#im also still too lazy to do the banner
seiwas · 5 months
grow on me like a dog loved fondly: prologue | kamo choso
wc: 1.0k
summary: your regular to the flower shop is more than what he seems. 
contains: written with f!reader in mind but can be read as gn!, animal shelter employee choso x flower shop owner reader, implied that reader is shorter than choso, flowers, small talk.
a/n: the promised choso drabble! depending on how this is received, i intend for this to be the prologue to a longer choso fic i have in mind!
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You have a regular on the weekends. 
Business in the flower shop tends to be slow during winter, with less occasions having the need for flowers and even less buds blooming during the season. 
But even with the expected decline in customers, Saturdays always guarantee one—
The bells attached to the store doors jingle, allowing in a gust of cool air that tickles your cheeks from where you’re crouched down. The peonies in your hands were delivered just yesterday, the ends of the stems needing a slight trim to keep them fresh for longer. 
You turn, standing up to face your visitor. A purple scarf is wrapped high around his neck, with white fleece running down the length of his arms—a sort of undershirt to the short-sleeved uniform worn atop it. The outfit is familiar enough, but what truly distinguishes him are the two spiky pigtails on the sides of his head. 
There are a few things you’ve managed to pick up from four-line exchanges with your regular (six if you’re lucky): 1) he works at the animal shelter a few streets away, 2) the flowers he buys are for the front desk, a weekly replacement he deems necessary to keep the place looking alive, and 3) who he is, his name—
—‘Choso’, if the tag on his uniform says anything. 
The tag that is now, also, just a hand’s reach away from you. 
You look up, pocketing your plant nippers. The peonies dangle between your fingers. 
“W-welcome!” you stutter, focusing on the thin metal chain running across his nose. 
It’s new, an addition that intrigues you more about the man in front of you. 
The look he gives you is lazy, gaze deadpan, almost empty. Anyone else might find it snobbish and off-putting, but you’ve gotten used to it—an almost magenta puffiness that surrounds his eyes, bags of fatigue that usually hang underneath. 
He continues to stare, unmoving. 
Considering all your previous interactions, you’ve realized, he isn’t scary or rude or anything of that sort—he’s just awkward. 
A bit quiet and unbothered, maybe, but still just awkward. You don’t think he’s ever started an interaction with you first. 
“Is there any flower in particular that you’re looking for?” you ask, motioning around your store. 
The selection is limited this season—a few camellias and clusters of Japanese primrose with an abundance of peonies and daffodils. 
His head turns as he glances around the store, pigtails bobbing slightly with each movement. When he faces you again, he shrugs, voice deep and firm as he asks, “Do you have any recommendations?” 
It’s an odd feeling, borderline awkward and nervous; you have no idea why your mind is blanking. 
“Um,” you clear your throat, tucking the peonies between your fingers into your apron pocket, “daffodils are bright and friendly, good for entryways and front desks, I think.” 
He eyes the daffodils to your right, buckets of stems holding yellow and white. The store stays quiet for what feels like a good minute before he nods, agreeing to your suggestion. 
“The usual?” two clusters, wrapped in newspaper. 
Your question echoes throughout the shop, lingering while you pick at which daffodils look best. 
“Yes, but two of them.” he answers in monotone, before adding on, a soft hesitancy, “Please.” 
You smile to yourself, picking more daffodils for another bunch. 
Both of you make your way to the cashier, another bout of silence surrounding you as you crumple newspaper and pull at tape. He always watches, you notice, his focus set on your practiced handling of stems and leaves. 
You look up momentarily, seeing that he keeps his head down, “The pigtails are cool.” 
He doesn’t say anything, and for a while you’re afraid you might have offended him, but he responds, voice low; it’s soft, gentle in a way you never expected it to be. 
“Thank you.” you catch him shifting his weight from your periphery, hands digging deeper into his pockets, “The dogs think they’re chew toys when I wear it this way.” 
You most certainly were not expecting that, either. 
This is the most initiative he’s taken to add onto the conversation.
You grin, chuckling under your breath, “That must be fun.” 
It’s faint, but you think you hear him laugh a little. 
When the flowers are completely wrapped, you set them aside, making your way behind the cash register. You punch in the cost, ready to bill him before he speaks again. 
“Actually, would you happen to do deliveries?” he seems shy asking it, barely looking you in the eye. 
“Yes!” You nod, grabbing a pen and paper to hand over to him, “Just write down your contact details, the address you want it delivered to, and when you’d like it to be delivered.” 
Another thing you’ve realized, is that despite appearances and what he seems to be, Choso handles objects gently; the pen and paper you’d just given him were taken lightly from your fingertips. Even the strokes of his penmanship are slow, the tip of the pen barely creating an indent on the small sheet. 
“Will you be having both of these delivered?” you ask, holding up the bundles of daffodils. 
“Just one.” he answers promptly, before adding on again, “Thank you.” 
And you know you shouldn’t ask, shouldn’t be so nosy, but—
“What’s the occasion?”—
Flowers are rarely in demand during the winter season. 
—“If you don’t mind me asking,” you follow-up quickly. 
The immediate quiet makes you think you might have gotten too comfortable again, made him feel weird about your questions—but he answers.
“My brothers,” he finishes the final curves of his writing, “they’re coming to visit.” 
The piece of paper is handed to you, and you hum, acknowledging his response. You go over his details, reciting it to him to double-check. But when you land on his address, your eyes go wide, a little ‘oh!’ slipping out. 
He furrows his brows, confused. 
You definitely, most certainly did not expect this. 
“Sorry,” you shake your head, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment, “Just—“ you chuckle, “I think we might be neighbors.” 
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thank you notes: @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat for sending me lil prompts that somehow birthed into this!! + @yemmuishomeforthementallyunwell for feeding the choso brainrot 🥹 + @mysugu @soumies for being my angels, lights of my life!! listening to me ramble abt this and helping me pick music, hash out plot, pick title, everything! ily
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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urfavlarry · 2 months
I recently got into School bus graveyard and I COMPLETELY understand the hype, idk if im the only who does this... but literally the moment I was done I went to tumblr for fics, but there's like none?? So maybe some dating headcanons for the group!! ^^
Dating Headcanons for the sbg characters
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Ashlyn Banner
best person to have a lazy day with tbh
i swear yall would be like “should we go out today” look at each other for 5 seconds and say “nah”
she would teach you some gymnastics and laugh when your just lying there complaining how you aren’t flexible
probably is more of a person that gives you gifts, or gives you a hug in stead of comforting you with words
she would be a bit awkward at first probably
also I don’t think she likes excessive physical touch cuz red confirmed that Ashlyn is autistic but when she gets used to you she would be okay with it but still, don’t go too hard on her
you let her play/stim with your fingers
you’re always there for her when she gets overwhelmed and she loves you so much for that
doesn’t call you that many nicknames probably a short version of your name but if your name is already short then probably just love or babe
if you speak another language she would definitely wanna know some words or learn with you
if it’s your mother language then she would be like “omg how was [your country] like!”
probably is a nerd in some sort of way
anyway probably a great girlfriend to have but only if you aren’t the type to be really really and I mean REALLY extroverted
Taylor Hernández
this girl is such a cutie!!
would plan dates, sleepovers, night outs..
drawing/picnic dates are a must
watching the sunset or sunrise together on the rooftop
calls you cute nicknames like sunshine, mi vida, sugar and that kind of stuff
is very affectionate
cuddles !!
shes the little spoon probably but if you’re feeling down then she will gladly be the big spoon
you would definitely braid her hair if you know how, if you don’t know then there’s another idea for a date! teaching you how to braid hair!
probably isn’t even that awkward at first probably a little bit shy but gets pretty confident later on
the best partner to have if you’re insecure
makes your insecurities disappear in a heartbeat
overall a 11/10 girlfriend !! we love taylor :D
Tyler Hernández
he is probably a tsundere tbh
acting like he doesn’t care but when you are alone he babies you sm
no matter if your bigger then him, stronger, smaller, it doesn’t matter, he babies you no matter what
don’t let the others know tho
isn’t afraid to show you off like girl bffr
holds your hand, has his hand on your waist, kisses you on the forehead, cheek or lips before class starts (even if you are in the same class)
uses nicknames like mi amor, mi reina/mi rey, baby ect.
nicknames with him are endless
movie night is a must
probably would take you to his baseball practice
has a separate album for you only
everyone in the group can tell he’s love sick like he looks at you with heart eyes
a jealous type probably
would beat up anyone and everyone who looks at you the wrong way
he’s probably touch starved and he hides his feelings from you because he just prioritises you over anything
you gotta full on force him to tell you what’s wrong but after a while he opens up to you normally
a 100/10 boyfriend the poor boys been through too much
Logan Fields
gardening dates!!
gives you flowers when you’re sad or just whenever to make your day!
stargazing dates
yapps your ear off about astrology (you let him tho)
calls you nicknames like bunny, hun, love
gives you honest opinions on everything
regrets his choices when you get grumpy afterwards
makes it up to you by cuddling you or kissing your whole face
introduces you to his grandparents
they approved of course because they just trust that he can pick himself a good s/o
hugs from behind!!
reads you a book when you can’t sleep
helps you with your work but doesn’t do it for you (Barron trauma)
best person to seek when you want comfort and or advice
gives you honest advice so if you were in the wrong expect him to tell you lmao
if you listen to music on vinyls or CDs then definitely brings you to a music shop and he will spoil you rotten
loves listening to your music taste no matter what genre it is he just wants to bond with you
he’s such an adorable and amazing boyfriend it mealts my heart !! :D
Aiden Clark
be prepared to patch this boy up every single second of the day
and also getting him out of trouble every single day
he is a wild one for sure
doesn’t mean he’s a bad boyfriend
loves showing you things he learned on his skateboard and he tries to teach you
does that thing where he holds your hands while your on the skateboard, tells you to jump and flips the board for you
that tik tok kind of shi
while on the topic of tik tok, does every silly couple tik tok trend with you lmao
yapps your ear of all day every day
not the best person to ask for advice from but he will hold you until you feel better!
best cuddle buddy
and hug buddy
if you don’t like physical touch then idk if you could have a relationship with him, he will CLING to you as if his life depended on it
loves it when you play with his hair
makes a playlist for you two
calls you nicknames like rockstar, doll, my love, bae, babe
definitely has you saved as “future wife🤭❤️” or “the mother of my kids🥵😍”
he be weird like that
loves to have you in his lap
idk he probably likes you ass sm, not in a sexual way but just lays on it, smacks it, squishes it..
only in private tho
honestly a pretty good boyfriend but he’s more of like your child then boyfriend
Ben Clark
a chill one for sure
hugs, holding hands are a must
listening to music through his headphones how he did with Taylor in that one episode
jealousy scale is um pretty high
you gotta reassure this boy because he’s just scared of loosing you
would fr fight 100 people at once for you if you asked him to
whenever he gets angry, you’re there for him when Aiden can’t and he appreciates that
loves it when you hold his hand and rub circles on the back of it
forehead kisses >>
probably doesn’t give you that many nicknames since he doesn’t speak, either a short version of your name, bae or hun
the best listener ever (not because he doesn’t speak)
when you start to yap and just talk about the most random things he has your back against his chest as he rests his chin on your shoulder
very chill and overall good boyfriend
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2goldensnitches · 9 months
There’s a lot to be said about how bad feh has gotten storywise—it was never a masterpiece, but book 7 really seems to be the nadir so far—and i sure have a lot to add to the many that complained before me, but atm im just thinking about how lazy it’s become in terms of mechanics and general qol.
One thing i can commend feh for is that it’s relatively easy to farm for materials and exp, stacking up crystals, feathers, and even orbs with relatively little effort compared to other gacha (fgo is particularly bad in this regard, langrisser too, hi3’s crystal rate is glacial)—but even this comes with a catch. The catch is in fact the biggest reason for why gameplay is so ass and at least half of the reason for players quitting the game: the powercreep.
Feh’s powercreep is legitimately the worst i have seen of any top gacha game, hands down. It’s become a meme at this point even among non-players and completely wrecked the game’s initial ethos of being able to build your faves through merges, skill inheritance, and weapon swaps no matter their rarity. Does the previous still work? Kind of. it’s not nearly as effective as it used to be and intsys itself no longer prioritises it when their business model as a gacha is pushing shinier newer waifus out each month. Gacha is prime waifubait pushing territory but feh is notorious for ignoring most characters (especially men, and especially from thracia rip) or locking some behind seasonal alt hell while lyn, edelgard, fjorm, and camilla (im so sorry my queen but it’s true) get their tenth overpowered alt with egregiously bullshit special skills exclusive to them that make it borderline impossible to complete stages.
Want three extra orbs for beating seasonal chapters? Good luck fulfilling the requirements for passing with a whole surviving team with no revives on hand to help despite not having ANYTHING to counter infuriating nonsense like godswords and over 80% damage reduction. Bonus points for those extra stage rewards being time locked!
Want to advance in the coliseum for extra materials? Better make sure you have a full team of new seasonals because not only do they sweep the competition away, they also give you additional arena points to climb the rankings, as lower tiers give you less rewards, and so does losing matches, with even a single loss breaking a rewards streak and forcing you to start aaaalll over again for those rewards.
Want to survive those bs no-kill survival boss stages in each book? Better make sure you have an effective counter for their shiny new skills and insane mobility (canto 5!), and if you don’t, then you’re shit out of luck!
Literally what is the point of investing in a unit, using up feathers and orbs to level and merge them, and search for the most optimal skills for them if a new banner introduces another unit that not only decimates them, but completely blows your entire team comp out of the water? The answer is that there is no point! It simultaneously forces players to catch up through constant summoning (and hopefully for intsys, turn into whales) yet stagnates gameplay because the only challenges and mode of play is basically trying to not get left behind. Houses was mocked for making the weapons triangle obsolete but feh spits on the weapon triangle entirely. You can plow through any type of team, no matter how balanced and well-built, as long as its comp is older than three months and you have the newest shiny jpeg with skills that require the length of a yugioh card to fit its explanation text because it’s just stacks upon stacks of buffs/debuffs, cooldowns, damage reduction, and nullifications. Surtr used to be game breaking and now he’s passable if he can barely survive the bullshit summer duo eir/Ymir throw at anyone unlucky enough to cross their path.
“But every game introduces new unit mechanics and skills! You’re just being a hater!” Every other game also makes sure to introduce counters to those new mechanics and skills instead of rendering the state of meta completely poisonous. Adding in those counters at a later date is not just bad game design, but so greedy because it exposes just how blatantly p2w the entire model of powercreep is. Fallen!Edelgard was so toxic for the game that legendary byleth’s entire toolkit was based specifically on nuking her (which pleases me thematically but that’s another story). Now the latest cyl units make f!edel look like a dog’s chew toy and we’ve restarted the trimonthly cycle of a new banner completely dominating the meta and making those units basically indispensable to pass stages.
And speaking of cyl units, they introduced new skills so groundbreaking that they loop right back to basic bitch territory: area of effect/terrain effect attacks. Which is hilarious because not only do they make the elemental line specials kind of obsolete, but mainline fire emblem games have had those attacks for years now; setting the map on fire would make celica yawn. Yes, good for you, griege sniddie lady, for filling the terrain with spikes. That is something we’ve seen before but good for you and intsys for finally catching up to your own main games. The bs doesn’t stop at unit attacks though, because even the maps have not progressed past seven whole damn years of existence: they are still the game grid-based top-down view with a few obstacles preventing movement. No healing tiles, no mud pits or sand slowing down units, no plant material to hide units in and increase their evasion, no lava or evil swamps that can burn or poison your characters and thus force the player to really strategise on their placements like in the main games. It’s just a few rocks, trees, and water that Cavs and infantry can’t pass. That’s it. Fliers just go anywhere.
Other gacha games not backed by a powerhouse like Nintendo achieve far more on a smaller budget. Arknights for example has new challenges in every chapter/banner event: different terrain types that force you to think carefully about where you can place who (as units are also restricted to terrain types), environmental hazards that can either aid or harm your team like fields, healing tiles, flooding shorelines, and even weather damage from events like sandstorms. Enemies/traps can freeze you, burn you, shoot you and paralyse you, and there’s nothing you can do about it except plan around those dangers to beat stages.
Hell, even enemy types are more varied. Feh still just does generics in every single book chapter and legendary clears, with the same infantry, mage, fliers, and cavalry enemy units present in all of them with the same attacks and effects, and all of them dressed as Emblian soldiers to boot. It doesn’t matter if the OfH goes to realms literally inaccessible to mortals like dreamland, the land of light, or even HEL, we’ll still find the same stable of emblian mooks to fight with the same movesets and movement types. It was almost revolutionary when intsys introduced manakete enemies and gave the book 7 mooks snake masks to wear over their generic costumes. Meanwhile, in fgo, if we go to Rome, we fight centurions; if we go to frozen Viking-era Scandinavia, we fight frost giants, and in the 17th century Atlantic, pirates, and so on and so forth and all of them present different attacks, harmful effects, and damage dealt that need different strategies to beat them better.
Even just having a single op new unit on your team in feh can instantly mean enemy defeat, which is especially heinous in the worst, most rigid mode of all, summoner duels. That shit basically forces you to have a new banner unit plus at least one duo/harmonic on your team. The limited amount of turns to defeat an opposing side in battle isn’t as bad in flying fortresses because at least ff has hazard tiles and restrictions allowing only one duo/harmonic, plus far more freedom of movement and team building. FF doesn’t have the bullshit seasonals requirement the arena has and so you can even run older (!) units provided you’ve built them well enough and placed them in a team that has good synergy within its comp. But sd? Nahhh fuck that. Five turns compared to ff’s 7, and a goddamn limited amount of space to move in because the mode punishes you if you don’t move your characters into the designated grid fast enough, plus opposing teams being awarded extra turn movement if they use dancers, and with duos/harmonics basically being built to stall and give extra moves and award/demote extra skills to everyone on the entire goddamn map. Is sd a mandatory mode to play in? No, thank gd. Are there fun modes in feh at all? Yes, seer’s snare, which not only gives extra goodies, but also provides rest points for a team and bonus skills to keep up with the harder levels; Loki’s chess also forces opposing teams to powerscale as long as they merge and position themselves correctly. But seer’s snare isn’t available all the time while sd is far more ubiquitous, and those cycle out anyways while we’re still stuck with the crap thrown at us in the arena and story stages.
I think the biggest issue so far is that feh is ultimately built around pvp, which is never a good idea for any gacha game, period. Gacha is literally gambling! And though other games are far more famous for having worse drop rates and requiring extensive grinding (fgo, honkai, genshin, nikke, counterside, granblue fantasy), they at least do the bare minimum of not having pvp. Loot crates in overwatch and other games were banned in some countries for that reason: pvp is a huge incentiviser for gambling when it promises the latest new gear to make sure you can stay on top of the meta.
Fgo has atrocious rates but at least teams and craft essences have deployment costs that restrict you from being able to run a full five star team with all 5 star ces, plus forcing players to save their main third slot for a friend’s servant; honkai impact has strong units like the herrschers, but in a game whose play is mostly frantic button mashing, any non-story locked (which means the game provides fully levelled valkyries for you that you cannot swap out) stage can be cleared with any character you like as long as you know how to use them, plus you can also ask friends for help; Arknights also has deployment costs at a capped rate that severely limits which types of operators you can use, forcing you to have a mixed bag, and you can also ask friends for help with their own operators. Arknights, like fgo, also has non-inheritable weapons and skills for their characters and just means you have to build them instead of foddering high rarity units to them (with the exception of grinding for materials).
In fact, a distinct lack of co-op sets feh apart from the competition in a very bad way. I can understand not being able to count on co-op/help in the direct PvP modes like the arena, but for story/reward stages to not allow help is quite telling, as is the absence of deployment restrictions except in flying fortresses. Even fgo, where everyone agrees most 1-2 star servants are garbage, still forces you to have at least one on your team to progress, if not a 3 star, and quite a few low-rarity characters like Arash (my beloved) can perform just as well as any 5 star with the right investments and team build.
Mihoyo is an especially greedy company but their games at least allow co-op (with the exception of ToT but that’s another post) and being able to play with your faves instead of having a nakedly tiered system of good units vs bad units who mostly exist to sweep instead of providing synergy to a comp.
Perhaps feh wouldn’t have become so stagnant if they made it into a warriors-type game that does focus less on strategy and more on skills and crit executions (instead of the garbage we got with Nopes)—because whatever feh’s selling stopped prioritising strategy a long time ago. I’m certain I’m not the only one with these complaints; I’m sure I’ve missed a few mechanics issues here too. But I am a player, and as a player I’m baffled over the state of play and why intsys (Nintendo, but mostly intsys) is so lazy with introducing any type of qol improvements or at least address any issue at all that isn’t a “sorry we made the meta toxic” apology unit released months later that you still have to pull for to make the game playable at all.
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smolldust · 1 year
New & Improved Pinned Post!
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heya I’m smolldust but I also go by Dusty Boxington. You can also call me Bug if you want :]. I mostly post art and rambles about my ocs or hyperfixations. The name of my Splatoon Pool is gaygent3 if you wanna join.
Feel free to message me in by inbox or in DMs if you want to chat but just know that I am EXTREMELY socially anxious so if I don’t respond right away do not take it personally you have nothing to worry about. (This is mainly for my moots)
If you just wanna see my art check it all out in one nice and organized place @smolldustart
I also made a blog for my oc story, @thesecretsofthemarsfamily, so go check that out too!!!!
@dust-covered-reblogs is a blog I made in an attempt to make my main blog less cluttered by trying to put most of my Reblogs there. Just expect reblogged posts there.
My ask box is open if you wanna ask me anything. Whether it’s about my ocs, or a fandom I’m in, or how I draw, or literally any random thing as long as it’s safe for work.
Also sometimes I’ll do art requests BUT the requests will almost always be for small doodles that is either for a fandom IM in or for my ocs unless stated otherwise. Also the requests will be drawn traditionally, not digitally.
✧∘────────────────────∘✧ If you want to use my art for a banner or profile pic or other things of that nature all I ask is that you don’t do anything evil with it and credit me if you can.
here’s a link to my YouTube channel and only video lol. Don’t think I’ll ever post there but y’know ✧∘────────────────────∘✧
some fandoms and interests I have include:
Adventure Time
A Hat In Time
Carmen Sandiego
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Death Note
Fionna and Cake
Hollow Knight
Little Nightmares
Little Witch Academia
Murder Drones
Sky Children of the Light
Steven Universe
Studio Ghibli
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
The Legend of Zelda
The Little Prince
The Owl House
Wings of Fire
list of my tags
smolldust - something I posted. All my stuff that isn’t Reblogs
smolldust rambles, rambling - used for text posts/me just sayin stuff
my art, smolldust art - my art is used on any art I post, smolldust art is used exclusively on my art blog
smolldust archive, smolldust’s archive, Fav, favorite, save - usually used on posts I want to be able to find later
smolldust asks, smolldust answers, asks - used for asks
smolldust polls, polls - used for polls i made
yeah, me - usually used for relatable stuff
The Secrets of the Mars Family - the tag for my oc story
videos - posts with videos
srb - self reblog
tag game, ask game - used for tag & ask games respectively
moot tag - tags for posts with my mutuals
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this is my old meet the artist. The reason it’s still here is because I was too lazy to make new refs for my other sonas lol. I refer to the sona in the meet the artist at the top of my pinned post as my creaturesona, the one with the box head is my boxsona, and the one with the shadowy face is my shadowsona (how creative of me /s). I still use these sonas so that’s why this is here lol
✧∘────────────────────∘✧ If your blog is not customized or edited from the default in any way I will think you’re a bot and I will block you.
homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemitic people, creeps, proshippers, pedos, and other people like this/people looking for stuff like this please DO NOT INTERACT
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amxrany · 1 year
Rating TWST Events based on how much I enjoyed it [Part 1]
So there won't be a particular order to this, I'll just do all the events I remember playing by memory, and since I'm from the JP server this will contain events that aren't released yet in ENG server so once again skip this post if you don't wanna get spoiled
(Also there might be some events where I might use the JP name or ENG name, it just depends on what I remember)
Ghost Marriage
I played the version where Ghost Marriage Idia and Lilia were released, in which holy shit I went insane with how handsome Idia looked in his card AND LILIA'S VIGNETTE WITH SILVER AND SEBEK FIGHTING OVER THE COLOR OF HIS SUIT????? LIKE THE SLEEPING BEAUTY REFERENCE I SEE YOU
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The only other card I have aside from Idia is literally R Rook cuz I got too lazy to grind for everyone else 😀
But story wise, it was funny and really enjoyable
Dance and Wishes
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I was honestly so confused when I started playing this event, but thankfully I got help and managed to finish the event on time
The only thing I despise about this event is the rhythmic and that one swiping tile that kept wrecking my combo
Ya'll don't know about the many times I raged over that tile cuz my run was going smooth (like butter) THEN BOOM COMBO BROKEN CUZ OF THAT TILE
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(me when my combo breaks because of that one swiping tile)
Beanfest (Part 1) (I forgot the name of both the parts tbh so yeah we using beanfest for this)
I don't really remember much from this event and I kinda spedran it so yeah
All I remember was just that random drop of lore where Leona and Malleus worked together to take Rook out
I completely forgot which specific part of beanfest was that lore dropped but please correct me if I'm wrong here
The cards were cool tho
Beanfest (Part 2)
Slightly higher cuz I do remember bits of this event and I kinda enjoyed it
I also remember some vignettes from the newer cards, and once they were as cool as the last one
Halloween Part 1: Scary Monsters
Okay so when Scary Monsters first came to JP, that's when I was new to the game, and I was able to finish like 0.01% of the event but thankfully they had a rerun so I had my little redemption arc
I managed to get all the free cards in that event and Lilia from the banners (I was still new and testing out some new things so I pulled out of curiousity)
I actually love this event and the lore they gave us with how the boys deal with outsiders
I almost had a grind burn out but I survived
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Halloween Part 2: Scary Monsters Endless Halloween
I absolutely loved playing this event cuz we get to see different character dynamics and all that stuff (I loved Leona's babysitting services and Jamil's done with everyone's bs group)
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Almost had a grind burn out part 2
More events will be done in another post so stay tuned !!
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asahicore · 1 year
when i made my new blog i literally was looking everywhere for you and you were gone </3 (NOT ME ACTING LIKE I DON'T HAVE UR DISCORD FKDJFK but i'm not really active on discord anymore nd i didn't know if u were fkkfj) BUT NOW YOU'RE HERE AND I'M HERE WOOT WOOT and thank u for the compliment about my blog kdfjkdj i actually like redid the theme the day you came back right before you followed me fkdjfk AND YOU ALSO HAVE A BLUE THEME AYEEE so many people have blue themes rn i feel like
i'm glad you've been enjoying your holidays !! the break certainly is wonderful <3 even if you didn't end up writing again, i'd still be more than happy you're here. i stopped writing for awhile as well (like so many months fkjd) but i've since started again and i've really been enjoying it (other than the bouts of no motivation dfjdk)
outside of tumblr i've been doing sooooo much better than last year !! i've been at my job for over four months now and i LOVE it. it's a full time job and i'm still a full time university student so it does get a bit difficult sometimes but i've been doing really well and i love it. i also live in an all girls house with my best friend and three other roommates. i'm not close to them and we don't talk much, but i don't mind ! we all keep to ourselves (other than me and bff) and that's okay. it's been great to live in a house with other people my age and not stay with my aunt and uncle (who are lovely and i love them very much but living with them was not ideal). but yeah ! i'm doing well and my family has been saying since i moved back here and started my job that i look really happy (much different than their constant comments of "are you okay?" "you look so sad." etc.).
i'm glad that you're doing so well <3 i hope your break from tumblr was lovely and i hope that you enjoy your time here now that you're back <3
i just made that fic recs blog but then wanted to be completely rid of tumblr and left without saying anything lmaooo but yes im always active on discord ur welcome to message me here or there anytime!!! and omg yeah idk blue themes r so cute but tbh rn ive just got a pfp and a banner lmaoo i need to make a proper theme n navi.. whenever im not too lazy
i think taking a break from writing just makes you enjoy it that much more when you come back to it even though it can be hard to get back into a regular rhythm!! and that is really nice of u to say <33 i dont wanna pressure myself into always writing n posting like i did before (even though i just posted a teaser lmaoo), definitely taking it easier this time around!! it makes tumblr a lot more enjoyable
and omg, that is so so great to hear, im really happy for you!!! i hope you still get time for yourself cause full time job plus uni sounds tiring, but i have no doubt that you can do it :)) and omg living with your bestie is the best, even if you arent super close with the others the most important is just being able to communicate easily and respect each other, and having ur bff there will make things fun haha i lived with my best friends last year before going on my year abroad and even though we had times where we got on each others nerves it was so much fun everyday
thank uu<3 its really nice being back for sure !!!
0 notes
simplybakugou · 3 years
chill day in the dorms || bakugou & todoroki
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💌 (anon): Heyyyy I saw your requests open and I just HAVE to make one: can u please write a headcanon of todoroki and/or bakugo chilling with their s/o (separately), like, they like to just do their own stuff but stay in the same dorm or something? How they would stay together studying, reading or anything calmly, comforted just by the presence of the other one :)
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⋆ PAIRINGS: gn!reader x bakugou; gn!reader x todoroki ⋆ WARNINGS/TAGS: fluff
A/N: part 2 of me finally answering asks that were from like a year ago lmao. i’ve been busy lately with work and i really wanted to post something so you guys don’t think im ia again or something and i thought this was cute and simple (sorry if it’s a little too simple actually also i suck at writing todoroki so im sorry if his part is ass. an additional sorry if there are some typos bc its raining super hard where i live and the power keeps going in and out).
thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy!
the manga caps used in the banners are from @mha-transparents
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Bakugou’s version of a chill day to relax from the demanding life of a teenager at U.A. is either spent sleeping and resting or training. He was used to spending his resting days on his own but now that you were partner, he can’t imagine his days without you.
On these days you would slam open his door, successfully going over to the boys’ wing without getting caught by your peers who wouldn’t hesitate to tease you as they knew you were there for one person, and immediately dart for Bakugou’s bed.
Most days he would still be in bed and would groan as you nudged him to move over to make space for you. Sometimes he would curse you under his breath for disturbing his sleep and other times he would be too exhausted to scold you.
A majority of your mornings and early afternoons would be spent sleeping beside each other, Bakugou’s sturdy arms holding you close to him as you embraced the warmth radiating off his body.
You’d manage to get up sometime during the afternoon and you’d wake Bakugou up as well, knowing you both couldn’t sleep your day away as much as you’d like to.
The rest of the afternoon and evening, your day would be spent studying for any upcoming exams or completing any unfinished homework. You would want to use this time to ask Bakugou for help for those said exams but each time you did ask for help you remembered how bad your boyfriend was at tutoring.
Nonetheless you knew he was trying his best in his own way so you didn’t mind getting scolded every now and then.
On days he didn’t feel exhausted, Bakugou would not hesitate to drag you out of bed to be his training partner. He would ignore your whining and complaining and have you help him.
And as much as you hated the days where he would have the energy to want to train, you still enjoyed being in your boyfriend’s company.
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Whenever he’s granted a day to rest or do whatever he wants, Todoroki was accustomed to spending his days alone. Growing up he was isolated from his siblings and friends and he was used to doing this, expecting to be alone while at U.A. as well.
But every time a day off came and he felt the weight shift in his bed as you crawled under the covers, wrapping your arms around his back, Todoroki felt surprised every time.
It’s not that he didn’t like you coming into his room on days like this to cuddle but he was taken aback no matter how many times you did so. If anything he was happy knowing you wanted to be with him.
Most of your days would be spent like that, embracing one another in each other’s arms. You especially loved whenever Todoroki would activate his quirk slightly whenever it was too hot or too cold and you cling onto his right and left side accordingly.
Sometime during the day, Todoroki would be the first up from your lazy day in his bed. He would gently shake you, knowing all too well that you hadn’t finished your homework or studied as much as you could have.
And no matter how much you complained about having to leave his comfy bed, you knew your grades couldn’t afford your slacking off.
And so the rest of the day would be spent studying and working. Todoroki, who was one of the smart students from class 1A, would be able to answer all of his assignments easily and would help you along the way when he could see you struggling from the corner of his eye. Not to mention he thought your confused expression was adorable.
During days like this, Todoroki couldn’t help but reminisce on his past. For so long he had to focus on being the best, enduring his father’s cruel ways of raising him along with spending those grueling times all by himself. He remembered how much he wanted to join his siblings whenever they were playing together and acting as most children act.
But here he was years later, spending time with the person he loved and being able to spend his free time with you. He was relieved at that moment, knowing he wouldn’t have to be alone again thanks to you.
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If you’d like to be added to my taglist, please join here!
Taglist (those who can't be tagged here will be tagged in the comments) @ahrininetales @anastar-legion @averitatsuyabnha @bibly @captaincyberqueen @dangerousluv1 @ @faeviii @happygalaxymilkshake @hookedinto-fictionalworlds @hot-pocket01 @iambashfulperson @icy-hot @iheartfictionalboys @ilovepizzaandimhot @kirisclementine @koiibin @life-is-not-daijobu @lmaobroccoli @lowermoons @magicshopowner @mirakeul @moonlightaangel @mykuronekome @nk-echi @runrabbitrun3 @selfship-mishaps @shycoffeeparadise @softiehawks @thathoneybee3 @thatpeachybandgirl @thooo0t @uglyratlmao @urmomsshousee @wisteria-and-nightshade @xtsundere-princess @yoongiiyooo
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seungstarss · 2 years
SEI🤗🤗 help I like got the sudden urge to write a short fic before I go on hiatus next month😥 but I also like rlly needed a good cover for it bc I suck at making them and I saw one of your posts where you were submitting a graphic for one of your moots, and I was like "oh em gee that looks so mf good!!!! lets ask sei if her requests are still open😱🙏" so thats like exactly what I'm doing rn😋 this is gonna be saur embarrassing if your requests are closed bc Im lazy and didnt wanna read if it was still open or not so my fault if its closed😕💔 also do I have to pay like any cash money for one bc I have like 2 dollars on me right now so if you would want that, Ill glady give it😊🤞
Hi luv, I would love too but right now I'm quite overwhelmed with the amount of requests I have right now, I'm so sorry. My requests are actually closed rn as stated in my pinned. It would be great if you did read it before asking because then I do feel pressure and a bad for rejecting an request. I will lyk if I do have some time create a banner for your request tho!
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foryouthegays · 3 years
It ends today. [Dream SMP] summary (not liveblog because im tired, but i’ll try to include more good lines and moments)
word count: 3,638
ill be writing the timestamps without : things because im lazy, theyll all have 5 numbers, so the timestamp at an hour, 12 minutes, and 4 seconds would be 11204. you’ll figure it out. 
total death count by techno or his dogs: 25. doesn’t count fall damage deaths or wither deaths
(04045 Quackity) (04055 Ponk) (04115 Tubbo) (04225 Ponk) (04315 Tubbo) (04320 Quackity) (04500 Ponk) (04535 Ponk) (05929 Tubbo) (05150 Tommy) (05245 Tubbo) (05340 Tubbo) (05450 Tommy) (05450 Tubbo) (05830 Tubbo) (05845 Quackity) (05950 Tommy) (05950 Tubbo) (10045 Callahan) (10140 Tubbo) (10140 Quackity) (10145 Ponk) (10450 Jack Manifold) (11025 Jack Manifold) (11945 Tubbo)
sellout pog: 001925, 11710, 14235, 21115
good laugh times: 04511 05055 05315
good quotes: (004240 NO ONE KILLS ANIMALS LIKE SAPNAP!!!) (05335 LOOK AT YOUR COUNTRY FALL, TUBBO!) (10000 IT WOULDN’T BE A FINAL BOSS IF I DIDN’T HAVE STAGES!) (11150 WOOOO THE MONOTONY OF LIFE POGGG) (12115 the real government is the friends we made along the way) (13035 sapnap strikes me as the guy to kill Santa Claus)
do do dooo/ other stims: 00736, 01150 bruuuhhh, 002420, 15203
(sap and techs “convo” at 05530 is fuckin hilarious i highly rec watchin it) (05950 TECHNOPLANEEE)
He starts the stream in his base with Philza. They talk about viewer counts and their plan for the day, while making gear, potions, and other materials. Techno makes fireworks, and shows his statistics in the server, which are as follows:
Animals bred - 1,494
Armor pieces cleaned - 0
Banners cleaned - 0
Barrels opened - 107
Bells rung - 9,500
Cake slices eaten - 6
Cauldrons filled - 0
Chests opened - 13,963
Damage absorbed - 83.70
Damaged blocked by shield - 83.50
Damage dealt - 163799.30
Damage dealt (absorbed) - 113.90
Damage dealt (resisted) - 0
Damage resisted - 118.90
Damage taken - 10198.80
Dispensers searched - 13
Distance climbed - 10.51 km
Dsitance crouched - 8.01 km
Distance fallen - 94.48 km
Distance flown - 808.59
Distance sprinted - 300.17 km
Bat - killed 2
Blaze - killed 693
Cave spider - killed 64,513
Chicken - killed 2
Cod - killed 4
Cow - killed 369
Creeper - killed 1,213
Donkey - killed 2
Drowned - killed 54
Elder guardian - killed 1
Enderman - killed 161
Endermite - killed 4
Evoker - killed 2
Ghast - killed 102
Guardian - killed 6
Hoglin - killed 13
Horse - killed 150
Magma cube - killed 542
Pig - killed 2
Piglin - killed 96
Pillager - killed 127
Pufferfish - killed 1
Ravager - killed 3
Salmon - killed 7
Silverfish - killed 3
Skeleton - killed 312
Slime - killed 40
Spider - killed 234
Squid - killed 16
Vex - killed 6
Villager - killed 6
Vindicator - killed 17
Wandering Trader - killed 2
Witch - killed 7
Wither Skeleton - killed 2,615
Wolf - killed 1
Zombie - killed 927, was killed 1 time
Zombie Villager - killed 12
Zombified piglin - killed 189
He talks about how the 2,615 Wither skeletons killed feels low, but does the math and thinks it’s fine. He moves on, and continues brewing Invis potions. He makes black and red fireworks for several minutes. 
00845 Dream scares Phil by logging in right behind Techno, and they join a voice channel together. Dream gives Techno several stacks of TNT, and Dream finally tells Techno his ‘special plan.’ 
Dream says that they have to go early, and destroy it 30 minutes early. Dream tells them of a spy, and how L’Manburg is going to show up exactly at 3:00, instead of getting there early. 
Techno asks Dream what he needs from him, and Dream essentially says that Phil shouldn’t listen to the conversation, and tries to make Techno leave Phils call. Techno declines, and they continue their conversation in the house. 
01100 Dream explains that he can’t set up redstone, because it’s too easy to destroy, and that he’s going to have to set up the machines while the battle is happening. He tells Techno to stall the battle for twenty minutes, and Techno argues, saying that the risk is too one-sided for him and that it would be too easy for Dream to betray him by not setting up the machines. 
Techno agrees after Dream brings up the dog army and the withers, and Techno says that he was only complaining to see how unreasonable Dream actually was. 
Techno asks Phil for more potions, including speed, strength, and regeneration, and he keeps talking about the Turtle Master potions, and quickly runs to the Vault to get the skulls. 
Dream mentions Ender Pearls, and Techno agrees that they would be useful. On the way to trade with Orphan, Techno goes down to Tommy’s former room, calls it the Traitor Pit, and breaks the prime log. He starts to leave, but changes his mind, and blows up the Traitor Pit. 
He leaves the past behind him, and goes back up to trade with Orphan. He gets more pearls, and then continues brewing potions. Phil gives Techno his trident again, and wonders aloud if he should bring Phil. 
On one hand, Phil only has one life, but Phil also has a grudge against L’Manburg, and Phil insists he come along. 
Techno gives Phil the only remaining Totem of Undying, and several Wither skulls. Techno tells Phil to not be in the main battle at first, and to hide, be careful, and to only spawn Withers when Techno sends the signal, shooting the fireworks into the sky. 
They go over their inventories and Ender chests, Techno gets more weakness arrows, and Dream and Techno use the sellout bell one last time. 
While outside, Techno mentions that Phil tore down Tommy’s cobblestone tower, and Dream almost blows up Tommys’ former house, but Techno stops him, saying that it might be Ghostburs. 
Dream also gives Techno and Phil obsidian for building, and Techno gives Dream his TNT back, saying it wouldn’t be useful. He also gives Phil a God Apple, and tells him to (02245) not risk his life for him. Dream counters that, mentioning that Phil could risk his life for him, and Techno refuses to let Dream continue. 
Techno also brews a Slow Falling potion, one of the rarest potions on the server. Dream talks about his status as a homeless person, and Dream does not accept it, and tells Techno that his main goal is to make everyone homeless, because blowing up L’Manburg would make everyone there live without a house. Techno calls himself ‘Anti-House.’
After crafting an unenchanted Netherite axe, they leave. Dream follows him to the Dog Sanctuary. 
02939, right before leaving the Nether, Techno chants: 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?? Not the government! GOO!!!! And splashes Invis potions on himself, Dream, and Phil. 
They enter the Overworld to find Sapnap close to the portal. Techno tells him that He’s actually TommyInnit, and runs to the portal before Sapnap can process that. Dream and Phil follow, and they make it to the Dog Sanctuary. 
03200 Dream is surprised at the amount of dogs in the cave, and Techno starts talking about the plan. He says that because L’Manburg has a law against killing pets, they won’t be able to do anything to stop the army from killing them. Dream calls him evil after he reveals that he’s going to splash the dogs with both strength and invis, and they move out with a pack of dogs following. 
Dream shows them an obsidian network above L’Manburg, and says that he’s going to make TNT Dispensers on it. Dream leaves, and they get into position. 
03700. Techno joins the L’Manburg VC, and starts yelling at them, calling them idiots and asking where they are. They tell him that theres still 24 minutes until the war starts, and Techno starts encouraging them to come back, but then remembers that he’d have to hold them off while Dream sets up, so he tells them to take their time and wait until the scheduled time. 
Tommy sees the obsidian network, and shoots Phil. Techno and Tommy start arguing. Techno calls himself a liar, but justifies it by mentioning the 1v30 he’d have to do. 
Tommy takes his first death, falling from a pillar trying to reach Dream. 
Tubbo shoots Techno, and the dogs start chasing him. Techno splashes the potions on them, and watches as the war starts. He calls the wolves ‘The Dogs of War,’ and quickly kills both Quackity, Ponk, and Tubbo. 
Tubbo drops a Trident, and Techno wonders if it’s his. He keeps fighting, and quickly remembers that Sapnap is known for his animal killing. 
He continues killing, but decides on a compromise. If they back off, he won’t kill them as he blows up the country. They disagree, and Techno eats a God apple before shooting the fireworks into the sky. 
04430 Philza deploys the Withers. The Citizens yell about the Bees, and Techno continues his destruction. He stores the new trident in his Ender Chest and organizes his inventory, adding some Wither skulls and soulsand for later. 
Five Withers storm L’Manburg as the country fights back, and Techno tries to find Invis potions. He raids houses and makes more Withers, and L’Manburg is left to fight nine Withers as Techno restarts his Laptop. 
Running back into the action, Techno realizes he’s been using normal arrows this entire time, and puts the fireworks in his offhand. He meets Phil in his house, and Phil gives Techno another Invis pot. He finds a book, called ‘Do Not Read,’ in his Inventory, and Ranboo asks for it back. Techno gives the book to Ranboo, and tells him to flee, that he doesn’t have anything against him, and to survive the war in safety. Ranboo runs. 
Sapnap yells that another Wither is down, and Techno jumps back into battle. He kills Tubbo again, and Dream messages ‘destroy l’mantree’ to him. Techno asks which tree that is, and starts moving to where he thinks it is.
In the background, Tommy starts to plan. He says that, (05040) ‘we’ve got to kill the Withers first, and then we can fight The Blade.’ 
Phil scoffs at that, and Techno keeps going. He finds an ender chest and repairs his armor with XP bottles. 
Techno continues killing, and Dream finally tells him where the tree is. Before he can make it there, Dream sets off the TNT canons, and destruction rains from the sky as L’Manburg cries out in confusion. 
05335 He finds Tubbo in the middle of the country, and yells, “LOOK AT YOUR COUNTRY FALL, TUBBO!” Tubbo falls along with it, and doesn’t respond as Techno shoots him, once again, with a firework rocket.  
05355 Tommy climbs onto a bridge and begs Techno to not shoot. 
“You didn’t have to do this! The thing about the discs, Technoblade, is that they were for me! We could’ve had a government, and- ”
“I don’t care about the discs, Tommy! I was upfront with you from the start, the government has to go!”
“Technoblade, you are selfish!”
“Selfish?! You’ve used me from the start, Tommy! You’re wearing my helmet as we speak!”
“Technoblade, you said we betrayed you! You said we were the ones that betrayed you!”
“You betrayed me like, twelve times!” 
“Technoblade, look at me. Look at me, right now. You said you hated governments, you said we were the ones that betrayed you. You were the one who killed Tubbo when JSchlatt told you to! You were the one who betrayed us, out of all-”
“I was peer pressur- You betrayed me, like, yesterday! You used me as a weapon! You’ve never thought of me as a friend, Tommy, you’ve just used me from the start. You saw me just as The Blade, that’s all I was to you, The Blade, a weapon, well guess what?” Techno pauses, and his voice is tense as he continues. “I’m choosing what I fight for now, and I’m going to destroy the government, Tommy! You all die!”
He fires the fireworks towards Tommy, killing him and Tubbo with the same shot. 
He watches as the TNT falls from the sky, and finally, Tommy asks to speak once more.
“You were our friend, and you know what?-”
“Tommy, you never thought of me as a friend, Tommy,”
“Listen to me!”
“I listened to you for weeks, what did you do? You went back to Tubbo, the guy that exiled you, that chose his country over you,”
“People are above the government!”
“You ARE, Techno, and so are we! The reason the discs- they were stolen from me! Nothing-”
“Discs aren’t people!” 
“Nothing was taken from you! You’re selfish! You destroyed the people for your own self gain! You’re selfish!”
“All of these problems are because of your government,” Techno starts, “Your government has caused all these issues. I believe in freedom, Tommy!”
“You- You don’t believe in freedom! When you were peer pressured, that wasn’t freedom, that’s you following what the government told you!”
“Bro, Tommy, that was like four months ago, ok?”
“IT WAS! LET’S NOT FORGET ABOUT THE PAST RIGHT NOW- Tubbo! Tubbo he killed you!”
“He’s the president, get him OUT of here!” Techno shoots at Tubbo, who hides behind some stone, “He’s wearing YOUR helmet!”
“And you killed him!”
“Yeah, because he’s the president! 
“But even when he wasn’t the president, you killed him as well.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
“You’re as bad as the government, Technoblade.”
“Hey, remember when I was sitting there, alone, against the whole government, and you and Wilbur just sat there on the sidelines, and watched? Did you step in? Did you step in? Were you guys the ones who stepped in and said, don’t worry, Technoblade, we know you’re in a high pressure situation, but we’ll fight the world for you, Technoblade? NO! You guys watched- You know what I did, yesterday? When you were surrounded by thirty people, the whole world was against you? I walked in. I was willing to fight all of them for you, Tommy. I would’ve been there. 
That is the difference between us.”
“We spent HOURS together-”
“DON’T speak to me of loyalty!”
“You were my friend, and you betrayed us!”
“You never thought of me as a friend!”
“The- The thing about this government, is that it didn’t interfere with you!”
“It did!”
“No, it didn’t! The discs were stolen by Dream-”
“I don’t care about discs! I care about freedom! The government! We can’t have freedom with the government!”
“You have your own freedom, just let people love what they love, man!” (lmao homophobic techno confirmed? /J :LKJFDSLKFJ)
“Tommy...I used to think like that, Tommy. You know what they did to me? They hunted me down! The whole Butcher Army, and they executed me! I tried being peaceful, Tommy, but the government made it clear that we could not coexist.”
“And so you spawn Withers??? All you do is repeat history, but worse.”
“YOU GUYS brought this upon YOURSELVES, I was willing to live in my cottage and be chill, and just farm turtles, but you guys made it clear-”
“Technoblade, you can’t just go back to your cottage after you blow up the government! That’s not how this works, actions have consequences!”
Techno shoots at Tommy and Tubbo, killing Tubbo. “Actions do have consequences, Tommy, and THESE are the consequences!” He splashes potions at his feet, and chases after Quackity. He kills him quickly, and Quackity yells about how he has to face the consequence of his former actions. Techno told him that he had changed, and the Butcher Army refused to let him live his life, but Quackity says that he had to face his punishment.
Tommy calls Techno a tyrant, and is almost immediately killed as Techno launches himself into the air and uses the slowfalling potions to aim, and fire. 
10130 Someone (I can’t tell who, help) asks why Phil is there, and why he hates the government, and he responds, “Since I was forced to kill my own son, you idiot!”
Tommy asks Techno where the L’mantree is, and Techno reveals that he doesn’t actually know what that is, but that Dream wanted to blow it up earlier. Several people start screaming, mourning the loss of their tree, as Techno celebrates. 
Techno runs out of fireworks, and decides that their destruction is over. He notices that no one is fighting back, and asks if everyones just given up.
“What is there left to protect?”
Techno laughs, and Niki speaks for the first time. “I burnt the tree.”
Techno compliments her, and looks over the destruction. 
Jack Manifold challenges him, and they fight. Techno runs out of potions, but still manages to win. Manifold takes too long to pick up his items, so Techno spawns another Wither. At this point, there’s four Withers roaming the former country. 
Techno decides to kill the Withers to get Nether Stars, and while looking for a place to shoot, he finds Eret watching the chaos. He asks if he supports government, but answers the question for them. “There’s no need to risk your neck for a country you’re not even a part of.”
Eret then says that they’re just there for the Nether Stars, and Techno laughs. Techno kills a Wither, and Phil takes the star. 
Techno starts talking about how he wanted L’Manburg to be a chunk error, and decides to get rid of the water so the TNT can work. He mentions that he has the Trident back, and that he’s probably not going to ever get the Axe of Peace from Tommy. 
Dream continues blowing the country up, and Techno gives Phil his trident back. Techno tells Dream to nuke the entire area, but finds out that Ghostbur is close, and frantically makes him stop. He then remembers that Ghostbur is a literal ghost and can not die. 
Hbomb tries to tell Techno to blow up Manifold Land, but Techno refuses, saying that it isn’t really a country, and is instead just one person. 
Ghostbur arrives, and starts looking around the crater. Techno leaves to find a bell to be a sellout. He tells us that if he gets 5 million subscribers today, he’ll set up the second monitor. 
They talk about timezones and relax after the chaos. Techno attempts a triple kill but fails, and Manifold declares war on him. Techno threatens his house, so Manifold decides to not do that. 
Sapnap punches him, and Techno starts to spawn a Wither, but Sapnaps’ efficiency V Netherite shovel is enough to make Techno run in fear.
12320 Tommy gets struck by lightning. SO LONG, THESEUS! EVEN GOD HATES HIM! -techno
Sap tries to kill Techno with a Channeling trident, but Techno takes no damage and almost spawns another Wither, but decides to fly away instead. Sapnap goes mad with power, and tries to kill Ponk with tridents and wither roses. Techno sings the Manhunt music as Ponk runs from Sapnap and BadBoyHalo.
After exploring the wreckage and joking with the survivors, Phil and Techno go to their own VC and go back home. Philza is jumped by a baby zombie, but Techno manages to kill it and save him. 
13515He ties the stream together by chanting ‘2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate? Philza minecraft!! yeah!!!!’
They go inside to reorganize their chests, and Techno realizes that he still has two stacks of Wither skulls. Techno and Phil agree that the Withers they used were enough, and they talk about how the battle went. 
Phil gives Techno the Totem and the God Apple back. 
Techno also implies that if Phil dies, the destruction would be far, far worse, and his life is worth more than anything that had happened beforehand. They are best friends ur honor. 
While ranting about the government, Technoblade reveals that he still has the anvil used to execute him in his ender chest. Techno covers Tommys old home, and tears down the signs they used as a checklist. 
Looking at Em, Techno remembers the dogs he didn’t use to fight, and Phil brings up a Stasis Pearl Chamber as a way to teleport all the dogs back at the same time. They quickly build it, and Techno starts running to the remains of L’Manburg. 
He makes it to the dog cave without any trouble, and makes all the dogs stand. Philza teleports him back, and the dogs take some fall damage as they land with him. He puts the dogs into the house next to his, and Phil says that he’s going to build a kennel later. 
Phil reveals that Ghostbur was not happy with the whole ‘blowing up L’Manburg’ thing, and that Friend had died, and now, Ghostbur wants to be brought back to life. Phil is hesitant, and he doesn’t know if his memories will stay, if he could handle it, and other variables. 
20320 Techno finally shows Carl again, but doesn’t show where he’s hidden. He uses the intermission screen to hide his location from even the viewers, but Carl is fine. He puts him back in the display stable, but then moves him back, fearing his life. 
20630, Techno jokes about the Turtle Shell Helmets and it’s adorable. please go watch it. he then talks about the Sad-Ist animation for a few seconds, and talks about the fanartists in the community. He mentions making a playlist of animations and animatics, which would be really cool. 
He ends the stream ringing the sellout bell. 
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lilikags · 2 years
QIANNNN i started watching the enstars anime and 😭😭😭 /pos
ill get the game when the en ver comes out !! im lowk too lazy to keep searching up translations LKDKSKFD,,, also omfg who are your favourite charas?!
AND i heard you aren't into ayato anymore is that true 😟⁉️ i can barely believe it HAHAHA you've been simping for him for ages !!! /lh
ok omg this is getting kinda long so ilusm !! take careeeee <3!!
YES ES BETA IS OPEN IF YOU'RE IN AU/UK/CA FOR ANDROID USERS (you can also use a vpn if you're elsewhere and an android user)
OMG MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE (new husband) IS NITO NAZUNA!! HE'S ADORABLE AA I also love Kagehira Mika and Sakuma Ritsu and Tsukinaga Leo and Suou Tsukasa hehe
also when i say im a nazunap it means i produce him basically i like. stan him,, i think that's the right word aojfoaifj so lately i've been rbing fics like "im totally not a junp" which means i totally don't produce jun but like- maybe i do-
AHAHHAHAHA yes so with ayato. in terms of genshin i still love him but enstars has been taking over my life (real) and now in the throne of my mind sits nito nazuna ughhhh so ayato got kicked out and so that's what it's all about. not that i don't love him i love him enough to get c2 r1 ayato and haran (even though i lost every soft pity i could ever lose even on the weapon banner now i have an elegy and amos)
i just think about nazuna more than ayato and i rarely read ayato now but i check the tags every day for nazuna xD
mine ended up being longer so its okay afojaoisjf ilyt and take care ahhh <333
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dontcallmesnapmap · 3 years
🔥 intro // headcanons 🔥
Tumblr media
🔥 hello, im the admin, please call me kirby! 🔥 any (neo)pronouns work!! 🔥 main account is @kirby-itsashowdown 🔥 banner by @moonlit_isles on twitter 🔥 this is a roleplay blog specifically tickle based 🔥 also does not represent Sapnap in real life. i’m portraying his minecraft + dsmp character 🔥 pls ask to roleplay before sending starters! 🔥 100% sfw 🔥 please do not interact with personas or oc blogs, however character anons are okay! (ex: strawberry anon, cow anon, happy anon, etc.) 🔥 be aware that it's against Sapnap's boundaries to use his real name 🔥 dni if you are an nsfw blog / sideblog, dsmp / mcyt anti, dream anti, proshipper, racist / ableist, lgbtqa+ phobic, terf, exclusionist
[general headcanons]
🔥 he's nineteen
🔥 height is about 5'10
🔥 pronouns are he/him
🔥 his body type is mesomorph, not lean but not heavy either. he's in-between
🔥 his hair is naturally brown, however he dyes it black. sometimes he gets lazy though, which causes his roots to fade and turn brown again
🔥 he has a small fear of the dark, and a fear of being forgotten
🔥 very high-energy, chaotic evil, solely focuses on his close friends and his own gains
🔥 however, he's only uppity with those he's knows. around new people he's an entirely different person. he's reserved, and shy, hesitant to share.
🔥 will only initiate physical contact with close friends, and if contact has already been made.
🔥 the start of a small stubble, but it's faint
🔥 very crude humor and inappropriate jokes
🔥 he has a temper, low tolerance, not very patient
🔥 greek is his native tongue, he speaks semi-fluently
🔥 talks a lot of shit, and won't back down once the bed has been made, very stubborn
🔥 scared shitless of the paranormal
🔥 tongue-piercing
🔥 constantly smells of ash
[dream smp headcanons]
🔥 he was raised human, but his species is not human. he has the power to manipulate fire, however he shows no physical traits of any mob
🔥 when he gets angry, his hair turns into fire. when very sad, his hair turns into blue fire
🔥 bad often had to keep him near warm surfaces when he was younger, he couldn't stand the cold for long. that's why he was "raised in fire, born in lava"
🔥 he doesn't lie when he says he's human, he prefers to live as one
🔥 he can sense heat signatures, meaning, anything with heat he can feel. (i.e people, animals, etc.)
🔥 the only people who do know of his abilities are Bad, Skeppy, Dream, and George. even then, it's easy to forget because he never uses them
🔥 always been a lover, but never the loved. has always been a fighter, never the fought for
🔥 abandonment & trust issues
🔥 he absolutely still thinks of dream very closely, he tries to say he's moving forward and is ahead of the game, but he can't help but have attachment
🔥 he was pretty young when the wars first started, when he fought on Dream's side against L'Manburg's first war he was close to Tommy's age but still older fifteen
[tickle headcanons]
🔥 rating of tickle spots, most to least. (10/10) underarms, ribs, bellybutton, thighs, stomach, feet (5/10), scalp, neck, hips, shoulders, back, ears, hands (1/10)
🔥 secret little spots are back of ribs and back of thighs
🔥 he's very teasy, already uses nicknames but he'll call you every petname under the sun. his favorites are cutie and darling
🔥 also pretty good at handling brats, he'll make you ask for it
🔥 rough tickles are his main, he'll only use light tickles if he knows they're more effective or if someone asks him
🔥 stubble tickles + raspberries + nibbles
🔥 always the one to start tickle fights
🔥 kisses fluster him a lot, especially if you make noises with them too
🔥 a giggler, he giggles at any anticipation
🔥 he's either bratty or shy, no in-between
🔥 he likes a good chase
🔥 absolutely gets revenge 5x more
🔥 the type to lean in and talk into your ear
🔥 when lee, 50/50 times he can say "tickle"
🔥 he blushes a bit easily
🔥 he covers the lers face all the time
🔥 very noisy, cackles and shrieks
🔥 he says "please" constantly
🔥 he really likes bellybutton, neck & scalp tickles
🔥 pretty even switch
🔥 denies he's ticklish
🔥 he likes getting his back traced
🔥 another secret is he can't stand nails, whether they're short or long they tickle too much
🔥 sometimes, when tickled, he'll fluctuate between English and Greek
🔥 he really adores affectionate tickles, they hit different
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: The Royal We ch.1 (baon)
Summary: Family helps family. Sometimes right into the path of an oncoming car.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
When they first came to this universe, it hadn’t taken long for Edge to realize that things were very different here than back home in Underfell, (no, not home, not for a long time now). The changes took some time to absorb and some might never fully integrate, as his freezer filled with stocked up meals would attest. But there were a few universal constants and while all of them grew up with their brother as their only relative, they all knew that family helped family. Even when that family was a pack of alternates who appeared later in life.
Which was how Edge found himself on his day off sitting on the floor of what was currently Papyrus and Blue’s house, making party favors for Undyne’s baby shower.
The living room was strewn with decorations waiting to be placed, streamers and banners in an eclectic rainbow of colors, uninflated balloons spilling out of a bag like the leftover skins of a particularly garish fruit. The party itself wasn’t until tomorrow, but that left little time to waste, considering the plans Papyrus had drawn up.
Plan was perhaps an overstatement, but Edge could never fault Papyrus for his enthusiasm. His color scheme, on the other hand—well. He’d never approved of the way some Humans were so obsessed with gender that they actually assigned colors at birth but there was a great distance between that and a design that might cause any guests with fleshier eyes to scramble for sunglasses.
Papyrus was bustling around setting things up while the rest of them were sitting on the floor in a circle around a coffee table that was cluttered with craft supplies. He’d paired each of them off to work on separate projects and for all that the occasion was a joyous one, the mood was decidedly not.
“how many of these things do we need, anyway?” Stretch grumbled. His and Jeff’s assigned duty was to pour a mixture of toffee-coated popcorn into small plastic bags, tie it closed with a ribbon, and then affix a sticker on the front that declared in cheery letters ‘Ready to Pop’!
Edge was morbidly curious as to how Undyne felt about that particular sentiment this close to the end of her pregnancy.
A glance at the finished bags confirmed that Stretch’s ribbons were less a bow and more a tangle of colorful knots, Jeff’s only a slight improvement. The bags were sealed at least, and Papyrus was more than content with the effort, which was all that really mattered.
Besides, Edge was busy with his own task; planting tiny succulents into miniature pots, each with a painstakingly attached tag reading, ‘Watch Me Grow!’. Privately, he thought the small cacti were a far better representation of Undyne than any snack, but then, he wasn’t the one actually throwing the shower.
“How many do we need,” Papyrus repeated thoughtfully. Edge pointedly did not ask about the garland in his hand which seemed to be made of dangling fish ornaments and…was that tomatoes? Edge decided it would be best not to know, lest he end up lying awake tonight with the answer still haunting him. “Well, there is Undyne’s co-workers in Security and Alphys’s at the lab, plus their neighbors and friends, and of course us!”
“i don’t need no damn cactus,” Red muttered sullenly. How Papyrus even got Red here was another burning question, though the answer was likely Sans sitting placidly right next to him. His collar was visible over the neckline of his t-shirt, the buckle glinting in the light. Occasionally he reached up absently to touch it as if to verify it hadn’t wandered off when he wasn’t looking. Their entire duty seemed to be putting cans of sparkling water into drink koozies emblazoned with such witticisms as ‘nacho average baby’ over a cartoon of a tortilla chip. It was anyone’s guess as to if that task was actually assigned to them or simple the one they’d decided on doing, but between them, there were four cans done after a half an hour of work.
Sans managed to slide another can into a koozie, bringing their grand total to five. “paps, that didn’t really answer the question.”
“That would be because I am not finished counting!” Papyrus scolded. “There’s also Undyne’s ‘Cooking with Krav Maga’ class and naturally all the Dreemurr family will be coming.”
“great, ass-gore will be here,” Stretch muttered, fumbling to tie another ribbon with varying success. “i’ll be sure to bring my headphones.”
Edge sighed inwardly. Stretch was in a prickly mood and had been all day, and it didn’t take a scientist-level IQ to know it had something to do with the baby shower. They’d known about this for days; when Papyrus asked if they would help, Edge hadn’t hesitated to agree. Now he was wondering if he shouldn’t have asked Stretch in advance. He hadn’t refused to come, but he’d been twitchy and snappish since getting up that morning, only getting worse when they came over. If the party were for anyone but Undyne, Edge would have suggested they go home.
Adding to the irritation was Red in a poor mood of his own and he hadn’t a single qualm about casting sparks around a gasoline spill. “good, no one wants to hear you flappin’ your yap, anyway. save your 280 characters for your twitter freaks.”
“aww, jealous?” Stretch cooed, “‘cause, you talk so much crap, i dunno whether to you need toilet paper or a breath mint.”
Edge exchanged a weary look with Blue, who returned it with equal exasperation. Those two had been sniping at each other all morning and it was Blue’s turn to attempt a least a little fire prevention.
“Really, Papy, that’s enough,” Blue said reprovingly. That might stop them briefly, but they all knew from past experience it wouldn’t last. Red and Stretch were alike in a number of dissatisfying ways, past the darkened circles of exhaustion that were currently visible beneath both their sockets. For one, most of them weren’t above returning a good insult with a better one, but Red and Stretch could be particularly vicious about it. Usually it was better to let them simply work it out between themselves; trying to intercede past a little mild scolding usually ended up getting you mixed up in the spat.
This time Edge was tempted, if only because Jeff looked supremely uncomfortable. He fumbled with his latest little bag of popcorn and ended up with a good portion bouncing into his lap rather than the treat bag.
For the time being, Sans seemed content to allow them to try to rein in their brothers, and that would likely last until their petty squabbling might upset Papyrus. Who thus far either hadn’t noticed or was content to allow the others to handle it. Edge hoped it was the latter. The crack in Papyrus’s skull was still starkly visible, although his balance seemed much improved, if the way he all but leapt from the ladder was any indication, digging furiously through an overflowing box of even more decorations.
“sure, bro,” Stretch said to his brother’s scold, and then promptly added a mumble of, “don’t see why he has to be here, anyway.”
“’cause it ain’t your party, it’s hers, and she’d want ‘im,” Red grumbled. Then, in a smirking sotto voce, “’sides, i figure he’s the baby daddy so be kinda rude not to at least give ‘im a party favor.”
“There is no baby daddy, since neither Undyne nor Alphys want to be called daddy, and it’s much ruder to speculate,” Papyrus called primly, confirming that he was indeed listening to the ongoing bickering. He stood with his hands on his hips, eyeing the growing balloon sculpture critically. Edge joined him in looking, biting the tip of his tongue to hold back any questions, especially on whether the design was supposed to be Undyne or an eggplant. Never ask when you didn’t want to know the answer and Papyrus wove in another long, purple balloon as he went on, “and also Asgore can’t be the donor because I am.”
A hush of silence fell, along with a number of wide sockets and eyes turning to Papyrus’s direction. No one’s were wider than Sans’s at what was obviously unexpected news to him as he blurted, "seriously, bro? you're the one who handed over the baby batter for undyne?”
Papyrus frowned at them all reprovingly. “That is rude AND crude, I'll thank you not to refer to it that way.”
"sorry, bro, but fuck,” Sans sputtered, “you didn’t say anything!”
"Is there a reason I would need to?” Papyrus asked, brow bones raised, “Undyne is my best friend and wanted a child, so of course I would help provide the necessary material in her time of need!"
“necessary material,” Stretch muttered, his face scrunching up, and in that Edge could only agree, “right.” He nudged Jeff with an elbow, who yelped aloud and jumped, sending up another miniature shower of popcorn, “uh, andy, i know we're best buds and all, but if you ever need--"
“Nope, I’m good,” Jeff said, a touch too loudly.
“happy to hear it.” Stretch gave him a grin that slowly faded. “see? so if asgore didn’t donate his, uh, time and effort, he can stay home."
“Honestly, Papy you can’t—" Blue began reprovingly, only to be drowned out by Red’s loud snort.
“what the fuck is your problem with asgore, anyway,” Red grumbled. He picked at his gold tooth, a tell that sent tension winding up Edge’s spine even as his brother added with lazy viciousness, “get over it already, you act like he’s your ex who fucked you over.”
The day seemed to be one for unexpected silences. Only this time the stares were directed at Stretch, who said nothing. He only sat white-faced, cellophane crinkling loudly as his hands fisted around the bag in his lap, his skull draining of color as he managed to look at anything but those stares.
Red let out a harsh chortle of laughter, “seriously? all this time you’ve been holier than thou about his lv and it’s actually ‘cause you used to give him the bone over in your ‘verse? fuck, now there is a mental picture,” Red moaned out gleefully, “oooh, fuzzy ass, stick it to me good! ram me with your furry wand of wonder and i’ll get your goat!”
A chorus of protests rose up, with Edge’s snarl of, “That’s enough!” rising to the top.
But Stretch was already standing, a litter of colorful ribbons shedding from his lap as he walked swiftly to the door.
“Rus—" Edge stood to chase after him, cursing his damned leg as it threatened to buckle under him. It was an exercise in futility from the start, as he’d known it would be. Stretch shortcutted the moment he was out the door, heading off Angel knew where to lose himself in the stew of his own thoughts. The temptation to look up where he’d reappeared on the phone app was strong, but Edge resisted it. Stretch had the right to be alone if that was what he wanted, particularly after that dig.
He sighed and went back into the house. Only to pause as he saw the various looks had transferred to him, all of them guarded, particularly Blue; his starry eye lights seemed to be anticipating anger at Stretch. As if this made any damned difference between them. Even Jeff looked near tears, like he expected Edge to already have Antwan on the phone demanding him to draw up divorce papers. It was damn well insulting, and he glared back at them all until those gazes dropped, Blue’s reluctantly last.
All except for his own brother. Red was grinning, savagely pleased, and if they wanted anger, the simmering urge to shout at his brother was rising to a roiling boil in him, his LV waking in his soul to twinge eagerly at the heat of it. Only that was likely exactly what his brother wanted, to be punished for his casual cruelties. Whatever was troubling Red, Edge wasn’t about to reward his masochism.
His own anger fell swiftly into disappointment; lately Red had been bordering on kind with Stretch, if it could be called that, treating him as a brother, or better, if Edge were honest with himself. A brother that needed his protection as Edge decidedly did not. It’d been some time since he’d deliberately needled Stretch and Edge couldn’t even understand why he’d chosen to do so today. Whatever his petty reasons, they weren’t sufficient enough to excuse that.
Edge kept his voice low and even as he said, “That was cruel.”
That satisfied smirk faltered and Red shifted to lean forward. “yeah? well, it's about time he starts getting’ over it. it ain’t the same guy and he’s married to you.”
“Affection for someone else is not any kind of betrayal and considering that all of you calculated our worlds have ceased to exist, there isn’t much opportunity for closure, is there,” Edge said, acid creeping in. "The state of my marriage is no concern of yours."
Red’s sockets fell half-closed as he said, dangerously soft, "you think so, boss?"
Then he flinched suddenly, yelping as Sans slapped him upside the head. "you’re so eager for stretch to get over shit, how about you practice what you preach.” He shoved a can of sparkling water into Red’s lap. “shut up and put on a fucking koozie.”
Red scowled hard and Edge did not miss his crimson gaze flicking to the collar around Sans's throat. Grudgingly, he did what he was told.
“Do not interfere with my marriage,” Edge said coolly. Not that such a statement would stop his brother, but at least it was said between them. Then to Papyrus. “I am sorry, but."
Papyrus only flapped his hands at him, shooing him away, “No, no, go, talk to Stretchy Me! I’m sure Cherry here would like to think about how much he hurt Stretch’s feelings and yours, his own brother, who has recently suffered an injury. And there are my own injuries to consider as well, sticks, stones, and words do hurt!"
Edge let him ramble and started for the door, then hesitated. The others were accustomed to a certain amount of internal friction, some of it formerly his and Stretch’s, from the moment they woke up in this universe. Their Human companion was not so inured to it and Edge crouched to set a ginger hand on Jeff’s shoulder, “Jeff, I’m sorry.”
“Nah,” Jeff waved it off, offering up a lopsided grin. “That was nothing. You should’ve seen Thanksgiving at my grandparent’s place. Don’t think my grandma ever got the gravy stains off the ceiling.”
“can’t just drop a hint like that and not give the story, andy,” Sans said, lightly. The others murmured agreement, eager to latch onto another topic.
Edge could hear as he went out the door, “Well, uh, see, my grandpa was originally from Norway, and—”
There were any number of places Stretch might go to nurse his internal wounds, but Edge had a fairly good guess as to the likeliest one. He drove home, parked his car in the driveway, but instead of heading up to the front porch, he went around the side of the house towards their fenced backyard. Before he was even close, he could hear Stretch talking and he went quietly through the gate to see him sitting outside the coop with Noodle settled into his lap, the laces of his untied sneakers trailing into the grass for Dumpling to peck at.
His skull was resting against one of the support posts, still too pale, his sockets closed and his vape drooping loosely from his long fingers. Vaping instead of smoking cropped up sometimes when Stretch was truly irritated, as if he subconsciously wanted control over something and settled for his nicotine addiction. Or perhaps it was to protect his feathered companions from secondhand smoke.
Noodle didn’t seem bothered either way, chirring softly as Stretch stroked his free hand down her back.
“—not like i don’t know i’m being a dick. that guy just pisses me off sometimes. asgore, not red. actually, they both piss me off, now that you mention it.”
Noodle made an inquisitive sound and Stretch sighed out a cloud of vapor. “yeah, yeah, i was in a mood before we even went over. i dunno, all that baby shit gets on my nerves for some reason.” He scratched lightly under Noodle’s chin and she cooed contentedly. “you’re right, it’s no excuse for being shitty. especially to papyrus, he’s all excited about throwing this party. even if the balloon thing was creepy, you should’ve seen it, like cthulhu’s second cousin after failed plastic surgery.”
“You weren’t being a dick.” Edge said, quietly. Stretch tensed and his sockets slid open, but he didn’t look up, his pale eye lights straying down on his poultry pal. Edge walked over and sat next to them, keeping a careful distance away, easily breached if Stretch wished, or a comforting barrier if he didn’t. “Perhaps a little rude.” Edge held up his thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “A little. My brother, on the other hand, was embracing his dickish nature.”
Stretch made a faint, amused sound, “red embracing his dick was not a chat i was expecting today.”
Then he leaned to the side, crossing the distance between them to rest his skull on Edge’s shoulder. He took the unsubtle hint and slid an arm around his husband’s slim shoulders, holding him in close, closing his sockets against the faint tremble in Stretch’s voice as softly spoke.
“he wasn’t my boyfriend. fuck, i never saw him get out of the ruins. i…might’ve given it a shot if he had,” his voice dropped to a bare whisper and Edge hummed encouragingly, already anticipating what was coming, “but i was fucking everyone back then. i was maybe a little infatuated, okay? that’s it.”
“All right,” Edge said, calmly, even as he tightened his arm around Stretch, holding him closer still. He was not jealous of Stretch’s yesterdays; his only commitments were his tomorrows, and despite what his brother might think, Edge was certainly not about to allow anything so trivial as a former crush on a dead man come between them.
Stretch heaved a watery little sigh. “but that isn’t it, not really. he was my friend and i promised him i’d take care of the kid. instead i—"
“Did what you had to do,” Edge interrupted firmly. He understood impossible situations better than most, his own LV-tainted soul aching to think of Stretch enduring what he had for so long, an impossible choice to make between his world and the intent of a murderous child.
Yet, even now, Stretch couldn’t be convinced that was true. He only sighed out a quiet, “sure.” Then, louder, “anyway. he was my friend. he would have hated to see what he was in this world. it’s just…it’s hard sometimes.”
“I know.” Hard to see alternates of people they’d known, a lifetime of memories to be set aside while learning a new person with an old face. Undyne was his own personal struggle and Edge could call her friend, but it wasn’t the same, it couldn’t be.
Next to him, Stretch snuggled in closer even as Noodle let out a querulous protest over the lack of petting. “i’ve been thinking. my hp is on the rise, right?”
“It’s 5 and a quarter, love,” Edge said dryly, reaching over to offer the chicken a gentle pat, Noodle’s dismay quickly turning to a rapturous croon, “and as happy as I am for it, I’d prefer if you didn’t decide to take up hang gliding or street fighting.”
"you're hilarious, babe." Another long, slow breath, before Stretch blurted, "i know i kinda railroaded you when we talked about this before. if you really want kids--" he faltered, his voice breaking as Edge listened in dismayed confusion, "i mean, if that's…we could…"
Suddenly Edge knew precisely what Rus was going to offer and he didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t want him to think in even the tiniest way that he’d lost some measure of Edge’s love by preferring not to have children and and he didn’t know how to stop him from strangling out the words.
So Edge cupped his face in a hand and turned Stretch’s head towards him to kiss that stammering mouth lingeringly, until he stopped trying and simply melted into the gentle touch. By the time he drew away, Stretch was the one making thin, dismayed sounds, trying to chase after that kiss for more, his eye lights hazy soft. Instead, Edge pressed a light, teasing kiss to the slight nodule of his nasal cavity.
"No, I don’t think so,” Edge told him, slow and carefully. Watching that much-loved face to make sure Stretch was hearing him. “I’ve considered it and I’ve decided I’m entirely too busy to add parenthood to my schedule. I’m going back to the Y this week, I think I’m better off trying to secure a place in this world for the children already in it.”
Poorly hidden relief flickered over Stretch’s face and Edge leaned in to kiss him again, silently hoping that he was truly believed this time. There was no doubt in his mind that Stretch would force himself to endure the stresses of having a child if he thought Edge wished it, but making Stretch bear the weight of unwanted parenthood was a nightmare not to be considered. He’d love the child, surely, but at what cost? Far higher than Edge would ever consider paying.
A sudden cackle came from inside the coop and Stretch jerked away, sitting bolt upright.
“the egg!” Stretch gasped, scrambling to his feet, “i never did get a chance to research her adopted egg. you think maybe it actually—” hatched, he did not say, almost superstitiously hopeful.
“It’s possible,” Edge hedged, doubtfully. They both started into the coop, only for a voice calling over the fence to stop them.
“Hello? Hello, is anyone home?” The words were couched with near panic and the voice was a familiar one. Stretch beat him to the fence, opening the gate as he limped as quickly as he could over.
“Janice?” Edge said, surprised and concerned. The fur on her face was matted and wet with tears and she wrung her hands, shaking as she tried to speak. It brought back unpleasant memories of the attack at the Embassy, when one of the protesters threw a brick at her. Even then her pain and fear were tempered under practicality as she asked Antwan to bring her children to the hospital, her thoughts on keeping her boys from fearing Humans more than they already might. To see her bereft of her usual firm control was concerning.
“Calm down,” Edge soothed, pulling her into his arms without a thought, even as he cast a wary glance around the neighborhood. Nothing seemed out of order, not yet, “What’s happened?”
She leaned against him heavily and he nearly staggered back a step. Tall as he was, they were of nearly an equal weight. “It’s Jude, he didn’t come home for lunch and I can’t find him anywhere!” She hitched out a sob. “None of the other children have seen him, my family has been looking but we can’t find him, I can’t—”
Her voice dissolved and Edge gave her a last pat before firmly pushing her into his husband’s startled arms.
“Stretch, stay with her,” Edge commanded, reaching for his phone, “I’m going to make some calls.”
“yeah, sure,” Stretch agreed hastily. He rubbed a soothing hand down her back as Janice struggled against her tears. “hey, we’ll find him. little guy couldn’t have gotten too far.”
Edge was already pulling up his contact list and couldn’t help the darkly sour thought that if this didn’t pull his brother out of his bad mood, nothing would.
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star-puff · 3 years
i just LOVE the fact that he has long hair.. I LOVE GUYS WITH LONG HAIRDJJSJE can’t wait to get him and put him in my teapot😎 HAHA pls don’t be scared to ascend worlds!! it’s rlly not that bad? i leveled up to ar 54... frighteningly getting closer to ar 55 helpjdjd
AND FINALLY TOO JFC- i’m that person who will pull for new characters that i want but don’t have the materials to ascend them?? MY PROCRASTINATION IS SO BAD PLSDJJD I NEVER FARM- but that’s not the case for baal! (i’m lying😟 i only have the amethyst crystals? gemstones? idk??? and some of the handguards... i only have ONE crown.. yeah i’m totally ready for baal) razor will always be my one and only <3 on my profile he’s the only character i’m showing LMAO i’m so proud of his damage😌
OKAY SO ABT THE EVENT BANNER... on my sec acc, i pulled sayu on a single wish, AND THEN on my other one (i like making new accs okay leave me ALONE) i pulled keqing?? and on my main acc i got xinyan and i think ningguang? (i already had them so now i have xinyan c1 and ningguang c3! does anyone want them LMAO) as for my primos, i actually have 3194! i finally stopped being lazy and explored inazuma, did the spiral abyss, did world quests, did commissions, all that stuff.. i have 19 wishes😎 not a lot but it’s cool! that’s how much i had when i pulled for kazuha and xiao! usually my second pulls turn out to be rlly good!! (i rlly recommend using a luck subliminal before pulling!! that’s how i got so lucky hehe- but i was RLLY lucky when i got xiao and kazuha since i didn’t use one)
i also use diona!! rn she’s not doing so good since i haven’t used her AT ALL- but she’s at c3 so😔 i’m sorry bennett ilysm!! i’m pretty sure some ppl r gonna manage to make dps kokomi possible tbh- like how they made barbara a dps?? i’m still gonna try to get her idc i love her design COME HOME KOKOMI PSPSPSPSP
yes i did do the seelie event! i picked the purple one because.. hello?? it’s pretty?? not to mention i can imagine it as razor next to my xiao-
(y did u cross out ‘future’?? don’t cross it out ur definitely gonna get hu tao🙄 also i’m SORRY THAT I TALK A LOT I HOPE U DONT MIND)
- 🤍
HHHHHH i think i need to go emergency artifact farming huhu i am seriously unprepared for the world level increase T.T also my artifact drop luck is literal shit JFKWLFK is it so hard to get a good pale flame flower around here TT.TT (also i need to go mora leyline farming HAHAH im so broke this is so sad for me)
your dedication to razor is admirable djkadksk but good luck on baal!! im not gonna be pulling for the next few banners cause i'm saving up for the hu tao banner that will come in the Distant future but i hope u enjoy our resident electro archon 😌😌
oooo that's about how many primos i have (sans a few crystals that my dear mutual friend gave me for a grad gift huhu i love her)! i haven't done spiral abyss yet since . well . [looks at my ar] . but we will get to it i promise JFJWKFK. and oo do you have any recs for luck subliminals :o it seems i only ever get the characters i Don't want T.T c3 diona .... 😭😭
"KOKOMI COME HOME PSPSPSP" JDJSKDLQ HELPP 😭😭 i can't wait for those videos to come out where theyre like "bullying the pyro flower with dps kokomi" LMAOOO. and omg good choice on the purple 😌
HHHH I SURE HOPE I GET HU TAO ... I WILL BE HEARTBROKEN IF I DONT SJSKFKWK I WANT C1 .... I WANT C1 HU TAO SO BAD 😭😭😭 im skipping out on Three (3) of the new character banners to get her she better come home T_T i'm pretty sure i will be dyinf in uni by then so mihoyo give her 2 me as a little sanity reward .... 💔💔💔 AND AHAHAA NOOO i rly like how much u send in hehe it makes me feel like a friend :> a trusted confidante if u will
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lveclouds · 4 years
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a/n: yet another got7 drabble!! this is going to be a bit angsty, so i apologize in advance and honestly this banner is probably one of my favorites hehe and also this drabble took me a while to type up but it was worth it! and this is very much unedited so if you see any grammatical errors then that’s on me lmao 
genre: fluff, angst, college/university au, friends to lovers 
rating: pg (for mild swearing) 
warnings: light swearing, mild angst,a bit cheesy/cliche (jinyoung’s a huge dork in this hehe think wmylb jinyoung, but like a much tamer and softer version. wmylb jinyoung is uh, very passionate in voicing his opinions, and we love that, its just not fitting for the image that i have for him in this drabble)
pairing: literature major jinyoung x arts major reader 
word count: 2.3k 
you stared at the glowing laptop screen in front of you, eyes struggling to stay open, lashes fluttering, sleep threatening to take over. you couldn’t help but let out a small yawn, forcing yourself to keep your eyes open. the hardest exam of your life, and one that would have a major effect on your grade, was less than a week away, and you had barely looked at any of the review material. you had been so caught up in finishing your arts project and focusing on raising your grade that the anatomy exam had slipped your mind. and now, here you were, at three o clock in the morning, fighting sleep, trying to cram in information. you couldn’t believe you had been so foolish and careless. anatomy had always been a subject that you struggled in, and because you were stubborn and didn’t want people to think you were pathetic or lazy, you refused your professor’s suggestion to enlist the help of a tutor. you were so confident and sure that you could improve on your own, and well, you had never felt so idiotic in your life. 
despite looking over the review material and pouring over pages of the dictionary sized textbook you had to lug around nearly every day, not a single ounce of information seemed to be sticking. the last few days had been spent relentlessly studying countless websites, books, review material, and just about anything that could potentially help you. you were beginning to get a bit stressed out, but you supposed that all of this was because of you. after all, you were the one who had decided to neglect studying for an exam all to work on some stupid art project instead. “just a day in the life.” you mumbled, eyes focusing on the laptop screen in front of you, the blue light illuminating the darkness of your dorm, casting dark shadows onto the white carpeted floor. 
sighing, you shut your laptop closed and flopped back onto your bed in defeat, head softly hitting your pillow. there was no use in fighting sleep, after all, you could barely focus and dawn was drawing near, and soon you would have to trek across campus at exactly six a.m. for your early morning history lecture. sleep soon took over and all thoughts of studying and the exam faded away as you drifted off into dreamland. 
the next morning, you awoke to a soft knock on your door. groaning, you reluctantly got out of bed and went to answer it. to your surprise, it was jinyoung, dressed in an oversized white turtleneck, dark jeans, and loafers, holding two cups of warm coffee and a light blue paper bag.  his soft black hair was adorably rumpled, and despite it being five a.m., jinyoung still looked as gorgeous as ever, which you envied. “oh, hi jinyoung. what are you doing here?” you asked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “well, i figured you were up late last night again and i dropped by the cafe down the street, and i thought i’d just come by and give you some coffee. hopefully it’ll give you some energy. oh, and i brought some sandwiches that my roommate made last night. trust me, it’s not poisonous. jaebeom hyung’s a lot of things, and one of them is the ability to make a great sandwich.” you chuckled as he handed over your cup of coffee and the paper bag. “thanks for the coffee and the food. i’ll see you later?” “i-i was wondering if you wanted to walk to class together? “i’d love to. oh, please come inside. it’s a bit messy, so don’t mind all the clutter. i haven’t had time to clean lately.” jinyoung shook his head. “it’s fine. jaebeom hyung’s the same. he doesn’t have time to clean because he’s always so busy with writing music and classes, so i do all the cleaning in the dorm.” you gestured for jinyoung to sit on the couch, to make himself feel comfortable, and then disappeared into your room to take a quick shower and put on a decent outfit. 
as you and jinyoung walked across campus, he told you all about the song that jaebeom was working on for the upcoming showcase that your university put on every month. “wait, so he composes his own songs?” jinyoung nodded. “he does, its pretty impressive, if i’m being honest. he’s been writing songs ever since he could walk. jaebeom hyung wants to become a singer one day.” “ i wouldn’t be surprised if he does, he’s really talented.” you had seen jaebeom peforrm a few times, and his voice was smooth and angelic and unique, and you had no doubt that he would get recognized for his singing one day. “so, what’s been going on with you? haven’t seen you in a while.” “ah, well, my professors are bombarding me with assignments and i have an essay due next week, but it’s tolerable, i guess. been trying to take a breather every now and then, get my shit together, the usual. anwyays, enough about me, how have you been doing?”
you grimaced. “well, i haven’t been getting much sleep lately.  i kinda got too preoccupied in finishing an art project that i forgot all the about the anatomy exam i’m supposed to take, and it may or may not be less than a week away. so, i’ve been cramming.” jinyoung sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “are you kdiding me, y/n?” you laughed nervously. “uh, oops?” jinyoung shook his head, letting out a defeated sigh. “how long has this been going on for?” “u-uh a f-few days?” you looked away, not wanting to see the frustrated and worried expression on jinyoung’s face, fighting back tears. ever since you had met jinyoung on a particular sunny day last summer, the two of you had gone through a lot together, from comforting each other after breakups to taking care of each other when one of you was drunk. you hated making jinyoung worry, as he had enough to deal with, and you didn’t want to burden him. “why didn’t you tell me you were having a hard time?” he asked, and you forced yourself to look at him, instantly regretting it. his gorgeous brown eyes were filled with concern and a worried frown was set upon his perfect lips, and you immediately felt as if you had been stabbed in the gut. “i-im sorry,i just didn’t want to be a burden.” you mumbled, trying to hold back tears. before you knew it, you were engulfed in a hug, strong arms wrapping around you, holding you tight. you felt jinyoung rub comforting circles on your back, and that alone was enough for you to break down, crying into the soft fabric of his sweater. all the pent up stress you had been holding in was finally let out, and jinyoung just held you, not uttering a single word, listening to your soft sobs. after your tears had subsided, you pulled away, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, sniffling. “s-sorry about your sweater.” jinyoung waved away your apology. “don’t worry about it, i’m not gonna freeze to death just because you got tears on it.” 
“anyways, i’m sorry for not telling you.” “it’s ok, but y/n, please know that i’m always here for you and that you’re never a burden.” you felt your heart ache at how sincere he sounded, and despite his reassurances, you still felt extremely guilty for keeping your feelings locked away. 
“i’m a phonecall or a text away, remember that. i’m always here for you, you know that, right?” you nodded. “thank you, jinyoung.” “no need to thank me, y/n.” 
after class, you were feeling a bit better, as you had finally sought help from your classmates on the upcoming exam, and they had given you an overwhelming amount of notes, all of which were extremely detailed and well-written. and, as you were walking towards your dorm, you heard a familiar voice call out to you. turning, you saw im jaebeom, music major and jinyoung’s roommate, running towards you, a white envelope in his hand. “hey, you’re y/n, right?” he asked once he caught up to you, a bit breathless. “yeah, why?” jaebeom seemed to brighten at this, eyes turning into crescents as he smiled, gently placing the envelope in your hand. “jinyoung wanted me to give this to you. he’s in the library, working on an essay if you want to see him.” before you could say anything, jaebeom gave you a small wave before walking off to the other side of campus, leaving you speechless. what just happened? you thought as you opened the envelope, careful not to rip it. inside was a delicate piece of paper, with jinyoung’s familiar looping script written all over it. 
“dear y/n, ever since we met, i’ve always thought you were bright. for example, your smile. your smile practically lights up your face and makes my heartbeat a little faster. i’m aware this is quite cheesy, but its true. ever since we met, you have been the brightest person in my world, and the one girl who has managed to break down these walls i’ve kept around me for so long. before i met you, i didn’t know what love was, or rather, why people bothered with it. but, that all changed when i laid eyes on you. you were the most stunning girl i had ever seen, let alone meet, and when you said”hi, my name’s y/n”, i felt my world turn upside down, but, in a good way. you were the person who showed me that it’s ok to love. you also showed me how beautiful love can be. it doesn’t have to be destructive or painful or terrifying. love can be exciting and thrilling and life-changing. even though i’m a literature major and have written more essays than i can count, i seem to struggle with words whenever i’m around you, thus why i’m putting my feelings on paper. i like you, a lot. i’ve liked you ever since you bumped into me on that fateful day, you were the one who has managed to sweep me off my feet, quite literally, i might add, and though i am awkward and clumsy and not as mysterious and alluring as jaebeom hyung, i do have some worth. anyways, please meet me in the library after you read this, and if you don’t, then i know that you don’t feel the same. it’s ok if you don’t, but i just wanted to get this off my chest. 
park jinyoung
you felt tears prick the back of your eyes as you practically ran to the library, your heart aching. you didn’t know jinyoung felt that way about you, and you were so happy that he felt the same. you had liked him since the beginning, and you had fallen in love with his smile and all of his quirks. jinyoung was easily one of the most attractive guys on campus, with perfect eyebrows, a cute nose, perfectly sculpted cheekbones, gorgeous brown eyes, and one ot the prettiest smiles you had ever seen. his smile was stunning and never failed to take your breath away, eyes crinkling at the corners,perfect white teeth on display. his laugh was endearing and a sound that you would never get tired of hearing. on top of all that, he had a heart of gold, and was unfailingly kind and polite towards anyone, and also very selfless and humble. 
as soon as you arrived in the library, you looked around for jinyoung, and immediately spotted him at a table near the back, typing on his laptop, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. you rushed over to him, heart beating wildly in your chest, and cleared your throat, causing him to look up from his laptop in surprise. “y/n?” he asked, practically scrambling off the chair he’d been sitting on, gently grabbing ahold of your wrist. “what’s wrong? did something happen?” you took a deep breath and grabbed ahold of his sweater, the fabric bunching up in your hands, pulling him towards you and kissing him. you felt him jump a bit in surprise, but he quickly reciprocated the kiss, wrapping his arms around you. the kiss was short and sweet, but you enjoyed every minute of it. when you pulled away, a faint shade of pink had settled across jinyoung’s face. “i-i never knew you were so bold, y/n.” he teased, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “i didn’t either, but i had to do it before i chickened out.” “so, does that mean you like me?” you fought the urge to roll your eyes. “yes, of course, jinyoung. i don’t just go up to random guys on campus and kiss them you know.” “i-i just wanted to make sure.” “ah, you’re so cute, jinyoung.” “s-shut up. i’m not cute.” “hmm, yes you are.” “anyways, will you be my girlfriend, then?” “well, considering that i just kissed the hell out of you in the middle of a library, i think it’d be foolish if we weren’t dating after that, so yes, yes i will.” 
a/n: hehe jinyoung drabble done!! i hope you all enjoyed this lengthy drabble!! i have two more got7 drabbles to write/post and then i will go back to my planned bts ones :) again, this drabble is dedicated to cara, aka @yongcherie​ one of my favorite humans ever (sends kisses and hugs) ily angel 💞💞and this is also dedicated to my sister issy aka @taeramisu​ bc i love her and she’s the one of the loveliest angels ever💖
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dinokeis · 4 years
self ship with tsukki things
putting this under a read more bc it’s actually really long and i go off on a tangent quite a lot
also i know this is really unrealistic but let a girl live out her dreams :”-)
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how we met + first impressions:
so im an exchange student at tsukki’s university
lets just assume i can already speak pretty fluent japanese OK
we met through common friends
like we were planning a surprise birthday party for said friend and we both had to communicate with each other to plan it and all
tsukki hates parties but he felt bad if he didnt help out at least since this friend was his roommate after all and his roommate did help him cover some chores occasionally
so during the actual day of the party we “officially” met and tsukki was being all snarky and his usual salty self and i was like “ok who is this tree and why is he so salty” but i just brushed it off bc i aint got the time to deal with it
THEN HE PROBABLY SAYS SOME SNARKY REMARK TOWARDS ME LIKE i was trying to put up the birthday banner or something and make sure it’s aligned but im short so the struggleTM is real and tsukki sees it and hes like “wow even on a chair you still need to tiptoe”
and im like “??????? at least i dont get hit in the face by door frames” yes i know im lame i cant think of a comeback nOW
and in tsukki’s head hes like “OH?” bc people usually dont sass him back and hes just so amazed and that i dont look japanese but i speak fluent japanese ???
so he got curious and just snooped around and found out that im actually an exchange student and then he kinda gets interested in me bc i make pretty good snarky remarks and we both have the same vibes and all issa same tired of your shit energy
also when i got a proper look at tsukki i was like “the tall guy in the glasses is hella cute” AND I LOVE HIS SALTY REMARKS TOO
i took the first step and like contacted him and befriended him and we both found out more about each other and got closer
how we got together + dates:
ok so im stupid and i actually cant tell when someone likes me you have to actually spell it out for me
tsukki and i spent a lot of time together like just the both of us and we both studied together and ate together whenever we had the time
tsukki is smart and he wants to keep his grades up and im just trying my best to even pass i am so bad at studies but we’re both in different majors so we just study together and make sure that we dont get distracted and lazy (me especially)
i drag him to school events he didnt plan on going initially
so like we had a lot of “dates” to cafes, libraries, me just crashing at his dorm room
i go support him at his volleyball matches and he does the same for me at my table tennis matches
somewhere along the way i get confused with my feelings and all like do i like like him or am i just being nice ???? what if he doesnt like me back ??? what do i do ???? but i dont tell anyone about it and i mainly keep it to myself 
and tsukki realises that he likes me but he doesnt act on those feelings bc i didnt exactly show any “signs” of liking him back
so here comes the slow burn and all our friends can tell we both like each other but one is stupid and the other is stubborn and they both know that we both will just give them the death glare about it
until the last week left of my exchange and im packing up my things to fly back home and tsukki is helping me pack
and he saw that i had put up a picture of the both of us from one of his volleyball matches (it was my favourite picture of us) and in that moment he realizes that he might have a chance bc i dont exactly like to put pictures up and ive said that only if it meant a lot to me i would put it up
so he just went like “fuck it shes leaving and god knows when i’ll see her again”
AND HE JUST TELLS ME “so uh i like you”
and im just in shock and all and i start crying bc like i came here for exchange and to make memories but here i am falling in love with this tall french fry and now im going back soon and basically im overwhelmed with emotions
and tsukki doesnt know what to do bc he has never actually seen me cry ??? i dont cry in front of people unless im really comfortable with you and trust you wholely
hes trying to comfort me and figure out what to do and i tell him everything that i had bottled up and was feeling
AND THEN after i had calmed down he went and bought a whole strawberry shortcake and we just ate the entire thing in one sitting
i love strawberry shortcake i refuse to have any other cake but that for my birthdays
on the day i had to fly back home tsukki sent me to the airport and he asked me if i wanted to give us a try especially with the long distance and i said yeah bc like im already in deep and i love him with my whole ass heart
when im back home we facetime and talk to each other everyday
my parents asked how my exchange was and i told them about everything
except i left the part out about me and tsukki getting together and stuff bc yknow they would probably kill me if they knew i FELL IN LOVE
but they soon picked up on it bc like who is this dude im facetiming everyday and im talking in japanese too instead of english and they suspected
so my mum just casually “you guys are together right”
and i cant deny it bc im as red as a tomato
during one of his breaks he actually flies over to visit me and im just A CRYING MESS AGAIN bc this boy would do anything for me even though he acts all unbothered on the outside
he flew all the way to see me im :”-)
my mum, upon seeing him personally for the first time: *looks at me and goes* “why are you so short”
me: “hes ???? literally ????? a tREE ??????” (also mum youre only slightly taller than mE)
tsukki is all nervous bc my parents dont speak japanese so he has to speak to them in english and hes worried that his english isnt good enough but MY MUM IS ALREADY IN LOVE WITH HIM AND MY DAD TOO
my mum says his english is better than mine
we’re still together even after we both graduate and i decide to move to japan so no more long distance and we get to see each other more !! (plus ive always wanted to move to another country and now i have an actual reason too !!!)
also we both have a killer death glare get on our wrong side and prepare to die
basically i love this tall salty boy and i would die for him
everyone wonders how i deal with his salty ass but it’s just im equally salty and we both love that about each other
also im just gonna tag @raevaioli bc i wanna see the raeji ;-)
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shytiff · 3 years
Jan 2021 Wins
ive “journaled” for 6 months now. it started as small ___ wins because when you feel rly empty, even doing the bare minimum feels like a win. written down some of the wins. i think until now i’d like to keep the “win” part. a win against my shadow sometimes. a win in life. some things to be grateful for. a win for remembering it later in the future. i know some days im just basically doing nothing.  there are a lot of wars not won by me. but im still tryna ✨manifest✨
1 - woke up. watched bts’ 2021 seasons greetings. read trap city. afternoon nap. pupuy’s mbah passed away. i got DOMS in my body even though i did the barest of exercise yesterday (frail, i know). shower, matcha latte.
2 - the x banner atikah and i sent for racil post thesis defense has arrived lmaoo. mom made delicious (and sweet) fried banana. did some studying (more than usual, bcs the bar is on the floor)
3 - ate muesli, 3 risols. Kopsus coklat at flavola. Stayed there from 12-ish to 17:30 lmaooo. weekly bahas soal w/ fi. Rapat nemo
4 - first day of collab module. Barely cicil ukmppd. My mood is normal-ish but i hardly have the will to study. Dinner is fried fish with mentai sauce, potato wedges, and saladdd by mom
5 - collab module, qa presentation for rsui reps. finished reviewing tryout 2 solid. did padi pretest (got 66,5). ate chicken porridge, a bit of muesli and vsoy, tan ek tjoan bread, matcha latte, fish and chicken and potato wedges and salad, fried banana. i ate well today lol.
6 - slept during collab webinar, went to clara’s place to study osce and attended padi together. i ate well at clara’s placeee lol. ate nastar, kusuka, white kwetiaw with soup (?), and lele goreng. went back home @ 9 pm. i feel refreshed. even though we’ve half studied half mukbang all day. human interaction rly does heal me. i need human interaction more than i think. at night i dreamed about going to bali, to waterparks, seeing sea creatures, watching a movie displayed on a concert-like stage and screen at the front row. 
7 - woke up at 07:55, finished my part for collab group work. felt a bit tired today. the rest of fam went to DM, and when they were on the way back i HURRIED my way out, not even taking a shower lmaoo. got pistachio matcha latte at starbucks dm. now im more skilled in searching the best spot in a cafe to distance myself from people lmao. the matcha latte is served with some sort of pistachio cream and sprinkled with nuts on top. its like when sbux had taro matcha latte and it had purple cream on top. the pistachio taste is quite strong. reviewed TO 1 padi, sent proposals for nemo sponsorship.
8 - did syndrome try out and padi 2 web try out. studied for osce and padi @ clara’s place. wanted to order pizza since clara bought me food before, but she insisted in ordering lmaoo. so dinner is pizza hut
9 - woke up at 11.00 lmao. havent had breakfast. lunch is muesli with the brand new delishhh chocolate granola and cimory banana milk. did one shot try out, got 71. had a google meet with Prof Agus (that ethics book ghostwriting job from a year ago is not finished until now huaaa) that went from 20.00ish and finished at 22.30,,,,, reviewed syndrome try out along the way. havent made my collab self reflection hhhh. i also need to study for osce. also havent edited article for bukang solid. and there goes my saturday nooo
10 - i swear i keep waking up late lmao. Flavola w atikah, racheel later came with wawa. Kopsus coklat and ukmppd class w dr yudo. After class i just talked at flavola (and ended not studying osce at all for sunday). Went to racheel's to pray and talk some more. Hurriedly went back for booty call with fi, watched konser dies natalis first. Tryout and sum study with fi and clar that went from 20:30 to 00:10. Powered by left over kopsus and 2 snackit pia. Rip my sleeping schedule
11 - woke up at 10:30 ish, the lack of meal and horrible sleep pattern (for my standard) produced stuffy nose during the day and a bit of headache that went away for a bit after i ate. Late bfast is muesli, drank protein, ate tan ek tjoan, plus 2 brownies in the evening. Tht coaching w dr niken. Did self reflection for collab. Had dinner without rice, as usual. Ukmppd class w dr ayu. Finished reflection at 21:30 lmao (deadline is 23:55). Tryna sleep and my nose is still itchy and i sneeze a more often. i hope it goes away 2mrw
12 - DV coaching, scele tryout, took a nap before padi cause my head kind of hurts. Les padi while drinking matcha with vsoy less sugar and no added sugar. I can withstand the horrible sugarless cy matcha taste bcs theres a taste of soy. Didnt do anything else. Havent studied osce on my own until now. Astagfirullah
13 - my head still kind of aches. Its goes away when im eating. im eating so well during the weekdays that i gained 2kgs lmao. lazed around the first half of the day. padi. finally tried saint matcha and damnn its an amazing upgrade from Cy matcha. the green color is super different yall. Cy’s green looks sick and tired compared to saint matcha. the taste? immaculate (although coco deli is more fragrant). caffeine? hits. awake and feel normal? yes. messaged an ao3 author and got replied and turns out she’s making a sequel for my fav fic of hers. yay
14 - osce practice w ara ren ness. bedah and anak osce coaching. had 3 of mom’s cinnamon rolls and matcha latte for the afternoon. cicil osce DV. edited some pld articles. did nothing else basically
15 - wasted my day, didnt have the courage to study osce (i feel like i procrastinate on it bcs it feels overwhelming to me), TO FKUI 2, hurriedly reviewed to 1 before, les padi. i feel like this is the least focused im being in a les. maybe its the too few matcha powder.
16 - woke up at 9 am. breakfast is muesli. reviewed to 2 fkui w apa salahku (finished at 12 pm, there goes half of my saturday). tried fried chicken master. its good and tender but i still prefer moon chicken. 
17 - breakfast is muesli, banana and 2 martabak tahu. snack is keripik pisang aduuu wenak (and picking bits of meat cooked by mom). went to devi’s place w/ racheel silvi. brought RJ to be wrapped. we watched okay madam and its super fun, hilarious and full of twists anddd a bit of cutesy romance. just the right balance to enjoy and let the stress out. late lunch is moon chicken yay!! went home after maghrib, did to padi 6 w/ fi and matcha latte. talked about a senior’s wedding and eating healthier til 22:30
18 - To fkui 3, wasted my afternoon playing my phone, finally mustered some will to study after ashar. My progress is rly slow today. Watched hilarious jessi interview with eric, heechul. Im telling u, i thought tiktok is the funniest internet content but i was wronggg. Seeing heechul flustered is hilarious. Tried to study again at night but only learned 1 disease hiks
19 - had no idea what i did before dzuhur lmao. went to racheel’s to surprise atikah. actually napped at her place lmaoo why do i feel so sleepy. gifted rj to atikah. we ate fried chicken master and pempek on a small green table and talked. its like korean movie lmao. we talked while im simultaneously listening to padi lol.
20 - woke up at 8, chicken porridge + muesli and low sugar vsoy for breakfast. arrived at clara’s @10am. to fkui 4. reviewed it. reviewed general physical exam. finished up to padi 7. tried bombo donut. studied osce. i felt sooo dumb in osce (and clara is already super smart). superrr motivated to learn after going back home (arrived at 7) but i ended up opening youtube and drinking protein lmaooo and its suddenly 9 pm
21 - matcha latte at starbucks dm. Studied osce. Obgyn coaching w the super kind dr ilham. Les padi. Read angel buddy and played with my phone til 12 pm
22 - to fkui. padi as usual. had low motivation, so i did the tryout that day close to the actual course.
23 - left home at 06:30 to study together in capitol. had breakfast in mcd first. thank god i ate rice + chicken and breakfast wrap cuzzzz. studied osce together w ara, ical, kelvyn, dio and kak ilonka til about 2 pm. WALKED to bk bcs my parents are there. apparently simply driving to capitol is too much for them. immediately ate muesli at 4 pm cause i didnt eat anything in capitol. did nothing else after that. did not pray maghrib together lmao somehow mom had mercy on me and let me sleep som more. mom bought sate padang but i didnt eat it. i cried in bed because as yoongi said, “this is the real you and this is the real me”. did not shower/wash my face at night bcs i felt like shit lmao rip my face (its a week before bukang photoshoot)
24 - i feel tired, lazy, and just wanted some sleep. like all that’s in me is drained. ate muesli with strawberry milk. tried fitmee beef. its better than i thought. because the noodle is chewy you spend more time to chew. also ate fried chicken and daun singkong. usually i cant wait to go to flavola but even at 12 pm i just feel like laying down. finally mustered the will to shower and go out. its raining a bit on the way. colddd. 
25 - to fkui 6, osce briefing, covid lecture (that was actually for ppds), padi
26 - spaghetti for brekkie, coaching neuro and ophthalmology, cicil osce
27 - cicil osce, the second to the last padi omg. the fastest padi ever
28 - obgyn osce practice at kak ilonka’s place (that nice kosan at forkabi) with ara, ren ness, kelvyn, dio with mannequins from og dept, tried meokja salemba that serves bulgogi rice. quite good. after arriving at home, studied neuro together with menno til about 20:45 an and i just dont have the energy lmaooo so i gave up and slept
29 - today is bukang photoshoot at bintaro. put base make up on the way. even put glue on my eyebrow. got eyebrow, eyeshadow and blush done by renata. took lots of photos. nebeng om coro afterwards to bxc to meet mom. we ate at genki sushi (renata ara kris mendel oca regan geordie eka). i missss road trips hua. did tryout fkui on the way back home. after shower and prayer proceeded to review TO with apa salahku. Last padi (havent done the questions beforehand so i sprinted it out while on the actual course). Muhasabah osce with kak widia afterwards lmao. Studied osce with clara
30 - studied osce with ara ren ness @ merra. I ate eatlah, moms muffin, kemplang, tango. I ate so welll. Its a productive sesh, neuro and infectious disease. At home i studied osce w clara til abt 22:15 ish. I feel like i miss my me time lmao its been 3 days. I can still go on w clara but i dont wanna get myself sick
31 - simul osce in the morning. Osce study with clara almira. Cicil osce alone. Played my phone at 10 pm even though i still have mental clarity post matcha latte -___-
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