#im about to go live in a cardboard box just for a sense of Peace
frostedpuffs · 2 years
call me antisocial but i hate living with other people like all i ever dream about is just owning my own little house with myself and my two cats and thats it. i hate cleaning up after other people, having other ppl make a mess in my living space, being trapped in my room because the other people are in a Bad Mood, not being able to sleep at night/when i want to bc other people are loud and inconsiderate, and just....having to come home from work to a place i cant even relax because there are People I Don't Like There. i wanna be Alone mf
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magpiewords · 6 years
Sugar and Snow
This was way too much fun to write. Text-talk style is my guilty pleasure. The title isn’t my best, but half the story is about a ski trip and half of it is about sufganiyot.
It was the sixth night and no one was home. Steve shouldn’t have been surprised, they were all busy people. The fact that nothing alien or super powered had threatened the world in the past few weeks was a miracle all on it’s own. He was grateful for the peaceful days they had together, but he was left wanting more as he stood alone in the kitchen, mading a single sandwich out of leftover brisket. There weren’t even any latkas left to heat up, and he really didn’t feel like making more if he was just by himself.
He was on the last bites of his sandwich when his phone buzzed. A lone text message from Tony. [check snapchat]
Steve was just happy with was in actual English instead of whatever amalgamation of emojis the genius was prone to communicate with. Bucky had picked up on that new language fast enough, which seemed to give everyone else clearance to speak solely in pictures on the team group text. They were having so much fun and Steve didn’t have the heart to tell them he felt left out.
Snapchat wasn’t as bad. It took him a little longer than everyone else to figure out, but once he did, he loved it. It was still more pictures than words, but it was pictures of real life. Usually it was selfies or sneaky pictures of Clint asleep at a stakeout. The stickers were really fun and everyone seemed to enjoy the drawings Steve could create after Natasha had given him a stylus.
He opened the app, noticing several notifications waiting for him on the team thread. A video of Sam walking past some birds on his way to meet with an advisor for his master’s degree, a series of photos in which Bucky braided Thor’s hair, and finally, one photo from Tony.
The geo-filter said Los Angeles in a fancy type, and the image was of a giant donut sign above a building. The caption must have been what he wanted Steve to see.
The rest of the picture was filled with heart-eye emojis and what looked like water droplets. Steve chuckled to himself and snapped a photo of his open palm. It only took a minute to doodle a cartoon donut on the image.
[I would love one.]
Tony didn’t reply for a while, but Steve had already put his phone away and made himself comfortable in the living room. Everyone else had missions and meetings and “Thor’s never been skiing so we’re going upstate for the day”, but Steve had things to do too. Important things like…
Well, he had his sketch book and some podcasts. That was fine.
It could have been five minutes or a few hours, but Steve’s phone turned on and didn’t seem to stop. He scrambled to pull it out of his pocket; it would only go off like this if he was getting a phone call which probably meant villainy had finally stopped taking a vacation. If that was the case, though, wouldn’t Jarvis be alerting him too?
Instead of a phone call, he was rapidly getting a string of text messages.
TStark: buck how could u fail us like this???
Bucky: wut im skiing i literally did nothing
Widow: winter soldier sucks at winter sports btw
Bucky: fuck off
Hawkeye: haha i want pics
TStark: no shut up
TStark: steve’s never had Sigmund Freud
TStark: i mean stuff and yaks
TStark: autocorrect bullshit i cant do this while flying
Col.Rhodes: We talked about this
TStark: S U F G A N I Y O T
Widow: omg bucky how could u
Steve had barely caught up with the string of texts when his snapchat notified him again. It was from Natasha’s account, but someone else was filming. Likely Thor, if the camera half being covered by a thumb was anything to go by. The video featured Natasha and Bucky, both on skis at the bottom of a slope they must have just come down. With one solid shove, she pushed him into a snow bank. There was shouting and laughter before the video cut out.
Bucky: tony i need a new phone tash got snow in mine
TStark: haha nice
TStark: but seriously
TStark: every1 get home asap so we can eat these
Hawkeye: dont u have an AM meeting tomorrow?
Col.Rhodes: Pepper is not going to be happy about this.
Another snapchat notification, this time with a photo taken from the Iron Man armor’s outside cameras. Tony didn’t just have a box of donuts, he had a crate, carrying it on the suit’s shoulders like he would carry building materials. The photo was surrounded by thumbs up emojis and a small bit of text in the corner. Steve leaned in, just barely reading it before the image timed out.
[I told Sir that I do not approve]
Steve chuckled again, glancing up at the ceiling. “He giving you too much trouble, Jarvis?”
“At least I got him to stop texting and flying. The trade off is I have to type his messages for him. And he is very particular about the placement of those emoticons.” The AI sounded the closest Steve had ever heard him to exhausted.
Another video came in, this time from Sam. The camera was facing him as he walked across campus.
“I was in a meeting,” He sounded furious, but it was too over the top. Steve knew what a truly angry Sam sounded like, so this must be played up for a joke. “In a meeting with my graduate advisor and my phone sounds like the end of the world. She asks me if it’s Avengers business and I have to look her dead in the eye, with all you still texting me, and tell her to ignore it.” The camera rapidly moved as Sam seemed to throw up his hands. “Now she thinks I value my studies over saving the world and you know what, right now I think I do!”
The video ended, followed with a short text message.
Falcon: You guys suck
The rest of the team replied with a series of different emojis, ranging from laughing symbols to something with birds that was probably a Falcon related joke Steve didn’t quite get.
Falcon: T I want those donuts when I get home
TStark: what’s that birdy? i should go faster??
Jarvis: Sir is already breaking several interstate flight regulations, please do not encourage him.
Col.Rhodes: damnit sam
Widow: save some for us!
“Iron Man should be landing at the tower in fifteen minutes.” Jarvis reported. Steve could hear the coffee machine in the kitchen start to power up. “Mr. Wilson will be arriving in twenty. Agent Romanoff, Sergeant Barnes, and Thor are leaving the ski lodge and are due home in just under two hours.”
“You work way too hard, Jarvis.” Steve slid his phone to silent, knowing Jarvis would tell him if there was anything important, and went back to sketching.
“Captain, you have no idea.”
Exactly fifteen minutes later, Tony was on the landing platform outside the tower windows. He all but dragged the crate into the kitchen, opening it and pulling out smaller cardboard boxes. He walked into the living room with a spring in his step, pastry in one hand, cell phone in the other.
“Those don’t look like your usual donuts, Tony.” Steve said. It looked more like a small cake with powdered sugar on top.
Tony didn’t say a word, just kept the camera on Steve as he shoved the pastry in the soldier’s face. Steve took a bite, jelly gushing around the sides as flavor overwhelmed his senses. His eyes must have been comically wide as Tony started laughing before lowering his phone. A few seconds later, as Steve was cradling the donut to prevent any jelly or crumbs from getting on the couch, his own phone went off. He let out a sigh, half annoyed despite the something warm curling inside him, knowing the rest of the team would get to share the moment of his first sufganiyot with him.
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