#ikevamp theo headcanons
sweetlittleneptune · 5 months
"You speak French??"
The translations were made by me, as I'm a native French speaker! tho, if you have any issues/questions/see any mistakes, don't be afraid to point them out!
The fact that you never admitted to speaking French to the residents of the mansion was a simple lie of omission. You didn’t think it was that important at first, and then you also noticed how much of an advantage that was. This meant you could spy on some of residents without much trouble at all. Sadly, the charade couldn’t last forever.
He had a habit of rambling in French to himself. Random thoughts, most of them unimportant and simple little reminders to do something later. But every once in a while, he would mumble something that caught your attention, and you’d have to hold in your laughter. He had to stop though, once he realized you understood what he was saying and was absolutely humiliated.
It had been a rough day, and the man was frustrated. Between the bickering kids and the eccentric residents, he was practically boiling. That was reason enough to be mumbling insults and such.
“C’est juste des cons. Pas capable de se la fermer, tous inutiles.”
(They’re just idiots. Can’t shut up, useless.)
And it came out before you could even think about it. You just had to.
“Quand même, c'est un peu méchant M. Napoléon. Mais je l’admets… ils sont un peu lourds.”
(Well, that’s a bit rude Mr. Napoleon. But I’ve got to admit… they are a bit annoying)
The look on his face was absolutely priceless. Surprise, confusion, worry, all of it. Napoleon opened his mouth once, then closed it. he reopened it again and closed it once more. Third time’s the charm they say…
“Since when…?”
“Ah, that’s my little secret. Just don’t tell the other, will you?”
Suspicion crossed his face.
“You know, it’s a great advantage to have. Would be a shame to lose it.”
“You’re a devil Nunuche, but a smart one I’ll admit.”
And with a chuckle he left the room
You intended to tell him at first. When he started bringing you to all those dinners, galas, and parties for the aristocrats of the city. You wanted to speak with him and the other attendants. But as soon as they heard the accent in your “bonsoir”, they switched to English, and you rolled with it for some reason. Now it had been months, and you felt it would be weird to start speaking French now.
You were used to being ignored in conversations too. None of it was on purpose and you couldn’t take it personally when Comte was such a popular man to begin with! What you weren’t used to, though, was being disrespected right in your face as if you weren’t there.
The first comment had been something along the lines of “you finally found someone to give you a son!”
Your husband was quick to answer that he had chosen you because you were you. It had nothing to do with kids.
The second almost made you open your mouth. But it was no use. Comte made very sure to let him know he was crossing a limit and ended the conversation there.
“Some people lack manners, it seems. No use wasting more time on this unimportant discussion.”
You simply nodded and followed.
But then you wanted a little treat to eat, and the buffet was on the other side of the room. So, you left Comte for a moment to grab something. Sadly, the same man from earlier was there, chatting away with someone you didn’t know. As soon as he saw you, you knew something unpleasant would happen.
“Elle n’est rien de bien spécial, mais j’imagine qu’elle doit être particulièrement bonne au lit si le Comte de Saint-Germain a décidé qu’elle était bonne à marier. »
(she’s nothing special, but I guess she’s particularly good in bed if the Count of Saint-Germain has decided to make her his wife.)
You pondered for a moment if you should even grace him with an answer. It wouldn’t do any good, you knew that. But if the man had the galls to say it, he surely could listen to your answer, no?
“Monsieur, j’apprécierais sincèrement que vous vous absteniez de m’insulter en ma présence. Et puis, ce sont de riches paroles, venant de l’homme dont la femme est reconnue pour avoir plusieurs amants. Au moins, l’un de nous sait satisfaire son partenaire… "
(Sir, I would appreciate if you could hold back from insulting me in my presence. And this is rich, coming from the man whose wife is known to have several lovers. At least, one of us can satisfy their spouse…)
Red rose to the man’s face.
“Eh bien, je crois que le message est clair! 
(Well, I think the message is clear!)
Comte’s voice made you jump in your place. You hadn’t heard him coming at all! You turned to look at him with shyness in your eyes, a bit worried he would scowl you for your action. But all he did was look at you with pride.
As you left though, he did ask where you learned to speak French.
“A while back, in my world.”
That night you were staying up late to clean up after one of Leonardo’s raids of the library. It was rotten work for sure, but someone had to do it and Sebastian was finishing up polishing of the silverware. So here you were, going through piles of books left on tables.
Time passed and after a while of not hearing any noise, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to sit down and read for a few minutes. There was a book that had caught your attention while cleaning up. It was a little book of French fables. Some of which you remembered reading back in school when you were young. Slowly, the stories caught your attention for good and the world around you faded.
That’s when Jean entered the room, in the hopes of finding some peace and some books to help him learn to write and read. Still hooked on your little island of nostalgia, you didn’t hear him at all. And him, not wanting to bother you, stayed in his little corner of the library.
An hour must have passed before your eyes left the pages of the book. But when you did, you were surprised to find you weren’t alone anymore. And you felt a bit cheap about being caught slacking on your job.
“I didn’t hear you come in, Jean. What are you doing here?”
“I’m trying to read this book. But it’s hard, I don’t understand much…”
The poor man was trying to read “Les Misérables”, of course he was having a hard time understanding what all those fancy words meant! You held your chuckle in and handed him your fable book.
“You might find this one easier to read. You picked a rather daunting book to try to learn.”
“Oh but… you know I speak French mademoiselle. Your book-” You smiled.
“Take a look at the cover. What does it say?”
It took him a minute to decipher the sounds and the words, but he managed to read the title out:
“Les fables de La Fontaine.” Jean paused. “It’s in French…”
“Yes, it is.”
“You can read French?” there was curiosity in his eyes.
“Oui, mais pas que. Je le parle aussi.”
(Yes, but that’s not all. I can speak it too.)
“Je ne savais pas. Vous ne l’avez jamais dit.”
(I didn’t know. You never told us)
“It’s my little secret,” you answered with a smirk. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should finish cleaning Leo’s mess.”
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klutzyroses · 3 months
IkeVamp HCs: PDA
How do they handle PDA?
Suitors: All
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Probably the most normal about PDA.
Handholding? Yes. Hair ruffling? Of course.
The more intimate affection, such as kissing and caressing is reserved for alone time.
Maybe a few cheek kisses wouldn't hurt, an occasional loving whisper in ear at times.
He isn't too over the top with it unless he is trying to tease her.
Because really, seeing her cute blush is worth a little public sappiness. And it would come out of nowhere.
Particularly when he wants a reaction from her, he may initiate it to catch her by surprise, just to fluster her. Not too much though, because he will get embarrassed too.
But in truth, he isn't ashamed of others knowing that he loves her. He will often be found looking at her fondly when she isn't paying attention.
He'll deny he is doing it, but he can't help it. Sometimes he just needs to stop and just...caught up in how much he loves her.
Not that he would tell her that unprompted. That is his little secret for the time being.
Um...Public affection? No.
Not likely
If he is out in public with her, even getting him to hold hands would be met with some questioning.
He'd be conscious of appropriate behaviour when out and about, so amorous interactions in front of other people would be out of the question.
His outright avoidance, especially if Y/N initiates, would probably hurt her feelings a little, but it wouldn't be because he doesn't like her touch.
But that's the sort of behaviour he would prefer engaging in away from the prying eyes of the public.
When they're alone, small hand kisses and endearing names are usually his chosen methods.
He would never want her to feel as though he were rejecting her, which is why he would probably address it before it becomes an issue.
Once boundaries are established, its far less of a heartache when he refuses to engage in affectionate behaviour in public.
He is more lowkey about his affection in public, but definitely smooth about it.
One would think they were secret lovers, the way his touches involved brushing her hand surreptitiously, lingering on her skin and leaving it warm.
He is one of the least overt about his affection in public, hence when it happens, it's always so suave and never fails to get his Cara mia's heart racing.
Subtle warm looks, secret touches on her skin, gentle caresses moving her hair from her face.
Those little signs of fondness, brief and subtle as they may be, leave a lasting effect on his amore, even for an instant.
Where he really thrives however, is in his ability to catch her off guard with his words.
Because he is so understated with his physical affection in public, his words pack more of a punch...mostly because they are sudden.
He will drop a casual 'I love you', so easily that at first, it goes over her head, until she does a double take, almost falling over.
He would follow that up by catching her and teasing her about falling for him, causing her to get even more flustered.
A very smooth signor indeed.
He is one of the most shameless, second only to Charles.
PDA, for him, is mostly exaggerated to make a point when he is with her.
That point being, he is unavailable and so is she.
He thinks its adorable when she gets flustered over it, so that is, of course, an added bonus.
He is perfectly content announcing their relationship, declaring her to be his love and his darling aloud, to the chagrin of his admirers.
He tends to lean more towards kisses on her hands, winking at her as he does so, feeling his chest swell with pride when he sees that sweet smile on her face, her cheeks tinted a charming pink, earning themselves a quick kiss of their own.
The flirting....the flirting is nonstop, always sweet and maybe just a touch inappropriate with thinly veiled innuendo.
He may tend to overdo it at times, but really, he is just being silly intentionally for her amusement. And maybe to get that blush from her every now and again.
...Although, that is only part of the reason.
He actually loves to touch her and let her know how much he loves her, no matter who is around.
He is aware that he has...a past and sometimes, remnants of that pop up to sour her mood and make her insecure and he hates himself for that. So obviously, he is not shy to show her how much she means to him in front of others.
Theo's brand of PDA is...definitely different.
He wouldn't be hesitant to claim her in public verbally, calling her his hondje.
Make no mistake, he wouldn't be very touchy feely in front of others, but there will be no doubt that she is his.
Which is why his more physically affection is usually triggered by jealousy or protectiveness.
Sometimes, he can't resist wrapping an arm around her when he senses she is in need of comfort of some kind, be it because someone or something is making her uneasy, just to, in his own Theo kind of way, assure her that he is there.
She is safe with him and he will be damned if she felt any differently when she is out and about with him.
Sometimes, however, when nobody else is really looking, his look will soften when he meets her gaze, or puts a subtle hand on the base of her spine, usually brushing it off as 'directing' her.
Really its just an excuse to touch her, but he would have to be cornered to admit it aloud.
The sweetheart was a joy to be around, always.
He is perfectly content holding her hand when he walks with her.
He could be a little socially oblivious at times, flustering his love with rather open declarations of love...wearing a perfectly innocent look on his face.
Sometimes he will take both her hands in his and kiss them, or maybe run his fingers through her hair.
He doesn't really have a reason to give if asked, he just feels like it.
His affection is so sweet, so tender, it may usually result in adoring moments between them where the world seems to disappear and they can only stare at each other, most likely with Y/N being completely taken by his gentle charm, sparkles and flowers surrounding them before someone has to remind them that they are not alone, snapping them out of their enamored stupor.
Put that is the effect Vincent tends to have on his lover, whether other people are around or not.
He may or may not kiss her. It depends on how bold he is feeling that day. Not a deep one, just a quick kiss on her lips, short and sweet.
The more intimate stuff is for behind closed doors. He isn't one to be too inappropriate in public.
He does have the capacity to be embarrassed after all. He may be a bit sheepish if he is called out, pink cheeks and all.
He can't help it. He loves her, that's just a fact.
He's...hesitant about it. He's not necessarily averse to it, but...
Well he wouldn't see the reason for being so...overt about their relationship.
Handholding? Well alright, if she really wants to, he will hold her hand while they walk.
But beyond that, he would be a bit more resistant.
Kisses, hugs, the more intimate touches, he does not want others to see that.
So much so that he may even dodge any kisses she may try to give him. Y/N shouldn't take it too personally, even if it does seem as though he were rejecting her, he isn't, honest.
He would scramble to explain that he wasn't ashamed of her in anyway, because it would seem that way after a while.
His affection, however, would be more...subconscious actually.
Playing with the ends of her hair or tracing her palms, little things he wouldn't even be aware he was doing unless pointed out to him.
He's more affectionate when they're alone and it comes as more as a surprise to her, as he would be more confident about just kissing her, or taking the initiative in general, much more so when they're out and about.
Knowing how Jean is, people would assume that he would be completely against public displays of affection.
The honest truth? They would be correct in some aspects, but...
Not as much as they would think.
Its less because of his aversion to it and more because he has very little idea of how to conduct himself in public as a couple.
Being as socially clueless as he can be at times, he isn't entirely sure what is deemed appropriate and what isn't.
Its somewhat endearing to see him startle his lover by holding her hand seemingly out of nowhere.
He would probably admit that he received advice from the other residents that it was common for lovers to hold hands.
Which is the sweetest thing, but it would seem a bit...disingenuous to Y/N, as though he were doing it because he feels obligated.
But with a bit discussion over boundaries and what was deemed appropriate, a comfortable norm would definitely help him be more at ease and natural with his affection.
He would also be a bit more spontaneous, though always asking for her consent whenever he tries something different.
He moves to the beat of his own drum, so the opinion of others is...so irrelevant to this man.
When in public with his love, he tends to do whatever comes to mind, no matter how random it may be.
Take her hand count her fingers and compliment them? But of course.
Steal a sweet peck from her and tell her how pretty they looked so he just felt like it? Naturally.
At times it may feel odd, but he has his own way of being affectionate and he doesn't have much impulse control to speak of.
Not since he's had her in his life. He may not be the best at expressing himself...at all, but for better or for worse, she will know she is loved.
Even with his oddball methods of showing it.
He particularly enjoys seeing her blush, so he does go out of his way to surprise her, whether it be by staring at her for prolonged eye contact, just to tell her she is beautiful. Unprompted.
The surprise on her pretty face as her cheeks erupt into red roses brings warmth into his chest as he chuckles, unable to stop himself from caressing one of them.
Anyone watching might think he is random...and he is, but he doesn't pay any mind to that.
His brand of affection is certainly more restrained. He is a gentleman after all.
He doesn't want to do anything inappropriate in front of others, he wouldn't want to embarrass her.
But he most certainly wasn't shy about wrapping a loving arm around her waist, holding her close to him, his comforting presence washing through her.
He is proud of her and is more than happy to show her off, though only as much as she would allow.
Elegant hand kisses, gracious intertwining of fingers, little acts that are not overboard, but leave little to the imagination.
Where he does go a little overboard is when it comes time to spoil her.
She wants for nothing. Comte's cherie wants for absolutely nothing.
He will gently kiss her forehead when she expresses any concerns, because to make her shine the way she deserves makes him happy.
He worries not over what others think too much, but he is respectful and classy when in the public eye.
Emphasis on when they are in the public eye. Its a different story when they are alone.
Subtle, almost imperceptible, one would miss it if they weren't paying attention.
He is a good deal more reserved about being affectionate when in public.
Perhaps he would take to simply being closer to her, proximity wise.
He may occasionally gently place his hand on her back, usually under the guise of directing her one direction or the other.
Truth be told, one would have to have known Sebastian prior to him being in a romantic relationship to see the difference.
Only then would his more almost secretive touches, that could easily be brushed off as platonic or friendly, be seen in slightly different light.
His demeanor generally isn't all that changed, specially not in public. He really isn't overly affectionate in front of others, but those who know him would definitely be aware that he is more...touchy with her.
Again, nothing too incriminating to the untrained eye, but so long as she understands the sentiment, that's all that really matters anyway.
The romantic gestures he would gravitate towards would be more...innocent. Sweet, almost a bit childish in an endearing way.
Playing with her fingers, intertwining his between them, tucking her hair away from her lovely face.
His affection, in public, was more reminiscent of an admirer simply in awe of her.
He is devoted to her and her alone, and sometimes he may just act in the moment, bringing their linked fingers to his lips to his and pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. And of course, slip a flower or two into her hair.
He especially likes to profess his affection with words as much as actions.
Softly whispered words of adoration will often make their way to her, wrapping her in their warmth, even if he isn't actually touching her.
He isn't entirely conscious of how others perceive this, nor does he care all that much. Sometimes he just wants to bask in his love for her, take a moment to be grateful for her and show her that gratitude in full.
His brand of public affection often sent the message that Y/N was his very close assistant than his lover.
Its not often that it happens to be honest.
In contrast to his oddball sire Vlad and the overly affectionate Charles, he is much muted and covert about being affectionate.
He is quite blunt about it as well, if he is asked, probably by the children he tends to care for, if Y/N is his girlfriend.
He will just say yes, with a completely straight face and leave it at that.
Though the children themselves will be confused, as their fairly naive ideas of grand displays of love will be very much absent when they observe Faust and Y/N.
He would only indulge them by going to kiss her forehead if they didn't stop pestering him about it.
He just doesn't see the appeal of behaving in public how he behaved in private.
Only she needs to see his more vulnerable, genuine side. She's the only one who deserves to.
If left unchecked, he could and would get carried away.
He would not care who is there, he can't keep his hands to himself.
Normally, he sticks to hand holding and cuddling.
But sometimes he'll sneak his hand on her thigh, maybe starts kissing her with reckless abandon.
He has no qualms about sneaking his hand up her dress while does and if she doesn't stop it, they may just start getting a bit wild.
Clothes might start dropping if Charles is left to do as he pleases. Its not so much out of lack of care of what others think, he isn't even thinking about, its more because he just wants to bury her in his love and drown in hers, no matter where and when.
And the mouth on him sometimes...
He is shameless about flirting with her too, oscillating between sugary heartfelt confessions of adoration and more...daring, lascivious declarations.
None of which are discreet.
In the slightest.
He doesn't.
The man doesn't do like that.
Frankly, if someone was told explicitly that Galileo and Y/N were a couple, they wouldn't know it by looking at them.
Maybe the most affection seen from him would be standing close to her. Maybe if his guard is down, his face may soften when looking at her. But that's it. Nobody is seeing more than that.
Many people from the outside would question the perceived coldness of the relationship.
The couple would often seem more like acquaintances than lovers.
She would probably be touching him more than he is touching her to be honest.
But in private...that is not the case.
He prefers to keep his more tender side for her and her alone.
When it's just the two of them, he would indulge her with gentle caresses and tender words.
He is very different with her when it's just them, versus when they are out in public.
Drake doesn't care a great deal about what others think. He does what he wants when he wants to.
He doesn't behave that differently with her in public than he does in private.
Sure, he wouldn't jump her for risky trysts in the open, not unless she was up for it, but he wouldn't balk over kissing her in front of others. He doesn't do it often but he wouldn't be against it.
His boldness goes as far her timidity allows, really.
He's not so much into hand holding as much as he likes giving her head pats, caressing her face and giving her hugs and forehead kisses.
Especially headpats and forehead kisses.
He wouldn't go overboard but needless to say, he is rather affectionate in public. Unabashedly so.
He also flirts and teases rather openly, if only to see her flustered. Whispering in her ear, cornering her against surfaces, he does not care who sees. If called out, he will simply laugh it off.
He cares more about doting on his fawn than anybody else and their opinions anyway.
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niintendoqs · 5 months
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Ikemen Vampire sexuality and gender HCs 🫶 Waow I love LGBT+ HCs of the boys so much…
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natimiles · 9 months
Natiii hiii
If your requests are open, is it alright if I request a part 2 of the platonic sibling headcanons for your favourite Ikevamp boys? Where they find out that reader, their precious beloved little sibling, is actually in love with/dating Dazai. I think it would be hilarious xD
Take your time, and remember to put your own health first! ❤
Hi hoooo, Silveeeer! (if you don’t get it, you don’t get it; and it means I’m really old)
Platonic relationships are so cute! Half of them would die if the reader dated anyone, to be honest, HAISUEHSAUIEHSAUIEA. But oooohhh, it was fun to imagine my dearest Isaac! 🤍
I'm sorry it took so long and I hope you liked it! 🤍
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gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them starts to date Dazai | Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon
Tags: minor spoilers for Dazai’s route; platonic relationships; sibling-like bond; teeny-tiny suggestive parts for Mozart, Jean, and Theo and Vincent (but still sfw, don’t worry!)
Notes: kind of a part 2 of this post, where gn!reader has a sibling-like relationship with them. 
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“I’m dating Dazai.” ��� Do you hate him? He feels like you do now.
He was never overprotective or one to pry into your business, but he felt like he should tell you something about it. You are his dearest younger sibling, after all.
He won’t try to separate you not exactly. He just wants to make sure you’re okay — stop glaring at him!
He will ask for Napoleon’s help to have a talk with Dazai. Napoleon is there just giving moral support because he has nothing against the writer. Isaac is in such distress after this talk, he probably got some gray hair. Dazai teased him, and Napoleon didn’t help.
He will tell you about this and every other time Dazai teased him or pulled some kind of prank on him. Might he remind you it was Dazai who gave him wine and said it was juice at the last banquet?
He can finally have a proper talk with Dazai — without being embarrassed or teased — a few weeks later. He can see now that Dazai really cares for you, and his teasing has lessened (but didn’t stop; it never stops).
Just remember your brother is a contrarian, okay? He’ll complain and grimace when he sees you two kissing, but he’ll help you out if Dazai ever tries to avoid you again. He really hopes you two stay together forever; he wants to see you happy.
Now stop bringing him apples every day with the excuse that you’re taking care of your family, Dazai!
No, Dazai, he doesn’t need someone too! Stop trying to set him up with random people!
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“Dazai asked me out and I said yes.” — “Pfff, no, you didn’t.”
And it’s not because it’s Dazai. It’s because you’re dating. That’s it.
Overprotective brother activated successfully. Every breath you take, every step you take, he’ll be watching you.
Seriously, he’s watching you two like a hawk. You thought Theo had brother issues? Pff! He won’t leave you alone. Or he’ll try to not leave you alone, but Dazai is too cunning and he always finds a way to evade Mozart and take you with him. Your brother might be fuming by now.
He doesn’t even try to talk with Dazai; he just knows he’s not worthy of you. No one is.
You end up having ‘the talk’ with Mozart. Does he remember when he was having a composer’s block, and Dazai helped? That’s how you start your list of “why Dazai is the safest vampire you could date”. You end the list playfully asking if he’d prefer if you dated any of the other writers, like Arthur, and you swear his eyes twitch with only the thought of it.
He tries to keep his pettiness in check for you. Keyword: try. Spoiler alert: he’s not good at it.
He never sees bite marks on your neck, so he thinks everything is okay and still… decent. He freaks out when Arthur points out that Dazai might be biting you on other parts of your body that don’t show when you’re fully dressed. You want to kill Arthur, while Dazai is just giving that closed-eyes smile of his.
Congrats, overprotective brother is back again at full force.
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“I’m dating Dazai.” — “Alright.”
Chill brother ftw!
Sweet, clueless, and innocent brother doesn’t see anything wrong with your relationship.
He’ll just make sure this is what you want and that you’re really happy. He doesn’t need much assurance. He trusts you, and he knows you never lie to him.
He doesn’t have a problem with Dazai, so why should he be worried? 
However, he will miss spending more time with you in the beginning of your relationship. So Dazai makes sure to include him in your plans sometimes. He might even help you teach Jean how to write and read. (This is too wholesome to imagine)
Jean doesn’t even know what ‘the talk’ is. The roles are reversed: Dazai ends up having it with him, and you’re freaking out. It ends well though; it seems your new boyfriend didn’t say anything weird. This time.
His only problem might be if he sees you two leaving the same room in the morning. He won’t think much of it until Arthur makes some comment about it. And now Jean thinks you two need to get married. Congrats and thank you, Arthur.
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“Dazai asked me to date him.” — “Oh, hell no!” — “Oh, hell yes!”
Anyone but him! Seriously! If you don’t want any of the other residents, he can introduce you to someone! He has some acquaintances downtown... That’s when you hit his arm and glare at him. Okay, message received.
He won’t have ‘the talk’ with Dazai, he can’t stand the idea of having this conversation with Dazai. 
Again, are you sure you don’t want someone else? If you want a writer, even Shakespeare could be acceptable… You hit him again. Fine! Shakespeare wasn’t acceptable either anyway; he was just desperate.
Dazai doesn’t tease Arthur, so your brother will bring up the times Dazai teased you, like that time you two got stuck downtown because of the rain.
And you bring up the times Dazai helped you, or when he tried to cheer you up. You even list all the times he tried to help him, and Arthur was rude to him.
Canonly, he wants to see you breaking Dazai’s masks. So he might accept your relationship just so he can see it and finally be able to read him. Spoiler alert: he still can’t read Dazai, and it drives the sore loser him crazy sometimes.
But you can, so he has to shut his mouth and support you. He’ll be happy for you, eventually.
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Theo and Vincent
“I’m dating Dazai.” — “You’ve got the worst taste in men.” — “Oh, congrats! Can we all have lunch together sometime?”
Guess who said what.
Vincent is really happy for you! He already knows Dazai, so he doesn’t need to make sure he is a nice person for you. 
Theo is not happy for the exact same reason: he knows Dazai.
He protects you like he protects Vincent and sometimes even more because you are younger. Did you know Dazai goes to the casino? What else does he do downtown? Do you know? Do you seriously trust him?
You have to throw back at Theo that he goes to the pub with Arthur all the time. What does he do there? Why does he only come back in the morning? … Okay, he got it.
Theo promises that he’ll try to contain his brother issues if you’re too upset with him. He doesn’t promise he’ll succeed. Vincent is gladly there to scold him every time.
Vincent will ask if two can pose together for a new painting, while Theo will glare and curse a lot. It’s a lovely painting that you hang in your bedroom.
They’ll both be mad if you shed a single tear because of the writer. Dazai better run, and he better run fast because an angry Vincent is even worse than an angry Theo.
“Sleeping with Dazai is one step removed from sleeping with Arthur.” (he actually says it in Dazai’s route) WAIT. You haven’t slept together yet, have you? HAVE YOU? Vincent had to drag him out of the dining room because Dazai gave that signature smile of his and said, “Oh my, I can’t remember.”
(Imagine Theo lashing out, and Vincent just goes, “Calm down, they just slept together! What’s wrong with sleeping?”)
Theo will try to find a way to have ‘the talk’ with Dazai without you and Vincent knowing. It’ll turn out surprisingly fine, and he starts to trust Dazai a little more. A little.
Arthur is talking about the bite marks not being visible when you’re fully dressed again, just so he can see his best friend losing his mind. Vincent doesn’t understand what’s the problem; he thinks it’s in your arms or some innocent place. God bless this angel.
Theo is back at glaring and cursing.
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“Dazai asked me out.” — “Alright, have fun.”
Chill brother ftw! #2 
He knows Dazai and he has nothing against him.
He trusts you and your decisions, so he won’t pry or be an overprotective brother mode.
He taught you self-defense and he knows you’ll come to him if you need something anyway.
He will talk to Dazai, but it won’t be exactly ‘the talk’. He just wants to make sure he’s not just killing time with you, even though that’s not something he believes the writer would do… But he’s gotta make sure. It was nice, like friends chatting to catch up on their lives, y’know?
If Dazai runs away from you like he does on his route before you start dating, he will not be pleased. But he will try to help you out, if you ask.
If a single tear is seen in your eyes, you bet he throws the chill-brother-state-of-mind out of the highest window of the mansion along with Dazai.
Seriously, he won’t freak out about your relationship, and he won’t do anything unless you ask him to. He really just wants you to be happy.
He’ll try to read Dazai’s books. Gotta support family.
(Can we imagine him ruffling your hair and then ruffling Dazai’s hair? Okay, sorry…)
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ceruleanwhore · 1 year
So I’ve seen a lot of headcanons and fics floating around the Cybird/Ikemen fandom spaces about pregnancy or having children, but I have yet to see any childfree content at all, as @sevenai pointed out in a post they made about ikevamp. As such, I’ve put together a list of childfree headcanons for all the ikevamp men for those of us who want such things.
Napoleon — After the tragedy of his only legitimate son’s premature death during his life, I think it’s perfectly plausible that he would not want to try to produce another child of his own. Besides, the children he teaches with Isaac do more than enough to fill the void and warm his heart. I imagine that, at some point, the topic of children would come up and, when his partner would nervously disclose that she doesn’t actually want to have any of their own, he would feel relief.
Leo — Being in a relationship with anyone at all (especially a human) is already more than enough heartbreak, I don’t think he could handle producing a child of his own that he would then have to watch die someday even though no parent should ever outlive their child.
Mozart — This man is obsessive about cleanliness and absolutely cannot tolerate noise. There’s no way in hell he’s ever having a kid.
Arthur — He had five children in his life and so I feel like, for him, he’s already done that and sufficiently fulfilled that desire, so now he doesn’t feel the need to do it over again in this second life. I think he’d be willing to give it a go if that’s what his partner wanted, but I also think he’d be just as content not to.
Vincent — I get that in ikevamp he’s a sweet boy, but he has a past full of tremendous mental health struggles, and I think he’d be afraid of passing that to any potential children. I also think he would be worried about his ability to care for a child.
Isaac — Dude’s already worried he’s going to snack on Comte’s ferret or something, like being in a relationship with a human is PLENTY for him to worry about. Also, he’s a good person who views himself as a dangerous monster, which means he definitely won’t be having kids any time soon. Plus, like Napoleon, he has their little gaggle that they teach and that is genuinely plenty for him. Yeah, I think he’d be perfectly happy to have his partner tell him that there is no desire for children on their part.
Theo — I think he’d be more apathetic about children, where he doesn’t really have a desire for them but he would be willing to have kids if that’s what his partner wanted. He already has his partner, his bother, and his career, and that is more than enough for him to be happy.
Jean — First off, Jean is 19. Secondly, he hates himself and what he is, like Carlisle from Twilight. Maybe he would’ve wanted kids in life, but there is no way in hell he’d want to create half vampire spawn.
Will — Given that he was always running away from his wife and kids in his life, I think it’s safe to assume he never wanted them, even before he died. I think, given the context of his real marriage with Anne, he would be grateful to discover that his partner doesn’t want to have kids with him and it would be another indicator to him that this relationship is actually a good match.
Comte — I think he has no desire of his own for children and I also think he is hella devoted to whoever he chooses to be in a relationship with and will do anything to make them happy, so even if he did want kids he still would 100% fold to a childfree partner. There’s also that element of tragedy like with Leonardo that we’ll also see with Vlad.
Dazai — He’s either actively suicidal or very recently got better and definitely does not feel like he has the capacity to care for a child. Also, someone who hates themselves so much they’d choose to become a vampire solely so they could live long enough to kill their infant self is definitely not going to want to reproduce. Like Isaac, he sees himself as dangerous and I don’t think he would trust himself with something like having kids and I think that being in a relationship is already massively stressful for him.
Sebastian — He has a terminal illness, so there could be concern about passing whatever it is to any future children. He also probably would just not want to have to subject children to dealing with his inevitable, premature death. Even without all that, like if he can get magically cured by Faust or something, I don’t really see him actively wanting to have children, like I think he’d be more of a “travel the world with your partner in a delightfully comfortable DINK arrangement” kind of guy.
Vlad  — Yeah I think he’d 100% just be a “whatever you want” guy who values his partner above all else, including potential people who don’t exist yet.
Faust  — He’s kinda weird with kids tbh in a way that reminds me of myself — uncomfortable but kind of nice and gives in easily to whatever they want — which makes me think he doesn’t really like them and doesn’t really want them. I could see him kind of wanting to reproduce with a human as an experiment, but I really don’t see him genuinely desiring to have children.
Charles  — I get the vibe that he’ll be a very possessive yandere once he’s in a relationship and won’t want to share his partner with anyone at all, including potential children of their own. He actually gives me the impression that even if his partner came to him and shared that they genuinely wanted to have children with him, he might insist they not because of this trait of his.
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sunshineyuuji · 2 years
Surprising Facts (pt.2)
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IkeVamp suitors with an s/o who randomly says interesting facts (pt.2)
Characters: Vlad, Theodorus Van Gogh, Vincent Van Gogh
Warnings: first grade English (lol), ooc suitors?, gn!reader/fem!reader
Notes: Guys, I got another request OMG! I'm jumping like a child who sees something they like (/⩾ ω\). So @vanadeyeira asked me if I could make this prompt with Vlad, Theo, and Vicent and who am I to deny? So here I am writing this at 5:30 am (Nov 16) and God knows when I'll finish lol. Anyhow, hope you enjoy! (Update: I finished this today at 10:00 am lol)
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Vlad has been alive for centuries, darling, so he knows quite a lot.
But like Le Comte, he's not fully aware of things from the modern era so you might as well surprise him with "modern" facts.
"The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world."
"Vatican City?"
"You'll know in... a few years, hehe."
He's not surprised you know so much. Actually, he's happy!
Just... try to keep the creepy facts for yourself.
"There are around 150 bodies of dead hikers on Mount Everest and they're used as landmarks."
"Interesting way to use a body..."
Could gladly hear you all day telling him random facts and also explaining. He just loves listening to you.
Especially when talking about flowers.
"Is this... a gardenia?" You asked, looking at the flowers Vlad gifted you.
"It sure is." Vlad smiled at you.
You looked at the flowers with a smile and carefully picked them up.
"Did you know that gardenias mean love, purity, and refinement?"
Vlad chuckled softly and kissed your hand.
"I do, that's why I chose to gift you them."
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Theodorus Van Gogh
"Did you know women can lactate without being pregnant?"
"You're getting on my last nerve, hondje."
Now what's with the random information?
Why are you telling him that? He didn't ask, so why are you telling him?
He doesn't get annoyed over the fact you know stuff, he's annoyed because you say it out of nowhere and he can't expect what you'll say.
“Did you know that buttermilk doesn’t contain any butter?”
“Ok, that’s it. Get out.”
There was a period of time where you stopped telling him the random information you know.
He got genuinely worried and rushed into your room.
You explained it was because you knew it annoyed him so you decided to stop.
“...You’re way too silly, hondje.”
It may catch him off guard, but it’s you who’s telling him. How can he say no to you?
Even if he says it annoys him, he secretly hears and tries to remember everything you say.
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Vincent Van Gogh
"You know, neuroscientists say that love is as strong as illegal drugs."
"Oh? Well then, guess I'm always high for you."
He either chuckles or asks more about what you're talking about.
Loves hearing you talk. That little sparkle in your eyes and the excitement you have when explaining is adorable to him.
Though he's always interested in what you say, he shows way more interest when you talk to him about art facts.
"Apparently, studying and pursuing art is closely linked to improved reading and math skills."
"Huh, really? That sure is interesting... I wonder how people associate reading and math with art."
Getting a little more romantic, he sits you on his lap while you continue to tell him about random things you know about art and other stuff.
"I could listen to you all day, sunshine. I can never get bored when I'm around you."
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ikesenwritings · 2 years
What I think the Ikevamp mansion boys would do for MC’s birthday:
Comte would take MC out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—only the best restaurants and cafes in Paris—sprinkled between shopping for clothes, furniture, and trinkets for MC’s room. Really any excuse to spend the wealth he’s accumulated over the many many centuries for one of his top three favorite residents.
Leonardo would sketch MC with all the other residents gathered in the dining room, having a wonderful time at her celebratory dinner—eating, drinking, laughing—causing Theo to go off on one of his begging sprees for Leo to get back into painting.
Theo would purchase a painting that reminds him of MC. He would also consider buying a very large painting of a dog and leaving it in front of her room just for the joke.
Vincent, catching MC taking a nap in the garden, would paint an ethereal portrait of her laying among the flowers.
Arthur would a write a collection of short stories featuring a smart heroine, remarkably familiar to the mansion’s own favorite caretaker, who outwits Holmes on every case. He’d also slip in a coupon he made on a scrap of paper that’d say: “One free night with a sexy mystery writer.”
Dazai would write poetry and recite it to MC while on an outing to their favorite spot—the collection of hydrangeas—and some home-cooked Japanese food made by Sebastian. He’d even narrate some folktales as if she was one of the children in the park.
Mozart would compose a piece and then transcribe a whole other copy of sheet music for MC when she inevitably asks for it as a prized possession from a very special occasion.
After a late-night conversation one time about traditional Japanese attire, Jean would think to craft some type of kanzashi to the best of his limited knowledge while at work in town.
Isaac would design a watch for MC so she’ll have one token from both the past and the future; it’s adorned with mini constellation patterns they talked about that very first time they stargazed together.
With perhaps the most knowledge of cooking out of all the vampires in the mansion, Napoleon would bake macarons at Jean’s suggestion.
Sebastian would force MC to take the week leading up to her birthday off so that he can get ready to plan and prepare her birthday dinner while the other residents can present their gifts. He’d make sure to cook all of her favorite meals that entire week.
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xxsycamore · 1 year
𝐈𝐤𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬… 𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐝𝐬!
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↬ May 10th is Maid Day!! The residents get the perfect idea of letting Sebastian rest for a day while they take care of the chores in his stead... while dressed up as maids. Of course, they need a little guidance about what needs to be done, so naturally, they address Sebastian as their Goshujin-sama and ask for orders!
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Napoleon as a maid: The Badass Maid
Initially is assigned to take care of the cooking, and is very skilled at doing so. This maid doubles as a bodyguard! When Master Sebastian is surprisingly attacked by a group of thugs, Napoleon steps in with his rapier in hand - fighting in a maid dress is child's play for him! The long frilled skirts swoosh in the air and the headband is still perfectly secured on his head by the time he's got his high-heel-boot-clad foot on a defeated thug's chest!
Mozart as a maid: The Harsh Maid
This maid will make a disgusted face at you if you're clumsy and spill your tea everywhere, making a mess. Mozart self-appoints himself for everything that involves cleaning, not trusting another maid with this task, as he's quite the pedant when it comes to hygiene. Will scold Sebastian if he abuses his day of leisure by eating in bed. If he's being too cruel, he'll offer to play the piano for his Goshujin-sama as an apology.
Leonardo as a maid: The Lazy Maid
This maid does nothing but sleep! He even gets in the way of the Harsh Maid with his large body blocking the corridor and making it hard to sweep the floor. He doesn't care about manspreading even when wearing a maid dress! But you can't be mad at him, with so many inexperienced maids running around, there has to be someone at the ready for fixing broken gadgets and appliances - he is allowed to nap off the time he's not needed.
Isaac as a maid: The Genius Maid
Managing the budget, listing pending renovations and maintenance work, doing Comte's letter correspondence outside of acquaintances, organizing the upcoming ball... who thought Sebastian did all of this too, on top of his other chores?! Isaac tries his best taking care of these things, which bonds him to a desk for the most of the day - and it's perfect for him, because it means he won't show up in front of the others in this absurd short maid dress!
Vincent as a maid: The Angelic Maid
Vincent's only chore could be radiating happiness, because a room with him in it is a room where smiles and flowers are blooming. This maid has to be kept off the kitchen, and the others ended up telling him to make up the beds instead. Since he got done early with that, Sebastian "ordered him" to paint whatever he wants while he's resting contently in the shade not far from where Vincent happily paints in the garden. His maid dress ends up all covered in colorful stains...
Theodorus as a maid: The Bossy Maid
Wearing a maid dress doesn't stop this maid to be scary when angered! Theo's crossed arms are even more noticeably muscular with the short, frilly sleeves. His job is overseeing the other maids and making sure they're not slacking off. He's a bit of a perfectionist, so much to Sebastian's dismay, he ends up rearranging a whole section of the kitchen or another corner of the mansion to what he believes is more convenient for doing quick and efficient work.
Let me know if you want part two! 🤍🖤
@arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @cilokgoang Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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vcodenv · 1 year
⍣Ikevamp Suitors Playing Uno ೋ
Arthur, Dazai, Theo.
warnings: none.
(I’ll do a part 2 with the other suitors.)
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˗ˏˋArthur ´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ Everyone hates him because of how good he is.
⋆ ★ The other suitors start teaming up on him, especially Theo. “Don’t change the color to red, Arthur has red.”
⋆ ★ Is so cocky before the game even starts.
⋆ ★ Throws in a +2 or +4 the second someone calls uno just to make them mad.
⋆ ★ Could have the most ass hand of cards known to man and still win.
⋆ ★ Is the biggest sore loser, whenever he loses he’s going to constantly ask for a rematch.
⋆ ★ Humbling him is the most satisfying thing ever.
˗ˏˋDazai ´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ Tries to peak at the other suitors cards and acts innocent whenever he gets caught. “Me? Looking at your cards? I would never.”
⋆ ★ Mixes up the 6 and the 9.
⋆ ★ Comes up with his own rules in the middle of the game.
⋆ ★ Ends up with half the deck in his hands.
⋆ ★ “Dazai, that’s a yellow four. Why’d you put down a green two?”
⋆ ★ Refuses to leave Isaac alone. “Ah, of course Ai-Chan puts down red, the color of his beloved apples.”
˗ˏˋTheo´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ He is out for Arthur the entire game. His main life goal is to beat him.
⋆ ★ Tries to team up with Vincent every single time.
⋆ ★ Gets mad whenever the other suitors make Vincent draw cards. “What? He doesn’t have to draw anything, klootzak.”
⋆ ★ One step away from flipping the table.
⋆ ★ He gets so serious, winning the game is a life or death situation to him.
⋆ ★ The only time he’ll crack a smile is the look of annoyance on Arthur’s face whenever he loses or has to draw cards.
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ashxngrotto · 9 months
𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
This is a story written for @olivermorningstar from the Secret Santa Event hosted by @lemeowade !!
Warnings: reader being referred to ‘he’, Christmas themed, fantasy AU in Theo’s part, Arranged marriage for Jude, and fake dating for Sariel, also he/him pronounces for the reader!
A/n: hello I hope you like this! ><
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𝑺𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝑵𝒐𝒊𝒓 — 𝑭𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈
“To avoid letting any nobles or princes from the other countries knowing that you’re Belle, we will start dating.”
“W-wait.. what?” He was shocked, didn’t expected that sentence and the devilish smirk.
“Fake, fake dating.” Sariel said it out loud as if it was the most normal thing in the world, “to avoid people spreading rumours and stuff, we will be fake dating, is that all right for you, Belle?”
Oh, anyone would know that they couldn’t say no to that devilish smirk as if Satan himself came waving at you.
So, he said yes.
Sariel is now sorting out documents for Chevalier’s faction, also asking servants to search for Luke for his absence for the whole morning.
There he is, no, not Luke, but the “fake partner”. Sariel saw something in his hand, what could that be?
He held out a small present box, the colour is the same s Sariel’s eye colour, a beautiful amethyst-coloured ribbon on top.
He smiled and handed the present to Sariel, and Sariel took it with both his hands,
“What is this?” Sariel asked, his voice filled with gentleness and tenderness as he spoke, no one except Belle himself has ever heard the ‘devil’ spoke so gently.
Inside the box was a snake-shaped pin, and a Rhodolite stone in the middle as decoration.
Belle shrugged as he began, “I don’t know what to give you for Christmas, I know you don’t like sweets that much, and you definitely wouldn’t like roses.”
Sariel chuckled, he was so sweet for thinking and giving him a gift for Christmas.
“So I chose a pin, and it even had a Rhodolite stone!” His voice was filled with excitement as his face lit up with joy.
Sariel’s lips were curved into a delicate smile, he took out a hairpin from his drawer, one that was given to him from the previous king, saying that he may need it for someday, sure, today’s the day.
The hairpin was rose-shaped, also with a Rhodolite stone.
Sariel leaned closer, as he whispered in Belle’s ear like a snake whispering sweet nonsense to its pry.
Sariel began with a soft, but also seducing voice as he began, “this Christmas, and for every Christmas from now on, I’ll give you the devil’s eternal love.”
As he spoke, the church bells rung, signalling it’s another Christmas in Rhodolite but also their first Christmas spent together.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑽𝒂𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒈𝒉 — 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑨𝑼
Theo is kinda like a werewolf vampire in this au ><
“Hondje, come here” Theo sat with his legs open as he patted his muscular thighs signalling you to sit on them.
He sat on Theo’s lap, shifting as he found a more comfortable posture.
“You want something?” He laid his chin on Theo’s shoulder, speaking softly while stroking his lover’s ears.
“Food.” Theo chuckled as his lover pouted, clearly not satisfied with that answer.
“Alright…” Theo placed his hand on his lover’s waist, the other one unbuttoning his shirt, “I feel like I’m craving for your blood.”
His lover blushed, but didn’t stop him from continuing as Theo shed off his shirt, revealing his lover’s bare shoulder to him.
“May I..?” Theo’s fingers were tracing the outline of his lover’s bare shoulder, his lover nodded, giving him the permission.
Theo bit into his shoulder, as his lover softly let out a whimper, no matter how many times they’ve done this, it always feel so good in many ways.
Theo licked the blood away, showing his fangs to him.
“Merry Christmas..” Theo took his lover’s hand in his, softly kissing the back of it.
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𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝑱𝒂𝒛𝒛𝒂 — 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆
Jude was never a gentle person.
“Hey Jude-“ Victor began
“Shut the hell up dumbass”
“Mean as always I see~” although being called a dumbass, Victor still had a charming smirk on his face, his lips curled into an elegant smile.
“I want you two to get married.”
Jude’s eyes widened, the cigarette between his lips fell off.
“What the f-“
That’s how you two got together, but Jude never saw you as a real partner, even after the wedding.
During the wedding night~
Jude’s back was facing you, his chest rose and fell as he slept.
You were still recovering from his previous rough and merciless actions, why did you agree to this marriage?
You saw Jude hanging out with other women, although he claimed it’s for work, you still didn’t believe him.
Why? You’ve tried hard to be a good fiancée, you did whatever what he wanted. And now you’re his partner for the rest of your lives. You’re not even sure will he love you someday.
You started thinking about the previous memories with him:
One time when you tried talking with him,
“Don’t annoy me, I’m working.” He blew the smoke out, and shooed you away yet again.
How many times already? You can’t remember anymore, you’re too tired of being pushed away, so you just tried to ignore this feeling that keeps stinging your heart every time.
“What now?” Jude’s handsome face was in front of you, his calloused fingertips caressing your tear-stained cheeks.
Wait.. when did I start crying? You thought to yourself.
“Thinking about stupid stuff again?” Jude’s voice was nothing gentle, or kind. Like how it always is.
“No I’m not.” You tried arguing, but can’t help to feel sad, why can’t he be gentle?
You began talking about all your unhappiness with him, “I don’t like this, I don’t like it when you’re treating me like a toy-“
“Who said your a toy?” His voice was sharp, but you can see that his eyes were carrying a tiny bit of gentleness, something that you’ve always wanted.
“..but you treated me like one.” You still don’t want to face him, so you looked away, not letting him see your tears-filled eyes.
“Look at me.” He turned your face to look at him directly.
“You’re never a toy,” he said.
You felt him leaning closer, his eyes are now looking at you lovingly, could it be he love you? Wait.. but it’s impossible..?
“You’re my partner.” He continued.
His lips are touching yours, kissing you oh-so-gently, nothing like how rough he was like two hours ago.
He pulled away after a while, leaving you panting heavily.
“I love you.”
His voice has never sound so sincere, he took your hand in his, as he kissed each of your fingertips.
“I, Jude Jazza, promise to love you..” he kissed your thumb.
“And take you as my partner..” he kissed your index finger.
“To have and hold from this day onwards,” a gentle kiss landed on your middle finger.
“For best, for worst, for rich or poor,” now your ring finger..
“In sickness and in health, to love and cherish,” he lips touched your pinky.
Now, he looked at you as if you’re his everything, you know, he never break his promises.
“Until death do us apart.” He kissed the your wedding ring.
He never break his promises, he’s for real.
He’ll never stop loving you, until death do you two apart.
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onegianthotmess · 10 months
Ikemen Vampire Rants:
🙃Cat Mischief🙃
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I feel like if Leonardo or Arthur had a kid, they’d love fucking with Theo.
Like either Arthur’s son or Leonardo’s daughter or both would just randomly scoop up Lumière and just take him to Theo’s room and leave him there. And about an hour later, they’d both just smirk at each other when their hear the high pitched shriek coming from Theo’s room. And Lumière doesn’t ever run away because he actually really likes Arthur’s son and Leonardo’s daughter and doesn’t mind laying around in Theo’s room.
What’s also funny is that Lumière also likes Theo for no reason. He just likes following him until he turns around and notices and screams like a little girl. And Lumière just stares at Theo like he’s a crazy person.
And do Arthur and Leonardo stop their children or Lumière?
Arthur laughs his ass off and Leonardo just sits there smoking a cigarillo and enjoying the show.
Little does everyone know that it was Theo’s oldest daughter who got that idea into the two trouble makers’s heads so that her father could be punished for not sleeping properly due to getting so wrapped up in his work every once in a while.
She may be a daddy’s girl, but she knows how to punish him if he ever misses out on sleep.
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klutzyroses · 10 months
IkeVamp HCs: Their Pregnant S/O Fighting
How do they react to their s/o fighting with someone while pregnant?
Suitors: Napoleon, Arthur, Theo, Jean
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Being four months pregnant did not mean Y/N would let anyone disrespect her emperor in her presence.
Napoleon's wife had joined him and Isaac at their little school, chatting away with a few of the children, who gazed at her with wonder- for her general beauty, and her cute round belly.
It was a bit tough for either Napoleon or Isaac to get the kids to concentrate when they kept insisting on touching Y/N and unfortunately for Isaac, he was on the receiving end of "Where do babies come from?", to the amusement of Napoleon.
However, the pleasant atmosphere didn't last as, when school was out, Napoleon was dealing with the angry mother of one of his students. He remained civil and calm, but the incensed woman kept poking him in the chest and getting in his face.
This of course, sat about as well with the emperor's wife as one would expect. Next thing anyone was aware of, Y/N was by his side, shoving the woman away from him.
"Don't put your hands on my husband! Apologize to him!"
"How dare you, who do you think you are?!"
The angry mother stepped forward again, only to get shoved back again by the expectant woman.
"I think I'm the one who's going to put you in the hospital if you don't apologize and leave right now."
Livid, the mother shoved Y/N right back, causing her to fall backwards. Napoleon moved like lightning, catching her with ease. He sent a reproachful glare to the woman, who stood frozen, as if shocked by her own actions.
"Isaac, keep an eye on Y/N."
Y/N reluctantly stayed by Isaac's side while Napoleon dealt with the woman until she left. Later, he took her in his arms, sighing as he lifted her head to lock eyes.
"Don't do that again, nunuche. You can't just get into fights with people. Not in your condition."
He felt a chill up his spine when he thought of what could've happened if she had actually fallen and he wasn't there. He instinctively pulled her closer to him, her head between his neck and shoulder.
He was touched that she had stood up for him, but the last thing he wanted was for her and his baby to be getting into any fights at all.
Sometimes, his former flings just...didn't quit, even when he was married with a child on the way.
One such brazen woman had approached Arthur while his wife, who was 4 months along, was with him.
The sheer audacity of it- unabashed flirting with a married man in front of his pregnant wife?
Arthur had no time to rebuff her advances before his scandalized wife moved in front of him and confronted the little viper right there.
"Are you really so desperate you're going to pretend I'm not here, or are you stupid?"
The argument only got more heated from there, finally reaching a tipping point when the spiteful woman made mocking comments about Y/N's body, and even further by implying that she trapped Arthur using the baby.
Neither Arthur or the shameless troublemaker saw the slap coming. Y/N threw the fastest slap ever thrown and the other woman found herself suddenly looking the other direction, her cheek stinging.
Y/N for her part, was slightly red faced and teary eyed and was ready with another slap when the woman righted herself. And another. And another.
Arthur was too stunned at first to react, but he jumped into action when the former fling, infuriated, raised her hand to retaliate.
He caught her wrist in a second, his other arm coiling around his wife as he tugged her back towards him, his hand on her stomach protectively.
"Enough! You don't touch her! Y/N, come with me, darling."
Not wanting her to spend anymore energy on this, he maneuvered his upset wife out of there and somewhere more safe.
His heart ached when confronted with her pretty face flushed and streaked with tears of anger and humiliation. He gently wiped them away.
"Come on now, luv, please don't cry. It's alright..."
He pulled her into his chest as he rubbed her belly, his own pulse starting to slow. His heart had almost given out when he had seen the woman about to hit Y/N.
"Darling, please don't put yourself at risk like that. I can't stand anything happening to you...either of you."
He rubs circles on her stomach as he kisses her cheek.
Theo is used to dealing with L' Academie by now, but he was not expecting that his hondje would ever have to do so in her state.
And yet, he found himself in said position when one of them came to do their usual shenanigans, but this time, Y/N was with him.
Theo felt more exasperated than nervous, until his wife, four months pregnant with twins, stormed up to the man in the middle of whatever nonsense he was spouting and faced him head on.
"Can't you do anything other than bother him? Go find something to do!"
"It is the duty of L'Academie and he is nothing but an upstart allowing riff raff into the art world!"
Indignant, and hormonal at that, Y/N decided to put the man, and the Academie, in his place once and for all.
"How dare you, you don't get to decide what's art and what's not, my husband is better than any elitist highbrows and you know it, that's why you keep harrassing him! But I won't let you anymore, leave. My. Husband. Alone."
She punctuated her words with a slap so fast across the man's face that it makes her stumble a bit as she holds onto her stomach for balance. Theo had never moved so quick in his life, the second the man's eyes flashed with rage, the younger Van Gogh pulled Y/N to him, his hand on her stomach, both to keep her at bay and to just reassure himself that she was out of harm's way.
Y/N covered his hand with hers, both to reassure him she was alright, but also to show her solidarity to him.
"Don't even think about it. You won't like what happens if you try to hurt her."
The dark look in Theo's sky blue eyes, sends the man retreating wisely on his part.
Y/N was indeed scolded for her recklessness later, even if he thought she was the sweetest for it. She still put herself and the babies in danger. He hadn't liked the look in the man's eyes in the slightest.
"Hondje, what you just did? Never again, understand?"
He tugged her close to him, holding her from behind, resting his head against hers as he ran a hand over her swollen stomach, speaking softer.
"I don't want you in that position again, let alone while you're carrying my pups, got it?"
He wouldn't have known what he would have done if that man had dared to hurt her. Just that it wouldn't have been good.
The fact anyone had the audacity to attack or threaten a visibly pregnant woman sent a wave of distaste through him.
A customer was being difficult to Y/N who had been seated in the front of the shop while Jean was at the back of the weapon's shop so that Y/N was away from the weapons, because he was very wary of the sharp objects near his 4 month pregnant wife.
She had got up and confronted him alone before Jean could deal with him, pushing the rude man away herself, to the surprise of both men present.
"Get ahold of yourself, this is a place of business, not a schoolyard!"
"Why, I never!"
"Never what, learned proper manners? You don't come into my husband's shop and kick up a fuss, not on my watch!"
The man, galled, took a step forward threateningly, and that was all it took for Jean to immediately move from the other side of the shop to pull Y/N behind him.
His visible eye twinkled with something dangerous at the prospect that he was about to threaten Y/N.
"I suggest you keep your distance from this woman, lest I be forced to make you."
Nobody threatened his wife and child.
After the customer left with intimidation from Jean, the soldier turned to his wife, placing his hand on her stomach, searching her for any signs of distress.
Y/N placed her hands over Jean's on her round belly with a small smile, assuring him she was fine but Jean shook his head.
"If there is a problem like that again, let me handle it. That was dangerous."
Brave as it was that she faced the man alone, he would prefer that she be safe, after all, who knows what he would have done to her, regardless of her delicate state.
His gloved fingers caress her belly as he remains diligently beside her the remainder of the day, just to make sure she remained unharmed and unbothered.
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violettduchess · 2 years
Could I please request some unrequited love headcanons for Comte, Theo, Arthur, and Leonardo?
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A/N: Hello anon! I've left Leonardo out because he just got a very long fic and the others don't have quite as many requests so I wanted to let them have their time to shine. I hope that's ok!
Word Count: 964
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Comte de St. Germain
Pushing aside the heavy velvet curtain, Comte has a perfect view down into the sunlit garden and a perfect view of you. Of both of you. Leonardo has set up his easel and is watching you attempt to paint the wooden gazebo with its clinging vines and flowering bushes. He leans over your shoulder, reaching around you and covers your hand with his, guiding your brush strokes. Comte’s sharp golden eyes zero in on the way his long fingers curl around your delicate wrist, the flirtatious, downward cast of your eyelashes, the sensual smile playing over Leonardo’s lips.
You turn to look at Leonardo, your faces so very close, and Comte’s breath is held prisoner in his lungs. Your eyes, even at this distance, are bright as stars, your cheeks rival the pink petals of the roses you’re trying to capture. His chest begins to burn. There is undeniable longing in the tilt of your head, the inviting pout of your lips. What would he give to have that perfect expression of admiration and yearning aimed at him?
Leonardo leans forward, as unable to resist you as the tide could the enthralling pull of the moon. The paintbrush falls from your fingers, abandoned, as you wrap your arms around him, your body melting into his impassioned embrace.
Leo deserves happiness. This is the mantra that gallops through Comte’s mind, over and over, even as he tries to ignore the agonizing ache in his chest. He closes the curtain once more with a trembling hand. Now he stands, slumped in darkness, his heart a flower without sunlight, without water, slowly withering away.
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Theodorus van Gogh
One of the best things about walking through Paris on a clear afternoon, just before evening breaks and spills its lavender and orange and pink across the sky, is using the fading light that is left to admire the street artists and their work.
Vincent’s fingers are laced through yours, strong and protective as you move across the Pont des Arts, taking in the different paintings, all sizes and subject matters, that the different street artists are displaying, trying to make a sale. You pause in front of a painting of tiny calico kittens in a basket. “Oh look!” Vincent smiles, soft and affectionate as he nods, immediately engaging the artist in a conversation about brush types and which paint they used. You are content to listen, unable to hide the sunshine of open admiration you have for him. Your smile is radiant with it. Your eyes sparkle with it.
Theo pretends to be deeply interested in a smaller painting of a doomed ship out at sea during a violent storm. Normally he would spend time studying the black, thrashing waves with their white caps, noting the way the artist created movement, how they captured the chaos of nature gone feral with their brushstrokes. But he is distracted. Because rather than stare at the painting and study it, he is staring at something he considers a perfect piece of aesthetics: you. He has long since memorized the line of your cheekbones, the curve of your jaw, the perfect symmetry of your lips. Your eyes are a color that has never existed for him until he saw them. They are the bright window to the part of you he admires most: your kind and gentle heart, that luminous part of you that shines resplendent as a harvest moon.
And now those eyes are fixed on his brother as if he were the one who hung all stars in the sky. Your fingers are locked tight with his, laced together, a perfect pairing. His jaw clenches as he turns back to the painting of the wild, roiling sea. He has that same turbulent ocean inside of him every time he sees you look at Vincent that way. It floods his heart, dragging it down into the black depths of despair, leaving him as windswept and lost as the small, broken ship in the painting.
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Arthur Conan Doyle
Of all people, why Newt? Newt with his wide, cherry-blossom eyes and slight frame, his dislike of people and a good time. His mind which so easily winds its way through impossible equations but cannot small-talk its way out of a paper bag. That Newt is who you have chosen to love. The one you have decided is allowed to receive all of your warm smiles, your tender touches, the melody of your laughter.
He caught you one night. Strolling back from a tryst with one of his regulars, the sweet taste of blood stilling lingering on his lips. He entered the mansion through the garden gates at the back. As he made his way quietly as a shadow around towards the front, a certain sound caught his attention.
He stops, ducking behind the gazebo when he spots you and Isaac. Evidently you had come out into the garden at night to do a bit of stargazing. Isaac’s telescope is set up, pointed toward the sky. But it is abandoned, left to gaze on its own. You and Isaac seem to have gotten distracted, laying on an oversized picnic blanket, wrapped in each other’s arms. Gripping the wooden railing of the gazebo, Arthur’s sharp blue eyes note the details: the way your fingers are white, curled so tightly against Isaac’s shoulders; the way his leg is pressed between yours, the tilt of your head, baring your sensitive throat to him. And that sound, the one that caught his attention, the sharp gasping of your breath as his lips feast on the bare skin of your shoulder, the slope of your neck.
Green-eyed jealousy roars inside of Arthur’s heart. His fingers are bloodless as they grip the railing. The lingering taste of another woman’s blood suddenly turns sour, curdling like rancid milk on his tongue. He doesn’t want her, or anyone else. The woman he wants, the one he dreams of, is currently in the arms of another man. And all he sees now is red.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly
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keithsandwich · 5 months
Oooooo Myara I love the astrological hcs!!! I was wondering what your thoughts would be on either domestic or romantic things for Theo and Iris! Iris is a Cancer :3
✨Iris ♋ x ♉ Theo✨
They feel very comfortable around each other. Iris is probably shy and needs a lot of time to open up to someone, because she's easily hurt. But it's different with Theo. He makes her feel so safe it wasn't hard at all (it was probably inevitable!) to let him in. It doesn't matter how long or how hard it was for them to get together romantically, they started sharing a mutual understanding quicker than usual.
The thing is that, symbolically, Moon (that rules Cancer) feels at home in Taurus. It's a sign where they can flourish beautifully, where their feelings can make roots and grow in an eternal Spring. And, of course, for Taurus this is joyful as well. They may not be the best expressing their feelings (other than physically 👀), but they don't even have to with a Cancer. Their connection feels like telepathy, one look and they know what's going on.
Now, when Iris and Theo share a literal home, their bed will be the most comfortable and their plates will always be full with delicious food. They have to take care a little bit not to indulge too much and forget the world, because it's gonna be honeymoon all the time with them!
[Astrological Headcanons]
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cow-goes-moozart · 2 years
Ikevamp bois music tastes
Napoleon - disney soundtracks (Mulan and Lion King are his faves), anything rly
Comte - jazz & classical (also listened to classic rock with Leonardo)
Mozart - classical, opera
Vincent - pop, folk, acoustic, lo-fi, some k-pop (mainly bts), maybe ska
Isaac - lo-fi, acoustic, soft rock (basically anything that doesn't give him anxiety)
Jean - gospel, blues (later gets sucked into the emo phase)
Dazai - k-pop & j-pop
Faust - hard rock, some electronic, metal
Leonardo - alternative, classic rock, some rap
Charles - pop punk, rap
Shakes - musicals & classical only, everything else is trash
Theo - anything but pop, edm, country, mumble rap
Arthur - folk, gets into pop & rap at some point
Vlad - soft rock at first, gets into heavier stuff later
Sebastian - meme music, soundtracks
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
Congratulations on your follower celebration 🥳 I'd like to make a request: Jean, Theo, and Mozart react to seeing their first movie.
Thank you 💜
Thank you dear! This one was a lot of fun to write. I hope you enjoy!
ikevamp: Jean, Theo, & Motzart
SFW prompt #7- suitors see their first movie
No warnings!
Jean is happy to go anywhere with you. He is also rather excited to experience this new part of your world. You’ve done so much to understand him and where he is coming from, he is looking forward to learning more about you, the one he loves. 
He is nothing but gentlemanly as you two find your seats. Holding your hand and making sure you are comfortable before taking his own seat.
You two share popcorn and other snacks as you sit through the previews. He rather likes the buttery and salty popcorn…though he really likes the mini cookies.
The lights dim and the movie starts, you hold his hand and lean your head on his shoulder.
Jean is impressed by the technology, as it is all far beyond anything from his time. More than anything that he could fathom from the time he had first lived.
He is moved by the story, finding himself laughing and crying along with you. It is an experience he finds he rather enjoys and will happily see many more movies with you.
He is unsure at first, but when you tell him that movies are a form of art… he’s intrigued.
You take him so see something deep and thought provoking, knowing that he’s likely to enjoy such a film.
He sits in the theater, looking around at the crowd, noting how many people are gathered to enjoy art together. He can tell the people are from all walks of life. He sees the rich and the poor, the young and the old.
When the lights dim, he doesn’t understand what’s going on. You tell him this art form is better in the dark and offer him a snack, knowing he prefers the sweeter treats rather than the salty popcorn.
After getting through the previews, you finally get to the movie. He is impressed by the stunning visuals. But even more…he is impressed by the people. For the duration of the movie, people laugh and cry together. Strangers who know nothing of each other share this experience and are changed by it. Moved by it in similar and different ways. Going to the movies becomes one of his favorite things to do in the modern age and becomes a regular date night for the two of you.
When you walk into the theater, Mozart is clearly not impressed. This place doesn’t seem very sanitary. Before sitting down, he insists on wiping down both of your seats. 
He also insists on finding a spot where almost no one else is sitting, good view be damned. He’s not about to let anyone get their grubby hands near you or him. 
You offer him popcorn…which takes some coaxing to get him to try. You point out the worker was wearing gloves and the popcorn was gathered with a special scoop. 
The lights dim and the movie starts. He reaches for your hand, not saying a word, but you know he just wants to be sure you’re still there.
He is impressed by the technology, the colors, the acting talent, but he hides it.
What he doesn’t expect though…was the way music was incorporated into the film.
Used to add tension and drama or underscore how emotional and important a scene was.
Even more…they used some of HIS music. Even after all these years, his songs were still being used to reach people. He may not have liked the dirty, crowded theater…but the movie and use of music were good.
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