#im doing the max number of classes after doing the max last semester too PLUS ive got placement now
danielnelsen · 5 years
god remember when i was so tired the other week that i fully hallucinated a creeper in my backyard, that was wild
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parley-o-4 · 6 years
Prelude: Recognition/Conception
Where do I begin?
I guess where it all started would be a good place...its fall about August I'd say. And Im getting ready to go into my sophomore year in college and of course its the school fund shuffle trying to get my financial aid settled. However, this year for some reason its exceptionally hard to get my usual loan. Come to find out I would need a private loan this go round meaning I needed to find a way to cover nearly 5 Gs by the end of the year... So per usual I needed to defer my payment and figure it out later on that semester... something not foreign to myself or my parentals. But something foreign in the form of "New Policy" migrated its way into my life, this new piece of literature dictated new terms to my deferment requiring me to un-ass more than the standard amount of money...
"What the entire fuck?!? This is a lot more than last time what gives?"
I asked fightin my damndest not to look like an adorable chubby cheeked cat. To which the lady only responds, in an exasperated tone over her glasses, "Its just new policy, they are testing out."
"New policy my ass! When were yall gonna tell us this?" an angrier femaled version of myself exclaimed being accompanied by a towering shadow of null demeanor.
"I know, they tell us this the week before school and expect us to be familiar enough with it to be able to explain it all to parents like yourselves," the woman responds adjusting her glasses. "Im terribly sorry about all this. All you have to do is fill this paperwork out and I can log your deferment as usual and we'll wait till your student loan comes in. I hastily sign this paperwork and leave out to go deposit my fundage onto the cashier's office.
"Dont worry bout it son we'll figure this out like we always do," bellowed the towering man that was Daddy flashing that signature dimple to sooth my worries followed by a pat on my head...but those butterflies lingered still even after warm hug from my Mama and they had gone home back to Dallas it stuck in my head 'where are we gonna get this money?'
It rattled around in my head....
They are always figuring it out for me, its my turn to figure it out for myself. So day in and day out I thought of what I could possibly do to help as no private loan wanted to give me enough to cover it all...I just needed two maybe two and a half Gs to be squared away but how would I get it.
No job folit my schedule for class, I don't have enough stuff to sell to count...I thought I could sell drugs *jokingly at first...then it became a real suggestion* "Man hell no!" I couldn't sell that stuff I don't even know where to get any nor do I wanna get in that deep with it..."Plus who would I even get it from?!?!" I laughed to myself while unconsciously flipping through my mental rolodex of names. "Well there is...nah we werent really that cool to begin with but he did say he liked how my mind worked and offered me a little work," I shook my head as if to erase the thought like an etch-a-sketch.
It wouldn't be too hard for us... (fade into an echo from a seated shadowy figure in a hood)
I swear it was my voice but it couldn't have been...I had already erased it from my head. I shook my head and returned to the outside world.
A few weeks later...
The max I could get fell short about the two stacks I predicted.
"Damn it!!! What are we gonna do?"
That loan is still short...what else could I possibly do.
“We’ve already had this discussion remember?” the hooded voice whispered...”You’re just denying what you are already know to be truth...WE are good at just about anything.”
Bruh...I know I’m not tripping...maybe its just my mind tricking me but either way there is some truth to this suggestion. It wouldn’t hurt to ask for a little help.
*Takes out phone and dials number*
Hello?...yeah its me Jackson. Do you still have Tyriq’s number?...Yeah cool shoot it to me.....nigga stop being nosey I need to ask him something.....Thank ya.
*Hangs up*
*starts texting* {Yo wazup? It’s JT I need a huge favor...one that involves me taking you up on that offer you made once if its still on the table...}
Well he’ll probably never answer is what I thought as I continued my trek to the back of campus....Imma have to figure out how to get the rest of this....
*Phone chimes* {YO!!! JT!!! You damn well that offer stands man I meant it when I said I liked how your mind worked...your random thought in class paid off more than you know LOL but I can tell you more about that in person}
Oh shit...he answered!
*Texts back* {Oh damn lol I’m not even at in Dallas no more dawg I was just thinking bout the good ole days in coach’s class and shot you a text lol}
Shit I think I played that off good...that nigga not getting me caught up in his daddy’s shit.
*Phone chimes* { LMAO I’m dead ass serious bro I really can help if you need it but of course thats in exchange for your help....when the next time you town? We need to link up on some shit anyhow.}
FUCK!!! This nigga here...”Just go for it...whats the worst that can happen?” True True I thought to myself....AHHH what the hell.
*Starts texting* {Thats wazup but I wont be back till around Christmas}
*Phone Chimes* {Perfect! I got some things around that time I could use your brain on...hit me man}
Hmmm...You need that help....
*Starts texting* {Aight bro I’ll hit you up when I get in...but whats the things you got going?}
*Phone chimes* {I’ll tell you once I see you my nigga....}
What the hell is so secretive? Oh well we’ll see once I get home in a little over a month I guess....
That nigga aint bout shit tho....So I thought....
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