#nnr daydream
sunseteyes · 4 years
roze’s note: i noticed i haven’t released any headcanons for awhile so here y’all go! i’ll post jealous headcanons for each fandom just because i already have an idea how to write them haha.
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he wouldn’t get jealous if there is no reason to be and when he does get jealous, he wouldn’t call you out at first
he’ll just stand by the side, waiting for the conversation to end with a small frown or troubled look on his face
if it gets too much or the conversation is lasting longer than he expected, he’ll send a look at you already, hoping you’ll feel his gaze and get the point
when he gets very very impatient because for example you’re in the middle of a date, or he’s stressed that time and he just wants your attention but you’re giving it to someone else, then he’ll speak up
“i’m sorry to interrupt” he’ll send you a look, one that is still gentle but still having furrowed brows. “but i think (y/n) and i have got somewhere to go. do you mind?”
he wouldn’t understand why he got annoyed but i think tanjiro is mature enough not to make a scene.
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nezuko wouldn’t be the jealous type also and she might have more patience than tanjiro
so if you have gotten her jealous, you’re really doing something wrong or it was a prank/in purpose
pranking nezuko would be really fun though. ofc, who wouldn’t be curious what would make her tick because this girl is soooo kind
if you really want to make her jealous, you will have to sacrifice three to five days at most because like i said, she has a very long patience and she’s too kind to be mad—unless it involves your safety
nezuko loves being by your side, even if it would be spent in silence or doing house chores, or just eating togther
so you would have to obviously and purposely avoid her in order for the plan to work. bonus points if you do this constantly without stop—be careful at this part because she will approach you instantly with this
“can we talk, (y/n)?” “are you... mad at me?”
if you continue to ignore her afterwards and approach others instead, there’s a possibility she might get jealous at that
but she wouldn’t get that feeling and instead relay it differently. she might hold your hand and pull you to her and ask if she can talk to you again because she doesn’t really know how to react
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zenitsu would be the most jealous one in this bunch i think there’s no need to explain for that
he will be jealous to every guy that approach you, especially at the first few weeks of your relationship. he might even get jealous with tanjiro and inosuke
“hey tanjiro, are you with (y/n)-chan earlier?”
“ahhhhh! (y/n)-chan is braiding inosuke’s hair!! why are they braiding your hair?!!”
do realize that if it’s with his friends, his anxiety would be greater. and i doubt he’ll blatantly show it to you the more he’s anxious.
although as time flows by and with a lot of assurance from you directly, then he’ll grow comfortable and he’ll slowly realize that you’re going to stay with him and he doesn’t have to worry of you leaving him alone
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inosuke on the other hand, haven’t got any idea what the word jealousy is even
though he will get jealous, don’t get me wrong
inosuke has superiority complex and he takes pride in his strength. if you show more attention to someone stronger than him in front of him, his pride will be utterly crushed
it’s either he will challenge them into a fight or he’ll just be reminded that he has no fight against the other person and will be down the entire time
it will be very obvious that he’s jealous but he wouldn’t know why and what it is
“are you jealous, nosuke?”
“what? jelus? what is that?”
you’d have to give a whole ass lesson for him to fully understand. you’ll be lucky if he does because he will just deny that he’s jealous because he thinks his reaction would be because of his superiority complex
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sunseteyes · 4 years
roze’s note: BNHA MATCHUPS ARE OPEN! i also urge you guys to send requests about bnha~ i’ve been writing a lot of kny lately so i’d want to balance things out~
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izuku can be quite an introvert too imo
so it’s either you approach him or he approaches you
although he can also be the one to do so especially when you amazed him somehow or some cliché bumping by the corridor happens
but moving on, when you two get together,
your favorite past time would be studying next to each other
maybe going to several libraries or maybe just hanging out in either of your houses watching pro hero vids—specifically all might for him but he might suggest other pro heroes because he does want you to get bored aw cutie lil bub
he would want spending a lot of time with you! and you two might even train together
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katsuki... as much as i’d want to make it easier, i think katsu wouldn’t even know you exist
unless you exceed his expectation
like some sort of unexpected power or strength or if you have a very interesting fighting style
but he’s totally different when you two get together! he’s going to be vv sweet and would love to just lie around with you, chilling in some cafe or his room or your room or somewhere peaceful
training together is also a thing so buckle up, buttercup
although please be patient with this child. he would not tolerate someone who will ignore him so kindly ask him to understand that sometimes, we introverts will just recharge by ourselves and wouldn’t want anyone interrupting our “me time”
and i think katsu will totally understand *^ο^* he might even join you in your peaceful time and just play with his phone there, keeping you company
aw this is too soft katsu is such a bub
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uhm... you two have met? what a surprise
haha kidding aside, shoto is our resident introvert so first meetings are going to be awkward
but either way, when you two get together, he’d like it when you two just hang out in general. he’d be very appreciative by just your presence
drinking tea together, going to parks, sitting by the bench whilst engaging into hushed but not awkward discussions
it may look like he’s not enjoying but deep inside, he really is!!
you two will also train together but he’d be really gentle with you—he’s holding back a lot because wouldn’t want to hurt you aw sweetie
his favorites would be when you join him when he visits his mother! it would not happen when he does not trust you but since he does trust you a lot, he’d be vv comfortable and would love it if you meet his mother
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totally will flirt with you
but he tends to be shy too so if you accept him, hemll be awestruck
so fast forward, he’d definitely take you to dates! he’d love the fact that he can have you by himself and how you really trust him with your time
he would be sad when you tell him you’d need to recharge your energy but he’d be sending you text messages that will motivate you a lot~
i see him as someone who would greet you every single day and even if you won’t reply, he’d totally understand it
and he’d seriously blush when he sees you smile over his text
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kiri is the best man, i tell you
he would approach you even if you don’t look too interesting—don’t worry i don’t look interesting either— and he’d greet you every single day!
so when you two are going to be a thing, that sweetness will multiply 10 times!
he would respect your “me time” and would be showering you with love by the time you have already recharged!
he really likes just being with you, whatever your personality is
past times with kiri would include watching some videos or tv shows, or if you have hobbies like planting, cleaning or even writing, he’d be there to support you!
all in all, he’s a very very supportive boyfriend pls give me a kiri soon
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tenya would know you but he’d rarely talk to you especially if you don’t talk a lot
like he knows your name but just that
he’d probably talk to you if you talk to him first
but moving on, he would be a great boyfriend too!
you two would probably study together a lot or train a lot too but he would surely want to take you to dates
and he won’t admit it but he definitely searched about ‘how to treat your introvert partner right’ or ‘places to go on a date’ on google
it would be awkward at first but he’ll be a natural especially when he feels comfortable with you
i see him as the type who’d take you to movies or theatres, even! he’s a rich kid yall
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sero would be the most normal, almost like kiri
he’ll definitely try to flirt with you
but keyword: try. he would fail and would full on have a conversation with you especially if he finds you interesting
he will court you very sweetly and may even think that you’d like it to happen privately so that you wouldn’t get embarrassed
he would be very very understanding when you want to have some alone time by yourself
if you have any problems, he’d really be able to read it—faster than anyone actually
all in all, he’s just a typical boyfriend type, totally recommend!
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sunseteyes · 4 years
feel free to send requests to any kny character~
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quality time
as much as he loves doing stuff for other people, he’d feel loved and he’d show his love through the quality time you spent on each other
i don’t see him as very vocal outside, he’d be the type to want private matters done privately
and besides, zenitsu and inosuke might feel uncomfy anyway so
he wouldn’t mind hand holding, hugging and short kisses or pecks but anything more than that would make him blush or be embarrassed this boy is a highkey cancer like me so yes i know
bonding time would include cooking meals together, spending time with nezuko, heart to heart talks, naps on the other’s shoulder, training together
basically anything domestic. he’s the eldest in the family so he tends to feel responsible with a lot of stuff, so he’d feel really glad to spend even the smallest things together
he’d love it too when he sees you having a good time, laughing with nezuko, zenitsu and inosuke as he watches by the side, his eyes reflecting the glimmer of the moonlight as he stares at your form. if you do catch him staring, he’d be giving you that beautiful and soft smile of his, a hint of pink dust decorating his cheeks
if you’d ask him those cliche lines like “why? is there something wrong with my face?”
he’d answer with, “no, no, it’s not like that. i just think you look so pretty when you smile like that.” his voice would be really really soft, more like a whisper especially if you two are sitting side by side
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acts of service
like her brother, nezuko will be the type who would like helping other people, the only difference is that it’s her primary way of showing and feeling loved
if she’d see that you’re kind to her, taking care of her, respecting her, protecting her, she would do the same for you bruv
she’d like the way how you would protect her against those who’d want to kill her, and even just by giving her sincere smiles before tucking her inside the box before all of you sets off on another mission
fighting side by side with her would be a thing
if she senses that you are in danger, she’d immediately come to your rescue
you’d be able to tell how much she loves and cares for you even without her using words since she literally can’t due to that stick on her mouth
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words of affirmation
do i need to say more
he’s one of the most anxious characters in kny so ofc, he’d need someone who will give him the love he needs
although yes, he’d fall for anyone easily, but for him to fall deeper, you’d have to work on your words
when i mean by that, you should show him how much you love him not just by actions but most importantly, with your words of assurance
he’s also very vocal and showy with his feelings, so if you’re not comfortable with that you can just tell it to him. he’d be sad but the key are your words, use them to reassure him
you can do this whenever he also gets jealous—which i highly think he would, when he feels afraid to face a demon, when he thinks he’s going to lose
but i think he’s also the kind who would be more confident when he has his you by his side
you’d be more like his motivation to be a better version of himself
but he won’t realize it himself since his anxiousness would still take over, but the moment he sees you right there, beside him, he’d think of how much he would want to protect you and even if you’re a slayer, he wouldn’t let you do most of the work and would do his outmost effort to defeat the demon/s as soon as possible
“don’t worry, (y/n)! i’m here for you, i won’t let any demon get near you!”
just like your words of affirmation, he wouldn’t know or notice just how much he’d adapt to your words and even apply it
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giving gifts or words of affirmation
inosuke will be the type who would be really touched when someone would give him words of praise in a genuine tone
his mind would instantly daze out and dandelions would float around him as if he was flying into cloud nine
anyway, i don’t think that would be his only love language
growing up, he’d be not used to these kind of words and also even receiving gifts from someone
so basically, his reaction for you bringing him one would be like when you’d praise him with words
“huh? what’s this? a... gift? what is that?... this is mine now? oh....” he’d be out for a couple of seconds before, “well, lord inosuke deserves receiving gifts! good work, my loyal minion! now where are gonpachirou and junitsu’s?”
he’d expect you bringing him gifts but if you’d mix it with words like “you did well, inosuke!”, “thank you for saving me back there, inosuke!”, he’d be loving those because it will caress his pride
and you never know, he might give you gifts or tokens too
like if he goes in a separate mission and he’d give you trinkets like rocks from where he went, or maybe a pin if he manages to buy in the market properly
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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monster in me; t. shigaraki
—he was someone who you could relate to in a lot of ways. and it was probably the reason why you chose to stay by his side and promised to never leave.
your fingers grazed upon his hair and if it were any other person, the man would have despised the touch.
but it was you.
your eyes glowered over the forms in front of you, their faces not really your concern due to the fact that they were just useless.
for you, only shigaraki mattered. that’s why this raid, your attention would be focused on the man, willing to do anything to anyone who dares touch him.
even all might.
“you’re not going with us, (y/n). my decision is absolute.” he voices out, slow in speech yet his tone determined.
you twirled a stray hair and clicked your tongue. “that’s unfair tomura.” you whine, your voice soft and silky yet it brought shivers down the thugs that lined up in front of you, silencing at the sound that comes out of your lips.
“i want to go too.” your eyes glowered at him and even if his eyes were covered by his hair, you knew you had sent the message just by the way your hand traveled from his air to his arm.
“you’ll get hurt.” he argues.
you hum, tilting your head to the side as you lean to his ear, a hand coming up to his hair again as another sleekly wraps on his arm. 
“but without me, everyone will die.” you whisper, your breath fanning his hair and the skin that touches it, as if a cold wind haunted to blow a breeze on him in the middle of hell. 
your quirk was his opposite, and tomura knew you would indeed be useful in the field with your healing quirk just by your simple touch.
“you know i can’t let you get hurt, (y/n). sensei wants you to stay too.” 
you pull away instantly, the warmth of your touch and presence vanishing from shigaraki’s feeling. there was a sly smirk by your face as you erupted into giggles that surely made anyone who heard it tremble in fear. 
“i know. i just teased you.” you turned around with a last look, your hair swaying by the back of your head as you exited from their sight, your costume of a white angel wings being the last image that plays on tomura’s mind as you did so.
you were angelic indeed; your touches, voice, smile, and even your face. but tomura himself knew that inside of that outer appearance of yours was a monster that his own probably couldn’t beat.
because it’s you. and he’d hate to see you hurt, even if it’s an order from anyone.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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control; s. shinazugawa
—“shhh, it’s alright, baby. i’m here. sanemi, i’m here.”
you pecked his forehead before placing your chin on the crown of his head. you found your fingers interlocking with his hair, your other hand firmly on one of his shoulders, feeling how it tenses underneath you.
his head was buried on your chest with his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer into him as his sobs were muffled by your clothes.
your heart clenched at this side of sanemi. yes, he is the strong, tough and usually-arrogant wind pillar yet he still have times where he breaks down at the thought of his past; his family, friends and people he had “let down”. you listen to him everytime he’s like this and you offer him your support just by being there for him. yet, it still breaks your heart whenever you see him like this.
it’s like he was tearing himself apart and you were holding him to keep himself from fully doing it—like glue, making sure to put him back together when he breaks.
he rarely shows this side of him, and he does it only to you. it does sound like it’s a privilege but it’s hard to keep yourself strong for him too. most of the time, you wonder if you’re doing the right thing or not.
yet you hold on. because he needs you. he needs you to control what he can’t by simply holding him together until it felt like he had forgotten about his nightmare and all the bad memories in the past and bask in to the present, where he can look at you and feel at peace for having someone by his side, even when he had lost everyone else.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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theme/s: pocahontas & princess and the frog inspired. an encounter between a demon and a blind human that made him see the colors of a side of him that he had long forgotten.
word count: 1,396 words
ironically, this is the one i finished first before the dabi oneshot and it just implies how much i’ve been into demons of kny lately jdjjs. anyway, please do enjoy reading!
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he always loved the wind, nature in particular.
ever since he was a child, he had felt at one with his surroundings and it became the reason why his mind calms down and he feels and he feels at peace.
so when he, along with the upper ranked demons were asked by lord muzan to fulfill a task of finding a specific flower called crimson lotus, he didn’t mind it. he thought he could do it immediately.
“useless! i entrusted you all one thing!”
akaza glided through the trees under the moonlight, his haori dancing along through each of his movements. tonight, he has to arrive in a region he had never been to before for the simple reason as it was too far and he thought he didn’t have to travel there beforehand. yet now, their lord had seemed restless that and akaza couldn’t help but want to prove to muzan that he could be better than everyone—that his mistakes recently could be brushed away after he finds this crimson lotus.
and he also needed to breathe.
this place is covered in nature, and there are only a few people there. it’s better if he wouldn’t have to kill anyone especially if he doesn’t have a reason to. he just wants to pass by a day all alone with his mind and soul—feel at peace.
stepping onto the edge of the cliff, he glances up at the moon, high up in the sky that was decorated by the shining light of the stars. a cold breeze passes by his form yet he didn’t shudder one bit.
truly becoming a demon, he also became numb.
numb of the warmth, the cold, the usual pain on the fists as he punches someone, or even the slightest bit of guilt when he hurts someone. everything feels nothing, and yet nothing feels everything at the same time.
taking a breather despite not having any need of it, he jumps down and landed on the ground without any difficulty. by then, he started his search for the crimson lotus.
these are the moments that usually takes his time. he didn’t want to overlook anything so he double-checks, and triple-check even. he didn’t want to regret just because he neglected it.
...regret. how ironic.
a demon like him, regretting? that’s unlikely of him.
there was a rustling that caught his ears and his head snaps towards that specific direction, abandoning his task at hand to focus on whoever or whatever is near him. a demon slayer? an animal? a human? surely, it’s a living thing. yet, he can’t let his guard down just in case.
he silently stepped, unafraid. there’s nothing to be afraid of unless-
“who’s there?”
his eyes narrow at the dark space, trying to look further and see.
he suddenly turns defensive when he traces a figure, one that he could identify as a human—surely, it is.
“is... is there somebody else here?”
akaza jerks on his spot, the voice making his brows furrow and an unknown feeling spreading on his chest, like a cold water drenching his insides.
for the first time in since forever, he shivers. something about that voice shakes his mind baffled.
his first instinct was supposedly to kill, to eat, or to leave humans alone. yet for some reason, he was left standing them, his guard down and his eyes wide open. this is unlikely of him to be surprised and felt different in front of a human and there's you—just standing a couple of steps away from him, with your voice the sole reason why a demon like him was fazed.
a demon... yes, that's what he is. that's what he should be.
"who are you? what are you doing here?" he questioned after regaining his composure and posture. he noticed how you flinched slightly at his tone and yet another unexpected tick prickles on his skin.
"i... i'm sorry. i usually go around the forest at night to walk around. my tribe is situated near here. perhaps... i made a wrong turn? but i'm sure i went around my usual paths..." there's your voice again, pleasant to the ear with the uncertainty in its tone.
and something tugged his chest the moment he saw your eyes.
he walks towards your form and he that feeling on his insides grew the further he saw how you did not back away at his incoming footsteps—at him.
he had never encountered someone like you except whenever he’s with the upper demons or lord muzan. yet you—a mere human, is not afraid of him for even one bit.
“where are you from? are you from another tribe? i... i’m sorry if i made a mistake. could you... please lead me out? i promise i mean no harm.”
akaza could hear the genuineness in your voice, and even if he knew what would be the most right thing to do as a demon, he refuses to do so.
he feels like this is from his previous human life... even if he could barely remember anything.
“it’s alright, i don’t care.” he responds, staring at your blank eyes. “i have no intention of hurting you.”
have he ever said that statement before? probably never. he could never have imagined himself of doing so anyway.
he sees your relieved smile and the way your eyes glisten with kindness. even with the nature of them, he could still feel as if you were looking right into his soul, like you had a way of making him feel things that he doesn’t want but craves for.
“do you... do you want me to walk you back safely?”
he often leaves women alone or kills them in an instant, without pain. yet for some reason, he couldn’t do either on you.
“would you really? that's so kind of you!" your smile was a sight to him, like seeing colors for the very first time even if it was supposedly you who should feel that way.
walking side by side with a human is unnerving. he was thought of different circumstances where other demons or maybe even the lord muzan himself would see him do this unlikely act of kindness and he wondered what he would do if that so happens, would he protect you? or would he let the black and white colors of his side corrupt you too?
he feels a hand brush his skin and he relished upon the residual warmth that you gave him and the way you look up to apologize to him. he hears himself say "i don't mind. if you want, you can hold my hand."
"would that be alright?"
he questioned it to himself too.
"it would."
your touch momentarily calmed the waters from within. all the worries that were ebbing in his mind slowly disappears and he let this moment engrave in him as much as he can. he had been alive for over tens of years but this is the only time he could remember that he had felt alive.
when was the last time? that he's not sure of.
"thank you for walking me back. you are so kind... could you perhaps... tell me your name?"
that was odd, he thinks. because he had never heard of anyone inquiring that before he does. and why did he want to tell you of a different name instead of his current one.
and yet, he couldn't remember what it was.
"i... i think it's best if you don't know that." there was the innocence in your eyes again and for a second, he thought you might have just seen through him and all his secrets up until now.
"that's alright." your lips curve into a gentle smile. "my name is (y/n). i hope we could meet each other once again."
his troubled look might have crossed his face for a couple of times that night more than the others. yet, there was a silent wish inside of him that hoped of the same too.
as he watched you walk away, he couldn't forget the last look in your blank eyes that told him that you knew.
you knew of his other side but still trusted him either way. even if that wasn't the case, akaza wanted to think it would be.
because he might have just found another thing that helps him breathe.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
Hello Miss Roźe!! I love your Disney inspired prompts!! I think it’s such a cute idea! Would it be okay if requested Muichiro with prompt 49, please? Thank you very much!!❤️❤️
prompt 49. “Any day spent with you is my favorite day.”
—“muichiro-kun? what are you doing here again?”
the boy peeks from his hug on your waist and grins. “i want food.”
you sighed, having a hard time focusing on what you were cooking for he was clinging to you waist from your back, making it hard to move around and bring your arms down.
“the food will come any minute now. you should wait with the others on the table.”
he pouts. “i don’t wanna.”
“what? why?” you raise a brow.
“i want to spend time with you.” there was a red hue on his cheeks but for you, he looked and sounded like a pretty determined toddler wanting to get the attention of his crush.
the next sigh you let out was not of exhaustion but was of acceptance and adoration, placing your free hand on top of his head to lightly pat on it.
“you’re really cute when you act like that, muichiro-kun. though time with me is not really exciting, are you sure about that? you’re friends with tanjiro and the others right?”
“friends?” he tilts his head slightly, a hint of contemplation in his tone. “but i’d rather be with you. any day spent with you is my favorite day, (y/n).”
you’d have to hide away the blush that formed on your cheeks as you silently continued your cooking. you must have forgotten how straightforward the boy was and any argument with him will just end up to you losing it.
requests are open for the prompts!
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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more than words; e. kirishima
—“(y/n)? what happened? are you-”
you collided onto his chest, his arms automatically wrapping around your form as you had already done the same, clutching onto his waist with your dear life.
he stiffened when he heard your sobs, muffled by his shirt that you’re probably using as a handkerchief by now.
though he did not cared about that now. instead, he thought of the recent conversations you and him had, scanning every word that left your lips through his head.
the answer was clear.
“it’s... it’s about him, right?” there was a sour and bitter taste by eijirou’s words, as if he had eaten rotten food and he’s aching to take it out already.
he sighs audibly, a hand raising to gently rub motions by your back, as if it would ease the pain that you were feeling. but he knows no action nor words of reassurance would ever reach to your heart like how shouto todoroki’s can.
you look up and your puffy eyes came into view, eijirou’s chest suddenly swelling up at just the thought of you getting hurt. he hates this—hates when you cry about him, when you hurt just being with him.
“eiji i-“
eijirou finds the source of the other voice and grimaces, his face crunching up. it was shouto.
his eyes then scan yours.
don’t go, please don’t, he pleads in his mind like a mantra, a silent prayer that he had kept in his heart for a very long time, pleading to whoever god there is to accept his wish.
but it was never fulfilled.
he felt you let go of him but he couldn’t let go of you, his hand stiffening by your arm as he begged you to stay with his eyes—yet you refused to even look at him, as if he was the reason for your heartache when he was the one who was always there for you, only for you to leave his arms repeatedly to go back into the confines of your boyfriend’s, as if nothing had happened that caused you to react like that.
it’s unfair. it’s so unfair.
“i... thanks again, eiji.” you finally look at him when he loses all strength to hold on, your smile resembling of a fallen angel, your wings already broken making you unable to fly free from your restraints and the tower you yourself created to lock yourself up for your own love towards another person that clearly has no other motive than to give you pain.
but he lets you walk away, like always. because he knows that deep inside, he’s far important than what you make him feel. and he hopes that someday it will be enough for you to choose him instead.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
heyy, do you have any headcanons for inosuke with a s/o that’s kind of chaotic but gets flustered by him super easily and even more when she sees her face ??
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roze’s voice: i seriously suck at titles but anyway like i always say it’s in the content lmao. so it’s kinda the first time i did something like this here so let me know if you want more content like this or if i did it okay! feedback is highly, highly appreciated !!
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inosuke’s pretty chaotic. but when his s/o is also chaotic too, then that would be one hell of a ride for zenitsu and tanjiro 
but they’ll admit that being with you and inosuke is fun, just wait for it
although their most favorite part would be when you’re being all shy and flustered when it comes to interacting with inosuke
your chaotic-ness will turn down and it will be a sight for the two, especially zenitsu since he’ll be the one to sense that instantly. however, it would displease him knowing that it’s with inosuke becuase wHY
inosuke on the other hand, would sense it immediately too
actually on second thoughts, he would sense it but he would be curious why too
he might even question you straightforwardly
“gon(y/n) why do you look so red whenever i see you? is that normal?”
and of course, that would fluster you even more. so as a result, “you must be sick! oy kamaboko i think (y/n) is sick.” oh he got your name right
when all of those passes and you still survived, i congratulate you
however, be prepared for the surprise you never have expected.
let’s say it was a normal day and you were teasing zenitsu right after you just gave him a scare. now you have never seen inosuke without his mask off before because you joined the group quite late and you’re always separated because you didn’t (or couldn’t) be in the same room as them
because hello? you get flustered just by having him near, how can you sleep with that?
when you finally saw him; lo and behold his pretty face, doll eyes and cute hair, at first you will wonder who the new girl is
then when you travel your eyes downwards...
“inosuke?!!!!” panic mode: on
you’ll probably pass out if you’re that kind of person, or maybe just cover your face in utter embarrassment because you just shouted the boy’s name
“have you never seen inosuke without a mask before?”
“ah i knew it! (y/n)-chan, why did you choose him?!”
“what’s going on? why is (y/n) crying?! you did something didn’t you!” inosuke would be quareling with zenitsu as tanjiro mitigates the whole situation
like i said, pure chaos
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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ironic; o. uraraka
—she was not born blessed with financial stability.
she knows that she could barely give you gifts whenever she wanted to present you one and she also knows you don’t really mind it. however, it still bugs her until now. whenever she asks you if you want something, you’d just answer with “no, it’s fine ochaco! i don’t need it.”, “no need to buy it for me, ochaco.” or “oh don’t worry, it’s not like i like it anyway.”
it hurts her to see you pretend that you were not affected sometimes.
it’s ironic, really. whenever she thinks that she can finally give you what she can, you tell her it’s alright. but whenever you do, it only gives more anxiety to her mind, like a component mixed with her blood as it slowly spreads her body.
it’s not that she’s blaming you, no. she just didn’t want this to continue on further.
“(y/n)-chan, i’m just saying that it’s alright to open up to me.” ochaco looks into your eyes as she squeezed your hands with hers, hoping that she was able to get her point to you.
there was a troubled look on your face yet it only lasted for a second. still, ochaco saw it.
“ochaco, i-”
“it doesn’t matter if i can’t afford it. we can buy it later on when we could, right?” she smiles at you reassuringly. “i don’t want us to have a wall between us... it’s... it’s really alright. don’t hold back because of me.”
she catches you purse your lips before you suddenly reached out and latched onto her form, wrapping your arms and pulling you two towards each other. it took awhile for ochaco to recover but when she did, there was a warmth in her chest that spreads inside, a gentle smile tugging on her lips at your actions.
“i’m sorry if i made you feel that way, ochaco... from now on, we’re going to be open to each other, alright?”
ochaco thought that she’d be the one who’d be assuring you that day but ironically, it was the other way around too.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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dancing with your ghost; sabito
—a warm, calloused hand touches the skin by your cheek, the feeling pulling you into leaning to the hand, entranced by the way it grazes your skin as you stare at your reflection by the mirror.
“would you care for a dance, my love?” he brings his face beside you and a hand raised enough for you to reach.
you took the offer, your eyes gazing back at his lavender ones, seemingly enchanted by the way he looks at you, and you can say that it was the same for him too.
his gentle smile comes as he welcomes you into his arms, his fingers tangling themselves on yours while he places his arm wrapped around your waist, his touch like of a protector, willing to shield you with anything that may come your way.
as you two began to sway, you kept your eyes on him and he on you. sooner than later, tears formed from yours.
he drags your hand along with his as he uses his thumb to brush the falling teardrops away from your face, gentle and pleasant, as if he was careful not to break your skin.
“cry all you want, love. it’s alright, i’m here.” his voice was the same, making you pull him by his torso, wrapping both of your arms as you implanted your face by his firm chest.
he swayed the two of you still, as if dancing to a definite rhythm or a serenade, his movements placid and smooth, resembling of the sea or an ocean.
when he stopped, you pull away. looking up at his eyes, one that had always showed you how much he loves you, one that showed you how much he cared.
and one that you watched losing its life.
your heart wrenched as you felt him touch your face again, the touch that you already missed and will continue to yearn and long for.
he caressed your skin, his other arm still wrapped around yours, keeping you near him.
“you can’t keep doing this to yourself, love.” his voice, it made you want to cry harder.
even if he was just a picture of an imagination.
“you have to let me go.” he drops down and leans his lips to your forehead, placing a gentle kiss that lasted for a few seconds, as if relishing the feeling of doing so for the very last time.
when he pulled away, there was a pained smile plastered on his face.
“you have to let me go so that you can live a good life, (y/n). a good life without me. you have to forget about me.”
“but i-”
“you are free to love whoever you want. i just wish that you won’t hurt yourself from doing so.” there was it again, that pained look on his face. “you deserve to be happy, love. i’m sorry i’m not the one who can give it to you.”
tears dripped down your face but as his image disappears and you were back to reality, there was no one to brush them away.
but you still felt his faint touch in your cheek, and as you drop down to a crouch whilst hugging yourself, memories of the past came crushing in, like a tidal wave destroying whatever is on its way.
it’s that day again. that day a few years back.
that day that tattooed on your mind as you lost your fiancé, your lover, and your best friend.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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space between; giyuu tomioka
—you didn’t know much about giyuu’s past.
it was by choice, anyway. no matter how close you two seem, you decided that if you were to know about it, giyuu must be the one to initiate not just because you asked him. for you, it’s some sort of confirmation that giyuu trusts you enough to tell you about the things he’s not usually comfortable of telling to others. you can’t just force it out on him just because you were curious. you treasure each of your friendships and for you to be friends with giyuu? you’re lucky enough that he even acknowledges you. 
though it didn’t mean anyone never approached you about it.
shinobu tried to sleekly tried to take it out of you, mitsuri asked you directly but it was not to pressure you, and sanemi even had this look on you one time as he asked you about giyuu but it never happened again. you sometimes talk to sanemi and it looked like he got the message that you didn’t know a thing about giyuu’s past.
you knew there had always been a wall between giyuu and the other pillars and even though you tried to be a bridge between them, both sides just doesn’t add up together, like oil and water.
so when giyuu actually decided to open up to you, it was simply bittersweet.
because you barely had enough time in the world when he scrambled upon his words with tears falling down his eyes. 
“no, don’t go yet (y/n)! you can’t die too!” 
you had never heard giyuu so frantic and panicked. he was always this cool, calm and silent guy all this time that you had been with him. you had trusted and respected him more for that but that doesn’t meant that it had decreased now in this situation.
fate is just unfair sometimes. and you can feel that giyuu knows about it without knowing everything in his story. 
“no, not you. not another one.” even as he murmurs to himself, you can still hear him curse and hiss, your head resting by his chest as he carries you while running fast towards the Butterfly Estate, where every slayer should be taken when wounded. supposedly, kakushi’s are the ones to take them there but giyuu seemed to have planned otherwise.
your wound is deep and time will only tell how long you’ll last with how much you will lose blood. 
“giyuu,” you placed a hand on his chest and speaks again despite the difficulty of doing so, coughing in between the words that comes out of your lips. “i think you should stop now.” 
he refuses to do so at first but after a few seconds, he does. 
and he has this look on his face that makes you want to cry. but you can’t right now. you have to show him that you are strong—you are losing your life strong. 
“do you want to die, (y/n)? you’re giving your life away like that?!” he was angry, and you know he has the right to be. “my sister, sabito, they’re all dead because of me. i can’t-i can’t let you die on me too!” 
giyuu was neither too silent nor too talkative to you. you’re not surprised to see this side of him because he usually voice out his opinions especially with you. but then, now you know the purpose of this moment.
your hand touches his face in the gentlest of ways, your eyes stuck on his, taking note in your mind every little feature he has.
because it might be too late for everything by now.
“giyuu... you are my friend. i don’t want you blaming yourself when i’m gone, okay?” his body stiffened at your words, as if he was drenched by ice cold water.
“i am sure that this moment came to us because your sister and sabito would have wanted the same.” 
with your last breath, you chose to be accept your fate and be strong;
for giyuu. even if you’re not there for him anymore.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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quit; s. aizawa
—you felt an arm wrap around your waist, effectively pressing your back to a sturdy chest from behind you.
“you awake?”
you bit your lip, closing your eyes and stabilized your breathing. you didn’t answer.
he pulls you in closer, burying his nose by the back of your neck.
you failed to endure the desire to give what you can, and thus you turned around, doing the same to him and leaning your head by his chest.
“so you are awake.”
you hum. “mhm, how was your day, shouta?”
he groans. “nothing special.”
everyday, it had been like this with him; waiting for him to come by and sleep next to you. sometimes, you were growing tired of it.
but what can you do? you can’t just... stop.
you peer your eyes over him and gave him a small smile, even if you knew he wouldn’t be looking.
“i’m sure tomorrow will be better.”
he opens his eyes and only looks at you, contemplation written in his face, as if he was studying you; why are you saying that again? why do you sound so positive? why are you reassuring him when he can’t do the same to you.
you could only assume what was running in his mind.
you thought that when you two get together, things will change and the once intimate touches would have a hidden genuine love inside.
but maybe you’re wrong.
maybe you’re right.
you’re gonna regret choosing to stay. but you can’t leave him either. you love him, and you can only hope he does the same.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
hc ideas?? 👀👀 well, i've been feeling a Mood TM lately, so maybe hcs of muimui with his first child? take your time though!! love you roziee 🥰🥰
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this is an aged up, 20+ muichirou. if you are uncomfortable reading this, don’t read.
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also, bb brin you have read my mind once again!! i wanted to write about a fluff adult mui recently idk how that thought came to mind. we are indeed mtb gurl(ㄏ ̄▽ ̄)ㄏ
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first of all, mui wouldn’t have a first child. he’d have first children
i seriously think he’d have a huge probability to have twins because well,,, he has a twin?
anyway, knowing the fact that muichiro lost his parents early on and eventually his brother, i doubt he’d let anything happen to his children. he’d hate for them to feel what he had experienced
he’d be so excited to see them though. and when he sees them finally, he’d be in awe
“is this... are they...” he’d be left speechless and he’ll be reminded of his own brother and parents, reminiscing a bit of his childhood.
“can i really hold them like this? am i doing the right thing? right?” yes, muichiro is prideful but he would definitely confirm if he’s doing things properly. he’d want the absolute best for his children ofc
and besides, he trusts you fully. he won’t be afraid of showing his vulnerability to you. by this time, i’m sure he’s already learned a lot and became more mature
“wow look (y/n)! i can fit them both on my arms! aren’t i great?!” but still, he’d be pretty childish sometimes. though that’s the charming thing about mui tbh
i also think he’d have biases. if he’d have twins then surely there will be one that he’ll favour the most—probably the youngest,,, but who knows?
so do remember that you’d have to adjust a bit so that the other won’t feel left out !! or just feel free to call out mui if the bias is very obvious hahah
honestly though? i think muichiro would be a great father. no matter how much he didn’t have all of the chances to learn as a child, he’s intellectual and he’d know exactly how to cope
he may make mistakes at first like forgetting to replace the nappies—this might happen a couple of times—or he might get impatient when he hears the babies’ cries but he’s teachable and he’d hate to be a failure at taking care of his own children
he may rely on you a lot even if he wouldn’t admit it directly but it’s just a result of having no one to teach it to him before. it’s kind of sad but,,, that’s how it is
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sunseteyes · 4 years
hiii, can i please ask headcanons of yushiro with a human s/o who is really affectionate ? thankss
oh my yES. honestly, he’s one of my favorites and i can’t even express how much i want him to have a happy ending of his own. i feel like he deserves so much yet given so little (i’m sorry that’s my opinion). anyways, aaa i feel like i’ve gotten over my slump and i’m back! yayy. enjoy reading~
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if yushiro will have an affectionate s/o, he is open about his feelings with you and he will not be afraid of showing it to anyone either
at first, he’ll be shy when receiving hugs, kisses or when you wrap your hands on his arm or his hand, but he wouldn’t push you away nor make you feel like he doesn’t like it
if it is in front of other people, he may have a difficult time reciprocating it back
he would blush. that’s it. a blushing yushiro.
“(y-y/n)? w-what are you doing here?” he’d be asking you why you’re not in school or at work or generally just there with him. he’d do anything to just fill the air with no awkwardness since he’s gonna be slightly embarrassed of looking “soft” for letting you be affectionate with him
but when it’s just the two of you and/or no one is looking, he’d look at you and smile or just squeeze your hand back, or just let you stay there in your position, not making any movements or repercussion to push you away 
although he can sometimes be a tsundere, most especially during the first few times you show affection to him
i think he’s the type who’s used to giving affection and for him to receive it, it would make his heart swell
he would be very soft with you
likeeeee he would just feel very calm and pleasant whenever you embrace him, tell him “i love you”s or “i miss you”s, and when you kiss him on the forehead
forehead kisses will be his thing, i am telling yall
and also on the cheeks, whenever you can’t reach his forehead 
i can also see him as the type who’d appreciate subtle physical affection? like he would treasure and relish those small, intimate moments in his mind and would always remember to reciprocate them back
all in all, yushiro is a very loving and caring demon and he’d do really appreciate all your affection. even if he won’t be able to reciprocate them back, just know that he’ll remember it in his heart and soul forever
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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theme/s: anastasia & hunchback in notre dame inspired. the meeting of an unlikely pair that bonded through a connection neither understood.
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word count: 2,226 words
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roze’s note: this is the first out of eight oneshots i’ll be publishing til the end of the month, please look forward to each of them~ also, i am not a professional dancer or even close to one so i do apologize if the dance scenes are not that detailed. 
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there was a crowd around you, your hair and the laces of your clothes dancing along through your movements. a smile was on your face, sweet and sultry as you eyed upon each of the watchers, observing their reactions but mostly to add upon the mood of the dance.
the flame burns from behind you but it was warm enough to show you the passion that you put through each gesture, action and motion.
applause resounded in the area the moment you finished, the praises never ending yet your focus were on the your hand, lifted up on the sky as if reaching up on it. it was your dream to be someone who is loved and inspired of by the people around you, and it was fulfilled.
but, it was all ruined by a man.
"(y/n), have you prepared for the presentation tomorrow?" another dancer asked, her dress of a different color than yours due to the difference of roles. above all the dancers that had performed that night, it was you who were in the center stage—the star of the night, the sun that brightened up the mood of the crowd due to how popular you were to everyone.
your eyes set upon uraraka, thinking upon her question.
"you meant the solo dance for the governor tomorrow? yes, i have, why do you ask ochaco-chan?"
the brunette gives you an small smile, one that she always does whenever she's unsure of something but she's too shy to tell it to you. above everyone, it's ochaco who you could tell is the closest you've got as a friend. it didn't mean that the other performers didn't like you per se but since you had always been requested and assigned as the main dancer usually, let's just say your relationship with them is not too good to be considered as above acquaintances.
"oh, not really." she chuckles awkwardly, waving her hand as a gesture, "i'm just worried for you, that's all."
"worried?" you raised a brow, catching upon the tone of her voice and her choice of words. "why should there be to be concerned of?"
"oh-" her eyes widens a bit, "it's really just-i wanted to say good luck for your performance. i'm sure you can do it better than all of us."
you smiled, carrying your bag to place the strap on your shoulders as you had finished packing your things to go home. "thank you, ochako-chan. i really appreciate it."
as you passed by everyone in the tent, you couldn't help but feel and receive the gazes that the other dancers were giving you but you planted your feet on the ground; firm and unshakable.
so as you thought.
slumping onto the bed, you place an arm on top of your eyes, covering it despite of having the room already dark enough not to hurt your sight. the house was quiet, as usual, but it didn't mean you wanted it.
you grew up in an orphanage and it would have been better if you knew why you were there all of a sudden but you barely remember anything about the past years before you were taken in by the caretaker--who never really cared much about you throughout your stay. you were neglected, and even if it was the sad reality, it only made you more curious in finding who your real family was.
but you never did.
you hummed to fill in the quietness of the surroundings whilst organizing the things that are needed for the solo performance tomorrow. it will not take long much but the movements definitely will take effort because every second will count upon how you should make the audience glue their eyes and whole attention on you, including the governor.
the governor is a powerful man and everyone knows not to displease him. that’s why you prepared for this dance early on and had mastered everything already.it would be a shame if you’ve made a slightest bit of a mistake in front of the most respected and powerful man in your city. 
by the time tomorrow came, your heart was pounding just at the sight of the people that were gathered around the plaza--the same people who were bound to witness your performance for today. you had certainly performed in front of a bunch of people but never at this number. however, it is still exciting to do so for the exact same reason. in conclusion, you were feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement pumping in your heart that you didn’t know which one was stronger.  
by the time your name was called, you gave it with all you’ve got; swaying your hips, moving your arms freely, your feet light as you pranced along the stage, and your eyes immediately set upon the mayor, being able to have this chance to see him for the very first time.
enji todoroki. ever since you came to the orphanage, you had known of his name. he was not only a man known for his title but also for the good deeds he had done for the people. everyone respects and honors him. anyone who does differently are exiled or put to death, even. it is indeed intriguing but as a lowly citizen--barely, to be honest--you have no choice but to abide and cause any commotion of some sort.
the crowd was wild and sounding pleased with what you were showing them and there is an amused look on the governor’s face, which then only encouraged you to move accordingly and with great energy. your heartbeat blended well with the music and the claps of the people resonated with your moves.
your gaze was then tugged towards a figure not very far from the governor, his presence giving you an intriguing energy that it made you glide towards him, a smile tugged on your face as you placed yourself in front of him, unafraid of any repercussions that may happen. it is part of your dance where you have to improvise some of the steps since you decided that it would be too boring to only stay in one place throughout the performance. 
you peered over his face the moment you got beside him, his eyes gleaming under the shadow of his hair, as if he was narrowing them at you in irritation--or not. your sweat ran cold not because you were scared of him but it was a different kind of feeling that piqued your interest. you also had a hard time reading him but you didn’t linger there for any longer for his body heat was too warm for you to handle.
you felt his gaze was on you and yours were on him when you had went by the governor’s side, including him in your performance still even if your attention was on the other man by the side. you noticed how he wore an all-black outfit that matches his hair color, but you couldn’t see his face with the mask he was wearing. although what amazed you was how the burns that decorated his skin didn’t bother you no matter how you look at them. 
beauty is irrelevant for you and you don’t have particular standards in men or anyone but there is something about the way his looks just got you distracted that you almost stopped dancing. 
you stopped peering over the man until you finished the performance, your hand raising up to your heart that was pounding still even as you go down the stage and towards the dressing room. for some reason, you couldn’t seem to forget about the man that was by the governor’s side. it is wrong for you to still have your mind on him but something about him just intrigues you.
“hey there, doll,” you flinched at the sudden voice, turning to the same man that was circling in your brain enter the dressing room. it was a good thing you were not undressing yourself or else you would have recoiled in embarrassment.
but, “what are you doing here, dear sir?” you inquired with respect, knowing the possibility that he may be connected to the governor with how he could stand there on the same level as the him. a bodyguard, perhaps? 
your spine trembled at his eyes--how he looked over at you just like how he did earlier. you had never known how it is to be attracted to someone but if this is attraction, then that changes everything.
he was silent for awhile, his gaze remaining on yours and it only thickened the tension in the air, especially since it was only the two of you here. you should be wary of him just like how other strangers but you felt like you couldn’t seem to do so. 
you don’t even know his name.
“my father would like to invite you in a dinner.” he said the words like he was spatting it, disgusted and embarrassed, you understood why the second you processed and realized it. but before you could answer, he was speaking again. 
“you do know that this is clearly an invitation that you couldn’t disagree with, right?”
you nod your head, unable to speak at how you were shaking in terror by now. what adds to that is you don’t know if you could trust this man or not.
and he did say his father right? he’s the son of the governor? it doesn’t look like it but there was a resemblance in the ambiance somehow. 
but instead of further giving you fright, the man gave off a vibe that somehow reassured you. maybe it’s the way he stepped back and gave you space, or the warmth that radiates from his gleaming eyes, despite everything.
what is with this man?
“do you have your final answer?” 
swallowing the lump on your throat, you narrowed your eyes at him and spoke, “it’s an honor to be given such offer but i politely decline.” you wanted to say more but you were still at a loss for words, reluctant of the future that awaits you after saying such answer. 
he tilts his head slightly to the side, his dark bangs swaying a bit in his movement, it intimidated you yet you made no move to back away,
“hmm, so that’s who you are.” he mutters and suddenly steps forward, his footsteps resounding throughout the room as he does. he reaches out for the table behind you and leans in, his face inches away from yours as you felt his breath fan your face at how close he was.
“you’re feisty. i like that.” 
he backs away and there was a smirk on his face that you have never seen before, its amusement almost similar to a grim reaper showing up to its prey.
“tell me, doll. how about working for me? i am quite sure that you’re the type who doesn’t have a permanent home.”
you narrow your eyes at him, not backing down.
“how would you know about that?”
he hums. “well first of all, why would your dancer friends offer you up to the governor? surely it’s either they all hate you or you’re the only one who doesn’t have anyone else waiting for them.”
“so which one are you?”
you purse your lips and for the first time, you didn’t know what to say.
he smirks. “so you’re both. i see, i see.” he chuckles and it sent trembles down your skin, prickling like a thorn awaiting to injure you.
but why is it that you still trust this man after all of that?
your eyes caught the movement of his hand but instead of grabbing you like you had thought, he only raised it, as if offering you to take it.
when you glanced up on his turquoise eyes, there was a glint that attracted you like magnet, an interest you never knew you would crave for.
“join me, doll. join me and i’ll provide you better than your fake friends would. you don’t have to worry about my father getting to you because i’m pretty sure,” he paused, giving a knowing look, “-he’d be looking for you all over this place. now, what do you say?”
looking down at his outstretched hand, you can’t believe that you were actually considering it.
but he does have a point.
you raised your hand and gazed up at his eyes again. “what would you make me do if i join you?”
the curve of his lips was captivating that it almost made you grab his hand.
“how much do you want to find your family?”
his statement made you froze on the spot but a part in your heart thawed, a hidden desire being exposed into sunlight that was called him.
your hand touches his, his warmth flowing and spreading through your entire body as if it lit a fire inside of you.
before he could pull you to him, you stopped him. “wait, i haven’t caught your name yet.”
he looks at you with the same eyes yet a different gaze yet again. there was a stillness in the air that you couldn’t ignore but before you could be more wary, he spoke.
“touya.” his voice was rough and raw, a tone that seemed unfamiliar even to him.
“my name is touya todoroki,”
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