#im also going to be pulling pride and prejudice fic
effervescent-hoe · 2 years
hey all you twilight people that are still around, do you want to start organizing and archiving ffn? the site is dying. it's only a matter of time. we should start saving things before theyre gone for good. theres a lot of history on that site and theres currently nothing preventing it from disappearing permanently. if we don't do it, no one else will.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
poppy please help me. im about to write a novel in your inbox, sorry in advance. the urge to write an entirely sfw fic with not a hint of spice but is weirdly hot is so.... so strong. lemme just pitch this to you because i can't get it out of my head.
okay so a classical music playlist for the story.
bakugou and reader both being from high-class families. very pride and prejudice esque where manners and the way you carry yourself is important. and the story begins with them meeting. and reader thinks that bakugou is rough and far too haughty and proud like he thinks he's above everyone because he has money. n reader is proper but likes what she likes and who she likes. they don't get along at all, finding themselves at odds in the way passive-aggressive victorian age people are.
overtime they meet again and again with an extreme distaste for each other and bakugou finds himself oddly intrigued with her but she wants nothing to do with him. so they stay at odds through the story like this until they're made to dance with each other one evening at a party.
and the penultimate scene in the fic is a ballroom dance where they spin around, waltzing to Canon in D Major, P.37. and it's just them and their thoughts about each other, replaying the times they'd met and interacted and slowly realizing that they're in love with each other.
n reader has a moment where she realizes that bakugou's hand is holding her's as if it's glass. like she'll shatter if he moves too suddenly. and even though it's calloused, she finds that there is something soft about it. and his grip on her waist is so gentle, like he's hovering above it, barely touching the middle of her back. she finds herself wanting him to pull her close, to feel the weight and heat of his palm through her dress.
he's so rough in manner and closed off, but as they dance and look into each other's eyes she finds that he has this unexpected softness to him. a gentle type of grace that she hadn't noticed before as they watch each other spin in a delicate balance. all those years of classical dance finally being of use in each other's arms because neither of them is clumsy and they're so in step despite never having been on the same page before.
n bakugou softens at the edges, straight neck slowly relaxing as he dances with her in slow step with the music. and he can't help but notice how beautiful she looks like this. the gentle curve of her cheek when she glances to the side or the slight crane in her neck as she looks up at him. bakugou can feel her fingers on his shoulder, how gently they rest on the fabric, so delicate and comforting. and she's so warm that he can feel it radiating off of her, even through each step and spin. and her hand is so small in his and it's ironic because he is worried that he might break it, break her somehow. and he can't deny how beautiful she looks in the dress she wore tonight, revealing her collarbones in a ladylike fashion. and he's worried that he'll slip up because reader's dress keeps hitting his legs where it collects gracefully at her ankles with each step.
and this dance shouldn't be fun, but it is. they're both straight-faced, watching each other with a hand on his shoulder as they both spin and fall deeper and deeper into each other. until the dance comes to an end and they realize that they're both in love with each other.
god, just a whole classical playlist where these feelings and the subtle appreciation they have for each other comes to gentle fruition with this song. a soft realization that they are in love.
help me. can u tell i'm in love with him?
Cal i am listening to the song rn as i type this and im so SOFT BECAUSE!! !!!!! can u imagine, the slow progression in the shift of his face, as this song progresses. please the notes are so gentle....can imagine the realization dawning slowly n he's looking at you and you're looking back. his eyes are soft in wonderment. adoration. he adores you. so much. n he's flitting through all the times in his head where you'd argued with eachother, that time you pushed him in a lake, that time when you both purposefully kept stepping on eachothers toes when you were practicing this very dance, but then there's also that time you both sat quietly under a willow tree and n he's remembering how the sun looked when it hit your face, drenched in soft glow. he remembers begrudgingly admitting to himself then that you were beautiful. you always had been but he hadn't let himself see beyond his disdain for you to really...grasp it. but he did then, even if he folded that thought away and tucked it into a corner of his mind where he was never supposed to open it again. but its all out in the open now.
n as the song comes to an end he's looking at you like you put the stars in the sky, and without realizing his thumb has moved to stroke your hip where one of his hands lie. his defenses aren't even up at the moment and neither are yours. when his lips part, the words slip out of them like honey, he hadn't even realized he was going to say them: "you're beautiful, y/n" you could steal all the suns light with your warmth alone.
he says it so tenderly and with conviction, his adams apple bobbing, eyes scanning your face, that you swallow too. the urge to make a sarcastic remark should be on the tip of your tongue, it usually always is, but it's nowhere to be found. just pure and utter, something. (Love, its love) his confession tugs your own from your lips, "so are you" said so quietly but genuinely. and the way his hand squeezes your hip, you swear you can feel it like liquid fire on your skin underneath the dress.
Its intimate the way you both slow your dance to a stop, other couples swirling around you like snowflakes. his eyes drop to your lips, and yours part , body going hot and molten the when his eyes dip lower, lower still. He swallows again, hand spasms against you, he feels too many things at once. "Y/n...I-"
"Can i have this dance?" You both start at the sudden interruption. Blinking as if coming up from a heady dream you look at....izuku.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Cinematic Coincidences
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
(Spencer’s POV)- listen I just love his POV lol
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Summary: Spencer can’t bring himself to go on another date that’s been set up for him- so he stands his date up. Spence seemingly can’t catch a break and runs into the date he stood up.
A/N: Hey heyyy- here’s my seventh fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April!! This one was requested by @andiebeaword (I added a reference for your love of hallmark movies in this hehe)- this is the original request- I tweaked the characters involved just a small bit lol I accidentally end up defaulting to using the people on the dream team lol- im going to start working in later characters in the show into some stuff in upcoming works (I’m also rewatching the later seasons so that’ll help get me inspired) Im always looking for feedback on my fics or really to talk about anything with my followers so feel free to drop into my inbox- here!! Thanks for reading- y’all have been so sweet 🥰 and hope y’all enjoy!!
Warnings: Insecure Spencer, Getting stood up for on a date, Morgan and Garcia (just the team in general) not really understanding Spencer fully, one tiny sexual innuendo- I think that’s it nothing too bad this time around
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.4K
This was not what I wanted to be doing today. Garcia had once again inquired about my love life- along with Morgan of course, wanting to find out about all the juicy details. I didn’t know why they continued to ask when it was obvious that my love life was about as exciting as watching paint dry.
I gave my normal response to these types of inquiries, brushing them off without sounding too hurtful. Unfortunately Garcia would not be satiated by my response, apparently she was now fed up with my dull love life and felt like she needed to be personally involved. Garcia was very near and dear to me, just like Morgan, but I couldn’t deny that this grated my nerves.
“We’ll make you a dating profile too! Maybe you’ll find someone cute to date- or maybe get some?!” Garcia was chipper as usual, with her eyebrows wiggling at her suggestion that I should have a one night stand. All that I felt from her words was dread.
The dangers of online dating swirled in my mind and I tried to protest, it came out more like a stammer though. Morgan then patted me on the back and piped up, giving his own opinion, “Yeah- I think it’ll be good for you, pretty boy.”
Again I wanted to protest, beginning to stammer out another reason why I didn’t think it was a good idea. I sighed heavily when I was cut off again, by Morgan and Garcia already planning on what pictures they were going to upload of me. At least I knew that they had my best interests at heart, they wanted me to be happy with someone- or get some like Garcia had mentioned earlier. Still, it didn’t change the fact that there was no way I’d ever want to go willingly on a date with someone I had met on the internet.
My thoughts had not changed since Morgan and Garcia had set up the dating profile for me. There hadn’t been any person I had been on a date with that had successfully been able to keep me interested beyond a few conversations.
“No luck with the online dating?” Morgan had teased when I had walked in with my head held low. This endeavor was just making me realize how picky and undesirable I was. Why couldn’t I just find someone pretty and be happy with it?
Morgan’s face twisted from a smile into a frown when I didn’t answer him, making my way silently to my desk.
For the rest of the day the team tiptoed around me, sensing my sadness. There was part of me that was angry at them for thinking that I couldn’t handle a few bad dates. But, they were right. I couldn’t handle the sting of rejection or the disappointment of a date that didn’t live up to my expectations.
Emily always seemed to know how to cheer me up, so I did attempt some small conversation in the break room while we were both getting our coffee. She never gave me any pity like the others who just flashed me sad looks, unwilling to make any effort to help- or like Garcia and Morgan, they helped in the wrong way even if their intentions were pure.
Her solution to my problem did make my ears perk up a bit, “Hey- I saw that you’ve been down and that it’s been about the online dating Morgan and Garcia made you get into.” I nodded my head in confirmation then gesturing for her to continue while I poured copious amounts of sugar into my drink. Emily opted for mostly cream instead of sugar, stirring her coffee a little, then continuing her thought,”I wondered how you would feel about being set up on a blind date. It’s someone I know so maybe that would make you feel better about going on it? Instead of having to deal with technology that I know you despise.”
Emily had a way of seeing exactly how I was feeling and not just spitting out facts without solutions like the others. Her solution made me nervous of course, there would probably never be a date that I wouldn’t be nervous for. However, this option made me feel a little bit more hopeful about my prospects in the dating pool. It was someone that she knew and trusted enough to suggest them as a potential match for a coworker. Emily didn’t trust easy, I could trust her judgment on this despite my nerves.
I gulped down a large sip of my overly sweetened coffee, collecting my thoughts before then answering, “Alright- I’ll go.”
The date that I was supposed to go on was at a quaint cafe near work. Emily had even made the effort to make sure that I had been there before so I might be more comfortable.
At first I had been extremely excited for the date, even going so far as to pick out my outfit. I would have worn my purple button up, that was the one I got the most compliments in. Emily had told me some stuff that my date was interested in so I made sure to brush up on my knowledge by reading about the topics. I had even called back to the restaurant menu in my mind, preparing myself by picking out what I wanted beforehand. On one of my dates set up through the dating app I had stumbled on my choice for food, making the person unnecessarily snappy. I had to cover all my bases to minimize potential awkwardness on my part.
Self doubt began to creep in after I had gotten fully dressed. I had gotten ready way too early in anticipation for the date, now sitting on my couch tapping my foot impatiently. I looked at my watch that sat over my long sleeves watching the clock tick closer and closed to when I was supposed to leave.
Biting my lip in worry, my mind couldn’t help but wander over into my self doubts. I couldn’t help but ask myself why anyone would want to date someone as tall and lanky as me- or why would someone want to go on a date with someone that couldn’t keep their mouth shut about random topics that no one cared about.
My self doubt swallowed any confidence that I had begun to build up in preparation for the date. I knew Emily would be furious with me tomorrow when I went into work, I didn’t want her to find out through her friend though. Deciding to get it over with I pulled out the phone I never used and texted her, telling her that I wasn’t coming. I told her to give my regrets to my date, who at this point was probably waiting patiently for me at the cafe. Sighing in defeat I then retreated into my bedroom again, crawling under my covers.
Emily hadn’t been furious with me- well that was a lie, at first she had stomped up to me the next morning to chew me out. She became more disappointed than anything when she found out my reasonings. She hadn’t mentioned anything about how the person I was supposed to be going on the blind date with felt. Not that I really wanted to hear about it, it would only make me feel worse. All I got from her was a small remark mumbled under her breath, “Idiots- the both of you…”
For the next few weeks I tried in vain to push thoughts of my failed blind date out of my head. I had avoided going in the general direction of the cafe. Luckily I took the metro everyday to work otherwise I’d have to drive by it every day, and I already hated driving.
I was at the bookstore for used booksjust around the corner from the cafe that was supposed to hold my date a few weeks ago. This was the closest I dared to go near it in a while. Since then I hadn’t been able to go there anymore, even though I loved the coffee there. Immense guilt had wormed its way into my brain when I had tried to order something there a week ago. All I had done was stammer at the cashier before bolting out of there, just another addition on the list of embarrassing things that I’ve done in my life.
I was flipping through an old edition of pride and prejudice out of boredom, there hadn’t been anything interesting stocked on the shelves since I had last been here. Then a voice piped up through the air that had a bit of dust flying through it,
“Excuse me, sir- if you’re still looking at that book would you mind if I looked at the ones on the shelf behind you?”
It took me a second before I realized the person was talking to me. I then removed my eyes from the book to blink up at them a few times, then registering what they had said to me and moved out of the way.
Their eyes were still glued to mine, the bookshelf behind me that they had wanted to look at forgotten. An awkward chuckle was all we both could seem to manage as we looked each other up and down. Emily had shown me a picture on her phone of my date so I would have been able to spot them at the restaurant. My cheeks flushed hard once I realized who was standing before me. There was no doubt who this was, the date I had stood up the night before.
Silence then fell between us and not the pleasant kind, it was most definitely awkward. I couldn’t imagine how they must have been feeling after I hadn’t shown up last night. They probably had sat
“Um- hi…” They spoke hesitantly, wringing their fingers in trepidation. My jaw opened and closed a few times, trying to come up with anything to say.
“Hi!” Was all I could manage to squeak out, plus a small wave in their direction.
They wrung their fingers a few more times, seemingly trying to come up with a response. I was surprised they hadn’t hit me with one of the books near them out of anger. It would be a normal response to being stood up for a date, the trepidation and silence just served to unnerve me further. Eventually they spoke again, saving me from anymore awkward silence which in my opinion was worse than awkward conversation, “Um- sorry for um, standing you up uh- a few weeks ago.”
That made my eyes bug out of my head- they had done the exact same thing as I had? Insecurity soon swept in, trying to tell me exactly why they had not shown up without hearing their side of the story. I looked down at the book I was holding, reading a few words for a moment of reprieve. Taking a deep breath I asked quietly, not admitting to my own faults yet, “W-why did you um- not go? If you don’t mind me asking…”
A deep sigh was what I got at first, one that obviously had a lot of stress in it. They then did provide me with an explanation, despite their obvious embarrassment, Well- It had nothing to do with you- a simple explanation would be saying it was my insecurity’s fault.”
Not that I would ever want anyone to feel insecure, but I would admit that them saying that did make my own stress melt away. They had not gone for almost the exact same reasons that me. I decided to be upfront, giving them my own reasoning- though I wasn’t even sure they realized that I hadn’t gone as well. “I don’t know if Emily told you, but I um- stood you up as well. It wasn’t because of anything bad! It was really for the same reason as you.”
They then broke out into giggles after they had processed my words for a second, which were much more relaxed than the awkward ones from before. I didn’t blame them, it was a pretty funny coincidence that we’d both stand each other up only to run into each other not knowing what we had done.
“I feel like we’re in one of those cheesy Hallmark movies right now…” Their comparison only confused me, I had no clue what they were talking about.
“What’s a Hallmark movie?” More giggles came from them at my questioning, though for once I didn’t feel like I was being laughed at. I felt like they were laughing at the whole situation, not at me specifically like so many people had often done. Also, I couldn’t help but admit to myself that their giggle was very cute.
Once their giggles had subsided a little they asked me something that almost no one would ask the person that had stood them up, “Maybe I could tell you over a coffee? If you want to of course- Emily told me about how much sugar you like in it.”
My interest was peaked, making me further regret having stood them up in the first place. Though I tried to push that thought out of the way considering we had both done the same thing. It was time to let that go so I could go on a date with them finally. Seeing them in person and being able to glimpse part of their personality made me want to know more.
“Alright- sure.” I set down the book I had been passively reading, now completely disinterested in it. There was something far more interesting in front of me now compared to a classic book I had read over ten times.
We both walked around the corner, to the cafe that we had originally had our date scheduled at. Conversation flowed easily between us, showing me that Emily had been totally right to set us up initially. Her words now made sense to me, we were both a couple of idiots.
We then got our coffee, which had been much smoother of a transaction compared to the last time I had been here. I took note of how much sugar and cream they liked, just in case we were going to do this again. Sitting down at the closest booth I then asked, “So tell me about Hallmark movies?”
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (Message me if you want to be added):
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @oreogutz @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith 😡😡😡
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey
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shurisneakers · 3 years
every time i reread shut in i find something new that hints towards the end and i LOVE it. it's like a puzzle set. i feel like im missing a lot more though haha, just wondering if you have a list of foreshadowing you put in
you reread shut in? ilysm 😭
okay here's a list of references i put in throughout the series!
spoilers under the cut for anyone who hasn't read the ending yet
1. pierce died from a gunshot wound to the head. later on in chapter 12 it's mentioned that that's ransone's favourite way to have people killed
2. in chapter 4, sam directly asks reader if they're a spy too when they argue with him about who it could be. reader doesn't deny it, just rolls their eyes and moves on
3. in chapter 5, ransone talks about his dad and how volatile he was. in chapter 8 odin says being unstable is ransone's blood and about his history
4. in chapter 6, while they're putting up security cams, sam asks where reader would hide if they wanted spy on someone. they point to a particular place and “Clear sight of the house, not too close that we’d be able to see if we weren’t looking specifically". that's the camera that catches the agent in chapter 12
5. both sam and reader have been set up on fake missions in the past before by ransone. reader where her shoulder got shot (chapter 7) and sam's riley thing (chapter 10). technically this wouldn't be the first time he would have done it, which is why they still don't put it past him as something he wouldn't do
6. in chapter 8, while odin tries to guess sam's age he mentions he can tell he's young bc odin has sons, not a son. sam also mentions that he has to get out of there because his family was set to return in a short while. sam also entered trough the back while reader was stationed in the front of the house.
7. in chapter 8, reader says that if ransone was on his knees begging for his life, she still wouldn't be able to pull the trigger. in chapter 14 when she's in that situation, she doesn't pull the trigger then either
8. in chapter 10, sam says riley had a limp bc he had to shoot him in the leg. reader in chapter 7 had a flashback where ransone's lies had them get shot in the shoulder. loki's mom was killed by a bullet to the forehead. in chapter 14, when they all take their shot at ransone, they shoot in the same 3 places.
9. every time ransone made a mention to pierce, reader and sam kept information from him because they didn't want him to know that someone else had shot pierce before they got there. in chapter 11 when they're on call, ransone slips up and mentions that pierce was killed before they got there. reader and sam have a visceral reaction to it
10. in chapter 11, when sam tells reader "that wasn't in the plan!", it wasn't about them giving ransone their location. it was about the abrupt manipulative conversation that started and reader didn't immediately hang up on.
11. the reason reader knew that he wouldn't get rid of the paper plane in chapter 14 (He wouldn’t get rid of something immediately, not if it could be used to hurt you.) was also mentioned in chapter 12 for all the people he killed
12. chapter 13 begins with sam checking the security cams to make sure they knew how many people were out there
a list of more stupid references i put in just for fun dkjfhgdf:
1. in chapter 1 when reader goes to pierce's house, the movie that's playing is Horrible Bosses. a petty nod to ransone, world's worst boss
2. in chapter 2 ransone says "Distrusting me is the wisest thing you could do" which is a game of thrones quote. the character who says this says this to a king who trusts him, only to be backstabbed later. so essentially this ransone was telling them that he's gonna betray them eventually lol
3. American Gods, and Pride and Prejudice being the only books there were references to Loki that i thought were funny ffhfhfhf. american GODS. pride and prejudice for the britishness and general snobbery
4. 'brooklyn' being their codeword was just a dumb throwaway to steve. no significance
5. all of ransone's named henchmen were villains from the mcu. emil, ivan and all were enemies in hulk and iron man 2. just a nod towards how this guy had everything going against his innocence
6. everyone picked up on this but the kids reader was friends with at the orphanage/initial stages of their term at the organization was steve, nat and bucky fhhfh. they were never mentioned by name but the descriptions were given.
7. the entire fic is technically the "and there was only one bed!" trope but it isn't used all the way until the end ffhfhfhf
8. serpentine was named that bc snakes are generally associated with loki + their snake story from thor: ragnarok lmao
but yeah, that's about it!
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Can’t Help Falling In Love ( S.R )
summary: let’s look back on the milestones Y/N and spencer had together! Let’s look back to the first time they met, all the the way to the engagement!
a/n: thanks @thestrawberrygirl for helping me out with the plot! also this mentions Pride and Prejudice and I’m not a literature buff so if something’s are wrong, sorry I’m advance! also this is in 3rd person and ig technically im narrating! also the end is inspired by @agenthotchner’s fic birthday cuddles which I 100% recommend you check out afte reading this one!
paring: spencer reid x (f!) reader
warnings: cotton candy fluff 🍭
word count: 2k
requests: open!
tagging: @marshmallowtraver, @criminalmindsmoodrn, and @ghostly-angelic
remember to like and reblog!!
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“Marry me”
Woah, let’s rewind, shall we? I mean, who likes to start at the end. That’s boring. So instead let’s start at the beginning like you would in any good story. Except in our case, a love story.
Our story starts off at the one and only coffee shop! It was a particularly quiet day. Although that’s what you expect on a Tuesday at 3pm. Y/N was the only one there working since her co-worker was on break. She was cleaning up a couple of things on the counter when in walked in, Spencer Reid.
“Hi, what can I get you?” Y/N said.
“Um, I’ll have your holiday special.”
“It’s the middle of September, there are no holiday specials.”
“Oh well, can you make it? I’ll pay extra.”
“Yeah, fine I guess. It’ll be 5.75”
He pays the amount with a dollar tip then goes and sits down. Being the only one in the shop she doesn’t ask for his name since that would just be a waste of time. So instead of a name, she draws a little pumpkin. And walks over to his window-side table for two.
“Here you go!” She says while handing him his special. “Be careful with it though, the pumpkin took like 5 minutes.” She says while he looks at the pumpkin in front of him and chuckles making her smile.
“Uh, thanks.” He says awkwardly while looking at her.
“Well yeah, no problem.” She responds blushing. All of a sudden his phone starts to ring.
“Oh shit! Sorry I really have to go, work.”He says while quickly getting up.
“Oh no yeah, don’t worry.” She says while smiling in confusion.
“Hey, I know it's weird and all but would you possibly wanna exchange numbers or something. I mean you don’t have to obviously.” He rambles awkwardly.
“Uh, sure!” She says while showing him her number. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Spencer, Spencer Reid. Well, Dr.Spencer Reid to be specific.” He says smiling.
And with that, he was gone. Gone like the wind on an October morning. “Dr.Spencer Reid. Huh. I like it.”
Wasn’t that adorable. I think it was. Now let's fast forward 3 weeks to Y/N and Spencer’s first date.
First dates can be terrifying. Will it go well? What if they ghost? What if it was all a prank? What if they turn out to be a crazed serial killer who’s on the FBI’s most wanted list? But all of these thoughts are normal, well maybe except for the last one but that’s a whole different story. Now this date was different for Y/N. This was the first date she’s had since her terrible, horrible, atrocious relationship that lasted way longer than it needed to.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Y/N waited 1 minute before opening the door to make it look like she wasn’t waiting. “You look stunning,” Spencer says while eyeing her up and down. She was wearing a black romper paired with gold jewelry. “And so do you.” She says while looking at his casual black suit.
“Uh, I got you these.” He says while handing Y/N a bouquet of sunflowers. “Oh Spencer, you didn’t have to.” She said while finding a vase to put them in. “I mean, how did you even remember?” She says while coming to face him. “Eidetic memory remember.” He says while looking down at his watch. “Now come on, or we’re gonna be late.” He says while grabbing her arm.
“Where are we going, Spencer?” Y/N says in the car. All she could see were the stars in the pitch-black sky above her. “Are you gonna kill me? Cause you know for being an FBI agent you could definitely get away with it.”
“Y/N, I’m not going to kill you. And, bam, here we are.” He says while pulling up to a rest stop lit up with dim lights and telescopes. “Hope, you like the stars.” He says while Y/N steps out of the car a gazes upwards astonished at the number of stars in the sky. “Oh, and pasta,” Spencer says while grabbing a picnic basket from his car.
“Spence, this pasta is, amazing.” Y/N says while devouring the pasta.
“Yeah, you could say it's a family recipe.” He says while looking at her clean herself up smiling as if this was the best thing that life could ever offer. “Do you like stars?” he says after realizing he was staring.
“Yeah actually. I know it’s stupid but when I was younger my mom once told me that whenever I feel say, I should look up at the stars and just tel the all of my problems. And that somehow they would hear me and they would help.” Y/N says while looking up at the stars and then to Spencer who was dreamily gazing.
“No, not at all. That’s actually really sweet.” He said to her while she was blissfully looking at the wonders up above. To him, in that moment, she was an angel. An absolute masterpiece. And a puzzle, that he was dead set to solve. “Hey Y/N?” He asks, causing her to rip away from the painting up above. “Can I kiss you?” She simply just smiles and nods and like that their lips were together. It was a short kiss but as soon as they pulled for air they were grinning like idiots and as red as a ripe tomato. This really was, how do you say it? Oh, the start of something new.
Aww, my heart. That was adorable right! I know, I know, you’re jealous. But so am I so don’t worry. Speaking of adorableness, next up on our little trip is “I love you.” And trust me, this one’s gonna make your heart melt.
It was a Friday night and Spencer couldn’t sleep. So what does he do, he pulls up to Y/N’s. She hears a knock at her door and opens it once realizing it's Spencer. “Spence babe, what are you doing here?” She says drowsily while scratching her eyes. “I couldn’t sleep.” That’s all he says. “Fine, um, here come with me.” She takes her to her room and sits on the bed watching Y/N while she looks around for something.
“Y/N/N what are you doing?”
“I’m looking for a very particular book, Spencer. And, aha, found it!” She says while holding Pride and Prejudice. “My mom used to read it to me when I couldn’t sleep. And now since you can’t, I’m gonna read it to you!” She says while getting into her bed with Spencer already on the other side.
He put his head on her lap and she started to stroke his hair and started to read.
“I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.”
And read.
“I am all astonishment”
And read.
“I love you. Most ardently”
“I love you,” Spencer says just before closing his eyes.
“I love you too,” Y/NN says after kissing his forehead.
Sweet right. Isn’t your heart just melting, because mine definitely is. I mean Jane Austin and “I love you” is just the best pairing. Now we get to meet the family! Or in our little genius Spencer’s case co-workers. But let’s be honest, family.
Y/N realized that she hadn’t really talked to Spencer like they always do in a while and didn’t like that. So she did the noble thing and got some lunch, grabbed her visitors’ pass, and drove off into the freeway.
“Y/N? What are you doing here? Spencer asked while Y/N put a take out bag from Chipotle on his desk.
“I missed you so I came here. And before you get mad at me, we haven’t been talking that much and you’ve been on the DL lately and I don’t like that. So we will be having lunch together.”
“I love you so much,” He says while pulling her in for a kiss which was rudely interrupted by the team.
“Hey, pretty boy! Who’s the goddess?” Derek asks. “Yeah! Is she single?” JJ adds on just to be scolded by Emily. “Jayje, we’re dating. Stop.”
“Uh, guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N,” Spencer says while Y/N waves.
“No way, you got yourself a girl? Huh, how long?” Derek asks.
“Um, about a year and a half give or take.” Y/N says while looking over at Spencer nodding as if she needed the validation.
“Damn!” Penelope says. “I’m Penelope the way! Everyone calls me Garcia though. That’s Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, and Jennifer Jareau.”
“You can call me JJ though,” JJ adds for clarification.
“Well, hi! I’m Y/N Y/L/N! It’s a pleasure to meet you all!”
The girls crowded around Y/N while Derek went off to Spencer who was staring.
“You got a ring?” He asks.
“Yep,” Spencer says while pulling it from his pocket.
I swear if these two aren’t making you die right now then you have a heart of stone because damn! We’re really watching a Nicholas Sparks film play out right now. Except, for well you know, all the sadness. And now, bringing you all the way back to the beginning, “marry me.” Are you ready? Cause here we go!
It was a Saturday, and it was raining. No not raining, pouring. Y/N and Spencer were stuck inside today. It was just them, the rain, and their coffee. Spencer had the whole proposal planned out. He was going to take her to the rest stop he took her on their first date. He was gonna say it’s for their 2 year year anniversary, but then just get down on one knee and list all the reasons why he wants to marry her.
It was going to be perfect. Everyone was gonna be there, and that means the pasta to. They were gonna slow dance under the stars as they did in Captian America. He was gonna tell her that no matter what happens in the future, he’d always be there for her. He would be there no matter what. And that from the first moment he saw her, he knew that she was the one.
But everything got ruined because of the stupid rain. Now they’re stuck inside and all Spencer can think about is how much he wants to marry this woman sitting right next to him. How much he just wants to get on one knee and tell her that she is his world.
“Hey Spence, here is the hot chocolate.” She says while giving it to him. “Be careful it’s hot. Also, I know that technically we should be watching scary movies now since its almost Halloween and shit but can we watch a Christmas Movie?”
“Of course.” He says turning on Love Actually since it just happens to be Y/N’s favorite Christmas Movie.
He kept on looking at her throughout the movie. Something about her laughing at the same jokes she’d heard 12 times already just makes him love her even more. And the fact that every time Keria Kightly came onto the screen she would completely lose focus on everything and pay so much attention.
“Marry me,” Spencer blurts out causing Y/N to drop everything and turn to face him.
“What?” Y/N had heard exactly what Spencer had said she just couldn’t believe it.
“Marry me,”
“Spencer I-”
“I want to spend every moment of my life with you Y/N. You are my everything and I would be nothing without you.” He says while pulling out the ring. “You see this, I got this 6 months ago and I’ve been carrying it around everywhere I go.” He says while showing her the ring. “Today, seeing you just laugh at the same joke we’ve heard over 12 times now, I wanna see that laugh every day. Y/N, I wanna grow old with you. I wanna have children. I wanna have you!”
Y/N was speechless. Just looking at him in awe. “So I’m asking if you, Y/N Y/L/N would marry me?”
“Yes. Yes yes yes yes, 1 million times yes!”
He put the ring on her and it was the best experience either of then had ever had. They were both truly in love. People wonder if soulmates are real, and all I can say is to look at this love story. The stars were aligned and the pages we written. All they needed was ink, which they found!
“You have bewitched me body and soul”
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inknose · 4 years
mdzs read diary part IV, the end
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It’s inspiring how much self care wwx is gonna finally get now that his husband will go along with whatever he does, so he’s gotta look out for lwj’s well being if not his own. that is emphatically the STUFF
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dragging my hands down I face as I read this, after all these chapters of getting up close and personal with ghouls bleeding from every orifice, slaying ancient beasts, rebelling against the entire cultivation world, the two of them are absolutely paralyzed by middle school crush sleepover math
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he actually drew kissy doodles .... he....
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IDK I THINK I JUST DOCUMENTED THIS PART CUZ I WAS STILL SCREAMING you cant expect me to have very useful things to say at this point
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this is torture you are both so mushy you are so GONE
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This part really stood out to me, it’s an attitude I feel like wwx implies with his inner narration a few times but most clearly says here: he’s not one for allowing himself to exaggerate how bad his circumstances are/could be even a little bit - he’s already lived through some extreme low points and found a way to keep going, so he never makes sweeping statements about what he couldn’t live without (Inner JingYi: you’re supposed to say you’d be lost without him here!!!) Instead he seems to accept as a given that being alive doesn’t guarantee him any pleasantness or joy at all, and as a result his feelings toward being in TRUE LOVE are surprisingly pragmatic, but also colored with such gratitude. There are a lot of things in the novel that struck me, like this, as being just a little to the left of familiar tropes/sentiments, and were more touching for it. Whether it be the influence of culture difference as opposed to what I’m used to reading in most western romance stories, or MXTX’s unique outlook, or a combination of both, it was really refreshing and made me pause over it. Not “I can’t imagine living without you” but “I could be living without you, but instead I get to be with you and I think that’s the best thing that could happen.”
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it was at this moment that I realized we were doing this Now... I’m still recovering. What a scene. I am so glad I saw the most incredible fanart soon afterwards, bc the fact that someone has already drawn a perfect comic of this part means I don’t have to
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I love you so much, you are so annoying, you are perfect... I like how he’s been experiencing openly requited love for all of ten minutes but he’s already figured out how to weaponize it to piss people off
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doing!!! his!!! job!!!!!
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ahh... it’s a really good story. JGY is a great character. One of the most interesting differences for me between drama watching vs. novel reading experience is that without an actor to bat his vulnerable doe eyes at you and smile faintly with his cute dimples, the book does not go much out of its way to try to lull the reader into a false sense of security around him or *endear* him to you the way the show does. But just by seeing events through wei wuxian’s POV, its still enough to evoke pity or understanding towards him. The overall impression is a bit more detached though, there’s less emphasis on the spectacle of how he could manipulate everyone closest to him and more of a general feeling of resigned tragedy that everyones the worst on this bitch of an earth.
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I clearly paused to take note of less and less parts at the end & the extras due to: a) too excited to reach the end b) too spicy to photograph and c) too sleepy cuz I kept reading in the middle of the night. but I absolutely took the time for Bro We Are Teens appreciation corner:
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I’d absolutely read 40 more extra chapters of their monster-of-the-week field trip antics.
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god... poor Jin Ling now basically has to deal with divorced parents that talk shit about each other to him whenever he is saying with one of them. except they are both his uncles. just a disasterhood of all uncles from start to finish. AUUUGH wei wuxian and jiang cheng have fucked me up completely, I dream of them reconciling but I also REFUSE to believe it would ever be easy. let me know if theres a fanfic that absolutely tortures you for decades before they hug
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HAHAHA oh no this man ain’t making it to immortality thats for damn sure. HE’S JUST GONNA TRY AS HARD AS HE CAN HIS WHOLE LIFE NOT TO LOOK AT HIM BUT THEYRE *MARRIED* SDLKFJSF ohhhh it’s too funny, like... the mundane domestic family drama IN the fantastical swords and sorcery setting is what really ratchets up these things from amusing to fucking hilarious I think
aaaa the end... final random thoughts? No not final, I would like to please keep discussing at length and exhaustively, all the time please - CQL has gotta be one of the best TV adaptations I’ve seen. ANY adaptation of anything would be lucky to be so good!! reading the novel has just made me appreciate it even more.
- I don’t think I can do justice to what I find most fascinating about comparing the two versions briefly, to do that I need to get drunk and ramble at my friends for hours but... the condensed version is something like this. Really all the significant differences between the two versions (besides the ones which can be attributed to censorship and therefore aren’t worth discussing) are a side effect of the structure of how the story is told - there’s barely anything changed arbitrarily. Aside from having a cold opening, the drama sticks to a very linear version of the story, and I think for a TV show or film, that’s probably the best way to do it. We see everything, we get shocked and tricked and betrayed and surprised along with the characters, we feel the biggest impact at the climactic scenes having experienced all the build-up. The novel on the other hand is not only much more non-linear in WHEN we learn bits and pieces of information, but that information is also obfuscated under wei wuxian’s multiple layers of Unreliable Narratoritis, which are as follows: 1) difficulty remembering things because of personality/avoiding painful memories/actual memory loss, 2) No Homo Goggles still on, and 3) a wry sense of humor that makes the reader unsure of how much they can trust his attitude toward things, especially near the beginning. The experience of reading is a puzzle the reader has to mentally piece together through all of the above listed camouflage, and the puzzle itself is a three-sided mystery: One - How Bad of a guy was Wei WuXian really, and how exactly did all the bad stuff in his life go down; Two - wangxian epic pride & prejudice gambits; Three - political murder mystery. (I love stories like this btw... though I fully admit I’m glad I watched first this time bc it might have taken me a long time to tackle otherwise.) Because of this, where the drama wants to pull you in and submerge you in all the most potent emotional parts, the novel in direct contrast deliberately side-steps around these things and asks that you hurt yourself by filling in the blanks. In fact the more intense emotions and painful memories involved, whether it be his relationship with jiang yanli, his DEATH, the darkest days of war times etc, the more the novel evasively withholds details. I actually really like both styles of storytelling but each one is obviously way better suited to its medium. ANYWAY.... THATS BASICALLY WHERE MY BRAINS AT WHILE IM READING GAY SWORD WIZARD BOOKS
- The extras are so saturated with domestic married bliss that it’s a good thing I stopped taking pictures because I’d just take a picture of every page. this is too much for me to take... I did jump the gun a few times and read a few fanfics while I was still mid-read of the book (I tried to hold out but alas I am mortal) and at one point after finishing I was like “wow what fic was it in where lwj says something cute and wwx kisses him in public but they’re in the corner of the restaurant so no one really sees... OH NO WAIT that was actually in there.” and ... and that’s the LEAST OF IT... *stares into the distance* theyre married wow
- I ofc couldn’t help but see a few vague blogs beforehand so honestly I was braced for something like, wildly ooc for the sake of porn to happen in the extras... I definitely appreciate how the incense burner porn interludes could be uhhh a lot for many people and not my personal cup of tea in terms of smut however [here follows the words of a poisonous frog who has dwelt her whole life in the rainforests of BL] the concept is also surprisingly SWEET SDFLKJF like wwx sees lan wangji’s darkest mixed-up violent teenage fantasies and he’s just like aww babe you had a crush on me!! just... good for them
- I swear I’m not gonna rehash every cute married thing they do but wei wuxian grading papers in the tub........................rEALLY GOT ME
- I want to Draw - ok thats enough if I keep going I’ll just write “wei wuxian grading papers in the tub” seven more times probably
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hrina · 3 years
Cass!!! First: I am so sorry to hear you tested positive for COVID :( are you experiencing any symptoms? I hope you get better soon!!! Second: I just finished 1923 and you truly knocked it out of the freaking park!!! That was truly such a rollercoaster because they had such a push and pull relationship. It was like I was watching a movie: that’s how good your descriptions are! Also MC’s relationship w Lydia was an amazinggggg highlight that took the fic to another level entirely. I am not exaggerating when I say this is comparable to Jane Austen, I think you really tapped into all of our pride & prejudice dreams here and created a masterpiece. Anyways- I could go on forever about this fic but I’ll just shut up now & just say you are amazing and I hope you get better soon! Sending you ALL the love💛
hi! thankfully my symptoms have been pretty mild, i had a bit of a cough but it seems to have faded now which is good. im just suffering from some pretty bad headaches so that’s been the most annoying + prevalent thing :// but thank u for ur thoughtfulness
also wow sorry im like wholly unable to take a compliment but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa skjdksdnsdj thank u so much for this whole message it made me smile so wide 🥺 EXCEPT PLEASE DO NOT COMPARE THIS TO JANE MF AUSTEN IM LITERALLY NOT WORTHY OF THAT OKAY AND I DON’T THINK I WILL EVER BE ON HER LEVEL!!! IT IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE
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2-for-a-penny · 6 years
im really not having a good day please distract me with fluff headcanons of any ship
Is this? an opportunity for rarepairs???? Hell yeah! Im sorry you’re not having a good day. Have some soft boys to make it better.
Have some DaveyxBill because I’m currently obsessed with them. Also, some of these totally go along with the fic i just wrote for them, so give it a read if you want some more of these cute doods.
•they met in their journalism class
•both of them showed up 45 minutes early and sat down in the front row
•Davey had his desk organized, pens, highlighters, and binder all set up and ready (you can rip davey preferring to write by hand in cursive out of my cold dead hands)
•A few seats down, Bill has his hyper organized computer all set up for the class
•after about 5 minutes of awkward silence they looked around, realized they were both ridiculously early, eand busted out laughing
• after that class, they were always paired up for projects, studying, anything
•They would go to the library to study. And they actually did study (nerds), most of the time
•other times, they would discuss random topics for an hour
•such as Bill’s guilty pleasure; the bachelorette
•"it’s interesting from a scientific standpoint! It’s a study of human nature!“
•"ok,and the dudes are hot. Who wouldn’t want to be stuck in a house with a bunch of hot guys for a few weeks.“
• This may or may not have been the first time he told Davey he was gay
•Bill found out about Davey one day while they were discussing literature and Davey casually mentioned he wanted Darcy from Pride and Prejudice to do some nsfw things to him.
bill was very shocked to say the least. And also very happy to learn this little tidbit.
•he also may or may not have stored those nsfw things in the back of his mind…just in case
•Davey asked Bill out through a poem
•He wrote it on a piece of paper and shoved it in a book Bill lent him
•when he gave it back to Bill, he mentioned that a page was messed up, and that he should check on it
•When he opened the book the poem fell out, Bill read it, and they shared some kisses with whispered “yes’” in between
Dating hcs
•Davey snuggles into Bill’s side when they lay on the couch watching documentaries and animal planet
•Davey curls up into his side, wrapping an arm around Bill’s stomach. Bill wraps an arm around Davey’s shoulders and pulls him as close as possible
•Whenever Bill dresses up, Davey will tie his tie. They stand close together, mouths almost touching, as Davey swiftly moves around the fabric
•Davey uses his grip on the tie to pull Bill into a kiss
•Bill starts to wear ties more often. When he does, Davey will drag him by it around corners, in rooms, and to pull their bodies together
•Both boys love trivia (nerds)
•When all the boys get together, Bill and Davey aren’t allowed to be on the same team, because then no one else has fun
•However, it can get suuuper scary when they’re on different teams
•Both boys are fairly reserved and kind, but when it comes to backing up historical points, or proving authenticity of a year, they get brutal
•Darcy always has to mediate the arguments, so no one gets hurt, or killed
•in the end they always just end up playing pictionary
•They both said i love you at the same time
•Bill planned a cute date to the museum
•he was going to tell Davey then, but he didn’t know that Davey was also planning to tell Bill
•As they strolled through the museum they walked in awkward silence
•Normally they had no problem being silent together, but still comfortable
•the tension surrounding this was crazy
•when they finally came to a corner with no one else in it, there was an extra pause
•Bill looked at Davey as he gazed at the painting in front of him
•Bill sucked in a deep breath and right as he was about to say it, Davey turned to him and blurted it out
•it came out i-i love you- love you
•their smiles were more beautiful than any painting in that museum
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kevuvu · 6 years
The April Fool is my writing
HEY SO that Dragon AU I had? This is the drabble I wrote for it! Near the end you’ll see uh.. where I lost motivation ... there’s some notes and shit.. i don’t plan on continuing it! :’) anyways uhh
Royai, 1974 words, babies first attempt at a fic... enjoy
On the rare occasion, Roy Mustang could be quite a fool.
It was a strange happenstance for sure, as most have reason to believe otherwise. At a young age stupidity was wrung out of him as if he were a towel, anyone who knew Madam Christmas considered it inevitable. Under her guidance he learned typical boyish things like reading body language and how to swindle somebody. Instead of befriending kids his age he talked to wise customers, instead of playing with sticks he played with minds. Roy took to the life like breathing, it was natural for him. To be a fool was unheard of, but alas Roy was still human. Try as Madam might there was only so much she could do to wisen up the boy, and the most human part of him was what she lacked the heart to squash out - something his new tutor encouraged in fact. General Grumman, a frequent at the tavern and the boy’s new teacher - loved Roy’s youthful idealism, and consistently sent him on errands to challenge that faith. What Grumman intended was to temper his ideology, to strengthen it into a powerful mindset that could confront the world.
Instead, he created a travelling heart throb, a very very lost travelling heart throb.
It was safe to say he was in a bind. Roy was used to old ladies fawning over him - cooing something about grandsons and youth - but today it was particularly bad. It seemed that word spread of a young man with a passion to learn - with the money to afford it! and it was as if the entire village had a particular infatuation with the idea. Who knew a coast town could be known for its gold mine? It was in a desperate attempt for some peace of mind he declined his escort to the next town, choosing to rely on flimsy directions down a long and confusing road into the thick forest, to reach a secluded farming town before nightfall. It certainly wasn’t his brightest choice, and it was as he was kicking himself for the blunder when he noticed something odd.
Blood interrupted his path, creating a trail deeper into the woods. The sight encouraged Roy to be careful, taking note of his surroundings as he followed it. If getting lost made him a fool, then he had no idea what this was. It was eerily quiet, and he suspected it was due to the gashes in the trees. Strange, contorted claw marks that seethed with power, the sight had him ghosting the dagger at his side. Something in the area was dangerous, whatever caused the damage could spell out their anger in just a swipe alone. He had a faint suspicion his foster mother’s cat wasn’t the cause. No animal came to mind except one, but he squashed the theory in favour of being pragmatic. Burn marks? Broken trees? Roy tried to justify the charred earth he found, making up an excuse about the summer heat and fire. It was playing dumb and he knew it, but he refused to believe in his boyish dreams until he thought of everything. In the corner of his eye he spotted a body, heaving an unfitting sigh as he walked over to the logical explanation. Whether it was a sigh of relief or disappointment he wouldn’t say, but when he spotted something golden in the clearing Roy’s breathing stopped. He was now staring at a dream, and there was no one around to pinch him.
You see, Roy Mustang found a dragon. While it was half dead, caught in a steel net, and the reason for the bodies, the fabled beast looked as stunning as the legends told. Finding a rare creature would make anyone happy, but to Roy it was exceptional. In the time he learned about the world, he found himself drawn to the legends, listening to tales whenever he had the chance. Now he was seeing a tale with his own two eyes. The creature looked more akin to a bird, but there was no question about its blood. If not for the whipping tail or the menacing talons, it was for the fire that burned in its eyes. Eyes currently staring at him, eyes that told him he would be a 4th body if they weren't already compromised.
This was the reason Roy was uncharacteristically a fool - it wasn’t getting lost, it wasn’t following blood into the dark woods, but it was finding an angry dragon and vowing to help. General Grumman sent him on these errands to test his ideology, and there was no better exam than this. Roy Mustang was an idealistic moron, but a damn good one at that, and he knew he had to play his cards right if he was going to help them.
"Hey there," he whispered, crouching low as he approached the beast. He was met with a hiss in response, a sign he knew all too well that meant he was overstepping boundaries. It was a shame Roy didn’t have a knack for animals, though it was rather unfair to compare the two. A dragon’s intelligence was presumed equal to that of a human's - something that created heavy controversy over history. He held on to the theory of intelligence, continuing forward with a goal to prove his innocence. Maybe if he was careful enough the dragon would forego the prejudice for just this moment, and allow him to help. Though, with the beasts huffing, his chances were looking a little grim. "Easy now, I got some bandages in my bag, I’m gonna patch you up alright?" It did not need to speak, the unwavering glare was clear with the death threats. Instincts were screaming at him to run, but he persevered knowing the situation was too grave to back down from. The boy knew better, and he paused to shuffle off his bag and search for his medkit.
After gently rifling through his items, Roy continued to crawl over to the dragon with his medkit in tow. He hoped to be as clear with his intentions as possible, but the dragon still bristled at his advancements. A flame was spit out in defense - if you could call it a flame that is. It looked more like lit sludge and hot tar than a flame, with a smell so foul that Roy could only credit it to be blood. Roy winced, partially due to his hastiness, and paused for a moment to reassure them. "It’s okay, I want to help you.” He tried to sound as sincere as possible, holding out the bandages to prove it was all he was holding. "Will you let me?” The creature continued to stare, and Roy took a moment to wonder if they could even understand him.
What a stubborn creature, knowing full well what they are and reminding him of their two different worlds.
Determination is what kept Roy’s frustration in check. Stubbornness to a dragon was like fish to water, he was banking on logic to win out. The beast’s wound wouldn’t clot in time without his assistance, and if they truly were smarter than the average bear then it should have realized this by now.
As if on cue, Roy heard a huff of indignation. The dragon rolled onto their side and exposed the most serious wound to him, a lengthy gash on the wing, wrapping around the side of its body. Inappropriately Roy was reveling in this moment, being quick to remove the net before the dragon changed its mind. His skills in first aid were minimal, but he attempted to clean the wound to the best of his knowledge. Applying antiseptic, Roy looked at the dragon for any sign of irritation - knowing one wrong move could cost a hand. The dragon appeared calm, but the long tail that extruded from its lower back gave away its irritation. Not unlike a cat, it was thumping against the earth - flame on the end roaring with the rush of air. It was fairly amusing, but it sometimes came a little too close to his hair. He suspects it does that on purpose. Roy diligently applied the bandages for the next few minutes, recalling the process vaguely out loud as a confidence boost and as a one sided conversation to ease the tension.
The student, as amateur as he was, finished the last bandage with pride. “It’s not perfect but it works - maybe I should take up Dragon Medical Care as a side study?” Roy continued to talk, noting the the beast was significantly more calm. His plan to ease tension seemed to work, now the dragon stared at him with calculating eyes instead of eyes of fury. He also noticed the dragon was surprisingly good humoured, allowing themselves to be layered in bandages that were more of a nuisance than help. Maybe his charm really does work on more than old ladies.
Roy stood up and stretched, taking a look at the sky to judge the time. The real problem was what to do now. The dragon needed rest to heal, but people were likely going to look for the poachers. They needed to move somewhere out of sight, but there was no guarantee that the dragon wouldn't scamper off the moment it could. It wasn’t like he could stop it either. Roy wasn’t an optimist, but he hoped it could rely on him until it was healed. He pondered on his choices, but it wasn’t until he exchanged eye contact with the beast that he decided on the next course of action.
“I’m going to go look for a safe place to make a camp, I’ll come back to get you alright?”
If the dragon took the risk to trust him, he should trust the dragon in turn, and as the dragon stared at his eyes he took in the sight of the myth in front of him - just incase it was his last time.
Was Roy ever not a fool? Was he blind to this all along, and only now became aware of it? He was having an identity crisis while attempting his last chore for the day - starting a fire. Simple enough he thought, he managed to convince a dragon to follow him to a new location, to fall asleep while he set up a camp, and even caught a fish to eat! how hard was a measly fire? very hard apparently.
without any matches roy pulled up his sleeves, grabbing some rocks he Thought were flint and started wacking for a spark.
Time skip to him at the camp
Uhhh more later im toired
Paragraphs I took out to add in later - but never did bc I stopped! enjoy the uh... nonsense bc i haven’t proofed em
a dragon willingly showed weakness to him. Whether it was because they had run out of options did not matter, the creature chose to risk death by his hand over their pride. He wasn’t arrogant as to assume it was out of trust. No amount of effort could ever hope to persuade the mind against history. The dragon must have a strong reason to live, something far stronger than dying to an underhanded trick. Roy wanted to honour their choice, approaching the wound with this in mind.
Roy tried his best not to stare at the peak of red markings exposed under the feathers. If memory serves right, it was the very reason its kind was hunted. Intricate script that was theorized to be magic embodiment, as the winding text described the source of their power. Staring at it would be suicidal, they would rightfully assume ill intentions. Still, his insatiable urge to learn was nagging him in his mind.
Even if he were to succumb to the desire, it was a fruitless ambition. Roy could never hope to understand the language, the language itself would have to accept him.
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danfanciesphil · 6 years
I disagree with you slightly. I do believe that tension is important to drive stories forward, but tension does not equal angst. You can have action and conflict without dipping into angst. And also, one example of angst-free multi chaptered fics are fics that explore the development of a relationship. Maybe not the longest out there, but friends-to-lovers and slow-burns are entire genres of fanfiction.
they all have angst! they do i promise!! friends to lovers will have a dip in the middle which is angsty, it makes the resolution sweeter. 
honestly, i would call the fic im writing now the closest i have ever gotten to non-angst lmao. it’s barely got any, it’s just the smidgen it needs to make it interesting. it just wouldn’t be a story without any worry for the characters. 
im gonna prove this to you with some technical stuff now because im a writing nerd and ive studied story-writing for years. 
I use the following two structures when planning my writing: 
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Depending on the complexity of the story, and the direction I want to take it, I will pick the structure that fits best. In the first, you can see that the tension rises to a mid point, then hits an all time high, then falls back to a reasonable level. This is what I did with Birthday Sex (though in that fic the climax happens a little earlier on than pictured. Hint: the climax is dan’s dramatic hospitalisation). 
For L’Histoire Française, I used the second structure. 
In this one, there is virtually no tension, and instead there are ‘pinch points’ along the way which serve as things to keep the reader’s interest (Jonah, John interrupting them, Phil’s flirtatious comments). The climax comes near the very end in this structure. It serves a purpose to pull the rug out from under the reader’s comprehension of the story (briefly) in order to surprise them and draw them out of their complacency. if the story turns dramatically (good to bad) then the reader will pretty much always want to read on to see it resolve itself.  Pinch points and climaxes are different things. Pinch points are the little blips of excitement that keep the pages turning. The climax is a necessary focal point of the story, without which, it would have no narrative, no point, no satisfying conclusion. 
Let’s take a random example of a popular love story. I’m going to use Pride and Prejudice. 
It takes the first structure, but the point still applies. 
Act One- Lizzie lives with her family in a poor-ish household- Inciting incident: she goes to a ball and meets mr darcy/thinks he’s handsome- Second thoughts: he’s a prick, calls her a name and she’s like... hell nah. - Climax of Act One: Jane gets sick at Mr Bingley’s house- Obstacle: Lizzie is forced to spend time with Mr Darcy- Obstacle: Mr Collins conundrumAct Two- Midpoint (big twist): Mr Bingley dumps Jane- Obstacle: Mr Collins marries Charlotte- Disaster: Kitty runs off with Mr Wickham- Crisis: Mr Darcy runs off to find themAct ThreeCLIMAX OF STORY- Mr Darcy fuckin proposes and Lizzie wrings him out to dry- She realises he broke up Mr Bingley and Jane out of concern & paid for Kitty’s wedding- She realises he’s a cool dude and falls in love- End: he re proposes, she says yes. 
Now, that’s simplified obvs, but without that motherfuckin proposal and rejection, do you see how tame the story would be? Nobody would consider a novel that was just about a headstrong woman and a grumpy dude falling for each other with a few bumps in the road as one of the greatest love stories of all time. Stories need the angst. 
Other examples: Cinderella (the angsty climax is her stepfolk locking her up after the ball so the prince wont find her). Snow White (she dies and the prince has to save her). Stardust (she thinks he leaves to go back to his original love and she almost dies as a result). 
I’m having a really hard time coming up with classic love stories that have happy endings to use as examples lol, but there are some. I dont mean to go on at anyone about this, i just feel very strongly haha. Anyway, that’s my opinion on it, and that’s what I’ve spent years learning and perfecting. 
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