#ily murderbot but this quiz cant be 90% mb 10% Other People
thepringlesofblood · 1 year
I’m making a list of quotes from the Murderbot Diaries for a quiz (a match-the-person-to-the-quote sort of thing) - anyone have any favorites to send in?
Here’s what I have so far - they’re mostly Network Effect since I’ve been re-listening to the audiobook lately, and they’re mostly murderbot. I’m trying to get some from other characters (all quotes are welcome though!)
(SPOILERS up through Fugitive Telemetry)
I've lost my crew. I won't lose you - ART
Sometimes people do things to you that you can't do anything about. You just have to survive it, and go on - mb
You are incorrect, Iris. I can bomb the colony - ART
You were lucky - ART
I hate having emotions about reality. I'd much rather have them about Sanctuary Moon - mb
Well, it was a little rude - arada
Thank you for that information - 3
It would be better if they could think of you as someone who is trying to help, because that's how I think of you - mensah
Are you fighting again or are you making up? Because it looks exactly the same from the outside. - amena
As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure - mb
Anyone who thinks machine intelligences don't have emotions needs to be in this very uncomfortable room right now. - ratthi
Angry, then afraid, then dead. Is that the right order? - mb
Please calm yourselves and stop talking. Plan A01: Rain Destruction has been superseded by Plan B01: Distract and Extract. - ART
I know violence isn't the solution to everything, but in this case... - 2.0
Okay you keep the ship. I'll take the planet. - 2.0
I was having an emotion, and I hate that. - mb
I am actually alone in my head, and that's where 90 plus percent of my problems are - mb
You may have noticed that when I do manage to care, I'm a pessimist - mb
Fear is an artificial condition - tapan
I guess you can't tell a story from the point of view of something you don't think has a point of view - mb
It’s normal to feel conflict. You were part of something for a long time. You hate it, and it was a terrible thing. But it created you, and you were part of it. - bharadwaj
The problem with gunships is they want to shoot at stuff. - mb
Okay, Third Mom - amena
People, please. I’m scheduled to mediate arguments between teenagers on my next commcall home and I need all my patience for that. - mensah
Who runs around with a friendly rogue SecUnit? Besides us, I mean. - ratthi
We’re friends, and friends call each other by name. - miki
I'm not going to hurt your humans, you little idiot - ART
So you don't have a governor module, but we could punish you by looking at you? - gurathin
I love you armor, andd I'm never leaving you again - mb
SecUnit's brain is always compromised - ART
I'm not going to turn around and show you my neck, strange person I just met on an alien planet! - Iris
Who the fuck are you? - ART
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