#ill trt to work on more asks later
saprozoicworm · 1 year
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bunch of loser drawings
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blackjack-15 · 4 years
Death, Philosophy, and the Runs — Thoughts on: Legend of the Crystal Skull (CRY)
Hello and welcome to a Nancy Drew meta series! 30 metas, 30 Nancy Drew Games that I’m comfortable with doing meta about. Hot takes, cold takes, and just Takes will abound, but one thing’s for sure: they’ll all be longer than I mean them to be.
Each meta will have different distinct sections: an Introduction, an exploration of the Title, an explanation of the Mystery, a run-through of the Suspects. Then, I’ll tackle some of my favorite and least favorite things about the game, and finish it off with ideas on how to improve it. Like with all of the Odd Games, there will be a section between The Intro and The Title called The Weird Stuff, where I go into what makes this game stand out as a little strange.
If any game requires an extra section or two, they’ll be listed in the paragraph above, along with links to previous metas.
These metas are not spoiler free, though I’ll list any games/media that they might spoil here: CRY, mention of CUR, mention of ASH.
The Intro:
 It’s time for New Orleans, y’all.
Legend of the Crystal Skull is a game that’s often rated highly by the fandom, especially for its atmosphere (which is among the most well-done and pervasive of the whole series). Honestly speaking, were it not for the mental health/death/immortality storyline(s), CRY would simply be a Jetsetting game a bit out of order, given its fascination with its location (even if the amount of locations is slightly smaller).
One of the high points of this game is honestly its location and ambiance. CRY takes the idea of the “dark and stormy night” and plays it to perfection, cloaking everything in such thick atmosphere that the players, like Nancy, can’t always see the way ahead, and have to take leaps of faith every once in a while.
The characters contribute to the thick atmosphere; Bruno is a shadow, Henry’s hiding everything under a guise of nonchalance and a fishnet glove, Renée is all gardening grandma hospitality but never says anything about herself, Gilbert has Southern Manners while avoiding saying anything bad even when he means it, and Lamont refuses to get involved in anything outside his shop. They aren’t perfect suspects, but they’re good characters, and it elevates the game.
Bess’ hesitance to delve into this atmosphere makes her the perfect partner for Nancy who begins by investigating just who the Skeleton Man was who attacked her before spiraling deeper and deeper into the mysteries surrounding Bruno Bolet and his crystal skull.
But while the costumes, pageantry, puns, and secrets all contribute to the atmosphere, nothing quite reaches the same level of Sheer Aesthetic as Bruno’s last years being dedicated to finding a crystal skull. Glittery and gothic with power over life and death, it’s easy to see why the game is named after it (which, of course, I’ll get into below).
This isn’t to say that CRY is all sizzle and no substance — far from it. CRY doesn’t attempt to teach the player the entire history of New Orleans, the complex background and practices of voodoo (or any of its other sister practices), nor does it get into iguana physiology or the mechanics of how to make someone sneeze or get the runs.
While education is of course present in CRY, it’s more centered in philosophy than in hard, straight facts. Professor Hotchkiss – a returning character perfectly suited to the French-influenced New Orleans and her love of slightly sinister history – gives the mission statement of the game, summing up its central philosophical question – “Does this mean that there mysterious external forces at work in the universe of which we do not and cannot ever have full knowledge? Or does it all boil down to us? If the human heart desperately wants something to be true, does the human mind have the power to make it true?”
It’s a fascinating question, and touches on all sorts of real-life phenomenon – the power of suggestion, the placebo effect, intelligent design, among others – without ever seeming like HER is trying to Teach a Lesson. Out of all the edutainment elements in this series, CRY (and I would add ASH in here as well) features some of the most subtle work that HER ever accomplishes.
The Weird Stuff:
Of course, a discussion (one-sided as these metas mostly are) of CRY wouldn’t be complete without addressing the things that qualify it to be a truly Odd Game within the Nancy Drew franchise.
The first and most obvious is that we’re dealing with death – and a recent death at that — for the first time in a while. We’d have to go all the way back to CLK to see another death of a relative not long before the mystery starts, and Emily’s mom’s death and Josiah Crowley’s death don’t hang over CLK the way Bruno Bolet’s death hangs over CRY.
Bruno is given instead more weight – part of the mystery is figuring out who he was, what he liked, what he wanted, and what he did every day, especially leading up to his death. The house is almost a stand in character for Bruno; it reflects him perfectly, including all the things that were important to him, and just as determined to keep his secrets. A lot of Nancy Drew games have the house/location as a character, but only a few associate the location with a specific character, and CRY does it possibly the best.
The second thing that makes this game so odd is the showcasing of an abusive relationship. Sure, Summer doesn’t hit Henry or anything, but is just as abusive all the same, and the game doesn’t shy away from showing her horrible behavior and the effect that it has on Henry. He stays with her because, like a lot of abuse victims, he doesn’t think he can do ‘better’ – that somehow this is what he deserves – and the only slight problem with how it’s portrayed is that we don’t get to see Henry leave her and be happier.
Lastly, in an oddity for Nancy Drew games so far, mental illness is put at the front and center of the game (rather than being a one-off random thing not really mentioned like in CUR). Henry, separate from the abuse he receives from Summer, is obviously depressed, and the game doesn’t really shy away from showing it. Sure, they might not use the term “clinical depression”, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not acknowledged. Henry’s depression, his sadness, his feeling of being out of control and yet still tied down – that permeates every moment of the game, and especially his conversations with Nancy. The whole reason Nancy’s there at the Bolet mansion in the first place is because Ned was worried about his shy, depressed classmate.
Gosh, Ned is such a good guy. He deserves so much better than Nancy “Lacks Tact” Drew.
Unlike a lot of the “Odd” games, the odd things in CRY don’t detract from the game; they make the game what it is. It’s a bit more mature, a little more introspective, a touch less black and white than most of the Nancy Drew games have been up until this point. No characters are simply caricatures, there’s very little stereotyping (for a ND game), and it’s not pointlessly spooky or try-hard in any way. CRY is the rare game that simply is what it aspired to be; while what it aspired to be was odd (and it is Odd), it doesn’t make it bad. It makes it feel genuine and honest – and after ICE, I can’t think of anything better for a game to aspire to be.
The Title:
We’re getting to the portion of Nancy Drew games where, regardless of the quality of the actual games, their titles are smash hits every time. “Legend of the Crystal Skull” is an incredibly good title on multiple levels.
First, it tells us what the game is about – not the Crystal Skull itself, but the legend of it – the myths, mysteries, and effects of the Skull. Not only does it (correctly) indicate that this game is a little more about philosophy than it is about something concrete.
The second thing it does is establish a sense of mysticism that is reinforced the second the game begins. We’re in New Orleans, we’re learning about this Crystal Skull, it’s dark, rainy, and spooky, there’s death and specters and possibly more afoot…and this doesn’t start with the Skeleton Man cutscene, or the phone call, or even the warning on the screen to play with the lights off – it starts with the title.
The Mystery:
We begin with Nancy and Bess visiting New Orleans – the French Quarter, to be specific – for a fun little vacation, only to be met with a Dark and Stormy Night. Ned, knowing of his girlfriend’s plans to visit New Orleans, asks her if she can check up on a classmate of his who’s going through a hard time: Henry Bolet.
Determined to get the visit out of the way, Nancy leaves Bess back at the hotel and traipses over to the Bolet Mansion. When she walks in – I know, honestly, Nancy –  the open door, she’s greeted by a person in a skeleton costume in the front room, rather than a miserable college student.
She’s soon knocked out by the Skeleton Man, coming to when an elderly woman offers her an odd concoction and the Skeleton is long gone. Soon, Nancy discovers that Henry’s dead uncle was in possession of a Crystal Skull that was to protect its owner against any source of death other than murder, the plot starts to thicken quicker than a bubbling roux.
CRY is home to an incredibly solid mystery, full of atmosphere, colorful characters, and even a food minigame as if to draw me in specifically. While I don’t think it’s the best Nancy Drew game by a long shot, I would say that it’s definitely the best of the Odd games, and by far the most successful mystery + atmosphere combination that we’ll have until we reach SAW, quite a few games later.
Now, let’s move on to our colorful characters.
The Suspects:
We’ll start with Renee Amande, as I think she’s our first character who is properly introduced post-cutscene (with her concoction). Bruno’s elderly housekeeper, Renee is a practitioner of voodoo (kind of) and a believer in the crystal skulls – she wants to reunite all thirteen of them to move the world to a higher plane of understanding.
Our villain, yet not our killer – not directly at least – the only thing Renee is guilty of other than attempted murder of a plucky Illinois detective is falsifying a letter. The shock of the “false” crystal skull shocked Bruno so badly that he had a heart attack and died, but Renee didn’t actually kill him. She’s one of those villains in Nancy Drew stories who commit a minor crime, and jump immediately to murder when she’s discovered.
As the villain, Renee is actually the only suspect that could even work. The game plays with Dr. Buford and the mysterious Skeleton Man, but in reality Renee’s the only one with motive and opportunity. But, given that Nancy spends 3/4ths of the game trying to figure out what crime has actually been committed, rather than working with cold hard facts, that works out pretty well.
Henry Bolet, on the other hand, is apparently catnip to a good section of the Nancy Drew fandom, and is the closest thing to a living victim that we actually have in this game. When his parents died, he was shipped off to live with Bruno – and Bruno shipped him off to military school, so he should be a bit more muscular than he is – and he’s never gotten over their deaths.
Like, “Nancy finds him crying over his parents” kind of never got over their deaths.
I’ll be honest, while I know lots of people who did Love him with everything in them, I never really saw the appeal of Henry Bolet as a love interest for anyone, or even as a compelling character. His voice actor – Brian Neel – does a great job, with his voice definitely being the part of him with the most obvious appeal, but otherwise…maybe it comes from my distaste for underdog stories, maybe it’s that I’m no good with crying people, who knows.
As a suspect, Henry’s pretty much out from the moment that he confesses to Nancy that he sold a trunk for quick cash for his abusive girlfriend. HER isn’t bold enough to have that be a lie, nor are they dumb enough to make him the culprit after that. Henry’s out of the running for most of the game, but he never really becomes Nancy’s confidante, not like other early-clear suspects.
Henry’s an interesting puzzle as a character, but that more comes from his place as the central piece of CRY’s “Oddness”, rather than any interest in him as a possible suspect.
On the other end of fandom appeal lies Dr. Gilbert Buford, whose greatest sin as a character is declaring an obvious heart attack an obvious heart attack and using regular, polite Louisiana manners for a man of his age while interacting with a character who obviously has no problem with it at all.
Dr. Buford is hard at work giving the majority of Bruno’s characterization that doesn’t come from his house to him, as well as giving a truly excellent scare when finding Bess in the Secret Meeting scene. As a suspect, Buford is a moderately good one – cagey, a doctor, knows about the Skull – but ultimately falls short as he just has too many of his own secrets to carry.
I personally like Gilbert Buford as a character, and find him an entertaining source of exposition – but then, I grew up around Southern manners (and military manners, which aren’t too dissimilar), so that might be the reason why.
Rounding out our suspect list – though barely qualifying himself, honestly, is Lamont Warrick, owner of a curio shop and intensely vulnerable to hot sauce and sneezing powder.
One can only imagine the Horror that would occur if Nancy were to mix those two allergens. Well, one can also Giggle at the mental image, but still.
As a suspect…well, even HER knew that he was a non-entity; his biggest part to play is actually after the game concludes, where he closes his curio shop in order to search for Bernie, who has swallowed the crystal skull.
I guess someone had to search for it? I’d love a follow-up with him, maybe over Labor Day, or Memorial Day, where Bess goes back to see if he’s had any luck, only to find that he found a dead body along with the alligator, and in order to not get suspected for the murder, they have to bring the body with them and pretend that it’s alive, taking it to bingo games over the course of the 3 vacation days.
Yes, that was all to set up a bad “Weekend at Bernie’s” reference. Hush.
The Favorite:
As you might have guessed from…well, most of this meta, one of my favorite parts of CRY is the sheer atmosphere that the game embodies from its beginning through the closing puzzle.
The Bolet mansion is just the right amount of cluttered yet comfortable, shadowy yet detailed, and gloomy yet homey to be a nigh-perfect location. The graveyard isn’t hard to navigate, is filled with puns, and does a lot of the character work for Bruno and (to a slightly lesser extent) Henry while allowing both characters to be private and a bit mysterious. The greenhouse is simultaneously cozy and elegant and yet slightly cage-ish and slightly claustrophobic.
Even the locations that Nancy stays away from — the hotel balcony, Zeke’s, the food truck, the secret meeting — are thick with a different kind of atmosphere: less wet, less foggy, more brightly lit, more French Quarter than haunting mansion. Bess’ locations are welcoming yet secretive, perfect for the reluctant amateur-amateur detective who just wants her vacation to be fun and mystery-free.
Adding to the atmosphere is the sheer number of cutscenes/cinematic camera usages in CRY. The opening with the Skeleton Man, Bess getting caught at the meeting, opening the final crypt, Renee shutting the tomb…they’re all so perfect, and do a great job at making you feel really immersed in Nancy’s New Orleans experience.
My favorite puzzle is honestly finding the glass eyes. CRY isn’t really a game I remember for its puzzles; they fade a little bit into the background (with the exclusion of a couple I don’t like) because they’re well integrated into the story, and because the game doesn’t really grind to a halt to make Nancy complete minigames like in, for example, CUR.
My favorite moment is split between two very different moments. The first is, unsurprisingly, the conversation with Hotchkiss mentioned above where she lays out the theme of the game. It’s a shockingly nice moment in the game, coming in the start/middle of the mystery and being a familiar face – er, voice – for Nancy to get help from. It’s a moment that lets you stop and think about what Nancy’s actually dealing with, rather than effectively pausing the game through a rhymed puzzle about the skull or other such nonsense.
The other moment is a little more obvious and a little flashy – the moment when Bess is discovered at the Skeleton meeting. The tension right before, the sudden pop-up of the skeleton mask between the boxes, the conversation afterwards…it’s just as close as possible to a perfect scene. It’s long enough before Bess is discovered that the player can kind of get comfortable, but not so long that it drags on. The moment of discovery is startling, but not scream-worthy or too scary to replay over and over or in the dark. It’s just great.
The Un-Favorite:
There’s not a ton to complain about with CRY, but I do have a few small things that make replaying it somewhat of a chore.
The first is my least favorite puzzle: the loquat bug spraying. It takes a long time, it feels shoved in the game just to have an extra puzzle, and Nancy can only take one loquat at a time. I feel like the player should be able to take up to 3, and then come back and do it again if they need/want any more loquats. Honestly, it’s a puzzle in a place where a puzzle really just shouldn’t be.
My least favorite moment in the game would probably be the chest that Henry sells to Lamont. After selling it and building it up for quite a few minutes, it’s kind of a letdown that it only has a few things it in. This would have been a great place to have more character-building work done, but instead the focus is on “how do we find it/open it” and less on “what can this do for the story”.
Finally, I mentioned it above, but I’m not a fan of how Lamont pretty much is a non-entity in the game. I’m fine with one suspect being less suspicious or having less ‘dirt’ on them than the rest, but Lamont really doesn’t have anything on him. He’s never a suspect for the Skeleton Man, he doesn’t really do anything sketchy…he’s just underwhelming.
The Fix:
So how would I fix Legend of the Crystal Skull?
I think really the only fix that I would attempt is to give Lamont a little more plot significance. Sure, his curio shop is beautiful and wonderful and important to the plot, but Lamont himself really isn’t. In order to include him more in the plot, make Lamont a bona-fide treasure hunter that manages the curio shop for cash in between expeditions. He’s heard that Bruno has a treasure that people have killed for, but couldn’t figure out what it was before Bruno’s death. He buys the chest from Henry and searches it top-to-bottom trying to figure out if it’s hiding something since it’s obviously Bruno’s personal chest.
To add a bit more importance, I’d place him at the Bolet mansion on the night of Bruno’s death as well. Renee’s there, Dr. Buford is there, Henry we’ve already written off completely in the actual game as a suspect, so Lamont should be there as well, snooping around to try to figure out what treasure Bruno’s got and if he can persuade him to sell it (or at least let Lamont see it). Nancy can match footprints in the garden to his boots, or some other method of proving he was there. I’d just like for Lamont not to drop off the map early on. It also makes his canonical ending that much neater.
Honestly, that’s it.
Sure, I’d appreciate the loquat bug spraying minigame to be fixed as well, but CRY is honestly a pretty character-based game, thick with philosophy and legends, and it doesn’t need a ton of help in that area. Make all the suspects viable for most of the game, and I think an already entertaining and atmospheric game would be just a little bit better.
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sharpdressedbman · 5 years
A Tribute to Chester: Life, Death, Rebirth, and How He Lives on in Memory
How do you properly memorialize one of your childhood idols? Are you supposed to scream, cry, and gnash your teeth? Or do you put on noise-canceling headphones and block out the ambient noise of the outside world for a while? All of these are difficult questions to answer. I guess that’s why they’re rhetorical. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost two years since Chester Bennington passed. So in a way, this simple little essay is how I can honor him. It feels nice to write something that isn’t fiction or related to a blog for a change[1]. Let’s see how it goes.
Part Zero: Notes from the Underground
I must confess that I was never a member of the official fan club, the LP Underground. I suppose in retrospect that’s how I could have proven I was a legit fan despite never seeing them live in concert except via live stream. But even then, that was a rare occasion. I do remember a t-shirt I got from Hot Topic when I was 12 or so – it had the faces of all of the guys gathered around the classic script font of the band’s logo.
I don’t remember what happened to it. The last time I remember wearing it was in August 2014. I supposed by then I had outgrown it. But still, buying whatever merch I could and getting all of the CDs and eagerly anticipating the next music video all had to count for something.  I knew the names of all the guys, even Mark Wakefield, who was never an official member, and Phoenix Orion (Dave Farrell?), who left before Hybrid Theory but was back in time for Reanimation – more on that later.  
But I digress. Let’s get on with the real meat of why we’re here. In terms of structure, I thought it would make the most sense to go album by album, discuss some memories I have associated with each, and attempt to unpack why they remain so important to me even as time has marched on since then. Growing up with the band, as I’m sure many of you did, you might feel a similar connection that you never fully grasped until the night of the tribute show in December 2017.
Part One: Hybrid Theory
#Forfeit the game/Before somebody else/takes you out of the frame and puts your name to shame/Cover up your face, you can’t run the race/the pace is too fast, you just won’t last. [HT Track 4: “Points of Authority”]
Although Hybrid Theory came out in October 2000, I think the first time I heard it was for another month or two after it came out. It’s still one of the most vivid memories I can still recall, the first time “Papercut” blared out of a cd player. I was sitting in the basement at my buddy Andre’s house and we were playing Perfect Dark with our mutual friend Alberto. It was honestly the perfect soundtrack for the game. Here’s what I said back then: “Dude, who is this? This is awesome!”
               “It’s Linkin Park.”
Even then I thought the name was cool, the way that they intentional misspelled Lincoln – the rule of cool and all that. Elementary school hadn’t even ended yet, but it was still part of my formative years, musically speaking. Before then, I had never discovered any music on my own – my friends had always shown me. My parents didn’t raise me to enjoy music – I hated classical and most of the “standards” went over my head. My parents were still throwing karaoke parties. My old neighbor John showed me James Brown. That’s how I latched onto my first favorite song of all time “I Feel Good”. Then came Third Eye Blind, another early love of mine. But that’s a story for another time, as is my recollections of Limp Bizkit. This tale is about LP.
I wouldn’t realize it at the time, but Hybrid Theory would continue to be one of the most important albums to be me as I left elementary school and hit middle school. The days of Perfect Dark and WCW/nWo Revenge began to fade[2] as Diablo II and Starcraft emerged. The sound of Chester’s howls and Mike’s swagger along with the rest of the bands driving instrumentals provided a backdrop like you wouldn’t believe.  “In the End” stood out in particular, although as middle school came to an end, it became clear that those reasons weren’t ones I wish to discuss here, now. Ask me again another time. It was at the end of middle school (hell, even before) that I confronted the notion of how deeply uncool I was, and probably tangled with imposter syndrome, anxiety, and depression long before I knew what any of those terms meant.
I already knew I was an introvert who was much more inclined to stay inside playing video games, reading, or writing instead of going outside to play street hockey or anything like that. That shouldn’t have meant that I was an easy target for bullying, but hey, it was the 90s and then the early 2000s, so what could you do? LP helped me cope, even if I couldn’t always express my anger in responsible ways.
I think here is a good place to stop and point something out: mental illness has been something that has been immensely important to me – it affects me and I know it damn sure affects my wife and mother in law. I went through a very dark time in my life roughly five years ago that LP also helped me pull out of – but I’ll get to explaining that more in-depth later on. Right now we’re still in the HT era; I just wanted to talk a little bit more about my motivations for writing this piece.[3]
Part Two: Reanimation
#Keep that in mind/ I designed this rhyme/ when I was obsessed with time. [RA Track 3: “Enth E Nd]
Full disclosure: when I first heard Reanimation, I thought it had its moments. But it wasn’t something I could listen to end-to-end and love every single song. Heck, even HT wasn’t like that, since some of the songs had to grow on me. The video with the robots and aliens having a war while the disembodied robot heads of the band sing the remixed version of “Points of Authority” by Jay Gordon of Orgy was definitely awesome, but I don’t know, I had mixed feelings about the album that took years for it to resolve into me think of it as one of the LP’s early era classics that would culminate with Meteora and Live in Texas.
I have a very distinct memory of popping this cd into the car’s stereo while we were out in…Houston? Taiwan? The details are blurry now because it’s been too long. Seventeen years was a long time ago, and 2002 me was simpler, less refined, and yes, much dumber and naïve. On an emotional level, “p5hng me Aw*y” stood out, and even though it wasn’t actually a true Linkin Park song, “It’s Goin’ Down” stood out from this time period too.
Part Three: Meteora
#I’ll never fight again, and this is how it ends…I don’t know what’s worth fighting, or why I have to scream, but now I have some clarity to show you what I mean… [MA Track 9: “Breaking the Habit”]
Meteora is one of those albums I more clearly associate with Diablo II and Starcraft more than any other games. Just something about the overall darkness and broodiness of the album really fit both of those games. Also, this essay project is making me want to go back in time. Not really from a nostalgia standpoint – okay yeah I guess from a nostalgia standpoint. But it was during this era that I really started to enjoy their music videos. Believe it or not, for the longest time, not all of the songs on the album were rated five stars. I used to be stingier with that rating that I am now. It took a while for some of the songs to grow on me, but “Somewhere I Belong”, “Faint”, “Easier to Run”, “Breaking the Habit”. “Nobody’s Listening”, and “Numb” were instant standouts. I’m still not sure what happened to my original copy of this album. The last I checked, I had a burned copy, but not the real deal.
Part Four: Live in Texas
#When I look into your eyes there’s nothing there to see/nothing but my own mistakes staring back at me# [LIT Track 8: P5hng Me A*wy – Live]
Man, I remember this too. It must have come out six months or so after Meteora did, and grabbing it from Kmart was one of my best days. I think it was also the first LP album to have the dreaded Parental Advisory sticker on it, and this is probably the album I blame most for me disliking the edited versions of songs. Sometimes edits can be clever, but when they’re just bleeps or certain naughty words are blanked out, then it gets annoying. Then again, I probably wasn’t a stranger to this concept thanks to early exposure to Third Eye Blind and Limp Bizkit, as I mentioned before. Was this the first time I heard “live” performances of LP? I think it was, and it probably stoked my eagerness to see them live in concert. Alas, it was never to be.
Part Five: Collision Course
#Yeah/Thank you, thank you, thank you, you’re far too kind#  [CC Track 4: “Numb / Encore”]
It’s fitting that as I pick this up on (7/21/19) it’s the day after the 2 year anniversary. I meant to have this finished by the 20th, but it just didn’t happen. Plus “Numb/Encore” was one of the first songs that started up on this go-through of the playlist. If you’re interested in listening to it, I can direct you to my Spotify profile! Numb is one of those songs that have taken on new meaning since his death, but out of all the collaborations on this mashup album, I think it’s the one that works the best sonically and thematically, especially with the juxtaposition between angst and bravado[4].
Part Six: Fort Minor & The Rising Tied
#So sick, if he’s gonna think/That the good lord would come take him/I’m shaking him, “Wake up, you son of a bitch!”#  [TRT Track 14: “Red to Black”]
It was four years between the era of Meteora and Minutes to Midnight. In between that time, there was a sea change. First there was the mashup with Jay-Z, and then this came along in November 2005. I remember being more stoked for it than probably any other music that I discovered that year – and this was when Fall Out Boy, 50 Cent, and Coheed and Cambria dawned on me, among others. For those who don’t know, Fort Minor is/was Mike’s side project. He’s since done other solo stuff under his own name but between then and now he would bust out verses from The Rising Tied and incorporate them into existing songs. I always thought that Red to Black was the most LP-sounding song on the entire album and that for the longest time I thought Chester used Jonah Matranga as an alias and it wasn’t a separate person.  
Part Seven: Minutes to Midnight
#In this farewell/There’s no blood, there’s no alibi/Cause I’ve drawn regret/From the truth of a thousand lies/So let mercy come and wash away# [M2M Track 6: “What I’ve Done”]
In the interest of time, these entries are probably going to get shorter and shorter. At this point, I just want to get the damn thing over with. “What I’ve Done”, the lead single was the one that struck me the most at first; I remember LP making a big deal about how they wanted to start a new sound after leaving their classic era behind. The music video was awesome, and I think LP was one of the best choices for the Transformers movies. I always thought that “What I’ve Done” would make a great wrestling song. Not necessarily as an entrance theme, but as a hype video for a PPV or a feud or something like that. EWR back in the day helped reinforce that belief though I can’t exactly remember what I associated it with – anyway, that’s neither here nor there. The day that I got this album was the same day the shooting at Virginia Tech happened. Finding out that the shooter was a mentally ill Asian dude spooked me. In today’s parlance, I was shook.[5] That’s something that has always stuck out even though it’s something I’ve not been fond of discussing, for obvious reasons. Still, for our purposes here, it is for once, actually relevant.
Part Eight: Dead by Sunrise and Out of Ashes
#Don’t want to lose my innocence/Don’t want the world second-guessing my heart/Won’t let your lies take a piece of my soul/Don’t want to take your medicine# [OOA Track 2: “Crawl Back In”]
The melodies that emerged on Minutes to Midnight, especially when it was Chester’s turn to take the mic, evolved. They turned into another platform for his music: the side-project Dead by Sunrise and their only album, so far as I know: Out of Ashes. I lump this album in with Welcome to the Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch and Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin. All three emerged during my sophomore year of college[6], which was another difficult year for me. I think that is when I had the most trouble sleeping, either by choice or for other reasons.  Out of everything LP-related, I think I have given this the least amount of attention. It’s probably time for that to change, ten years later.
Part Nine: A Thousand Suns
#Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds/I suppose we all thought that, one another# [ATA Track 2: “The Radiance”]
If Minutes to Midnight was an attempt to step out of the shadow of Hybrid Theory, then A Thousand Suns represented an aural breakaway. It was vastly different, integrating more spoken word and turning up their signature sound to 12. I can’t remember exactly if it was in 2009 or 2010 that I was meant to go see LP as they rolled into DC. Ultimately, I couldn’t go because of a lack of transport. It all ended up moot anyway because that was the show that got canceled because of Chester being sick. Trying to dig up that post on Facebook is probably beyond me now because it’s a day late. Maybe someday I’ll be able to find it again because those days were golden (at least my pathetic little eulogy for him that I wrote two years ago.)
Part Ten: Living Things
#Fly me up on a silver wing/Past the black where the sirens sing/Warm me up in a nova’s glow/And drop me down to the dream below#  [LT Track 6: “Castle of Glass”]
So if LP had been striving to break away from the sound that made them famous, it was at this point where they were “Nah bro” and went full bore back around into an ouroboros[7] of awesome. While the vast majority of A Thousand Suns[8] had to grow on me over the intervening years, Living Things grabbed me by the throat and never let go. It followed the Hybrid Theory blueprint to a T. After all this time, “Castle of Glass” still stands out as my favorite from the album, but as is often the case, it’s hard to pick favorites.
Part Eleven: Recharged
#When I was young, they told me, they said/Make your bed, you lie in that bed/A king can only reign ‘til instead/There comes that day it’s off with his head# [RC Track 1: “A Light That Never Comes”]
The less said about this, the better. It had its moments, especially “A Light That Never Comes” which showed me the potential of Steve Aoki. But the memory that stands out most clearly about the day I got this album was getting a case of Hell or High Watermelon beer. I think since I got it from Record and Tape Traders, it was the day I found the TARDIS socks for Ally and sent them to her later that week. As you probably gathered from the cluster of footnotes, this was deemed my least favorite “official” LP album, and that ranking has held up in the last six years. It does to Living Things what Reanimation did to Hybrid Theory, but for whatever reason, I can’t bring myself to enjoy it more.  
Part Twelve: The Hunting Party
#Cause you don’t know what you’ve got/it’s your battle to be fought/until it’s gone# [THP Track 7: “Until It’s Gone]
Ah, here we go. LP seems to follow patterns in the creation of their albums. Cause roughly a year after Recharged, there came The Hunting Party. After A Thousand Suns came and went, it seemed like LP was on a creative lull. But then we got LT, Recharged, and THP in three straight years. This came out in 2014, and it’s hard to believe that five years have passed already. To this day, I still think that my favorite part was all of the guest appearances on their album, especially from collaborators they hadn’t featured before then, like Daron Malakian and Tom Morello.
Part Thirteen: Welcome
#First time I did it, yeah I’ll admit it/I kinda hit it and quit it and left y’all hanging# [“Welcome”]
In all honesty, this should be a footnote for The Rising Tied. It came out 10 years later, as a way for Mike to tip a wink and a nod at all his fans that were still waiting for a full-fledged sequel. Fate had other plans, though. I can still remember helping to clean Tidewater while this song blared through my headphones.  This probably became one of my most played songs of 2015.
Part Fourteen:  One More Light
#Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do# [OML Track 9: “One More Light”]
We’re almost to the finish line. I was super excited for One More Light because it broke a drought of no new music until 2017[9]. The song One More Light became more poignant after his passing. I hope it still makes him proud.
Part Fifteen: Afterword
So where do we go from here?  Honestly, not even the remaining members of the band know. They’re not actively looking to replace Chester, and as a group, they’re still officially on hiatus. I didn’t even touch on any of the DVD or special edition releases that I’ve barely heard. I guess in a sense they’re honorable mentions, but without having listened to them, I can’t form any honest opinions or associations for them.[10]
     [1] It seems fitting that I mention that shirt I got as a twelve-year-old because that’s when I started picking up on writing as a hobby. It was a way to release my imagination and translate what I had in mind into a story, even if those early stories were embarrassingly bad. These footnotes will serve to flesh out those asides since they’ll more than likely distract from the main narrative I’m trying to spin here.
         [2] Although Revenge remains iconic! Even to this day, I still long for an N64 and another copy.
[3] Chester struggled with MI too, even though hardly anyone knew it. It’s what ultimately got the best of him.
[4] My fascination with Genius Lyrics is really helping me to analyze and better understand the meanings of the words.
[5] It didn’t help that he bore an uncanny resemblance to me…
[6] 2009, how time flies!
[7] Not sure how to spell this dang word.
[8] I regarded it as my least favorite LP album until Recharged came out. More on that later.
[9] It wasn’t until that I built the playlist that inspired this essay that I learned that there were some other singles issued between The Hunting Party and One More Light. These tracks include “We Made It” with Busta Rhymes, which actually fell between Meteora and Minutes to Midnight; “Not Alone”, which was between A Thousand Suns and Living Things; and “Darker Than Blood” with Steve Aoki that was between The Hunting Party and One More Light.  
[10] One was called “Frat Party at the Pankake Festival” and the other one was “Road to Revolution”, I think?
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anamorales · 6 years
Open Letter to Newbies
A lot of new members have crashed and burned lately. There have certainly been some trolls, who deserve a fiery demise, but I believe there are also some, who for one reason or another, get off on the wrong foot, get off balance, and are never able to right the ship. I’ve tried to articulate some of our unwritten rules/ norms to help the later group get a better start. I didn’t get everything, but it’s a start. Please feel free to add. ************************************************** ********************************** Open Letter to Newbies: I’ve been a member of UGBB since 2012. When I first joined, I tripped on the door sill. I didn’t post an intro thread, peppered everyone with stupid question since I had just started TRT (“i.e. are injections better than cream”?), and feebly attempted to share the knowledge I had gained from 2 months of therapy, which, looking back, wasn’t much. Whether from pity or patience the members here tolerated me and, as years have passed, accepted me as one of their own. As someone who came in with a less than a grand entrance, I’ll offer some advice:
Introduce yourself, sit back, and chill. Observe how members interact with each other. Little things matter. If you go to a house party and everyone has taken off their shoes, don’t be the guy who keeps his boots on.
There is always someone smarter than you. If you have something that you just learned and are excited about, share it humbly. Be prepared to hear counterpoints. Don’t take it personally if someone has a different perspective.
Be thick skinned. Sarcasm doesn’t always come across well when it’s written. However, we all use it.
If you’re new, and you start talking about a product you use or a company you love, be prepared to be thought of as a troll with an agenda of drumming up sales. You won’t be taken seriously.
Don’t get into an argument or a pissing contest. It’s a close knit group. If you’re a dick to one of us; everyone is going to be a dick to you.
Don’t be a taker. Sure, ask questions, but also contribute. If you found this site you likely have experience with one or more things that interest us. Share what you’ve learned, what you’ve tried, what worked/ what didn’t work.
Realize that no one knows who you are. Treat your entry into this forum as if you just walked into a room of strangers. Manners, humility, and respect matter.
If you’re doing something that is ill advised be prepared to be called stupid. It doesn’t mean we question your IQ, it means we care enough to discourage you from doing it.
You don’t have to take all the advice you’re given. However, realize that someone took the time out of their day to give it to you so, if you decide not to follow it, provide your thinking and rationale.
Bro science doesn’t go over well here. If you state something as factual, provide a link to a study or have personal experience.
Read the rules; follow the rules. https://www.ugbodybuilding.com/threa…m-Rules-sticky
Open Letter to Newbies published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
0 notes
stellatateblog · 6 years
Open Letter to Newbies
A lot of new members have crashed and burned lately. There have certainly been some trolls, who deserve a fiery demise, but I believe there are also some, who for one reason or another, get off on the wrong foot, get off balance, and are never able to right the ship. I’ve tried to articulate some of our unwritten rules/ norms to help the later group get a better start.
I didn’t get everything, but it’s a start. Please feel free to add.
************************************************** ********************************** Open Letter to Newbies:
I’ve been a member of UGBB since 2012. When I first joined, I tripped on the door sill. I didn’t post an intro thread, peppered everyone with stupid question since I had just started TRT (“i.e. are injections better than cream”?), and feebly attempted to share the knowledge I had gained from 2 months of therapy, which, looking back, wasn’t much. Whether from pity or patience the members here tolerated me and, as years have passed, accepted me as one of their own. As someone who came in with a less than a grand entrance, I’ll offer some advice:
Introduce yourself, sit back, and chill. Observe how members interact with each other. Little things matter. If you go to a house party and everyone has taken off their shoes, don’t be the guy who keeps his boots on.
There is always someone smarter than you. If you have something that you just learned and are excited about, share it humbly. Be prepared to hear counterpoints. Don’t take it personally if someone has a different perspective.
Be thick skinned. Sarcasm doesn’t always come across well when it’s written. However, we all use it.
If you’re new, and you start talking about a product you use or a company you love, be prepared to be thought of as a troll with an agenda of drumming up sales. You won’t be taken seriously.
Don’t get into an argument or a pissing contest. It’s a close knit group. If you’re a dick to one of us; everyone is going to be a dick to you.
Don’t be a taker. Sure, ask questions, but also contribute. If you found this site you likely have experience with one or more things that interest us. Share what you’ve learned, what you’ve tried, what worked/ what didn’t work.
Realize that no one knows who you are. Treat your entry into this forum as if you just walked into a room of strangers. Manners, humility, and respect matter.
If you’re doing something that is ill advised be prepared to be called stupid. It doesn’t mean we question your IQ, it means we care enough to discourage you from doing it.
You don’t have to take all the advice you’re given. However, realize that someone took the time out of their day to give it to you so, if you decide not to follow it, provide your thinking and rationale.
Bro science doesn’t go over well here. If you state something as factual, provide a link to a study or have personal experience.
Read the rules; follow the rules. https://www.ugbodybuilding.com/threa…m-Rules-sticky
Open Letter to Newbies syndicated from https://ugbodybuildingblog.wordpress.com/
0 notes
ugbodybuilding · 6 years
Open Letter to Newbies
A lot of new members have crashed and burned lately. There have certainly been some trolls, who deserve a fiery demise, but I believe there are also some, who for one reason or another, get off on the wrong foot, get off balance, and are never able to right the ship. I’ve tried to articulate some of our unwritten rules/ norms to help the later group get a better start. I didn’t get everything, but it’s a start. Please feel free to add. ************************************************** ********************************** Open Letter to Newbies: I’ve been a member of UGBB since 2012. When I first joined, I tripped on the door sill. I didn’t post an intro thread, peppered everyone with stupid question since I had just started TRT (“i.e. are injections better than cream”?), and feebly attempted to share the knowledge I had gained from 2 months of therapy, which, looking back, wasn’t much. Whether from pity or patience the members here tolerated me and, as years have passed, accepted me as one of their own. As someone who came in with a less than a grand entrance, I’ll offer some advice:
Introduce yourself, sit back, and chill. Observe how members interact with each other. Little things matter. If you go to a house party and everyone has taken off their shoes, don’t be the guy who keeps his boots on.
There is always someone smarter than you. If you have something that you just learned and are excited about, share it humbly. Be prepared to hear counterpoints. Don’t take it personally if someone has a different perspective.
Be thick skinned. Sarcasm doesn’t always come across well when it’s written. However, we all use it.
If you’re new, and you start talking about a product you use or a company you love, be prepared to be thought of as a troll with an agenda of drumming up sales. You won’t be taken seriously.
Don't get into an argument or a pissing contest. It's a close knit group. If you're a dick to one of us; everyone is going to be a dick to you.
Don’t be a taker. Sure, ask questions, but also contribute. If you found this site you likely have experience with one or more things that interest us. Share what you’ve learned, what you’ve tried, what worked/ what didn’t work.
Realize that no one knows who you are. Treat your entry into this forum as if you just walked into a room of strangers. Manners, humility, and respect matter.
If you’re doing something that is ill advised be prepared to be called stupid. It doesn’t mean we question your IQ, it means we care enough to discourage you from doing it.
You don’t have to take all the advice you’re given. However, realize that someone took the time out of their day to give it to you so, if you decide not to follow it, provide your thinking and rationale.
Bro science doesn't go over well here. If you state something as factual, provide a link to a study or have personal experience.
Read the rules; follow the rules. https://www.ugbodybuilding.com/threa...m-Rules-sticky
0 notes
anamorales · 6 years
Open Letter to Newbies
A lot of new members have crashed and burned lately. There have certainly been some trolls, who deserve a fiery demise, but I believe there are also some, who for one reason or another, get off on the wrong foot, get off balance, and are never able to right the ship. I’ve tried to articulate some of our unwritten rules/ norms to help the later group get a better start. I didn’t get everything, but it’s a start. Please feel free to add. ************************************************** ********************************** Open Letter to Newbies: I’ve been a member of UGBB since 2012. When I first joined, I tripped on the door sill. I didn’t post an intro thread, peppered everyone with stupid question since I had just started TRT (“i.e. are injections better than cream”?), and feebly attempted to share the knowledge I had gained from 2 months of therapy, which, looking back, wasn’t much. Whether from pity or patience the members here tolerated me and, as years have passed, accepted me as one of their own. As someone who came in with a less than a grand entrance, I’ll offer some advice:
Introduce yourself, sit back, and chill. Observe how members interact with each other. Little things matter. If you go to a house party and everyone has taken off their shoes, don’t be the guy who keeps his boots on.
There is always someone smarter than you. If you have something that you just learned and are excited about, share it humbly. Be prepared to hear counterpoints. Don’t take it personally if someone has a different perspective.
Be thick skinned. Sarcasm doesn’t always come across well when it’s written. However, we all use it.
If you’re new, and you start talking about a product you use or a company you love, be prepared to be thought of as a troll with an agenda of drumming up sales. You won’t be taken seriously.
Don’t get into an argument or a pissing contest. It’s a close knit group. If you’re a dick to one of us; everyone is going to be a dick to you.
Don’t be a taker. Sure, ask questions, but also contribute. If you found this site you likely have experience with one or more things that interest us. Share what you’ve learned, what you’ve tried, what worked/ what didn’t work.
Realize that no one knows who you are. Treat your entry into this forum as if you just walked into a room of strangers. Manners, humility, and respect matter.
If you’re doing something that is ill advised be prepared to be called stupid. It doesn’t mean we question your IQ, it means we care enough to discourage you from doing it.
You don’t have to take all the advice you’re given. However, realize that someone took the time out of their day to give it to you so, if you decide not to follow it, provide your thinking and rationale.
Bro science doesn’t go over well here. If you state something as factual, provide a link to a study or have personal experience.
Read the rules; follow the rules. https://www.ugbodybuilding.com/threa…m-Rules-sticky
Open Letter to Newbies published first on https://immigrationways.tumblr.com/
0 notes
stellatateblog · 6 years
Open Letter to Newbies
A lot of new members have crashed and burned lately. There have certainly been some trolls, who deserve a fiery demise, but I believe there are also some, who for one reason or another, get off on the wrong foot, get off balance, and are never able to right the ship. I’ve tried to articulate some of our unwritten rules/ norms to help the later group get a better start.
I didn’t get everything, but it’s a start. Please feel free to add.
************************************************** ********************************** Open Letter to Newbies:
I’ve been a member of UGBB since 2012. When I first joined, I tripped on the door sill. I didn’t post an intro thread, peppered everyone with stupid question since I had just started TRT (“i.e. are injections better than cream”?), and feebly attempted to share the knowledge I had gained from 2 months of therapy, which, looking back, wasn’t much. Whether from pity or patience the members here tolerated me and, as years have passed, accepted me as one of their own. As someone who came in with a less than a grand entrance, I’ll offer some advice:
Introduce yourself, sit back, and chill. Observe how members interact with each other. Little things matter. If you go to a house party and everyone has taken off their shoes, don’t be the guy who keeps his boots on.
There is always someone smarter than you. If you have something that you just learned and are excited about, share it humbly. Be prepared to hear counterpoints. Don’t take it personally if someone has a different perspective.
Be thick skinned. Sarcasm doesn’t always come across well when it’s written. However, we all use it.
If you’re new, and you start talking about a product you use or a company you love, be prepared to be thought of as a troll with an agenda of drumming up sales. You won’t be taken seriously.
Don’t get into an argument or a pissing contest. It’s a close knit group. If you’re a dick to one of us; everyone is going to be a dick to you.
Don’t be a taker. Sure, ask questions, but also contribute. If you found this site you likely have experience with one or more things that interest us. Share what you’ve learned, what you’ve tried, what worked/ what didn’t work.
Realize that no one knows who you are. Treat your entry into this forum as if you just walked into a room of strangers. Manners, humility, and respect matter.
If you’re doing something that is ill advised be prepared to be called stupid. It doesn’t mean we question your IQ, it means we care enough to discourage you from doing it.
You don’t have to take all the advice you’re given. However, realize that someone took the time out of their day to give it to you so, if you decide not to follow it, provide your thinking and rationale.
Bro science doesn’t go over well here. If you state something as factual, provide a link to a study or have personal experience.
Read the rules; follow the rules. https://www.ugbodybuilding.com/threa…m-Rules-sticky
Open Letter to Newbies syndicated from https://ugbodybuildingblog.wordpress.com/
0 notes