#im a little late on this post but shhhh its fine
spideyydarling · 7 years
Peter Parker x Reader
Request: 5 and 95 for the prompts please! With either Tom or Peter, I like both. GO FOR IT JORD! YOU CAN DO ITTTTTT!!!!** **
Prompt: 5. “I'm not here to make friends” 
           95. “I think i'm in love with you, and that scares the crap outta me”
Word count: 2116
A/N: this is my first ever fic I've posted, so sorry its really bad. thanks kaiti ( @lil-spidey ) for helping me choose and the beautiful spiderjizz cult who i love SO FUCKING MUCH and the girls in it who  inspired and encouraged me to start writing. 
It was your first day at your new school, all you wanted was to get through the day completely unnoticed, but, there was the undeniable fact that you were the newbie, you were bound to be noticed. First period had proved you right, you were late because you couldn't find your class, so when you stumbled in through the door all eyes were on you.
“Ahh, this must be (y/n),” the teacher boomed. You kept your head down, eyes darting back and forth between your hands and your feet, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. “Okay class, this is (y/n), uhhhh,”the teacher looked at you with eyebrows raised, motioning for you to clarify your next name.
“(y/l/n),” you managed to mumble, so distinct only the teacher heard.
“Alright, (y/n) (y/l/n), you can take the empty seat right there,” pointing to the last chair on the second row, you followed the teachers directions. You shifted from your position, and situated yourself in your new seat.
“Psst,” you looked to the left and locked eyes with the most gorgeous brown orbs you had ever seen, the boy himself was quite the looker. You couldn't help but smirk, the boy next to you was so cute!
“Hi, I uh, I-I’m Peter, Peter Parker,” he put a hand out, you looked down at it, then decided to take it giving it two quick shakes. “Hehe, um, (y/n) right?” dropping your hand and picking your pen up, you hesitantly answered.
“Yeah, im new.” idiot, you thought, why would you say that? Of course he knows your new, look at the way you tripped into the classroom!
“Oh yeah, did you move here recently?”
“yeah, Queens, in this little apartment block with my mum.” okay then, give him your social security number too why don't you
“Hey! I live in Queens too!” Peter said a little too enthusiastically.
“Shush Peter,” the teacher yelled in our direction, luckily though, no one seemed to really notice you, only Peter.
“S-sorry sir,” Peter stuttered.
“God, Penis Parker, s-s-stop s-s-stuttering,” a rude boy (whom you soon found out was named Flash Thompson, school bully, but mostly a bully to Peter) announced from across the classroom, which sent  the class into a quiet fit of laughter. Peter's face went scarlett. After the class had settled, he whispered back into your direction.
“So, why did you come to this school? New friends? Or-”
“I'm not here to make friends,” you cut him off abruptly. Just as he was about to respond, the bell went, signalling next period, but peter continued to make conversation while you both packed your things up.
“Well, uh, what’re you here for then?” he questioned, placing his book in his bag.
“To graduate.” you told him.
“Well, we’re all here to graduate, anyway, what do you have next?”
“I have..umm..” you checked your timetable biting your lip in concentration, knowing little that the boy was watching you intently, hoping you had the same class so he could talk to you more, he had never seen someone so beautiful, he was adoring you. “I have english.” peter grabbed your timetable off you and scanned it.
“Hey look!” he looked up with an ecstatic smile plastered on his face, “we have the same classes!” you couldn't help but grin back at him, his smile was contagious, and his eyes were sparkling. Peter Parker, you thought, maybe it would be good to have a friend while i'm here.
“Okay (y/n), uhhh, seems like everyone else is gone, maybe we should too,” he gave your timetable back to you and slung his bag over one shoulder. You watched him as he headed over to the door, mesmerised by the boy, for some reason you couldn't shake the feeling that a zoo had just landed in your stomach. “Well, uh, l-ladies first,” he gestured towards the door with a nervous chuckle, putting a hand to the back of his neck.
“Uh, yeah, thank you,” you walked over and flickered your eyes to his, seeing that he was staring at you. A rose colour creeped its way into your cheeks as you walked through the door.
It was your second week at your new school and you and Peter had gotten close quickly. He introduced his friends to you, Ned and Michelle. Michelle and you ot on really well, too.
Ned was great, funny and made Peter laugh a lot, which in turn, made you smile.
“So, like, what happened to Liz dude, you haven't talked about her once since (y/n) came to the school.” MJ said at lunch, whilst snacking on a floppy chip. You knew of Liz, you had PE with her, you guys had never really talked, but you knew she was gorgeous and really, really sweet. Peter looked at you straight in the eye before looking back down at his food.
“W-w-what are you talking about, Michelle, what do you mean what happened to Liz? I-i-i don't know.” you couldn't see his face, but you were certain it was not its normal colour.
“Yeah man, what ever happened to her?” Ned inquired. You leaned towards Michelle, who was seated next to you.
“What’s this about Liz?” you whispered to her.
“Oh, that loser,” she nodded to Peter's direction, where he and Ned were having a private conversation of their own, “is, well i guess used to be, obsessed with her, made googly eyes at her everyday, drooled and everything. Eh, who cares anyway, not me at least, it's good not hearing all the pining over her anymore.” and at that, she continued eating, the conversation clearly being over. Looking over at Peter and Ned, you saw that Ned’s expression was a mix of understanding and glee, you wondered what they had been talking about.
“Oh my god dude! How did i not realise this earlier!” Ned exclaimed
“Shhhh Ned, please, don't tell anyone, especially not (y/n),” Peter hushed.
“Don't tell me what?” you looked at Peter, then locked eyes with Ned, giving him a glare telling him c’mon Ned, tell me, but he just looked at Peter and told you,
“Nothing, we didn't even say your name??” Peter looked at you with longing in his eyes. What weren't they telling you? Why couldn't Ned tell me, especially? You’d just have to get Ned alone.
“Ned! Wait up!” you jogged your way over to his locker, where he was putting his books away. It was the end of the day so you were pretty sure Peter wouldn’t be around, he always disappeared around this time.
“Whats up, (y/n)?” Ned asked you. This was your chance.
“Ned you gotta tell me, please??” you pleaded him.
“Uhhh, tell you what? I know nothing,” Ned darted his eyes to look anywhere but at you.
“Ned, please.” you managed to make contact with his eyes, you knew he would tell you now, you had your puppy face on.
“Okay, fine. You can not, i repeat, CAN NOT EVER, let Peter know i told you.”
“Okay” you promised, fingers crossed behind you back, just in case, you know, for luck, or whatever.
“He really reeeaaalllyyy likes you (y/n), i don’t know how i missed it, its soo obvious. I have a feeling you really like him too, huh.” your face was no doubt red, giving away all hope of hiding the fact that you really did like him too, a lot. “See, i knew it. I think you guys need to talk, about stuff. Anyway, i'm going home, i just got a lego death star”
“Yeah, uh, send me a pic when you finish it,” you breathed out. You stood stock still in shock. Peter liked you? Omg, omgomgomg, Peter Parker likes me back, you thought, a smile stretching across your face. You got home s quickly as possible, sprinting past your mum. Once you got to your room you jumped up and down and squealed out in glee. You got your phone out of your pocket and texted Peter.
Hey, Peter, can you meet me?
No more than a minute later, your phone buzzed
Yeah, of course! Ill be at the park in 10!
You grabbed an apple on your way out of the house and walked down to the park, it usually took you about a 15 minute walk, but you got there in 8 due to the fact you were running from unending energy, a newfound mix of happiness and nervousness in your stomach fluttered around. Peter wasn't there just yet, so you plotted yourself onto a bench awaiting his arrival. You were restless, to say the least. Your mind couldn't stop thinking of Peter. You'd only known him two weeks, but your heart wouldn't stop chasing your stomach every time you saw him. Lost in your thoughts, you hadn't even realised when Peter walked up to you, not until you felt the weight shift on the bench. Your eyes searched the chocolatey ones gazing down at you.
“Hey, (y/n), what’s up?” Peter could sense the edginess pouring out of you, “is everything okay (y/n), tell me, you know you can tell me right? I'm here for you, just, uhh, just let it out.” he shifted his body to face more towards you.
“nothing is wrong Peter, matter of fact, i think things are pretty good,just uh, well, do you-umm-well how do you feel,” you took in a shaky breath, not being able to word the sentece correctly, “i just need you to be honest, Peter, okay??” Peter nodded slowly confused by what you were saying. “Do you like me?”
“Of course i like you, (y/n), you're my friend, a really good frie-”
“No, Peter. That's not what i mean.” you looked down at your palms, tracing the lines in them with your eyes. Peter's face was scrunched up in confusion, not understanding.
“Oh,” Peter mumbled after a few moments, realising what you really meant. He put a finger under your chin, leading your face to his direction. He moved his hand to softly cup your face, while he peered into your eyes lovingly. Dropping his hand into yours he said, “(y/n), i-i do, i r-really really do like you. In fact, i think im falling in love with you, and that scares the crap outta me,” your heart stopped with the realisation of what was happening in that moment.
Peter jerked his eyes between your lips and eyes, slowly moving forward. You stared at his soft, sculpted lips, also, inching forward, until finally you both met. The kiss was soft, short but sweet. You twirled your fingers through his hair and kissed him again, more profound this time, less hesitant. He cupped your face before he pulled away.
“I think i'm falling in love with you too, Peter Parker,” you murmured.
He had a grin from ear to ear. Diving in for another kiss, you were interrupted by vibration in your pocket. Your phone displayed the following words:
New picture message from Ned
“Its from Ned,” you say, unlocking your phone. Both you and peter untangle from each other and stare down at the screen.
(y/n) I FINISHED IT!! Look! Btw if ur with Peter tell him i had a bunch of fun making it without him! :((
It was a picture of the Lego death star, you smiled up at Peter and tilted your phone so he had a better view.
“Whoa! Thats heaps cool, wait a second, what does he mean by ‘if you're with Peter’? Oh god, he didn't tell you, did he?” you diverted your eyes from him.
“Uhhh, no, of course not,” you lied
“Ugh, Ned!” Peter groaned
“Hey, good thing he did tell me, you never would have told me your feelings otherwise,” you laughed with Peter.
“Yeah, i guess im pretty lucky,” he smiled at you.
Dude that looks so good! Peter said he loves uuu!
Placing your phone back into your pocket, you looked back up at Peter.
“Anyway, where were we?” you grinned, placing another kiss onto his lips.
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