of the pressure on Nate's shoulders comes from himself. He just wants to keep his mom healthy and make her proud of him.
His favorite story about his grandfather, the previous 3 of Hearts, is how he became a master at unarmed combat. When the family was practically destitute, he decided to sell his saber. It had been one of the legendary weapons in the Red Army. The proceeds from the sale meant his daughter could get married and raise a family. “But that left his grandfather without a weapon,” argued the other officers. To which he replied, "No it doesn't. I've got these," raising his fists proudly. From that day onward, he devoted himself to every martial arts practice he could find. No one could even come close when it came to bare knuckle brawling like the 3 of Hearts. His methods were deemed uncouth and beneath an officer, but he never lost a fight.
Nate decided to keep up the tradition when he inherited the rank, partly because he didn't have the money to buy a sword, but also because he wanted to show those snooty rich brats that true strength isn't measured by who has the best weapons. He thought it a fitting tribute to his grandfather.
Name: Nathaniel Stromm, 3 of Hearts
3 Descriptors: hard-working, protective, yakuza-like*
Nickname: Nate
Gender: Male
Race/Birthplace/Planet: Human, Cradle
Current Home: Cradle
Timeline/Era/Year: Ikemen Revolution game setting
Age: 29
Build: Muscular
Height: 6'
Hair: Dark Indigo Blue, short on the sides, longer on top. Slicked back while on duty, spiked up when off duty.
Eyes: Brown
Profession: Officer in the Red Army
Romantic Relationship History: one serious relationship at age 18-19, one-off dates every now and then but nothing serious.
Family: mother
Friends: Zero, Kyle
Enemy: Societal pressure? Unfair rumors? Poverty? Honestly, he doesn't have any people coming for him; people don't fuck around with Nate.
Education: high school, cadet training
Things They’ve Done: Has never let a new recruit flunk training
Goals They Have: Avoid bringing disgrace on his family. Doesn't really have any lofty ambitions; he's just living day to day.
What Motivates Them: providing for his mom and making her proud
Favorite Entertainment (music, books, pastimes, etc.) : running, boxing, soccer, football, hiking, swimming. Really likes autumn and watching the leaves fall in a strong breeze.
Favorite Food/Beverage: protein shakes (it's not that he thinks they are particularly delicious but he appreciates the efficiency and complete nutrition). Loves any of his mom's home-cooked meals.
Personality: quiet, intense, fair, non-judgmental, protective.
* Nate does not "act" tough; that's just the vibe he gives off unconsciously.
He doesn't realize that he has a fierce aura emanating from him when he's concentrating, competing, or giving instructions. His extreme energy output makes him seem angry when actually he's just intensely focused on the activity. The result of this is intimidating his soldiers into submission without even knowing he's doing it. He just thinks they're incredibly obedient and hard-working. He's totally oblivious to the fact that he has this effect on people.
The only people who can see what's happening are Kyle and Zero, and neither of them say anything because they assume Nate's method is intentional. But they are the only officers who understand he isn't scary or perpetually angry.
What Does He Fear: his mom feeling lonely or ostracized
What He Doesn't Know (yet) : his grandfather actually was involved with overseas mafia
Little-known fact: Nate and Lancelot share the same great-grandparents on their mother's side, the Quorays. Their grandpas (Solomon "Sal" and Andrew Quoray) were brothers, meaning their mothers (Julia and Nanette) were first cousins, making Nate and Lancelot second cousins. Nanette Quoray married a Kingsley and made both prestigious families very proud, while Julia Quoray married Mitch Stromm who was a nobody in her grandfather's eyes. But Julia's father liked the guy and all that mattered was that they loved one another. The Kingsleys were the line to the rank/office of the King of Hearts. The Quorays were the line to the rank/office of the 3 of Hearts. Both have noble blood, their lineage going several generations back to the founding of Cradle.
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patchwork-legato · 2 years
2, 13, 18, 27
2.) do you have a personal favorite among your ocs?
i know everyone will expect me to say oleander, but catherine (not the one i used in virtue's end) will always be my baby girl hehe. she's still sort of my cradlesona (ikerev self-insert), but over the past few years, she's come to grow into someone more than that. someone the me now in the present would be proud to gush about here! i'll definitely update her profile using the og format her first one came in soon.
13.) do you have any troublemaker ocs?
both of the jesters are, no matter how many worlds apart they are from each other!
belladonna has all of high society by the throat and threatens to reveal their deepest darkest secrets for the thrill of it
dahlia, iris's little sister is one! would love to explore her story that takes place after the war if i get the time to
18.) any oc crackships?
sydney and oleander, no explanations needed
27.) any ocs that were inspired by a certain song?
the catherine i used in virtue's end was inspired by a certain vocaloid song. i'll talk about it when everything's less busy lol
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mayareth · 5 years
Our little frog
Pairing: Fenrir x Cassiopée
Type: Angst
Warnings: child loss, depression, suicide tendencies.
Word count: 1601
This fic is inspired by the so-well-written headcanons of the fantastic @hejer-maomao 💙 I have to say, I wanted to write something NSFW for the Lancelot Appreciation Week (and the Kinktober challenge) but I was more inspired for some angst (thanks to Mr Sunshine, this drama is ruining my life). It's not as good as I wanted it to be but I still wanted to share it with you because I don't think I’ll have the time to write something else soon (thanks to the university life, heck, I thought it would have the taste of freedom).
Hope you enjoy!
Cassie was lying next to me, smiling as every morning. Waking up to her beautiful face was the utmost joy to me, especially since we weren't two but three in this bed. I touched her small baby bump while kissing her forehead softly.
”Good morning, honey.”
I whispered in her ear.
”Good morning, cupcake.”
She said, her lips brushing mine. I loved this quiet moment we enjoyed every day before being caught in the agitation of the day. The sun reflected in her green eyes, making them sparkles like two emeralds. I brushed off a hair lock from her face to give her a proper morning kiss when suddenly, Cassie moved both of her hands to her belly, wincing.
”Cassie, are you ok? Are you feeling sick again? Do you need me to bring you tea or something to soothe your cramps or maybe...”
She shook her head although she was now avoiding my gaze.
”No, it's alright Fenrir. Don't worry, it often happens, I’m pretty sure it's because I'm now at the end of my third month of pregnancy. It's just my body adapting itself to this little one. Also, if you stay under the sheets five more minutes, you’re gonna miss the special army meeting your so-called partner appointed this morning.”
Panic flooded through me when I looked at the clock. The meeting! I’m going to be scolded by Daddy Sirius again and Luka will cook tomatoes for a whole month if I arrive late at a meeting with the Red Army. No way I would let this happen. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my uniform, getting change as fast as I could.
”See you later, Cassie! And you little princess, don't exhaust your mother too much.”
”How can you be so sure it’s a girl? When did you leave your guns to become a gynaecologist?”
Cassie was smiling, the kind of fake smile I could sometimes see on Sirius’ face. However, I barely paid attention to it, thinking she was just tired and barely had a look for her as I put on my military cap.
”I know what I produced, I’ll let ya know!”
I winked at her before hurrying to the Central Quarter.
After the meeting, I decided to enjoy the good weather and to take a stroll in the shopping streets. As I walked, I gazed at the shops when some little green baby pyjamas caught my attention. I thought back at when Cassie announced me she was expecting. Once I had calmed down from the extreme joy I had experienced, we decided together to attribute the green colour to this baby, a colour of hope that suits boys and girls alike. The little one became our little frog, the cutest frog in the world. I could already picture myself, playing in the fields with our child, running and jumping everywhere after a picnic on a sunny day like this one. Ray would be the godfather and Margareth the godmother of course. What a lucky baby...
Remembering the look on my beloved face this morning, I decided to make her a surprise and bought the cute pyjamas. I walked back to the headquarters, feeling as light as a feather, daydreaming. I couldn't wait to become a father.
When I came back home, however, something in the atmosphere was different. I tensed immediately. I ran into Margareth. Worry was all across her features.
”Hey, Margareth, did something happened while I was out? Please, tell me.”
I’ve never seen her like this. My best buddy’s woman looked like she was about to cry.
”It’s Cassiopée... She locked herself up in her room and refused to let anyone in since this morning. It's not just a bad mood. There must be something else. Usually, when she has a problem with someone or something, she always tells me. But here... She told me that she wasn't worthy to get anyone’s help or affection.”
I immediately understood that it must be related to the baby. Bad mood or not, my most important duty now was to check what was wrong and to stay with her.
”That’s not good, not good at all... Please, Margareth, tell Sirius I will do my paperwork later. For now, I have other priorities. Explain the situation and...”
”He already knows. He gave you the rest of the day off as well. Go and tell me as soon as you can if I can help.”
”I will, thanks.”
I hurried to my beloved room as if my life or hers was on the line. Please, please, please, tell me it's just one more weird effect the hormones have on pregnant women, please tell me she is just in a really bad mood and she will get better after a good night of sleep. Please...
I repeated this polite word like a mantra in my head until I reached her door. I knocked. No one answered.
”Cassie? Cassie, it's me, Fenrir.”
I knocked again, desperately but she gave me no sign. Finally, I decided to open the door by myself, with the key she gave me when we got married, as a symbol that we were now sharing everything.
I will never forget what I saw this day. My wife, the love of my life, the woman I share everything with was there, lying on her bed. I could have thought she was just resting if there wasn't a river of red liquid dripping between her legs. Her complexion was so pale I mistook her with a ghost for a short moment. My head was spinning and all I could do was to rush over her bed to check if she was still alive. Cassie sighed faintly when I took her hand in mine and placed it against my cheek. Cold. So cold.
”Please, honey, wake up...”
When I felt her hand becoming wet, I realized I was crying. I was about to scream at the top of my lungs when Cassiopée finally opened her eyes.
”Fenrir... Let me here... I... I don't... Deserve your attention... I’m so useless...”
I placed a finger on her delicate lips, making her stop right away.
”A doctor is on his way. Try to hold on until then. Please, don’t leave me, Cassie...”
”Fenrir... You haven't listened to me... I lost our child... I don't deserve to be loved by anyone after this... Just let me die here, with our little frog...”
The air in the room seemed so cold to me at this moment, even though we were still in the middle of July. My blood turned to ice when I heard the joyful lady I married spitting such horrible things about her. She stared at me, panting, until the tears in her eyes made her turn away.
”Find someone better than me. A woman that could give birth to your beautiful child. Your daughter, your precious little one...”
I felt my heart breaking into thousands of pieces. How can she say such horrible things? Of course, I was extremely pained that she had lost out child but that doesn't make me less in love with her. In no time, I found myself hugging tight the only woman I cared at that moment.
”Cassie. Listen to me now. I love you and I will always love you. Remember? We promised to support each other in the best as well as in the worst moments. Tell me you still mean it. Please.”
I felt her falling apart in my arms, crying and letting all the tears she had held back falling. Soon, my jacket was wet so was her dress but neither of us cared. We just held each other until the doctor arrived.
”Had it really to be Kyle?”
Cassie asked me while we were getting ready for the night, a sad smile on her face.
”He had always been taking care of everyone in the Red Army, but also in all of Cradle. He is the best doctor we can find here when he is not drunk, that is. I noticed he wasn't today. I have to say it surprised me.”
We both chuckled as if the tension that had been in the air all this time was finally vanishing.
”Was it really necessary to add that I truly was Lancelot’s cousin? Am I really that awful?”
”As a patient, certainly. As a wife, you are all I could ever ask for. You are so brave I have no doubt you will become even stronger after this.”
She stayed quiet as I kissed her on the forehead, perfectly aware that difficult times were ahead of us and we will both need time to recover from this loss. But tonight, we had both agreed that enough tears had been shed.
”Goodnight, honey”
”Goodnight, cupcake”
We acted as if everything was normal even though we both knew neither of us was alright. Our little frog was gone, we haven't had the chance to meet her and all we can do for now is imagining all sorts of adventures we could have lived together. I was doing this and I knew Cassie was doing the same. As soon as the clock struck midnight, tears would start to fall again, as if we wanted to create a lake for our tadpole.
”I swear that if this tadpole has a lake, the next one will have a cradle.”
All my wife could do was to nod as she eventually fell asleep in my arms and I was soon following her into a sleepy yet restless end of the night.
Still here? So I’m tagging @hejer-maomao of course, @muggzc, @kiarigirl, @plumpblueberry, @lovingsiriusoswald, @lovingikesen, @jonahlover42069, @pianoperson, @alloveroliver-ash (angst break in the middle of the Kinktober) and @saphyhowl.
Please tell me if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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roidesrosette · 4 years
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first time animating with my cradlesona and lance! its a bit choppy but im really proud of it haha
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thecoolsquirrel · 5 years
Prince Charming
guess whos trying to try out tcbs artstyle
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do-mkokoro · 5 years
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《 ずっと一緒に 》
Despite all the Sero I have drawn, self-shipping is still my top priority (΄◉◞౪◟◉`) shame
Inspired by @gypsophiaa’s CradleSona but this is just a doodle and a comic.
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oh dear god
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Okay, after several days, here we go. Thank you @lovingsiriusoswald for this self-indulgence. I'm not sure I did this correctly, but everyone, meet my Cradlesona, Olivia. 💕
I used this to make her: https://picrew.me/image_maker/28224
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Olivia Laurant
Basic Info:
Nicknames: Liv (Ray calls her Livie)
Birthday: June 4th 
Age: 25
Height: 164cm
Blood Type: O+
Eyes: Violet
Hair: Auburn 
Accessories: Black earrings, a Spade pendant that Ray gave her for her birthday, and glasses because she's nearsighted.
Features: She's petite and has porcelain skin, a light dusting of freckles, and a small nose. 
Illnesses: none
Affiliation: Black Army
Occupations: Intelligence Analyst/Special Envoy
♠ Black Army 
* She is well-respected and well-loved by the soldiers because she never fails to give them a smile and encouragement when they feel down. 
* She reports directly to Sirius as part of the Army Intelligence Unit and she has a dotted line to Ray. 
* Of the army officers, she gets along well most with Luka, who was her classmate in Uni. 
* She's had a crush on Ray for the longest time - it was a secret she was almost going to bring with her to her grave until recent events. 
*She avoids being alone with Seth because he seems to be good at uncovering her secrets.
* She adores Fenrir because he reminds her of her younger brother. 
♥ Red Army
* As a Special Envoy of the Black Army, she often meets with the leaders of the Red Army on a number of initiatives. 
* Lancelot always looks forward to their meetings because he considers her quite the conversationalist.
* Jonah and Edgar are fond of her because she practically grew up around them and was quite close to them in school.
* Kyle is her drinking buddy. She would often sit with him in the pub on her days off, or at the end of a very stressful day.
* Zero is her designated Red Army escort and considers being around her 'refreshing'
⭐ Cradle Citizens 
* Blanc respects that she works hard. He's not as fond of her as he is of Alice.
* Oliver secretly enjoys her company and is happy that she's smarter than the 'that idiot from the Land of Reason', which she often calls him out for.
* Like Seth, Loki is someone she tends to avoid being alone with because it seems he could see right through her.
* She is one of the very few people Harr is comfortable with. 
🌏 Alice
* She is Alice's designated escort whenever the lady from the Land of Reason wants to visit Blanc.
* She didn't use to get along well with her out of jealousy because the Army (actually, she was only concerned about Ray) seemed to have taken a liking to their surprise visitor.
* When it was clear that Alice was in love with Sirius, she started warming up to her. 
Olivia is an ISTP, which means that she can quite calm, lighthearted, creative, spontaneous and rational. She is the epitome of grace under pressure. She weighs the pros and cons of any situation, and will not hesitate to attack when necessary. She needs her alone time or time away from the Black Army when she feels overwhelmed. 
Family and History:
She is the eldest of three children born to a renowned doctor and his wife. Her grandfather was the former Red King's adviser, so it wasn't a shock that she wanted to join the army herself. She attended the same school as the members of the Black and Red Armies. Luka Clemence and Edgar Bright were her classmates and best friends, and she often found herself tutoring them on subjects they didn't excel in. In that same school was where she met Ray Blackwell, who became close to her when they were both parts of the cheerleading squad. When she realized she had feelings for Ray, she drastically quit cheerleading and avoided him like the plague. Unknown to her, Ray was thrown off by the sudden change in her demeanor and since then swore he wouldn't want to have anything to do with her.
She was a consistent honor student and class president on her final year in school. She took two years off after graduation to take care of her grandfather before she signed up the Black Army, much to her parents' surprise. She claimed it was the principles that the Black Army upheld that made her want to join them. By the time she was drafted, Ray had become the leader of the Army, and she couldn't back out. 
Skills and Special Abilities:
Olivia is a good dancer and was in the cheerleading squad for quite some time. She has a talent for singing also, which she keeps secret. She loves puzzles and solving riddles. 
Paired with:  Ray Blackwell
Life in Cradle:
Olivia is often described as the perfect daughter and the student, but she struggled as an Army member at first because she was given no-brainer tasks because she's a girl. To prove that she was just as capable as everyone else, she volunteered on missions to defend the Cradle citizens from various attacks by an unknown group. Her Unit leaders recognized her talent and she rose from the ranks pretty quickly until Sirius Oswald decided to promote her to Intelligence Analyst, where she not only had the opportunity to suggest strategies and tactics to the Army Officials, she also had direct access to Ray. 
In the months that they've worked together, she realized two things - that she was still madly in love with him, he wasn't exactly excited about her existence. Whenever she attempted to get close to him, he would always place some sort of distance between them - like he would send her off on a mission or he would go off on a mission. To make things worse, Alice the Second from the Land of Reason appeared in Cradle and Ray not only opened their home to her, but he also offered to protect her. 
The first week of Alice's stay in the Black Army Headquarters was hell for Olivia. Everyone fawned over their visitor and (except for Luka and Sirius), no one seemed to focus on work. Mealtimes were even worse because she had to sit through breakfast, lunch, and dinner while watching Ray and Alice shamelessly tease each other. Little did she know that flirting with Alice was part of Ray's plan to wind her up and get a reaction from her. She stopped taking her meals with them on the fourth day and kept looking for one excuse after another to avoid sitting at the same table with everyone else. 
One evening, on her day off, she visited the pub in the Central Quarters and saw the Red Army Doctor drinking by himself. After being harassed by one of the regulars, she made a beeline for Kyle and asked if she could share a table with him. She was pleasantly surprised to find out that he's a huge fan of her dad's journals and that he was quite easy to talk to. Since then, they became unofficial drinking buddies. 
On her third week in the Cradle, Alice was invited to high tea by Black Lapin. On her way to his house, however, she got lost and ended up in the Forbidden Forest where she was rescued by Lancelot. As soon as she was returned to Black Army territory, Ray was furious about not being able to protect her, he assigned Olivia to become Alice's escort much to her dismay. The day after Alice's 'attack', Olivia went with her to Blanc and Oliver's house for tea. On their way, Alice kept asking her about Sirius and kept gushing while telling her about the exotic plants they planted in the courtyard together the other day. This led Olivia to ask her if she liked Sirius, which Alice did not even think twice about responding "yes" to. Dumbfounded, she asked about Ray, to which Alice laughed and suggested that she and Ray should just be honest with each other. It was at that moment that Olivia decided she was gonna be brave and confront Ray about her feelings. 
What happens next is still TBD. 😁
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narekashi · 5 years
Hey hey dear Rei ❤️ I would like to know my good boi Felix's entry after a night out in a bar 😏 if it's not a problem, I need my Felix daily fix 😩❤️❤️
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Today was a special day so everyone in the red army held a drinking party! It's a known fact Edgar, Lancelot and Jonah hold their alcohol well but what I didn't expect was Kyle staying sober for most of the party (well, mostly sober, Zero still had to carry him back to his room in the end). It was fun to see him fight back the urge to drink until everyone started teasing him for not drinking. Jonah was the only one protesting against him drinking until Lancelot offered to pay, then all hell broke loose.
It was fun not going to lie. I wish times like this would go on forever.
[From this ask meme!]
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youreawizardharr · 5 years
Cradle Headcanons
I used several images from the game for this post. They belong to Cybird. For the other image used, the artist is Marie-Michelle Pipin from Behence. I'm including my lore.
Tagging: @saphyhowl and @cradlesonanetwork
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The Country of Cradle
The mediate members of the Chapman family were moved to the palace located in the heart of Cradle, the Central Quarter. It was renovated into the Civic Center after the Chapman Massacre.
The Civic Center acts as an administrator for the citizens of Cradle. The Kings of Hearts and Spades have a joint responsibility of overseeing all of Cradle, with the exception of their respective territories that they govern.
Erza Chapman was given the title and the responsibility of overseeing the Central Quarter from the will of his father, angering his older, twin brother, Hephaestus and his only son, Arion.
Blanc Lapin recorded every event that transpired in Cradle, storing them in a place only he has knowledge of: the treasury beneath the Civic Center, which was used by the Chapmans to collect revenue from the citizens.
There are ancient documents Blanc has preserved of Cradle's entire history. They were recorded by his predecessors, including his own father.
Amon Jabberwock murdered his own father and the King of Hearts years after the Chapman Massacre, allying himself with Arion Chapman, who fled from Cradle after slaughtering his entire family and is now residing in Glass. The two are currently conspiring together.
Eirene was born in the Central Quarter, on the night of a full moon, bringing hope to the people of Cradle. Murals of the return of Cradle's princess are etched onto the walls of the celestial cave underneath the Lake of Tears, foretelling her destiny to restore peace.
The government of Cradle is complicating. No one is for certain what type of government Cradle has. However, the country is divided into three equal parts. With the Red and Black armies governing the red and black territories, while the Central Quarter is shared between the two until the return of the Chapman heir, Eirene Beverly Chapman, who will one day reclaim what is hers by birthright.
The country of Glass refuses to negotiate an alliance with Cradle because Arion has manipulated the Glass King into believing his lies, accusing Cradle of killing his family.
As a merchant, Loki knows acquaintances from neighboring countries. He makes negotiations with them in order to get items and such from their countries. Or vice versa.
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The Garden
The garden is a place where the Thirteen come to have meetings regardling Cradle as a whole. Low ranking soldiers and civilians are not permitted to enter the garden, unless one of Thirteen gave them permission.
This used to be the Chapman garden, until the two armies shared responsibility of governing the Central Quarter, renovating it as a meeting spot.
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Anyone can channel magic through the crystals the Magic Tower created, but once the magical energy has been used, the crystal becomes an ordinary pebble. However, unlike these crystals, the crystals from the Forbidden Forest never run out of magical energy. Even magic users can channel the energy from these crystals to conserve their own magical energy. As stated below, using these crystals are forbidden.
The more powerful a spell is, the more magical energy it drains. Which is why people who uses magic innately experience symptoms of fatigue, fever, exhaustion, etc. It depends if whether or not they go over their limitations. If they use up all their magical energy completely, it could cost the user their life, or they can no longer use magic.
Blanc Lapin possesses time magic, but he can only channel it through his pocket watch: an item that once belonged to his father. It passes down from record keeper to record keeper. It allows Blanc to travel from Wonderland to the Land of Reason at any time, but he chooses to keep this ability a secret out of fear of Amon finding out about it.
The Chapmans possess a high amplitude for the magical arts, more so than the Kingsleys. The Magic Tower captured members of the royal family for this reason, extracting their souls to make even stronger magic crystals to use as leverage against the two armies.
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The Forbidden Forest
The Forbidden Forest is filled with naturally grown magical crystals. They’re far more authentic compared to the magic crystals the Magic Tower creates and distributes legally in Cradle.
These crystals are illegal in Cradle. If one is caught with them in their possession, regardless of reasoning, the Magic Tower will inflict punishment.
For magic users, the Forbidden Forest is riddled with magical energy. This energy source is plentiful, and allows them to harness their magical capabilities safely without the user experiencing the side effects of going over their limitations.
People have speculated the forest is alive, and that it produces these crystals by harvesting wandering souls, which, believe it or not, resemble will-o-the-wisps. They appear at night when the forest illuminates from magical energy.
Very rarely do these wisps appear during the day, and only those who are magically inclined can see them.
Variety of creatures resides within the Forbidden Forest. They are different compared to the animals from the Land of Reason. Nearly all of them are magically inclined, making them just as valuable as the wild crystals grown here.
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The Lake of Tears
The lake of Tears is the breeding ground for magic crystals. This is the place where one can find them fully sprouted.
The lake itself is shrouded in mystery.
The water glows a bright aqua color, especially if one touches the surface.
At the bottom of the lake lies white sand with little speckles of color. One can’t find this sand anywhere else in Cradle.
There is a celestial cave with runes engraved on the walls. One can find rare crystals among its’ numerous caverns are worth more in lin than the crystals Amon amd his disciples have created.
There is a tree standing in the middle of the cave, whose roots spread across the ceiling, dipping into the luminescent pool of magical energy, some roots hang low and drips this same substance. The roots of the tree can be seen by magic users, pumping magical energy through Cradle from the Forbidden Forest.
Harr and Eirene have shared precious memories here. From their first date, their first kiss, and their first time being intimate. Andrasta was conceived here.
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Old Palace Ruins
The ruins of the palace belonged to the royal family of Cradle: the Chapmans.
The Chapmans have been around for over five hundred years, reigning over Cradle alongside the Red and the Black armies. However, the royal family overseen Cradle as a whole, but they held no such power in the Red and Black territories, overseeing the Central Quarter and allowing the two armies to govern their own respective territories.
The three factions have always worked together until five hundred years ago when the Red and Black armies declared war against eachother. The two armies are the military might of Cradle, protecting the country, and striving to keep the peace until a conflict tarnished the ideals the three set in place, creating a divide throughout the entire country.
Members of the Chapman family began to disappear, one after another. This struck fear in the hearts of citizens. No one knew why they were disappearing. However, the Kings of Hearts and Spades speculated the Magic Tower, but neither of them had any evidence to back their claims against the tower, or any reason behind the disappearances.
The remaining members of the Chapman family were moved to the two territories to be under the protective custody of the two armies. The main house occupied the Central Quarter.
For years, the palace became overgrown with trees, brush, and other plantlife from being unoccupied since the incident involving the disappearances.
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bespectacledbun · 5 years
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borrowed @lovingsiriusoswald‘s Cradlesona template to make my girl ( ;; v ;; ) /
CRADELSONA: Padmini Ramachandran (పద్మిని రామచంద్రన్)
Basic Info: Nicknames: just call her Padmini, she hates nicknames Birthday March 27 Age 22 Height: 165 cm Blood Type: AB
Physical: Eyes: Black, but they look grey in the light Hair: Bangs that sweep to the right of her face and curly black hair that goes down to her waist. Padmini always keeps it in a long braid. Accessories: Gold jhumkas and a bindi. Also keeps a small pocket watch that has a photo of her with her twin brother when they were children. Features: A beauty mark under her left eye and three birthmarks in a line on her right upper arm Illnesses: 
Social: Affiliation: Neutral Occupations: At home, she was a businesswoman. Relationships:
Edgar: Does. Not. Trust. At all. He’s too sneaky and she’s already suspicious of everyone because she’s in a foreign land so that’s a doubly bad combination. Also, he always disturbs her peace and quiet which is even more reason to stay far, far away from him.
Blanc: Grudgingly accepts his help and agrees to stay at the Black Army Headquarters at his request. He got her to Cradle so obviously he can take her back home, so she learns to trust him. That, and he’s exceedingly polite so there’s no way he could harm her.
Oliver: doesn’t really trust him at first because he’s a Londoner and she has bad experiences with Londoners. However, because he’s Blanc’s housemate she gradually starts trusting him. He’s a good companion to work by because he doesn’t ask questions about what she’s doing or offer help when she doesn’t need it.
Zero: Mutual curiosity from both sides. Padmini wants to know more about Zero and his history in the Magic Tower, while Zero is just interested in knowing more about this strange woman from the Land of Reason who Looks Like Him.
Personality: A quiet, mostly unassuming person. Prefers to be by herself or with people who won’t disturb her. Doesn’t like taking help from others, mostly because she doesn’t want to be seen as a stereotypical “worthless aristocrat” so she prefers to do things by herself. Hates being called weak only because she is a woman, and will take up arms if it means defending herself and proving others wrong. Padmini’s anger is like a whip, so once she’s reached her breaking point she won’t care about who she hurts with her words.
Family and History: Daughter of a very rich zamindar (aristocrat) family. Her twin brother disappeared when they were children and was assumed to be dead by the family. After receiving a letter from her “brother” Padmini came to London looking for him to see if he was really alive or not. Padmini hopes that her brother is alive so she can bring him back home to India. Accidentally followed Blanc to Cradle while trying to return his pocket watch, and is trying to make a living for herself as a tailor until she can return home to continue her search.
Skills and Special Abilities: Knows every kind of art, visual and performing, but prefers needlecraft to anything else. Learned swordplay, horseback riding, and other typical “noble” activities growing up in a zamindar family in India. Also knows how to shoot a gun and carries a pistol on her, but dislikes fighting so she rarely uses it. Also speaks 3 languages fluently, Hindi, English, and French, other than her native Telugu. Knows how to keep up a cool image in public and interact with polite society, even if she hates going out to social events.
Paired with: Mousse
Life in Cradle: Padmini doesn’t really like talking to people, so she becomes a seamstress at a tailor shop in Central Quarter because it requires the least amount of interaction with people. She gets her orders supplies by mail and has the clothes delivered directly to her clients once she is finished. She rarely needs to talk to her clients because they almost never have complaints about their clothes once she makes them. Tries to remain a neutral party in Cradle and not interact with anyone from either Army because if she ends up taking a side, she will be stuck in Cradle longer, which means more time that is not spent searching for her brother.
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midnightcradle · 5 years
do you ever have the strongest urge to write but can’t think of a single thing to write about
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mayareth · 5 years
”I can't live without you by my side”
Pairing: Ray x Margareth
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None! Just fluff, certainly some mistakes grammatically speaking and unsure style of writing.
This one includes my Cradlesona, Margareth, from her POV. I will try to write something from Ray POV too for this week! Let's the King of Spades days begin @ikerev-appreciation
It's happening again. Every time I go out with my boyfriend, another girl starts to flirt with him, even if we are with the other members of the Black Army. I know he would never cheat on me but I can't help but feel jealous because, usually, the girl in question is much more beautiful than me, a real model. Skinner, with the skin without a single imperfection, eyes so pretty you could swear they belong to a doll, etc...
I hate to be like this but I would understand if he left me for one of those creatures. I can see Ray is not really at ease to be approached by those women but he still talk with them for a bit. Always placing others before him...
If some members of the Black Army are with us, they will cheer me up. Sirius would say something like ”Don’t worry, little lady, no one of them has your intelligence and your beauty.”
And Fenrir would add ”Yeah, stop looking like you're about to punch the entire Magic Tower in the face! My bestie has only eyes for you, not for those sluts who can't even read a book correctly, I'm sure!”
But the best part is always when Seth scold his boss, with his usual drama touch.
”RAY!!! You have the finest lady of all Cradle at your table and you dare to leave her just because some paint bucket girl wanted your attention?! You seriously need to learn how to treat a woman correctly! Just look at Margareth now, Luka will have to cook marzipan for weeks to make her smile again and she will become fat eating all those sweets just because of her incapable boyfriend! Now leave, I don't want to see you before tomorrow’s breakfast, and take your gorgeous girlfriend with you, she needs to get some kisses from you to make her face as bright as before!”
Usually, Seth’s attitude and Ray’s pitiful look were enough to make me smile and forgive him instantly. Furthermore, we usually spend the rest of the evening together, Ray apologizing to me profusely, saying that he had no choice but to try to make the annoying miss leave his side as soon as he could but has to listen to all her boring stuff before doing anything.
But tonight was different. The King of Spades decided to go on a date with me as Sirius gave him the evening free, as a firework was organized this evening in the Central Quarter. I was looking forward to this moment, choosing my dress carefully and finally picking one of my favourites. A navy blue one, sleeveless with a white ribbon on the waist. Perfect for a summer night! I also picked high heels white sandals, a silver necklace and a discrete pair of earrings. Finally, I added a touch of floral perfume before walking out of my room. I almost immediately ran into Seth.
”Oh, my sweet darling! You look PERFECT! Are you sure Ray will be able to see the fireworks with you shining so bright?”
”Seth, you’re exaggerating things again, I never know how to react to compliments! But thank you, that's really kind.”
He blinked at me before turning and walking
”I’m only telling the truth sweetie!”
I rolled my eyes, heading to Ray’s room when I felt hands squeezing my waist. I hadn't the time to react before being swept in the air and kissed softly on the lips.
”Ray! Did you want to make me have a heart attack?!”
He grinned at me, seeming to enjoy the look of surprise that still lingered on my face.
”That would be unfortunate, let's keep your heart safe until the end of the evening”
”Why only until the end of the evening? I hoped I could stay by your side a little longer than just for a night!”
I asked as I pouted a little
”You will stay in my arms for as long as you can take it, and I hope you have stamina darling because, with a free day tomorrow, maybe I’ll be able to pleasure you all night long.”
I felt my face turning crimson as my boyfriend winked at me, taking my hand.
”But first, let's enjoy the fireworks!”
I felt as light as a feather as we walked hand in hand to the Central Quarter. Finally, a moment to spend together, as a couple! I feel so proud to be the girlfriend of the charismatic King of Spades, handsome in a navy blue shirt, that emphasized his firm chest, and classy black pants. I know that’s not good but I wanted to look down at all the girls that stared at us, envy reflecting in their eyes. Yes, he is my boyfriend, don't be so jealous, I’m lucky and I know it but he is all mine, for tonight as well as for the eternity, sorry to disappoint you. The taste of revenge from all the times he and I have been taken apart was so sweet, sweeter than any cake I could ever find.
Once arrived at our destination, we found out there were many little stands all around the square to buy different types of foods and drinks.
All of these look so tasty! And now my empty stomach is growling. Why did I think that would be a great idea to starve myself today to seem skinnier in this dress?
”What do you want to drink Margareth? I’ve heard the stand over there was making the best sangria in all Cradle! Wanna try?”
I glanced at the stall he was pointing out. Good, not much people and, more importantly, no pretty girl in the queue for sangria!
”I would love to try it! I’ve had once this drink during a trip back at the time when I still lived in the Land of Reason. They had added cinnamon, that was delicious!”
Smiling at my enthusiastic tone, Ray patted me lightly on the shoulder.
”Just wait here, I’ll buy the drinks for us.”
I nodded and found a place to sit on an empty bench.
The perfect spot! The air is still hot and I might just faint if I stay one more minute on my feet!
I picked my fan from my small purse and looked around me. All types of people gathered here, family as well as a couple but also bystanders. All of them seemed to enjoy themselves. August is really a good time for families to hang out. Maybe one day with Ray, we will be like them...
My gaze scanned the crowd until spotting my boyfriend... Talking to a girl at the stand. Long sun-kissed blonde hair and a shirt that showed off her cleavage. I felt my heart being stabbed. Tears started to burn my eyes but I refused to let them fall.
Keep calm, just take a little walk then just talk to him. No, scold him. I can't believe he has done this TODAY, ON A DATE.
I tried to calm myself down, analysing the shopping windows of the different shops Cradle has to offer.
As I got lost in my thoughts, I felt a hand firmly pressed on my shoulder. I turned around to find a man I’ve never seen before.
”Are you lost, sweetie? Maybe I can help you?”
He was so close I could feel his breath hot on my neck. My blood turned cold as I smelt the familiar scent of alcohol. I tried to push him away but it only makes his grip around my wrist tighter.
”Thank you but I was about to return to the plaza so I’m definitely not lost. I have friends who are waiting for me there and...”
”You’re going nowhere. My company is certainly far better than any people you know.”
Why did I wander in the streets instead of just turn around the square?
The brown-haired man suddenly pushed me against a wall in the nearby street, placing his filthy hands on each side of my head. Panic was taking control of my brain.
Quick, try to remember what the Black Army taught you during your self-defence lessons!
I placed my own hands on his shoulders, then I tried to give him a well-placed kick between his tights but the shock made his head hit mine as he bent over in pain, making my mind confused.
Shit, I must have forgotten a part to avoid this problem.
”You, little whore, yes, you are going to regret this!”
I tried desperately to run but my high heels made me lose my balance and the criminal was soon on the top of me.
”There is no more escape for you now!”
We are closer to the plaza now, maybe I can try this, my secret weapon: the lady-in-danger attitude. Well, every girl can use it with a name like this but still...
I screamed at the top of my lungs. He had promised me to be here for me whenever I needed help, I just had to call him. But the man quickly covered my mouth.
”It’s too late now...”
”Is it really? Leave this woman alone. Is that how a respectable man act?”
I breathed in relief hearing the voice of the man I longed to see. Ray grabbed my aggressor by the collar, making stand up again.
”I recognize you, Ray Blackwell. My cousin died because of you. He was only a boy at this time, he should have served the great Red Army! But you caused that bloody Day That Went Dark. You’re gonna pay for your crimes!”
The King of Spades, certainly not prepared to hear about that dreadful day, seemed disoriented as the man punched him right in the face.
”No stop!”
Immediately, I was standing between the two fighters. The time seemed to stop as I looked at each one of them. I stared at Ray, my eyes pleading him to put an end to all of this, without spilling too much blood if it was possible.
”Well, we will settle this like two respectable men so.”
Ray spoke first, in his usual calm tone as if he was talking about what Luka was going to cook tonight.
”Ah yes? And how?”
The creepy man was a bit soberer but still wanted to seek revenge. His eyes were burning with rage.
”You’re right, I must pay for my crimes. I challenge you to a sword duel. The prize? This wonderful woman right here.”
I froze completely when I saw Ray pointing me. I was about to protest when the wind carried my boyfriend’s whispered words to my ears.
”Trust me”
The opponent composure faltered a little but he still drew his sword.
”Alright, King of Spades, let's finish this”
A few moves later, the criminal was laying on the floor, unarmed and begging for mercy.
”You’re lucky this is a celebration day. I would have killed you right on the spot but you will spend a few days in jail instead, thinking about what you’ve done.”
Some guards, alerted by the metallic sound of the swords clashing, arrived and took the now red-faced man away, after having heard Ray’s explanations.
Right after, I found my head firmly pressed against my boyfriend’s chest.
He cupped my chin, forcing me to look in his deep green eyes. Two emeralds that were still reflecting concern.
”Are you alright? Never leave my side like this again, I was so worried! You can be such a child sometimes!”
His words expressed anger but his tone told me that it was more relief that he wanted to communicate.
”I’m sorry, I'm feeling so ridiculous right now, being jealous of a random girl...”
”A girl? But I didn't speak with another woman tonight!”
His surprised-struck face told me he was being sincere but I knew what I saw and I couldn't help but question him.
”When you were at the sangria stall...”
Ray gave my forehead a soft flick, smiling.
”That was the waitress, dummy! Did you forget what I promised you? This is OUR evening!”
With that, he united our lips in a soft kiss. That was so unexpected that I had my breath caught away and my eyes wide open but I was soon lost in the sweetness of the moment. He nipped lightly at my bottom lip before pushing away, letting me wanting more.
”I would never defy him if I hadn't seen he was incapable to fight with a sword. You’re so precious to me, I can't live without you by my side, remember this.”
Awww Ray! I feel so stupid now... I might just faint from happiness... And hunger too.
”I love you too Ray but can we...”
”Eat something? Of course, I already ordered a roasted vegetable mix and some fries.”
It was my turn to be surprised.
”How did you know?”
The raven-haired man chucked at my confused and blushing look.
”Your stomach can't lie to me. Neither do you. Let's go before I have to bridal-carry you to the headquarters because you had faint from inanition!”
He pressed a last kiss to my forehead before lacing his fingers with mine to guide me toward the tempting smell of food.
”I wouldn't mind a bridal carry you know...”
I gave him a coy, yet meaningful, look. This kiss let me so unsatisfied I wanted to taste one thing even more than food: him.
”Oh don't worry, I’ll remember this for the final part of the evening”
Ray winked at me, a roguish smile on his face, letting me know that the night was far from over.
This is the first fanfic I share with you! I’m terribly unsure of my writing skills so I hope I haven't made too many mistakes, especially with the tenses. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!
Tagging some of the amazing people who inspired me with their fantastic work/posts. Thank you so much, you brighten my days every time I stop by your blog!💕
@lovingsiriusoswald @alloveroliver @toloveawarlord @emeraldtawny @otonymous @plumpblueberry @kiarigirl @xathia-89 @muggzc @vaesha-draecon @pianoperson @theundyingskeleton @vitaminxi @saphyhowl and so many more (but I would have to tag all the blogs I follow and that would be sooooo long)
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pianoperson · 5 years
At the End of the Day (School Days Cradlesona Event)
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Ever since she and Jonah got to know each other, it was routine that they went home in the same carriage together every day.
Most days, Angel and Jonah would continue chatting, as if the countless hours they were together in school were not enough. But there are the quieter days, when both of them are exhausted from the activities and workload from school and just want to rest until they arrive at their houses in Red Territory.
Today is one of those days.
The moment Angel set her bags down by her feet and made herself comfortable on the green seat of the carriage, she was reminded of the day’s activities. Her eyelids started feeling heavier and her body was begging to be home already so she can lay down on her bed and take a quick nap.
She rested her head on the window of the carriage, letting the bumpiness of the ride relax her while looking out at the buildings of Central Quarter passing by and the people walking to and fro. 
Then she looked to her right, and for a moment, her exhaustion was forgotten.
Today must have been especially tiring if Jonah was fast asleep, head occasionally moved by the bumpy ride. Her breath hitched, heart stopping for a beat as she gazed at his serene-looking face. Jonah has always been beautiful, but in his sleep, he no longer looked like the perfect future Queen of Hearts, but just Jonah, the teenage boy that Angel fell in love with. 
And suddenly, Angel found herself scooting closer to him, wanting to be closer to him. It felt so surreal being so close to Jonah, who usually never reciprocates her friendly hugs and pulls out of them rather quickly, much to her disappointment. Part of her was scolding her for not being respectful. And yet, why did it feel so right to be beside him? 
The sleepiness from a while ago suddenly returned, and Angel started leaning her head on Jonah’s shoulder, hesitant at first because no no Angel, you’ve had enough of indulging yourself by being beside the boy you have a crazy crush on but those thoughts were paid no heed when she let herself relax, making sure Jonah didn’t stir at the sudden weight to his left.
And Angel let her eyes close, telling herself to get up after a minute and go back to leaning against the window. 
But before she knew it, sleep took over her and for some time, she could not feel the rockiness of the ride anymore.
"Wake up now, Angel.”
Groaning, Angel opened her eyes reluctantly, slowly realizing that the carriage had stopped in front of her house. But suddenly, her eyes darted towards Jonah, who was fully awake and looking at her. And the embarrassment kicked in.
“Oh my God, um...” Angel felt her cheeks heat up in the awkwardness, her heart beating faster. “Jonah, I am so sorry I slept on your shoulder and, uh, I– um, I mean– I was gonna– agh, wait I–”
Jonah placed a hand on her shoulder, effectively stopping her. “It’s alright, Angel,” he said, an elegant smile gracing his lips. Her heart continued to pound in her chest, not expecting the forgiveness in his voice. “You don’t have to be so embarrassed about it.”
The embarrassment didn’t completely disappear, but the unexpected forgiveness on his part warmed her heart and she unconsciously smiled. She bent down to get her bags and go out of the carriage.
“Um, so... bye I guess,” Angel said, not making eye contact with Jonah partly from embarrassment but mostly from her feelings for him being strongly felt in the moment. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jonah waved at her, and she nodded at him before closing the door and running to her house.
Once the carriage started moving again going to Jonah’s home, he placed a hand on his cheek in a poor attempt to stop a blush forming on his face. 
“I hate this,” he muttered to himself. “I shouldn’t be this flustered or feel these butterflies in my stomach.”
A/N: Hi guys!! Made it before the new Cradlesona event starts. 
I might write some more of their school life today if I feel like it, but I don’t know. I’m probably going to write it in one go and wing it just like this one so don’t expect too much.
By the way, here’s the reference I used for the artwork above!
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roidesrosette · 5 years
Blood donation? Blood donation.
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God bless @narekashi​ for coming up with this genius name and enabling me to do this, i dont blame you thou i have a lot of fun
Yes, it’s me with another of my (mayhaps) contentless OC, please enjoy while it last– Jkjk, I’ll try to throw more content of her on here instead of Discord next time :’)
BLOOD DONATION:  Salvie/Salva/Sal, short for Salvatore
Age: ??? Gender: Salvie doesn’t like to define herself as anything  Birthday: 6/24  Height: 160cm  Status: Got revived as a vampire 
PHYSICAL  Appearance: Black hair usually tied in a ponytail, red eyes, sharp teeth, a constant “you dare challenge your god?” mocking expression (but doesn’t have the intention) 
Accessories: Poker case set, saber and gun
SOCIAL  Affiliation: On her own Occupation: Salvie runs a casino and is involved in a mafia Relationships:
Count: First met him when she was “adopted” by the bunch of vampires. He was offering to give them residence, but they all turned him down. Met him again when she was touring the world alone and made him an acquaintance, they became really good friends after that.
Leonardo: Met him when she was touring in Italy with Count. He kept treating her like a small child (still do), and they would drag each other like how he and Count would. He likes messing up her hair, she likes stepping on him when he’s asleep. Also a pair of good friends.
Arthur: Arthur was interested in Salvie and find her dominating personality challenging, but he knew well enough not to lay a finger on her. You just don’t simply go against someone who could lop off your head and had associations with the mafia. On the other hand thou, they were drinking buddies, and sometimes Salvie would pick up girls with him. They gamble a lot together too.
Dazai: They have an odd relationship. It might be because they’re somehow similar in a way, they know what line not to cross. They just have this weird bond that no one can put a finger to determine what it is.
Isaac: They don’t really talk much, she only knows he really likes apple from what she heard from Dazai, but that’s probably a lie…
Theodorous: God how Salvie loves to tease and sass him. Much like Leo, they would banter every time they met, but Theo always ends up leaving, flustered. He was too young compared to her, maybe a couple more years and his bantering skills might improve. They weren’t really on good terms, especially with how Salvie was involved with Shakespeare and the goddamn mafia, plus how close she and Vincent is.
Vincent: Pure, innocent baby boy. “I’ve only met Vincent for 15 seconds and if anyone hurts him I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself.” Absolutely adores him and prefers him over Theo. Salvie admires how innocent he was, and that nature of him would always make her worry about him. She will also give him everything he wants or needs, just to see him smile.
Sebastian: When Count first brought him to the world, she was intrigued by the human who managed to charm him. So she would frequently visit just to see how Sebas works… Until he starts digging her information. She knew his passion well and understood that, but she would prefer if Sebas exclude her from his mysterious notebook.  
Napoleon: Salvie was very interested in him, being a demi-vampire, but she does not question him about it. If he isn’t willing to say, then she had no reason to pry. Along with Jeanne, the three of them practiced sword fights from time to time. Salvie would always be fascinated by both of their skills. You could say that their relationship is quite well.
Mozart: Salvie does not talk much with Mozart, but lowkey likes his performance. She would always attend a ball or an activity if Mozart is the one playing the piano. Salvie also finds his prickly attitude fun to tease, but would rather see Arthur tease him. They would only exchange words when it comes to music and that’s it.
Jeanne: Aside from sparring with him, Salvie also supplies weapons to him. She doesn’t question why, as that was the nature of her business. She couldn’t refuse too, since business is business, and he was a resident of Count’s, which she promised the dad before that she would sponsor his residents too, because he was a friend of hers.
Shakespeare: Basically (kinda) love at first sight. Both of them were born with chaos in them, and so they attract each other. She did not meet him when he became the first resident of Count, but she did hear about it. She met him in a ball. It’s a long ass story how they get together but yeah, these two dumbasses are doing fine and dandy as a couple, have their banters and bickers sometimes but all is well. Unless….?
Paired with: William Shakespeare (Maybe…?)  
Likes: Gambling, attending balls (especially masquerade balls), hunting, going off adventures with her beloved horse, sword fight, overly sweet stuff  
Dislikes: Following a schedule/orders, getting treated like a feeble maiden/young child, proper meal, proper sleep  
Strength: She’s superb at gambling and swinging her sword, mediocre at drinking, she aced in “not giving a shit” 
Weakness: Hides her feelings a lot, tends to distance herself from people who know her to a certain degree, can’t sleep in peace ever
Personality: Let’s just start with: Salvie is chaotic. Very chaotic. Even the name “Salvatore” already tells you she spells trouble. She doesn’t like being bound by rules, schedules or anyone’s orders, she’s a free soul who decides every step. However, she isn’t reckless, each action she took is calculated and rationally think through, as she does not wish to take a step she regrets. That careful and meticulous approach made her seem wise–despite how young she looks–mature even. Well, but sometimes Salvie could be bratty too, since “her adorable looks is the biggest fraud” (quoted from Leo). She also has a bold personality, and that results in her sassing the great men fearlessly, yet that doesn’t mean she doesn’t respect them, in fact, it’s the opposite. She looked up to them greatly, as they were awesome enough to get their name engraved in history.  
Her biggest charm is definitely her carefree attitude. She’s just, y’know, damn chill. Salvie doesn’t have a care towards anything, therefore her pronouns and attire choices. Although her easy-going characteristics is an appeal, it’s sometimes a flaw as well. It made it difficult to get along with her as the specifics about her is unclear. Since she was so chill with everything, it’s certainly hard to pin down what are her favourites and stuff. Contradictorily, that light-hearted manner doesn’t apply to people. She unintentionally looks after people, even if she doesn’t want to care, she would still unknowingly do something for them, like leaving them a cup of tea on the table every morning. 
On the other hand though, kinda like Dazai, Salvie’s breezy and free demeanor makes it hard to grasp her true character, not mentioning the fact that she tends to sweep everything under the rug. She has a way with words that always, somehow, avoid the topic about herself, and that made her mysterious in a way. She was very quiet of her thoughts, especially things on her mind, rarely talking about her problems. She would tend to fend off questions about that with a gentle reassuring smile and a wispy attitude, as she disliked someone poking into her problems (and of course because she didn’t want to seem weak). 
Backstory: Salvie was not recorded at any point in history, yet she was revived. She did not know why and did not question so. When she was first revived, she did not remember anything except her name. Dozens of questions were in her mind, yet there was no one to answer her. For what feels like an eternity, she wandered on the streets aimlessly until she met her kind. They were strong, independent, and raised her as if she was a newborn. Well, she was, kinda. The days gradually passed, and she too, came to understand that she had been reborn into a person–no, an immortal with unrestrained freedom, with unlimited time (not really, but you get the idea). As soon as she came to that conclusion, she bid goodbye to her friends, (guardians maybe?) and took a flight to achieve her dreams–to live how she wanted in her previous life. 
Family: Salvie doesn’t remember (or rather, it was insignificant to her) her family in her previous life. She only recognized the group of vampires that took her in as her guardians. 
Other history: How Salvie was involved in the mafia is… Well, chaotic. She was supposed to be on the tour with Count to Italy, to visit his long lost friend Leonardo, but along the way she somehow stumbled into an illegal gambling den, challenged the don (with very extreme conditions), defeated the don and accidentally become the new don of the mafia. After going through all the messy procedures, the news about a new mafia boss named  “Lord Salvatore” quickly spread through Italy. His nature was depicted as cruel and ruthless as he gets anything he wants, and no one stands in his way. Yet what’s weird was that the “Salvatore Family” was rumored to be civilized and noble, as they were ordered that no blood should be drawn unless it was required to. You can imagine the horror on Leo and Count’s face when they heard about this, and the compliments from her guardians. 
Special abilities: None. (Her face as an instrument of deception)  Pet(s): A white horse named Vlad. Hobby: When she isn’t gambling or drinking, she will be out doing mafia business or just wandering somewhere else  Secret(s): Had a past lover who she later recalled and somehow disliked that shares the same name with her horse (which she then became devastated knowing that she named her horse after her past lover)  Habits: When she’s stressed or troubled, she will smoke from a pipe 
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thecoolsquirrel · 5 years
Todays Doodles
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all of these are so different in style it looks like 5 different people drew these-
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