#im doing a wizard au thread in a bit
((Everybody got Harry Potter blacklisted? Good.
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
[oc rambles - call of the ring au]
Thoughts are all over the place but this idea sprung to me from the concept in Tolkien lore where elf are immortals, but can die from several aspects (oh yeah angst ahead but with a sweet ending I promise)
One is violent physical harm, the other is grief, and the third one (which is not technically death) is fading where their body becomes less connected to the world
[I have done zero research and the following are made up other than the canon lotr lore + not proof read grammar and english are terrible + I am live writing this]
But you know how Gandalf died in lotr?? Im thinking about that and how Raven felt it
— her body shook uncontrollably as she staggers and falls to the floor, it was as if the very axis of her balance were off and her world was spinning, heavy and tight was her chest—
“Mithrandir”, she whispered out harshly, clutching her chest, it twisted and turned, a sickening feeling bubbling up from within— it claws against her rib cage, like a beast wallowing in pain and sorrow, escaping her lips as she lets out a shriek, tears streaming down her skin
“No, it can’t…i-it cannot be—he promised!“
Something something Raven gets hits with such immense grief and mourn for Price, and slowly starting fading
[making this up once again]
Raven who spent her days and night in her chambers, stood as still as a statue under the moonlight, closing her eyes as she wondered to the stars above
Those who dwindles and seek solace in a far away place often leave pieces of their souls there
Lingers in the night sky, around stars and clouds, doesn’t want to go back— to the empty room, to face the silence, the heartbreak
The fair elf lost its once witty remarks, moving along the scrolls and the great halls with no aim, fair skin as white and bright as the snow darkened to a pale, dull complexion
“Loss is so loud,” she weeps quietly, holding a shiny jewel in her palm, “I had so much I’ve yet to tell you” the Froststar glimmer between her fingers, yet it only seemed to mock her misery “should’ve given it to you, maybe it would’ve helped, but you’re ever the stubborn wizard…” The pendant shines brighter, damp and slippery, “now I tell my secrets to the stars, in hopes it may reach you”
((Froststar is just Evenstar but in ref to her name, Eira which meant snow))
Just as the days only grew impeccably longer, something changed for once. It’s the ache again, around her chest, but it wasn’t suffocating, nor was it crushing—
It’s faint, like a flutter of a moth
She gasped out, holding the pendant tightly, “Price”
Stumbles out her bed, rushed straight to Lady Laswell (Elrond), begged and asked about anything and everything, and got a confirmation that the Grey Wizard, might have returned after all
((Rejoice! She’s not going to insane after all!!!))
The exhaustion finally catching up on her as she falls into a deep slumber that night, and she doesn’t thread through the night clouds in search for stars no…
He came to her, and suddenly, she was reminded of the words from Laswell
“We do not know if he truly is back…he may return a different being, thread carefully, Raven”
Froze on the dark chasm of her dream, she stayed rooted at where she stood, and she sees it
He does look different— white, his robes and staff are white, his beard is white (and oddly rather soft looking)
Has he ascended? Or is this merely a figment of what her exhausted bird brain has conjured up as a cruel joke? He looks the same actually beside the whole white look— what’s with the get up? Isn’t Saruman the White Wizard? Wait— did he took his place—
That pulls her out of her mind, and she released a breath she didn’t know she was holding, and trembled slightly
She whispers back, tearing up immediately, watching as the familiar figure strides forward, those blue eyes who she has longed to see— yet felt so different—
“Gwael nǐn…you’ve gotten thinner…”
She sniffles, sobbing a bit
“Y-you’re not real”
“But I am, I’ve come to see you…”
“Y-you— I felt it—“
“Yes…yes I was”
Price reaches forward, brushing his knuckles on her cheeks, it felt ghostly, like a wind, but it always felt warm
He was always warm
“Im sorry, meleth nǐn, you’ve suffered a lot from me…”
“N-no…i-it’s fine— I…are you back…i-is your—“ she gestured his white robes and all “what…?” Myriad of questions, yet words failed her
Price laughs quietly, gruff yet fondly, staring at her with those crinkles around the corner of his eyes
“You need not think about those…” leans forward and presses his ghostly palm over her chest, and for a moment she felt it, the warmth seeping into her cold, frail body
“I will see you soon, so please…” his palm wafts through her chest, as if he was reaching out for her and held it dearly
“Keep that heart beating for me”
—she wakes up with her face wet once more, but not with an empty, void in her chest, as her heart beats once more
((Eirwen is her Sindarin name, literally it means white snow, Mǐrathra meant jewel, theres no direct translation for Price so this will do))
((Gwaleth nǐn: my bird, meleth nǐn: my love))
Anyhoo that’s basically the gist of it HDJFJSHS sorry if its messy as hell and the format’s weird, but yeah Raven nearly dying and fading from grief but Price returns and yippiieeee
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dungeonbat · 4 years
fic reqs
this wouldnt fit in a message
Okay. Here we go. Finally.
Most of the fics have some heavy ratings so make sure you check before you get scared for life lol
The Professor's Discretion
By: Twelve Years in Azkaban
The only thing keeping Hermione out of trouble and Harry Potter alive is... the Professor's Discretion. AU.
The Scales Of Balance
By: One Red Shoe
Their eyes saw what time and apathy had made others blind to. Snape and Malfoy left England after their trials. When they return 10 years later, they're furious with what they find. SS/HG, SS/HG/LM, LM/GW, and a dark HP/RW.
The Ribboned-Witch
By: IShouldBeWritingSomethingElse
"Why would I want your…fumblings?" There was a thread of steel in Granger's voice as she played along with Severus' game. "When I could have *his* expertise?" / SS/HG HEA...Always :)
unquestionable love by CRMediaGal (shes on here a lot so she will be easy to find)
For the Potions Master's Amusement by snape.submiss
remember by snapes goddess (this one is on adult fan fiction)
Polyandry and other problems by Refya
Snape’s Apprentince
The Headmaster’s Wife
An Hour of Snape (this ones just a short pwp but it’s good)
You Can’t Have One Without The Other.
Care of magical creatures. 
Bride of the Potions Professor  (i love this one. it’s angsty)
Pet Project by Caeria - M, 52 chapters, 9,150 favorites - Hermione overhears something she should concerning Professor Snape and decides that maybe the House-elves aren’t the only ones in need of protection.
Heart over Mind by Regann - T, 27 chapters, 4,292 favorites - Something odd about Hermione causes her to have unexpected reaction to a love potion. Only it’s one which no one expected. How could a lack of reaction cause so much trouble?
When a Lioness Fights by kayly silverstorm - M, 80 chapters, 4,291 favorites - Hermione Granger, master spy, and Severus Snape, spymaster to the Order. An unlikely partnership, forged to defeat the Dark Lord on his own ground. But to do so, they must confront their own darkness within. Spying, torture, angst and love.
The Problem with Purity by Phoenix.Writing - M, 62 chapters, 4,042 favorites - As Hermione, Harry, and Ron are about to begin their seventh and final year at Hogwarts, they learn some surprising and dangerous information regarding what it means to be Pure in the wizarding world.
Chasing the Sun by Loten - M, 60 chapters, 3,907 favorites - Hermione only wanted to learn Healing; she discovers that Professor Snape is a human being after all, and his actions dramatically shape the course of the war as events unfold.
Hinge of Fate by Ramos - M, 22 chapters, 3,747 favorites - Hermione cannot remember, and Severus cannot forget.
Care of Magical Creatures by mia madwyn - M, 67 chapters, 3,361 favorites - MLC-Seventh Year student Hermione Granger decides to marry the one eligible wizard who did not ask for her-the horrid but powerful Severus Snape. Angst, humor and lemons.
Applied Cultural Anthropology, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cruciatus by jacobk - T, WIP (currently 15 chapters), 3,383 favorites - Albus Dumbledore always worried about the parallels between Harry Potter and Tom Riddle. But let’s be honest, Harry never really had the drive to be the next dark lord. Of course, things may have turned out quite differently if one of the other muggle-raised Gryffindors wound up Slytherin instead.
Post Tenebras, Lux by Loten - M, 43 chapters, 2,940 favorites - “After Darkness, Light.” A chance meeting ten years after the war may not be just a coincidence, and may prove to have very far-reaching consequences. A story of many things, but primarily of healing.
Before the Dawn by snarkyroxy - M, 49 chapters, 2,833 favorites -  In her seventh year, a late night discovery changes Hermione Granger’s view on a great many things. Severus Snape is just one of them.
Doing it for the Order by Desert_Sea → I followed this one from the beginning to the end, it’s pretty recent and very well done so it’s the first fic I remember! Go read this one if you haven’t!
Hermione Granger and the Intended Vessels by Severely_Lupine → I originally read this in Ashwinder. I really really really like this fic. Seriously. Snape is so…..Snape here. The plot is also amazing (but maybe a bit disturbing for some people? idk. I enjoy it personally). This fic made me feel so much!
Denial by little beloved →Best adultery fic I’ve read.
In Annulo by ladyofthemasque → I read this a long time ago so I don’t remember the details of the story much, but it has a nice plot! For some reason this fic is the only fic I had bookmarked from The Petulant Poetess…
Hermione Granger and the Crystal of Time by Aurette Of Muggles and Magic by Aurette → Everything by Aurette is good. These two are my favorite.
Unquestionable Love by CRMediaGal →  The best story I’ve read where Severus is a dad!
In the Potions Classroom by happilyjaded Outside the Potions Classroom by happilyjaded → A fun read XD (the latter is the continuation of the former btw)
Unkissed by chivalric → One of the Snape got pranked!fics I like
Don’t stand so close to me by Fayth → Great use of the song lyrics!
When I Cursed The Teacher by cathedralcarver → This one is funny XD “ Snape starts to court Hermione. Convinced that he’s under some sort of curse, Hermione enlists Bill Weasley’s help.”
Pride, or What Goeth Before a Fall by Toodleoo → That one where Hermione thought Snape was gay….LOL
okay. That should keep you busy for a minute. Now Im going to scour for the RPrs
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sotheywrotestories · 6 years
Hi! Im the George anon I meant the Au Im sorry.
All good!
In the Muggle world, soulmates were just happy coincidences. But of course, only Seers could see red strings, and wizards and Muggles hardly ever mixed.
(Y/N) was a Seer and, with being a Hufflepuff, tried her hardest to help people find their other halves. It was tiring but it was what she loved to do. 
She was currently trying to get Angelina to see that Fred was, in fact, her soulmate. Now, (Y/N) was never very good at remembering which twin was which, which is why she was utterly confused when she saw Angelina’s string trailing out of the library while Fred sat a table away. (It was actually Geroge.)
“Hey, um-Fred?” (Y/N) approached the red-haired boy.
He didn’t look at her. 
“Fred,” she tried again. “Weasley!”
He finally looked up, and when he did, (Y/N) realized that it wasn’t George. 
“Oh! Sorry to bother you. Yeah-I’ll just go,” (Y/N) blushed. 
George laughed. “It’s all right, love. Did you need anything?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “No, I thought you were Fred.”
George’s face fell slightly.
“Not for that!” (Y/N) put her hands up. “I just need to talk to him about his soulmate. Or I did. Of course, since you’re George everything makes a bit more sense-”
“You’re a Seer?” George asked. 
(Y/N) blushed harder. 
“Would you…would you be able to tell me who my soulmate is?” George asked excitedly. 
“Oh,” (Y/N) looked at her shoes, taking a small step back. “Sure.”
George held up both of his hands, unsure of where his string was. (Y/N) grabbed onto the string and gave it a slight pull. It was pulled tight, so the soulmate was alive and near. 
Threading the string through her fingers, she started to wind it into a neat roll. George stood up and followed as she made her way about the castle. The farther a soulmate would get from the other, the longer the string would be. Meaning passing each other in the halls almost always doubled the length of a string. 
George watched in silent wonder, unable to see the red material that was being wrapped around (Y/N)’s arms. 
“How much longer?” George asked suddenly. 
(Y/N) shrugged. 
“They attend school here?” he pushed. 
(Y/N) nodded. “Or they live in the lake.”
George had to stop walking to bust out laughing, only to see that (Y/N) was still walking. 
“You’re not serious?” George chortled. 
“It’s happened before. Look, well okay you can’t, but the string is getting looser. We’re getting close,” (Y/N) said, turning a corner. “Oh, no.”
“What’s wrong?” George worried. Maybe his soulmate was Malfoy. 
“There’s a turn in the string. We have to turn back and go back the way we came because…,” (Y/N) trailed off. 
“Because?” George prompted. 
(Y/N) was too busy with the fact that the string did, in fact, loop around, but only because the other end laid precariously on her pinky.
(Y/N) had made it a promise to herself to not go looking for her own soulmate. She always wanted somebody else to prompt it, she just never thought that it would be her other half. 
“(Y/N)?” George’s hand fell on her shoulder. 
Her eyes slowly met his. “You’re my soulmate.”
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loathedlineage-a · 8 years
list of wishlist/au ideas that i’d sell my soul for
death eater au (amelia going darkside and joining the death eaters. probably through manipulation, whether that be through torture or false information like being made to believe the death eaters ‘saved’ her and the order killed her adoptive family). 
all the au’s where amelia (and harry) are raised by their parents. or even sirius. or remus. or literally anyone. the twins can be together or amelia can be raised by ‘so and so’ by herself. just basically an au where amelia isn’t raised by her adoptive parents. 
au where amelia is introduced to the wizarding world BEFORE her adoptive family is killed. basically, amelia isn’t traumatized the fuck by her intro to the magical world. it’s done in a less, well, violent way.
seriously all the brotps in the fucking world. i should warn you though, anyone who starts a brotp with amelia ‘james potter incarnate, aka prongs 2.0′ is basically selling their soul to the devil. ur doomed.
idk about the timeline thing but something with queenie reading amelia’s mind and seeing what she truly thinks about the wizarding world (how terrified she is of magic) and that she even considers herself a freak cause of being a witch and queenie tries to help/talk to her and im just so sad at the thought of it, queenie is so good and pure and amelia needs that kind of witch in her life
amelia and credence bonding over their struggles of their magic and basically learning how to use/accept it. again, another timeline thingy but this, omfg, they could relate so much with the whole magic ordeal i feel. 
all the threads of amelia being taught how to use her magic. or even someone showing amelia the good in the magical world as the poor thing’s first experience with magic was literally witnessing the darkest of dark magic killing her entire family. she just needs help overcoming her fear of magic. 
james and/or lily are somehow brought back to life but they only remember everything up to their deaths (nothing after and being in the afterlife) and harry and amelia have both already grown up and the latter (amelia) never even thought of them as her parents for 16/17 years 
amelia uses the timeturner to go back in time to save her adoptive family but instead goes back too far to the marauder era. i think this could also include the fantastic beasts period but honestly fuck it if it can’t, this is an au and it’s roleplay, i do what i want. 
all the grimmauld place threads. basically after amelia is saved from her death eater attack but before she starts hogwarts. so she’s starting to learn a little bit about magic but everything is very new, not to mention scary, to her. 
newt coming across amelia and recognising the signs of her resisting/refusing to accept her magic and knowing the dangerous outcome if she continues to do so (develop an obscurus) and wanting desperately to help her.
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sasslightertm-a · 7 years
I. Mun and muse are separate entities. Please treat them as such.
II. Feel free to ask questions directed at my muse. Also, feel free to tag me in a starter or rp. I’m up for three-ways and/or group rps so long as the other partner(s) already agree(s).
 If it takes me over a week, drop a notice in my inbox. However, don’t flood my inbox just because we’re both online. Sometimes I only have muse for certain threads or I just might not feel up to RPing at the moment.
If it takes a while for me to respond, it will because of these reasons: (1) I do not have Internet access; (2) the thread is in my drafts and I am stuck on how to respond; (3) I missed the inbox ask or reply/Tumblr ate it; (4) I have a life away from Tumblr; or (5) I may need to take a break from role-playing so I can recharge and my muse can come with with ideas. It will not be because I am ignoring you or I don’t like you or your muse.
III. If you ask to RP, you write the starter.
IV. DO NOT REBLOG MY ROLEPLAYS IF YOU ARE NOT INVOLVED. Message me or go on Anon if you have a comment about a thread.
V. Personals, do not reblog my OOC posts (unless tagged 'Charmed' or 'Chris Halliwell'), headcanons, drabbles, and roleplays. Doing so once will result in a warning. If it happens again, you will be blocked.
Regarding NSFW content:
NSFW material (gore, violence, blood, etc.) may happen on this blog. However, please let me know if you want to smut with Chris before we add it in a thread. I tag NSFW and trigger warnings as such. I do use Read Mores for smut on this blog. I'm also perfectly fine with doing a fade-to-black.
I don’t have any triggers; however, threads with suicidal themes, self-harm, and sexual assault on my muse make me extremely uncomfortable. Please discuss it OOC first.
I will not RP smut with minors. (This should be pretty self-explanatory.) If you are a minor and want to RP smut with me, I will do a fade-to-black.
I am of age to RP smut, as is my muse; however, I play Chris as being grey-asexual. He does have a very low sex drive, but it's very rare that he wants to act on it. (That being said, he is fine with both men and women.)
Basically, don't do it. If you want specifics, this includes:
Metagaming (using OOC information in an IC thread).
Killing off my muse
Forcing history on my muse
Forcing a ship
Speaking for my muse
Describing my muse’s thoughts or emotions
Doing an action for him
Forcing a situation upon him without giving me, the mun, a chance to respond.
Doing ANYTHING for my muse
Having your muse know mine when they’ve never interacted.
In short, you write your muse and let me write mine.
I. This blog is multi-verse, multi-ship, and selective.
II. I track the tag #twicebornwitchlighter.
III. Mun's FC is Sally McKnight (aka Thorn) from the Hex Girls as she appears in Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost.
IV. On my writing style: I use sentences, paragraphs, one-liners, and gifs/icons/icon gifs. If you don’t use icons, gifs, or one-liners, that’s fine. I’m okay with just writing sentences/paragraphs. Basically, I tend to use everything and my style can be rather fluid as a result.
V. My portrayal of Chris is taken mainly from the TV series and is very heavily headcanon-based. I do not read the comics, but I do consider the tie-in novels to be canon to the TV series.
I. If you come to me with an rp idea, I request that you write the starter. Please don’t ask me to write it. In addition, do NOT come into my inbox with "Hey, wanna rp?" or "Can we rp?" and not have an idea for what you want to roleplay.
II. I prefer to use the IM messaging system solely for OOC chatting and plotting. I won’t role-play or respond IC over the messaging system.
III. I will not tolerate hate directed at me or my partners. Anon hate will be deleted or responded to IC (if it is directed at my muse), and I am not responsible for my muse’s actions.
IV. I do not smut out of the gate, with a couple exceptions: (1) It has been plotted out with the other mun; (2)  it has reached that point in a thread where both muns feel it is appropriate.  
V. I do not roleplay with muses that have no bios or rules pages. I also do not roleplay with cartoon/anime muses (unless they have a faceclaim), self-inserts, YouTuber faceclaims, and Mary-Sues.
OCs / Crossovers / AUs
I. I am willing to crossover with the following fandoms: 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Teen Wolf 
Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments  
Witches of East End 
The Vampire Diaries  
The Secret Circle 
Wizards of Waverly Place  
Ghost Whisperer
If I am not familiar with your fandom, I will not write with you.
II. On OCs: I am extremely wary and selective when it comes to playing with OCs. I won’t always say no, but I won’t always say yes either.
For OCs (and all potential partners), I check out the bio page, rules/guidelines, and read some posts to see if our writing styles will click and if your muse will be a good foil for mine. I’ve had a few bad experiences in the past with OCs, so please respect this. (This also goes for Phoebe and Cole's unborn son.)
I will not roleplay with OCs if
there is no about page
they are a next gen sibling to Chris (my Chris has zero right to regard your muse as his brother/sister/half-sibling/step-sibling)
their sole existence is to be in a romantic/sexual relationship with Chris (or it is part of your OC's backstory that they are in an established relationship with him when we have never interacted). I am not writing Chris solely so your muse can get laid by a pretty witch.
III. All that being said, I do love OCs and AU muses. Hit me up.
I. I ship Chris with chemistry. That’s it. However, I do headcanon him as a demiromantic grey-asexual—he has a very low sex drive and will have sex if it is what his partner wants, but he rarely feels sexual attraction. It will also take a long time for him to fall in love with your muse.
II. Don’t assume relationships. Do not assume my muse is best friends with yours, knows who your muse is, that your muse is an acquaintance of or related to Chris, or that they are in a romantic/sexual relationship. The only time this is okay is if your muse is one of the Halliwells or a character Chris has met in-canon. (Even then, I am extremely selective when it comes to Halliwell muses.)
III. Related to the above, do NOT force a ship. If your muse makes sexual advances towards Chris and he shuts them down, do not have your muse continue to pursue him. It is okay if your muse falls in love with him, but he is under no obligation to return your muse’s affections. Also, PLEASE talk it out with me first if you want to ship your character with Chris—and keep in mind that I have every right to say “No” to a particular ship.
IV. I do not write incest or mpreg.
V. Again, I am not here solely to write smut. If that's all your muse wants Chris for, then it would be best if you found someone else.
VI.  All ships are independent of each other, so Chris is not cheating on anyone. That being said, the set ships I have for Chris are the following:
I am not associated with The WB, Charmed, or Drew Fuller in any way, shape, or form. Nor do I own the character of Chris Halliwell. This is just a roleplay/ask blog for fun.
Most icons are from hunts done by charmedindiehelp (found here). I also make my own icons. Gifs and all the background images seen on this blog are my own. That being said, it's best not to take anything you see on this blog.
My version of Chris is TV and heavily-headcanon based. I do not take the comics as canon, nor will I accept the upcoming reboot as canon (if anything, it will be in an alternate universe from this blog). My anti-reboot tag can be found here.
Call me Jess. Timezone is MST, USA. I'm a 20+-year-old undergraduate student, so I will not be on Tumblr all the time. This is also not my only RP blog.
English is my first language. I know a little bit of Spanish and am an intermediate German speaker/writer (I've been learning German for 4+ years). Sometimes I may lapse into Standard German (code-switching is a problem for me, since I'm at the point where the languages are clashing in my head). If I do, forgive me and I'll provide a translation.
Mutuals can contact me on Skype.
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