#ill make a seperate blog for the art tho
m0th-hours · 2 years
this au is a few months old now but im gonna introduce it anyways >:]
so like
me and a friend we're both into OMORI and Ace Attorney, and as a joke during a gartic phone session she joked: "omg what if miles but sunny"
so yeah thats a thing now!!!! BECAUSE IT SOMEHOW FITS???
This Unnamed (ish, its named after the MC, but idk i wanna name it somethin else) AU is a crossover AU where instead of Sunny pushing Mari down the stairs, it revolves around the DL-6 incident.
Here are some basic details:
MILES takes on the SUNNY role, however I do imagine him just disliking crowds and often takes nightly walks ((cough cough this is how Turnabout Goodbyes happens in this au)) instead of being a complete shut in. Still not mentally the best though, because he got 0 therapy for his traumas
PHOENIX takes on the BASIL role, where in this AU he too got involved with the whole DL-6 Incident!!!! yayayayay trauma buddies! Poor mans originally wanted to just be a photographer but became a defense attorney :[
FRANZISKA is AUBREY. No questions asked it just... fits. Absent parents, anger issues... The only difference is that she's the same age as the rest.
LARRY is KEL. He took up boxing as a kid, and he's just a lil guy who is awful at reading the room,,,
we dont have a HERO role unfortunately :[ miles doesnt have enough friends lmao
GREGORY is MARI for obvious reasons,, the friend group's dad figure,,, definately gets them mcdonalds
While i know that according to the wiki, miles can play the piano and flute, he plays the viola in this AU bc we need more viola representation as a viola player myself /hj
the omori kid is named MIKKO which is ironic as i didnt know at the time that here on tumblr there's a person in the omori fandom who goes by miko so thats a thing lmao,,
I'd talk more about headspace but my lil brain isnt up to it rn,,,,, will do it though,,,,
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divinebovine12185 · 5 years
March Catch-up
So I decided to make this blog after seeing someone elses that they were doing for pretty much the same thing (Thanks Baby Bahamut). Seeing as this is march now, I have lots of catching up to do. So, here’s what I’ve beaten so far;
Mutant Mudds (3DS): This was a game that I’d picked up sometime in 2012, and then kind of forgot about. I think its been sitting on my 3DS ever since, and I’ve kept meaning to get back to it. This was its year I guess, and I decided to finally beat it to start the year. I started a new game aaaaaand...instantly remembered why I never beat it.
It just feels like so much nothing. The graphics are pretty meh, story might as well not exist, and the action isn’t really that fun, more frustrating. Especially near the end of the game, the controls really aren’t tight enough to support what it wants to do. Beat it and instantly deleted it. 3/10
West of Loathing (Switch): This was a real surprise. When I read that it was from the same guys who did Kingdom of Loathing, I thought it might be ok, but it could also just be try-hard random. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the humour was actually really clever, and the combat, while super basic, was pretty fun! I also couldn’t stop exploring and clicking on every little thing to see what it did. If I had any problems, it was that the ending was a little too abrupt, and that the combat difficulty tended to be all over the place at times. Great game, and I will definitely be playing the DLC at some point. 8/10
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA): Well, technically I played in on my 3DS, but its a GBA game so I’ll let it be. Anyways, what a fantastic little pocket zelda game! The world was pretty compact, but thanks to the kinstones I was always exploring, and the graphics, while being super cute, also kept things clear and easy to read. It’s pretty hard to know where to go, but with a ton of exploration even I managed to find my way to the next dungeon.
The equipment you find was super fun too; I didn’t realize that they had managed to get things like the deku leaf in a 2D zelda, and had lots of fun with it. Backtracking with them was great too, as re-exploring old areas always felt fresh. Definitely a must play if you haven’t already. 9/10
Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (GBC): I already beat the original way back in the late 90′s, but I figured that the GBC version was different enough to call it a seperate game.
So this one definitely scratched a nostalgia itch, but it was kind of a mistake playing it after a more modern one. The items felt a little more basic, the movement a little more stilted. Still a great game, but definitely aged just a bit. And the colour dungeon was really basic, didn’t feel like much of a challenge. Again, still worth playing, but without the nostalgia glasses, its aged. 7/10
Sonic Forces (PS4): So I know that this is a “bad” sonic game according to the mainstream, and I can totally see why (homing attacks barely work, kind of a dumb story, etc etc) but for some weird reason I actually kind of enjoyed the levels...so much so that I think I’ll go for that crazy grindy platinum! (Tho whoever thought of a trophy for getting 100,000 rings, I will find you and punch you). Theres just something fun about the missions, and again some of the levels I really enjoy. And the avatar dress-up (despite sounding dumb at first) is actually pretty great once you unlock a bunch of the clothing options.
A solid 6/10
Pokemon Shield (Switch):  Okaaay, so this one is controversial. Maybe its just me being a pokemon fanboy, but I still really liked this entry. Sure it was really easy (mostly), but the things I love about the pokemon franchise were still here. Sure most of the monsters aren’t, but they are coming, and since I’m more interested in the competitive meta than the story, its kind of refreshing. 
See, in past gens, the same pokemon have been on top forever (for the most part), and then you have the same pokemon that deal with them well, and before you know it, all the competitive tiers (shoutout to smogon) look the same as the past gen, and I’m already bored. Here, its a chance to remake them fresh, and I’ve been loving it. As well, they’ve made it WAY easier to train up competitive pokemon. I already have a team ready to go, and it didn’t take me a whole month to do it!
All in all, very happy with this entry, and can’t wait to see whats in the expansions. 8/10
APE OUT (PC): Guess this is the arbitrary “Arty” entry eh? So basically you are an ape that is breaking out of various places, and you attack by grabbing and throwing people at walls or each other. When you do, they die in a really satisfying explosion of blood. The really cool part of the whole thing is that its all set to a drum solo that encompasses the sound effects and everything. When you just start a level, its really quiet, but as the carnage starts, the beat picks up organically and you can really get into it! And the art style is so clean and simple, yet very artistic. Just a neat game all around!
After reading this, it sounds great, right? Well, there are a couple things that actually made this one kind of hard to finish. See, the game is super satisfying, until you’ve died a million times from something you had no control over; A couple examples are getting sniped from way off screen, or RNG making 6 super tough enemies appear in a room you just ran into, meaning instadeath. Also, the graphics are really cool, but some effects make it super hard to see what was going on, 5/10
What’s Next?
Right now, I’m just working on the platinum for Sonic, but next month I think I feel like playing the Full Throttle remake. Once I’ve beaten something, Ill be sure to make a post about it! Thanks for reading!
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