#im crying lemmy no!
mooneyedmoth · 7 months
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they're gonna take your lunch money
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mogwaei · 2 years
how to get to your life from you being able and you have no more heart?
I had a stroke trying to read this but you know what, I didn't expect anything less when i saw your name
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Where I Belong Series
Summary: Let’s get small glimpses of Eddie, Salem and Fox’s daily lives. No order required, read it as you wish.
Pairings: Eddie Kingston x Fox (reader), Salem (daughter)
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Salem’s 19th birthday present will remind the Kingston’s family once again of how two become one.
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Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
“Alright, Sae. You’re ready?” You asked with a confident smile.
Your daughter clapped excitedly and braced herself when you turned on the hair clippers.
“Oh she’s gonna do it, she’s gonna do it. Drum roll” Eddie tapped on the bathroom wall like drums as Salem pressed the hair clippers against her forehead.
She slid the blade through her hair and yelled in excitement when her waist-long hair fell on the ground.
This was what your daughter wanted for her 19th birthday: hair clippers so she could shave her head.
“Ouch, it’s pulling on my hair” She winced in pain
“That’s because it’s too long to go with the clippers straight away, Lemmy. I told you it was better to cut it first” You chuckled and retrieved the clippers away from your daughter’s grasp.
Grabbing the hair scissors from the bathroom cabinet, you tied her thick, hazelnut hair in a ponytail before cutting it as close to the root as possible.
Along with doing the one thing she was craving the most for the past 6 months, Salem decided to also help those in need by donating her hair to a charity company that made human hair wigs for women and children who were undergoing cancer treatment or had alopecia.
For many years Salem’s hair was complimented, envied, desired, and a topic of heated discussion between hairdressers whenever she decided to chop off a few inches. No one could understand how someone with such long, thick, shiny, healthy hair was able to even think of cutting it short - let alone shave it off!
But Salem Kingston wouldn’t be Salem Kingston if she didn’t love to cause a commotion. And you wouldn’t be her mother if you weren’t already used to the fact that Salem - much like her father - would always do the exact opposite of what people want her to do.
Truth be told, you didn’t care if your daughter wanted to be bald or have waist-long hair as long as she was happy. And you could proudly say your husband thought the same.
Eddie’s words echoed in your mind “My baby girl will do what my baby girl wants to do and I support her rights as much as I support her wrongs. Just don’t tell her I said that otherwise, she’ll take advantage of me”.
“There we go, now it’ll be easier” You stated, laying her thick ponytail inside the grocery bag Eddie brought to you.
“Thanks, Mom” Salem smiled and continued to shave her head.
You quickly glanced at Eddie, who had tears pooling in his eyes already. A faint chuckle escaped your lips as you kissed his cheek “Hold it together, papa bear. I’ll go grab the Polaroid so we can take some pictures”
Before leaving the bathroom you stared one more time at Eddie and Salem side by side. Now, with half of her head shave, she looked so much like Eddie. The strong, thick eyebrows, the big expressive green eyes, and now the buzzcut. These two made up the two pieces of your heart.
“What’s wrong, Dad? You don’t like it? Do you think I look ugly?” Doubt could be heard in Salem’s voice as she looked at her father’s reflection in the mirror.
“Of course not, chickadee! You look gorgeous, baby! I’m just emotional because you’ve grown so fast and now look at you, you’re a woman now! You’re not my little princess no more, the one that came running after me backstage whenever I walked to the gorilla, crying and asking me to stay with you a bit longer because you didn’t want me to go out in the ring and get a boo-boo. You’re growing up and don’t need your old man anymore”
“Dad” Salem turned off the clippers and turned around so she could look at her father face to face, “I’ll always need you! I don’t know what I'll do without you the day I move out. You’re my dad, the one man I know will never let me down, you’re my teacher, my best friend, my twin” Salem smiled when Eddie chuckled at her last statement. “You’re the only person on earth who truly understands me. Because we’re the same… ‘two hearts beating as one’, wasn’t that what you always told me when I was a kid?”
Eddie nodded and Salem continued “It’ll always be like that, Dad. No one can ever change or replace it, no matter how old I am or where I am, you’re my father and I love you forever”
Eddie pulled Salem towards him in a tight bear hug, not minding the hairs that were already sticking to his shirt. As the tears rolled down his bearded cheeks, he stated “I love you, kiddo. I love you to the moon and back. I love you in this life-“
“And in the next one” Salem completed her father’s sentence for him before she pulled back “So, will you help me shave the back? Because I can’t see shit”
Eddie chuckled before taking the clippers off her hand “Girl, you know I got some mad barber shop skills”. He pressed the blade against Salem’s head and shelved the short hair on the nape of her neck when you suddenly called from the bathroom door:
“Big smile, you guys! Give me big smiles and look at the camera”
Salem hugged her father’s waist tightly as she crossed her eyes and poked her tongue out to the camera. Eddie turned off the clippers and held them in his hand, his arms hugging his daughter equally tight before his cheek came to rest on the top of her - now - bald head with a big smile plastered on his lips.
Later that night, while you waited for the picture to glue on your family album, you grabbed a red pen and wrote on the blank space of the Polaroid:
𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚎 ❤️
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asingleietsist · 10 months
Silly me decided to play the Koopalings in MK8 deluxe, just to hear their English VAs and get a bit of their personalities.
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Someone please 🥺 I'd play a game if it was Koopaling centered.
look at them being all happy n shit 💚
And Ludwig is a smug gremlin-
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once-inocent24 · 5 months
you better watch out
you better not cry
you better not pout, Im telling you why
Lemmy is out for revenge!
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meowzersdotcom · 1 month
im so so gay. i fucking love my boyfriend.
i love my friends! IM GOING TO CRY.
(i know this wont last long but lemmie relish in the immense amount of lovbe i have for my friends and others...and my mutuals!)
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15ktherapy · 11 months
my sisters being annoying UNDER CUT TIME
it’s blabber time aight ?
I sleepy fornelije so many fucking hours I slept was so long hate that ahit it always makes me feel weird and in the bad way ummmmmm okay so. my dreams are always rlly like. okay lookaybe you know maybe you don’t but like in tv shows or whatever ppl will talk about being able to realize when ur dreaming and being able to do things. I don’t dream like that never have. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii. it’s like memories or being strung along in a story. nothing changes you aren’t rlly conscious what happens happens and that’s that. okay so dreams. don’t really remember tyem bc I woke up Hour s ago. ONE. BUGS. IN MY BATHTUB. big ones. TWO. people kept giving me money like hundred of dollars it’s like are you meaning to give me this much money ? what de fawk. anyway side note three dollar bills existed in my dreams. also 120 dollar bills. strange. anyway THREE!!! most the reason i put this under a cut. deals with my cats yknow the missing probably dead ones? those ones yeahX You’ve been warned. THREE. DEAD CAT. POOR LITTLE LEMMYS DEAD ON MY FAWKING LAWN. I blame this dream on my dad being annoying yesterday. umm all these dream were rehashings of big thinsg yesterday— 1bugs- my sisters got a literal bug collection she kept showing it off. umm also half I play hollow knight a lot and that’s bug game— 2money— talked about wtttibg a job yesterday with both my parents— 3DEAD CAT— so me my mom and my sis are all VERY SURE what happened to our cats (and another poor guys poor cat) and my dad is Really Fucking Annoying about it because he’s just like that in general. so me mom and sis all DISTINCTLY remember this one fucking guy making “jokes” about how he liked to poison cats and or eat them what fucking ever when we moved in SECEN YEARS AGO. and it’s like back then it’s like Okay Keep Cats Away From That Man. also Hopefullky He’s Joking. anyway so years later THREE FUCKING CATS GO MISSING IN THE SPAN OF A FUCKING WEEK. my cat maggie and another guys cat inky (maggie and inky seemed to be friends btw. very sad that this was only noticed AFTER THEY DISAPEERED.) anyway so they disappear at the same time, because of that I’m like DEAR GOD CAN WE PLEEASE FUCKING KEEP LEMONS INSIDE??? MAGGIES BEEN GONE FOR DAYS AND THIS OTHER CAT IS GONE TOO? we need to keep her inside. she does not stay inside. a week after maggie disappears so does my little lemmy. I spend hours looking outside for her and nearly rip my moms boyfriends head off. I take a shower and cry a lot. anyway. months later back to the present— we’re pretty sure what happened to our cats, eggs have been thrown, yada yada. so it’s yesterday my dads here he’s annoying some how cats come up again and we spend like ten minutes talking about our dead cats and how we know it was our neighbors and my dad being stupid like “it probably wasn’t though” IM AORRY WHO LIVES HERE??? and who doesn’t??? who’s cats died??? kys. anywya so I blame my dead cat dream and. THE ONE OTHER THING I REMEMBER FROM THAT DREAM SECTION “well looks like you were right.” I AM SO MAD. coughs anyway next time I see my dad in probably chewing him out for that
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Roy: Why can’t you tie your own shoes?
Lemmy: I might not tie my shoes but I can fuck yo bitch!
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gligarsmiles · 3 years
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fuck it, lemmy koopa plushie
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stanuriscurlis · 5 years
guys i finally saw chapter 2 last night
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dragqueenpentheus · 5 years
so wild spending time w a dad and kid who have genuine love and affection for each other and aren't weird about physical contact??? i'm in the mri waiting room and my dad is. sitting on the other side of the small room?? i cant remember if i sat first or he did but there's like two feet between us while i'm riding the edge of a panic attack as usual and it's like??? when i hang out with these irl people it's all loving hair pats and side hugs and?? it's so sweet and heart warming but i'm!!! sure sad now!!!!!!!!
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moonriseterror · 5 years
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astrelle · 6 years
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A baby gremlin with his older gremlin brother who thinks he’s cool
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Have this Lemmy. He's proud of who he is.
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killedbydeth · 6 years
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From Lemmy to Eddie  //   From Eddie to Lemmy
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incorrectkoopalings · 3 years
roy + wendy headcanons
roy :
-roy’s full name is “royce” because i think it sounds cool
-acts confident. 
-isnt confident. 
-in an avatar au he’d be a blind earthbender. dont know why im bringing that up but he would 100% be best friends with toph.
-bullies others, but its mainly as a joke. he will willingly make you cry though.
-only sleeps on the couch. does not use his bed.
-speaking of his bed, his bed is just a mattress on the floor since he likes to wail onto things and flop down. it broke and he got angry, grabbed a hammer, and went ham at it. (speaking of that, it is rather fun)
-the couch is his. dont try sitting on it, it is a death wish.
-roy keeps a very real looking fake gun under his pillow, if anyone tries to kick him off the couch, change the channel, or even just bother him at all he pulls it out and says “i have a gun on speed dial.”
-roy can rap great. not as good as larry, but he can get the basics. he cant rap as fast, and definitely cant make the sentences make sense like larry, but mumble rap exists for a reason.
-roy is not straight(in my opinion). he is bisexual, leaning more towards girls, but he has and maybe still has a crush on boom boom
-switch. hes not 100% a top. he switches.
-him and boom boom make very low quality music videos to larrys songs, sometimes ludwigs. they are hilarious and roy went viral.
-despite his low quality music videos, roy is actually a great dancer. like. magnificent. he may even be on the same level as lemmy, though lemmy can dance longer and focuses on flexibility and fun, while roy focuses on what looks and feels good.
-roy. cannot. sing.
wendy :
-germaphobe, just like ludwig 
-speaking of ludwig, wendy and ludwig actually have a great brother-sister relationship. they call themselves the “only buddies” as in wendy is the only female, and ludwig is “the only responsible and reasonable one”
-wendy, despite loving to buy things actually likes to get things for cheap. even if she can afford it, if its out of a range then she wont get it. she likes to buy things second hand. 
-has lots of wigs. 
-despite having wigs, she does not want hair. shes bald willingly.
-famous on instagram, shes an icon and source for pride in female koopas.
-a great; magnificent singer. normally has very graceful singing like verses
-wendy is actually a little insecure when it comes to people who attended school with her.(ill talk more about this in a seperate post) 
-she eventually learns to love herself
-is easily peer pressured
-she loves the mermaid themed stuff. like absolutely loves it
-sea shells, fish, pearls, she wants it all.
-speaking of fish, wendy wants to be a oceanographer. more specially, she wants to be a marine biologist and study the creatures that live in the ocean.
-she will do hard work. but she will not do it if you tell her too.
-shes the one who cuts larrys hair, and shes the one who reccomends he keeps the sides shaved.
-wendy actually loves the really wholesome and cute romance animes. best girl.
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