#ily kay bye
kaiju-krew · 8 months
Okay, first of all: I LOVE YOUR ART!!! I've been following you on Twitter because I didn't have tumblr until now (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
Are you planning to do more gijinkas? Goji and Mothra are so beautiful and I'm curious if you are gonna do more characters? Like... Idk, Kong? (I'm sorry, I love that guy)... OR Shimo! I know Shimo is very new, but I think her/his design is very pretty.
That's all, have a nice day ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
(Sorry if my english is bad, I'm spanish)
hallo!! ahh thank u sm<3 your english is great btw!! :D
oo welcome, tumblr is great imo =w= it may not be as popular as twitter but it's mostly chill and i love how much easier it is to chat with ppl
i am working on more actually! I'm currently working on a new set of 3, but I'm lowkey loving shimo a lot so i may have to sneak her in too she's a girl to me until the movie crushes my dreams but yess i'm currently working on rodan, kong, and biollante :3c
buuuuut it'll likely take me a while to get them out bcuz like 95% of my art time rn is dedicated to working on stuff for the comic con i'm gonna be vending at. but once that's done i'll be free and clear to spend all my free time on them.... im honestly dying to work on them more but im gonna make it a reward for myself for finishing all my con art lmao
as a littol bonus...... i used one of those height comparison things to make sure everyone is scaled properly - it'll give you a sneak peak on the other ones i'm thinking of doing in the future /o/
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drabble #15 - attention to detail
kai parker x reader
summary: kai admires the way you watch tv
tags: tv watching, fangirl behavior, neurodivergent behavior (?)
word count: 1k
a/n: neurodivergent and/or fangirl reader; idk, this is something i do, idk if i'm crazy for it, or if people relate to it. lmk if i'm crazy. i just want my weird habits validated by kai, mmkay! 😅
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Your finger hovers over the exit button on your screen as someone enters the room. Anxiety grows in your chest, but you try to not let it show. They circle around you, likely to join you on the couch, but hopefully not.
“Hey,” the person greets. You relax at the voice of Kai. Despite his reputation, you quite like the guy. He has his own demons, and is learning his way about the world, and while you have nothing in common otherwise, you kind of relate to him in that way. 
You don’t see it, but he smiles at your response. Just the acknowledgement of his presence is nice to hear. Especially in the gentle, non-accusatory tone you use with him. “Whatcha watching?” He saw a glimpse when he passed behind the couch, but didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by lingering. 
“Oh, just this show I’ve been into for the last couple weeks,” you say, not wanting to reveal the title and give him an opportunity to poke fun. 
“Ah, the one you were watching yesterday? With the- with that actor you like?”
A small blush rises to your cheeks as you squeak out a “yes”, and Kai finds it absolutely adorable. 
“What season are you on?” He asks, no judgment about the show, nor the actor you like. A wave of confidence splashes over you. 
“Six, technically, but I’m rewatching season four before I watch anymore of six, because I’m not ready to process new information.” You chide yourself immediately. What a strange thing to say. And you were doing so well until then. 
Kai narrows his eyes, but then shrugs. “Okay.”
“Like, something big just happened in season six. They’ve already introduced the Big Bad, but the Big Bad in season five was so detrimental to the team - it killed a bunch of folks, and mentally scarred a whole bunch of others - that I’m not really ready to deal with another, so I’m rewatching a season where I know what happens, so that I already know who gets hurt, so it’s less painful to watch. Plus, rewatching episodes always helps me see things I miss the first time, which gives me a better understanding of the plot and the characters.”
Kai tries to not study you like a bug, but he’s fascinated by your explanation. The empathy you have for fictional characters is something he can’t help but admire, as is your desire to soak up every detail like a sponge. He wonders what it would be like to care so much that watching any further would genuinely hurt him. For the first time, he wishes he could love, so he could love like you do.
“Sorry,” you say after a moment of silence, “I just… infodumped on you. That was probably really confusing and weird.”
“No, not weird. It’s nice.” Kai tries to reassure you, but can’t find the words he needs you to hear. 
“I should probably just watch the season and have one big cry at the end like a normal person.”
“No, I think your way is better.”
“Wait, really? Most people tell me it’s just a tv show and to get over it.”
“Well, yeah, it’s a show, but it’s something you love, so who gives a fuck how you like to watch it? They’re not watching it with you; they’re not even in the room. I like the way you say you take the time to learn the characters and understand the plot. Y’know, someone put a lot of effort into that show you’re watching, and you’re enjoying it the way they’d want it to be enjoyed. Like it’s a piece of art in a museum, and you’re pointing out all the brush strokes and reading the plaque to understand the medium.” When you give him a confused glance, he smiles sheepishly. “I know a little about a lot of things. Went to a couple museums when I was stuck in 1994.” 
“But my point is, coming from a sociopath, the empathy you have for the characters in your show is really cool. And I can understand the rewatching bit, too. I haven’t rewatched anything with the intensity that you have, but obviously, I could only watch anything made pre-1994, and to hell if I’m watching anything black and white, so I’ve seen some of the same movies once or twice, or more. Sometimes I get tired of rewatching the same stuff, but sometimes, I’ll also pick out a funny line I missed the first time, or a hand gesture that reveals a character knew something all along.”
You smile at him, grateful for his words and engagement in the conversation. You feel a little less childish about your own habits, especially knowing Kai’s not one to lie or hold back his true feelings about anything. For him to go as far to say he recognizes your empathy is a lot, and nothing you’d expect from the newly-reformed serial killer. 
“Thank you,” you blurt out, not wanting to leave him hanging.
“For what?”
“For not making me feel stupid about my interests.”
His eyes narrow. “Who makes you feel stupid?”
“A lot of people. Family… Damon.”
“Well Damon tries to make everyone feel stupid, and family sucks.”
You snort. “True.”
“If he says anything again, he can go through me.” Kai sends you a wink. 
“Okay,” you giggle in response. 
The man watches you for a minute longer. You press your spacebar to make the show play, and he takes note of the smile that spreads across your face as the characters fill the screen once more. He wants to ask to watch it with you, but doesn’t want to push just yet, so he doesn’t. He’s making progress, though, and gaining your trust. Hopefully soon, you’ll be less shy around him. 
And you think the same, feeling his eyes on you. Your trust isn’t something that’s easily given, but this isn’t the first time Kai’s made you feel comfortable, and you have a feeling it won’t be the last. He stays on the other end of the couch, but sticks to himself, and within a couple minutes, laughs quietly at something on his phone. The air between you is pleasant. His words run through your head once more, as the same scene plays for maybe the tenth time, but this time, you aren’t as worried about the people in the room as you watch.
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chickenooodlehope · 1 year
hi hello hey!!! (to anyone who sees this LOL)
I’ve not been on as much lately (trying to touch grass etc etc 🤪🤪), and have basically started posting everything to my main @shelikesperfume
I can’t quite make myself delete this sideblog (too many sweet memories and friends made through this old thing!!) so for now anyway, I’ll just leave it as an archive 💖💖
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moonwayne · 1 year
Send in requests!!!! I’m in a writing mood. 🤓🤓💻💻
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bubblegyu00 · 9 months
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zb1 reactions !! ::// when you say ily for the first time
- you would be cuddling in bed about to fall asleep
- " good night baby "
- " good night ji, i love you "
- you would snuggle into his chest but he would be freaking out
- eyes wide
- breathing heavy
- he would finally calm down and kiss the top of your head
- " i love you too pretty girl "
- it would be your one month anniversary and you guys would be having a movie date at your house
- his head would be resting on your chest as you attempted to braid his hair
- " hao, guess what? "
- he hummed in response, eyes glued to the tv
- " i love you. "
- he would immediately look up at you and smile
- " really? "
- you nodded and chuckled at his goofy smile
- he would peck you all over your face
- " i love you too!! "
- he would be cooking downstairs whilst you were upstairs taking a shower
- when you come downstairs while drying your hair, you had a stupid smile on your face
- " binnie boy! "
- " yes, my love? "
- he would still be facing the stovetop and you wrapped your arms around his waist
- " careful, the stove is hot baby "
- you buried your face in his back
- " i love you. "
- it would be a bit muffled, but he would still make out the words and copy your stupid smile
- he would turn around immediately and place a kiss on the top of your head
- " i love you too baby "
- it would be in the morning and he would be leaving for work
- you would still be laying in bed, now awake from him getting ready
- he would place a kiss on your lips before heading for the door
- " 'kay, i'm leaving "
- " bye, i love you. "
- he would turn around so fast it probably gave him whiplash
- " what? "
- " i love you? "
- he would literally jump on top of you and cling back onto you
- " i'm not going to work i'm calling my boss right now. "
- he wouldn't let go of you the whole day
- but he's adorable so it's okay
- you guys would be hanging out in the zb1 dorm having a singing competition ( cus duh )
- literally twenty minutes later you'll be cuddling on the floor laughing and messing around
- " i was just kidding i love your voice "
- " i love YOU. "
- he would sit up so fast that it scared you
- he would scream like a little kid and cover his mouth
- " are you oka- "
- you guys would be kissing, like always
- cus poor ricky is sososo obsessed
- in between kisses you'd whisper it
- " i love you "
- it would catch him so off guard
- he'd break the kiss and stare at you, his ears already bright red
- " your ears are red. "
- he'd cover his face and lay his head on your chest
- " stop it, no they're not "
- you'd scratch his back and smile at his timidness
- " i love you too "
- you guys would be cuddling in bed watching 20th century girl ( THAT MOVIE OMFG 🙁 )
- the ending would be playing and you would hear him start to sniffle
- you'd look up at him and he'd be crying
- " are you crying? "
- " n-no, i don't cry. "
- you'd wipe his tears with your hand and laugh
- " you're adorable, i love you "
- he'd start crying even more.
- " are you okay? "
- " i'm f-fine "
- " don't ever go to new zealand though "
- he wouldn't let you go for the rest of the night.
- you guys would be at an arcade playing a shooting game
- he would be winning so you thought to catch him off guard
- " i love you gunwook. "
- he would smile for a second and then realize what you said
- he'd completely freeze and stare at you with a wide mouth
- you'd cheer when you won
- you'd shrug and grab his hand dragging him away from the game
- " that's what the loser always says "
- you two would be wrestling on the floor just cus that's what you do
- you shrieked when yujin bit you, and you started tapping on the floor
- " okay okay i give up. "
- he smiled and let you go
- you looked him in the eye and signaled him to come closer
- once he did, you whispered in his ear
- " i love you "
- he immediately turned so red, it was probably medically concerning
- " that's why i whispered it? "
- he started running towards his room
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aura-bug · 8 months
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I am SO CLOSE to finishing my yo-kai watch 2 medallium, I literally only have one yo-kai left: Chilhuahua the stupid fucking ice dog
I am EXTRAORDINARILY desperate at this point, and I am begging, pleading, GROVELING even, for ANYONE who has a Chilhuahua in ykw2 to touch trade me. pretty please . my friend code is 4098-6495-3208 ok thanks ily bye
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queer-ragnelle · 7 days
Hi there! Is there a retelling where Lot is a good, well-written character? So far I've seen he's usually portrayed as a full-blown villain or at least a complete jerk, and it makes me sad because I think that he is much more complex in the Vulgate and Le Morte (and also at the beginning in Les enfances Gauvain, 10/10)
I'm a King Lot enjoyer and apologist, I got you. Good Lot is so hard to find. Actually the best Lot is trapped in a mediocre book, The Winter Knight by Jes Battis. He’s a single dad working constantly to support Gawain. It’s so cute. Sleepy depressed dad ily. But it's a reincarnation urban fantasy drowning in "quirky" modern references that really killed the vibes for me. Canadian Lot ain't cutting it. :^/
For a more medlit-abiding story, I like Lot in Bedivere by Wayne Wise particularly because even though Gawain (and eventually Agravaine) bend the knee to Arthur against his wishes, Lot is kinda proud of them for having conviction it was sweet. He was like "Noooo don't be your own men haha ;^)" And then he just....let's them do what they wanted without giving them shit for it. Refreshingly normal parent. He didn't fight [much] with Arthur either he's like, "Alright whatever me and my hot wife are going back north to the babies bye."
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Lot and Morgause are both kinda funny in The Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions by Howard Pyle just because Gareth is their favorite and they spoil him lol It actually made for a compelling kitchen boy story because it explains where Gareth gets his attitude which is what gets him in trouble with Kay. The whole court fawns over him to be in the king and queen's good graces and made Gareth a brat (affectionate).
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Lot is barely a character in Sharan Newman's trilogy but he's a good dude and Agravaine is the only kid he actually sired so he likes him best. Surprisingly upstanding interpretation of them both. Here's a quote from The Chessboard Queen.
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Not the step-dad but the dad who stepped up Lot? More likely than you think.
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Lastly I wouldn't say Starz Camelot (2011) has a good Lot, but he's very sexy. He's in the first two episodes (and comes back as a vision in a later episode). He's definitely a bloody warlord killing whoever but he's really into Morgan. I mean duh, look at her. Things go downhill quickly but...James Purefoy the man that you are....
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This turned into a long way of saying Gaheris is never the favorite kid. Anyway that's all the King Lot I have for you. Take care!
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huckleberrykai · 1 year
THIS IS SO RANDOM but i'm thinking about meandom!hyuka who ties your hands together above your head with rope and blindfolds you 😵
he's so sadistic, messily making out with you for what feels like hours and hours. he'd suck your tongue and then eventually move to bite and suck your neck and you'd feel him smile against your skin as you wail and mindlessly beg for more. he'd slowly worship your body but at the same time refuse to give any attention to where you need it the most. he'd kiss and bite your thick thighs and make out with your tummy and ignore your pathetic attempts to push him to where you need him to be.
then out of nowhere when you really don't expect it he'll suck harshly on your clit for a little bit and then pull away knowing it felt like a few seconds of heaven and laughs when he feels you trying to trap him with your thighs.
THEN he decides to be even more cruel and lets you sit on his face to ride it but lays there almost lifelessly not helping you at all making you do ALL the work which he knows you can't do cuz a baby like you needs his help to get off. so he just smiles as you cry cuz you can't get off and you're rubbing against his tongue but it's not enough you need his help and then you're grinding your clit against his nose and you just need a little more to cum....
but you don't cum cuz he refuses to do anything and it deliciously hurts and then when he's finally about to put it in....his roommate gyu comes home :(
ANON OH MY GOD THIS IS SO DJSNSHSK OH MY GOD this is so fucking delicious
this whole concept has me shaking screaming quivering I need him rn bcs.. HELLO???? i need him to bully me in bed tbh
I don't even know what I could add to this this is so damn perfect and the eND BYE
he can join in if he wants I'm not opposed 🫣
roommate gyu who only sees the way kai treats you normally, all cute and cuddly.. n when he walks in on you tied up and crying he would be intrigued and hard to say the least 😭
this turned into something else entirely in my brain i am sorry but kai sharing you (consentually ofc) so you have two meanie dom sweet boys watching you cry and cum over and over again, taking turns playing with you >.<
i am. not getting into heaven.
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forcebookish · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
thanks for tagging me, @djeterg19! i usually forget to do these because i get weirdly anxious about who to tag but i'm feeling frisky today 🤷
1. are you named after anyone?
my secret identity, no, but rum comes from kairumption which is a play on kai (exo) + kyrumption (angel), so... almost?
2. when was the last time you cried?
oh god this is so embarrassing... watching starlympics seeing everyone hug book dfjlsjlkg I JUST LOVE HOW MUCH EVERYONE LOVES HIM OKAY HE DESERVES IT
3. do you have kids?
just a cat, and she's adopted (ba dum tss)
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
as a kid i played soccer, basketball, tennis, and cross country "competitively;" gymnastics, volleyball, and badminton casually. i still have a volleyball/badminton net and a tennis racket but i never have a buddy to play with :( i'm also not very good :(
5. do you use sarcasm?
no (that was sarcastic) (and low-hanging fruit)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
their outfit or hair probably? idk i never really thought about it
7. what’s your eye color?
8. scary movies or happy endings?
is it dumb if i say i like scary movies with happy endings? i know there are like... two out there. but fr i prefer vaguely frightening/disturbing and bittersweet (pmmm and other horror anime are the best examples). the typical horror movie gotcha endings annoy me, with a few exceptions like evil dead 2 and the first two re-animators. most of my favorite movies/books are sad and end with major character death actually D: BUT IN GENERAL i don't watch a LOT of scary movies and prefer happy endings, those faves are technically outliers. i just like to be moved!
9. any talents?
i can open doors by turning the doorknob with my foot. oh, and i guess i'm good at writing.
10. where were you born?
washington state, lived here my whole life :')
11. what are your hobbies?
yoga, books, writing fanfiction, making edits and doing other fandom shit, (vegan) cooking/baking, and video games
12. do you have any pets?
just the one these days (i used to have two since i was nine, but they both passed away in the last five years😢 they were angels🥲), and my "adopted" joke goes doubly because we're actually taking care of my aunt and uncle's cat while they're traveling the country in a trailer so she's technically my cousin haha
13. how tall are you?
5'8" which i don't consider very tall but anyone who hasn't met me in person is always shocked! i guess it's above the female average... literally everywhere, but most of my family, on both sides, are taller than me😅 my mom is 5'9" and my dad is 6'2"😅 my mom's brother was 6'4"😅
14. favorite subject in school?
english and japanese
15. dream job
successful novelist :')
feel free to ignore this: @forcebook @seatawinans @ellasaru12 @komari-maxx @forcebookbrainrot @bookishforce @cryptidcrysis @forcebookuniverse @retiredficwriter @thenewaromantic @fireworksgalaxy @jonginnation @monwillica (omg i actually got it to almost fifteen... ily... also IDK WHY I FELT WEIRD TAGGING MY IRL FRIENDS BUT IF YOU SEE THIS CONSIDER IT A TAG ok bye)
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taintedcigs · 4 months
here for the party the character association thing, my love (but if you can't think of any feel free to ignore this 'kay, ily bye 🫶🏼)
I ACTUALLY KNOW EXACTLY WHICH CHARACTER YOU REMIND ME OF. (even tho i have so many more in my mind but we'll be here all day otherwise)
noora from skam !! idk if this is very niche but when i first watched skam it was EVERYWHERE, so im hoping u know it but if u don't ill let you in on a little secret she was the best🤭 to ME, you're very idealistic, in the best way possible, and while sometimes that causes you to doubt yourself (u don't need to, you're amazing) that view caused noora to eventually find herself, she was determined in what she believed in and was WAAY ahead of her time with her feminist ideas (fr. she might be one of the first feminist characters ive seen on screen without being so overtly done. for her time ofc) she seemed so very cool on the outside but at the same time she was endearing, kind to everyone, always tried to do what was right for HER and would do anything for the people she loved <3
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heeracha · 2 years
alphabet game (copy paste to first account u see)
tag ur mutuals alphabetically and leave a short message for them :)
omg wait i suck but i'll try HSBFJHSBD
@atrirose — hi babes imy :( i hope ur doing well !! and if u arent yk where to find me so u can rant mwa ily
@bambisgirl — hi maria imy and ur works aaaaa <3 i hope ur doing good <3
@chiyuv — hi caelin i miss ur remarks hELP SJFDBHSD i hope ur doing good mwa ily
@deeznutsriki — hi kid imy ily lol hope ur doing good
@ethereal-engene — ASHIE DFJBFDSHK I LOVE YOU,,, thanks for the contents u send lmAOOO and i hope u dont get tired of the cat contents i send lmaooo ily
,,,,, i suck i dont have a f moot T_T
@goldenhypen — hi simp okay thats all,, jkjk no i rlly dont have anything to say we talk everyday T_T ig,, thanks for waiting for me whenever i ghost lmAO SIDBSHD
@honeyhuii — i love your works kai omg BSFHJSD i love your mind, i love you in general. thank u for not judging me and my weird ass
@iwonzzi — hi lily i miss u sm AAAAA i hope ur doing good <3
@jjunis — hi dani phantom hi beloved AAAAA been awhile since we talked but i hope im still the hee simp u remember lmAOO anyway i hope ur doing good ilysm
@kooksbliss — hi honey,, i hope ur doing well <3 aaaa imy :(
@lunaflvms — hi luna,,, higkey love ur wokrs esp the one where the reader is turned into a rock T_T luv ur crackhead <3 anyway hope ur doing good
@minluvly — hi bhie,,, shet AHAHA sigawan mo nalang si lino na mahal ko siya so much pag nasa con ka na HAHAHAHAHA LUV YOU
n — ,,,, i suck
@orpheyeux — hi cmas, imy <3 i hope ur doing great AAAAA i havent had any update bcs i havent been in the server im so soRRY OH MY GOD but anyway, ily <3
@precioussoulofmine — ,,,you. /j we talk to each other everyday too so,,,, i hope sunghoon posts and you dont miss it. thats all i can say lmAO ily
q — ,,,, i rlly suck at this
@rising-ashes — hello my love,,, im glad we havent scolded each other about the sleeping schedules in awhile now <3 i hope ur doing great and thank u for helping me in the dumb anaphy subj <3
@sungbeam — beam !! hi honey,, i hope ur doing great !1 and i will spam u soon with more cat stuff lmaOOO ily <3
@twilightau — maks, my love. oh my god, we havent talked in awhile, im sorry for ghosting the server AAJBSDHKDBS highkey shy now,, but i will return someday,,, hopefully vv soon bcs i miss talking to all of you but ofc especially you !! i love you mwa
u — ,,,, T_T
v — T_T
@wooyukh — ily and i hope ur doing great. i hope u stop bullying me soon. bye ilysm. im sorry for being a shit replier yk i love you mwa
x — T_T
@yeongwonie — I MISSED YOU OMG,, anyway i saw u were busy lately AAAAA i hope ur doing okay ilysm !! <3
z — T_T
okay thats all bye ilysm all of u. even though i havent mentioned a lot im sorry i love you all mwa
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
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bby pls ; u know that U are in fact the most wonderful owo . i love this passion you have for your new gal and im super excited to throw heidegger at her and for her to be like 'yo, why is this dog humping my leg?????' - on a serious note though, i love you mari; i know that you're a bee and we still haven't quite come to terms with this but i accept your buzzy bee-e-ness & i will happily be a lil simpy bee to your queen bee thankee
because im a lil bitch - i'm gonna tag ten people i think are fabbo.
@thememcry kay, i am so glad that you're back. it makes my heart actually warm whenever i see you post & chatting with you has been a blast from the past. 10/10 would send hojo p.orno to
@sephyathredon / @defiant-ex-soldiers tho heid might want to throw mateo off a cliff, i do not want to throw u off of a cliff. you're very wonderful to write with & i love all of out plot chats & general ooc chats, too!
@chosenbythecrystal *paps ur head so hard* my problematic friendo & my s o n. i will forever adore writing with you; our plots range from incredibly sweet to incredible s w e e t & i always have a lotta fun writing with you, you're a g c:
@vehxmence fucking 10/10 characters right there. YOU got that dope art, that fuckin *mwah* writing. and the mun is so sweet. v cute doggo too which automatically means ur the best
@shinrasfirst i dk who this is i just tagged the first person who appeared ???? ( im kidding, i want to MARRY you & i want to forever write both cute sweet shit with you and super fucked up messy stuff with you owo )
@yukikorogashi beeccckkkk ; your heart is so big that it makes my heart grow a lil teensy bit bigger too. you're such a sweetheart & i adore our chats, i cant wait for my horrible villain man to adopt your bab ily c:
@steeleidolon i absolutely love everything you do for the ff rp community - like, your writing, your art. the thought you put into your headcanons; you're just wonderful to have as a moot moot
@gcldfanged // dude, im having so much fun writing with you both ooc / ic - i absolutely love jae and im so excited for all of the f'ed up stuff we're exploring. you're fab
@scorching-passion // i absolutely adore seeing you and your roche on my dash & you're always so supportive / fun to have about. im v v v much looking forward to roche giving heid an aneurism <3
@shadowshub i L O V E you shadow / lott - you're one of the best friends ive ever made here & i think you're such an absolute baby. pls keep writing all of your muses so i can fawn over you ( but shhh ill fawn over you even if you dont write them ok bye
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bearchived · 2 years
you’re wonderful and amazing and ily so much !!! kay thanks bye
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no like listen i love you so much, you’re the SWEETESTTTT 🥺❤️🥺❤️
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Hey Pookie, I wanted to do a ship/ships, I just don't know what fandom's the limit. Can I please do Outsiders, ATLA and PJO/HOO?🥺
Okay, so. I'm brown, like tan skin, dark brown eyes and silky brown hair. I don't really have anything interesting about my looks, but people tell me that my eyes are kinda warm, but intense at the same time? I'm 5'4 (short, ik), and I have a pretty decent body (just ignore the fact that my legs are almost twice the size of my arms). I'm a straight (I think?) girl and my pronouns are she/her.
I love listening to music, reading and watching shows and movies, like I'm a huge pop culture fan. My favorite color is blue (basic ik) and tbh I'm kinda a huge simp. I curse from time to time and I have slight anger managing issues, but I love to laugh too.
Tbh, all I want in a relationship is like, good vibes, but the ability to have fun too. I kinda have an "I can fix him" mindset, but then again I have a "They'll make me worse", which is kinda the same, but totally different. I don't really have a type, but I just don't like redheads.
I like to doodle on my hands and I have a lot of intrusive thoughts. I kinda have mommy and daddy issues (you don't wanna know) and I also have anxiety (diagnosed pookie). I do have exzema on the back of my neck too.
I love, love, love, LOVE spicy food. It must be the brown genes inside of me tbh bc I HAVE to eat tajin, ,like at least twice a week. I do like sweet food, but not anything pink. Eww.
Okay pookie, ily bye.
Your Fandom Ship(s): Johnny Cade (The Outsiders), Sokka (Avatar the Last Airbender), and Frank Zhang (Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus)
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OK so you didn’t give me too much personality so this makes a bit harder so I’m mostly going off of what you want in a relationship and I think that Johnny Cade would be a really really good match for you because that I can fix him mindset is a little bit toxic, and I think that he would be a really good way of breaking you out of that because he is a really kind soul and I think he would also need someone kind like you in his life to help you know bring him up a little too, and I really feel like you guys have a mutually beneficial relationship personality wise, and I just feel like you guys would be people that could really get along and I have a head canon That he loves spicy food too, so I’m sure you guys could go together and eat spicy food the rest of the gang kid like has no idea how you guys consume
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This is a very rare case where the I can fix him mindset would probably work without making you any worse because I mean, yeah we all know his major character arc was being sexist, and then realizing that women are actually bad asses and he should be worshiping them from the ground up, but anyway I feel like that would be a really great character for you because yeah you could live out your I can fix some mindset to your heart content without any problem and honestly honestly, I just think that you guys would be a really cute couple because he’s alsoa really just silly funny cool type of dude and you guys both need to work on your anger issues which is something that you guys could work out together. Yay but also seriously he would have a lot of fun and his favorite colors. Also blue too. I mean that’s not canon but that’s how I see him. Also, let’s be so for real. He loves the water tribe. His favorite color is gonna be blue. Out of all of the characters I’ve shipped you with I ship you guys the most because you guys are just such a vibe honestly and honestly, I just I don’t know. I just see it so hard. I’ll see you guys would totally have competitions of who could down the most spicy food in the least amount of time and he would definitely be like oh I’m so gonna win, but then you would beat him by a mile and then he would be so cranky about it.
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OK, so he is a similar case to Johnny Kay where I feel like he could really help you break out of the I can fix him mindset because he is such a sweetheart. If you read the books, you know that this man is pretty strong. He’s a child of Aries he can fight but he is such a sweetheart and you know when you first read the book you think oh that he doesn’t belong in the Aries cabin because I mean, let’s well. I know it’s a different God because it’s Roman, but whatever we’re going to ignore that but anyway I just feel like he would do really well with kind of sweeter guys like this because it could help you break out of that toxic mindset once again and also I just feel like you guys would totally vibe together which is something that you wanted in a relationship and yeah, I feel like he would have a lot joking around with you and reading books…
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90sbee · 9 months
hi dana
for the thingy: 🦊
its mostly cause i think you're really really cool and cool people are intimidating to me
so uh ly bye-
Send  🦊 for fairly intimidating
Omg Kai nooo... I have tricked you... I am so uncool I was literally telling you about how instead of baking a cake yesterday I ended up creating a vile creature in sad cake form™... and I deleted the whole thing accidentally ! Very loser behaviour, I'm telling you!!! Delphi can also attest to it, too.
JSJSJS ily... be not afraid I am very uncool I promise :3
How Intimidating Am I?
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hotchsdoormat · 1 year
i love you and im so glad to be your friend and your mutual
kay bye 😘
you’re so cute ily i wanna put you in my pocket bestie
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