#ikevil bond
archiveikemen · 10 months
Liam Evans Bond Story: Level 13
— Competing With You
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Liam: It’s rare for us to be alone together, shall we play a game? OK? Ahaha, alright, deal.
Liam: Let me think… how about a game where we have to look into each other’s eyes and confess our love? The first one to get embarrassed loses. What do you think?
Liam: You go first. Game start.
Option 1: Hold his hand and say you love him.
Liam: Uwah… touching my hand all of a sudden… that’s a surprise attack.
Option 2: Touch his hair and say you love him.
Liam: Wah… that surprised me. You’re so sneaky…
Option 3: Touch his face and say you love him.
Liam: …! Hang on, isn’t this playing foul?
Liam: *Sigh*...
Liam: I’m completely and utterly defeated.
Liam: My plan to make you embarrassed by telling you how much I love you backfired.
Liam: But since I got to hear you say that you love me… just for today, that’s okay.
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dear-mrs-otome · 1 month
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Dear Mr. Jude 'They're Only Getting To You Over My Cold Corpse' Jazza...your overprotective is showing again. 💜
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 days
Jude Jazza Bond Story 33 ☾.
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These are fan translations only, so please expect grammatic errors and lack of nuance. While I appreciate your support and welcome reblogs, please do not repost my translations elsewhere. Thank you for you support! ☾.
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Once Jude's bond level 30 is reached, the main tag line is: "He considers you his beloved sweetheart."
His voice lines are as follows:
Line 1: "I've been waitin'.......Ha, you're bein' too cautious. Even though I just welcomed my cute lover, I feel hurt.
Line 2: Hm, I'm listenin', I'm listenin'. I don't mind ya talkin'. Your voice calms me. Why? Cuz I like ya. I dunno. *It seems that they are feeding each other in this story.♥︎
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Jude: What’s this? ……Chocolate fudge? For me?
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Jude: “Slice of peach?” Ah, that. Damn, I was gonna give ya a huge order…….but ya beat me to it.
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Jude: Yeah, but ain’t the repayment method different?
Jude: Ya ate off my fork. I went out of my way to feed ya, ‘n ya just hand this to me?
Yes, ahhh.
Can’t you just ask me honestly?
I’m afraid I don’t have a fork.
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Yes, ahhh.:
Jude: Bein’ so obedient. Thought ya were gonna bite my fingers off, but that’s too hard for ya.
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Can’t you just ask me honestly?:
Jude: I wanna see the pain on your face when I bite your finger, so please let me eat it? …….What, I asked for it like ya said.
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Unfortunately, I don’t have a fork:
Jude: …..
Jude: Suppose that forks ‘n fingers ain’t a fair trade. Then, I guess I owe ya one this time?
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After Each Response:
Jude: Mmm om…..Wow, that’s sweet. Didja taste it before ya buyin’ it? Ain’t worth a slice of peach.
Jude: Mmm…smack smack…. Ah, that’s too easy. Doesn’t count as repayment, so try again.
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Jude: Yeah, next time’s fine. We’ll be together from now on anyway. Wouldn’t be great if ya pass the test before I die?
Jude: Whatta surprised look ……Didja think ya could leave? Sorry, but it’s too late for that.
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Jude: I’m gonna curse ya ‘til the day I die. Ya know I’m vindictive, right?
Jude: Ha…….such a busy princess, gettin’ surprised ‘n grinnin’ at the same time.
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[Master List] Dividers: @/natimiles Did you see it?! Did you see that precious Jude blush????
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typewriting-robin · 13 days
Victor: Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know.
William: I-I did, I broke it.
Victor: No. no you didn’t. Harrison?
Harrison: Don’t look at me. Look at Liam!
Liam: What? I didn’t break it!
Roger: Huh, that’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Harrison: Suspicious...
Liam: No, it’s not. Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken!!
Ellis: If it matters... but it probably doesn’t. Jude was the last one to use it.
Jude: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!!
Ellis: Oh really. Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Jude:  I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles; everyone knows that, Ellis!
William: Ok... ok let’s stop fighting. I can pay for it.
Victor: No, who broke it?
Alfons: …. Elbert’s been awfully quiet.
Elbert: Really?!
Alfons: Yeah! Really!
Elbert: Oh my God.
(Everyone in Crown is bickering)
Victor: I broke it. It burned my hand, so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Victor: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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weirdwriter69 · 2 months
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autumn-ginkgo-leaves · 2 months
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“I’ll forgive you if you call me daddy” Okay daddy 😍🫶
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viatagrinner · 1 year
Elbert Greetia. Bond Stories 1 - 3
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Elbert: When I'm with you,... my chest hurts and I have trouble breathing. ....Is it strange... that pain makes me happy?
Bond Story No1: I want to know.
Elbert: Oh... Hello
1. What are you doing here?
Elbert: One can smell the fragrance from the flowers. I hesitate to trim it.
2. Do you come here often?
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Elbert: No... I'm staying away because I upset Victor by cutting off all the flowers.
3. Do you like flowers?
Elbert: I like it... Maybe a little different.
Elbert: I was looking at .... Because I was wondering if I should cut it or not.
Elbert: ...You? Why are you in this garden?
Elbert: You want to see me?..... Is there something you'd like to do?
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Elbert: ....... Just talk? ...... Really, is that all you need to do/is that enough?
Elbert: ............I see. ......Hm? ......Wait, there's a petal in your hair.
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Elbert: I guess I shouldn't have taken it. It looked good on you.
Bond Story No2: Sharing a meal/Eat together.
Elbert: ...You look so happy eating!
1. Embarrassing.
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Elbert: Why? Nevertheless, very charming and gorgeous.
2. You are very elegant, Lord Elbert
Elbert: Not much, because I don't feel hungry. .....Maybe I don't even really know what it tastes like.
Elbert: I eat bitter food all the time. .... Roger is often angry with me.
3. It's so delicious.
Elbert: ..... . ......Some people become happy just by eating.
Elbert: You are....
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Elbert: ....Shh..... Don't talk.... Turn around.
Elbert: Don't move....... Now.
*The sound of a kiss*
Elbert: ...Got it. ...Hmm. ....Cranberry jam? It was on your cheek.
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Elbert: Sorry to interrupt. Please continue to eat. .....Hmm, what's wrong?
Bond Story No3: Hobby/Skills.
Elbert: Good morning. Have you seen Al?..... Is he not home yet?
Elbert: You're up so much earlier than usual...maybe you couldn't sleep? Are you okay?
1. The reason is the long-awaited joy.
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Elbert: .....Hard time, but you're smiling.
2. If I feel sleepy, I'll go to bed
Elbert: .....If you can't do that, why don't you stay here until dawn?
3. I'm in a bit of trouble.
Elbert: I see.... ....I wonder if there's anything I can do to help.
Elbert: I usually ... My sleep is short and shallow. The slightest noise wakes me up. .... It's almost like a special skill.
Elbert: Roger said it was "psychogenic," but I'm not sure....
Elbert: So if you can't sleep, come to my room. ... I can wake you up and listen to you/ Sure, I'll listen when you're awake to your chatter.
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Elbert: In this way ....I can stroke you. ...And if you get sleepy, I can give you a shoulder to lean on.
Elbert: Good night, MC, and sleep well.
Bond Masterlist
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ichgakr01270910 · 2 months
like i said before, Ellis' voice is ✨✨🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
and listening to his voice using headphone is..
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revasserium · 1 year
scorpio rising
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elbert; 1,087 words; elbert takes you dancing. i blame @aquagirl1978 for showing me his teaser pv. this one's for u.
he has always been hungry.
from the first day he meets you, he has hungered for your touch, for your smile, for a sliver of your forever — it is not promised. but he does not care. and there’s beauty in this madness — he has always known it — beauty in the mortified longing threatening to grind his bones to dust.
i want…
it’s a selfish thing, he knows, to want like this, to want so hard that it threatens to consume his very soul. he wants — he wants.
“stay close,” he says, because the night is dark and full of terrors but to him the darkness has always been kind.
he feels your presence at his back, emanating warmth like a hearthstone pulled from the dancing flames. he wants.
“el…bert? where are you taking me?”
your curiosity is cool and crisp, slicing through the heat of his own internal frenzy. he wills the tension from his shoulders as he tries to cast you a small, reassuring smile.
“you’ll see.”
at this hour, vauxhall is a cynosure of bacchic revelry, with fireworks and masked dancers, jugglers and magicians and drunken vendors hawking their wares to laughing, unwitting attendees. a hundred thousand tiny lamps glitter among the branches of trees like so many fallen stars, and the raucous sound of street musicians plays backdrop to it all — the air itself thrums with life and vitality, the earth beneath your feet soaked with the remnants.
“wh-what is going on?”
elbert almost laughs at your clear confusion, but he tugs a pair of masks from the inside of his jacket and offers it to you.
“come… dance with me.”
you slip on the mask, still too bewildered to refuse, and feel elbert slip his fingers between yours, tugging you gently towards him and into a pool of flickering lamplight. the music swells and the world spins around you.
there is beauty in this madness — elbert has always known it — beauty in the way a body might tremble and shake when faced with something it cannot control, but this at least, elbert knows. this at least, he can take into the palms of his own hands and hold it close.
this dance — you.
he watches as a brilliant smile blossoms across your lips, your cheeks flushing high with color. it is beautiful, watching you as you fall into a peel of unexpected laughter as he spins you out and pulls you back in, you chest heaving with the exertion of the song.
he wonders if he’s holding onto your hands too tight and then he knows that he is.
but you’re clutching back at him just as tightly as the music ends and everyone around you cheers. he feels the weight of a million pairs of eyes on him and yet still, he only has eyes for you. when you pull up from your curtsey and meet his eyes, he finds himself transfixed by your gaze so warm and soft and full of an unbridled happiness the likes of which he has never tasted himself.
but with you — he thinks he just might.
the mask affords him the brief veil of anonymity, but even with it, he can feel people’s eyes lingering, their heads turning for a second look, a third. he doesn’t have much time.
“elbert, that was so much fun!”
he allows himself a soft laugh as he pulls you into one of the many shaded promenades, pressing himself back into the thickly cut foliage. you stumble into his chest, letting out a squeak as you pull back but he lifts up a hand to stop you.
“please… let me have one more minute…” he says, and he feels you go still in his arms.
he threads his fingers through your spidersilk hair, letting the tangle carelessly against his skin. like this, he smells the soft, fresh fragrance of your bathing soap, and he leans in ever so slightly to take in another breath. your skin is warm and soft, your lashes a darkened frame to the night sky of your eyes.
he purses his lips. he lets you go.
“sorry… i just… wanted a moment…”
you smile, shaking your head. several strands of your hair get caught in his fingers and he has to force himself to let them go.
“i had… a really good time tonight, elbert… thanks for taking me here.”
you walk next to him as the pair of you exit the gardens, you tugging off your mask but he hesitates in taking off his own. he traces the edge with a delicate finger as you watch.
“if… it makes you feel better, you can keep it on while we walk back,” you say, letting your fingers lace behind your back.
elbert smiles as he nods, letting the silence stretch thin and smooth between you. in the distance, big ben tolls in midnight, and the pair of you make your leisurely way back to the castle beneath the full blood-moon. you exchange few words and even fewer glances, but elbert find himself willfully lingering half a step behind you just to watch the way your hair sways, to see the glint of moonlight in your eyes as you turn to grace him with a smile.
“thanks again for taking me out…”
elbert slips off his mask as the castle doors close behind you.
“i thought you might’ve wanted… a chance of pace…”
“yeah, it was really fun!”
you smile up at him, radiant and flushed with joy and he briefly wonders if this might be what ellis is always going on about — the happiest moment in a person’s life. seeing you smile like that, he wonders then if this is his.
at least, it would be a worthy candidate.
“good… we should… do it again sometime.”
you nod, enthusiasm pouring from you like milk from a spilling jug.
elbert licks his lips.
“yes! it’ll be a date!” you say.
he can only nod, letting the sound of your voice ring in his mind like the tolling of bells.
a date.
he wants, he wants, he wants.
“a date… yes, certainly, it will be… if that’s what you wish.”
he feels his heart stuttering his chest as you bob your head once more.
“yep, it’s a date then.”
he feels his lips tug into smile, tastes the familiar greed on this tongue.
he wants. he wants. he wants.
“it’s a date.”
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Jude Jazza Bond Story: Level 9
— Love Tactics
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
Jude: Ah—... we’re being stalked. I have no idea which one it is this time, there are too many.
Jude: On the count of three, run into that alley. Got it? 1… 2… 3!
Jude: Haah… they couldn't have picked a worse timing. I was about to receive some cargo — what are you staring at?
Option 1: “What do you think of me?”
Jude: That’s the kind of question a dying person would ask. If you didn't matter to me, I would've ditched you at the roadside just now.
Jude: … What a weak response. You’re supposed to smile.
Option 2: “Don’t die, yeah?”
Jude: That’s my line. Remember that you still owe me a slice of peach.
Option 3: “Will you be heartbroken if I die?”
Jude: That question pisses me off. Do you think you’ll be the only one dying when you’re with me?
Jude: If you die, I’ll be dead too.
Jude: Why do you look that happy… you’re truly beyond saving.
Jude: … Tch, they’ll find us if we spend too much time chit chatting. Come on, let’s get the hell out of here.
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valnyte · 1 year
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I'm pretty sure his hairwashing will take an entire day (including drying it) as well as having half the castle's team of servants just for pouring the water over his head 😭
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dear-mrs-otome · 11 months
I love him when he angy 🔪
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judesmoonbeauty · 17 days
Jude Jazza Bond Stories Master List ☾.
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Please note: Since EN has released, I will only be translating bond levels which have not been released on EN yet. Currently, we have access to up to bond level 23 on EN, so translations will begin with level 25. These are fan translations only, so please expect grammatic errors and lack of nuance. While I appreciate your support and welcome reblogs, please do not repost my translations elsewhere. Thank you for you support! ☾.
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☾. Jude Jazza - Story Level 25 "Dining With Him" ☾. Jude Jazza - Story Level 27 "His Soliloquy" ☾. Jude Jazza - Story Level 29 “Sleeping Together” ☾. Jude Jazza - Story Level 31 “Sweet Good Morning” ☾. Jude Jazza - Story Level 33 "Sweet Night"
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Dividers: @/natimiles [Master List]
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floydsteeth · 2 months
I love sending cybird an email explaining that the game crashes every time I open a bond story and then explain everything I've tried to fix it, and the email they send back is just telling me to do exactly what I've already tried :)
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dododrawsstuff · 18 days
What if I said I'm making a "suitor" OC for Ikevil..?
Edit: I did it.....
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autumn-ginkgo-leaves · 2 months
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Shush he’s talking about his bandages but is he (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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