#ill replay and be loyal cause this was too :((
me, romancing both reinhold & wyatt: surely there won't be any consequences to this ahah :))
the consequences:
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justagemini19 · 2 years
Dairy Entry: Oct 12
Being anxious is so annoying like I spend hours just replaying and analyzing conversations or interactions… or silly things I do drunk or high… and I can’t stop. It’s like I get the ick from myself and I am so scared others will get it to. I really try to be happy and positive and self loving cause I do love me but there is this side of me or this voice in my head that hates me, and wants me to hate me. So it really sucks having to listen to these repeating thoughts that are like “wow you are so embarrassing, why would you spam him while your high you look disgustingly desperate eww” or “no one will every love you how you love them you won’t find someone who you are so insanely attracted to, your not good enough” and I know it’s not true but when it’s you saying it it’s hard to not believe it.
Which I guess that’s my red flag huh? WARNING she’s got mental illness and needs a ton of reassurance and lacks motivation, she’s got abandonment issues so she will always think you’ll leave her. She’s never had a boyfriend or anything so she’s delicate and doesn’t know her worth cause no one has ever wanted her. Sure she’s beautiful but there’s no way that’s enough. She’s extremely anxious, occasionally depressed, crippling ADHD and what the heck let’s throw in childhood trauma in there too.
The only good thing is she’s easy to manipulate, she trusts so easily and really wants to see the good in people. If you show her some attention she’ll fall for you, then you’ve got her in the palm of your hand. She’ll do anything for you because she’s loyal like that. She never got the praise and recognition she deserved as a kid so she looks for that in her relationships; ie her praise kink. Her issues with her mom has her searching for dominance in a relationship she wants security she wants to feel small but protected so she will submit if you let her.
Back to 1st person… what makes me unworthy. I love so hard and so abundantly, when will it be my turn.
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svucarisiaddict · 6 years
can you do a nick one where the reader is a detective and she ends up in a hostage situation and the hostage taker puts the gun to her head and says something like “you love her. Don’t you?” To nick and he has to admit it
//This is so long! Sorry! I’m talking 2500+words…I get a bit carried away sometimes//
Soft light started filtering through the curtains waking you from your peaceful slumber. A heavy arm was over your body holding you in place which was fine and dandy with you. Mornings like this were few and far between for you and Nick so you were relishing every second.
“You awake?” Nick mumbled as he nuzzled his nose in your hair. His hand skimmed down your bare thigh. “Cause if your not. I’m about to give you a very rude awakening.”
“Hmmm…just how rude?” You shifted your hips to press back into Nick.
“Obscenely rude,” he replied.
“Oh, how I love Saturdays.”
Nick peppered kisses on your shoulder and down your arm while his hand traveled over your belly slowly making his way to the juncture between your thighs. Nick’s phone rang and buzzed on the nightstand. He groaned as he rolled away from you to answer. “Amaro. Got it Liv. I’ll be there in 20. No. It’s okay. I’ll call her. See ya.”
“How bad?” you asked as you sat on the side of the bed before standing and wrapping the sheet around you.
“Bad bad,” Nick answered. “Rape, homicide and hostage situation.” He pulled on his boxers and started redressing.
“Jesus. Guess that answers my next question about a shower. What time is it anyway?”
“Uh, just after 6am. You finish getting dressed. I’ll get the coffee going.” He rounded to your side of the bed and kissed your cheek. “Good morning by the way, .”
“It would’ve been a lot better if Liv hadn’t have called,” you grumbled.
Thirty minutes later you and Nick rolled up to the scene. Liv and Carisi were already there and Fin was pulling up at the same time as you.
“Mornin’ guys. Didn’t you wear that suit yesterday, Amaro? Dry cleaners closed or somthin’?” He smirked.
You hid a grin behind your coffee cup. Fin knew about you and Nick but put on that he didn’t. You had a pretty great partner in Fin. Usually, Nick had an extra suit at your place. Unfortunately, the suit he had on was extra from when he stayed the previous night.
Nick nodded his head. “Yeah. Something like that.”
The three of you reached Liv and Carisi to get a briefing on the situation at hand. She gave you a quick rundown. A man followed his ex and her new boyfriend home. Raped her, killed the new boyfriend and was now holding her and her roommate hostage.
“Hey, Nick. Is that the same suit from yesterday?” Sonny asked as the group walked to the mobile command.
“Shut up, Carisi,” Nick said.
“Sorry, Sarge,” Sonny replied.
Liv eyed you and Nick but didn’t comment. “Well now that we’ve all acknowledged that Nick is wearing the same suit he did yesterday can we please get back to the case?” She gave pointed looks to you and Nick. “Okay, guys name is Jake Malone.”
Your ears perked at the name. “The hostage taker? He early 30’s, tall, red hair?” you asked.
“Think you know him?” Fin asked.
“Possibly. An old roommate had a brother by that name. Probably a coincidence,” you concluded.
“Here is his picture,” Liv said as she passed you the tablet she had in he hand.
“It is him. Holy shit,” you mumbled. Something in his eyes was different. He was always happy, the life of the party, his eyes bright, but now they just looked sad. “Has anyone made contact with him?”
“Just one phone call from the negotiator but he hung up,” Liv informed you.
“Let me talk to him. Maybe if it’s someone he knows he’ll be more open to talking,” you suggested.
“You’re not going in there,” Nick blurted out. “Too dangerous. Even more so because he knows you.”
Everyone’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at Nick’s outburst. Except for you. Right now you were shooting him daggers. Smooth, Nick. Real smooth. “Who do you think you are? Last I checked I could make my own decisions,” you snapped.
Nick pointed a finger in the air at you. “I’m your sergeant and your-” Nick stopped his speech right before he outed the two of you the squad, half the ESU and negotiations. “I’ll go. I doubt he wants to talk to a woman right now since he feels like he was screwed over by one.”
“You may be my sergeant but Liv has final say.” Crossing your hand over your chest you turned your attention to her. “So. Do you think I can handle it?”
She stood silent for a moment no doubt replaying the interaction that you and Nick just had. Liv looked between you and Nick. “Get your vest on,” she directed you.
“Your alpha male is showing,” you said in passing. You made it a point to shoulder check him.
“Really mature,” he mumbled.
“Fin you stay close to her, but out of sight,” Liv ordered.
“On it,” Fin replied. He jogged to catch up with you. “Trouble in paradise?” he asked you.
You looked around to be sure no one could hear you. “It’s like all of a sudden he sees me like some fragile porcelain doll,” you answered. “Drives me nuts.”
“He sees as more than a fellow cop now. The dynamic of your relationship has changed. Nick has always been protective but now that you two are…well together that protectiveness just went into overdrive,” Fin explained.
“You ready? We got him on the phone.” The negotiator said.
You nodded and took the phone as he passed it to you. “Jake? It’s Y/F/N Y/L/N. I’d like to come up and talk with you if that’s okay?” He repeated your name then was silent. He finally agreed but only without a gun and you had to come alone. “That’s not a problem, Jake. I’m giving my gun to my partner right now.” You unholstered your gun handing it over to Fin.
When Nick saw what you were doing he shook his head and started stalking toward you. You halted him with one look. He clenched his jaw but stayed put.
The walk up the five flights of stairs felt like it took forever. When you reached the apartment you rapped on the door. A woman opened the door with the chain attached. “I’m Y/N.” The door closed and you heard the chain slide open. You were ushered in quickly. The woman that opened the seemed unharmed physically but she was terrified. Her eyes were big as she opened the door. “What’s your name?” you asked the brunette.
“Tori,” she said.
“It’s okay, Tori. I’m gonna get you out of here,” you said in a calm voice.
Holding your hands up you made eye contact with Jake. It had been a couple years that you had seen him. His eyes were haunted.
He blinked rapidly and shook his head. “Y/N? I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it,” he said in a shaky voice. His arm was around her neck with a gun pushed to her head.
“Cause you’re a psycho. I should have known as soon as we started dating,” the blonde said. Must be the ex, Mandy.
This was your opportunity, a little role reversal. “Okay, Mandy. What did you do him?”
The look she gave you could kill. After a beat, she understood what you were trying to do. “I-I had a miscarriage, cheated on him,” she stammered.  “I’m so sorry, Jake. It was wrong.”
“Too late for apologies. Our baby is gone. Maybe you should have thought about that before you became a slut,” he spat.
“I’m sorry you have to go through that. That was a horrible thing to do,” you empathized.
He lowered the gun. “I just want to be happy again,” he said.
“I know you do. What you went through, I can’t imagine.” You bite your bottom lip then took a deep breath. “Why don’t let these two go. So we can sit and talk,” you suggested.
His phone started ringing. “That will be my lieutenant. She wants to help get everyone out safely,” you stated.
He never broke eye contact with you as he answered the phone. “Hello? They’re fine. No. No. I won’t do that.” He took a deep breath then pushed on the screen of the phone setting it on a nearby table. “Tell him you are okay. He doesn’t believe me.”
“This is Sargeant Amaro. How is everyone?”
Fucking Nick. “We’re fine, Sergeant. Jake is calm. We’re talking.” The other women chimed in saying they were fine. “We were talking. Jake is going to let Tori go. Right, Jake?”
Jake put his hand to his head. “I dunno.”
“If you cooperate with them, they work with you, Jake,” you reminded him.
“Go. Fucking go.”
“Tori. Head out, slowly.” She nodded her head in acknowledgment. You breathed a sigh of relief when she got out the door. “Tori is coming down now.”
“Thank you-” Nick was saying but Jake ended the call.
Mandy tried to squirm out of his grasp. “Not you,” he said and tightened his arm around her neck.
“Please, Jake. I’m sorry. I-I want to come back. I was stupid-” she begged before she was cut off by Jake.
“You really think I want you back? A cheating whore?” he said with disgust. “I want someone that will stay loyal, honest…”
You knew ESU had cameras, mics, snipers in place by this time. It’s what I want too. Hard to find it these days. Seems all anyone wants is a roll in the hay, then see ya later.”
Jake eyed you skeptically. “Yeah. Or they act like they want to be with you but don’t actually make the commitment.”
You smiled. “You really seem to get me. Why didn’t we talk more when I and your sister were roommates?”
He actually gave you a smile. “I was too shy. You were older and just seemed out of my league.” Jake started loosening his grip on Mandy. “Do-do you have a boyfriend?”
“I really wouldn’t call him that,” you scoffed. “Probably using me like every other man has. Guess I’ll take what I can get. It’s really all I deserve.” Looking up at him through your lashes you said, “makes me wonder if there are any good guys left out there.”
“Those are boys. Men don’t treat women like that,” Jake stated. “You deserve better than whoever it is you’re with right now.”
“You’re right.” Taking a couple cautious steps toward Jake you said, “let Mandy go. Me and you, we need to be alone. Talk.”
The phone rang again. “Answer it,” he directed. “On speaker.”
Slowly you reached for the phone. “This is Detective Y/L/N.”
“This is Lieutenant Benson. Is Jake able to talk?” she asked.
“He’s here, Liv.” You nodded at Jake.
“Hello?” he said.
“I want to thank you for letting Tori go. What can we do for you?”
Jake looked to you. “It’s okay. Liv is a good person. She’ll help you,” you insisted.
“Nothing you can give me,” he said.
“How about you let Mandy go? We’ll help you get out safe,” she offered.
“I can stay with him. He doesn’t want to be alone,” you said. You could hear Nick in the background swearing and saying no way. Liv covered the speaker to block Nick. Once he had either calmed down or moved away she came back on the phone.
“Can you do that? Can you let Mandy go and Y/N can stay?” Liv asked.
Jake furrowed his brow. The hand holding the gun clenched around the handle and released. He was contemplating his choices. Jake nodded quickly.
You let out breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Liv? Mandy is on her way.”
“Great. That’s great, Jake. Thank you for working with us,” Liv said.
Mandy slowly slipped out of Jake’s arm. She cautiously walked to the door, her eyes flicking from you back to Jake. You heard the door the door open then click shut in short succession. Just you and Jake. Your mind raced with thoughts of how you were going to get out of this one. “Why don’t we sit?” you said.
Jake took a seat on the couch then gestured you to join him. “Tell me. This guy you’re with, do you work with him?”
“I do. Which was a bad decision right out of the block. I thought he may be different but…” you sighed. The things you were telling Jake were real feelings. Fin tried to talk you out of getting involved. But by the time he had found out you were in too deep with Nick. The scary part was you had fallen in love with Nick months ago.
“You love him?” he asked.
It wasn’t a question you had expected. “Yeah. Pretty sure he doesn’t feel the same. Unrequited love has to be one of the worst feelings in the world.”
A commotion at the door startled both you and Jake. Nick came busting through the door. Jake grabbed you and put the gun at your side. “Who the hell are you?” he screamed.
“Sargeant Amaro. Put the gun down, Jake!” Nick warned. He turned his eyes to you, clearly afraid. He mouthed “I’m sorry.”
“It’s you. Isn’t it? The one that has been playing Y/N,” Jake challenged.
“I’m not playing her. I love her,” Nick said softly. His eyes shifted to yours.
The next thing you knew Jake was on the floor holding his knee. The sniper finally had a clean shot. Nick rushed over and kicked the gun from Jake’s reach. ESU burst through the doors as Nick was cuffing him. Once he was taken out of the apartment by ESU it was just you and Nick.
Nick took your hand to lead you out the door. “Let’s get you checked out by the EMT’s”
“I’m fine-”
Nick sighed then mumbled. “Can’t you ever do anything you’re told?”
“Now what fun would that be?” you joked.
Nick waited for you until you got the all clear from the paramedics. He put his arm around your shoulders as you walked to the car. “I want to talk about earlier when I said I love you-”
“It’s okay, Nick. I know you said it because there was a gun held on me,” you gave him a tight smile. “I get it. Going through a divorce-”
Nick stopped and grasped your shoulders. “I love you, Y/N,” Nick interrupted you this time. He didn’t give you time to say anything as he leaned over and kissed you. Like a reflex, his arms encircled your body and yours wrapped around his neck.
Cheers, claps, and whistling made the two of you stop and giggle. When you turned Liv was the first person you saw. She had her fingers between her lips eliciting a high pitched whistle.
“Bout time!” Fin called.
Sonny was clapping and smiling wide.
“I think we have everyone’s approval,” Nick said with a beaming smile.
“Seems so.” You put your hand on Nick’s chest. “ I love you too, Nick.” This time you stood on tiptoe to give him a kiss much to the delight of the audience.
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breakingarrows · 5 years
Replaying Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
[This was originally published on VerticalSliceMedia.com in 2018 and is republished from the latest draft I have]
Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies is a surprising game in that it not only carefully balances arcade style gameplay with a somber narrative but that the narrative itself reaches so deep into certain themes of war and aspects of the gameplay reinforce that. Playing a silent protagonist who only goes by the callsign Mobius 1, the weight of the story is not yours to bear but instead falls on a man relaying the story of his childhood and his interactions with the enemy during that time.
Since Ace Combat 4 is not focused on the reasons behind why wars are started (that is reserved for its sequel: The Unsung War) we are presented with the very simplest of details at the outset. The Erusians invaded ISAF territories and expulsed them from the continent. Erusia was aided by perverting the Stonehenge installation, a series of giant cannons designed to shoot down incoming meteors that threatened the continent in the past, and repurposed them as long range anti-air weapons. ISAF was eventually forced to retreat to an area labeled North Point but not before many battles were fought on the continent, one of them witnessed by our narrator [First video at the bottom of the post].
In all wars civilian casualties are an inevitability, but to many never evolve beyond numbers on a data sheet or total given during a news report. However, just as what was once abstract is made real for our narrator, so too is the data made real for us as we begin to follow this young boy’s life during the war.
 Who is responsible for the death of his family? The first answer would be the aircraft with the yellow 13, as it shot down the aircraft that destroyed his home. Or was it the fleeing aircraft that flew low over civilian territory? We see in the image the pilot ejecting safely with a parachute deployed. Whether he is ignorant of his effect on the boy’s life or knows the destruction he just caused doesn’t matter. Just as civilian deaths are reduced to data so too are soldiers and their armaments. Are the commanding officers above these pilots responsible for the collateral damage? Do the nations engaging in war have a duty to those displaced and killed by their activities? These are the questions that came to mind while replaying Shattered Skies, and I fear it does not serve a fulfilling answer to them.
 Mobius 1, the player character, reigns destruction that outmatches any other singular pilot in the war. However your own capability to kill and destroy is never shown to affect non-combatants in a negative effect. The only time civilians appear during a gameplay mission is when you protect two commercial airliners carrying defectors to ISAF territory, and when you liberate the boy’s city of San Salvacion and hear broadcasts of reporters on the ground describing their view of the battle. You as the player character are untouchable, both in the air and morally, even if ISAF is clearly responsible for some civilian deaths as shown by the introduction.
 Mobius 1 occupies a blank slate upon which not only can the player project their own morality and beliefs but so too can those who exist within the world. Your allies pin the hope of victory on your presence while the enemy curses it. Yellow 13 praises your performance in battle and regards you with respect as an honorable pilot.
 Both Stonehenge and Yellow Squadron make appearances in missions prior to your ultimate confrontation against them. Stonehenge appears as a sound of destruction that rips the skies above you, forcing you to fly at low altitudes in order to escape death. This happens a few times when your mission places you within range of the installation, before you finally get to fight and destroy the cannons that loomed over all operations due to its circle of range present at all briefings prior to its destruction. Yellow Squadron appears early on to chase you off the map, being impossible to hit and constantly locking onto you while you try to escape. After they appear as more of a passive force during certain dogfights, though still invincible. Tasked with protecting Stonehenge, Yellow Squadron fails to do so and show up after its destruction in order to fight off your group. Having gained enough experience through the previous eleven missions and with Yellow 4 wounded and needing a replacement engine, you are able to shoot her down easily. Yellow 13 makes his only audio appearance here, asking if anyone saw Yellow 4 eject. She did not.
 Having Stonehenge make its presence known through attacks despite being hundreds of miles away really builds up both its capability as a super weapon and also as a shadow over any mission taking place within its range. When you see the map grid during a briefing and notice that the mission area is within the dotted line you know your mission will most likely require you to fly low to the ground in order to avoid being blown apart by Stonehenge. This fear makes it so satisfying to finally confront your phantom threat head on and immobilize it and eliminate its threat for future missions. Likewise with Yellow Squadron, they appear as targets that severely outmatch you. Unable to land a hit, you are depowered in their presence and have to make adjustments in future missions to not waste time attempting to land a shot and instead focus on other, lesser pilots. Shooting down Yellow 4 is both an accomplishment because it shows how far the player and Mobius 1 have come since the initial confrontation, it also undercuts that victory with sorrow at the loss of someone who has never been shown to harbor ill will or malice. Yellow 4 simply desired to protect Yellow 13, who likewise prided himself on never losing a wingman, until now. Our respect, and the young boy’s burgeoning love for Yellow Squadron undercuts any victory over them and turns it into a complicated weave of emotions.
 Yellow 13’s portrayal throughout the game goes against traditional villain and instead is more of a rival pilot. Even then that stereotype falls short since he is not obsessed with Mobius 1 but instead awaits the ultimate confrontation that will lead to his death with open arms. With the loss of Yellow 4 and the constant turnaround of pilots in Yellow Squadron, his attachment to this world are gone. Even the two children he watched over turn against him. One night, the barkeeps daughter is caught planting detonators for the resistance and flees. Yellow 13 catches her, confirming she was responsible for the sabotage he so detested that caused Yellow 4’s death. The young boy is nearby, and appears yelling, “Get out of our town fascist pig!” at Yellow 13. Clearly hurt by this betrayal from the only two he had left, Yellow 13 allows them to leave. Whether this is due to their tender ages or because of his own disgust at Erusia, which is only increased by the Erusian tactics during the defense of San Salvacion: placing AA guns atop hospitals.
 Despite his hatred for the Erusian forces for occupying his town and disrupting peace, and his hatred for Yellow 13 for the cape crash, the boy continues to follow Yellow Squadron after the liberation of his hometown. By this point the boy has long abandoned his plan to confront Yellow 13 about his part in the family’s death. Yellow 4 scared him off previously, and now without her he sees Yellow 13 suffering from the same loss he himself did. The boy can’t bring himself to confront 13 now, after learning so much about him, after being cared for by him, and after seeing him suffer familial loss in war too. In an early scene the boy is shielded from the cold night by a Yellow squadron jacket, most likely placed there by their ace pilot.
 Yellow 13 ultimately gets the fate he wanted, death at the hands of a pilot better than he. The dogfight takes place over Farbanti, the Erusian capital and penultimate mission of the game. Victory is all but assured with the capture of the enemy capital, but in rides Yellow Squadron, ever loyal to their duty to serve Erusia even if it means embracing death. Mobius 1 shoots each one down.
 A theme I didn’t realize until this playthrough was that of memories, and how speaking them is enough to keep them alive. This is first mentioned by the boy when he recalls how Yellow 13 spoke after Yellow 4’s death. After Yellow 13’s death, the handkerchief that is buried represents both Yellow 4 and Yellow 13’s lives and the memoires the barkeep’s daughter and the boy have of them. These memories are kept alive even still by the framing device of the game, the letter being written by the now grown boy to you, Mobius 1. By writing this letter he kept the memories of Yellow 13 alive, and by playing the game, you keep it alive as well by watching and participating in it. While it may not be a true story, it still effective at portraying personal tales during a meaningless war.
 A lack of identity in Mobius 1 is used to speak directly the player. AWACS makes a request that you provide a victory on his birthday, the airbase you’re protecting want to relay their thanks to you personally, and allies get emotional when you’re put in danger. These voices aren’t directed at the character of Mobius 1 since it doesn’t exist. Instead they are directed at you, the player, in order to gain your sympathy and make victory not something to be viewed distantly but something you actively achieved. Video games consistently do this more often than any other form of media due to their interactive nature, but not all are as successful as Shattered Skies at making the player engage with the gameplay in order to win not just because it is how you progress but because it means victory for your allies.
 Despite being restricted to dots on your radar and voices through a radio filter, friend and foe alike have a human weight to them. This is continually built upon over the course of the four hour campaign, and culminates in the final mission as you shoot down each plane in order to hopefully keep your own friends alive. You quicken your pace as the ground forces take losses and audio plays of their battle in a place you cannot reach. Instead, you make your way through small spaces and destroy generators in order to open up the final missile silo and eliminate the final threat to total victory. Throughout the mission the strongest tracks of the game play: “Rex Tremendae,” “Megalith -Agnus Dei-”, and “Heaven’s Gate.” [Second video at the bottom of the post]
This final mission is a great end to a surprisingly emotional arcade flight simulation game.
 I have always had an emotional connection to this game since I first played it in the early 2000’s. I am very happy that it continues to hold up nearly 17 years later. Yellow 13 has a wonderfully somber story and I hope it continues to live through the retelling and replaying of Shattered Skies for years to come.
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decadentenemyturtle · 6 years
My Great Unknown
Part 18
Pairing: Thorin x Reader, Thorin’s company x Reader
Words: 3 300
Parts of the Great Unknown
The next few days that the company stayed in Beorn's house you avoided the dwarves as much as they avoided you. You hadn't talk to any of them, not that they would even want to chat with you. The glares and cold shoulder you received made sure of that, and because of this you just wanted to curl over a small ball and cry. You had thought they were your friends, you trusted them. But as people used to do - or dwarves in this case - when they got close enough to you they could call you a friend, they took a knife from the pocket and stab you in the back. They saw your fault's and didn't accepted them, instead turning away from you.
You should have seen it coming, tho. This wasn't a first time when someone let you down, stabbed you in the back, mistreated you. You were better on your own. Beorn and the wolf pup, Inugami was his name you had learned a pit later on, were the only loyal friends to you. Inugami stayed by your side day and night, starting to show that little wolf spirit he had.
This particular morning Nori was speaking some ill will over you to others and Inugami had heard it. He had bitten Nori on the calf, causing him to kick the pup. You hadn't seen it, but when you heard Nori screaming and then Inugami letting an long, pained whine, you dashed to the room.
When you saw Inugami hunch down, tail between his legs and whining and Nori's leg was rising, about to kick the little one again, something clicked in your head. Within a bolt you attacked Nori, throwing, yes throwing, him on the floor and kneeling over him. Nori coughed, his breath leaving his lungs, pain written all over his face. Good, you could only think. That was what he deserved for hurting your friend.
Dwarves around you gasped, alarmed, surprised. Even Bilbo and Gandalf were alarmed of this strange, new power of yours - knocking dwarf with a single blow to the floor wasn't an easy task. And your anger shone from you like a lighthouse on the seashore. You were pissed, to say at leas.
"If I see you pretty much as looking at Inugami ever again, I'll tear your body apart so well that even your soul won't depart to Aule's halls. Do you... understand... me?" you growled to Nori. You didn't know where the word's came from, your mind had planned to say something else, nor did you know what "Aule's hall" was, but since it seemed to work on Nori, you didn't mind. Because Nori did seem like he would piss himself, he was so scared.
"I asked... Do you... understand... me?!" you said, your voice like venom, after a minute when Nori didn't answer. You could see tears gathering in corner's of Nori's eyes. Even when it made you feel bad to make Nori cry, he had hurt Inugami and spoke badly about you, meaning that he was asking for this. Meaning that you shouldn't care. But that small part in you still cared.
Nori couldn't speak, he was so terrified. He only nodded and when you let go of him, glaring at him like you'd kill even his already dead ancestor's, Nori let out an sob. You wanted to think that this, this person you were turning to wasn't you, but.... This was the real you. There was so much hate and anger in you, the new kind of anger from your old life and the old anger from everything that happened you in your world and after coming in here, that it scared you. And what would be better target to release this anger, hatred and pain than these dwarves that were misusing you. You sneer to the rest of the dwarves before you turn and take Inugami in your arms and then walking away from the company.
"Can you... you... you idiots... stop doing this... this?!" you hear Kíli shouting to the rest of the company, anger clear as day in his voice. Your face turns a bit sad when you hear his outburst, a lump knotting in your throat. You missed talking with him and Fíli, joking with them. You missed them. Fíli and Kíli were like brothers you never had. And now you had lost them, thanks to your heritage. "She's our (Y/n), no matter who her parent's are! She's our... she's our (Y/n)... She's part of our baruf . And baruf means no one is left behind or is forgotten!" you hear Kíli shout, how his voice is breaking before he starts crying. And then he is shouting something in khuzdul, in language you had never learned to speak. Your mouth turns upside down and you take a fragile breath, tears gathering in your eyes. You couldn't take this.
He was still your friend. That sweet, sweet boy still loved you like you were his sister. When you got far enough from them, you leaned to the wall, falling down and letting Inugami out of your embrace before you started to cry, drawing your knees to your chest and pressing your head to your knees. You hated these weird feelings that hard started awake in you, these weird memories. And you were too scared to talk to anyone about them.
    Few hours later Bilbo came looking for you. You had stayed at the same spot in the back of the house, just sitting there and thinking, what you were going to do from now on. Inugami had wondered off somewhere after thanking you for saving him and making sure you were alright.
"Here you are, (Y/N). We started to wonder where you are hiding" Bilbo says as he sits on the floor next to you. You glance at him and then turn back to stare at the floor. If they had been looking for you, they did terrible job with it. Anyone should've seen you sitting here and they saw which direction you had wandered off.
"I'm not hiding, just don't feel like killing the dwarves today" you simply say. Bilbo scoffs at that, staring at you his brows knitted together. He hadn't heard you saying something like this before and after the incident with Nori, he wasn't sure whatever you were kidding or not.
"You know what kind of people the dwarves are, (Y/n). They don't trust elves and they have a reason for it" Bilbo sighs, turning to stare the opposite wall. You sniffle and frown, turning to stare at Bilbo. Oh you did know what kind of people they were, but that didn't give the a reason act hostile towards an old friend of theirs.
"Yea, sure, I think I'll just go and forgive them, then. Because they sure can hate me and my kind all they want and be as rude as they want, but I still have to be a nice little lass, who just smiles and nods and takes in every bad thing the world throws at me" you start to babble, your anger rising again. Bilbo is looking at you before he sighs and shakes his head a little.
"No, (Y/n), of course not. But answering to hate with hate isn't the answer" Bilbo points out with a serious look. You sigh and hit the back of your head to the wall, staring up to the ceiling. Bilbo was right, you knew he was. And you had let your anger take control of you, not that you were sorry about it. Someone had to fight back to those hairy shorties. Someone cleared their throat, gaining your and Bilbo's attention. Gloin stood there, a glare sent to you and a softer look to Bilbo.
"Food's ready" he grunt's before he turns and leaves. You glare after him before you turn to look Bilbo's offered hand. He had already jumped up and was ready to help you up. You stare at his hand a few more seconds, before gritting your teeth together and taking his offered hand and stand up. Walking after him to the kitchen you see the company already sitting around the table, Beorn leaning against the wall and Gandalf sitting on chair next the chess board. You stop next to the wizard glaring at the company, while Bilbo sits next to Gloin. Beorn sends a look to you before he turns back to the company.
The air hung heavy in the room, stiff and still, ready to explode at any minute. You let your eyes roam in every dwarves face. None of them looked at you, not even Fíli or Kíli, who were facing you. OK, so, something had happened while you were away. Something that angered even these two. You let your head drop and walk towards the room, not feeling like you could stomach any food.
"Where are you going, little spirit?" Beorn's voice calls after you. Little spirit? you muse as you turn to look at him.
"Out. I'm not hungry" you answer to him, then stepping out of the house. Once outside, you walk towards the gate. You hadn't stepped out of the safe country yard, but the world outside of the enclosed yard had started to call you. You heard the door open and then close, before few heavy steps start to follow you, only to come to an halt.
"Lass, we're leaving tomorrow, so hold up your excitement of wandering out there" Bombur's voice calls. You stop and turn towards him. He was holding a gigantic bread on his other hand and big mug on his other hand. You wondered whatever the dwarf never stopped eating. After eyeing him for sometime, Bombur looked at you and then the food on his hands.
"Brought these for you. You haven't eaten nearly anything since yesterday. Can't keep ye hungry" he explains. You wanted to retort how you'd find your own poisoned food, but decided to keep your mouth shut. Your lips on a thin line you go to the fat dwarf and take the bread and mug from him, muttering a thank you. He nods, sad look taking over his face. Without saying anything, he turned and went back inside. You instead looked down at the food. Milk and bread, that's all you got while they ate what not. You wondered whatever you should feed the bread to the chickens and toss the milk to the flowers and go with empty stomach as you had planned. Surely the company wouldn't know whatever you had actually eaten or not, if they even cared.
    You sat under a tree, empty mug next to you. In the end you had eaten the food and stayed on the yard. Beorn had come to check on you, offering to bring you some more food if you still wanted something. You refused, telling the bear man that the bread was more than enough. It had been hard enough to eat it, you couldn't possibly eat anything else. Even more so, when you had started to replay your weird dreams, or possible memories, of dark forest, two blond, three brunette's and one black haired elves laughing, chatting and enjoying themselves, while you and smaller elf, a child you assumed, were playing with wooden swords. You kind of knew who they were, but their face's were blurry, voice's muffed, names somewhere deep in your memory.
Then the memory would pass to another normal day and then to another and another. At some point you recognized Gandalf, the only one you could name even without seeing his face or hearing his voice well. You wondered whatever you should and tell at leas for him after seeing him in your dream like memory, that you might actually know each other.
At some point of your thinking and playing your memories over and over after eating, you heard the door open. You peeked from behind the tree and saw Dwalin with Kíli, Fíli and Ori following him.
"So, ye wan't us to teach ye to fight properly?" you hear Dwalin ask. Your brow rises, when you see Ori nodding ones, twice. The brother's send a look to each other and then turn back to Ori.
"And why exactly is that? Not that knowing how to protect yourself is a bad thing, but... Why now?" Fíli asks. Before Ori can even answer, Dwalin sighs and sends a look to the older prince.
"Isn't that obvious, laddie? Ye saw what (Y/n) did to Nori, how easily she tossed 'im to the ground" Dwalin says. He wasn't angry, for your greater surprise. "That kinda power dinnae come in one night. Am sure that she is what that beard man said, a mix of an elf and maiar" They were quiet, all three younger dwarves staring at Dwalin. you retreated behind the tree, staring down. So if Dwalin acknowledged what you might be, maybe the others did too. Well, most of them. Or then they just acknowledged your father to be an elf.
"I'm not doing this just because I want to protect myself. I want to protect miss (Y/n), from you! She wouldn't have attacked Nori, if he knew how to clam up! As would the rest of the company!" Ori says, rather angrily. Your brow rises and you glance the tree. For the love of God and everything that is holy, do not give him a weapon. you thought. You feared Ori might actually stab Dwalin and maybe even the brothers, if they even dared as much as grin to what he had just said. But the three dwarves said nothing and as you peeked again, you saw that they looked rather surprised. Smiling a little to yourself you sat back against the tree and decided to stay there, listening how Dwalin started to train Ori. Funny, now when you thought about it, how they started to do it just now and not earlier. Knowing how to use a sword was a better to defend oneself than using a slingshot.
The day was turning to an evening when they finally retreated back inside, Ori deciding to go to a bath. The door closes and right then Kíli sits next to you. You turn to him, your brow rising in surprise.
"You need something?" you manage to ask. Kíli shakes his head a little and a small, sad smile grows on his face. His eyes meet yours and you hold his brown gaze.
"Nah, just saw you spying on us earlier. Wanted to come to talk you back then, but Ori wanted to train, so..." he says and shrugs. Small smile grows to your lips. Kíli was still being himself with you. He wasn't angry to you, but something had still bothered him earlier in supper. Whatever you wanted to know what it was, you weren't sure.
"So, how's my protector doing?" you decided to ask instead. Kíli grinned and came to sit next to you, your shoulders touching.
"Well, let's just say his getting there" other voice says. You turn to look at Fíli, who had trait full of food and behind him comes Thorin, holding four large mugs in his arms, probably full of milk. You look at them, then eyeing suspiciously the food. Fíli crouches next to you, putting the train in front of you just as you manage to cross your legs. Then Fíli turns to take the mugs from his uncle, giving one to you. You mutter your thanks, still eyeing your old mug. Once Fíli and Thorin were seated, Kíli leaned to you, throwing a hand over your shoulders and squeezed.
"Eat, you'll faint otherwise" he says rather seriously. You turn to look at Kíli, who looks as serious as he sounded. Then you turn to the food and sigh. Fine, the bread hadn't done it's job, so...
"If you really wanna poison me, then fine, I'll eat" your grumble and start to nibble cold meat. How great was that, they hadn't even thought about warming it to you.
"What?" the brothers ask in unison, while their uncle was just staring at you in utter shock. You turn to glare at them before returning your eyes to the tray.
"What what? I'm part elf, of course you'd like to see me drop dead" you say after eating another peace of meat. Fíli and Kíli threw a look to each other, before Fíli groaned and and he threw his head back while Kíli pressed his head against your shoulder. Thorin kept his eyes on you, deep frown set on his face. Then he finally sighs, his face relaxing a little.
"Never. We would never poison you, or turn our blade to you" he says before taking your other hand in his. You look at each other, your appetite disappearing slowly. After swallowing the food, you start to worry your lower lip instead of taking more food.
"We don't particularly hate you, we're just being doubtful" Fíli tries to reassure you, but little did it help. You still felt awful. Seeing your face Fíli added "We still like you and consider you as a friend"
"That's... hard to believe" you admire, throwing a look to Fíli. His face drops and he turns to his uncle, hopelessly. They look at each other, before Thorin turns slowly to you.
"She doesn't trust us, and cause of a good reason" Kíli pipes and snuggles closer to you. He was a bit too close for your liking. You felt like you needed breath. Thorin runs his thump over your knuckles and you let your eyes meet with his.
"Is that why you've been crying while we've been sleeping?" he asks, looking rather sad now. Your face flushes red. Few times you had woken for a dream, your cheeks wet with tears. It wasn't because of the company, it was the memory like dreams you had had. But you had thought that no one hadn't noted how you had been crying. A bit ashamed to hear that they actually knew you shake your head. Whatever they were thinking about you, weak halfling, crying in the night.
"No, I... had weird dreams. Like.... or never mind" you mumbled. Would it be good idea to tell them about your memories? Gandalf was the only one you needed to talk about them, but the others? Eh, no. What would they do with that information? Mock you, if nothing else.
"What? What kind of dreams?" Thorin asks, but you just shake your head, biting your lip a bit too hard.
"Uncle, she's not ready to talk about them" Fíli points out, patting your knee. You send him a look before you turn back to the ground. Yeah, you weren't ready. Thorin just sighs and then he gestures you to eat. You didn't feel like eating, but you thought that these three wouldn't let you go before you'd emptied the tray. So, you ate and drank the milk, while Fíli was humming something, Thorin holding your other hand and Kíli was snuggling your side and snoring slightly.
When the tray was empty, Fíli pressed his lips to your temple and smiled to you before getting up, kicking his brother awake and taking the tray and his mug with him, Kíli following him with big yawn after ruffling your hair. Thorin stayed with you, still holding your hand. He didn't say anything before the boys were in the house. 
"Will you forgive me for how I acted?" he asked. He looked sincere, his eyes were sad. You knew he meant it. But could you really forgive him of tossing you aside after what he had heard? Because gods know what there still was in your part.
 @lidda @bee-wrecker @queendarkmuffin@silencegetawayfromme@kettnerjanea @sdavid09 @ealasaid@jumpingmanatee @fab-notfat @bae-age @fricking-ghoul @k-youre-a-fantasy@dumbgopher1 @maddybeck01 @naminalati @leah-halliwell92@evyiione @tschrist1 @red608@aliendaddiesneeded@letsbeinspiredby@jotink78 @dragongirl642 @shxrrybomb
Those with bold name’s are the name’s I couldn’t tag for some reason.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 years
wild flowers | hirai momo
Hades!Momo x Persephone!Reader 
requested; Then is it okay if I ask for an imagine with Momo as Hades and the reader as Persephone? 
word count;3.1k
a/n; I have a few things id like to say! First, I had so much fun writing this, its 2 of my favorite things in the whole world, greek mythology and momo! This is actually the longest thing i've written! Second, I tried to follow the myth as close as possible but I changed up some things and some things differ from book to book, ya know? Third, I really hope you enjoy it and im sorry if its crappy and not what you wanted! 
admin; mirae
More n likely spelling and grammar issues, if you tell me where ill fix it
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The path you walked became as visible as a fleshly snowed trail. The tall grass and decorative flower that once stood up high had been become flattened over time. You stood there, watching over everything, with complete amazement. It wasn't anything that you weren't used to seeing, just the gorgeous wildflowers. It was a riot of color; from the bluebells to the lady's glove, the field had it all. The flowers melt sweet, almost sickly. You sat, legs outstretched on the sun-scorched grass. You looked up at the sky, it's clear blue beauty was something you always loved. Only a few clouds painted it today, it was almost as empty and barren as your heart. 
Almost like your mother knew you were thinking bad thoughts she appeared next to you. “What are you doing out here?” she asked lying down on in the grass next to you with a soft smile. “Oh nothing mother, just admiring the sky,” you said not wanting to talk much more. Your mother lightly poked your arm, you looked over, confused as to what she wanted from you. “Yes mother?” you asked in your most polite voice. “I just wanted to tell you that I love you, that is all,” she didn't even give you time to reply, instead she stood up and left you all alone. You sighed heavily and replayed your words “Weird,” you quietly mumbled before laying back down and closing your eyes. 
The soft wind and bright sun made you feel tired. It was days like this where you knew that you could just sleep for hours in the meadow, sometimes the grass and flowers felt better than your own bed. It didn't take you long before you were dozing off into a comfortable sleep
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Momo.People often thought of her as the definition of terror and horror, which was completely true to an extent. Like any other person she had feelings, and she got lonely. The facade she had kept of a lonely,heartless person was beginning to tire her out rapidly. All she wanted at this point was to find love, someone who could understand her like no one else. But no one like that existed. 
Momo sat still in her cold stone chair as she ate her pomegranate. The room she was in was rather dark and cold, but she didn't mind. “Does true love exist?” she mumbled quietly to no one in particular. “Or is it a made up thing?” she continued, playing around with the pomegranate core. She stared intently at the door before deciding to go to the outside world. It is something she didn't do often, she quite enjoyed her cozy space down here, but today it felt needed. 
She couldnt help but lightly hiss when the sun beamed into her eyes. “I say we destroy the sun,” she mumbled with a scratchy laugh. Looking around she questioned where she was. It was a field full of flowers and grass that seemed to stretch on for miles. Trees looked like they were delicately placed in certain spots.
 “Pretty,” she said bending down to touch the yellow rose that had caught her eye. “I like you,” Momo plucked the rose and held it tightly to her chest in fear of losing it like she seemed to lose everything else. She walked a few steps before noticing a young looking person laying in the field. Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the person. “Spectacular,” she mumbled, marveling at the sleeping figure. She blinked a few times before thinking “You are asleep and not dead, right?’ she continued to speak to herself. 
Bending down she carefully checked the pulse. “Thank god, alive.” Momo felt her heartbeat speed up the more she stared at you. You looked so ethereal laying there, the flowers looked like utter garbage being next to you. Bright and high pitched giggles cause Momo t stop staring at you and to instead panic. The voices were coming closer. “I want you to be mine,” she mumbled before hardly disappearing back into the underworld. Momo was out of breath when she landed on her chair. She was always tired after visiting the affairs from upstairs but today was different. She met you today and you were no ordinary being. “Aphrodite has nothing compared to you,” Momo giggled to herself. You were going to fill the empty void in her heart with the one thing she has been missing for years, love.
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You had finally returned to the flower field after a few days away. You were playing around with the nymphs in the flower field. For the past hour or so you guys had been making as many flower crown as you could. It was something rather fun and entertaining. The sweet flowers in your hands made you feel even happier. You and your fellow nymphs looked up when the wind suddenly picked up. 
What looked like a dark void started to appear from the ground. The sound of screamings pierced your ears. The myths started to panic, they began to throw the flowers at the void in a bad attempt to stop it. You squint your eyes when you noticed a figure emerging from the darkness. You let out a light yell when a herd of horses came charging out you. Behind them on the chariot stood a mysterious girl. She grabbed you and pulled you into the void with her. 
The nymphs watched with pure fear. Once the dark void closed and you were gone they all exchanged looks before shakily before bursting into tears. They had failed to protect and save you. Cyane, a loyal water nymph, could stop weeping, she had felt worse than ever before. All of the pain and sorrow that she was feeling started to become overbearing, her tears threatened to not stop. Cyane, once a loyal water nymph, turned into a river right on the spot
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Once you were being dragged into the void you had knocked out from shock and fear. When you awoke you were laying in a  beautifully decorated bed of flowers. Momo sat in the corner of the room, admiring you from afar.
“Oh how lovely, you are awake,” she said clapping her hands together.
“Who are you and what do you want from me,” your voice was as stern as you could get it.
“Why dear heaven you heard of me? I'm the ruler of the underworld, and you're going to marry me,” she had a smile that could only rival the Cheshire cats.
“You must be completely and utterly insane! Why on earth would I marry you, the ruler of the underworld? You kill for a living,” your tone of voice as rather harsh and mean. Momo felt a pang in her heart, your words actually did some damage on her. Momo did her best to remain calm.
“That means nothing, you think you're so great just because you live on the surface and spend your days frolicking around in the flowers? Who are you to judge me?” Momo felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes.
All she wanted was to feel love and yes she was starting to realize that her plan to earn it wasn't the best but still. Your mouth had fallen agape at her words, she made a great point. “Hey,” your voice was soft and smooth as your carefully moved closer to her. Momo felt herself flinch when your hand came in contact with her cheek. “I'm sorry,” you quietly whispered. Momo looked into your eyes. She was normally good at judging people's emotions but for once she had no clue what you were thinking.
“I know you want to marry me but I want to return home,” you said hoping she would send you home.
“I can't do that, you and I are going to get married,” Momo stood up she looked down at you before offering you a plate of food to which you denied.
“I'll return soon,” she said before exiting the room. You sighed heavily and looked around. There was no way for you o leave this room, Momo was a smart girl who had every entrance and exit locked.
“Mother will find me,” you mumbled, slightly cringing when your stomach growled.
“No Y/n, you can't eat or else you'll be trapped here forever,” you reminded yourself.
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“Oh Y/n~” Demeter called out as she approached the flower field where you had once been. Her face twisted into one of confusion once she saw the river and you weren't anywhere in sight. “Where is Y/N?” She demanded the crying water nymphs to tell her. The nymphs were not going to budge, they were too afraid to say anything to the woman. “Where.Is.Y/N?” Demeters voice was deep and dark, the nymphs had never seen her so angry. When the water nymphs once again, refused to tell, in her fit of rage Demeter turned them into hideous creatures. 
Cyane, now a river, watched all this happen. She wanted to be able to show something to Demeter, anything. Cyane used her currents to bring your belt to Demeter. Once Demeter saw she grabbed the belt and began to weep, now she knew for sure that something had happened to you. “Y/N...my precious Y/N” she weeped. 
For the next few days Demeter refused to take care of the crops, if she couldn't have you then there was no point at all. Hekate watched from afar, she couldn't stand to see Demeter in so much pain anymore. “Let me help you,” she said cooly, Demeter looked up at her confused. “Really?” Demeter asked tearing up. No one had offered her help, everyone was ignoring all her pleas. Hekate helped guide Demeter through the night with her torches. The night was still dark and , no voices could be heard. “We will never find Y/N,” wept Demeter. Hekate sighed softly, she rubbed Demeters back in attempted to comfort her. “Demeter, we will find her ,” she said full of determination. 
More days had passed and they still couldn't find you. Not only were the crops crying but so were the people, a famine swept over the nation. “Demeter, perhaps we should ask Helios, for he may know something about Y/ns whereabouts” Demeter nodded at her words, Hekate was right. 
Together they marched up to Helios and demanded to know what happened to Y/n. The news they got sent Demeter on a outrage. “Are you kidding me? The underworld? I'm going to kill Momo when I get my hands on her,” Demeter spoke feeling a fury she had never felt before.
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After what felt like a few days you had grown to Momo. She was really a sweet and kind girl who was misunderstood by the people. She seemed to really understand you, unlike your mother and those who you were accustomed to, Momo didn't treat you like a child, she didn't baby you. Momo treated you as if you were your own person, which was completely true. At this point, you really didn't mind if you had to spend a while down here, everyone seemed to treat you kindly and with care.
While you were wandering around in the world your stomach was cramping up painfully, it was a pain you had never felt before. “Want some?” a sly voice asked, offering you a pomegranate. You bit your lip and looked at it, you were beyond starving at this point. The pain in your stomach was worse than anything you had ever felt. Instead of taking the whole thing you took and ate a few seeds. “Thank you,” you mumbled quietly before continuing on your walk. The cramping in your stomach has finally seized to exist.
“Y/n,” a smooth voice called out. You turned around and made eye contact with Momo.
“Hello Momo,” you said giving her a tight hug. Momo smile into the hug as she pulled away.
“Would you like to go walk the River of Phlegethon with me?” she asked hoping deep inside that you would say yes.
LI'd love too,” you said walking hand in hand to the River of Phlegethon.
“It's nice here than I thought,” you shyly admitted to Momo. Momo nodded her head
“I'd like to think that everyone here is full of kindness for we have felt pain like no other,” Momo was staring far into the distance as she thought of her people.
“We have a few bad apples in the bunch,” she admitted. You nodded your head
“I've met some of the worst people up on the surface.” Momo looked over at you, you looked eyes and felt your heart speed up.
“That's sad, I'd never treat you poorly. I promise you Y/N 'll do my best to satisfy all your needs and to keep you happy,” Momo felt so passionate about keeping you happy. She wanted to prove not only to herself and you but to everyone that she could love and be kind.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, looking down at the ground. “That means a lot to me,” you placed a soft kiss on Momos cold cheek before giggling. Momo had to look away so you wouldn't notice the deep crimson blush on her cheeks.
“Good because it's very much true. Y/N If you want me to, I'll swear on the River of Styx,” she said looking at you, trying to prove her point.
“Momo, no! That’s dangerous and careless you don't need to swear off that river in order to prove your love to me. I can feel it already,” your heart was beating even faster now.
“Oh,,, okay,, the offer still stands,” Momo nudged your shoulder lightly. You shook your head and smacked her chest lightly
“No, never swear on the River of Styx for me, please,” Momo stopped to pretend to be hurt and nodded
“Alright, I won't.” The walk became silent until you reached the River of Phlegethon.
“It's beautiful,” Momo smiled at your words.
“It really is, but it isn't as beautiful as you,” Momo winked and started to giggle at her own words. You lightly laughed and scoffed.
“Oh will you stop it already, you're being so cheesy,”
“Darling, you're going to have to get used to it,” Momo smiled at herself.
“I don't know if I want to,” you started to laugh at Momos facial expression.
“Alright, alright, I'll get used to it,”
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You sat there, playing with the flowers in the garden. This place reminded you of home, with its flowing and bright beauty. “Y/N, we need you to return back home,” Hermes said, appearing at of almost nowhere. “Hermes! You've found me!” you called out, happy to see a familiar face. ‘Y/N, your mother is refusing to grow the crops, people are dying. She needs you to return home,” Hermes desperately pleaded. “What?” you asked in complete despair, your mother must have been losing her mind. “Y/n come with me,” Hermes grabbed your hand, in a flash you guys had both disappeared and reappeared in front of the gods.
 “Mother!” you called out happily, giving her big bear hug “I missed you so much sweetie, please don't leave me like that ever again,” Demeter said while kissing your forehead. You bit your lip and nodded “
I can't believe Momo wanted to marry you, how ridiculous,” Demeter said before huffing out loudly and snapping at Zeus. “And you approved of it?” Demeter was sending Zeus a dark glare. 
“I don't see a problem with it,” he added with a shrug. 
“Whatever, im done talking to you. Y/N sweetie, it's great to have you back up here with me,” Demeter was about to take you back to your home when Momo appeared before you. 
“Oh no no no, that can't happen,” Momo said reaching out and grabbing your hand. Demeter scoffed 
“Yes it can,” Demeter voice was stern and stable. 
“Actually it cant. Y/n ate some pomegranate seeds while she was in the underworld,” Momo said casually with a smirk. 
“Zeus you can't allow this!” Demeter demanded.
 “Yes he can.” Momo and Demeter began to argue. You kept exchanging look between them. You loved your mother, she raised you and made you extremely happy but Momo made you feel a new feeling, Momo love you in a way that no one else had ever done before. Zeus sighed 
“I'll tell you what, Y/n, how many seeds did you eat?’ Zeus asked. 
“I ate 6 seeds,” you admitted sheepishly, you were very angry and couldn't take it anymore. 
“Then for 6 months Y/N shall live with Momo in the underworld and for the other 6 months Y/n shall remain with her mother here on the surface. You smiled at idea, it was genius. 
“Fine,” Demeter scoffed not really wanting to agree to anything. 
“But when Y/N is gone from me don't expect those crops to be in the best condition,” Demeter wasn't going to be nice. 
“Marvelous, I'll Take Y/n back with me to the underworld and begin my 6 months with her,” Momo said lacing her fingers with yours. Demeter was tired of arguing 
 ‘Let's get this done and over with,”she said kissing your forehead. 
“I'll see you soon sweetie,” she said before Momo took you with her into the underworld.
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“Momo, I'm excited to be able to spend many months of the year with you, thank you,” you said looking at her. Momo bit her lip “Well you should thank yourself for eating those seeds,” Momo winked. You both couldn't help but laugh, her words were completely true. “I guess that's true but, ya know,” Your stare was intense and it was making her feel nervous. 
You leaned up and placed a long-awaited kiss on Momo's lips. Momo was shocked at first but then she placed her hands on your hips and pulled you into her, depending on the kiss. Your fingers laced themselves into her hair, Momo bit your lip lightly before slipping her tongue into your mouth. 
You guys pulled away for air and giggled softly at each other's slightly swollen lips. “I'm looking forward to our future together,” she admitted making you nod. “Me too,”
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Chapter Reviews: March 26-30, 2019
High School Story Class Act Chapter 7:
Man, I'm feeling worried for Ajay. I know that him taking out his anger is unacceptable, but at least he apologized to Skye. Their stories need to have good progress and satisfying conclusions that answer how they overcome their respective turbulent home lives.
Still miffed that the Clint and Graham side romance amounts to nothing of particular substance. As I've said before, it would've been better if Graham's so creepy obsessed that it makes Clint uncomfortable that he tells Natalie that this is how Rory feels like whenever they're around.
The ending of this chapter made me dislike the twin for taking the election too personally. I was like "your campaign for more sports is redundant because it's already the most supported program at school". This isn't even a joke that sports gets a lot of attention at schools. This is evident in the first trilogy. Book 1 focuses on getting ready for the Homecoming game, especially because Brian's rotten behavior and transfer to Hearst left Berry desperate to search a suitable quarterback. Book 2 has Ashley Faris diverting all funding from cheer and band to the basketball team after she appointed her brother as coach. I even saw some people calling Rory out for taking offense at the MC should they support the twin, who is family no matter how annoying they can be. I guess this means the election is dumber than I thought.
Across the Void Chapter 15:
Honestly, this chapter is much better than the previous ones. I get to learn about the lore of the setting for free, especially on The Void, the origin of the Vanguard-Jura conflict, and astradust creating various races in the story. About time the story goes somewhere, though it should've been shown earlier on. Regarding the Void, it seems that they're a bunch of nihilists who want to plunge the galaxy to oblivion while playing the Vanguard and Jura like sniveling fools.
One thing that captures my attention is the possible connection to Endless Summer and maybe even Hero. Barlow mentioned a planet that got destroyed millennia ago that lights blue flames and has pieces entering its wormhole creating various races. What if it reached Earth and played a role in La Huerta's formation? What if some of them entered through the wormhole in Northbridge and created the superhumans in Hero. I hope this will get addressed in Book 2 of Hero.
On another note, why do they make Barlow a love interest? MC already has five, one of them is shared with Eos. Honestly, the story's writers are wasting time, resources, and effort enticing us with more love interests than necessary, excessive amounts of time with Eos and Pax, and catering to insufferable passengers while not focusing on the Vanguard-Jura conflict enough.
Didn't buy the biodroid, though it remains a low priority choice to get for me someday. I also didn't pick the premium option to check the library with Zekei, but after I watched on YouTube that it's about the MC torn away from the people they love almost every time, I actually felt ambivalent because the love interests aren't developed enough, though Kepler comes close.
I'm starting to think Pax's loyalty is put to the test and allow us to determine whether she'll stay loyal to the Jura or sever ties. Either way, I don't care because I find her annoying.
Desire & Decorum Chapter 14:
Duke Richards's journal is just another proof of how deranged he is, which is getting redundant. At least I have proof that he has been manipulating Dominique, which is another step up I need. Might as well replay this book and get the other pieces of evidence to see the full outcome.
Oh, Hamid. I really want to spend time with you, but my diamonds for other books go first. Don't worry. I'll spend diamonds on you so you and my MC can live happily ever after.
*sigh* The sight of the MC's mom's ring thrown into the fire better be the last straw because I've had enough of Duke Richards being continually despicable, as if I don't know that already. A part of me wants him to have some sort of depth that makes him well-developed while still irredeemable. That would've made him memorable and interesting instead of just someone I should hate. Here's hoping the wedding day gets disrupted and the tables turned against him.
America's Most Eligible Chapter 11:
I'm so relieved Eden and Kiana are alive, even though they're injured and had to drop out of the show. Their safety matters first and foremost. To think that something life-threatening like this to occur in a fun show is proof of mismanagement. I still don't know whether it's an accident or someone rigged the go-kart, but either way, it's carelessness on Carson's part.
This chapter is surprisingly calming, and it helps that neither Ivy nor Vince are around to stir trouble. It's just me, Adam, Derek, Mackenzie, and Jen relaxing. My MC had a fine date with Adam and even had a steamy moment with him even though they have maximum relationship points. Anyway, can't wait to see what Iceland has in store for AME.
Passport to Romance Chapter 3:
I'm starting to like Sumire for giving her own spin of the Louvre tour even after the MC missed the one Yvette booked. It was a fun take, and I enjoy watching her incorporate her love and knowledge of art together.
So, I picked the premium option to find the Mona Lisa painting and flirted with the security guard. That was a really dumb move on everyone's part, including the MC's. I think taking a picture of Mona Lisa should've been pushed to a later chapter and have everyone involved to ask when it will be ready for display again. Might as well throw Elliot under the bus for suggesting that we trespass in the first place.
Wow! All the love interests look stunning in their formal outfits! It's making me hard to determine who my MC will pursue, even though his vlog is named Sexcapades (don't judge).
I'm starting to dislike Yvette for talking trash about the love interests, even though she warmed up to me earlier this chapter for approving of a fresh tour of the Louvre. I get that she wants her magazine to improve, but I also think a balance between work and friends is needed. During the dinner, I threw Elliot and Marisa under the bus and defended Ahmed and Sumire from her. I actually think Marisa's okay, however.
Open Heart Chapter 7:
I cringed when that kissass with Percy Mendoza's model tried to smooch Aurora into paying for her lunch. Talking about the downsides of popularity. I think her aunt rigged the list in her favor while handing out the "most interesting" cases. In other words, Harper Emery could be up to no good.
Okay, telling Bryce to flirt with Ines and Zaid is pretty fun to watch. It's like he thinks he has a suave way to get around people, and acts like he succeeds. Anyway, glad that he succeeded in buying the MC time to follow Ethan.
For Remy, I told him the truth about his condition that will deprive him from his ability to move his limbs. I'm willing to risk a patient's short-term anger over withholding important information on his condition. Not to mention the latter is unethical. It was touching to see him accept his condition and resolve to live his life to the fullest.
So Patient X is Naveen Banerji? No wonder he resigned. And Ethan telling the MC to not tell this to anyone else just comes across as suspicious. Were they trying to preserve Edenbrook's reputation while one of their top doctors was dying of an illness?
The Elementalists Chapter 3:
I'm worried for Atlas and their search for the girl Dean Goeffe was watching over. It makes me wonder whether they'll resort to extreme measures to take down Kane or something. I grabbed the letter, and it seems that Dean Goeffe served as the girl's caretaker in secret. I think she knows who she is instead of merely stumbling upon her.
I didn't get the enlargement spell when I first played this chapter, so I saved up diamonds and restarted the book just so I could get it. I hope it will come in handy, even when the MC and Atlas's magick goes on and off, probably because of a disturbance in the force or something.
For once, Beckett's presence is kept to a minimum. A welcoming thing, actually. As for the ward Kane sent to the MC, I'm starting to admire him for being as interesting as Redfield. He might be the kind of person whose sense of right and wrong is different from other people's. I'd love to know more about him. Here's hoping he's a genuinely complex character.
Ride or Die Chapter 11:
Well, Logan manipulating the MC in the first place only to fall for her doesn't change my stance on him. I continue to reject him for the mess he caused. Regarding Mona, who apparently didn't know about Logan's actions before, her comment on suggesting to kidnap the MC put me off. That makes her come across as cold-blooded in some ways that it makes me less secure.
Why am I at Riya's house? She pushed MC into pursuing Logan in the first place, then complained that she's feeling lonely as a result. At least she gave the MC a place to stay for now, and Jason told the MC that her dad misses her.
Anyone thinks Toby could be a Brotherhood agent? I mean, good for him that he didn't participate in Colt's foolish plan, but how did he reach Riya's house? Did he have some sort of tracker? Or did he search the area one by one? Whatever that is, Colt's package could be a super dangerous bomb capable of super destructive damage. It's really rash of him.
Regarding the Brotherhood, I think it being the greater evil is never expanded on. Even though the narrative mentions it as worse the MPC, it just comes across as bland and forgettable. It doesn't help that the only Brotherhood member MC encounters is a baseball hat guy Teppei met.
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