#im a tumblrina deep in my soul
pasta5284 · 9 months
once again reminded of how a decent portion of my life since 6th grade has been this site. like this place and the way it works and its social cultural has absolutely genuinely shaped some of my neural pathways and shit. and probably Forever
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51316120825getty · 24 days
how do u feel about the internet as a whole
Hmmm big big big question
I think its probably one of the most amazing things ever invented but also like… one of the worst things in human history LOL but im mostly an optimist and i just love the internet sooooo much (SMS* too much) idk that’s all kinda basic but it’s really just like.. so big like the internet is such a big deal i feel like we take it for granted the fact we have so much information at our fingertips and we can communicate pretty easily with people from all over the world like mindblowing . !! Can be so overwhelming tho being exposed to so much information and so many people and so much information about people … and obviously there are more sinister things about the internet that are bad LOL
As for me personally like i feel like i would probably be a dull(er) person without it tho and i think for most ppl thats true it’s not that like being chronically online is cool or something bcus its … not its kinda lame tbh but like the internet can just open you up to so much interesting stuff! I can’t decide if i’d be more or less miserable without it. Probably more i’d be very confused and even lonelier than i am now because i’d feel probably very distant from myself. But i don’t know because those hypothetical type of things alwaysss stress me out bcus of all that like time travel logic shit like if the internet didnt exist then id be a COMPLETELY different person bcus of so many factors like even my dna would probably be different in some way idk . But assuming id still have the same soul and stuff (eyeroll emoji) yeah id probably be miserable asffff.. like im still ugh but id be more like ughhhh all caps lots of hs. I don’t know but also in general yeah its a mixed bag…. but i think mostly a positive thing. Idk. It’s always growing and changing too and i think it’s current state is sort of … sad like really deeply sad and doesn’t look like things are getting any better with ai and stuff .. i dont hate ai but its like. Crazy idk i guess change and “progress” is always going to be crazy & scary and i can only speak for the present and not the future but yeah idk . maybe my children will be totally chill with it and see all its negatives but still tolerate it or even love it like the way i feel about the internet… question mark. Idk anyways back to me I’ve been in sooooo many different corners of the internet through the years (and i get pretty deep into all the things i like LOL) and i think by far my favorite part of the internet is and always will be tumblr like i just love it here… i’ve always loved it ❤️😍 Love you guysss shoutout to all ny tumblrinas
*some might say
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