#im also a gay man and i dress like bill and ted but im a girl. you understand
calliphone · 2 years
he/him girls... attack!
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sherkathyy · 3 years
sh sh sh these are my twgdlm headcanons (mainly just surrounding them being queer but also other shit) shh im correct or maybe not
paul - bi, ace and ftm. Uses He/Him. He is also autistic! (I THINK HE AND EMMA ARE T4T YES YES T HEY ARE) emma - omni and trans fem. Uses she/they pronouns yes yes !!! charlotte- Lesbian mtf. Uses She/Her pronouns and she has one of those cats that look super wise and like they know all the secrets to the universe. She has plently of plants around her home but they keep dying because she forgets about them but then she feels so much guilt so she just keeps them there because she feels mean throwing them out. the scent of lavender is a massive comfort to her but she is also slightly allergic to it. Also back to her being lesbian, she has a lot of comphet and just wants to be loved but she keeps looking for it in men because that is where she was taught to find it and so it never works and she doesn't know why. bill - he is unlabelled because he finds it too stressful and confusing. all he knows is he isn't straight and he isn't gay. he uses he/him and is so so so supportive of alice sexuality wise, just not girlfriend wise. he has a horrible sense of fashion and alice had to help him shop for his wardrobe. that is why its a pretty monochrome colour scheme, because she didnt want to dress him so they just bought clothes that would go together no matter what. (also bill is asexual yes yes) Deb- bigender lesbian! uses she/he pronouns and yeah! Mr.Davidson - bisexual man! uses he/him pronouns but he doesn't really know what pronouns are until his child teaches him. I think he has a young child who is some form of nonbinary, although i dont really know too much about them bc i havent thought that much about it. he smells like coffee. also he lets his kid play w and braid his hair whenever they’re stressed because it helps calm them down. he is a great father and him and carol have a healthy, strong relationship and i love that for them. Nora - she/her pan and demisexual and i think shes actually really sweet and kind and caring except emma just tests her fucking limits, man. she is also really stressed with university, debt and trying to survive off her minimum wage job that when she gets in to work she has no time for emma’s stubbornness. Ted - I still think he is pansexual and uses he/him. i think he smells like timber and burnt toast. he had a horrible childhood and was raised in a place of homophobia which did not help the common, dangerously low self-esteem of a tween that he held. but ig he just grew out of that and became whatever the fuck he is now!! Melissa - bi w female preference and i love her :)) HCB/Obnoxious Teen - gay gyag g ay gay woo gay!!! :))) gay !!!!! okay im slowly loosing all my energy to write this so im gonna just like leave it here even though i have a lot more woopty fucking doo ab ah obi kanobi  mem mem amem
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shibascarf · 7 years
Dug this out of my old chatlogs with @egoldtist​
i think they and i both did a tiny bit of drawings for this one too
here is 50′s au:
sofa: its just the jli as a weird vaguely incompetent 50s biker gang who try to cause A Ruckus but more often than not they just band together to drive out neighborhood threats
sofa: in any period au ted totally kind of hits on booster as a joke, to like tease him, and boosters like haha yeah right funny
sofa : until the dawning realization takes him
shibe : i love that like.... paradoxically.... the more open and queer-friendly a time period is, the more closeted ted is for some reason
shibe: hahahhaha
sofa : yeah omg
shibe : like, the more likely his flirting jokiness is to be taken seriously, the more cautious he becomes
shibe : i feel like if gayness had a death penalty, ted would be running around playing gay chicken like HA HA
shibe : what a strange chubby man
sofa : true but i love him
shibe : i'm just imagining biker ted's bike
shibe : which he clearly calls the bug
sofa : oh absolutely
sofa : he probably builds in a side car later
shibe : ahhhhhhh
sofa : because as is soon very apparent, booster should be no where near bikes
shibe : the sidecar is dubbed "skeets"
shibe : because its squeaks
sofa : YES
shibe : booster trying to look intimidating in that sidecare tho
shibe : big goggles and all
shibe : they pull up alongside a convertible and booster has to look UP to stare the driver down
sofa : hes pretty sour about it
shibe : he looks great when they're in the pool hall. he's got a nice leather jacket. he's tall. he's' buff
shibe : but then you follow him out to the parking lot and he hops into that sidecar
sofa : its all over
sofa : he tries to do something to prove hes intimidating which is mostly ted driving around while booster smashes what he can from his sidecar
shibe : with a crowbar
sofa : they knock an old lady's mailbox over but she catches them and theyre like OH SHIT
sofa : she catches them and in order to avoid prison time they get stuck using up their whole afternoon fixing it for her
shibe : but they do genuinely feel pretty bad
sofa : true
sofa : they repaint it and everything
sofa : it looks pretty bad but they tried
shibe : bea and tora ride by to just... watch and shake their heads
sofa : honestly
sofa : even guy gets in on it
sofa : just to make fun of them
shibe : guy's the asshole that drives through a mud puddle nearby to get it all over them
sofa : guy better be careful that old lady'll get him too
shibe : are you kidding, he petsits her cats every summer
shibe : (no one knows)
sofa : no one can EVER know
shibe : i'm sure they all go to the ice cream parlor and dance at sock hops
sofa : oh man absolutely
sofa : only about 3 of them can actually dance everyone else is pretty bad
shibe : ted's an amazing dancer for sure
sofa : booster can probably lift up whoever hes dancing with
sofa : ohhh yes absolutely
sofa : YES
shibe : booster being like man, ted, you ever get jealous that the chicks get to wear those poofy petticoats and poodle skirts?
shibe : ted's like whatt
shibe : "ahahhaha  no nothing never mind"
sofa : yessss omfg
shibe : he totally has never been caught wearing michelle's when no one's home
shibe : it's not even a sexual thing, he just loves skirts and dresses
sofa : absolutely
sofa : they just look so GOOD its not FAIR
shibe : they're so SWISHY and POOFY and fun
sofa : theyre probably not as hot either
shibe : than leather? hahahhahah for sure
sofa : ted probably thinks about what he said later like
sofa : its not like he'd look BAD in them- ok wait nO
shibe : buys booster a jacket with a poodle on the back of it
shibe : like here
sofa : he looks so happy about it
sofa : even though he cant wear it out much
shibe : tora tora toraaaaaaaaaaa look at this jacket
sofa : ted got it for me
sofa : teds the BEST
shibe : "why does it have a poodle on it booster"
[8 shibe : it's.... an inside joke
sofa : its between us...... 'friends'
shibe : "by 'friends' do you mean guys that make out in the boys bathroom and smoke together during homeroom"
shibe : BEA
sofa : teds like "what cant two guys just pal around and kiss each other... for laughs.... come on"
shibe : "it's practice bea"
shibe : "we're practicing for junior prom. i'm gonna ask michelle out"
shibe : "NO UR NOT."
shibe : don't you even LOOK at my sister u creep
sofa : that's how ted realizes hes really, really actually gay
sofa : hes like kissing girls compared to kissing booster is not.. its not as good
sofa : fuck
shibe : he's at prom like "oh geeze"
shibe : "i've made a huge mistake"
sofa : hes so alarmed
sofa : on one hand hes trying to figure out how deep in denial he can be and on the other its like
sofa : what about booster
sofa : does booster like kissing girls more than kissing me
shibe : oh noooooooooooooooooooooo
shibe : booster's across the room slow-dancing with bea and sticks his tongue out at ted
sofa : ted just tries to act natural but hes totally thinking of asking booster to slow dance in private later
shibe : he's like "okay do i come up with an excuse or do i just ask him for real"
shibe : truthfully booster doesn't think kissing ted is like.... a huge amount better than kissing girls.  it's just better with ted because ted is fun and good with mechanics and gets it when booster is complaining about guy stuff
shibe : but then when he considers that dating a girl would mean not kissing ted anymore he's like ........nah i'm good
sofa : no thanks
shibe : i'm dying, just think of bea/tora making a deal with booster/ted to be each other's beards
sofa : OHHH H YES
shibe : they even stage a fake pregnancy scare one time so that eveyrone thinks they're a totally sexually active teen het romance
sofa : the challenge is to not act too outrageous while theyre on 'dates' because ted will start cracking up at any stupid thing booster tries while 'dating' bea
shibe : bea's like "i dunno" but then tora points out that it basically means they get to go on dates for free b/c the guys have to foot the bill
sofa : it leads to extremely cheap dates
sofa : but extremely cheap dates they still don't have to pay for
shibe : i'm trying to imagine ted and booster like.... slow-dancing outside the gymnasium by the dumpster, with earth angel playing tinnily from the door
shibe : cry
sofa : ohhhh no that's too cute
shibe : michelle like... keeping watch on the steps, smiling fondly
sofa : shes very proud of her brother but also: his tastes
sofa : because despite the gang stuff teds obviously still a nerd
shibe : the sheer relief that ted doesn't want to date her for real
sofa : im dying purely in thought of all the gestures booster must do that counts as "look we're going steady" but no one will like go out of their way to ask them about
sofa : like giving ted his jacket
shibe : or his ring
shibe : or his pin
sofa : or carrying his books or something
sofa : YEAH
sofa : TEDS SO FLUSTERED but hes gotta keep it cool
shibe : guy thoroughly beating the shit out of anyone that laughs about them behind their backs
sofa : its enough to scare ppl into backing off at least
sofa : guy def still teases them all the damn time tho
shibe : oh totally
shibe : but like, no one else gets to
shibe : guy cracks a joke at their expense and someone in earshot laughs
shibe : and guy just spins around like YOU WANT SOME
sofa : i bet all of them get detention together too
sofa : that's usually when they collaborate with what they have to cover up at least like, 3 of guys worst cuts, and also to fuck around and copy off of ted's homework
shibe : i love that ted is like... a nerdy biker delinquent
shibe : how charming
sofa : YEAH
sofa : ppl are like, hes a bright charming young man, but hes such a trouble maker
sofa : shaking their heads
shibe : for halloween
shibe : booster dresses in drag and finally finally gets to wear his poodleskirt
shibe : it's the only acceptable time
sofa : YES
sofa : ppl think its a joke and he plays it off as much
shibe : oh for sure
shibe : but inside, he's glowing
shibe michelle plays along and goes as a greaser
sofa : but he keeps shooting these sneaky glances @ ted and ted has to shove him like CMON
shibe : "get it, we're twins, we did a set"
sofa : yesss yes omg
shibe : and at the halloween dance booster finally gets to dance in his poodle skirt
shibe : and he looks amaaaazing
sofa : ted is on fire like. the whole time
sofa : drags booster out back like I NEED TO TALK TO YOU
sofa : (there is 0 actual talking)
shibe : ahahhahhahahha
shibe : yesssss
shibe : it's like, legitimately the best day of booster's life. and that includes the time he made the varsity football team
sofa : yes absolutely
sofa : boosters probably just really glad hes got so much goin for him
sofa : like the varsity team, and a group of people who genuinely like him, and also ted
shibe : and a sister that's really helpful and supportive when she's not teasing him mercilessly
sofa : yes
sofa : auuug h h i just realized booster must have the stupid football jacket too damn it
shibe : ahhahahhahhahahhahahh ayes eysyesyesyesyesyes
sofa : im also thinkin like....... what if...... ted needs glasses... like those really thick ones
sofa : he doesn't wear them unless hes working on something REALLY important but he still def needs them
shibe : ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
shibe : big old coke glasses
shibe : booster reading menus aloud for ted
sofa : yessss omg
sofa : ted also coming over to fix anything that breaks in the carter family house because he knows they cant really afford to hire anybody
shibe : ah oh noooooooooooooo
shibe : booster and michelle working a bunch of jobs to help their mom
sofa : y es omg
sofa : assuming of course teds family is still rich he probably like goes to... any number of their jobs and tips them with like. all his pocket change
sofa : booster keeps telling him not to but he keeps doing it
shibe : booster behind the counter of a soda-jerk place
shibe : and ted's like, yes, i would like to make a special order
shibe : "we don't do substitutions ted. i've told you this. repeatedly"
shibe : not even forrrrrrr twenty bucks??????
shibe : *sides bill over
shibe : ..... i'll go crush up some candy bars and put them in your milkshake. you're the worst
sofa : TED OMG
sofa : hes just there eating it
sofa : completely satisfied with himself
sofa : OOHHH BOY
sofa : almost getting kicked out of the drive in theater
sofa : because theyre actually super obnoxious
shibe : tora working as a waitress at a drive in burger place with rollar skates
sofa : yesss yess omg
sofa : i bet tora like
sofa : puts special patches or something on everyones jacket
sofa : just so everyone knows theyre all apart of the gang, together
shibe : oh man of course
shibe : MAYBE TORA
shibe : embroidered the poodle for booster's jacket
shibe : at ted's request
sofa : the exact moment tora figured out ted was sweet on booster
sofa : one step ahead of the game
shibe : when she gave it to ted, she was like "good luck ted"
shibe : he was like ????? thanks?
sofa : totally went off to gossip abt it with bea and beas just like yessss
sofa : i knew it
shibe : it seems obvious in retrospect
shibe: do u wanna talk about 50's au
shibe: b/c
shibe: i had a heartbreaking idea
[8/24/2015 9:26:22 PM] couch seat hands: oh my god absolutely yes
shibe: OK SO
shibe: i was thinking about ted going to the dance with michelle
shibe: and i'm like first of all how did she say yes, and was it even his idea
shibe: and i realized like....
shibe: booster got a date with bea first. and then ted was like "well have fun buddy"
shibe: and booster was like NO ur coming too, and ted is like i don't have a date???? and tora's going with guy
shibe:  so BOOSTER was like u need to ask michelle
shibe:  and ted was like hahahha yeah, she'll never say yes in a million years
shibe: and booster's like no, dude trust me
shibe: she'll say yes
shibe: so the next day, he asks michelle and she does say yes??????
shibe: which is awesome but confusing, but really cool
shibe: but then all of the next few weeks leading up to the dance, booster is working tons of extra hours
shibe: and he tells ted it's cool and whatever, but he's looking really really tired and he keeps falling asleep in class b/c he's working late night shifts at the general store
shibe: and long story short, booster's working extra hours so he can pay for michelle to buy a really nice dress and get her hair/makeup done at a salon, which is how he got her to say yes to ted
shibe: and now ted's guilty cuz he's there with michelle and it's not like he imagined it would be at all, but booster worked so hard just so he could go with a girl
sofa: this KILLS THE MAN
shibe: i'm awful
sofa: u gotta tell me they save a dance for each other
sofa: like 1 at least
shibe: this is the one where they dance back behind the gym so yeah, totally
sofa: OoHHh right
sofa: yesss
shibe: but michelle looks so gorgeous, she is the most beautiful girl there
shibe: and ted still wants booster instead
sofa: aaGGHH
sofa: to be fair the carter twins are probably the most beautiful sibs in school
sofa: but gOD TED
shibe: booster and michelle do a dance together, as siblings, obvs
sofa: yesss
shibe: and then ted's like "can i cut in" and booster's like "oh, sure, ted" and ted's like "... n o can we go talk... outside"
sofa: OHHH
sofa: i am lovin this as a good opportunity to be like so u know how we kissed each other for practice? Well,
sofa: Bc those are the type of scenarios that keep me young
shibe: and michelle followed them and booster's like "NO SHHHhhhhhhhhhhh" and michelle is like
shibe: plz
shibe: we're trwins
shibe: no secrets
shibe: i know all
shibe: just like u know that i'm not a virgin
sofa: Michelle and booster are probably like.... the two kids u would least expect to be messing around and generally being delinquents, Bc they look like fuckin hallmark kids and also one of them is a cheerleader and a football star
sofa: but here they are
shibe: they fight tooth and nail for that popularity, hahahha
shibe: michelle with grooming and social ladders, booster with sports and working five different odd jobs
sofa: i imagine any time booster like... fucks up or breaks something at work teds always like I'll cover it don't worry
sofa: cuz obviously he's got the rich kid perks, and spending his money that way pisses off his folks
sofa: booster keeps telling him to cut it out b4 he gets cut off or something
shibe: honestly, i wonder how they started smooching in the first place
shibe: like, given the setting and all
shibe: for the 50's au, i mean
sofa: well i mean i figure it was probably like a "have you ever kissed a girl" "not really.. you?" and they agreed that if they did it strictly for practicing only, at first, it wouldn't be gay
sofa: and then it was
shibe: something like, if it doesn't kiss when you kiss a family member, it doesn't kiss when you kiss a bro
shibe: and also all the anti-homosexual propaganda usually had to do with pedophiles so
shibe: maybe they were just like "well it's nothign like that so"
sofa: ahhh truuu
shibe: oh nooooo
shibe: ted being like "holy shit i'm the worst pervert, NO ONE IS SAFE"
sofa: NOO OMG
sofa: how would booster even sort himself thru it omg
shibe: i feel like tora and bea get a pass b/c there were totally like
shibe: dime novels about lesbians and shit
shibe: i bet booster would like
shibe: go digging through his history books
shibe: and come back to ted with a long list of non-straight people
shibe: and be like "look, this is so normal, you can still be an awesome inventor when you grow up"
sofa: boOSTER
shibe: but at the same time, being like "if you want to keep this totally under wraps, we can do it. i'm so willing to do that for you"
sofa: i m gonna die holy shit
sofa: ted probably agrees with it because obviously its safer to lie low but hes also totally lousy with guilt
shibe: which is funny, b/c booster doesn't feel bad about it at all?
shibe: he spends tons of time pretending he's not poor as shit
shibe: what's one more charade on the pile
sofa: covers face
sofa: booster gold has fucking. ruined my life
shibe: he's such a sweet kind, innocent, vain asshole
shibe: protect him, universe, just as he protects u
sofa: pls. what else Does He Have
shibe: ted must have an awful family
shibe: like, a gross dad that wants him to go into business and a sad drugged out housewife ma
sofa: ur probably right
shibe: ted probably lives in a big house
shibe: and booster throws rocks at his window and ted is like I'M ON THE FIRST FLOOR PLZ STOP
sofa: OMG YES
sofa: consistently tries to get ted to sneak out with him in the middle of the night
shibe: he's always getting off work at night and dying to go out for a shake or something
shibe: he's one of those people that gets wired and giddy when they're tired
sofa: absolutely omfg
sofa: those are probably his moments of pranking ingenious
shibe: they put green dye in bea's shampoo
shibe: but then she likes it so much she keeps doing it
shibe: prank failed
sofa: they still try to take credit for it tho later on
sofa: like
sofa: yeah ur welcome
shibe: people giving bea shit for being a "spic" and everyone like JUMPING IN TO FIGHT LIKE HEY
shibe: even tora
shibe: tora straight up pulls a girl's hair out
sofa: tora is very nice, and sweet and polite, but she can be fuckin brutal if need be
sofa: that's why the gang loves her
shibe: they all have polaroids of each other with black eyes and huge grins
sofa: ahhh yes yes yesss omfg
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