#ilae ad
erigold13261 · 10 months
Damn I love making family trees lol!
Gonna get to most characters but if anyone has a specific Eriverse character they want to see a tree for then let me know (already have Sayu Crew, Neon/1010, and Pav/Eve/Remi)
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whydoyouwantmyname · 4 months
Imagine being at the Royal Wedding
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Your body was surrounded by dancers, all whom had come to celebrate the young queen, and the ever powerful king, as your body stepped in the way of your traditions, you could not help but notice the whispers as eyes preyed on you like daggers. For you were the widowed maiden, you were the eldest, yet Otto Hightower had promised your sister, the last of your mother’s heirs to the father of her best friend. It was a promise that most viewed as odd, but then again, most knew that it was not the affections of Viserys I Targaryen that you sought.
For as you turned you felt a hand touch the small of your back, the partner before you paled as he stepped aside, for you did not even need to look to see who was taking his place as a smile grew across your face for the first time all night, “Daemon, must you always ruin a perfect evening with your presence?”
“If I remember correctly, it is a presence you once fancied, Lady Hightower, as I do recall you always following me among the courtyard.”his words were smooth as your eyes finally met, a twinkle in them that only you seemed to be able to create as a rare smile graced his face.
“I do not recall.” You replied, as his eyes scanned you, “Green suits you.”
“Red and black would suit me better.” You hissed as he chuckled, before taking your hand to engage in the dance.
“īlon emagon danced bisa lilagon gō issa riñnykeā, emagon īlon daor?” (We have danced this dance before my lady, have we not?) He spoke as you looked at him, sometimes wishing he had not taught you the language
“Naenie jēdi, nyke pāsagon se mōrī jēda istan rȳ issa own arranged dīnilūks. Pity, syt ser arryn istan nykeā sȳz dancer.” (Many times, I believe the last time was at my own arranged marriage. Pity, for Ser Arryn was a fine dancer.) You taunted as he smiled, “Ziry morghūltan nykeā honorable morghon isse vīlībāzma issa riñnykeā.” (He died an honorable death in battle my lady)
“Nykeā morghon ao daor doubt tymptan part isse.” (A death you no doubt played part in). You smiled back before adding, “Ry naejot ērinagon issa ondos, yn alas ao issi married naejot se brāedāzma aspo.” (All to win my hand, but alas you are married to the bronze bitch.)
“Nykeā dīnagon nyke emagon daor doubt aōha kepa tymptan nykeā role isse.” (A move I have no doubt your father played a role in.) he replied as you smiled, knowing the truth of the statement, “Nyke pāsagon īlon also danced hae bisa se bantis hen aōha own dīnilūks.” (I believe we also danced as this the night of your own wedding.)
“īlon istan fools naejot daor flee bona bantis, īlon could emagon issare rid hen bisa glaeson, se daorys would sagon se wiser.” (We were fools to not flee that night, we could have been rid of this life, and no one would be the wiser). He replied as your laughter filled his ears
“Kessa, kesrio syt se gēlenka ōghar would daor sagon nykeā sign bona ao issi targārien ānogar.” (Yes, because the silver hair would not be a sign that you are Targaryen blood.) you hand flipped his hair as he smiled, “Ziry istan nykeā mittys’s dream. Sir alas issa riñnykeā, nyke līs henujagon ao, hae nykeā mittys iksos approaching, daor doubt seeking aōha ondos.” (It was a fool’s dream. Now alas my lady, I must leave you, as a fool is approaching, no doubt seeking your hand.)
“Ossēnagon issa.” (Murder me) you groaned, before he took your hand and kissed it, butterflies fluttering within you as her whispered, “A pleasure as always Lady Hightower.”
“Oh do not speak as though we will not see each other before the break of dawn.” You whispered before turning away ever so slightly to meet the eyes of another suitor, as Daemon reluctantly stalked away, his hand lying on the hilt of his sword, ready to draw at your command.
“Se naejot pendagon ao jeldan naejot vestragon geros ilas” (And to think you wanted to say farewell). You whispered before taking a long sip from your gauntlet, your back leaning against the balcony wall as your eyes met Daemon’s, his lips pulling into a smile as he looked back to the city beneath him.
“Nyke istan gō se impression nykeā āeksio istan naejot laodigon ao qrīdrughagon tonight, nyke ūndegon sir nyke istan pirta.” (I was under the impression a lord was to steal you away tonight, I see now I was wrong) He replied, your body turning to look eyes taking in the same image as his eyes, just two inches to the right.
“Avy jorrāelan.” You whispered, your cup coming to your lips again but not meeting until you uttered softly, “Se mērī ao, daor āeksio jāhor gūrogon issa.” (I love you, and only you. No lord will take me.”
“Lo aōha kepa ryptan ao…” (if your father heard you) he started but you were quick to cut him off, “Fuck issa kepa, dakogon qrīdrughagon rūsīr issa.” (Fuck my father, run away with me.)
“Ao issi jomōzare riñnykeā Hightower.”(you are drunk Lady Hightower.) he whispered, as you looked at him, concern in his eyes, as you were never one to speak of fleeing…. If anything you were always the one telling him his place was at his brother’s side.
“No.” You replied, your voice soft as you leaned in, “I am just tired of this life, of denying ourselves what we truly desire, I say if it is I you want, then take me. We shall slip away into the city, and hide away.”
“Avy jorrāelan.” (I love you) he whispered, as you closed the already close gap between you, your lips moving in sync as he laced his fingers into your hair, his other pulling you closer before you slightly pulled away, “Dakogon qrīdrughagon rūsīr issa.” (Run away with me.)
“Hae ao jaelagon, issa dāria.” (As you wish, my queen)
And with that, Lady Hightower died, and a new woman of a new name was born within you. You were now Lady Targaryen, the first wife of Daemon Targaryen whom he truly loved
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jackhues · 1 year
bad reaction pt. 2 - mat barzal (au #2)
part one has been dubbed the 'bad reaction mat fic', so here's the second au of part two loll. here's the first au of part two! this kinda sucks, but it's not supposed to be a happy ending so yeah
gif not mine!
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it was quiet. too quiet.
you peered an eye open, trying to listen to any sound of noise in the apartment. you couldn't.
suspicious, you got to your feet, making your way down the hall and into your son's room. finding it empty, you suppressed a groan.
if he was awake and not making noise, it meant something was happening. something you wouldn't be happy about.
you silently headed down the hallway and towards the living room, mentally preparing yourself to clean up whatever mess nico had made this time. he was a rowdy kid. always making noise, breaking lamps, or creating messes.
but he had a heart of gold.
"nico," you called out your son's name a little hesitantly.
"in here, mama!" he responded.
you followed his voice to the living room, stopping in your tracks at the sight on the t.v. screen.
it had been years - six years - and that time had seemed to do mat well. he hadn't shaved recently, growing out a bit of scruff, and his brown eyes were just as lovely as you remembered.
he was in the middle of giving an intermission interview, answering the reporter with the standard responses.
"he shoots... he scores!" nico's voice broke your trance.
nico had taken the broom from the kitchen and was holding it as if it was a hockey stick. the tennis ball he was using as a puck slammed into the leg of the coffee table, adding another dent.
you shook your head to yourself, reaching for the remote to turn the t.v. off.
"no, mama wait!" nico called out. "i wanna watch the hockey game."
"it's a repeat, bubba," you told him. "the islanders already won. besides, i thought you didn't like hockey."
"i changed my mind," he shrugged simply. "but leave it, i wanna watch."
despite your heart aching at the sound of mat's voice - no matter how monotone it was - you gave in to your son's wishes, leaving the game on. insisting on turning the t.v. off would only make him suspicious.
the last thing you needed was for anyone to find out who nico's dad was.
tags:@woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme ,  @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots ,  @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy  ,  @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily  , @panarin10 ,  @equallyshaw ,   @power2myheart  ,  @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @hischierhaze, @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya ,  @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 ,  @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj , @youunravelme
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archerinventive · 2 years
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Thank you!
As the year comes to a close, I just wanted to stop and take a moment to thank all the people who have made this year possible for both the Archer Inventive shop, and for Loreamour and it's Knights.
It was a busy year filled with plenty of uncertainties, hurdles, and challenges to overcome, but thanks to all of you Loreamour was able to throw not just one event for the community but TWO! On top of that the The Knights of Loreamour were able to attend multiple events, and you allowed the Archer Inventive shop to continue to grow.
It took a lot of hard work, late nights, and a few smashed pumpkins, but thanks to all of you, we did it!!
So, to those who helped spread the word, or who inspired and motivated through kind words, Thank you!
To those who visited the shop. Thank you!
To those of you who came out to help us with setup and teardown, or simply to say hi, Thank you!
To those who donated their time and/ or resources to make all the events of this past year possible, Thank you!
And to those who came out to attend in the festivities and added their own laughter to the frivolity, Thank you! We couldn't have done this without you.
Here's to many more years of laughter as we gather and grow. Creating magical memories and new friendships to last a lifetime.
Best wishes to you all, and thank you for all your support!
Credit to: Emma Rockenbeck, Alexis Baker,  Mumma Archer, Ila Belle, Anthony Orange, Rae, Sarah Florian, Liv F.H. , Sara Danielle, Loni D Fairman, @confessions-of-a-ex-cheesaholic, Ila Faubion, @unicorn-shieldmaiden , Gabbi Lindley, David Lucio, Nate Castronovo, Lexi.the.First, Steven.the.Second, Damian, Paul, and Genevieve Duflock. :)
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taocc-updates · 4 months
”Oh, you like Taocc? Name every character.”
edit: I added the vague number of total characters listed. We’re at about 270, and I’m still adding characters.
(*By technicality
**formerly/no longer active/no longer acknowledged by the narrative as existing
***exist as of like ten seconds ago
I will only be including characters recognized as part of Taocc by more than one person. Characters will be vaguely grouped together however the frick I feel like and with only the vague suggestion of transitions. A character must have a tangible role that still has effects at the time of posting to be counted. I’m not counting all the deactivated characters from OG Taocc, for example. I am referencing the updates blog list as well as my following for this, because the challenge is to name them all, not to name them all by memory. Animals barely count sometimes when I feel like it.)
Gangle, Ragatha**, Pomni**, Kinger**, Zooble**, Caine*, Bubble**, S-Gangle, Shadow, Kaufmo, Sproingle, Unnamed Abtractions*, Easton West, Northa West, Lonn Gitud, Lattia Tudor, Felicia, Caleb, Zachariah Woods, Zombie anon, Simon Mallory/Silhouette/Aleksander, Isaac Brennan/Mix, Elida Doyle, Alice Mallory, Nikolai Harrison/Carbine, Artemis/Kepler, Calamity/Cassandra, Remnant, Sami Harrison, Yelena, Daniel, Artem, Charles/Plague Doctor Anon, Dialtone/Drias, Ilas/Amalgam, Trevor***, Archie***, Abigail***, Stella***, Paisley***, Espresso the Cat, Edward/Pharaoh, Abayomi, Clown Anon, Colorbine, Helpful Anon, Waffle Anon, Sparkler Anon, Kumo, Kopi, Violet, Stitch, Chance, Nightmare, Arthur Pendragon, Verie Pendragon, Mercutio, Juliet/Assassin Anon, Aokigahara, Dunite, Rocky, Rusty, Ryan, Dunite’s Parents, Deedee, Usagi/Usa, Icia/Ice anon, Fred, Odette/Odysseys, Samuel, Mytha, Celio, Basso, Vaga, Nova, Hexe, Slynn, Yume, Yume’s Mother and Father, the Protector, Ramona/Rae, Mirobelle, Ramiro, Achilles, Dime, Aklatan, Latte, Alexander (kingdom edition), Mocha, Switchboard, Ace Zeppelin, Damsel, Levi, Nathan, Myau, Nya, Mynou, Dusk, Jessy, Amelia, Jessy’s mother, Fynn, Joy, Ciana, Apollo, Virgo, Aster, Lance, Raina, Flare, Citrina, Citrina’s sisters (the only named one is “Jade”), Nymn, Nymn’s ex, Fae anon, Clara, Chip, Alpen, Unnamed Zodiac Angels, Kade, Feris, Pixel, Vanessa, Unnamed Arcade Worker 2/Mike, Conny, Shairo (deceased permanently), Hans, “John Smith”, Gun Pirate (lol), Unnamed Drunk Pirate, Unnamed Jar Lady, Unnamed third pirate with a gun, Dalia, Mikey, Anderson, Toga, Abstraction Anon, Quin, Blaze (Squiffer edition)/Zephyr, Skeleton anon, Mage Anon/Tanya, Camara, Avian, Sign Anon/Steven, Origami Anon/Octavia, Tea Anon/Kitsune/Katrina, Simon (Bookend), Seer anon/Sarah, Umbra, Arrows anon, Bow Anon, (Other) Bow Anon, Hex, Sun, Moon*, Sigil, Insanity, Dusty, Lantern/Eternal Flame, Eternity, Darkis, Infinity, Entity, Ember, Unknown, Juko, Lilo, Bob, Hammer, Mallet, Fox anon, Teleporting anon, Nuffle, Pyxel, Thanatos, Tiger, Siam, Sabrina (Sun’s daughter), Taika, Sisu, Quest, Tip, Stranger, Radio, Shelly, Astrion, Gaia, Aella, Electricity anon, Conspiracy anon, Bap Anon, Eve.chr, Phoenix*, The Dragon of Abyss, The Dragoness of Sky, Lemonade/Lewis, Reverie/Guidance anon, Unnamed Autumn Season, Unnamed Winter Season, Neb, Cardlan, Minimi, Entity (Backrooms edition), Casper, Manna, Pamela, Eden*, Grif, Trudy, Pen, Paper, Sophronius, Acacius, Milo, Drunk anon (deceased), Scissors anon, Thief Anon, Void anon, Cupcake anon, Chaos Enjoyer Anon, Thyme, Angst anon, villain anon, “Lucy”, Simp anon, Comax, Pickle gifter anon, pickle stealer anon, fish anon, deus ex machinanon, mail anon, foundation anon, lost anon, dropkick anon, Bug anon, Paranoia Anon, Rocket launcher anon, Kyubey, Mimic, Rodger, Ludvic, sunshine anon, anger anon, Frazzle, Wade, Loyal anon, Loyal Servant anon, the cookie run cookies lol, Felicia (top hat edition), Tophat, Greenie, Red(?), The Polygon Bees (TM), Eepy anon, Ethan, Dark, Void/Ollie, DJ, Star, Mercury/Marcus, Elysia/Evangeline Elizabeth Ambrosia, Blaze (Planetquest edition)/Brandon, Jasper, Callista/Leilani, Ursula, Ari, Lumiel/Lark, uhhh…I think that’s it
did I do it do I freaking win
Someone please count how many characters there are (there should be one comma per character if that helps)
Edit: Nevermind, I did it for you.
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This is a vague number, the actual number is higher than this, maybe about 270-300
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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The Netherlands authorizes Ukraine to use donated F-16 fighters to attack targets in Russia
Dutch politicians follow the same decision made by Denmark on the use of the F-16 for attacks within Russian territory.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/04/2024 - 08:00 in Military, War Zones
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The Netherlands announced that it will allow the Ukrainian Air Force to use the 24 F-16 fighters it will receive by donation to be used in attacks against targets within Russian territory.
The Dutch Minister of Defense, Kajsa Ollongren, confirmed that the Netherlands will not impose limitations on the use of F-16 jets. This decision marks a divergence from Belgium's policy, which limits the use of its donated F-16s.
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In an interview with the newspaper Politico at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Ollongren said: "There is no [a restriction to the Belgian style]. We are putting into practice the same principle that we apply to all other supplies of capacity, that is, once it is delivered to Ukraine, it is theirs to use." She added that the Netherlands only asks Ukraine to comply with international law and the right to self-defense, as established in the United Nations Charter, ensuring that the jets are used to achieve Ukraine's military objectives in self-defense.
Ollongren and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin were among the senior officials who met with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, at the Singapore conference. Denmark also approved Ukraine's use of F-16s provided by Denmark against military targets on Russian soil. Germany has also indicated that Ukraine can use weapons provided by the West for its defense.
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Recently, the U.S. authorized Ukraine to attack Russian territory near Kharkiv using U.S.-suplied weapons, confirmed by President Zelensky's spokesman, Serhii Nykyforov, on May 31. However, Washington continues to restrict the use of long-range weapons for deeper attacks within Russia. President Zelensky has expressed interest in using long-range weapons, such as British-made Storm Shadow missiles, but the United Kingdom has not yet fully authorized their use, possibly awaiting a clear position from the White House. The issue has been discussed twice with UK authorities, but remains dependent on a broader international consensus, particularly the US position.
Tags: Military AviationF-16 Fighting FalconUkraine Air ForceRNLAF - Royal Netherlands Air Force / Royal Dutch Air ForceWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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kika-ila · 1 year
Cara Kika-Ila,
Volevo giusto approfittarne per complimentarmi con te per Total Drama Kids. Non posso dire di essere un grande fan di A Tutto Reality (solo l'Isola e Missione Cosmo Ridicola mi sono piaciute), ma il tuo fancomic... MAMMA MIA!!! Mi sono affezionato ai personaggi come mai avrei pensato di potermici affezionare (mai avrei pensato di arrivare a voler proteggere Scott!!!), e adoro il tuo stile. Leggerlo è stato un po' come tornare per primo ai tempi dell'asilo/prima scuola elementare, e a tutto quanto di bello e brutto portino con sè. A quattro anni e mezzo passai per primo quello che passa Trent (uno dei miei personaggi preferiti dell'Isola, e uno dei più deragliati in assoluto...), e mi sono rivisto tantissimo in quell'implicito senso di colpa ("Volevo vederlo, ma non l'ho fatto...")
Continua così, e in bocca al lupo per il futuro!
Grazie mille!!!
Ammetto che purtroppo quel fancomic non riesco più a finirlo, le serie successive hanno talmente tanto maltrattato i personaggi da affossarmi qualsiasi entusiasmo (e dire che gli devo tanto, è con quelle prime fanart che ho iniziato ad avere un po' di visibilità).
Però ci sono molto affezionata, sarà anche stato pieno di errori e ingenuità, ma ci ho messo tutto quello che avevo dentro e che stavo imparando a fare, passo passo, e sono sempre molto felice di vedere quanta gente ancora se lo ricorda (anche se mi vergono un pochino perché, insomma, è come leggere il mio diario del liceo ^^; )
Ti lascio un piccolo Trent:
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mushangaa · 5 months
5 and 20 for the artist ask game! Hope your day is good!
5. What piece of art are you still proud of to this day? (Show or describe)
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Easy. This one. "Listen" 2010/03
It is 13 years old, I was 19 when I drew it. That was the year I moved out of my childhood home and moved into my first flat. A lot of struggles were had that year. I was so young. I had a different name. I was a different person. And this image takes me back to being so young and unsure of myself and the world around me. There is so much of me in this picture, so much emotions I felt at that time and while it is not the most elaborate piece compared to what I can do these days it was very complicated to pull off for past me. Get the lines in the background just right to keep the flow and emotion I felt. My fingers were stained with graphite by the end of getting the lines down and it took ages to line them. I have often contemplated on doing a redraw of this one but deep down I know, even if I could do better I will never reach that feeling and emotional beat that went into the original; so I don't. I simply cherish this one as is and when I look at it I feel peace and a sense of accomplishment because like I said. I was a different person back then. I was so, so young but this young person turned out okay. This young person grew and stood up again and again and handled itself better with each punch life threw and eventually became me. This piece is like an emotional time capsule to me. However I am working on another piece currently, and while it is a rendition of a Gustav Klimt artwork "Judith II" the emotions currently going in this one already tell me it shall be added to the roster of all time favourites. The stage it is at currently already pleases me deeply. I am playing a bit more loose with my interpretation as the key elements that I really wanted to hit with this rendition is especially the hands. The hands of the original artwork just do something for me the way she holds them the way the fingers are curled like claws. Also the way the body is bend. I really wanted these elements in there the most. Also it is a good piece to pull forth my love for detailed little elements that I often use in backgrounds and can throw here in the dress and all that.
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The characters in both pieces are mine by the way. In the first, that is Eve, from one of my older stories that experiences a bit of a hibernation as my focus shifted to newer projects. I have around 20 stories to bounce back and forth between and a lot of characters populating those so like... can't do all at the same time. For now I told myself to focus on two, one of those is The Unicorn Paradox of course. The other is "Raptamei" a found family type of deal but with pirates and the lady in the Judith II rendition is Ila (green peacock), she is part of that story.
20. What motivates/inspires you artistically? (topics, emotions, etc)
A lot of things. Music, Movement, Nature, People, Emotions. It depends on my mood and time of day and what is going on in my life in general. But like... it can be out of left field stuff like me zoning out at a river and the light hitting the surface right and suddenly I have an idea. I once chilled out at the bottom of a lake because it is very chill and quiet down there and muted and green and blue and the sun dances on the surface of the water and you know what water is kinda a big thing for me in general to let my mind wander and get inspired. Sometimes my mind just cooks things up when the music is just right. I heard a song recently - instrumental - that essentially wrote an entire scene for The Unicorn Paradox that has not existed prior and changed the direction of the story a bit in a way I have not thought of by then because I had an intense film reel popping off in my head in time to the beat of drums, dramatic violins and I think trumpets? Idk.
And of course emotions are a big thing. If I am not feeling it it ain't happening. Can I draw pretty stuff just because? Sure. But I myself can always tell if I drew something with feeling or just because even years later after the fact. I approach things different too for artwork I do for others depending on either how I feel about the person I draw for or how their works make me feel, and I think it shows`. To me it does at least. And in general, all my stories are tied to specific emotions and those bleed into the lines and colours. If I may refer back to the Unicorn Paradox - that story is born from grief but also hope and healing and it could've been entirely original (kind of) for sure but it popped up on a whim when I drew a cowboy and a sad horsegirl and I was like... you know what yeah. Yeah. Because in a difficult time of my life I became active in the fandom and it brought me relief and a sense of peace during even my off-days and then it kinda became "nah it has to be tmnt actually. it could be original but also not. Not really"
So mh yeah, lot of things do inspire me, sometimes the most random things that only make sense in my head on how they tapped a button in my brain but the biggest thing is Emotions. Music too but that invokes an emotional response so we go back to Emotion mainly. Thank you for asking <3 My day has been fabulous. I hope you had a lovely day as well Wren <3 Feel booped.
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der-papero · 1 year
Presto la bicicletta ad Ilaria.
Io: allora, Ila, la combinazione del lucchetto è 16384, se non dovessi ricordarla è 2 elevato a 14. Ilaria:
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Adesso capisco perché ci sono solo pochissime persone al mondo che mi vogliono davvero bene (e mi vanto nel poter dire che lei è una di quelle).
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prpfz · 2 months
Rytsas! 🐉🐎 18+ (they/them) and looking for something incredibly niche. With the Paris Olympics going on, the inspiration is everywhere. Now hear me out!
I'm looking for a House of The Dragon rp set in modern times with the Targaryens as (in)famous Equestrians who have dominated the industry for generations. This can go across various disciplines - showjumping, hunter, eventing, dressage etc.. There's a lot to explore there if you're familiar with how corrupt things have become, it's all about money and what it can buy.
For the rp itself, I'm open to sticking to canon pairings or pursuing our own (personally a big fan of Daemond and Rhaenicent as ships so I'd love to include those). This can involve many different tropes, I have very few limits and triggers so feel free to bring your own ideas. I do ask you to be 18+, literate, active in both plotting and writing, and have a general idea about horses and the sport (you absolutely don't have to be an expert).
I know this is super niche so I don't expect a lot of interest - if any - but if this appeals to you, give the ad a like and I will be sure to reach out to you! Geros ilas!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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neopronouns-in-action · 2 months
Requests not used yet:
Neopronouns used so far:
x/xself (secondary)
ne/rix/riv/rixelf (background)
zae/zaem/zaer/zaemself (secondary)
zae/zaem/zaer/zaemself (secondary)
li/liself (background)
they/them/their/themself (secondary)
mys (background)
che/chim/chis/chimself, (primary)
xi/xir/xirself, (primary)
thi/hil/(hilz)/hilself (secondary)
ze/zim/zis/zimself (secondary)
li/lia/lias/liaself (secondary)
Dy (first person pronoun, background)
tal/lyn/talyn (background)
ri/riv/rivs/riverself (secondary)
hea/ler/(lers)/lerself (background)
he/her (background)
ŝi/ŝia/ (background)
vamp/pyr/pyrs/vampself (background)
ghost/ghosts/ghostself (incidental)
bat/bats/batself (incidental)
thorn,thorns,thornself (incidental)
tech/techno/techs/techself (incidental)
tuo/tuak/tuar/tuaresi (background)
null/nulls (secondary)
thon/thons/thonself (secondary)
that one/that one’s/that one’s own,
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jackhues · 1 year
oo could you do an ig edit for your celly? maybe older hughes!sister has a 2/3 year old kid & got to see luke’s debut and the game he scored his 1st goal, and prepping for playoffs tomorrow.
ohh i love this so much!! a little too much, and i kinda got carried away. lowkey wanna make this an au, lmk what y'all think <3
ALSO: picture credits (from the devs and caps game) to @whatashameshespuckedinthehead thank youu &lt;3
peanut's world! au masterlist!
peanut's world! au request rules!
moosey's debut!
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liked by njdevils, _quinnhughes, elblue_06, and others
peanutsmama: in honour of moose's debut and first goal, pls enjoy this little dump of peanut and luke! (ft. a wild jack)
pinned peanutsmama: jack is only featured here bcz he sat on me and refused to get up until he was added
pinned peanutsmama: also, i wish i had pics of peanut in her devils jersey and enjoying her uncle lukey's debut, but someone (totally not jack) stole my charger before the game and didn't give it back
jackhughes: wowow this is why quinn's the fav older sibling -> peanutsmama: you say that online, but we all know who you run to at the smallest inconvenience -> _quinnhughes: @/yourusername, can't you let me have my moment? -> peanutsmama: no 😝
lhughes06: this just proves i'm peanut's fav uncle, i mean look at her running to me -> trevorzegras: nah she likes me more -> yourusername: actually z, i think she's a little scared of you. you were singing to tswift a little too loud last summer
userone: this is so cute
usertwo: i see two babies in the second pic -> yourusername: no lies spotted
_quinnhughes: congrats moose! (also, peanut was happier with me in vancouver) -> lhughes06: i call bs
elblue_06: oh my babies 💓 -> peanutsmama: love you ma 🤍 -> jackhughes: i love you more -> peanutsmama: get off my post
jackhughes: i guess no one's gonna say congrats to me -> peanutsmama: i thought i told you to get off my post -> _quinnhughes: congrats on being y/n's least fav sibling
peanutsdad: aww my baby ❤️❤️ -> lhughes06: thanks dad, love you too 💓 -> peanutsdad: love you more son -> peanutsmama: you ppl see what i have to deal with🤦‍♀️ -> lhughes06: personally, i see nothing wrong with a son and his dad trying to have a conversation -> peanutsdad: yeah stop hating
userthree: this is literally the cutest family ever and you can't change my mind
userfour: ahh, i bet peanut's so excited for playoffs -> peanutsmama: she can't wait! she has very little understanding of the concept, but knows it's important to her uncles and is refusing to take off her devs jersey -> userfive: omgg that's so cute 🥰 -> peanutsmama: no srsly, she's refusing to take the jersey off even though she spilt her milk. send help pls -> elblue_06: calling you right now
tags (bcz this pretty much turned into a regular ig edit): @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @svechnikovvv, @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots , @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders ,  @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily , @panarin10 ,  @equallyshaw ,  @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes ,  @mitchymainer ,  @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002 , @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94 , @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @diary-of-jj
join peanut's world! au taglist!
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braveclementine · 3 months
January 8, 2015; 11:12 A.M.
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book.
Copyright: My OCs are Coach Yonce, Emma, Ila, Tempus, and Itty Bitty. I own these characters. I do not condone any copying of this.
 was freezing as I walked through the parking lot to the ward. Downey pulled the door open with ease, looking rather unbothered by the snowy weather. I hated him just a bit for that.
Mr. Trump and Chris were also with us. We'd been introduced to his son, Eric, who was taking his fathers place at the winery. He seemed nice enough, married with a few kids. Polite and courteous, perhaps more than his father who had a brusque, slightly charming nature about him.
Once we were in the ward, the secretary behind the desk looked up, her face colouring with blush upon all of the famous faces.
"I'm sorry." She said and I could hear the actual regret in her tone. "But Y/N Y/L/N is in no condition to have visitors today."
"Perhaps we could do a walk-by?" Trump suggested. "Like I did yesterday? Mr. Stan is a very, very close friend of hers and hasn't seen her in forever."
The secretary hesitated and then said, "Let me call on one of her doctors. If they give you the go ahead then you may. If not, I'll have to ask you to leave."
"Very well." Trump said, which didn't suit with me at all. Downey shot me a warning look.
After a few moments on the phone, the secretary looked relieved and said, "You may go through those double doors at the end of the hallway. Doctor Rum will be waiting to take you to her."
We followed through on her orders, waiting in the foyer until a tall man with brown hair and a clean beard came through the door. "This way please."
I was on edge until we came to a wide, open room. There were several other children here, ranging from eight to eighteen at least. There weren't many, but enough to make the room seem busy, especially adding in other doctors and nurses.
Y/N was in the corner of the room with a nurse. She looked tense and on edge, the way she had the night of the dinner where children had died outside of the room. The night before they sent her into the maze.
The nurse seemed to be talking to her in a terse manner, but whatever she was saying seemed to be going through one ear and out the other.
"Miss Y/L/N?" Doctor Rum said and Y/N looked up. I could read fear in her eyes, more than any other emotion, till they slid over to us and then there was some hope.
"I'll leave you with Nurse Jillian." Doctor Rum said as we started to take seats around her. I sat closest to her, next to her. She reached out to me, her hand holding mine. I squeezed her hand tightly.
"Are you okay?" I asked her softly. "You reply everything with the opposite of how you feel." I added in undertone.
"Yes, I'm okay." She said, staring at me in the eyes, urging me to understand that she was not okay.
"Are you sure?" I asked, letting my voice become a normal voice level so that the nurse wasn't suspicious. "I mean, Ila was a very close friend of yours."
"I mean, I wish she hadn't killed herself, but now that I'm in a better mindset than last time, I know she really did kill herself." She responded lightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Chris frowned, Downey looked mildly interested, and the nurse relaxed immensely.
The other three let me talk to her and out of all of her answers, I drew that she was terrified of this place. She needed out.
"Here." I said as we neared our visit. "You asked me to teach you how to draw. We can draw something real quick."
"A cat?" She asked with a small smile.
"Sure." I said. I pretended to be guiding her hand before she wrote, 'Emma is next. Then Itty. Then me.'
"Try again." I murmured, erasing the picture for her. "This line could have more curvage to it."
Donald, Downey, and Chris kept Nurse Jillian distracted with questions, some of them sincere, some of them fake. Robert even got her to laugh with one of his stupid stories. I didn't mind.
"Times up." Doctor Rum said. By this point, we had a slightly messy cat drawn, but it was a good cat, if I do say so myself. His eyes glanced over our drawing.
"You can keep it." I told her, "Just a little something for me till you get out. Then I'll get you a real cat."
She smiled, the first true smile that she'd worn since we'd been here.
We all stood and I pulled her into a tight hug. She buried her face into my chest and now that my arms were around her, I could feel how skinny she was. She'd lost weight. A lot of it.
"I'm gonna get you out of here doll." I murmured, stroking her hair. "I promise. I'll get all of you out."
I kissed the top of her head, not entirely sure how they'd react if I kissed her on the lips.
Then Doctor Rum escorted us out, talking about how much better Y/N seemed to be doing under our visit and that we could maybe come back. That gave me a little hope, but Downey didn't seem to like it very much.
Once we were gone, we didn't say anything until we were back in the hotel, Christina Bobb was there too, ready to take note of everything I said in case we needed to make a lawsuit.
"Alright Stan, you seemed to get a good connection with her." Trump said. "Tell us what she said."
"We came up with a code that she was to respond the opposite to all of my questions. That way she wouldn't get in trouble. So when I asked about Ila, she said she really believed she committed Suicide. In reality, she means that she doesn't. She's terrified of the place, she really does think they're going to kill her."
I relayed as much information as I could back to them.
"What about the drawings?" Trump asked. "I'm assuming you weren't actually drawing?"
"No. She said they're going to kill her last. They'll go after Emma next, then Itty, then her." I said.
"Jesus, is this never over?" Chris asked, drawing a hand over his face.
"I think the first thing we should do then is contact the U.S. Embassy in England." Trump said, looking at Mrs. Bobb.
"I don't know in this case." She admitted, biting her bottom lip. "Involving ourselves with the U.S. Embassy in England may alert that Miss Y/L/N alerted us to something. It could backlash on her. However, it would be imprudent not to attempt to save Miss Smith's life. We would have to trust that the Officials at the English Psychiatric care unit will cooperate immediately and I'm not sure if we can."
"I want Y/N out first." I replied selfishly, knowing perfectly well how pissed she would be at me knowing I didn't attempt to save her two friends first.
"We can get Miss Lo and Miss Y/L/N out at the same time." Donald said. "If they're going to go after Miss Smith first, then she should be our top priority. We only know our time is running out if Miss Smith dies."
"I don't like it." I said like a stubborn little kid.
"I don't like it either." Robert said, frowning. "It feels like it's only us against the entire world. I don't know who I can trust with this stuff besides the people in this room."
We were all silent for a moment.
"I've got some people I can call favors in for over in Scotland Yard." Trump finally said. "Some connections for some people I did real estate work for. They're in law enforcement and I think I can get them to help."
"Thank you." I replied sincerely, shaking his hand before he and Mrs. Bobb departed for their separate hotels.
"We could break into the psychiatric firm." Robert suggested. "To bad I don't have a real Iron man suit."
Chris and I both rolled our eyes.
"Oh well." Robert sighed, "We'll have to do this the smart way."
"What are we going to do?" I asked. "We know a lot of famous people, but not anyone who can really help us with this."
"I don't know yet." Robert admitted. "But hopefully we figure it out soon." 
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ceruleanbender · 5 months
//Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to crack my knuckles and get some stuff done. Last two weeks were pretty busy.
I've been thinking of adding both Lei (OC) and Bumi to Ila's blog as request or secondary Muses. I'd also like to add my other OC, Enuk, to the list at some point. Anyway, all these Muses are linked back to Ila. I'm a bit afraid to add Bumi, however, as he's a legend and PRESSURE cause I'll definitely screw up. Me and playing Canon characters 🫠
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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Germany will buy 20 additional Eurofighter jets amid growing defense needs
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 06/05/20204 - 09:00am ILA Berlin, Military
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Germany will strengthen its defense capabilities with the purchase of 20 additional Eurofighter jets from Airbus, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced on Wednesday (05/06). This decision comes at a time when the NATO member country is increasing its defense spending in response to the escalation of geopolitical tensions following Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Chancellor Scholz made the announcement during the opening of the ILA air show, held on the outskirts of Berlin, where he highlighted his government's commitment to maintain and expand Germany's arms production capacity.
? Just announced at #ILA24: Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that Germany will order 20 Eurofighters for @team_luftwaffe in the current legislative period, adding to the 38 aircraft from the Quadriga contract that are already being produced. We welcome this decision as an important...
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— Airbus Defence (@AirbusDefence) June 5, 2024
“That's why we will order 20 more Eurofighters before the end of this legislative session – in addition to the 38 aircraft currently in preparation,” said Scholz. He emphasized that this substantial order would provide long-term security to Airbus and its network of suppliers, ensuring the stability and growth of the European defense industry.
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The decision to expand the Eurofighters fleet aligns with Germany's broader strategy to improve its military readiness and capabilities in a context of growing security threats in Europe. The additional jets will significantly increase the operational capacity of the German Air Force, ensuring that it remains equipped to face contemporary defense challenges.
Tags: airbusMilitary AviationEurofighter TyphoonILA Berlin Air ShowLuftwaffe - German Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
taylor's halloween series!
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hi! we're back, and better than ever with yet another halloween series. again, i will be doing the same for christmas, but this year, i added a top gun fic! from october 27-31, a fic will be dropping every day. hope you all enjoy :)
day one: not a real superhero (jake "hangman" seresin)
tyler seresin had been planning his halloween costume for weeks and decided on spider-man, but as the day gets closer, he's not so sure. so, with the help of his mom, he decides to surprise his dad with a new costume.
day two: winner, winner, pumpkin dinner (dougie hamilton)
at the devil's annual halloween party, the host’s decide to have a couple's costume party, and the prize, for the winning couple, is loads of candy, a couple's massage, oh, and of course, pumpkins.
day three: the fairest apple of them all (quinn hughes)
the hughes family goes apple picking, in search of the perfect apple in the orchard. and of course, the rest of the family comes along. (part of "the hughes gang" series)
day four: into a pile (zack macewen)
while cleaning up the front lawn, y/n decides to be a menace and jumps into the pile of freshly gathered leaves that zack had just raked up.
day five: halloween, hockey style (andrei svechnikov)
halloween falls on game day, which means theo and anastasia are spending their halloween at the arena. lucky for them, some of the staff put together something special for all the canes kids. (part of the "mr. and mrs. svechnikov" series)
tagging some friends: @2manytabsopen @kolsmikaelson @miracleonice87 @boqvistsbabe @fallinallincurls @typical-simplelove @senditcolton @rosesvioletshardy @iwantahockeyhimbo @jostystyles @islesnucks @raysofcrosby @laurenairay @sydnikov @nylwnder @alextturcotte @quietblues @youngbeezer @fiveminutesforfarabee @lam-ila @sebbyaho @drei-mrssvechii @lucasraymonds @sorryjustafangirl @boeswhore @hugheshugs (sorry if i missed you)
there is no taglist, but each of these pieces will drop at 12pm pst, so keep an eye out for that. also, i know there's a lot of dad! stuff, so if that makes you uncomfortable, please just don't read it.
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