#im also tired so thats how far im taking this concept <3 i may or may not do a follow up depending
seaswalllow · 3 years
concept below :P
snippet one is mostly establishing format, snippet two, though... ;]
> User: E@>>J registered.
> Audio components active. Visuals active.
The camera's screen flickers. It is held in a surprisingly steady hand, although its wielder is excitable- and loud. As the pixels resolve themselves into a grainy picture that steadily sharpens, you can make out grass underfoot.
Shadows flicker on the edges. They resolve, too, into the shadows of two other boys.
> User: EF33@ registered.
> User: C2?3@@ registered.
The voices of all three fade in.
> "-did you bring the extra flashlights? Batteries? Snacks?"
The camera-holder scoffs. From your angle, you can see him dig the toe of a scuffed sneaker into the earth.
> "Yes, I did. Water, too. I'm not an idiot."
Speculative noises arise from his companions. He pans the camera up aggressively, zooming in on the shorter one who makes direct eye-contact and shrugs.
> "You're excitable."
The taller one seems more careful with his words. This earns another aggressive- relatively over the top- scoff.
> "And you're a bitch, Ranboo. Ranboob."
> "Well now that was just uncalled for-"
Ranboo's protests are overlapped by the camera-holder walking forward, and beginning to talk.
> "Let's get going! It'll be nighttime by the time we get there, and you'll want to go back because you're a little bitch-"
> "Because we don't want to break our necks-"
The camera is snatched amidst the argument; the camera flips enough for you to see that it is the other boy waving to you.
> "While they argue, we'll keep walking. We're walking down to this ravine that Tommy had found."
As he speaks, he briefly pans over to the boy arguing with Ranboo, before returning to the path in front of them. In front of you, the woods loom. This close to the edge, sunlight dapples the floor.
The boys overhear him, and their arguing seems to cease. Tommy speeds up to walk in front of the camera.
> "Tommy, is there anything that you wanted to tell us about the ravine?"
> "It's haunted, bitch."
This draws a yelp from their companion. Tommy's expression twitches with a barely concealed smile; neither the camera holder nor Ranboo seem as amused. The camera holder skirts around a tree, and you watch as a squirrel scuttles past.
> "What do you mean, haunted? Tommy, what do you mean haunted?"
> "There's no way that it's haunted. You're trying to get a spook out of us."
Ranboo and the camera holder's complaints overlap. Tommy waves a hand dismissively at the camera.
> "Take a look and find out, Tubbo. There's supposedly a sad little man who wanders around the place, playing with the lanterns-"
This time, the camera pans up again to Ranboo, who shakes his head at it.
> "This is going to end so badly."
> "It'll be fine! Just don't pussy out and run off on your own!"
A huff sounds from behind you. Tubbo pans the camera around to catch more of the forest; here, the undergrowth sprawls wildly about the floor, and it nearly trips Tommy up. Birdsong grows fainter, and fainter, and Ranboo rubs at his arms.
> "Should I turn the camera off until we get there? I'll save its batteries."
> "We brought extra, it'll be fine!"
> "Besides, if we end up getting murdered in the forest, at least someone can stumble onto the camera-"
> "Someone's just gonna leave the camera behind, right-"
The three boys' arguments overlap each other, but Tubbo does not shut the camera off.
Tommy brings the group to a stop in front of a hill. From behind Ranboo, you can't see why they've halted; when Tubbo pans the camera around, you can see the cave entrance.
The sunlight hardly reaches you here, thick as the canopy is. It doesn't stretch much further into the cavern.
Tommy pulls out a torch, and flicks it on. Ranboo does not follow suit; Tubbo does.
> "So this is the ravine. It goes down a passage, and then supposedly opens up."
> "I still say this is a bad, bad idea. We are going to break something, we are going to get murdered-"
> "We'll be fine. We're three big men, we can take whatever bitches try to jump us. I'll just flex- and punch them-"
> "And break your hand."
Tubbo sounds amused; Ranboo has hesitantly taken out a torch and flicked it on.
> "You go on then, bossman. You want to show us this badly, you go first."
> "Fine! Fine."
Tommy steps into the cavern; the camera is panned down to note that the floor dips down immediately within the entrance. He forges on, further, gravel crackling underfoot.
The party pauses at indentations in the floor, scrapes around it- Tommy pokes it with a foot. The camera zooms in on it.
> "Looks like somebody hollowed out this place at least a little. Did you say that this place was manmade?"
> "Well, somebody had to have found it if there's a fucking ghost here."
> "If there's a ghost here, then someone died, and we shouldn't be here at all!"
Tommy does not answer, having moved on. Tubbo only pans the camera to Ranboo- your view bobs, presumably from a shrug.
> "Come look! I found the way down, look at how cool that is-"
The camera just catches Tommy sliding into a crack in the wall, and beginning to make his way downwards. Tubbo follows. He makes a surprised sound, and points you at the stairs.
The very clearly manmade stairs. They are unevenly hewn out, and although Tubbo doesn't slip, you can hear Tommy swear up ahead as he grabs at the walls for support.
> "Definitely manmade."
Ranboo's voice does not sound terribly excited with this revelation. Tommy has stopped firing back particularly acerbic retorts- Tubbo silently zooms in on his white-knuckled grip on the torch and doesn't say another word.
> "How deep can this go? We've been in here for what feels like hours-"
The camera jerks up sharply at Tommy's loud swear, and you come to an abrupt stop. Tommy steadies himself for balance on the floor, and the camera peeks around him, Ranboo whistling under his breath.
The three beams of light play over the expanse yawning below them; pathways arch, thin and winding, between the cavern walls. Tommy's light lingers over a lantern, rusted and long-burnt out, before it wanders further down to the floor. Below them, something clicks, once, twice, three times. A rock, presumably, hitting the floor as they enter the path.
Ranboo's, meanwhile, explores the pathway that sprawls in front of them and follows it down. The camera flicks between both, before Tubbo starts cautiously following the path in turn.
> "So somebody clearly was here. They spent lots of time here if this wasn't- natural."
Tubbo's light flicks to a wooden pathway, rotted through.
> "No way all of this was natural, bossman."
Distantly, Ranboo can be heard muttering under his breath. Whatever it is, it is worried; but it's too quiet to be distinct.
By now, Tubbo is halfway down the path. Closer to the ravine floor, more cracks can be seen in the walls.
As one of their lights wander across the walls, Ranboo clears his throat.
> "Guys. Guys, are those- what is that in the walls? Buttons?"
Tubbo hops the last distance off, and wanders closer to one. The camera, grainy as it is in the low light, zooms in on one of the little square mechanisms. It's wood, and oddly smooth, despite the rot that's wormed its way in.
> "Sure seems like it."
> "You should press it."
Quick as a flash, Tommy comes up behind him, and presses it. Other than a gentle click, despite Ranboo's scandalized hiss, nothing happens. It pops back into place.
> "Next question: why're there so many of these?"
> "Someone was bored, probably."
Tommy's peeled off again, turning in a circle. Tubbo zooms the camera in on a crack in the wall.
> "Is this an actual cave system?"
Tommy moves ahead of him, peeking into the crack. Crack is inaccurate- more like an opening, oddly tall enough and spacious enough for two of them to fit through comfortably.
> "...This isn't a fucking cave."
Tommy disappears into it, and Ranboo hovers outside. His attention is drawn somewhere deeper into the ravine- Tubbo zooms in on him.
> "Shadows got to you?"
> "I thought I saw something."
Even in the low light, Ranboo's troubled expression is easy to make out. Tubbo swings the camera around to follow where he stares. The torch cuts deep enough to come across the other wall- not a single thing moves.
Tubbo swings the camera back to Ranboo.
> "Here, you follow Tommy, and I'll go behind."
> "For you to spook me too?"
Nonetheless, Ranboo does follow Tommy in. Tubbo pans the camera a last time down in the direction he was staring in- nothing. A rusted lantern swings in a breeze.
Odd, that. A breeze in a cave.
The view lingers on it, and when it's pulled away, seems grainier than normal.
> "This is an actual room. This isn't a cave. Someone made this room."
Tubbo zooms in on more scratches in the side of the wall. Some of it looks like somebody was hacking away at the walls. Others...
> "What, someone hacked out this room, and went- hold up, hold up. What the fuck is this shit on the ground?"
Their footsteps don't echo here, muffled by what appears to be softer ground. As multiple torches are pointed down, Ranboo crouches down, and pokes at it, before taking a handful. Dirt trickles through his fingers.
> "Did someone just- just haul down some dirt to shove into a random cave room? What kind of- who made this place?"
None of the others have answers for him; Tubbo crouches as well, and digs his hands deeper. He does not meet stone anywhere underneath.
> "It goes deep, too. Wonder why."
Tommy ducks out of the room; his footsteps echo as his feet meet stone once more.
> "There's more further down the hall. There's- guys. Guys, come look."
This time, his confusion sounds tangible.
The camera is lifted back up to eye level, as they follow his voice, into another room.
> "That is very clearly a bed. That is a bed. That is a table. And a chair across the room. Did- there was somebody living down here."
> "Tommy, what kind of ravine did you take us into?"
Tubbo takes the camera closer to the bed. Most of the fabric is long gone, eaten away by moisture and insects. The wood creaks as he reaches out a foot to nudge it.
The table is in no better condition. Tommy attempts to lean on it, only to jump away as it creaks.
> "They're definitely not here. Right? Why would you even live down here? How?"
The camera bobs with Tubbo's shrug.
> "Maybe this was like... someone's secret base."
> "In the middle of a ravine, in the middle of the forest?!"
> "I didn't say it was normal!"
> "We should leave."
Outside, the lantern chains gently scrape together, again. Ranboo jumps, and Tommy shoves him with a shoulder.
> "Calm down. Whoever was here is clearly long gone- and if we see a ghost, we have some cool footage!"
> "Or we just- don't mess with them because we don't know what would've killed them down here."
> "But ghosts, Ranboo. Ghosts!"
By now, they're ducking out of the room. Ranboo continues to look back behind him; Tommy continues to walk further into the ravine.
Above them, the wooden pathways creak, and all three freeze.
The torchlight reveals nothing.
> "You've already gotten enough footage."
For all of Ranboo's efforts, Tommy keeps going, poking his head into cracks and walking up roughly hewn stairs.
> "Bossman, Ranboo might be right. It's time to go, we spent a good part of the day already."
Tommy's grumbles float back up to you, but he rejoins not long after.
It's at this point that they begin maneuvering back.
The footage is fuzzier than ever. Tubbo hums, disgruntled, and the view jostles; presumably as he lightly smacks it.
> "Something wrong?"
> "The footage's gone all weird; it's even shittier than before."
> "Give it here."
The camera switches hands; your view sweeps across the ravine ceiling, faintly catching four shadows. Tommy flips the camera over, presumably examining it by torchlight.
> "That's weird. Maybe the lighting's got to it. Or maybe it's the ghosts."
A faint thud sounds, Tommy letting out a huff.
> "Don't fucking- elbow me, you're like double my height-"
> "Don't try to freak us out!"
> "Okay, let's go, boys."
Tubbo's interruption breaks up the bubbling argument, as he takes the camera and starts back to the path. The view is slowly panned around them.
> "Nothing now, see? It's just you freaking out, Ranboo."
> "Or maybe whoever it is heard that we're leaving."
Ranboo is vocally displeased with the idea of Tubbo's suggestion. Tommy only snickers.
No other banter is picked up.
> "Look, there's that weirdass bridge again. It won't hold my weight, will it?"
> "No, definitely not, Tommy. It's been God knows how many years."
The camera sweeps back to face Tommy, who has a single foot gently testing the weight of the bridge. Ranboo hovers nervously to the side.
Behind Tommy, on the film, through the increasing static, a faint figure pulls itself up from where it was dangling its legs over the side. The camera freezes where it is.
> "Tommy. Tommy- are any of you seeing this? On the bridge?"
The figure pauses. So do the boys- they look at the bridge, and then back at Tubbo.
> "There's nothing there. See?"
The flashlight plays over the bridge, passing through the figure watching them. Faintly, a trenchcoat can be made out. A tattered sweater.
> "That- Ranboo. Come here. Look."
Gravel crackles to the side, and a sharp intake of breath can be heard; presumably as Ranboo approaches.
> "Tommy, get away from the bridge. Get over here."
Tommy moves towards the camera. The figure stops moving towards Tommy.
> "Oh, what the fuck. What the fuck."
The camera zooms, slightly. With three torches now focused on the figure, more details of the patches on the coat emerge. The man wearing it- he's folding his arms, staring them down.
From further down the bridge, a fourth voice echoes.
> "Hasn't anybody taught you boys not to play on rotting fucking bridges?"
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beccaboosthings · 6 years
1-65 for the odd asks💛
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Idk if I’m just tired or what, but idk what this means lol
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
Maybe like a 2?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
4. What is your favorite word?
Idk about it being my favorite but my cousin reminded me that flabbergasted was a word today, so theres that
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“wow I look like shit”
7. What shirt are you wearing?
A 2016 Homecoming shirt my mom had to wear because she works at a school
8. What do you label yourself as?
Some weird Bi girl who knows more about fictional worlds then the real one
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching Netflix wile and trying not to wake up my bff
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I’m going to have to say maybe age 7? Life was just so much easier
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My gf :)
13. Your worst enemy?
Some bitch I used to be best friends with. I cant stand them
14. What is your current desktop picture?
15. Do you like someone?
6. The last song you listened to?
High Hopes by P!ATD
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Idk lol
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
The person I hate
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I dont like the concept as an actual “slave” but ya know when you are little and you make your sibling do stuff for you, I would want that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My hair. People always complain if their hair is strait or if its curly and they like the other, but my hair does both depending on what i do with it after I wash it
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I would look like Dan Howell probably, and idk what I would do haha.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I dont think I have any
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
Being buried alive
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Idk, I dont really eat sandwiches, I guess just pb&j, because childhood, ya know?
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Right now? probably christmas presents 
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I have no clue haha. Sorry Im boring, I also might be like half asleep right now but shhh
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Acceptance for all, no matter race, gender, sexuality, ect, everyone is welcome and anyone who disagrees can get the fuck out
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My phone. It has all of my pictures on it and what not
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Family drama shit
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
I would move to london, or maybe paris lol
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
As long as she would be 100% healthy, My sister.
34. What was your last dream about?
I’m pretty sure it was my gf
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Idk what to put lol
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yes? I think? 
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
I did the other day. It was just a small one but it still counts
38. What is the color of your socks?
White and teal
39. What type of music do you like?
Pop, Pop punk, Rock, basically anything but rap and country
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
I dont really like milkshakes lol
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I dont pay any attention to sports lol
43. Do you have any scars?
Yes, I have more then I can count, i scar EXTREMELY easily 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
Idk. I want to do something that ha to do with art
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My mental health
46. Are you reliable?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
does it get better?
48. Do you hold grudges?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
a bird and a fish. does it have to be in the water? does it fly? who tf knows
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Me and my dad once had the conversation of would different dog breeds taste different if you were to eat them?
51. Are you a good liar?
Sometimes. If i am strait up lying, not really, but if i am bull shitting my way through i could do it for hours
52. How long could you go without talking?
a few hours maybe. I mean i dont speak when I sleep so maybe 12?
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
I dont think i have had any bad ones
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
I do all the time
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
I can do a british one pretty decently 
56. What do you like on your toast?
either butter or peanut butter
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
58. What would be you dream car?
I like punch buggies so i can go around and see people wack each other haha
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I just think way too much when i shower, thats why they take me like an hour haha
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
I have never thought about this before haha. May be A? Idk lol
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
They are cute as long as they arent crying and i dont have to deal with them
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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mceproductions · 6 years
October 2018 Blurbs
10/1/18 31 Nights of Halloween, Freeforms inheritence from its previous incarnations, other than the mandated 700 Club. The month between seasons, otherwise known as candy city. Stockholm Syndrome from Willies departure may be setting in as we had a large truck and only 4 of us to do it. I shouldnt be missing his prescence but somehow i am. Remedy is needed soon. 10/2/18 Im A Christmas Guy, love giving gifts out and decorating. Have done so annually for 16 years and it always starts within the first few days of October as i unblock my Holiday themed movie and TV Shows on digital. Looking forward to the next few weeks especially. Brewers NLDS starts Thursday! 10/3/18 The old tutalige of when it rains it pours, reared its ugly head. Flat by Old El Rancho. That really screws things up for me. Hoping for Miracle. 10/4/18 Well, day minus the Brewers coming back, was a bust. Tire was flat. Hoping I can get it either possibly fixed or a cheap replacement. Wondering how ill get to the store tomorrow. 10/5/18 Apparently massive flu spreading around as Mom picked up whatever Dad was sick with. Ended up replacing tire, but with brand new one. Hopeful not mistake. Also affected things at WallyWorld as Linda and Tyler were feeling cruddy. Hopeful I dont get it. Brewers win and truck got fixed. Still undecided on Venom or Gaga for movie on Saturday. 10/6/18 Ended up going with Gaga and was pleasently stunned by both her and Bradley Cooper. Movie was wonderful and that ending was rough, picked up soundtrack to boot. Sort of took longer than I anticipated coming back from EC thanks to BlueGolds Homecoming. Boy colleges take that far more seriously than High School. Panera for dinner was a great alternative as well. 13th Doctor tomorrow before work! FLCL on the other hand...I'll never say the C word to anyone, but Pets was definetly the C Word to Kana. 10/7/18 Man that was emberassing to watch. Green Bay actually played so lousy I watched Doctor Who, and loved the female 13th looking forward to more of her. Final Season of Walking dead also premired. Wonder how Ricks going out. Gunner and his partner are really intolerable. Reporting that asap, the store is not a place for thier private spats. 10/8/18 Columbus getting squeezed out of his own day is the most PC thing that I can get on board with. Nobody gives a crap about the whole Sailed the ocean blue in 1492 thing anymore. Stuff to do including assignments that I have to go to the library to finish. Hoping internet will be back sooner rather than later. 10/9/18 Woke up to flashing lights by house and realized power line got taken down by tree that Dad had pointed out. A bit more broke than I anticipated. Stuff here i have to do anyway and thankfully work will limit my having to go anywhere. Really could use $300 to pay Patti. Brewers will take on Dodgers in NLCS starting Friday. Mad that Conan for all intent and purpose has been cancelled, adpating is one thing but this is a glorified cancellation. 10/10/18 Rain city continues...Puddles in Bravada. On top of it its getting colder. Winter isnt here yet, but the white ravens are taking flight. 10/11/18 Now comes the cold, and first snow of the year. We had it all today cold, wind, sun and snow. 10/12/18 Store gave me a first look at my future. Gaurantee work on Sunday Monday and Friday every week unless i say so. Which other than one day may be saying much. Could use more variety than that. Also stinks NLCS is on when im working. Pulling for Dodgers in at least 1 game so I can see game 5 on wednesday at least. 10/13/18 They have been hyping the crap out of inventory for the past 3 weeks. Now i see why, Clint made a rare Saturday appearance at the store. Hopeful for the next few days. Got my prediction right about game 5 on Wednesday so thats good. Kanye is nuts as usual, and Kana gave me the best reason yet to finally move forward on the FLCL finale. Cold week ahead. 10/14/18 Andrew and his little notes are getting out of hand. Got called in to do truck early as Inventory closes in on Tuesday. Clint on the other hand, i know ive got to not walk off for a few seconds but he really needs to chill for a bit especially cause we both used to be pushing carts in the first months of the store he should know my rhtyms by now. Stinks about Pete Davidson though, really hope he can recover cause i liked him and Ariana as a couple. Rather unfortunate that they split cause she couldnt deal with her ex commiting suicide. 10/15/18 A missing person is a big deal, when you happen to know someone who is related to said missing person, then you know its huge. Jayme Closs, the cousin of Brody being abducted after her parents were gunned down, sad for all. My only issue is brody reatcing to everyones sympathies, overkill a bit. The other issue i have is the amber alert system that can be sent out to phones. With Trumps ability to text everyone in the country I witnessed a bunch of people who got the alert yesterday complain about it, the others who thought she killed them and fled are the bigger morons. Hopefully shes found safe. Other than that, good night for Wisconsin Sports, Brewers are 2 Out from pennant and Rodgers did his thing once again. 10/16/18 Boring first part of shift as we did basically nothing due to the inventory. But at least the night managed to salvage itself. Dodgers really play dirty. 10/17/18 Nose began to stuff itself again. Bunch of classwork for 2 weeks as i get the inservice day. Milwaukee gave another one away. Hoping Game 6 on Friday will be a turnaround. 10/18/18 Rare thursday day, nose still stuffed. 10/19/18 Library day as i caught up on work, and finally watched A Chrsitmas Story to its ending. A classic, yes just don't feel that strongly about it. Big game from the Crew forcing Game 7. 10/20/18 This day was nuts, a quick 25 minute snowcase that gave way to sunny conditions by noon. Saw Venom, didn't get why it was hated. Quite enjoyable dyanmic and She-Venom was the highlight of it all. Dodgers unfortuantley took the pennant. Great season overall for Milwaukee just bummed my streak of picking the world series winner at the All Star game ended at 4. Also tide pods finally used them, no wonder people ate them they're great for clothes. 10/21/18 First day ever that i skipped NFL Games. Neat concept. 10/22/18 Very long strech of store coming up, especially given that Today we only had 3 total. 10/23/18 Held off on grabbing Mamma Mia 2 Blu Ray. Mainly due to gas situation that had Bravada dying near tracks. I got to figure cash situation out to pay off people. 10/24/18 Lone day off before Halloween. No class today so that made things better. Master Mode on Zelda getting easier to figure out. Did reset on iPhone and Kindle, should fix lone bugs. Really want to play RDR2 and Spiderman PS4. World Series from what I can tell is shaping up as a sweep. Also, whole reason I began watching Sunny aired tonight. First of 2 Part Super Bowl Episode. Charlie in a Bear Trap drinking pee, eww! 10/25/18 First of 6 in a row backwise. The Halloween episodes on TV Usually do wonders for me, not this time. I know this is the final season of Big Bang Theory but Sheldon not realizing how irritating he sounds to others after 12 years and so much maturing seems not the right way to do it. Especially seeing his wife irrate Bernadette. 10/26/18 2nd night, the wheels i dont think feel off, but the were more loose than usual. Hour to set up, hour work, break, 30 minutes to unload hvdc and then didn't finish til after 6. When your down numbers wise you can certainly feel it. FYI The crap with the MAGA Bomber made me mad enough to likely stay off social media until after the election, that made it my breaking point. RWBY Season Premire Tomorrow! 10/27/18 Rooster Teeth First free trial, worth it for watching a great primire that perfectly sets up what comes. My point who is that woman with the Maz Kanata eyewear? Wisconsin stinks. 10/28/18 My issue with the whole core hours thing involves me working on days i know theres something i should be doing. Such as watching the packers. Almost beating LA, hopeful they can actually do that against Brady. 10/29/18 That blue wave better close in next week cause, another shooting and another predictable Trump response occurred. Hate crimes abound in his america. 10/30/18 Last in the back, October really came and went this year. Only thing bad about not working Halloween is the dressup im missing out on. Adam in drag would have been a hoot. 10/31/18 Darkness Falls Across the Land...You Know the rest. Halloween. This day is one back 20 Years ago i would openly love. At least the Candy is still around, albiet smaller and more sugary. Nowadays this day has me DVR'ing all the major shows to see what costumes get put on. Spoiler Alert only episodes of ATH And PTI that I happily record all year. When it comes to applying for scholarships however thats where it blurrs. WITC is really biased against those in the outreach sites hoping i can get help tomorrow when i visit. November came too quickly but, I get to see my nephew in 2 Weeks!
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Help with Car Insurance/License!?!?
Okay, so I'm a 17 year old girl in michigan. I am planning to take my road test soon and then get my license. I have divorced parents and my grandfather on my moms side is going to buy me a car and keep it in his name. He is going to put me as the primary driver on this car and pay for the insurance. However; I live with my dad and therefore my address on my license will be at my dad's house, since you have to have proof of residency when you go to secretary of state. My dad has been extremely annoying about this situation, saying that his car insurance will go up since I live here, so I need to know if it will or not. The people I have talked to so far say that it won't since I am not a driver on his car or his wife's. I've been wanting to get my license so I can get a job and whatnot for over a year now, so please help me with your experience. Thank You :)""
My daughter was in a multi vehicle car accident and i cant seem to find an estimate for car insurance?
It was a 2001 hyundai elantra. My insurance was 9 star. My daughter just turned 21 and wasen't given permission to drive the car.
Car insurance question - backed into someone?
This afternoon, I was backing out of a parking spot in a crowded lot. I was going under 5 mph and backed into someone. There was a very small dent in their bumper in front of the passenger tire. No damage to my car. They pulled over. I gave him my name and phone number and told him to call me. He said they would probably pull the dent out themselves or that it couldn't cost more than $100 to fix . I didn't get any of his info and only gave him my name and phone number. After I left, I started to regret not getting his info. I'm trying to decide if I should report it to my insurance company now or wait to see if he calls me. Any advice?""
Did you know that you save money if you have higher prior limits on insurance?
Okay, this seems to be a secret in the auto insurance world, but my insurance agent told me that if you say you have higher limits when switching to a new company your rates will be $200-$300 dollars lower! I didn't realize this would make a difference. For instance, I said in the beginning I had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) my rate was $1400 per year, then I took my old policy into the office and I really had prior limits of $100,000/300,000, and my rate when down to $1282 just for having higher limits at the other company.""
*Help* First Motorcycle?
I am about a month away from purchasing my motorcycle and already have a total including the bike, gloves, jacket, and helmet i just wanted to know the average total cost to get it road legal for example the Insurance, Tax, registration, and MOT (I am 18 the bike is 125cc I have my provisional and CBT) I have fashioned rough estimated total for Insurance, Tax, registration, and MOT but would like to know if 677?? a realistic estimate. If i have left anything out please tell me i need to know what i am getting into. Thank you. _""
Health insurance for the unborn?
Im under my dads health insurance until im 26. my insurance said they would cover me and my delivery, but wouldnt cover the baby. how can i get my baby medical insurance before she's born? (im aiming to get her on medicaid) but what steps do i take?""
TEENS: Car insurance question!?
Kinda random but here we go. 1 How much do you pay a month for insurance? 2 How old are you? Male or Female? 3 Do you pay for it or do your rents help? thanks!
Ballpark figure on motorcycle insurance?
First please don't tell me to call my insurance agency, that's why I'm on here. I just want an estimate I'm 17, male, it's a 1999 cbr600f4, I don't want full coverage, just liability, I am on excelsior high honor roll at school, I took the msf course, I have had my moorcycle license for a year now, I live in upstate new york. And would be riding leisurely. Any guesses? How much do u pay, how old are you etc. Thanks!""
How much does it cost for postal insurance?
How much will it cost me to get $5000 usps insurance for my package? Im in the usa tx.
Im pregnant and dont have health insurance.?
Recently my boyfriend lost his job and we lost our health insurance. What can i do to get insurance for myself and our two other kids, him? I live in california""
Driving without insurance?
Hi guys police gave me citation for not having insurance paper with me its registered under my cousin name we live the same address the car is insured but i don't have insurance if i go court and show car insurance they will give me ticket or what thank you.
Are there any sites where I can compare average insurance rates by model?
I want to get an idea of how much it would cost to insure different cars, but I don't want a quote because they will never leave me alone.""
Help with insurance terms?
Hi, i am having trouble working out what my insurance guy is telling me... what is a premium, and how often is it payed, and what is excess, and how often is it payed? what should i be asking and checking for? Thanks""
Insurance for my mom & me?
so say if my mom goes to get her permit could she get a insurance policy then list me as the main driver on it ? i have my licenses but i am only 17 and i can take out my own policy so could this happen ? i live in ny and since i am not 18 could this work for my mom to get her permit & get car insurance policy since she is old ?
Best way to find affordable therapy for a teenager with depression?
I'm seventeen years old and I think I have depression. All teenagers are emotional, I get that, but I know this is more. When I'm occupied and around people for a few hours at a time or less, I'm fine and usually even happy. Then when I actually have time to stop and think and let my mind wander, I usually feel kind of hopeless and just very sad. I also have other emotional issues, like the littlest things seem to enrage me. Also, I read somewhere that depression can cause physical issues such as digestive issues (which I have been having a lot of the past four or five months). I cancel plans a lot now, either because my stomach is acting up or I feel too sad to go anywhere and I just dont want to be bothered with people. Ive been sleeping a lot more than normal lately because thats the only time things dont bother me. When I was about thirteen I had an issue with cutting, I would talk to my guidance counselor (which is not an option now because I did home schooling and now am done with school until college next fall) and when she realized that I may have some more serious issues, she called my mom. My mom always brushed it off. She talked to me a total of one time, only when I went to my older cousin and my cousin forced my mother to talk to me. Basically, my mom got mad because I said I didnt feel comfortable talking to her and she refused to send me to a counselor, then she said she would send me to a counselor (at that time I had insurance) but she never actually ended up doing anything. So I went back to doing what I always do, pretending to be fine, and for the most part I controlled it. I stopped cutting until about seven months ago, which was also when all my other issues started popping up. I havent cut myself in a few months now, but I still have the urge to which is not okay. Depression and other mental health issues run in my family, and I keep thinking of one particular relative who got so bad that she took her own life. I know that at some point she must have been like me, where it was difficult but still somewhat manageable, and it just scares me that I could get to the point she was at. I have no insurance, and we have very little money. I know Yahoo Answers isnt the ideal place to seek advice, but I dont know where to go. I only have one true friend that I trusted enough to tell, and obviously she is my age so shes just as clueless as me. Then I have tried talking to my older cousin (not the same one I mentioned before, she and I dont talk anymore) but in her world even if the money is not readily available, when its needed they find a way, so she doesnt get the concept when I tell her I really do NOT have the money for a psychologist or insurance. Is there any websites or anything that provide information on free or more affordable counseling for teens? Im ready to admit that I need help I just need to find somebody actually willing and able to give it to me.""
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
Insurance quote changes?
hi recently i have been looking for insurance for my car that i have purchased. i have recived a quote of 2500 on a 22/01/10 last week, 4 days later the quote has changed to 3000? i have been using go compare.com, y the sudden change? i havent changed nothing since my first quote so i do not understand this change ps i am 17yr old who has purchased a mk golf 1.4s hence high insurance price thanks in advance""
How much will my insurance go up from a provisional licence to a UK full licence?
I have recently started to learn to drive in my car with my dad. However my insurance is on a provisional licence how much will it go up by when I pass my test? My insurance company is Admiral and i'm 17 years old.
""Turning 17 in a few years time - group 20 car insurance, how much would that cost??""
as above, please answer, i know im being a tad bit ambitious lol (1995 aston martin db7 fh 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP!""
Car Insurance rates for a new driver.?
Hello so my question is what kind of apr would a driver around 19 or 20 get for a new car, i am looking at a Toyota Corolla, with no preexisting credit. I understand that I would need a cosigner and that is not an issue. I would just like to see what type of apr I should be expecting so I may save and plan accordingly. Thank You.""
Who has the Cheapest libility Car Insurance in Chicago?
I want some libility Insurance under $50.dollars, not over $49dollars.""
California statute of limitations re: medical bills ?
My sister a Canadian visiting California became ill during her stay. She was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer spending several months in a Sacramento hospital due to complications. She had medical insurance however there was a dispute related to a pre-existing condition. The dispute remains unresolved and contact with the insurance company ceased more then two years ago shortly after her death.The bills in question total more than $600,000. What are the implications related to the California statute of limitations and the estate of my deceased sister? There is no communication with the hospitals, doctors or any medical service providers who hold the debt nor with the insurance company who provided the travel insurance.""
How much do you pay for Tiburon insurance?
I have a 2002 Honda Civic coupe but am trying to convince my parents to look at a 2003 Tiburon. I am 18 years old, have done the safe student driver program, I have a discount from my gpa, and have not had any accidents. Also, my dad thinks that Tiburons are bad cars; I've heard a lot of mixed opinions. Are they reliable cars in comparison with a Honda?""
My car was considered a loss. how do insurance co. determine how much to pay for the car? 2001 toyota carolla
A four door CE model. No major problems some small scratches and dents.
Anyone in PA know about the car insurance discount?
Supposedly you can get about 7% to 8% off car insurance if you have an Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does anyone know anything about this?
prize indemnity insurance quote
prize indemnity insurance quote
How Do I Get Medical Insurance...???
In my situation: I'm 16 and covered under my mother's insurance through the state because she has a disability- I'm moving in with my self-employed father who's covered by his wife's insurance (which is through her job). When custody get's switched over, I'm no longer covered by my mother, and my dad doesn't have his own plan. Since no one can afford 700 dollar bills every time I get a sore throat or tooth ache, what the hell should I do? Advice PLEASE.""
Cheap auto insurance in gresham/portland oregon?
I just moved to Gresham, OR from the Dallas, TX area. I am a 19 year old female who has been driving for over 2 years and has never gotten in a wreck. In Texas I had auto insurance for $88 a month from a local independently owned company. All the quotes I am getting from popular companies here are unbelievably high. Does anyone know of any cheap independently owned companies in the Gresham/Portland Oregon area. I'm trying to shoot for my insurance to be under $100 a month. Please let me know, thanks.""
Were can i get Insurance for the Aprilia rs125 at age 17?
Im 17 looking for insurance for the Aprilia rs125 but ever were i look no company's will insure me i don't know what i doing wrong but they must not like me :P can i getadvicee please thanks :)
Whats a good life insurance plan?
I'm want to apply for life insurance for me and my husband but, what is a good life insurance plan? and where do I apply? I know gerber is good for kids do they have gerber life insurance for adults?""
Do I need to change car insurance?
Right now Im going to school in tampa while my home town is about 2.5/3 hours away. Im currently residing in the dorms on campus but next semester (january) I was going to move into an apartment. I know Ill have to change my drivers license but will I have to change my car insurance policy too? I know one of my classmates did and it went up considerably because of the move to tampa.
Where can i get the best & affordable health insurance?
company does not provide it anymore. where can i get the best and affordable health insurance that i pay for myself. thanks
""My daugter is 19, and drives without insurance and driver licence(she has a permit though) in California?""
I tried to reason her not to do it, till I get insurance and she gets the licence, but nothing works. She bought the car on her own, but I was planning to help her with insurance. I wanted to find some impressive articles on internet..kind of like If you drive without insurance, you go to jail or pay $1000, and your car is taken away :-) , but couldn't find anything oficial. Please help!""
What cars are there that are decent but cheap on insurance for first time drivers? (male)?
i don't care on what the car is as long as its reliable. even if it looks like a shed. i have a motorbike for looks and pleasure with 2 years no claims if that makes a difference i don't know. cheers.
Can anyone recommend a cheep and reliable car insurance in New Jersey?
Does premium payment depend on the area you live in. Would my car insurance be cheaper in Hudson or Bergen county? Any pointers ly and advice would be greatly appreciated.
How to get my car insurance in my name?
i am going to break up with my boyfriend, but my car insurance is in his name.i want to be independent , so how to get it over in my name. he refuse to help me out. did i mention how much i dislike him.""
My car insurance wants to void policy?
I have a ford fester 3 doors that is insured with more than. My dad has a stroke and was getting worse as my mum or dad cannot drive I got a Peugeot 206 with 5 doors so that it would be easier for my mum and dad to get in and out of the car when taking them shopping, I also use the car when my partner is using my ford fester. My son (NAME DRIVER) uses my Peugeot 206 to go to and from college this is 3 days a week. Out of 7 days a week my son uses my Peugeot 3 days to do to college they are the only days he uses it. I use it the rest of the week. My son had a crash on the 30/09/2010 on the way home from college. The crash was not his thought as the car had just pulled out on him when the other car should have stopped. The car that crashed into his span the car around and smashed into the side of him, where the car has impacted him side (DRIVERS SIDE) the seat belt locked so my son had to climb out on the seat belt and get out the passenger side as the drivers door was smashed him. We have a witness and CCTV of what happened. When we called the insurance company (MORE THAN) they asked what happened and my son told them. They then said they will be in touch. That night we had to go to hospital as he is really has back, neck and wrist pains. It has not been 27 days since the crash and since then we have found out that we have been investigated for fraud has they are saying we lied about the amount of car in our house hold. My partner has 1 work van, 1 car that is on a classic insurance, and then I have 2 cars. When taking out the new insurance policy for my Peugeot I only said I have 1 car and that was the ford fester which I did, however is I was doing a new policy for me in my name I didt know I had tell them about other cars that my partner has. Now they are saying the under writer have sent u a letter saying if you pat 550 we will add the other card onto the policy and also change the name over to your sons name and u can say he is the main user. HE ANY THE MAIN USER 3 DAYS A WEEK HE USES IT THEN I USE IT THE REST. So they are kinds of bribing me? I own the car and brought it with my money and on the car registration document it says my name So if I say ok I will pay u the 550 the car does not belong to my son Cox it dont say his name of it.""
Insurance totalling my car looks suspicious?
At this point I regret making a claim and wish i could turn back the clock. I am being forced into a box and it looks shady. Three weeks ago my 2005 Cadillac STS was involved in a parking lot flood where the water rose and filled the floors of my car by about 4 inches. All us neighbors had cleaning parties using a wet vac and baking and toweling are cars in the sun over the next few days letting our vehicles dry out. On my car everything works like a dream as it did before with the exception of a 'check stability control' notice that comes on when I start the car. I have been driving the car fine since the flood and decided maybe I should make a claim to fix this error that pops up on the dash when i start the car. From the time I dropped it off at the dealer it has been all negative. Right away the dealer was negative and telling me it's the end of the world with my car, everything is ruined and it will probably be a total loss. He got the adjuster for my insurance company out there and it looks like it will be put in to the total loss category. No i am just asking the insurance company to forget everything and drop the claim because the damage is not that extreme and i dont want to lose my car. I am told at this point it is too late. Is that true? My neighbors are floored by this, i have been driving it around for a few weeks just fine and the car still looks new With only 62000 miles on it. I can't help from thinking that something suspicious is going on here. Do they stand to make a nice profit by totalling my vehicle and then replacing one module for a 1000 or so and having a perfect car with all systems working? Also the lady from the claims office said the car had to be 80% damaged for it to be a total loss. I asked her if this was based on speculative problems that they think may occur in the future because of the water, or based on actual damage now? She said it had to be actual damage now but couldn't give me any details from the adjuster yet. Can I demand that the adjuster list everything that he thinks has been damaged to my car (which I am convinced he will have to be creative to do so)? The car as i said drives wonderful, I checked the fluids on my own (fine), and the car looks new. Do I have any recourse here? I just want the car fixed for the one problem, i dont want to lose the car, and at this point I don't even care about having insurance fix the one problem, but again I am told it is too late to go backwards and drop this entire issue. I almost have an inclination to report this because it looks so shady. No reasonable person would look at, and drive this car and consider it a total loss. What is the agenda of the insurance company and cadillac dealer here? Something smells foul with this situation.""
How much do you think insurance for an Acura RSX would be?
I'm 16 years old and I want to buy an Acura RSX. Does anybody have any idea about how much insurance might be? I live in California.
How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?
How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?
""Cheap teen car insurance, best car to get?""
16, licensed, in high school with a b average. I know some insurance places give a discount for a b average. I know older cars with a good safety rating tend to have cheaper insurance quotes, if you can, please list some cars that you know would be cheaper to insure. Also, if you know the insurance companies that do discounts for a b average I would like to know. I am a safe driver so I'm not too worries about good coverage, I'm only driving to school and back daily. I need to pay for this myself so doing high school, running start, and having a part time job I wont be able to pay for anything too expensive. So, best cars to get? and best insurance?""
What's a good health insurance option for a 22 yr. old male?
My boyfriend just lost his coverage under his parents policy and needs insurance that's pretty affordable but still covers things such as: -emergencies (of course!) -vaccinations -yearly doctor visits/sport physicals Any recommendations are welcome! Thanks!
""Health Insurance, Texas?""
OK I'm 20 and have a part-time job, I don't have health insurance and don't know much about it. Anyway I mainly doing it to see a docter, to see if I have any problems like adhd, bipolar or whatever, which I THINK I may have. Anyway whats a good/affordable plan if thats all I want to do? Maybe something that will cover prescription drugs, if needed.""
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 turning 18 in like four months. I would really like to get a car but I need to see if I can afford it. If you could please list your car and how much you pay for insurance a month that would be really helpful.
Few questions on cars and insurance UK ONLY?
i live in the uk and im 16 but 17 soon after my tests and things i want to buy a renualt clio 1.2 and the insurance group is 3E. now is this a high insurance group for a 17 year old as a first car? also if you buy a car and put a body kit on it your insurance goes up. so if i bought a car put a body kit on it and then insured it would it be as much or will it still go up?
I am 18. I want to get a sports motorcycle. How much will my insurance be?
Does homeowners insurance cover scooters?
stolen moped does house insurance cover repairs
Looking for an insurance company to insure me using VIN/chassis number?
I have bought a beeline Veloce GT50 49cc scooter (still in shop till insured) i cant get plates on it until i give them my insurance documents but im finding it hard to get an insurer to insure me online using the VIN Number / Chassis Number. so im stuck in a loop. no bike untill insurance is had and no insurance untill licence plate number is inserted onto online forms. This is for uk provisional so no answers from outside of uk please. thanks
Did you agree over a decade ago when California made police asking for auto insurance illegal?
For a few years, police were not allowed to ask for auto insurance from motorists. Much of the argument in favor of that law was that it discriminated against poor Mexicans. It was overturned eventually as auto insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. How does this relate to the current law in Arizona? How does it relate to the mandatory health insurance law?""
If I'm only listed as a driver on a family insurance plan. Will the rates go up if I move into Detroit?
As answered in my previous question, legally I am supposed to change my license to the address where I reside. Living in Detroit constitutes a higher insurance rate than that of the suburbs. Will my rates increase if the policy is not in my name since I am only listed as a driver?""
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
prize indemnity insurance quote
prize indemnity insurance quote
Best home insurance in ma?
best and lowest home insurance in MA
Insurance for the baby?
Before you judge, I have a license, car, job, and apartment and am stable with income. I'm 17, and will be 18 by the time the baby is born, and I am covered under my fathers insurance which was established 17 years ago through my fathers work. Its Cigna PPO. Since then my father has been layed off because the plant closed down. He still has the insurance from his work and does not pay the huge bill because it was covered by his work. Now I'm Pregnant and, I'm trying to understand how insurance works. The baby cannot be added to this insurance because It has already been established. I know this for sure because my brother, 22 and unmarried, had a child in November and his child could not be added to our insurance plan. So will you please help me find insurances, Private insurances not state? Also can the baby be by itself or must it be with it's father or mother, me, on a plan?""
Is there any website I can use to get cheap car insurance?
I've been using Auto Trader insurance comparison and the cheapest I can find is 4,400 ? Yes I'm 18 and I realise it's going to be expensive, but come on ! The cars only 750 ! No way am I paying that much, I will honestly drive without insurance as it's a pure joke to be expected to pay 4,400. I don't believe I should have to pay that much. I only want a car to drive to the Gym and that is honestly all. It's like having to pay 4,400 for the Gym a day !""
Would abortion be commonplace and covered by insurance if men got pregnant?
I think it would be.
Tickets & Insurance Question?
I drive a 2000 Camry the insurance is in my aunts name........ So my question is if i got a ticket will the rates go up? If the insurance on the vehicle i drive is in her name will the rates go up if i get a ticket? Her name is also on the title of the car
Planning ahead for car insurance ADVICE.?
OK, So I have recently passed my driving test and am now currently trying to sort out a car for myself. As a young driver I know insurance is high. All I want to do is find out how much the insurance is on each small car, so I can find the cheapest. E.G KA ETC. I have looked online such as confused.com and they ask you for the number plate and ask questions about the specific car. Obviously I can't fill it in because I haven't got one. Is there a website that will show all insurance companies and their prices????? Many thanks.""
Car insurance question?
What is the normal price range for monthly payments on car insurance? I'm 23, female, with no prior accidents.""
Auto insurance company that you Do or Don't recommend?
I'm going to be shopping around for better rates soon. I'd like to know names of auto insurance companies that you do or don't like. If you've ever filed a claim with them. How'd they handle it? I live in IL.
What is the cheapest insurance around for a 20 year old with 2001 bonneville?
What is the cheapest insurance around for a 20 year old with 2001 bonneville?
What is the average car insurance cost for a 20 year old in Maryland?
I tried doing quotes but it asks for too much information. I dont wanna keep receiving calls from car insurance places annoying me to get it with them. I have a 1998 Chrysler ...show more
Can I get free health and car insurance or any kind of insurance if my parent doesn't want to help pay?
My mom died and since im 18, i decided to continue to live with my grandma like i originally was with my mom and when im suppose to live with my dad he isnt responsible for me anymore. emancipated me. but im not living alone im with my grandma. so im wondering if there was a way to get health and car insurance. can i get it for free? is there a plan?""
How much does car insurance cost in California?
I know it varies but I just need a range.
What is the average auto mileage per year?
Farmers Insurance says that it is 22,000 and I don't believe them for a second""
Home Owners Insurance?
My husband and I are looking for the best home owners insurance in California one that includes earthquake coverage and other stuff like fire and theft can you give me places to check out? We will be living in Culver City, California in the USA""
What is the cheapest insurance for a 19yr old?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 19yr old?
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
Tax and Insurance question for a Young Person?
Okay , Im 14 years old , and I cannot wait to start my real career (After some years of college) as a Video game producer (or) programmer. My mom says that what ever pay check I get from a job or career , the tax will take money from it. I've calculated my monthly payment from being a Video Game Producer , Which is $5208 a month. How much will money would I Really get after taxes are taken care of and if I have car and health insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
""I have a 11 month daughter, and i want to buy affordable health insurance for her.?""
I have a 11 month daughter, and i want to buy affordable health insurance for her.?""
""Could $5,000 provide healthcare for a family?""
If this credit becomes reality, doesn't it seem logical that a major healthcare provider would put together an affordable health insurance package for the credit amount and market the ...show more""
How do I get my insurance website to bring up quotes?
I want to start an online insurance company but would like to know how I go about getting the website to bring up quotes like with other insurance companies. How do I go about doing this I'm very serious about it so would like serious answers please thank you.
2000's Subaru WRX insurance info for a 20 year old in ct?
Hello I'm looking into purchasing either a 2002 or 2004 Subaru WRX. I live in Connecticut i am 20, have had my license for 2 years with no accidents or tickets. I would like to ...show more""
""In Oregon, is a pedestrian hit by a car, treated as uninsured driver without car insurance?""
Eleven years ago, I was hit by a car walking down a road in Oregon. When it came time for the medical bills to be paid, (spine fractured in 3 places, knee completely blown out, 8 days in hospital) and the settlement I was told because I did not carry car insurance, I am considered an uninsured driver. I was stuck with a $25,000 hospital bill, and a $12,000 settlement. People do not believe me when I tell them this was the law at the time. Anyone know if this is still the law in Oregon?""
Car insurance is abnormally expensive for me (18yrs old)? What am I doing wrong?
I go on gocompare, confuse.com, comparethemarket, etc. to check prices of different cars but I keep getting insurance at the price of 7,000+?! And the crazy thing is, it was for a Peugeot 2002 106 which is like 1.1 litre. which came to the lowest I found. Which was 7,000+. I fill in the details truthfully, such as locked home garage, very low miles per year, etc, but I can't seem to get cheap insurance? Everyone online says they get insured for around 2,000 on a Corsa, Peugeot 106, Citroen C1 and on like 1.4L+ cars etc. HOW TO HELL? Should I just buy my 1st car then insure it on my parents name then ask me to be put on as a named driver? My friends do that and pay around 1,000-1,200 on 1.6L cars.. Also, can you recommend me a good 1st car? (England) Thanks!""
Dental Insurance question?
On my dental insurance card, I have a primary care dentist listed on it. Does this mean that I must go to this dentist in order to have the insurance pay for my appointments or can I go to any dentist that accepts my insurance without having to switch my primary care dentist and still receive the insurance benefits? Will the insurance cover less if I don't go to the primary care dentist? Thanks!""
prize indemnity insurance quote
prize indemnity insurance quote
""I have a company car, who should pay for the car insurance?
I have a year contract with this company and they are giving me a car for the duration of my employment. they told me i can use it for personal as well as work use. they told me i have to pay for my insurance though. is that fair?
How do I go about getting car insurance in another state?
I live in new york, i want to get car insurance in another state like maryland or delaware, i have friends in each state. What do i need to get car insurance there? Please help me...lots of details please...thank you""
Cost of newborn delivery/childbirth(California...
I'm wondering what the cost is for delivery/childbirth is in California, without taking health insurance coverage into account? Just looking for a general number, but if you want more specifics: -My area is the San Francisco Bay Area (east/south bay) -When I say childbirth, I mean: admittance into hospital/actual delivery procedure (not cesarian)/3 day hospital stay I'm shopping for health insurance, so any number that you come up with to help me budget/calculate would help me out greatly!""
Tickets & Insurance Question?
I drive a 2000 Camry the insurance is in my aunts name........ So my question is if i got a ticket will the rates go up? If the insurance on the vehicle i drive is in her name will the rates go up if i get a ticket? Her name is also on the title of the car
What height/weight ratio will get me best life insurance rates?
I want to replace some ART life insurance with level term. But I'm worried my weight relative to height might keep me from the best rate. Is there some way to find out what numbers trigger higher risk? If so I might wait another year and try to lose 10-20 lbs.
Why is car insurance so expensive for 18 year olds?
I passed my test yesterday, but insurers are being sharks again and charging thousands of pounds for something we might not need, and charging thousands (2600-23,000) for a small car which isn't even worth 1500. I have been riding a motorbike for 2 years beforehand, but no insurer seems to care. What is the best way for someone like me who needs to get on the road because of his job, to get a cheaper quote online? I've done basically everything.""
""My brother wrecked my car and the Insurance wont cover it, what can I do?
While I was out of the country my brother wrecked my car and the insurance company wont cover it. I have full coverage and my brother had my permission to be driving my car so how can they refuse to pay?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
I am 16/m and looking for a cheap car insurances?
Im currently living in nyc, I am 16/m and looking for a cheap car insurances. Does anyone know of any?""
Can i park at my aunts to get... a good price on the car insurance?
The insurance is double the amount for cars in my area compared to my aunt who lives at the other side of the town, can i park at hers to get good price on the insurance..?""
Help with car insurance claim process?
A few days ago I scraped a co-worker's vehicle in our work parking lot. She wasn't in a proper parking space, but whatever, it was clearly my fault. I am paying for repairs to her car. I have pictures of my vehicle after the accident, but not of hers, because she left for the day while I was trying to find out who I had hit and find her in the building. I haven't brought this up with my insurance company yet. I initially thought I was going to be paying for scuffs to be buffed out of her back bumper, which wouldn't be cheap to fix but I figured it'd be inexpensive enough that I wouldn't involve my insurance. Today she handed me an estimate for $600+ for bumper replacement and paint work, etc. Fine. It was my fault. I'll eat it. But if I now want to involve my insurance, what do I do? Do I need her insurance info to file a claim? If I call up my insurance, does her insurance have to also become involved? I'm not even fixing my car - the fender's messed up but it's an old car and cosmetic damage doesn't bother me. I don't know what my insurance deductible is...if it's $500+ then I guess I won't bother and will just pay up in cash.""
Best car for cheap car insurance England?
i'm looking for an affordable car for my first one i'm a 19 year old female, i''ve checked a 2001 ford ka 1.3 and it was the second cheapest one for insurance which was 1500 the only thing putting me off is my friend had one and she said it guzzled petrol :P which i think she means it wasted petrol, the cheapest was a fiat 500 the insurance was 1300 but i really can't afford one so just want a cheap run around until i've saved up enough to buy a new one, does anyone know any affordable cars max price 1500 with cheap insurance thanks!! oh and if anyone has had a ford ka do you recommend one?""
Car insurance for 16 yr old boy?
I want to get a white 5 speed subaru impreza WRX (wagon sport) with turbo (standard). How much do you think this would cost considering that i'm 16 yrs old and the car is white and i get good grades? thanks
Where is the best place to find medical insurance?
I am taking a job where I will basically be self employed so I will need to find my own medical insurance. Where do you suggest I go to look into this?
Car Insurance? Do you really need it?
Say for example the owner of a vehicle allowed you to drive it, and you accidently damaged a car or vice versa, would you have to pay for the damage or would the owners insurance cover the car or an injuries that occur to the driver? thanks""
What could make my car insurance cheaper?
I am currently 19 years old and I want to buy myself a new car. It would be about 200 dollars a month for the current car i'm driving for car insurance but it is in my fathers name so I only pay 80. Now pretty much any new car I am choosing the quotes are over 400 a month. Would have car insurance in my name for my current car at 200 a month for 6 months until the policy is over make the quotes for the new car cheaper? Or is the quotes based off of how long I've had my license?
What is the best kind of life insurance to get? Which is most affordable?
(term, whole, universal, variable) I also would like your recommendations on good companies.""
16 year old car insurance with a classic truck?
So my neighbor has this awesome chevrolet apache 10 pickup from the late 50's, early 60's for sale. I am 16 so i am looking to buy a vehicle. I was wondering is insurance more or less with a classic car/truck?""
Good Car Insurance Agency in Kentucky?
I'm going to be heading to Eastern Kentucky, near Hazard. I currently have Nationwide insurance, but may change my insurance around if it is cheaper. What are some good and cheaper car insurance companies?""
Car Insurance For a 19 almost 20 year old?
Im gonna buy a used car, a 2003 sedan (not sure what car yet). This is going to be my first car and I need to know how much car insurance would cost. Thank you:)""
Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
What is the most reasonable home owner and Auto insurance?
I need to get a cheaper insurance for car and Auto.Would like to hear from you that have checked prices before you bought insurance.
How much does health insurance cost?
I just got a new job and I am about to enroll in medical coverage. I'm a healthy 29 year old male and I'm going to include my wife as a dependent. I know there are a few different plans, depending on deductible, etc, but I just want to get a ballpark figure on how much will be deducted from my checks. My wife suggests it will be about $150 a month, or about $75 per check.. Does this sound right??""
California insurance--driving a friends car???
I'm not an insured driver, but is it illigal if I drive a friend's car (that is insured) in California? What happens if i get in a wreck? I dont normally drive, but in case my friend's been drinking sometimes she'll ask me to drive her home. thanks.""
Car insurance renewal?
my car insurance renewal is due on the 22 of this month. but i'm 200 dollars short. can i call them and give them a post dated check for a week later
prize indemnity insurance quote
prize indemnity insurance quote
0 notes
affordable mobile home insurance in texas
"affordable mobile home insurance in texas
affordable mobile home insurance in texas
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How old do you have to be to start driving lessons?
How old do you have to be to start driving lessons?
Which life insurance to get before Dx of melanoma?
I am 99% sure I have melanoma on my leg. Have apt soon to get this confirmed and staged and start the process. I am a nurse, I know the process, and know the outcome can be one of many. I do not currently have any life insurance, never have. I have 2 small children and it is JUST me and then, no close friends, no family. Worst case scenario, if I only have a short time to live, what would be the best LIFE insurance I can get before getting this diagnosis? I would need something in which they could not cancel me if I am diagnosed with cancer within days of purchasing a premium. Today is May 11th, I should have my diagnosis by May 29th. I would like the biggest policy at the most affordable rate (I don't make as much money as you would think), but its also important that I get the fewest stipulations. By the way, I hate to admit it, but I am a smoker. I quit from 2009 to late 2010, but then started up again when I started RN school (am an LPN now, graduate from RN school in 3 weeks). Any solid advice would be appreciated. In laymens terms please. Ohio.""
How much would insurance on a Mercedes C230 cost?
Car insurance for a day/week for a learner
Hey, basically i am going to take my practical test in a couple of weeks (14th) and im taking it in my car, i was just wondering if there is any companys that specialise in car insurance for just a day or a week for learner drivers. if so what companys and how much am i looking to have to pay, thanks""
Which parent must pay for my car insurance?
My parents are divorced, and live in different states. I live in Florida with my mom, and my dad lives in Virginia, unfortunately. Anyhow, I get my license Feb 4th, and I'm also getting a car, and my mom is forcing my dad to pay for my insurance on top of my child support and various other fees she hits him with. My question is, can I be on my dad's insurance policy even though he lives in another state, or do I have to be insured under my primary possessive guardian(my mom) whom which I live with. Because if not, she is demanding that my dad pay for my insurance, full, a year beforehand, which at my age is close to $2,000. Thanks :)""
Cheaper car insurance ?
Which insurance companies out of the major ones have you found that are the cheapest for a 19 year old on their own policy?
Buying a home in south caroline?
Just wanted to know if Conway is near the Myrtle beach airport and how far it is from the beach. How much is real estate tax for a home for about 100,000 to 200,000? Are there any marina's close to Conway? Is there a city wage tax on income? How much is car insurance? We live in philadelphia and are tired of the area and the high cost of living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected]""
Does anyone have either Geico or Progressive car insurance.? Or any of the smaller national companies?
I need to change from State Farm. They are charging me an arm and a leg after 10+ yrs as a customer, and a good driving record. But the past year I have been 'dinged' several times. Which has cost me a very considerable raise- 75%- in premiums. I am getting good rates from Geico and Progressive. But I do not know of anyone in my family or circle of friends who have either of the 'new guys'. I would like some feedback. Thanks""
Is The General for car insurance good?
I want the cheapest car insurance I can find cause im broke for awhile. I have state farm right now. the general seems like its the cheapest but whats the catch. anybody have it
I need cheap car insurance?
I stay in Virginia and i got a job that don't pay good. After I pay rent I have nothing just gas to get to work. I need very cheap insurance can anyone help please??
How much do you think my insurance will increase if I get my own car?
I trying to plan how much money I will need for a car. Its a 2000 truck. I am 17 and have had no accidents or tickets. I get a good student discount and took a drivers ed class. Sharing my moms car (a new SUV) made her insurance go up $70 a month. Do you have an idea of how much it would go up if I got my own car? Thanks!
Why is reasonable profit for insurance companies bad?
Many jobs are provided in insurance.
""Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
Life insurance - can policy owner change % allocation after death of insured?
My sister has a policy with NY Life where she is the policy owner.. AND is 50% beneficiary with me. My mothe passed away 2 weeks ago.. however my sister tried calling NY Life to change the % to her benefit, 70/30. Bottom line my sister is cheating me out the insurance money. Can this be done post death? I've always thought once insured has died changes can NOT be made. I may be wrong..... Any comments or suggestions?""
What would the cost of insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi?
What would the cost of insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi?
Lowest possible car insurance?
I am going on a trip out of the country for 4 months, and my car will be parked in my parent's driveway with a cover over it the entire time. How can I find the LOWEST possible car insurance for these months? I called Progressive and the guy was a total salesman with me, saying, Oh you need vandalism insurance, oh and you can't have vandalism insurance without collision insurance, so before I knew it, my quote was up to $120 a month. That's barely lower than the insurance I have now! How can I just get the bare minimum, state-required insurance? I live in Nevada, by the way, if that helps.""
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
""If i pay CASH for a street bike [motorcycle], do i still have to get insurance?""
certainly i wont have to get full coverage since it will be paid for, but am i required to get liability, as i would with a car? if you show me a link to a website that backs up your answer, i will select you for the best answer.""
""Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?""
Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?""
How do car insurance companies determine fault when both drivers are giving conflicting stories? the other dri?
the other driver made a claim with his company. my damage is minimal. do i need to call my insurance company. he is lying and is at fault, but denies it to get his car fixed.from another accident. statements have been made to his company. ty.""
Do you have Life insurance?
Just wondering if you had life insurance, we have insurance for everything else, such as car, home, health. Why do you have Life insurance, or why not?""
Color of the car for insurance purposes?
Does the color of the car have anything to do w/ the price you pay for your insurance? I have heard that bright colors make your insurance rates higher.
Car insurance companies?
Are there any car insurance companies which don't appear on comparison websites that are cheap and competetive? In the UK. Thanks
Can you get a car without insurance?
b/c im getting a car without insurance
Im 17 and this will be my 1st year driving & i will be on my parents insurance how much will it cost me a mon.?
i live in charlotte
affordable mobile home insurance in texas
affordable mobile home insurance in texas
Hey looking to get my first car and pay for my first car insurance?
I'm 19 living in lake forest California looking to buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone know how much my insurance might be ?
Car Insurance Price for 99' Corolla.?
I'm thinking about getting this 99' Corolla but I'm not sure how much the car insurance will be. -I am 17 years old and i took Drivers Edd. -I live in Rural area. I hope some of this info will help with the estimate. Looking for how much the insurance will cost a year/month.
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Ive tried compare the market and a few of the other leading companies but they all a bit to high for me - whats so annoying is when i find one thats suitable it ends up higher than the listed price. Anyone know of a good one
Classic car insurance?
I am looking at buying a classic car but i don't know where is best for classic car insurance.
How much does renters insurance usually run?
I'm 25 and this is a pretty new concept to me. My new landlord (a management company) suggested that everyone get it For our own Protection. I just need a ball park number. Thanks.
How much is motorcycle insurance in michigan?
I know it is hard to get an exact quote without knowing all the information, but I just need a range. I am looking at a 196cc 5 speed dirtbike that has been made street legal, and just need ~3 months of insurance. Would this be in the $100-200 range? Higher? Lower?""
Is car insurance issued in one province valid in another?
I can't afford insurance in Ontario. The basic rates for males under 25 are the highest in all of north america. I was thinking of changing my legal address to Manitoba to apply for their insurance whilst forwarding all my mail to my actual address. I can't take public transit, I live and study in the suburbs. I'd also have to bike 20kms each way to work otherwise. I was quoted between 6000-8000$ /year despite no accidents,tickets and choosing a relatively cheap car to insure.""
""How much does a Cadillac converter cost? And, sound I report it to the insurance company?""
I busted a hose on my radator (which I didn't know at the time) so I left the car until I could get it towed away. When I returned someone had stolen my cadillac converter out of my car (which again I found out later). How much does one cost? What should I do? And, should I report it to the insurance company being as though the parts and the macanic work would probably be outragous? Please help me I really don't know much about cars and I don't want to get taken buy an auto part. Thanks""
Can someone recommend affordable health insurance?
I lost my job. COBRA is too expensive. Are there any high deductible plans? I really only want coverage in the event of a serious illness. I live in NJ.
Car Insurance - PLEASE READ!?
In 2004, I saw a car that I wanted to buy at a Nissan car dealership and I took out a loan. At the time I didn't know anything about insurance. It was all greek to me. I was very young and had no one to help me out. Anyway, I went to American Family Insurance and the agent seemed very nice. I told him that I wanted to buy this car and before I could finalize everything I had to show proof that I had full coverage on the vehicle. He told me that I most definitely had to get full coverage and I signed the paperwork, gave him a check and my insurance coverage started. I NEVER CHANGED MY COVERAGE!! (Let me make that clear). So 1.5 years later my car slid on the ice and another lady thought she could speed to get around me and she instead hit me. The officer stated that none of us were at fault because I was sliding when I should have been in control of my car and she should have never tried to pass me so we would each be responsible for our own damage. Right away I called my agent and he later called me back and stated I didn't have collision coverage and I would have to pay out of pocket for my damage. Again, I didn't know anything about insurance and I had totally forgotten that collision was required so I believed this guy. I left it at that but was very upset with him because he stated that I didn't have collision coverage and I told him that as a professional insurance agent, he should have told me that I needed full coverage on this practically new car!!! So, 6 months later, it was still bothering me and I left him. The car wasn't drive-able (I had to pay $600 just to fix something with the wheel mount) and then it was drive-able but there are dents in the car and damage that equals $2,000 to fix. That may sound cheap to some of you but it isn't to me. Just 3 days ago, I was telling this story to someone and they told me that I should have had full coverage on the vehicle and I should look into this. I called American Family and a lady is doing some investigating because she could see I had insurance on my car in 2004 but didn't know what kind. But, she confirmed that my car was under a lien and the insurance agent would be required to put me on a full coverage in the state of Wisconsin. So, this lady stated she would call me back on Saturday. In a perfect world, she could state either 1). You had collision coverage at that time and your car will be fixed at our expense or 2.) Your agent never put you on full coverage. Come Saturday, what if she says that it turns out my agent never put me on full coverage? Isnt he at fault? Everyone (including their own company) states he should have known to put me on full coverage! So, can I try suing the company? Im thinking even though the lady was really nice and told me that my insurance agent should have known better that Ill hear something from them stating that their computer system shows that I was a client in 2004, but they dont know what type of coverage I was on. In the end, they will probably want to cover their butts. Please offer any suggestions! THANKS! And yes, I have become more knowledgeable about insurance for my sake. :)""
Primary and Secondary Health Insurance?
I would like to know what health insurance company is my primary. I had health insurance through my previous employer. I worked until the 6th of the month and I was told I had coverage through them until the end of the moth. My new job health insurance went into effect on the 1st of that month so for one month I had 2 coverages. One health insurance company is saying the job I was at first would be primary until the coverage ended. The other insurance company (the one I had the longest) says they would be primary up until my last day at my first job. Then even though I had two coverages my active employers health insurance would be primary. I will find out from my health insurance company tomorrow what is primary but since there office is now closed does anyon know the answer to this.
My car was rear-ended but I don't have car insurance?
Someone rear ended my car today. My insurance has been expired for a while now but I still called the insurance company and they filed a claim for me. When I mentioned that my insurance had expired, the lady who filed the claim said that the adjuster will call me on Monday and give me the details. Though the accident wasn't my fault, I am worried about not having insurance at the time. Also, nobody was injured in the accident but my back bumper had a very minor scratch. Was what I did wrong? And should I be worried about anything?""
How much is home-based insurance?
I am thinking of making money with waxing. I was just wondering how much it would cost me to pay insurance for myself, I am thinking I just need errors and omissions (i.e. liability in case a client decides to sue me). FYI I live in Canada. Thanks!""
Approximately how much will my auto insurance go down?
I have always been told that when I turn 25 my auto insurance should decrease significantly, I was wondering if someone can give me an idea or (if you dont mind) let me know what you were paying <25 and what your paying now at 25>. As of now I am paying $350 a month for full coverage on two vehicles (with two speeding tickets on my record at the moment at 23 years old, one will definitely be off by 25, the other one will be close, (assuming I get no more) I am going through Farmers Insurance. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I have to look forward to my 25th Birthday as a subnote I know this is being planned much ahead of time, me and the lady are considering moving out of our apartment, I want to have a very thorough knowledge of what my financial future will look like before pulling the trigger on anything. Expect wthin the year posts from me on moving business =D All constructive answers are appreciated.""
Who generally has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I need a place I can trust. My state farm insurance guy who does my car put an offer on the tabel that was huge. I'm 23 years old, male, great driving record. I feel like he is trying to take advantage of me with the price. it was going to be $800 a year. Also, what is the bare minimum you need to ride a bike? Medical, liability? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks. -Mike""
Car insurance question?
In Georgia, if you let someone borrow your car and they get a speeding ticket, does it make your insurance go up too since it happend in your car?""
Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance?
I recently bought a Honda CBR600F4I and am looking for inexpensive insurance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How much will insurance go up for a 17 yr old female with 6 months driving experience in an accident?
Accident was her fault. She rear ended a truck. The truck wasnt hurt at all but the car was totaled pretty much. Ticket was failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. What is a rough estimate of how much insurance will go up for her?
Coordination of Insurance Benefits?
Our health insurance company thinks we have more than one insurance and they are denying our claims. We only have insurance through my husband's company and don't understand how they thought we are trying to pull a fast one. How do we prove that we only have ONE insurance? Thanks!
What is the average insurance rate for a slk 350 2013?
I am looking for an estimate but I don't want to put in all my information don't want all these people calling me.
Car insurance?
if you are insured on your car, can you drive another persons car under your insurance? i'm having an arguement with the mrs over this.""
I work per diem and have no insurance. do you know any good insurance that is affordable?
I am also a student so I need something that won't break the bank and that I will hopefully be able to use after school
Best medical insurance in maryland?
what is the bestand cheapest medical insurance in maryland
What is the cheapest liability insurance for teens? ?
Hi, im 17 years old and i am looking for liability insurance for my jeep cherokee. im a guy, not a girl... What would be the cheapest liability insurance for me?""
Looking for cheap car insurance?
I havent done my test or anything yet but wanted to see how much a vaxhaull corsa 1998 or something was noone in my family drives and id park my car outside my front , i tried doin a quote to see how mch it would be and it came up the cheapest was 3 grand , im only 18 aswell , does somebody think im putting something in wrong or is it just really hard for me to find cheap insurance ?""
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affordable mobile home insurance in texas
What's more expensive in America? Healthcare or Health Insurance?
I keep hearing Americans spend more on health care than other industrialized countries. and I also hear they spend more on health insurance. So my question is: On average, do we spend more on Healthcare or Health Insurance than other countries? Or de we spend more on both?""
Who is the cheapest car insurer for 2011?
my car insurance has gone up 140 this year
If a car is in group 4 for insurance what does that mean? How much will it cost?
If a car is in group 4 for insurance what does that mean? How much will it cost?
How much would my car insurance be?
i plan to by a 95 toyota , i have been driving since i was 17 and now 21 and have had no accidents. how much would my insurance be on average.""
Do insurance companies look into your driving record?
When getting an auto insurance quote they ask if you have any major violations. Do they only know if u tell them, or will they eventually find out of u lie?""
""I live in St. Louis, MO and am a 20 year old male. I was looking for the cheapest auto insurance possible?
I will be getting either a 04' Grand Prix or a 03/04 Monte Carlo and I might have to get full coverage insurance. What company has the cheapest auto insurance. Like around $100 bucks or a little more?
Car Insurance Help!!!?
I have a Toyota Corolla 2007. About 6 wks ago I got rear ended, the impact sent me over the medium unto uncoming traffic. After all was said and done the car had $6,300 on repairs done. It came out okay but know I have trouble closing the trunk, I really have to slam it and the right side back lights don't really align. I am trying to figure out how much they will give me for devaluation value on the car, I have never done this before I want to make sure I don't get ripped off. Also I am still experiencing back pain from the accident, my primary doctor wants to send me to a chiropractor which my insurance doesn't cover, should the other insurance pay for it? They are not returning my calls, and they just want to offer me $500 for pain and suffering as long as I sing some papers that release the other driver and the insurance from any further responsibility. By the way it was the other drivers fault, she was in her cell phone hit mt at 45 mph from behind and this was her 10th accident in the last 3 mos. Any suggestions?""
""Concerning car insurance, why would your credit score effect your premium?""
why on earth would your credit score have an effect on how much a person pays for car insurance? i was told by independant that my rate would be lower if i had had a more favorable credit history. theres not even anything wrong with my credit. what the hell is that all about ,can someone explain this?""
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
What are some affordable model of cars to insure?
I will be purchasing my first car in a few months. I need something safe and reliable, as well because I have two small children. What model of car would you recommend?""
Do car insurance pay for flood damage?
my daughter got caught in floods yesterday and her car is knakered do car insurance companys pay for flood damage ,when she rang them they told her it sounded mechanical but RAC said ...show more""
I live in CA and want to know How much $$$ to pay for insurance if i get a sports car?
I am getting my permit in 2 months and i am getting the Toyota MR2 Spyder. How much do i have to pay for the insurance? i heard that it costs more because its a sports car.
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
Hello. I am a male and I will drive a 08 mustang. none of my parents have caused an accident.
What is the cheapest insurance group?
I'm 17, girl, doing my driving lessons and am planning to get a car soon. Not bothered which car, i just want a cheap, affordable one. I've been hearing about insurance groups recently which is confusing me because no one around me can adequately explain it. So, i just would like to know what the cheeapest insurance group is and if you could also please explain a little more on insurance groups so that i'm a bit more informed.. thank you""
Good/cheap car insurance?
I currently have Farmers Insurance. I'm thinking about switching and trying to find a lower rate. Does anyone have positive or negative feedback about companies like Geico and Progressive? Is there much of a difference between their rates and complanies like State Farm or Farmers? Any suggestions would be helpful!
Insurance question? please help me i need to know what to do.?
im 16, had my license for a little over a month. i live in california. im with allstate. here's what happened: i was backing out of a diagonal parking space. i was at starbucks, mid day. no one else was in the car. i saw a car coming, i let it pass, and i backed out. turns out it didnt clear out all the way. i got the rear end of it. their dent is not too bad, the bumper is fine, its just a little bit of the metal that probably needs to be sucked back out. it is an suv. my dent however was worse. the bumper got dented, and so did some of the medal around it. the brake light has a small crack in it, but its only visible from close up, and it still works. we exchanged information, and he said he will call his insurance company tomorrow morning. will my insurance go up? how much will i need to pay to have his car fixed? whats gonna happen? please help me im freaking out. thank you soo much""
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
Where's the best place to get health insurance?
I was hoping that someone with experience could tell me whether buying insurance through the Maryland offered program or through a direct insure such as united healthcare or blue cross blue shield would be the better deal. Looks like a 80/20 silver plan is about $205/month trough Maryland with a $1500 deductible. I'm hoping to find an affordable 90/10 plan or better. If you have any suggestions or know recommendations please let me know! I'm new to this health insurance stuff...
Where can i find the best disability insurance?
There are so many options out there I dont know who to choose.
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
hi, i live in city center Mississauga, ontario, Canada. (Hurantario and Eglington) I am 16 years old and i can get my G2 next month if i am a second owner and second driver (my dad is the first driver) of a MAzda Rx8 2003. also receieved driving lessons. how much will my insurace will be per month, both my parents insurance is 300 per month""
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
Does auto insurance cover any vehicle I drive?
I wasn't expecting it but my mom told me she will no longer be driving. Her car is 5 years newer than mine and she told me should take over her car and get rid of mine. Since my car still runs well I felt I would keep it a little longer. I checked with the insurance company and I acted like we are going to sell her vehicle. I just felt it shouldn't matter which car i drove since they are similar in size. The insurance company said I would have to turn in her plates. Does auto insurance cover any car I drive and if I want to keep 2 cars for now do I have to tell the insurance company and will they allow it if I pay more for insurance?
Car insurance in the u.k??
is ridiculous i am a young male who has had his license 4 10 days and havent drove a car due to the fact that robbing insurance companies are trying to charge me over 2000 for third party fire an theft on a car that isnt even 1000cc in fact its 950 cc does any one no of any insurance companies that DO ACTUALLY SAVE U MONEY thank you
Progressive good student discount question. PLEASE HELP!?
i just found out i have to pay $100 per month for my insurance and i just got my license but my parents can't really afford to pay that right now so i was wondering what is their required GPA for the good student discount in California, Please help me.""
California Insurance with Arizona license?
If i change my California drivers license to an Arizona one, do i have to tell my insurance company? If i do will this affect my policy in any way? thanks!""
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affordable mobile home insurance in texas
Where can we find cheap life insurance?
Where can we find cheap life insurance?
How is automobile insurance not extortion?
How is automobile insurance not extortion?
Home owners insurance?
Are there any company's that offer home owners insurance with monthly payments instead of one lump sum?
(Australia) What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
I hit a car(Honda) 1 month ago, I was at fault. I don't have third party damage insurance on my car. For the other car, they have comprehensive. Recently, Honda's insurance company contacted me and told me to pay for the damages(the quote is $10,000). They haven't sent me the invoice yet. At the same time, Smash repair also contacted me regarding the damages(same quote, but can be cheaper if i pay cash to them immediately). Car owner also contact me saying that I have to pay Smash repair directly. My question is: If Honda's insurance company is invloved in this incident, should I deal with the insurance company direclty and ignore both of the car owner and smash repair? I will pay for the damages, just want to make sure it goes to the right person, and no more trouble(no double claim) in the future.""
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Is there anyway to lower insurance rates after a traffic violation is on file?
Does anyone know the best car insurance to buy from with just the minimum required?
i am so sick of car insurance companies taking advantage of people with these super high prices just because the dumb law says you have to have insurance.
Whats the cheapest auto insurance plan?
I hate insurance. I have no reason so far to need it. I'm a safe driver and i do not want my money to be drained into some company, which in time, will get more money from me than they spend to fix whatever may happen to my car. I don't want a flashy car. I only need a cheap one. So i could care less about dents and stuff. What is literally the cheapest auto insurance plan i can get in California? cheapest dollar for dollar.""
I need help car insurance?
Im looking to buy a 2010 fusion se right now through Lee auto. For me to do it myself I'd have to pay almost 400 dollars a month for insurance and 360 for The car. Is there any way I can lower my insurance? This is rediculius all I have is 2 speeding tickets and that's it on my driving record. I have no loans no payments or nothing.
What good is term life insurance?
I fully intend to live longer than most term life insurance policies cover! Whole life is more practical, to my way of thinking.""
How much more would insurance be for 16 year old with a V8 mustang as opposed to a 6 cylinder one?
I would be on my parents plan at state farm, I just want to ask before i call. I get to chose my car so i am just researching. They would be about the year 2000 with no problems. Also my parents have perfect driving records.""
Good Insurance Policy for Newly Married Couple?
Me and my wife just for married. We are both 21 years of age and are in college. We know what having a good health insurance policy should be our highest priority. Is there any affordable and good insurance policy someone can recommend? Thank you.
Do Americans really believe democrats & Obama want to give affordable insurance and not socialist medicine?
affordable insurance for 50 mil more people doesn't just grow on trees, or does it? in Canada too, the gov in the 60s and 70s first fooled people in as only an INSURER, then within 20 years, it grew to become the monopoly MANAGER, to the point where ALL PRIVATE CARE IS NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. Should we be fooled by this cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html http://www.theadvocates.org/freeman/8903lemi.html""
Social insurance number?
i'm living in alberta and have my social insurance number but i'm moving to saskatchewan, is there a form i need to fill out online or do i have to go to the provincial building?""
What health insurance can I get as a low income american college student?
Hello, I am a nineteen community college student living in North San Diego, California and I live with my parents. I make less that $1,000 a month working part time and going to school full-time. I get financial aid from my school, but only for the classes, not the books. My father, the only other worker in my family, makes roughly around $32,000 a year. We barely make the rent each month and barely have enough for gas. About when I was sixteen, I was diagnosed with Gallstones and was urged to better my choice of eating. Of course as a Mexican-American, I wasnt about to give up my Carne Asada or burgers so I continued my vices which led to various, and very painful gallstones attacks over the past couple of years. Now I am no longer able to eat anything without feeling sick to my stomach. I was cut out on all junk food and have pinned myself to a grilled/boiled chicken only and greens diet. I don;t eat any red meat and make sure to have fresh made fruit/vegetables smoothies. Yet, for the past four days, Like i said i haven;t been able to pass anything. I am currenly runng every morning. My father thinks I have an ulcer. So, straight to the point, I am a low-income college student with no money left over at the end of each month and I need to go to the doctor's immediately. I am an american citizen but have no health insurance at the moment. I need surgery to remove the gallstones, but first have to go an have a checkup. I was wondering if there was anyway that i can get covered? My mother applied for medi-cal but we havent heard anything in over four months and its a LONG process. Can Anyone please help me!""
How much did you pay for auto insurance at 18?
I know that it differs depending on where you live, but i just wanted to get a general idea of how much it would be per month. I'm not gonna be under my parent's insurance policy either. so i know that's going to get pretty expensive. Also, i have a 4 door sedan type car. thanks!""
Geico car insurance?
I'm interested in transferring my car insurance to Geico. I went to their website and filled out the electronic form, and the amount came out quite expensive. I thought it was going to be cheaper. Should I call them and speak with a rep for more accurate info?""
How would the motorcycle insurance compare on these 4 bikes?
Ninja 250r Ninja 650r Honda cbr 600 Honda CB599 Hornet (naked) Assuming they are all ridden by the same person, in the same area ect. thanks in advance (Note: Im not looking for number so much as how they would compare to each other)""
Are there anyways of lowering my car insurance? 19 Yr Old Male.?
Im a 19 year old male and I have my own suzuki swift sport which I have worked hard for for the last few years. The only thing is my insurance is around 3000 a year (brand new car)........ I dont mind going on my mothers insurance for example, im not worried about not being able to build my own no claims bonus............................. I have done a small amount of research into going onto my mothers policy and it wasn't that much cheaper........................are there and other ways of legal going about this? Thanks for your time, Matt.""
New driver- best car insurance?
I'm taking my driving test tomorrow and was wondering what was the best/cheapest insurance company to look into. Also, if there are any that have discounts for full-time students or if you have really good grades? Anything like that, just wanna know the best options.""
What happens to rest of my insurance after a write off?
I had a accident today in my fiesta, hit some ice, lost control round a bend ended up in the ditch, car looks f****d admiral picking it up 2mo I am only 11 months into the policy I have been told by a few people that it is defo a write off so I take it i will be paid out for the car (how long would this take) I am also getting a courtesy car by the garage picking the car up to repair it now will i have this till i get paid out? and due to having 11 months on my insurance and i paid in full can i freeze the insurance till i get a new car (ill be getting the same car infact i hope its not a write off) or will i get something back on the insurance due to only using 1 of the 12 months i paid for?""
Are Farmers Insurance rates competitive?
My friend has auto insurance with them and claims they raised his insurance rates 4 consecutive times (every 6 months). He has 3 cars with them and no accidents nor tickets during this period. Is this normal other insurance companies to be raising their rates during the last 2 years? I mean the economy sucks and they still raising rates? Is the insurance business a monopoly? Do they raise their rates all at the same time, same rates?""
Car insurance after a DUI?
I know everything I have to get with SR22 Interlock, etc... I'm just wondering if I should look into more popular car insurance companies like progressive, allstate,..... Or if local ones will be better/cheaper? Any advice or help is appreciated thank you!""
Piaggio ape 50cc Insurace Please HELP?
Okay I'm 17 and looking at getting a Piaggio ape 50cc to drive around i live in a town in the uk, I have looked for a number plate to get a example of cost on insurance as if its loads I wont be able to get it! I'm pretty sure I don't need full licence to drive just CBT as I don't have full licence!""
Car insurance on a rental car?
I know that when renting a car if you have car insurance you are also covered for the rental. However I also heard that the time the car is out of commission may not be covered and you may still want the liability insurance through the car rental place. Is there any truth in this?
Cheaper car insurance ?
Which insurance companies out of the major ones have you found that are the cheapest for a 19 year old on their own policy?
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affordable mobile home insurance in texas
0 notes
vitalmindandbody · 7 years
10 Simple-minded Ways To Heal A Broken Heart
I cant do this anymore.
The terms still reverberating in your ears, ricochetting around until they land like a punch in the gut. Youre instantly transported to a new world, one you didnt know existed before this moment. A world-wide and life without your beloved.
It doesnt feel real. You pinch yourself to wake up from this nightmare, but youre still here, still revolving from this declaration, this revocation of love.
Warm snaps stream down your face until you begin to sob, that terrifying uncontrollable sobbing that leaves you gasping for air. You want to hide away, cry yourself to sleep, and somehow magically feel better tomorrow.
Weve all been here. Or some modification of it. Weve all had our centers cracked and stomped on. Weve all diverted over every moment of our relations in our headings and wondered, What could I have done differently?
But we are now transported into a macrocosm where the love we seemed is grasped away from the americans and dont know what to do with ourselves other than suffers and sorrow our loss.
I recently read a work that briefly touched upon anguish and its advice mostly amounted to go out with your lovers as far as possible. WTF? Thats it? Thats how Im going to heal my mettle? Most of my lovers are scattered in all regions of the world. Becoming out with them every night isnt even a viable option.
How on globe do you turn off those kinds of impressions? What happens to affection lost? How do you mend a broken heart? I decided to investigate how to mend my own shattered heart.
In previous breakups, Ive simply idly fallen into my personal motifs of desire lost. For me, I exclaim, I stay in bed, watch bad tv, chew cookie dough, and hide away from the people who love me. I mainly dont DO anything. I sit and wait.
Because time heals all winds, right? Or does it? If occasion is a construct of our attentions, do “weve been” have to wait for the occur of period, something illusory to mend ourselves? Can we speed up the process of healing our wraps? How much is impossible to ensure our healing through our wars and blueprints?
So, instead of blindly falling into my decorations, I started to ask myself some questions about my habits. Im looking at my structures with enjoying interest, playing with them a little bit, realise what is actually acting me and determining what patterns are there exclusively because of economy, because my memory, form, and nerve are too tired for anything but pattern. And heres what Ive learned
1. Lean Into Sensation
Essentially, everything we know as physical beings comes down to sensation that we name good or bad. When I began to lean into the wizard in my body, requesting what it had to tell me, thoughts began to transform. I asked where the ache lives in my torso. I closed my eyes and supposed symbolizing my excitement. I described what it felt like in writing, how I had to remind myself to breathe and how fascinating the absence of a act- breath and love feels so heavy.
I examined the tightening in my chest, trying not to label it good or bad, just simply as superstar. Human tolerating is predominantly an expression of the results of labeling event as good or bad and right or wrong.
The thing about perception is, its ever changing. It doesnt stay forever. When we change our perspective of know-how merely being a temporary district of existence, it takes service charges out of it, simply through the simple-minded number of observation. In my own experience, the sensation itself tend to change faster the closer I look at it.
By noticing how heavy the fact that there is breath felt, I began to fill my lungs with slower, deeper breaths and learnt my entire being become a bit lighter.
2. Frankie Says Relax
Remember those t-shirts from the 80 s from Frankie goes to Hollywood? Passes out those guys had a good idea.
While this might seem a little bit self-contradictory to simply discovering perception, this practice of tightening your body has slightly different merits. We support so much better tension in our mass on a daily basis, and its even more amplified in times of high-pitched stress.
Make a practice of checking each part of your mas for tension. I like to start out lying down on my back and closing my gazes like I would for savasana. Take a couple of deep sighs, then try to contract and tense up every single muscle in your organization at once. Hold this for got a couple of seconds, then liberate the tension in your whole mas. Repeat a couple of times. I find it helpful to see the comparison in how my person tones between the tension and the relaxation.
Then take it further by slowly checking each part of your form from leader to toe. Tense up an individual muscle group for a moment, then exhaust it. Crinkle your forehead, and handout. Squeeze your eyes tight, and handout. Clench your jaw, and handout. Press your tongue to the ceiling of your opening, then make it hang loose in your mouth.
You get the picture. We all know we view so much friction and stress in our shoulders and backs, but also pay attention to the little neighbourhoods. Tightening the smallest muscle radicals, particularly in my appearance, often prepare the most difficult difference in how I seem afterwards.
3. Move It
Rest is important in mending a middle. But I often situate too much emphasis on it. Yes, I need to take care of myself with sleep and the blessing of stillness. But I now believe it is equally important to move your torso very. The medium of shift isnt important. Just move.
On day one I went to a yin yoga class. While technically moving my body, the needs of the of yin yoga are much less than read a spin class. Yin allowed me to extend my form while still allowing me to appear introverted and my existence internalized which was all I could handle.
On day two I croaked for a four mile walk in the common. I remained my headphones on and didnt talk to anyone, but extended my legs and got plenty of oxygen into my lungs.
This movement is facilitating me hinder some momentum and vigour for other aspects of “peoples lives” I dont want to placed on hold while my centre heals.
4. Reach For A Better Feeling Thought
This one can feel a bit tricky. For starters, the thought of exuberance can feel so far removed from where you are right now. So, start where you are.
If you are depressed, what next best happen can you contact for? Depression is experiencing hopeless, disheartened, retiring. There isnt even any energy around depression. Happiness and desire can feel like a world away from depression.
Can you reach for something that seems slightly better than this powerless desperation? Perhaps hope? Or wrath or storm? Most passions have more vitality behind them than hollow. While temper isnt a situate you want to stay in, it can also stimulus some movement.
What if every day you worked towards an spirit merely one step in future directions you wish to move? Take a look at the Emotional Guidance System scale I formed from Ask and it is Given below. Moving up by one spirit a daylight will put you in a pretty good region in not so long a time.
There is something else to watch out for here. In the midst of my profound bereavement, I have minutes of genuine laugh when I hear something funny. The first few meters it happened, I immediately experienced guilty.
It was as if my feeling good in any way was a disloyalty to my broken heart. My mentality was telling me that if I feel good, its as if I didnt appreciate such relationships as much as I felt I did. Well, that is hogwash. That is my hurt ego talking. My relationship mean and still signifies “the worlds” to me. Tell me be really clear on this point…
If youre having a hard time contacting for a better sensitive conception, try some visualizations. Stay away from thinks about your relationship and cherish. They are very charged topics, so start somewhere easy.
Close your eyes, thought the sentiments of the warm sunlight on your look, and cool breeze on bare shoulders. Dream the flavor of your favorite dinner on your tongue. Dream your abs hurting after a good belly laugh. Improve on this feeling with knowledge from our lives you can draw from. What in your life is full of ease and joy?
5. Surround Yourself With Reminders Of Truth, Beauty, And Love
I have a tattoo on my left forearm that enunciates Love Inspired by a blog upright called the Beauty of the Ellipsis, it serves as a reminder that ardour isnt a finished thinking. It is always in motion, ever deriving. Adoration for myself, my family, your best friend, and those Ive lost.
I have a maple seed necklace to remind me that in every moment Im planting the seeds of my future. I have prisms hanging from my windows for an extra perforate of coloring and rainbows on sunny epoches. I am gradually building a jungle in my house. I fill empty spaces with plants that remind me of life and vitality even on the grayest of days.
Fill your encircles and life with little bits that remind you of what you know to be true, beautiful, and joyful. These neednt be grandiose or expensive, just simply concepts that reverberate with you. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Flowers from Traders Joes. Pinterest board filled with beauty. Follow an inspiring Instagram or Tumblr account. Make or find a mantra. Use Canva to build and print out invigorating paraphrases to embellish your room. Croak for a step and find the perfect stone to bring home. Find a brand-new favorite aroma and spread it around your mansion liberally. Buy new stationary. Treat yourself to a book from Etsy. Draw portrait or stimulating mentions with sidewalk chalk in your vicinity. Find a neighbourhood neighbourhood to make a coffee or tea mug. Alternately, find one that impresses your imagination at Society6. Create an altar or sacred cavity and crowd it with crystals, palo santo, and offerings. Spend day with children. Find reminders of your truism and joy.
These may seem to be insignificant things that are only on the surface, but I find the more I border myself with items that experience whimsical and magical in some small-scale acces, the more Im able to remind myself of how I want to feel in each time. They help me choose to feel glee and magical when I might otherwise choose grief.
6. Self-Care Saturday( Or any era. Or every day !)
We can be quite penalize to ourselves in times of conflict and stress, so take some time to really take care of yourself in some way.
Were all busy and charged with the responsibility, but if you dont take care of yourself first, the main responsibilities can begin to suffer as a result. Im more focused and productive when Ive taken care of my necessities first. I attend to my responsibilities in a bigger and better behavior when my goblet is full , not empty.
Theres a lot of area for reading here as to what self-care consider this to be for each person. While technically, all the suggestions in this article are a species of self-care, I miss “youve got to” block off some time specifically for self-care, mining deeper into what that means for you.
Maybe its taking a long, palatial shower and spending duration pampering yourself with tinctures for your skin that move you feel radiant. It might be spending a duo hours in live animals shelter fondling with puppies and kittens. Perhaps its planning a hot stone rub. Maybe its nourishing your form with vibrant healthy food youve cooked yourself. It might be taking a couple hours to read a book thats been sitting on your nightstand for months.
Tailor your self-care and rotate it into a weekly or even daily ritual.
7. Invest in Yourself
Im willing to bet everyone has something new theyd like to try if merely they had the time, coin, or excuse.
Here is your allow stumble to try that something new.
Did you want to pick up knitting, or perhaps learn to play the guitar? Maybe memorized some bayonet abilities to hoist your prepare? Rock climbing, sky diving, paint, memorizing another language, the possibilities are interminable. You can find a class on just about whatever it is you like online these days.
As progenies, we try brand-new occasions all the time. Its how we discover and change at an exceptional charge. But this slows down as we grow up and our visual field becomes smaller as we narrow down our athletic field. So expand your compass, invest in yourself in some way, and learn something new.
The cognitive requirements of memorizing something new are also welcome to serve as a great pattern of distraction when you need a distraction. Perhaps youll be brought to an end picking up a brand-new hobby, check off another carton on your pail listing, or have a good story to tell.
8. The F wordForgiveness
Ahh, a big creepy one! The topic of forgiveness can be a fiction in itself. Perhaps there is a requirement forgive the actions of your ex, or maybe forgive yourself for your own. Or a combination of both.
We dont always like to forgive people for actions we deem incorrect or unkind because it can feel like we are giving them a free pass. But Ive became aware that maintaining onto exasperation and resentment is always worse. Its a tremendous force suck and you cant find joyful as the same duration “you think youre” feeling justified in your fury. So, I select my own gaiety over my resentment.
Its a choice to make over and over again. Its not easy to forgive in one large-hearted sweeping action. It generally happens in increments. Its helpful to practice radical rapport, vividly dreaming how it feels to be the person who did you wrong. You know most people are essentially doing the best they can with the information they have at each minute. It becomes easier to suppose why they did what they did when you put yourself in their shoes. You begin to feel more empathy for them.
You recognize that the indignation youre accommodating acts no one. And you gradually begin to let it go, piece by piece.
Because forgiveness is not for them, its for YOU.
9. Afford what you wish to receive
I was walking around, detecting like no one loves me, which is totally and completely untrue, but when youre heartbroken, your subconsciou does all kinds of irrational thoughts. I received a pal of mine berth about writing a note of encouragement to a pal, and I wished to be that friend with every fiber of my being. I wanted to open up my mailbox and receive letters of cherish, a validation of the adoration that exists for me.
I expected myself what could I do to feel that adoration? I decided to Pay what I wished to RECEIVE. I started writing words of encouragement and love to pals and strangers alike. All I had to do was write what I wanted to hear, for myself. It was that easy.
This did two things for me.
One, the brain doesnt is the difference between handing, receiving, or even witnessing magnanimity. When you perform an act of kindness, the pleasure and rewards cores light up, releasing feel good chemicals as if you were the recipient, which some psychologists have dubbed the helpers high.
Two, it demo me that we live in a macrocosm of abundance. I dont is a requirement to accumulation away love and kindness to keep it. It actually thrives when I open it away. Its generative. And often, when you demonstrate adore and kindness away, others are inspired to mirror your enjoy and kindness back to you as well as fee it forward to others.
We cannot presume to understand the dominance of the extent of what a few kind words can do for someone and its ripple effect on the world. Win win triumph!
10. Investigate Your Own Patterns
This is by no means a complete list. Merely recommendations of the start of opportunities for your own healing. The biggest occasion you can do for yourself is to get curious, examine your own personal decorations in its own experience of sorrow, and doubt each one.
Hold each one up as they sound and question Does this suffice me?
If the answer is truly yes, keep it. If the answer is no, try something new or the opposite of that first inclination. Play with the brand-new reaction, see if that one provides you better, prepares you feel better both in the present and the long term.
And most important, be gentle with yourself. There are epoch to push your borders, to peruse, and to experiment. But i still have a meter for rest and a is necessary to give. Dedicate yourself the grace to know you are where you need to be when you need to be.
Know that you wont always feel like your centre has been rent out of your chest. Lessen the distance between a shattered heart and a mended middle by experimenting with these alternatives to your motifs. One day youll open your middle again and feel the rushing of falling in love. Youll look into attentions that truly see you and reflect your feeling back to you. And youll be ready for large-scale ardour because youve already done their efforts to heal your middle.
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