#ily too/p!!!!!!
aromanticannibal · 1 year
btw kiddo its unfair that I cant hug u >:( love hugs n cuddles sm and we dont talk much but ily sm /p
it is SO unfair I give excellent hugs i would love to get a hug from u :(((
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sleepis4theweak · 3 months
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This has also been finished for literal months... I just got frustrated trying to do the lighting and gave up on it for a bit whoops :)
@3mutantsinatrenchcoat AND @mikebeanz ITS OUR CHILDREN
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naivesilver · 6 months
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when the one who's burned turns to pass the torch
Joan Tierney (@filmnoirsbian) / Paul And Storm / Daughter / Nick Cave / Eric LaRocca / Silas Denver Melvin (@sweatermuppet)
(Merry Christmas, @lysgiovedi 💗💗💗)
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cupophrogs · 9 months
was thinking about poppet... and how much i miss their interactions with rainy, they are just so silly...
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I offer you some sillies...
i'd like to think Poppet and Clown Rainy would be besties...
I have been sobbing over this all day I hope you know that/pos
BWAH I MISS YOU TOO KOI (dw I've been busy as hell too, senior year is so stressful)
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Rainy doodle in the journal <3
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Oh btw my online family are my favourite characters in life so please don't hurt them, please don't bash them, please don't justify people hurting them, please don't make them upset. They mean too much to me to see bad stuff happen to them. Please they're my favourite.
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carnivorousyandeere · 9 months
hello how are you? ilu? im totally normal abt the vampire couple and i totally didn't rush on my hands and knees to this inbox but uhm uhm please, listen, can you, uhm, write what would happen if maybe a few of the other vampires think 'oh if we gang together, maybe we can get to that tastey little morsel they're keeping away from us?' and how the couple would react to that?
The Countess’ grin only widens, pride filling her as more vampires around the party begin to eye you as you cry. Her husband stiffens on the other side, grip tightening around your hand.
A particularly bold vampire steps closer, looking you up and down hungrily. “Are we to take it that this is to be our dessert?”
The Countess’ smile vanishes as other vampires begin to step forward one by one, desire clearly written across their faces. She lets go of you as you sob particularly loudly, letting her husband hold you in his arms. You bury your face in his coat.
“Have I not provided enough for you, my guests?”
“Ah, indeed, you have provided much,” the arrogant first vampire to speak pipes up again. “And yet, is it not customary for a host to share samples of their finest wares with their guests?”
Other vampires chime in, agreeing one by one. A few murmur nervously amongst themselves, staying back.
“I abhor your covetousness,” the Countess hisses. “Need I remind you of the reason for my status?”
“It has been a few centuries, dear Countess…” the other vampire sneers, “and you seem to have gotten quite soft.”
You hear a crack, and a gurgle, and squeeze your eyes shut tighter. The rest of the vampires fall silent. The Count strokes the back of your head gently.
The Countess laughs. Even without seeing her face, you can envisage the bloodlust writ upon her features, mouth curled into a terrible snarl of a smile. “Would anyone else care to test my patience tonight?”
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pinkeoni · 1 year
I think the context behind why each couple has/hasn’t said ily is important to consider, and it’s usually more than just “show don’t tell.”
Jopper do not say “I love you” but they’ve also been apart for almost a year and have only just reconciled their mutual feelings in season 4
Lumax do not say “I love you” but they’ve also been on and off and during season 4 they were flirty but still not in a relationship. Also, it’s clear Lucas wanted Max to open up to him without overstepping boundaries. Lucas professing love might have been crossing an emotional line
Jancy do say that they love the other person but they’ve also been in an established relationship for multiple seasons. This makes sense for them.
MiIeven do say I love you but when you consider everything surrounding it, that’s where it comes off as flimsy. El only says I love you after losing everything and Mike only says I love you after being pushed by someone else.
So while I do agree with the argument that expressing love comes from someone’s actions and that words can be deceiving, I don’t necessarily agree with the insistence for sticking to strict parallels and forcing couples to follow certain guidelines just because other couples do or don’t do something, failing to consider the unique storytelling surrounding each couple. Couples don’t exist to create rules for other couples. (I also get annoyed by the argument that the “true” couples dont say ily and yet create an exception for Jancy, essentially contradicting their whole thesis)
So, byler don’t need to say I love you in order to express their love. But I don’t see why they can’t.
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yummycrummy · 1 year
sr trying(and failing) to look scary is the funniest shit to me
ly nugget have a nice dayyyy<3 /p
It's even funnier when he's all angry cuz he rarely gets like that
Like look at him
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pomegranatecraft · 2 years
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all of these sheep are full grown and yet she is huge in comparison
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bungouchronicles · 3 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that you seem really cool! (o^ ^o)/
AWH THANK YOU SM!! \(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)/
This makes me so happy!! <3
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absolutelyzoned · 1 month
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Here’s some exclusive super duper top secret (/nsrs) pics of my dog and a reminder ur really cool y ily /p
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I LOVE YOUR DOG OMG.,, heres a really seasoned dorito i got,,. and my cat too ig
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batshikns · 3 months
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HUG FOR YOU BECAUSE UR ART IS SO GOOD ILY (/p) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xumoonhao · 4 months
alamat were Insane for their album pasulong like omg...aswang, maharani, and gayuma on ONE ep??? youre Joking
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softleesam · 6 months
Which one of your mutuals do you think has the most ticklish belly?
ohh okay this is a good one!
I'm gonna have to say either @poldster13 or @mike-the-switch 😌 both too adorably tklish for their own good <3
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acesknights · 4 months
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After Court Shadowlock art, that stemmed from a quick doodle
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taegularities · 7 months
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