#il mare=the sea; ehi = hey
evisconti · 2 months
@seachant liked .
the beach shore just off the ligurian sea is a very familiar place for ercole. on this side of town , opposite of the docks , fishermen tend to stray away out of superstition. it's always the heebie - jeebies with the townfolk [ . . . ] passing up a beautiful view of il mare just because of some old stories. whatever —— more for ercole !
resting back on the sand , he just about drifts off into his thoughts when he hears a distinct splashing off to his right. what's this ? someone invading his happy place ? well , that just wouldn't do.
slightly irritated , the man pulls himself off the ground and marches over to a wall of rocks — peering over to see who could be trespassing. eyes land on a feminine figure , draped by her long , wet , vibrant red hair. confusion strikes .. ercole doesn't recognize her.
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whoever this was , she was certainly not welcome. ❝ ehi ! ❞ he calls out to her , waving a hand. ❝ what d'you think you're doing here , eh ? ❞
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sciogli-lingua · 6 years
Vieni a ballare in Puglia || Caparezza || Italian lyrics + English translation
[This is not an easy song to translate, nor to understand without context: in this 2008 hit Apulian-born Caparezza addresses some serious issues plaguing this southern region, such as occupational fatalities, pollution and exploitation of immigrant workers. I added a couple of notes to clarify the passages that I felt needed further expalation.]
I delfini vanno a ballare¹ sulle spiagge Dolphins go dance on the shores Gli elefanti vanno a ballare in cimiteri sconosciuti Elephants go dance in obscure graveyards Le nuvole vanno a ballare all'orizzonte Clouds go dance on the horizon I treni vanno a ballare nei musei a pagamento Trains go dance in museums that charge an entry fee E tu, dove vai a ballare? And you, where are you going to dance?
Vieni a ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Come dance in Apulia, Apulia, Apulia Tremulo come una foglia, foglia, foglia Trembling like a leaf, leaf, leaf Tieni la testa alta quando passi vicino alla gru Keep your head high when you’re walking by the crane Perché può capitare che si stacchi e venga giù Because it might as well come off and fall down
Ehi, turista, so che tu resti in questo posto italico Hey, you tourist, I know you’re staying at this Italian place Attento, tu passi il valico, ma questa terra ti manda Careful, you’re crossing over, but this land will drive Al manicomio, mare Adriatico e Ionio² You nuts, Adriatic Sea and Ionian Sea Vuoi respirare lo iodio You want to breathe some iodine Ma qui nel golfo c'è puzza di zolfo But here in the gulf you can smell the sulfur Ché sta arrivando il demonio For the devil is coming Abbronzatura da paura con la diossina dell'ILVA³ [Get] a sick tan thanks to ILVA’s dioxin Qua ti vengono pois più rossi di Milva⁴ Here you get polka dots redder than Milva E dopo assomigli alla Pimpa⁵ And then you look like Pimpa Nella zona spacciano la moría più buona In the area they push the finest blight C'è chi ha fumato i veleni dell'ENI⁶ Some have smoken toxins from ENI Chi ha lavorato ed è andato in coma Some worked and went into a coma Fuma persino il Gargano⁷, con tutte quelle foreste accese Even Gargano is fuming, with all those lit up forests Turista tu balli e tu canti, Tourist, you sing and dance, Io conto i defunti di questo paese I count the deceased of this country Dove quei furbi che fanno le imprese Where the wise guys leading the enterprises No, non badano a spese Spare no expense, no Pensano che il protocollo di Kyoto⁸ They think the Kyoto protocol Sia un film erotico giapponese Is some Japanese erotic film
Vieni a ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Come dance in Apulia, Apulia, Apulia Dove la notte è buia, buia, buia Where the night is dark, dark, dark Tanto che chiudi le palpebre e non le riapri più So much that you shut your eyelids and never open them again Vieni a ballare e grattati le palle pure tu⁹ Come dance, and you can touch wood, too Che devi ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Having to dance in Apulia, Apulia, Apulia Tremulo come una foglia, foglia, foglia Trembling like a leaf, leaf, leaf Tieni la testa alta quando passi vicino alla gru Keep your head high when you’re walking by the crane Perché può capitare che si stacchi e venga giù Because it might as well come off and fall down
È vero, qui si fa festa, It’s true, we party here, Ma la gente è depressa e scarica But the people are depressed and burned out Ho un amico che per ammazzarsi This friend of mine to had to be hired by a factory Ha dovuto farsi assumere in fabbrica To finally kill himself Tra un palo che cade ed un tubo che scoppia Between a pole falling and an exploding pipe In quella bolgia s'accoppa chi sgobba In that mess who slaves away kicks the bucket E chi non sgobba si compra la roba And those who don’t slave away buy themselves some dope E si sfonda finché non ingombra la tomba And stuff themselves until they clutter their tomb Vieni a ballare, compare, nei campi di pomodori Come dance in the tomato fields, buddy Dove la mafia schiavizza i lavoratori Where the mafia enslaves workers E se ti ribelli vai fuori And if you fight back, you’re out Rumeni ammassati nei bugigattoli Romanians piled up in closets Come pelati in barattoli Like peeled tomatoes in cans Costretti a subire i ricatti di uomini Forced to be blackmailed by men Grandi ma come coriandoli As big as confetti Turista tu resta coi sandali, non fare scandali Tourist, keep your sandals on, don’t raise any scandal Se siamo ingrati e ci siamo dimenticati If we’re ungrateful and we’ve forgotten Di essere figli di emigrati That we’re the children of emigrants Mortificati, non ti rovineremo la gita Mortified, we won’t spoil your trip Su, passa dalla Puglia, passa a miglior vita¹º  Come on, stop by Apulia, pass to a better life
Vieni a ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Come dance in Apulia, Apulia, Apulia Dove la notte è buia, buia, buia Where the night is dark, dark, dark Tanto che chiudi le palpebre e non le riapri più So much that you shut your eyelids and never open them again Vieni a ballare e grattati le palle pure tu Come dance, and you can touch wood, too Che devi ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Having to dance in Apulia, Apulia, Apulia Dove ti aspetta il boia, boia, boia Waiting for you is the hangman, hangman, hangman Agli angoli delle strade spade più di re Artù¹¹ On street corners, more swords than at king Arthur’s court Si apre la voragine e vai dritto a Belzebù The pit opens and you fall straight to Beelzebub
O Puglia, Puglia mia, tu Puglia mia O Apulia, Apulia of mine, you, Apulia of mine Ti porto sempre nel cuore quando vado via I always carry you in my heart when I leave E subito penso che potrei morire senza te And right away I think I could die without you E subito penso che potrei morire anche con te And right away I think I could die with you, too
Notes ¹ Throughout the song, ballare (“dancing”) is used ironically to mean morire (“dying”). ² These are the two seas bordering Apulia. ³ ILVA is an Italian steelworks company. Here Caparezza is referring to the pollution caused by the industial area of Taranto. ⁴ Italian singer, also known as La Rossa (“The Redhead”). ⁵ A red-spotted dog, the main character of the Italian comic strip of the same name. ⁶ Italian multinational oil and gas company. ⁷ Well-known Apulian area; here Caparezza is alluding to the many summer forest fires that sadly plague Italy. ⁸ It was an agreement negotiated in 1997 to mandate country-by-country reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions. ⁹ A literal translation of grattati le palle would be “scratch your balls”; not the classiest saying ever, but touching your testicles is believed to keep bad luck away in Italy. ¹º While passare a miglior vita literally means “to pass to a better life”, it’s actually an euphemism for dying. ¹�� Spada (“sword”) is a slang term for the syringe used by heroin addicts to inject themselves.
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sayitaliano · 7 years
Caparezza ft. Al Bano | Vieni A Ballare In Puglia
This song contains lots or Italian culture references, so I am going to mention a few here just to generally give you a background story. This is a song of denunciation for many of the wrong things that happen in Puglia but that only people living there know of. Tourism is still huge in this Region, and oftentime tourists don’t know what’s going on cause they generally see the good side of this place (which is indeed very beautiful). ILVA in Taranto is a steel mill that has been accused in 2012 of lacking and not following several safety norms and laws both for people and environment (among which, it produces dioxin). Milva is a famous singer and La Pimpa is a very famous old cartoon you may know too or watch on Raiplay. ENI is an Italian Association that is in charge of electric energy and marsh gas but also fuels, and in Puglia there’s probably the biggest refinery in our whole country. Many times there are fires caused by people either to mantain their seasonal job or to have more fields for their sheeps (it happnes all over Italy sadly). “Grattarsi le palle” is done to try and push away bad luck. It’s another thing we (Italian males) touch when there’s something wrong around, together with iron stuff, and our left tit (Italian females). When he mentions “romanians”: he’s mentioning the “caporalato” which is basically a way people especially in the south uses to recruit foreigners (in particular) and make them work for many hours in their fields and pay them nothing and treat them worse than beasts (used also abroad ofc).
I delfini vanno a ballare sulle spiagge Dolphins go dancing on the shores Gli elefanti vanno a ballare in cimiteri sconosciuti Elephants go dancing in unknown cemeteries Le nuvole vanno a ballare all'orizzonte Clouds go dancing on the horizon I treni vanno a ballare nei musei a pagamento Trains go dancing in paid admission museums E tu dove vai a ballare? And where do you go dancing?
Vieni a ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Come dancing in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Tremulo come una foglia, foglia, foglia I tremble like a leaf, leaf, leaf Tieni la testa alta quando passi vicino alla gru Keep your head up when you walk near a crane Perché può capitare che si stacchi e venga giù Because it may happen that it detaches and fall down
Ehi turista so che tu resti in questo posto italico Hey tourist I know you stay in this Italian place Attento! Tu passi il valico ma questa terra ti manda al manicomio Beware! You walk over the pass but this place sends you to the mental hospital Mare Adriatico e Ionio, vuoi respirare lo iodio Adriatic and Ionio seas, you want to breathe iodine Ma qui nel golfo c'è puzza di zolfo, ché sta arrivando il demonio But here in the gulf it smells like sulfur, because the devil is coming Abbronzatura da paura con la diossina dell'ILVA Sick tan thanks to ILVA’s dioxin Qua ti vengono pois più rossi di Milva e dopo assomigli alla Pimpa Here you get polka dots that are more red that Milva and then you look like Pimpa Nella zona spacciano la moria più buona In the area they peddle the bestest great death toll C'è chi ha fumato i veleni dell'ENI There’s people that smoked ENI’s poisons Chi ha lavorato ed è andato in coma Whoh worked and then went into a coma Fuma persino il Gargano, con tutte quelle foreste accese Even the Gargano smokes, with all those lighted on forests Turista tu balli e tu canti, io conto i defunti di questo paese Tourist you dance and sing, I count the deads of this Region Dove quei furbi che fanno le imprese, no, non badano a spese Where those cunnings that open businesses, no, they spare no expense Pensano che il protocollo di Kyoto sia un film erotico giapponese They believe the Kyoto protocol is a Japanese erotic movie
Vieni a ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Come dancing in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Dove la notte è buia, buia, buia Where the night is dark, dark, dark Tanto che chiudi le palpebre e non le riapri più So much that you close your eyes and don’t open them anymore Vieni a ballare e grattati le palle pure tu Come dancing and scratch you balls you too Che devi ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Because you have to dance in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Tremulo come una foglia, foglia, foglia I tremble like a leaf, leaf, leaf Tieni la testa alta quando passi vicino alla gru Keep your head up when you walk near a crane Perché può capitare che si stacchi e venga giù Because it may happen that it detaches and fall down
La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la Oh, oh
È vero, qui si fa festa, ma la gente è depressa e scarica It’s true, we party here, but people is depressed and unloaded Ho un amico che per ammazzarsi ha dovuto farsi assumere in fabbrica I have a friend that to get killed he had to be hired in a factory Tra un palo che cade ed un tubo che scoppia Between a pole that falls and a pipe that explodes In quella bolgia s'accoppa chi sgobba In that bedlam gets killed the one who works their a*s off E chi non sgobba si compra la roba And those who don’t work their a*s off they buy “the stuff” E si sfonda finché non ingombra la tomba And falls through until they don’t occupy their tomb
Vieni a ballare compare nei campi di pomodori Brother come dancing in tomatoes’ fields Dove la mafia schiavizza i lavoratori Where mafia enslaves workers E se ti ribelli vai fuori And if you rebel you’re out Rumeni ammassati nei bugigattoli come pelati in barattoli Romanians crammed in cubby holes like peeled tomatoes in jars Costretti a subire i ricatti di uomini grandi ma come coriandoli Obliged to endure blackmails of great men but (great/big) as a confetti Turista tu resta coi sandali e non fare scandali se siamo ingrati Tourist (keep) wear(ing) your sandals and do not make scandals if we’re not grateful E ci siamo dimenticati d'essere figli di emigrati And we forgot to be sons of emigrates Mortificati, non ti rovineremo la gita Mortified, we won’t ruin your trip Su, passa dalla Puglia, passa a miglior vita come on, pass in (visit) Puglia, pass out
Vieni a ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Come dancing in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Dove la notte è buia, buia, buia Where the night is dark, dark, dark Tanto che chiudi le palpebre e non le riapri più So much that you close your eyes and don’t open them anymore Vieni a ballare e grattati le palle pure tu Come dancing and scratch you balls you too Che devi ballare in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Because you have to dance in Puglia, Puglia, Puglia Dove ti aspetta il boia boia boia Where is waiting for you the executioner, executioner, executioner Agli angoli delle strade spade più di re Artù On street’s corners more swords than King Arthur Si apre la voragine e vai dritto a Belzebù The chasm opens up and you go straight to Belzebub
O Puglia Puglia mia tu Puglia mia Oh Puglia my Puglia you my Puglia Ti porto sempre nel cuore quando vado via I always carry you within my heart when I go away E subito penso che potrei morire senza te And I suddenly think I might die without you E subito penso che potrei morire anche con te And I suddenly think I might die also with you
La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la La, la, la, la, la, la
Silenzio, silenzio in aula (ssh, ssh) Silence, Silence in the courtroom Il signor Rezza Capa è accusato di vilipendio Mister Rezza Capa is accused of vilification Al turismo di massa e di infamia verso il fronte Of mass tourism and infamy towards the facade L'imputato ha qualcosa da rettificare? The defendant has something to rectify? Non ora signor giudice Not now your justice (mister judge) Sto giocando ai videogames I’m playing videogames
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