#im actively in my brain fist-fighting these thoughts. like shut up it's fine. it's fine. calm down stop being anxious
neonpigeons · 2 years
maaaan I wasn't going to do anything for Halloween cuz I kinda forgot and had no motivation to try but now I'm seeing everyone online having fun and dressing up and I'm 😔😔😔
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sentient-stove · 3 years
The Mishaps of Ladybug and Kuro Neko- Chapter 3
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Roman, Roman & Virgil, Roman/Virgil (way down the line), Remus & Roman, Logan & Virgil, Janus & Marinette Dupain-Cheng  (More later)
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Virgil Ito, Logan Ito, Patton Hart, Janus Dupain-Cheng, Roman Prince, Remus Prince, Tikki, other kwami
Summary:  It’s been almost fifty years since Marinette’s used a miraculous.  And unfortunately, someone’s stolen the butterfly and the peacock.So when the missing miraculous turn up in the US, she’s forced to hand out a new team of heroes, finally hanging up the mantle of ladybug forever.
Virgil did not sign up for a kwami(?) that’s obsessed with cheese curds.
Roman is ecstatic that he has the ladybug miraculous, after all, superheroes are cool!
Logan wants to live his life and avoid racial slurs, too bad the annoying ass heroes keep destroying his fucking bedroom.
Patton spends his time hero chasing, maybe he’ll get a super power one day too!
Janus is done™
Chapter Summary: First akuma!  Oh my....
Notes: hey, im back lmao.
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Logan was halfway out the door the next morning when the walls of the small apartment caved in.
Well, it was more of a smashed in actually and he was flung back into the apartment among the debris, head smacking against concrete and instantly dying upon impact.
And thus went Logan’s first experience with an akuma.  Unfortunately for him, it would not be the last time that he’d be killed by one.
Virgil was halfway to school when his phone buzzed with the only person that he actively followed on Twitter, some boy at his school who was obsessed with the old superheroes from years ago.
He pulled out his phone and looked at it, brain not comprehending for a moment.
Virgil looked up at the sky and sighed.  “Fuck.”  
He looked around at the empty street and sighed, opening his slightly damp bag and looking down at the kwami inside.
“Hey, so um, claws out?”
Plagg looked up at him.  “No.”
“What?”  Virgil ducked into the side alley and slid to a sitting position on the dirty ground.  “I have to go do hero shit or something before Ladybug kills himself.”
Plagg sighed and flew out to point a tiny paw at him.  “You didn’t give me cheese.”
“I gave you some Ritz crackers!  You know that I’m lactose intolerant!”
“I want cheese curds.”
“I’d have to go to the fucking Wharf to get those!  They don’t make them here in California, that’s a Wisconsin thing!”
Plagg blew a raspberry at him and Virgil sighed.
“Fine, but I’m booking it to the Wharf and the second you have your damn cheese curds, I will transform.”
“Sounds good.”
Virgil stood, snatched the kwami out of thin air and stuffed him into his bag, shutting the flaps and booking it in the direction of Fisherman’s Wharf.  There were probably closer places selling the cheese, but Virgil really only could remember the one gourmet cheese shop that had opened two years ago there.
Not to mention, cheese curds were disgusting.  They just tasted like plastic to him.   Virgil skidded around a corner and almost ran into a businessman who was talking to someone on a phone.  The man yelled an insult that Virgil ignored as he crossed the street, almost getting KO’d by a car.
Yeah, he didn’t really have a sense of self preservation.  He made it to the Wharf in about fifteen minutes- would have been sooner if he had been at home, but alas, and when he entered the cheese shop, a cheery bell rang, alerting whoever owned the place that they had a customer at eight thirty am.
He didn’t exactly know where to look, but in the back of the place, they had four different flavors of cheese curds.  Virgil sighed at the prices- this kwami was more expensive to feed than the plethora of stray cats that wandered the city.
He grabbed one bag of each flavor and went to the register, placing them on the counter.
“Can I get this?”
“Sure hon.”  The woman smiled and rang them up, he brow furrowing.  “That’ll be twenty seven dollars and fifty four cents.”
Virgil pulled some rumbled bills out and set them down before meticulously counting out the rest of the change in the nickels that lived in his pockets.
“Do you want a bag for that?”
“Uh, no thank you.  And I don’t need the receipt, thanks.”  Virgil grabbed the cheese and rushed out, heading away from the tourists and towards where he could hide.
He turned down an alley and knelt, tearing a hole in his jeans as he opened his bag again and offered some cheese curds to the kwami.
“Thank you.”
“Fuck you, you little chaos demon.”  Virgil bit out as Plagg ate the cheese slowly, seeming to enjoy the squeaking sound that it gave with each chew.  When the kwami finally swallowed, Virgil stood.
“Plagg, claws out, or I--”
Green light enveloped him in a yelp.
Roman hit the akuma with his yo-yo fruitlessly as the monster roared at him and swung.  He only managed to jump out of the way before it’s giant fist crushed through the roof of the building he’d been standing on.
“Come on Kuro, where are you?”  He muttered as he rolled to the right, a massive foot coming down right next to him.
“HEY!”  a voice shouted. Kuro Neko.
Roman sighed in relief as his partner yelled something intelligible at the akuma, getting a stoney fist thrown his way.   The black clad figure leapt gracefully over it and used his staff to jab it in the eye, which only enraged it further as he landed next to Roman.
“Sorry LB, I was in a different part of the city.”  Kuro looked up and then tackled them to the side as the akuma roared.  They rolled for a few feet before stopping and Roman quickly got up.
“Yeah.  Do you know where the akuma is?”
“It’s right in front of us.” Roman said blankly.  “Oh, wait, you meant the object!”
Kuro rolled his eyes and then launched himself up to dodge a stone hand as Roman threw the yo-yo around one of the arms and used that as a swing.  They landed on a roof next to each other and Kuro’s face fell.
“It’s going to keep destroying if we can’t figure it out.”
Roman nodded.  “I know.  I think the akumatized object is in his foot though.”
Kuro Neko tilted his head in confusion and Roman bit back a comment about cats before pointing.  
“That foot’s a different color than the rest of the stone.”
“Okay, what do you want me to do?”
Roman blinked.  “Well, can you go around front and distract the akuma while I call the lucky charm and figure a plan real fast?  Try to keep it stationary.”
Kuro Neko nodded and jumped off the roof, going into a quick freefall before pulling out his staff and using it to safely land.  He ran between the akuma’s feet and to the front.
Roman bit his lip and pulled his yo-yo off his belt.  “Lucky Charm!”
A red and black spotted bicycle pump came flying down and he caught it, frantically looking around as he tried to figure out a plan.
Nothing, nothing, there!  Roman nodded and jumped off the roof, landing on a balcony that hadn’t been destroyed yet.
“Kuro Neko!”
“What Ladybug?!”
“When I say go, use your cataclysm on the underside of it’s foot!”
Kuro made brief eye contact with him, before resigning himself to the fact and nodding.
Roman took the bike pump and a flowerpot from the balcony before jumping off that and landing on the street to steal an umbrella from the food cart that had somehow not been crushed by the fighting.
He combined the items into a weird spinning thing.
“Now Kuro!”
Kuro didn’t respond to him, but Roman heard a faint “Cataclysm!”   and a roar as the akuma turned to attack the spinning umbrella.
It’s foot was right above him when Kuro Neko came out of nowhere, holding up the hand that had the Cataclysm activated.  The foot came down as Kuro used his free arm to pull Roman to him so they were hip to hip.  Roman dimly noted that his partner’s eyes were closed tight and the second the Cataclysm came in contact with the foot, black spread in veins from the spot.   The stone crumbled away and fell to dust around them, a purple glowing butterfly flapping out of the dust.
Roman threw his yo-yo forward.  “No more evil doing for you.”
The akuma was trapped in the yo-yo and when it got it back, he opened it, watching the white butterfly flap out.  “Bye bye butterfly.”
Kuro’s arm left from where it was wrapped around him and the black cat hero sighed.  “Oh my god, I’m going to have nightmares.’
“Hey, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”  Roman freed the bicycle pump from the contraption and smiled at Kuro Neko.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
Ladybugs burst from the Lucky Charm, repairing the damage around them as the pair watched in awe.
Roman turned to Kuro.  “Thank you.”
Kuro Neko might have smiled, but Roman didn’t know, after all, his partner’s mask covered the bottom half of his face, leaving his green and blue eyes uncovered.
“Yeah, you too Ladybug.”  Kuro Neko held up a fist.  “Pound it?”
“Pound it.”  Roman grinned then paused as his earrings beeped and Kuro’s ring flashed.
“Well, until next time?” Roman asked casually.
Kuro turned away and then paused.  “Ladybug, we need to eventually figure out who has the butterfly miraculous.”
“Of course, but we don’t know anything right now.  We’ll figure it out.”
Kuro nodded, then extended his staff, using it to launch away, leaving a starstruck Ladybug to watch him disappear before turning himself and yo-yoing away.
Logan opened his eyes.   He was standing in the doorway of his apartment and he thought that he could vaguely feel like something was off….
Huh.  He’d remember eventually.  He shut the door and locked it before heading down the stairs to go to class.
The back of his head did have a dull ache though.
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
You’ve Always Been Mine
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chapter 13
i instantly gasped and threw my hands up, as wonho hit the floor.
“what the hell are you doing?!” i yelled at jooheon.
i had never seen that look in his eyes before. it was almost as if he turned into someone else.
the music felt like it was coming from my chest and everything was moving in slow motion. i felt the bass in my heart, and my breathing became short- as jooheon had moved himself ontop of wonho, punching him in the face.
“oh my god- they’re fighting over a girl!” someone from the crowd shouted.
i didn’t know what to do. my feet were glued to the floor as people started to move and gather around the two boys. phones were now being pulled out, and videos were being recorded. wonnho was trying to block every punch that jooheon was throwing, but unfortunately- it wasn’t working.
all i could think to do, was run.
i started running back to the table, crying and shouting for misun. hyungwon was the first to notice me. he stood up immediately and reached out, grabbing my arm. “what happened?” he shouted. i fell into his embrace and wrapped my arms around him.
“w-wonho..” i mumbled into his chest. i was starting to have a panic attack.
misun quickly made her way over to me, pulling me away from hyungwon and cupped my cheeks.
“nori- it’s okay. breathe, honey.” she said calmly.
“what’s going on?” shownu questioned. hyungwon looked out towards the bar and shook his head. “those two idiots-“
the rest of the members raced over to the scene, with shownu following behind.
all i could see was black. i dont even remember what happened, or how this all started.
the next thing i felt, was being pulled up by my arms and thrown back against the bar. a few security guards surrounded the area and blocked it off- pushing everyone back. i blinked a few times, then saw wonho getting up from the floor, with a bloody nose and a busted lip.
my eyes widened at the scene.
did i really just do that?
shownu grabbed hold of my shirt and balled his fist up. “are you insane?” he snapped. “look what you’ve done.”
minhyuk was wiping the blood from wonho’s nose as i looked over at the rest of my members. they all had this disappointing look on their faces.
“where’s nori?” i said pushing him back.
everyone’s phones were out and shining with the flash. all i could see were people pointing and pushing their cameras closer to the scene.
shownu wasnt too fond on that gesture. the expression on his face was serious, and i thought there was going to be a round two.
“you better pray to god, that manager hyung gets to you before i do.”
with that, shownu turned his back to me and the rest of my members left- leaving me to stand in my shame.
leading nori out to the getaway car, i wrapped one arm around her waist as we walked. she had one hell of an emotional night. and if shownu didnt beat jooheon’s ass- then i was definitely going to do so.
her makeup was ruined from all the crying she was doing, and her dress was completely trashed with liquor stains.
i shook my head as i helped her into the car.
i turned around and shownu was running in my direction. it felt good to see his face. i wasnt even mad at him anymore. i ran to him and hugged him tightly.
“are you guys okay?” he said squeezing me.
i nodded and pulled back a little. “what’s going on? nori hasn’t talked yet.”
shownu sighed and shook his head. “i’ll tell you later. for now, i need you guys to go to a hotel. it’s not safe. everyone has seen you guys with us and im sure all this drama will catch wind, at any moment now.” he said rubbing my shoulders.
“what do you mean it’s not safe for us?” i said afraid.
“misun, just trust me okay?” shownu said firmly. he turned me around and pushed me into the car, handing me the seat belt to strap in.
he glanced over at nori.
“im so sorry, for all of this. i’ll meet up with you guys later.” shownu leaned in a gave me a quick kiss before shutting the door and giving the driver the address to the hotel.
as we pulled up, the driver got out and escorted us inside- as he was instructed to do. he checked us in, and lead us up to the room.
“just to insure your safety, there will be a bodyguard outside your door. if you ladies need anything, just knock twice and they will get whatever you need.” he said smiling warmly. he bowed then opened the door for us, revealing the suit.
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i stopped for a moment, admiring the beauty of this place.
“wow- thank you.” i announced. nori went straight to the couch and cuddle up with the pillows.
he bowed once again, then took his leave- shutting the door behind him.
i folded my arms as i looked back at nori- feeling more sorry for my bestfriend than anything. i didnt even know how to confront her.
i tossed my shoes off, leaving them on the floor- then joined nori on the couch, laying down next to her.
“wanna talk about what happened?” i asked softly.
she gently shook her head, not saying a word.
“we’ll talk when you’re ready then. no rush- how about i start a bath for you and make you some tea? yeah?” i said patting her cheek.
nori surprisingly agreed and i hoped up quickly, running to the bathroom
i thanked misun for the bath and tea, then she made her way out- shutting the bathroom door behind her.
i stripped myself of my clothes and shoes, along with the makeup and threw my hair up in a messy bun.
stepping into the water, i grabbed the teacup from the counter and sunk right in. i sighed and closed my eyes, taking a sip from the cup then setting it down.
i couldn't believe tonight. this entire thing was all seulgi’s fault.
jooheon and i would have never fought at the studio, if she didnt show up. which would have meant that we would’ve been talking before the stupid award show- and he could’ve invited me instead of her.
i didnt understand his obsession with her.
all of a sudden, kihyun’s words replayed in my brain.
“we all knew.”
how could shownu have known about jooheon taking seulgi- and not tell me. i wanted to be upset with him, but i just couldn't. he basically saved us from being mobbed by crazy fans tonight.
i leaned my head back and looked up towards the ceiling.
i wonder how wonho’s doing.
i sat in the waiting area of the emergency room, with my head leaned back against the wall. my phone had been blowing up all night. from the rest of the members calling about wonho, to my manager, then misun. it was non-stop.
i knew i was going to get in trouble for this. this was going to be everywhere and everyone was going to know about it.
i let out a frustrated sigh and ran my palms down my face.
shortly after, wonho came walking around the corner- all patched up. i stood to my feet and walked up to him.
“how bad is it?” i asked.
“not that bad, just a fracture.” he said shrugging.
“im glad you’re okay man. everyone’s worried about you.” i said giving him a quick handshake.
wonho shook his head and released a soft laugh.
“im fine. really- i just know we’re about to get in a lot of trouble.”
during the car ride back home, manager hyung called as said he was meeting us at the dorm. which wasnt good.
wonho and i hopped out and walked upstairs, opening the door to silence.
everyone was sitting on the couch, and our manager was standing right in the center of the living room.
he obviously wasnt happy with us.
“have a seat.” he said angrily.
wonho sat next to changkyun and just as i was about to sit- manager hyung stopped me.
“when i made you leader of this group, i expected you to take care of everyone on the team.” he said yelling.
i stood tall with my hands clasped behind my back- military style.
“this is your fault, shownu. you’re the oldest. this should have never happened in your presence.” he continued.
i bowed and agreed.
“i sincerely apologize- it was not my intentions to embarrass you or the company, sir.”
he shook his head in disbelief as i bowed once again. he signaled me to take a seat, and i did as i was told.
“everyone else is dismissed- shownu, wonho and jooheon- stay.”
the rest of the members filed off to their rooms and quickly shut the door.
“would anyone like to explain this?”
our manager pulled out his phone, revealing a picture of me kissing misun before she left- a picture of wonho and nori holding hands, and one of many, of jooheon and wonho’s fight.
“i thought i clearly told you that your plus one, was supposed to be in the entertainment business. i have NEVER seen these ladies before. explain yourselves.”
“the woman in my picture is actually a photographer for one of the companies you own, sir. her name is misun” i voiced.
“and you were kissing her, why?” he questioned harshly.
“we just started dating today. i didnt get a chance to tell you before the event.” i lied. it was the only way to save her from this mess.
manager hyung was quiet for a moment as he thought.
“you’ll be releasing an official statement tomorrow, so prepare for that. you better hope you dont lose any fans over this. now- wonho.” he said turning in his direction.
“her name is nori- she works at a coffee shop.” he said in an honest tone.
he shook his head and sighed.
“well, not anymore. you ruined that for her. do you understand why i’m so upset with you guys?” he questioned.
we all nodded.
“misun, she might be okay- but nori? she wont be able to go back to her normal life.”
we sat in silence as he tried to calm himself down a bit.
“shownu, why dont you take wonho to go check on your dates. see that they’re safe. i dont wanna see your faces until tomorrow.”
wonho and i got up at the same time and quickly left the dorm.
i rolled my eyes at wonho as he left with shownu. that was supposed to be me. how in the hell was wonho just snatching nori away from me like that.
the door closed and the room became silent, once again.
“you’re suspended from all activity until further notice.” my manager said angrily.
“what?!” i said jumping up from the couch. “how is that even possible, we’re getting ready to go on tour!” i shouted.
he lifted his brow and pointed down at the couch, signaling me to have a seat.
i sat back down, pushing the pillows off the couch.
“the rest of your band mates, are preparing for the tour. you, will not. you’ll be lucky if you ever perform on a stage again.” he said leaning forward.
“pictures from the event will be released tomorrow and im pretty sure some videos will be involved. i dont wanna hear a word from you, until this is all cleared up. once i find out more about what’s going to be released- i will handle everything with the lawyers. i dont need you on any social media. and i mean, NOTHING. you will not be allowed to leave the dorm without an escort and your exact location must be provided at all times. when im not around, im still there. my eyes and ears will be everywhere, so dont even THINK about pulling a fast one. do you understand?” he shouted.
i clenched my jaw together and snickered.
“yes, i understand.” i said looking off to the side.
turning on his heels, he left- slamming the door behind him.
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