#ilove your curv
kamilah-is-queen · 3 years
can you do a fanfic of Amy being insecure of her stretch marks and kamilahs reaction then her comforting Amy or something i don’t know you are the writer here so do your magic BAHA btw i love fics 🥺
You’ll Always Be Perfect To Me
Tagging: @wisebananapatrol, @rhonda-sayeed, @kamilahtopme, @vonda-b-real, @millasayeed, @queenkamilah, @ilove-kamilah-sayeed, @iamsimpforpoppy
Amy had never felt more insecure. The way she viewed herself through the mirror in front of her, she saw nothing but a hideous mess. Her stomach had small marks running down to her hips, a scar after she carried two children for those long nine months.
Not even the anxiety and trauma she went through as a child could compare to this, she just couldn’t see the beauty she figured was once apparent...but not anymore. The light shade of her skin had faded slightly, accentuating the so-called ‘hideous marks.’ The lines were a sort of purplish, blue color. The strange shade contrasting evidently against her light skin, which only worsened Amy’s thoughts.
Now, as she stared back at the figure through the glass, she felt embarrassed. No amount of makeup could truly hide the pain she had inside, the shame she hid away from the rest of the world.
But, she wore a smile. For the sake of her wife, for the sake of her children..and for herself. Amy kept her shirt tucked above her stomach, her gaze fixed on her torso. She was so lost that Amy hadn’t even realized when her wife had entered the room.
“Amy…..Amy, are you alright?” Kamilah’s smooth, and gentle voice brought Amy back to her senses. She replied with a curt nod, releasing the grip on her shirt, letting it cascade past her stomach once more.
“You know, I can tell when you’re lying, my love.” Kamilah wrapped her arms around Amy’s petite frame, Amy leaning back into her wife’s warmth.
“It’s just that…” Amy continued, “How am I supposed to feel beautiful when I have all of this?” She gestured her hands towards her stomach, tears welling in her eyes. “I know that it’s a reminder of the struggles of my pregnancies but…” She bowed her head as the tears pooled down her cheeks, as she let them reign freely. “I just feel so ugly, like I’m the odd one out.”
Kamilah tightened her grip on Amy, holding her wife to her warm chest. “Sssh...let it out darling, it’s okay…” Kamilah cooed in Amy’s ear, gently stroking her wife’s sides as Amy let out everything.
The months of hiding behind her smile, the hidden tears she shed during the early hours of the morning when no one was listening, the quiet prayers she muttered for her Lord, to rid the hideousness off of her body.
Amy wept and wept until her knees buckled, and her eyes were dry from all of her tears being shed. Kamilah tightened her arms around Amy and held her closer. “Look in the mirror, Amy.”
Amy found the courage to look herself in the eye again, her bare naked body on full display. “What do you see?” Amy caught Kamilah’s gaze, before swallowing deeply and replying.
“I...I see years of scars and...and...memories worth a lifetime.” Amy watched as Kamilah’s hands gently rested on her skin, just above her belly button.
“And what else do you see? Tell me, from what you feel in here.” Kamilah gently tapped the skin above Amy’s heart, the strong pulse only quickening with the touch.
Amy took a moment to recollect her thoughts, before letting her heart speak. “I see myself. Amy Sayeed, wife of Kamilah Sayeed, and the mother of our two children. The only Bloodkeeper and Vampire hybrid.”
She let out a long sigh, exhaustion overwhelming Amy before Kamilah’s soothing voice calmed her once again. “Now let me tell you what I see.”
Kamilah intertwines their hands, their matching engagement rings clinking against one another as Kamilah gazed at her wife through the mirror in front of her.
“I see...the most gorgeous figure to ever exist on this Earth. The most stunning, breathtaking, and ethereal angel anyone has ever seen. I see a determined leader, who fought against everyone’s judgement and proved them wrong. I see the woman who was able to turn her life around, despite the upbringing that was forced upon her. I see..” Kamilah broke out into a smile…”The strongest, most bravest being, not only just a woman, but the bravest soul I’ve ever seen throughout my 2,093 years on this Earth Amy.
Amy’s eyes swelled with tears as she opened her mouth to speak, only for Kamilah to continue. “I see my wife...the woman who’s been through my side through thick and thin, upholding our vows and blessing this family with our children. The woman that couldn’t be any more perfect in any way, shape or form. Despite the scars that you may bear Amy…”
Kamilah pressed a gentle kiss to the tender patch of skin behind Amy’s ear, “You’ll always be perfect to me.” Her voice a mere whisper into Amy’s skin.
The young vampire turned to meet Kamilah’s eyes, the deep brown orbs staring back was like an endless pit Amy was endlessly lost in. “You...you really mean that Kamilah?” She whispered against Kamilah’s lips.
“Of course, my love. No words I’ve ever muttered have been closer to the truth than this.” Kamilah held Amy closer as their lips crashed together.
Kamilah playfully nipped at Amy’s lip, before swiping her tongue over the small wound as soft moans left Amy’s mouth. Lips tangled together, and tongues moved as one.
Slowly, and reluctantly, the two pulled away. “Oh, and...one more thing…”
Kamilah’s lips curved into a broad smile, “I love you.”
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sunseteyes · 4 years
hello! Can I req prompt 3,4,25 (light) for Shinobu from kny? Tysm and have a nice day :>
prompt 3. “Open your eyes! Please!”
prompt 4. “Please don’t go.”
prompt 25. “I know it hurts, but please hold on.”
shinobu saves lives. she knows it and she’s proud of it.
but sometimes, it becomes a burden too.
because with saving lives, she could also kill them too, even without motive or intention to do so.
healers can be killers too. 
you, on the other hand, always trusted shinobu. even with your constant trip to butterfly estate, you were calm.
“i believe in you.” your smile was very dreadful for shinobu. because with that gentle curve plastered on your lips whenever you look, speak, and is just simply with her, shinobu feels like there was a poison crawling in her veins, towards her heart. then it travels to her arteries as an antidote, making her feel illuminated, as if some kind of bright light had passed through her insides, brightening them up and making them feel pleased. 
“i’m glad that you trust me that much, (y/n)-san. but with the amount of times you’ve been here, i might just think you’re purposely injuring yourself to have me tend to you every time.” she tried teasing you.
but she was teased back.
“and what if i was?” you peer your eyes at her, your innocent smile making everything else worse as that she felt that familiar poison crawled inside of her again. this happens most of the time.
actually sometimes, shinobu was debating whether she’d be flattered or flustered. either way, these feelings should not matter to her.
but it does. it clearly does.
she’s strong, she knows she’s a strong woman, one that kanae had always praised her. and she believes kanae, whatever she says.
so when your body came to the butterfly estate, covered in a color that she believes she had always hated, she was terrified. she felt weak, feeble, frail. because just by the sight of your bloody figure, her calm composure disintegrated like how a demon would die the moment you decapitate or poison them.
the smile on her face disappeared but there was one on yours as you reached onto her hands--her cold, frozen hands that only warmed up when you held onto it, despite your state. 
“i believe in you, shinobu.” 
those words echoed in her head as she frantically held onto your hand, crimson staining her own as aoi came to help her tend to your wounds, so as you won’t lose more blood.
but your body couldn’t handle it.
because she just found out that you were poisoned.
stupid! shinobu cursed to herself, her eyes steeling in disappointment and remorse. 
it was a good thing she has an antidote, and just as she was injecting it to you, you stopped her.
“i... i don’t think i can survive, shinobu...” your eyes fluttered and she immediately perk up, leaning close to you.
“no... no (y/n) don’t you dare. open your eyes! please!” she was shaking as she finally injected the antidote, not even mattering if it would be a waste or not. 
shinobu clutched into your hands with her small ones, praying on the inside and pleading on the outisde.
no... she can’t allow this.
“i know it hurts, but please hold on.” she whispers close to your hand as she brought it close to her mouth, landing a soft kiss on it, her eyes still locked onto your face, focused if the antidote was working.
it wasn’t.
“please... please don’t go.”
there was a heavy weight in her heart, one that she will always feel whenever there is someone who dies in the engawa. she never would have imagined the next one would be you.
a lone tear smoothly dropping by her cheek, just like the emotions she had always hid for a very long time right after her sister’s death. 
she was always angry--angry at every demon and especially the one who had been the reason for kanae’s death. but this time, she still is angry, but she doesn’t know who to blame anymore.
was it the demon that poisoned you? you who were reckless and impeccable? or her that had forgotten to check if you were poisoned or not?
either way, it wouldn’t bring you back. you became one of the casualties here in engawa, those she failed to save--those she killed.
and she became angrier than she was before.
i know i said i can only make 1-2 prompts per character but.... it just fits so much! so maybe thisis an exception~ hehe. ilove shinobu too much >,< feel free to send more requests~
event links: prompts and masterlist
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demauryss · 5 years
For the "I love you" drabble prompt - 15 or 16? Whichever you prefer :) And in Elu?
hello kaleb :)) first of all let’s ignore the fact that i didn’t ghost you for so long on this ask. second, i hope you like this literal word vomit. it’s quite different from the prompt but let’s just roll with it, yeah?
no 16. from ‘the way you said i love you’ drabble challenge
“your sun looks like a giant ball of goo, lucas.”
eliott giggles like a middle-schooler whose crush has just told he likes him; gleeful and somewhat incredulous all the same. there’s a leaf stuck in his hair, green like the shine in his eyes. lucas huffs out an offended breath, turning his paintbrush dripping with green colour in a threatening stance against his annoying boyfriend.
“shut up, eliott. art is freedom of expression, you just said so yourself.”
eliott chuckles, lazily drawing out a shooting star on the canvas in front of him. next to his, lucas’s painting looks like one a toddler would make on the walls of his home after discovering his siblings’ stash of colours and what not.
“didn’t know we have a da vinci on our hands,” eliott muses, the slender wisps of grass behind him slanting with the air that’s moving, before uprighting once again. “i’m proud you’re learning fast.”
“hmm?” lucas asks, missing whatever eliott has said before because he was busy comparing the green of the sun drawn in the middle of his painting to the grass behind eliott. “what am i learning?”
eliott inhales deeply, dipping a paintbrush into water before dragging it across his canvas. lucas watches the effortless swish and slick of eliott’s wrist against the painting, enthralled. when lucas does it, it’s like he’s carrying something weighing a tonne. it’s never this easy and the paint ends up looking plain ugly. but then again, it’s eliott he’s talking about.
“not everyone is going to like what you make,” eliott says, eyes focused onto lucas like he’s speaking of something beyond painting, “and it’s important to know that. as long as you yourself are okay with it, what others think shouldn’t matter.”
and lucas doesn’t like the sudden serious turn their conversation has taken. he isn’t good with emotions. or words. or drawing a fucking sun. the point is, lucas isn’t good at anything deep.
“so as long as i’m okay with my sun looking like a pile of goo, what you say doesn’t matter?”
eliott laughs loudly. his eyes are squeezed shut. lucas grins at his effort. if he’s good at something, it’s deflecting situations which make him uncomfortable; which include just about everything.
“i swear to god, lucas,” eliott sighs, eyes glinting, “but yeah, that’s about it. and hey, what do you know, maybe in some parallel universe there’s a sun which is exactly like the one you painted; green and - and not pretty?”
what! eliott didn’t - he didn’t just call lucas’s sun ugly! lucas gasps, offended, “i guess so. but in that universe you must have yellow eyes then.”
there’s a beat of silence too long for lucas to hold in his laugh at eliott’s expression. his eyes quickly flit to the large green blob in the centre of lucas’s painting, the circle of goo-looking mass giving rise to an incredulous look on eliott’s face.
“luca- what the hell?” there’s a frown eliott supports on which lucas can bet everything he owns that it’s utterly fake. eliott’s bottom lip juts out like a toddler (yes, the same one who’d paint on the walls). damn it. lucas won’t be influenced by a fake pout.
“stop it, eliott,” lucas whines, “i don’t know whatever has given you the idea that you’re real cute, but that pout won’t work on me.”
lucas pushes at eliott’s arm lightly when the pout still won’t drop. there’s a smile pulling up at eliott’s face, eyes curving into little lines with crinkles denting the skin underneath, “whatever has given me the idea? do you want a list or what?”
lucas narrows his eyes sharply, not liking the taste the words produce in his mouth, “there’s a list?”
“yes,” eliott says, crawling closer to lucas over the grass, “you. you’re the list.”
“oh my god, eliott!” lucas groans loudly, effectively hiding the heat of his cheeks and his burning ears by dropping his face into the curve of his elbow, “you’re so fucking cheesy!”
eliott scoffs. there’s a finger touching the shell of his ear visible behind his arm, “says the guy who painted the sun after my eyes.”
lucas can’t help his smile. he looks up, cheeks burning and all, stomach leaping with joy, “but you still love me.”
“that,” eliott sighs, finger tracing a curve on lucas’s cheek, tickling like the grass under the bare skin of his legs, “is fortunately true. i love you.”
lucas grins when eliott leans forward, pressing the warmth of his lips against the skin of lucas’s skin. “i love you.” lucas sighs when eliott moves over him, eyes a much different shade than what lucas coloured the sun with. but that’s totally on him,though. lucas is shit at painting.
“i love you.” eliott says, dipping his head down to meet lucas’s lips, nose nudging together when lucas turns his neck a bit, deepening the kiss. “ilove you,” he repeats. i love you. i love you. i love you.
the wind carries the words away to a distant place lucas would revisit in a minute or two. raising his hands, lucas steadies them on eliott’s chest, forgetting for a moment they’re in an open place. eliott responds by moving his hands closer, one touching lucas’s face. the other, in the wake of supporting his body, landing harshly on the blob of green on the page next to lucas’s head.
“fuck,” eliott quickly sits up, wrist covered in remnants of lucas’s masterpiece.
“eliott, my sun!” lucas whines, scoffing when eliott’s expression quickly transforms from mildly apologetic to smug once again. his smile, as it comes, is blinding, “now that’s what you call cheesy.”
“shut up,” lucas barks out a laugh, unexpected and light, like the sun above him - not eliott, the real thing, blob, whatever. eliott smiles, crawling forward and pressing his lips against lucas’s once again.
i love you. eliott must say at some point, the words engrained senselessly in lucas’s mind, but there all the same.
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ladykf-writes · 5 years
ohhh youre making a game??? sadly i know nada about game maker but whats it gonna be about?? also.. ilove that youre still working on dog whistle! hope youre having good times, id love to see updates of course but its up to what youre comfy with! thankyou for creating so much!!
Okay first, to address DW - I’ve gotten a few votes for me to start posting what I’ve got, so as soon as I get through my beta we’ll get some more of that  going.(Keep a lookout in the next couple hours!) Who knows, the feedback may just help me write more sooner idk. Shoutout to @wandererriha (why can I never tag you?) for letting me yell about... well, you’ll see, if you can’t guess. >_>
And as for the game...
I think any kind of gamemaking software has a curve, so for the RPG Maker, it’s really heavily advised to just make some little “just messing around” games to learn (as well as tutorials!) before even thinking about approaching your dream game. So, that’s what I did! I’ve made two complete games that were... really not great as far as prose but did the job of teaching me some things about the software.
One is like, five minutes of playtime, called Where Are My Humans? from the point of a dog who thinks his humans are lost and then sets out to find them. It was super simple, and basically was just me showing my parents (who are not gamers) a teeny taste of what I was doing.
I actually had one in-process at the same time that was actually testing what I’d picked up in tutorials, called Princess Knight, and was like... I don’t know, maybe a half hour of playtime? Maybe? And is about a princess who goes to slay a dragon in defense of her kingdom. I may actually revisit the premise with some good writing someday lol. But it taught me a lot!
And then right now I’m working on one called Dragons and Diplomacy, where you’re a wandering traveler and get mistaken for a diplomat and get dragged into things by the rebellious prince/princess. It’s closer to an hour of playtime, if you do everything that’s available. I’m a little stuck at what’s either the end or close to, so we’ll see where I go. I will probably just cut it short because again, it was to teach me things, not an exercise in great writing/storytelling.
I’ve got a couple really great ideas for the next ones, which I plan to take more seriously. Shoutout to @exsiliumductoris for beta testing my games and listening to me complain, and @vorpalgirl for also listening to me babble about games and being the beta on DW. (Seriously you guys, we all owe her for that one.)
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
Could you describe the size, appearance and thickness of the stick of each member of the bruno group, the risotto group and the diavolo extermination group.(Hi,I know you asked for several requests, because you know that you would close,but if you do not want to be all right,ilove your blog and the geito that you treat your followers thanks for the opportunity take your time to do it do not overload,I do not mind waiting,thanks again for the attention and sorry for any mistake, )
thank you for the requests, dear! since i already did bruno’s gang, i’ll do the rest of the guys on this post in the same silly way that i did the other post :)
18+ material below!
La Squadra
sorbet - thank you to @moody-blues-requiem for inspiring this HC: sorbet has a monster cock. 11-12 inches and thick. grower. uncut. big balls and lots of hair. gelato likes it, so he doesn’t trim it. cums a lot.
risotto - 10 inches, very thick. shower. uncut, and his head flushes when he’s aroused. it’s a darker color than the rest of his cock. huge and heavy balls, they will slap against you a lot while you’re fucking. well-trimmed silvery/white hair. cums in huge spurts - can go for multiple rounds.
formaggio - 7.3 inches and well-proportioned. grower. uncut and super sensitive around his head. freckles. his balls are proportional to his dick. pretty hair down there, it’s curly and coarse. doesn’t cum a lot unless he’s pent up - otherwise, an average amount.
pesci - 7 inches and thicccc. shower. uncut, droopy balls. patchy green hair - but his cock is veiny, if you like that. twitches when he cums.
ghiaccio - 6.8, grower. big upward curve. uncut. average thickness. his balls always look small because he’s cold. otherwise, his cock is pretty. curly blue hair that’s a little groomed - he secretly conditions it. cums an average amount.
prosciutto - 6.5 inches, shower. very pretty cock. uncut, big balls. has some visible veins. well-groomed blonde and soft hair. cums an average amount.
melone - 6.2 inches, shower. left curve. a porn star cock, really. uncut, super pretty head when his foreskin is rolled back. smooth and shiny. his balls are on the small side, but proportional. waxed. cums a lot. (does he take supplements or something??) 
gelato - 6.2 inches, grower. has some freckles, cut. huge balls. really curly blonde hair, will wax or trim if sorbet asks him. cums an average amount.
illuso - 5.8 inches, shower. like melone, has a pretty cock. uncut, average balls. twitches a lot. well-maintained brown hair. can cum big loads multiple times before he gets worn out.
Unita Speciale
tiziano - 8.6 inches. not super thick, but it looks nice. his balls are on the small side, but are smooth. blonde and well-maintained hair. cums a lot.
doppio - 8.5 inches. thick as fuck. where did he get it from?! it’s huge but somehow still cute. very freckly. uncut, cute pink head. smaller balls. pink and wavy hair. cums a lot and is embarrassed about it. 
cioccolata - 8.5 inches. above average thickness. super strong up curve. cut and veiny. big balls. super messy green hair that he doesn’t trim. cums an average amount.
squalo - 7 inches and thick. it matches nicely again tiziano’s cock. a little freckly around the base. average balls. red hair, but it’s well-maintained. cums an average amount.
secco - 6.8 inches, unbelievably thick - like a damn soda can. uncut, and a slight right curve. big balls. messy hair but sometimes it ends up waxed for some reason or another. cums an excessive amount due to cioccolata’s supplements.
diavolo - 6.5 inches and only slightly less thick than doppio. knows how to use it better. no freckles. uncut, head flushes when he’s turned on. big and droopy balls. coarse pink hair. cums a normal amount.
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julies-butterflies · 4 years
first lines   ::   a writing game
rules :   list the first lines of your last 20 stories  ( if you have less than 20, just list them all! )   see if there are any patterns.  choose your favorite opening line. then tag 10 of your favorite authors!!     ---   i’m going to be ranking mine  x / 10,  with comments, just for the heck of it.
1.   with friends like these   ( 2100, gen, phantoms friendship )
“Dude,” says Reggie, after the third — or maybe fourth — time it happens. “You... doin’ okay?”
verdict :   starting off with a line of dialogue is always an effective way to throw the audience right into the story, without a lot of build - up exposition.  and i... get carried away with the exposition sometimes.   this was my first ever JATP fic, so i was just trying to get a feel for the characters voices  ---   starting off with dialogue felt like a good place to begin!    7 / 10, vague but it works, and i can hear reggie’s voice clearly!
2.   even if we hit the ground  ( 3200, pre-canon, shameless reggie whump )
It all explodes in an instant, so fast that no one gets the chance to react.
verdict :   this line punches!!  it’s supposed to punch, it’s supposed to feel like the audience just got caught up in an explosion, because reggie literally does!   ( this is the story in which i establish the precedent of Hurting Reggie in my fics, just because he’s there. )      9 / 10,  super effective line
3.   if i didn’t know better  ( 3500, grief fic, julie centric )
Doctor Turner always said the special days would be the hardest.
verdict :   it’s...  okay.  i mean, it accomplishes what it needs to, but it’s nothing special.   this story holds a very dear place in my heart, and might be my favorite  ---  i wrote it to help cope with my sister’s very recent death, and frankly, it was just what i needed at the time.  i love the story as a whole more than this opening line.   5 / 10
4.   21st century (dead) teen rebellion   ( 2100, willex, ghoul bois antics )
If Alex knew exactly how he gets talked into half the things he does, he’d know how to avoid them, and his life would be so much easier.
verdict :   bahahaha, it’s sad because it’s true!!  i love this story, and this line  ---  while a bit cluttered  ---  makes me giggle.   7 / 10
5.   how to be a heartbreaker    ( 7500, luke character study, light jukebox )
Luke learns the danger of a crying woman early.
verdict :   this story was a constant surprise.  i didn’t expect it to get as long as it did  ;  i never expected it to take off the way it did, oh my gosh  ;  and there are parts of it i really like, and parts i’m more ‘meh’ about.   this opening line is good, it absolutely works in the scope of the story...  i just feel i could have done it better somehow.   but...  it leads into a whole segment with baby luke, so no regrets.   5 / 10
6.   nothing quite like living on the edge   ( 6200, missing scene after ‘nothing to lose’  ;  the boys trapped at caleb’s club )
By the time Caleb’s song reaches its grand finale, self-control is trickling back to them…  slowly, slowly, like the reverberation of the final notes.
verdict :   heehee...  like the entirety of ‘nothing to lose’, this line is delightfully unnerving.   caleb’s weird not-quite-mind-control was a topic i just had to explore in greater detail, so i really took it and ran with it.  this isn’t exactly a whump fic, but none of the boys are having a good time... and i get to explore a much darker tone, which works really well with my writing style.   overall, one of my favorite stories, and an excellent line.   9 / 10
7.   every empty space   ( 2900, emily patterson study, growing up luke )
Raising Luke was never easy, even for a moment… but in the beginning, it was a dream come true.
verdict :   the first half of this line was the main thesis for the entire story...  and i love how it sets up emily’s entire pov, and her arc over the course of 17 years, in a really effective way.  ilove writing emily because i relate to her  ---  i also look at luke and think “my beautiful, stupid son” daily.   fun story, great opener.   8 / 10
8.   revelations   (3200, gen, boys coming back to life, ray finds out )
The night of the Orpheum performance is definitely the start of something… and things never go back to normal after that.
verdict :   this is a very sexy leading line!  it’s informative, it’s ominous, and sets up a fun story / series.  i can get behind this!!  8 / 10
9.   sugar, how'd you get so fly?   ( 3000, gen, alex learns to fly, help him )
Her mom used to call it the “Mama Spidey Sense”;  a very loud, very accurate superpower that only parents have, to let them know when something is Going Down.
verdict :   ...  meh.  i like the idea, it’s a very rose vibe, but.  i don’t love it.  doesn’t have a lot to do with the rest of the story.  i think i just honestly didn’t know how to kick things off.  3 / 10
10.   know that it's probably magic   ( 4600, gen, soul bonding w/ spirits )
It takes a while for the boys to figure out all the weirdness that comes with being a ghost — and for Julie, on her end, to sort out living with a haunted band.
verdict :  opening lines work best when they’re short and pithy.  this... feels a bit cluttered, not going to lie.  while it definitely sets up the rest of the story, i feel like there was a more concise way to do it, if i just dug around a bit more.  i love this story as a whole more than this actual line.   ( also, ‘haunted band’??  does that even make sense??  girl... )   4 / 10
11.   still alive but i’m bearly breathing   ( 4100, possessed teddy bear )
Honestly, if she hadn’t been zoning out on her history essay long enough for her eyes to wander, Julie might’ve never noticed anything was wrong at all.
verdict :    uhhhh....  i don’t know how to talk about this one, actually.  midterm season is one hell of a drug.   ( another theme in my stories?  really putting alex through it.  not in a whumpy way, just in a ‘fml’ way. )  fine opening line, 6 / 10
12.   regenesis    ( 28000, multichapter, reggie whump / backstory )
Carlos is the first one to bring it up.
verdict :   this story!!  i love this story so much!!  while this opening line is the definition of ‘meh’, the story itself is such a favorite, and was so much fun to write.  i’d rank the story itself 10/10...  this line, though, will have to get  4 / 10
13.   paint a picture of it   ( 1800, gen, julie + reggie become art buddies )
“These are amazing! You’re really playing with color composition here, I like how you blend it all together.”
verdict :   can you tell i’m bullshitting my way through art terminology?  oof.  i started off this story with an entire conversation, through literally just dialogue  ;  i don’t love it, but it works well enough.   5 / 10
14.   interwoven   ( 2500, emily adopts sunset curve via knitting )
They break her heart sometimes, just a bit — her eager boy and his habit of bringing home strays.
verdict :   luke and emily patterson, out here once again, breaking my heart.  this was a more sympathetic view on emily, yes  ---  i didn’t want to excuse her canon behavior, and she still has flaws in this story...  but she also cares, and tries to be a good mom, in her own way.  she loves luke, and she loves his friends too.  this line sets that up wonderfully.   9 / 10
15.   if i was you (i'd wanna be me too)   ( 11000, multichapter, carrie redemption arc-ish??  ;  exploring carrie / julie relationship )
Because her dad always has impeccable timing, he picks the night Julie plays at the Orpheum to completely lose his mind.
verdict :   oooh, i love this line.  poor trevor, but also... this line slaps.  it’s just the right amount of carrie-pov bitchiness.  while this story is still very much a work in progress, but i love how it’s coming along so far  ;   it already has so many moments i love  ( ‘this band is home’!! )  and writing carrie is an exercise in characters i’m not used to writing.   excellent line, 8 / 10
16.   kill your heroes (and then kill them again)   ( 9500, vampire reggie )
Reggie gets bitten on a Monday. On Tuesday, he goes to band practice.
verdict :  EXCELLENT opening line!!  it’s short, it’s pithy, it gets right to the point, and you’re sure not going to forget it.  i love this line.  i love this story.  this really set up the story and i’m super happy with it.   10 / 10
17.   feast or famine    ( 7200, demon goose fic )
In their absolute defense, the boys do not, as they’re later accused of, murder a goose.
verdict :   ... listen.  this is the best opening line i’ve ever written.  it literally doesn’t get better than this, you can’t top this one.  the pinnacle has been reached.   i will literally never write a line, or a story, more engaging than this one.  200 / 10
18.   fall out boy knockoff   ( work in progress ;  5 times luke falls while climbing things he really shouldn’t be climbing )
The first thing Luke says when he sets foot in the garage for the first time is, “Whoa! You’re kidding me, you got a loft!”
verdict :   starting off with action  ---  another great way to toss readers right into the story!!  this is a fun line that really encapsulates luke’s sheer...  chaos gremlin energy.   this entire fic radiates chaos gremlin energy, and i can’t wait to post it.  7 / 10
19.  i can’t even hear them scream   ( work in progress ;  all the women in julie’s maternal line have the ability to see ghosts, the boys ain’t special )
Julie is eight months old when she sees her first ghost.
verdict :   straightforward!  to-the-point!!  tosses you right into the plot!!  not the most engaging...  but i like it, especially as this section of the fic is being told from rose’s point of view, so it comes from a perspective we wouldn’t otherwise get.   6 / 10
20.   remembering   ( work in progress ;  part of the ‘side effects of coming back from the dead’ series, basically an excuse to write sleepy bois )
Even after the spell is broken and Caleb’s stamps are gone, Julie can’t bear to leave the boys alone; the idea that they will vanish when out of her sight, flickering out of existence like candles dying in the rain, is too real, and too awful to endure.
verdict :   this...  might work better broken up into two sentences.  i’m probably gonna do that.  technically it works better as two lines, but as an opening sentiment, i love this??  the entire fic has a...  very slow, soft, thoughtful vibe, and i like how this line establishes that with a metaphor.   excited for this one!!  8 / 10
tagged by :   the absolute superstar that is @sunsetcurvecuddles​ tagging :    uhhhhh i don’t know a lot of writers in the fandom i don’t socialize hEL P
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