#and people are being homophobic AGAIN and not in the meme way; like in the actual homophobic way yknow
lakesbian · 1 year
i poked around the fandom a bit last night and it was very funny to me that alec/taylor and alec/brian seem to be significantly more popular pairings than aishalec. whether you see their relationship as being more on the romantic side or more on the platonic side, it’s very textually explicit that aisha is the only undersider who even approaches understanding what’s going on w/ alec, and it’s also very textually explicit that alec is the only undersider who sees aisha on a specific meaningful and validating level for her. so it’s exceedingly funny to me that people have a habit of tossing aisha (whose problem is Literally that she’s chronically ignored LMAO) aside in favor of pairing alec w/ a girl who tends to ungenerously + hypocritically regard him as having no real interiority beyond “unempathetic sociopathic rapist” or a boy who consistently wins the Worm’s Most Heterosexual Man Award.
to be clear, i don’t think it’s impossible to do something interesting with alec/taylor interactions or alec/brian interactions, but i do think you have to work a lot harder to squeeze something compelling out of it--and i really don’t get why people aren’t as interested in exploring aisha/alec interactions in fan content when it’s textually the singular most significant human connection he has. if you want to start poking around in alec’s psyche, pairing him up with the one person who actually gets into his psyche in canon seems like it should be the most obvious choice, but almost no one goes for it.
i also have to admit that alec/taylor shipping always makes me snicker a bit because her canonical first reaction to him is is literally “Hmm. Not really into....Effeminate Boys." taylor might be a weird straight girl who can’t appreciate alec’s gnc swag, but i know in my heart that aisha (also bisexual, To Me,) saw him and immediately went “Ohohoho. Hohoho. Ohohoho. Nice.” 
as for brian. he is definitely remarkably heterosexual but the idea of him being a weird repressed bisexual similar to how many people read taylor is very funny to me. like so:
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(...you could actually get something interesting out of how brian & alec are both traumatized boys who are trying very hard (with varying degrees of success) not to turn into their father figures, but they differ in that alec is uninterested in masculinity to the point where he experiences homophobia for it in canon whereas brian is obsessed with being masculine to a self-destructive fault. i’m compelled by the idea of brian trying to convince alec to do some self-defense training w/ a misguided appeal to his sense of masculinity only to end up vaguely jarred and confused when alec informs him that 1. his current t-shirt and leggings are both from the women’s section, so he’s pretty sure he’s got nothing left in the masculinity department, and 2. he’s good with sitting back and letting brian + bitch’s dogs handle the messy physical violence for him.)
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lastoneout · 2 months
I actually do think like the basis of the argument biphobes use about bi people only facing homophobia and never facing any backlash when we are single or in an m/f relationship is because they just fundamentally do not understand what bisexuality actually is and don't care to correct that.
Bi people have been screaming forever about how we aren't half and half anything, we are an entire new identity based on being attracted to multiple genders, but the queer biphobe doesn't believe that. They see us as half gay and half straight. Without even realizing it they are openly admitting they do not listen to bi people when we talk about our identity and then they weaponize their willful ignorance to harm AND silence us at the same time.
They do not conceptualize us as a new identity, we're basically just a fucking math problem to them(and since these types also tend to lean aphobic and truscum and radfem they think of all oppression like a math problem, but I digress). Like their logic goes: no one hates people in straight relationships but they do hate gay ones, and gay people obviously would never hate another gay person for being gay just like straight people would never hate you for being straight, so you are clearly only experiencing homophobia and maybe some misogyny and that ONLY comes from cishet people, any "bigotry" coming from the queer community is just you being a whiny homophobic loser with passing privilege who is pretending to be oppressed and mad gay people don't want to date you because again, you can only be hated for your gay half and gay people don't(or can't) hate other gay people for being gay.
But there's no math to do. You can't do math on oppression anyway, but bi people are not half anything. Again, we are a whole new identity in of itself. "Half gay and half straight" is not the definition we use, we have almost NEVER used it except in like, jokes and memes and shit. The way we define ourselves is as people who expirience attraction to two or more genders, and that doesn't even always mean being attracted to both men and women! There are loads of genders, bi doesn't inherently mean men and women and thus "half gay half straight" can NEVER be a definition that encompasses all of us. And you'd KNOW that if you actually LISTENED to us.
We are hated because our society still expects people to be attracted to one gender. Even in monosexual queer spaces there is the expectation that you only like women or only like men or only like nonbinary/genderqueer people, you HAVE to pick one. Refusing is deviation from the norm and is punished with violence and exclusion and bigotry from BOTH sides. And until biphobes can finally get their heads out of their asses and actually LISTEN to us when we do something as basic as DEFINE WHO WE ARE ON OUR OWN TERMS WITH OUR OWN LANGUAGE they will never be able to accept the existence of biphobia or their ability to take part in it.
They don't believe it exists because deep down, they don't believe bi people exist. We're just two identities in a trenchcoat, that can be easily divided with simple oppression math. We are not whole people with a whole new identity, we're a gay person and a straight person trapped in the same body, pretending to be something we aren't, facing "half" the oppression, if that(OR we're really just a confused gay or straight person who will figure it out eventually and give up that "bi" nonsense). And they don't care if they're wrong because that would mean they're bigoted and doing harm and they can't possibly accept that they are capable of being bigoted and causing harm, especially to other queer people.
Anyway, listen to bi and other multisexual people when we talk about our identities and problems. It's not hard. We're begging for people to take us and our problems seriously instead of pretending we don't exist or trying to fit us into a framework that cannot fully express our existence and acting like that means we can't be oppressed for being attracted to multiple genders. And tbh I don't think that being biphobic is something you can't come back from, but you have to sit down, shut up, LISTEN TO US, realize that you don't fully understand what you're talking about, accept that you have held harmful beliefs, and then work to be better.
It's hard, but bi people need allies. So please, at the very least just listen to us when we tell you who we are and what we go through. Just listen.
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ca-suffit · 2 months
im sorry your takes are generally pretty great and i appreciate the space you make in fandom but i find the dismissal around lestat's queerness to be diminishing.
louis is a fantastic gay character and u r right about how he represents his queerness which is fabulously. he is mother he is fashion he is wife, a lot, and lestat is a lot more masc in aspects of their dynamic. louis also struggles with it, had internalized homophobia, and his relationship to his sexuality is fraught. now you can have that complexity and still be a "gay icon" sure but what i see here is a gay man existing. not every gay man existing has to be ~iconic~. louis is working on himself.
lestat is a different person and is going out there to make a mark on culture actively, regardless of why. he's not putting on a dress for five seconds (which btw was still pretty impactful in context but ok), he is being meaningfully gnc and making art. this is what queer culture is. it's frustrating to see this element diminished like it's just a meme or a bunch of people being thirsty.
im all for critiquing fandom being weirdos about it but i think the showrunners are doing something spectacular and pretending like fans are making lestat into something he is not just isn't the vibe.
reading this made me realize that I left out a sentence in this ask, so it did come off differently than I intended. I'd meant to say there's already been a lot of exploration of characters / ppl like lestat, but there's never been a character like louis before. I wasn't rly ever talking about lestat's queerness itself, I was talking about how he's prioritized bcuz he's white.
if u personally identity with him in this then that's ur right to, obviously. no group is a monolith and I was never trying to say one way is more "right" than the other. I rly do apologize if it came across like that, cuz I can see why it did.
"he's not putting on a dress for five seconds (which btw was still pretty impactful in context but ok)"
I don't rly know what u mean here bcuz within the show, nobody comments on the dress. ppl react to the baby but everything we know of the dress otherwise was only revealed by carol cutshall bts. I don't know what impact ur meaning here. to the tv audience, sure, but the NOLA audience?? or is it the fact he designed it in the first place.
tbh the thing I most noticed was that once again a white, european immigrant got to be center stage in an event that louis, as a black, louisiana native, isn't (like the card game lestat already had a place at more favored than louis earlier in S1). he also was able to wear that dress in public without public scorn (being european prbly helped here too, he's "other'd" but not the same way as louis is "other'd" for being black), which is something louis could never have done and actually survived at all. it's not that lestat doesn't experience homophobia otherwise, but he's still got a lot more room to confront it than louis, claudia, or armand would have, as ppl who would be confronting homophobia *and* racism with no access to white privilege (claudia literally dies in the same hour we see lestat confront a homophobe otherwise on his and louis' behalf and "win").
idk what they're going to explore for S3 yet, but what we've seen so far is....not that deep tbh. it's not even especially "queer." we're aware he is so we know it is, but straight men have worn makeup and flashy outfits and done homoerotic shit as musicians before too. very often. nothing we've seen from lestat so far has been pushing any boundary as a queer artist or making any kind of statement. I'm not trying to sound like a total bitch here, but a lot of what ur saying is pushing this white fandom agenda of the "importance" of so much that any white, queer character does that....just isn't. lestat's image and sound is taking a lot from other ppl in real music history who *were* doing groundbreaking things at the time, straight or not, but what he's doing is just wearing it as a costume rn. his lyrics even say "I'm an actor / in my makeup." like I said, S3 in full will bring more to the table, obviously, but for what we've seen so far....this hasn't said anything in any objective way that's "deep." u can still like it and identity with it, but idk how u'd argue that it's doing anything tbh. ur welcome to do it tho, I'm not trying to shut down the conversation here. I'm just giving my perspective. I *do* actually think this is stuff we should talk about exactly *bcuz* fandom rides so hard for it all the time. it should be explored why that is, what's the logic behind it. I rly am interested.
edit: wanted to add too that p much everyone we see in this show is queer and creative so literally why is nobody ever saying all this about louis' photography, claudia's acting and interest in fashion (or her general observations on the world thru so many diaries that are referenced in multiple ways as she's not around anymore to speak otherwise), armand's theatre work, madeleine's dressmaking. that's usually why ppl comment on lestat, bcuz he's the most noticed and praised but he's literally not the only one doing it at all.
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littlesparklight · 3 months
Hi! Sorry if i bother you, but seriously, i need to say it :/
I saw a meme in which many AchillesxPatroclus fans are calling Apollo "homophobic" for killing them (he didn't killed then directly, he guided and helped Hector and Paris). But the point is… Are those people know about greek mythology? Because calling a god who had male lovers homophobic is not accurate… Is like those PJO fans whose call Zeus an homophobic ignoring the existence of Ganymedes.
I like the love story of Achilles and Patroclus, don't misunderstand me, but my problem is that so many fans of that couple act like they are "the only and the most amazing greek gay couple and all the gods, mortals and heroes who are against them in the Illiad are homophobic", because not… Achilles knew that he's gonna die in Troy, and Patroclus died because he was climbing the Troy's walls (and wanted to fights Hector)… They don't die just because they're gay… I'm lesbian, i'm not homophobic… But it hurts me more the death of Hector that the death of Achilles or Patroclus (was more sad Patroclus than Achilles btw).
The thing that also bothers me about the fandom is the fact that they put "AchillesxPatroclus" into a pedestal, claiming that they are perfect, nice, good, and ignoring the complexity… And this is for ALL, gods and heroes, no one was perfect, they're complex characters and try to make one the good and other the bad is completely misundertand the greek mythology and the Iliad of course. Nobody in the Iliad was perfect, good and nice, neither the gods. People need to stop puting modern labels into the ancient gods and mortals… Calling them homophobic or misogynist/feminist isn't accurate.
Also Achilles and Patroclus are not the only gay couple in all greek mythology, please… Heracles had many male lovers. The gods had male lovers too: Hermes with Crocus (and others) Apollo with Hyacinthus (and others) Dionysus with Ampelus (and we could count that guy Prosymnus). Poseidon with Pelops (and Nerites). Zeus with Ganymedes. Just because Paris, Hector and Apollo killed them don't make them homophobic… Seriously, they're not…The word didin't exist in that time period, was a war and people die in a war. Apollo also killed many other men with the plague in the beggining of the Iliad and nobody say anything about them. I don't call Artemis homophobic just because in some sources she killed Callisto. Being gay is not the reason of the killing. Same for Patroclus or Achilles, is not the reason of the killing.
Anyway, sorry i go off topic, but this problematic pissed me off. What's is your opinion? What do you think?
There are a, ahem, quite large contingent of Patrochilles shippers who, yes, think their ship is the MOST TRAGIC, and apparently is some unique outrage for them to be killed/for Apollo to have a hand in it, etc etc and so on.
They also seem to think that it somehow was WRONG for Hektor (especially, Apollo is usually not mentioned when it comes to this argument) to kill Patroklos. Like sorry obviously he's going to kill an enemy warrior? And a pet peeve of mine is all those shitpost-type (but seriously meant) "when Achilles sees Apollo again it's ON SIGHT and Apollo will be all afraid" like what.
Anyway, Apollo had plenty of reasons to help kill both of them (even if we ignore Troilus, which I'll never do. Die Achilles, and in the most insulting way for your time and culture, too. :) ), and neither Achilles nor Patroklos are the most tragic on the Trojan plain.
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baenyth · 26 days
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Reviews Episode 5-17: The Dog Miraculous: Lesbians!
Oh boy! A Sabrina episode! I love Sabrina! She's both an accomplished and disaster lesbian! #1 at getting into toxic yuri! Let's go!
Wait, is this going to be another Adrienette episode?
Wait! No! This is the gay Zoe episode!
Mayor Andre is the epitome of that dick flattening meme.
Actually, Zoe being a year younger than everyone else makes a lot of things add up.
Yep, here comes the secondhand embarrassment!
Almost forgot. It's neat the Emile Agreste movie was originally a love story. It's a shame it was for Audrey, though.
Nice to the waiter
Our Swamp
Trying to get rid of Chloe's redeeming qualities, are we?
Even the Gorilla is joining in on dinner!
The sudden shift sdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf
Get blackmail'd
"Sabrina, the police force is corrupt. Your father once helped Waluigi racially profile Dupain-Cheng's mother."
Trying to get rid of Chloe's redeeming qualities, are we?
Wait, does Chloe command Sabrina with a whistle or something?
"Your plan is lame and ridiculous! We just lost our double bottom! What will we do now?"
Monarch @ Kaalki:
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Lila the teenage witch
Zoe looks like her eye's going to twitch. I dunno. Something feels wrong about her.
Dramatic Irony^2
I know this is just a way for us to see Vanisher, but it feels weird for her to have Chameleo Arm levels of invisibility. Then again this show is a sea of morons.
This is a worse version of the plan Lila used to get Marinette expelled. There have been invisible akumas before. I swear, if people believe her...
!#$&*!^*&(^%!#*(^$ AGAIN!?
Spin the yoyo all around! Do an AoE attack!
She didn't even say it.
Finally! Gabriel Agreste did something good for once!
When I realized what was going to happen, I was going to say that they should confirm Rose and Juleka and Marc and Nathaniel as well. But she didn't even say it. It was blatant, but this show is so hesitant to say these characters are gay. Just say it. Say it. Say it. The homophobic foreign dubs can eat shit all I care.
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eisforeidolon · 4 months
It's not at all surprising that hellers are making asses of themselves to a whole new fandom over a ship vs. ship poll [X][X][X][X].
Again, the problem is not shipping the ship or trying to win silly fandom polls for fun. The problem is acting like the ship is The Most Important LGBT+ Cause everyone has to ship or they're homophobes. Legitimate unambiguously reciprocated canon ships? Pfft, how could they have anything on the power of D/C! There are so many gifsets and meta screeds and fanfics because there's nothing in canon! They know they represent a HUGE unavoidable part of fandom because they only ever leave their echo chamber bubbles to try to shove their ship on everyone else, so they don't realize not only how big the rest of SPN fandom is, but how big fandom as a whole is!
Through the entire run of SPN, they convinced themselves if they just screamed enough about being oppressed, badgered enough actors/writers/crew, won enough polls, and wrote enough clickbait articles on sites without editorial standards? They could not only force the show to make their ship canon but force the rest of fandom to acknowledge D/C as THE MOST IMPORTANT BEST LGBT+ lurve story EVAR. Well, only Misha and Berens were dumb enough to cater to them with that last minute throwaway one-sided ambiguous queerbait scene. Fandom at large mostly only acknowledged the "importance" of the ship by turning that scene into a mocking meme because it was that absurd.
Yet they continue on, thinking if they can just win one more poll, write one more article, give Misha money one more time ... SOON we'll all have to admit how right they were all along! Which is why they get SO salty about losing any given poll or any random article about SPN not at least mentioning D/C.
While they may mislead a few uninformed and gullible souls along the way? For the most part, what they continue to do - as they have done all along? Is turn off people by prioritizing their entitled, myopic obsession with a single specific fanon ship - while insisting it's because they care sooo much about representation! D/C is the best, most important representation possible! Because ... uh... reasons? Which only gets more and more obvious (even to outsiders), the longer the canon has been off-air.
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zombee · 1 month
i am now canyon public enemy #1 on Twitter for the Doug obituary. the buzzword of the day is bully, never mind I was screenshotted and swarmed (someone unblocked me to call me "a massive cunt." perhaps we have different definitions of the word bully!) I've also been called unsafe, because i guess writing a fake obituary that is at worst in poor taste is dangerous somehow.
i am so tired of the chokehold the canyon has on this fandom. we have been coddling them since day one. when the proto canyon ruined this character for me in early days, I quietly stopped writing him into my fics. I was careful not to be anti canyon or even izzy on main (BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT THE SAME THING). but after season 2, when dozens and dozens of canyonites came out to berate and harass David? nah. I stopped censoring myself. i still barely say fucking ANYTHING on main, but I don't ignore it anymore. the obituary wasn't even posted on my TL - it was in a reply!
but they still hate me, and do you know why? because after season 2 we weren't allowed to TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH WE LOVED THIS SHOW. because the canyon is such a loud fucking minority they made us feel bad! for loving the show! we all spent a year and a half collectively loving!!! so that's why I made my Hit Television Series Our Flag Means Death posts. I'm a believer in not qualifying your positivity - not, "i don't care what the haters say, I loved it!" just, "i loved it!" which is relevant because once again I was not even alluding to them!!! i was simply expressing joy and optimism about this amazing show.
so now here we are, close to a year of these fucking people dancing on the grave of this precious show, and I make one mean meme and I'm the bully. okay.
but i expect it from them. it's the folks who have been following me and my work for months and years that see one screenshot and say, oh, no. how terrible. what a bully. never mind two and a half years of positivity and seeing the measure of my character through my work, this is it.
and why?? to coddle THE CANYON??
and by the fucking way, if the original obituary was just cringe, if it just said "I'm sad, this isn't fun anymore, I'm out" then that would be fine! but it's NOT! what it actually says is, "David Jenkins et al are homophobic and those of you simpletons who like Ed and Stede are barely queer. the divide in this fandom that we did not cause, because we are the victims, have made things unsafe for us, a group based around liking a fictional character." BE SO FOR REAL!
so cool. i made one shitty meme and then instead of it being passed along in group chats and dms I was screenshotted, vilified, called names. one person said I was "punching down" because as we all know the canyon is an oppressed class. i was also kicked out of a canyon centric group chat for galaxycon Columbus (did NOT know it was when I joined, lol) which I expected. and the mods were genuinely very chill.... except when they tagged me by name and username on the announcement page 🥴 they did edit it, again they were chill, but if you are ostensibly ANTI BULLY AND ANTI DOXXING, perhaps fucking think about that! Jesus!
strictly by the numbers I am one of the biggest writers in this fandom. and I'm unapologetic about loving my work. if there's one thing miserable people hate, it's being popular and not humble enough about it, so I already had a target on my back. and for the ultimate crime of loving the hit television series our flag means death loudly and proudly i might actually have to leave ofmdtwt. I'm sick with it. fuck.
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cloangi · 5 months
Get to know me 🔥
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**Post may be updated every so often to change wording, to add/delete things, etc
Part 1 of Bio - Information for starters⤵️
Fine to interact:
Under my age (15)
A bit over 18
A furry (not the gross kind though. Just the ones who dress up for fun)
Part of LGBTQ+
Overall everyone is welcome‼️
Do NOT interact (I seriously dont want any sort of conflict here):
Racist (if you're going out your way to harass people and be an overall bitch that is)
Phobia against any religion
Into sick activities (you already know what I mean by this 😐)
Against the military in any way (We get the whole propaganda stuff, but don't hate people who are active duty, in the reserves, etc. If someone wants to join, don't hate on them and spread death threats, its sad to see some people sre actually like this)
If I see any of yall tweaking out or being problematic over some shit, don't be surprised if I block your ass from here 💀🙏. I'm tryna keep this a "good vibe" type place. And keep in mind that I tolerate most types of behavior, and I literally never block people (very high and bold emphasis on "never").
So if I do happen to block you, you done messed up.
General things about me:
15 years old
I'm AROACE 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ENTJ personality type
Only do art as a hobby (so no money taking or commissions people)
Art consists of my fandom fixations
You can refer to me as either my username or the names Baaz and Keegan. Either one works, I don't care.
Extra: Besides posting low quality drawings of my fixations, I mostly reblog art or anything I can find of the fandoms/fixations I'm in (or know a bit about), such as art, memes, and such. Or you can find some random art that isn't related to any fandom reblogged on here.
I am fine with people + mutuals sending me DM's‼️ Just don't make it weird (you already know what I mean by that)
Also, please do send me asks 🙏‼️. I enjoy responding to them and sadly never get any 😔
Note: You can make offensive + dark humor jokes (at least with me in the ask box or DM's) I'm into that shit. Can be racist jokes, sexist, sexual in some way, or whatever. Insulting me in any way doesn't affect me in the slighest as long as it's a joke. The more offensive the better—so go all out (not S/A though, that's something that even I'll never joke about).
Social stuff:
Quora Account - [Place where I've spent most of my time online, around 4-5 years or so. I post random things of me yapping of all topics or things I've found/seen].
Part 2 of Bio - Fixations⤵️
The list below is color coded based on the fandoms I'm fixated on, or I just like
Orange = Fixated
Green = Like
Rainbow 6 Siege - Don't have the console to play the actual game so I watch it instead.
Call of Duty - Certain campaigns in it, mostly COD Ghosts though (Yes, I have played the OG versions of some of the campaigns on the old ps3 we have, and I do play MP Cod Ghosts).
Hell Divers 2 - Like R6S, I don't have the actual console itself to play it but it's on my wishlist and I really like the concept of the game, plus the community seems pretty fire.
Eddsworld - Used to have a HUGE fixation on this fandom, prob for up to 1-2 years (shit had a strong grip on me)
My Little Pony - I'm surprised this fandom is absolutely booming now. Watched the entire show (forgot everything though 💀), I love the art the fandom makes though, including the AU's.
Saiki K - Started to rewatch it again since I forgot the whole storyline 💀🙏
The Amazing Digital Circus - Caught up on all episodes
Demon Slayer - Watched all seasons
The Amazing World of Gumball - Havent really watched it much, but I really like it including the fan base
Into the Spiderverse - Have never read the comics, but movie-wise I like it
...Damn, you still reading? I mean if you're interested go ahead and drop a follow to this thing (you're likely gonna forget this account anyways, so free follow for me mwhahaha).
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anokayapple-blog · 8 months
Lessons in Being a Fan/in a Fandom
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In light of what happened with III and the possibility of Sleep Token no longer making music, I would like to refresh some of us who participate in media and fandom on how to engage with media in a healthy way and keep these artists safe and comfortable in interacting with their fanbase.
Of course, it isn't new for artists and content creators to feel hesitancy in interacting with their fanbases. Taylor Swift has been accused of being queer for a very long time and there are some people in her fandom that still refuse to believe she isn't queer and will become enraged at the suggestion she isn't. There is the rumor that Markiplier and Jacksepticeye don't make videos together anymore/rarely will make videos together because of the Septiplier stuff getting out of hand. So, I'm not saying this is a new behavior for some fans to exhibit, I just want to do my part to try and encourage good behavior among not just other fans, but other people in general.
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Things to not Do:
This will be a comprehensive list of things I've seen in most fandoms that i would call "feral" behavior. If you do these things currently, i would highly encourage you to stop. It is not healthy behavior, and it certainly isn't good for you or whoever is on the receiving end.
Doxing in general. If you seek out the addresses/phone numbers of an artists/content creators/influencers at all, it's not okay. If you do this with the intention of going to visit them, you are weird. Think of it like showing up to a coworker/classmates home uninvited. No one really wants that, especially if they don't know you that well or at all. This is not healthy behavior and could land you with legal issues. Please, please do not do this.
Sexual advances. I'm sorry to say this, but you are not in a Wattpad story, and you are not Y/N. It is very, very unlikely that an artist/content creator/influencer will EVER take you up on these advances or date/marry you. Honestly it's kind of predatory if they do. Sure, it's fun to imagine, but to chase after them like this (especially at a meet and greet or just running into them on the street) is really uncomfortable for them, and frankly is super cringe to watch. Just to add onto this, please do not send these people explicit messages and images. If you don't want them from randos, they don't want them from you.
Hateful messages. Sometimes our favorite artists and creators do something we don't like. This could be them saying something insensitive or doing something dumb or dangerous. This does not mean we get to fill their comments or inboxes with hate (more on this below). The Taylor Swift situation is a good example for this, Taylor Swift has said many times that she isn't queer, and she gets hate for this. She in no way has done anything to lead people to believe she is homophobic or transphobic or anything, but she still receives hate just for being cishet. You see this a lot in kpop fandoms as well, especially if a certain idol has put on weight or has done something to not abide by/naturally does not abide by beauty standards. They receive hate for interacting with idols of a different sex because they "could be flirting" or "could be dating." Honestly i feel bad for kpop idols because i feel like they get hate just for breathing. I will say this again: if you send hate to an artist or creator for something miniscule like this, you are being weird. You need to stop. This is not healthy behavior and you need to stop and think of why you do this because. It is very damaging behavior not just for the person on the receiving end, but for you as well.
Being delulu. It's kind of a meme, but honestly it's startling to see how many people genuinely believe in their delusional fantasies and try to bring them to life with artists and creators. Please stop doing this, it is cringe and can at times be distressing for creators and artists.
Just to double down on this: this behavior is dangerous for artists and creators. It is harmful to their mental health and can at times be harmful for them physically. I am begging you on my hands and knees to not continue with this behavior and to make better choices.
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Engaging Healthily:
This is a list of ways to engage with fandom culture in a healthy way and to encourage others to do so as well.
Engage with content. Leaving a like on an artist or creators media is always a nice, arm's length way to participate in fandoms. Lurking is absolutely fine, leaving a comment to tell them how much you enjoy their content is even better. I highly encourage you to do this with smaller creators, as feedback is the best way to keep them posting! Share their media as well! Please keep in mind when you do this, keep it positive! There is such a thing as unproductive criticism! Please also do not be creepy!
When going to meet and greets, it's absolutely okay to tell creators and artists that their art has saved your life. If their art means a lot to you, let them know! Please always ask before you hug, please do not kiss them. It's okay to cry. When it is time to move on, please don't linger too long. Please don't make sexual advances on them or touch them inappropriately. If you want to be silly or goofy, ask them to participate! If they say no, that's sad, but move on. Don't be mean.
If you see your favorite creator on the street or out in the wild, please read the room if you want to approach. It is perfectly okay to approach and tell them you like their content. If they seem to not want to have a conversation or take a selfie, then leave it at that. Please don't force it on them. If they seem receptive, go ahead and ask for a selfie or an autograph! If they still say no, then leave it at that! It's certainly okay to be disappointed in not getting that, but being mean about it isn't fair to that artist or creator. Once the interaction seems to be at an end, move on with your day.
Guys, it's this easy. Artists and creators are people just like you and me, and chances are if you wouldn't want this behavior done to you, they don't want it done to them. Treat artists and creators as normal people, they have feelings and emotions and lives just like the rest of us. They are not deities or Gods, they are mortals who fart and poop and make mistakes just like we do. The sooner we learn this, the sooner we can engage with these creators better.
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Okay, but Apple, sometimes these people suck.
This is very true. Sometimes these artists and creators suck a lot. Sometimes they make mistakes that boggle our minds and hold beliefs that are damaging for people like them to have a platform. So what do we do, then? How do we vent our frustrations and do our best to lower or totally abolish their platforms?
Hey, super easy: stop engaging with their media. But APPLE. What if that isn't enough? Well, let's gauge it.
For those of you who were on social media back in the wild west days, you may remember Onision. To make a long story short: he is walking garbage. He has been totally deplatformed because people stopped engaging with his media. Not only that, a lot of people told other people about what he did and said to stop engaging with him. Onision did his best to do damage control and at times did some absurd things to try and get some of that sweet, sweet bad publicity, but in the end his channel died. Sure, he still posts, but he has little to no engagement.
Let's look at this from a different perspective. JK Rowling is a known TERF. She does her best to demonize and at times try to erase trans culture and existence. Many, many people do their best to voice this about JKR and do not engage with her media to try and lower her platform. Of course, it is very hard to do this because Harry Potter is a literal cash cow and you can find HP merchandise for literally everything. So how do we deal with this? Well, we simply don't engage. We spread awareness and ignore her. Does it do a lot? No, she's a billionaire. We can't touch her. But we can certainly denounce her and let her know we don't approve.
Fantastic. So when you say "let her know we don't approve" you mean threaten her on social media and dox her, right? Hey, no! That is unhealthy behavior! While some of us would love nothing more than to see JKR get her just desserts for being a TERF, YOU SHOULD NOT BRING HARM TO ANY PERSON UNLESS THEY ARE DIRECTLY HARMING YOU. And when i say directly harming, i mean literally hitting you with fists or baseball bats or something.
It is perfectly acceptable to be mad and frustrated at the inhuman things some of these people with platforms do/say, especially if it is harmful to your way of life. No one is saying you can't be, and no one is saying there is nothing you can do about it. What you can't do is be the reason someone gets hurt or dies. That is the very real outcome of some of these behaviors. I promise you, if someone gets hurt or dies from your behavior, no matter who they are, you are going to feel it and you will never be okay again.
Hey Apple, you're wrong and you should feel bad.
Nuh uh.
If you don't like this, sorry. I'm putting this here in an effort to be a positive force in the world and if you don't agree that is perfectly fine. Not everyone has the ability to gauge when its okay to approach their favorite creators, and not everyone knows when they're getting a little too excited to meet their favorite person. I completely understand that, and it is okay if you make things a little awkward because of this. No one is saying you're a bad person for not being able to figure this out. Sometimes we need learning opportunities, sometimes we simply go on with our lives.
I am saying if you are going into a situation with the intent on harming someone or ruining their day, you suck. I don't care who you are or what your beliefs are, you are propagating bad energy and you should feel bad.
I know it doesn't feel like it, but the world isn't black and white. Everything is gray, some things are darker shades of gray and others are lighter shades. Sometimes the rules in this post won't apply, other times they will. I am begging you guys to take this seriously and stop being feral to our favorite artists and creators because when you act out of pocket you ruin it for the rest of us. Because someone decided to act like a wild child and dox III, it is very possible we will lose a band that could make (and very much have already made) waves in the music industry and possibly change the game altogether.
Let's try to keep this from happening again. Hold your friends and those you see on social media accountable, be the change you want to see.
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allamericansbitch · 2 months
i'm just gonna make a post once again trying to clarify all this nonsense. since yall dont provide any evidence or context to your claims i'll do it.
it’s the 2022 emas and taylor goes to the show. if you remember what she wore it was a really low-cut dress and her cleavage was prominent. fans loved the look and saying she looked hot, never had an issue with that!!. if you watch any clips from that red carpet- she is visibly uncomfortable with how much cleavage she has out. it’s obvious the dress was a last minute thing, she’s taking pictures with fans on the carpet and hiding her chest from photos taken up high, and when she gets into the show she changes into another look pretty quickly. bc i hadnt been online i looked at the taylor swift tag to catch up, went under recent posts and saw fans being very sexual of taylor- not the normal funny stuff either, like joking about motorboating her, zooming in to just her boobs, going as far to say they wanted to trap her, etc etc, stuff i thought took it too far and her also being uncomfortable with in the dress to start with made it worse. so i posted that some people were going a little too far and in the tags said it was giving straight men ignoring obvious signs a women is uncomfortable to hit on them. an anon message me and said that the ‘straight man’ comment could come off homophobic and i agreed, apologized, and deleted it immediately. a blog with a history of misrepresenting my words, misunderstanding me and just going with it, somehow saw it and just starts posting about how i was terrible and homophobic, that i was calling gay people gross and said i even compared them to pedophiles. literally none of that happened. here is a screenshot of my post (minus the straight man comment)
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again- speaking in reference to the people who were literally saying they wanted to harm her in the dress. not just saying she's hot.... none of that mattered. i dont care that you thought she looked hot- she did. i cared about how she was literally hiding her chest and then people online were screenshotting it and zooming in.
and then the blog who loved to exaggerate and make up words posted
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dropped my url in the comments so everyone was made to believe i said these insanely awful, harmful things... because all they saw was one harmless meme. that had to be the only thing i saw too? their experience is the only one that happens? no way i couldve seen anything more aggressive? wild.
anyway.. i apologized for the straight-man comment, immediately. and i apologize again because i did misspeak, it wasn't my intention to insinuate any of what people took away but that doesn't matter- and of course im sorry. but to say i'm disgusted by queer people or called them perverts?? or that they are 'no better than a man' no way did that happen. at all. sorry no. and just because one blog says it with no evidence or context provided doesnt make it true. you can call her hot! sexualize her idc! i never did! until it passes an obvious boundary!
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semi-imaginary-place · 4 months
oh look fandom hates when I speak the truth again so I'm just going to repost this everywhere.
Most people do not understand Claude, and the loud ones especially misunderstand his character. Claude was never slutty meme frat boy. Joe Ziega made this worse. Things have actually gotten better after Hopes as Claude in Hopes is in line with Claude in Houses just overt characterization instead of implied.
The Marianne support is especially interesting because Claude for all his charm is sooo clumsy at interpersonal relationships. He knows he hurt Marianne and doesn't know how to fix it so the best he can come up with is to make the relationship transactional, he learned one of her secrets so he gives up one in exchange. He has leverage and vulnerability over her so he gives up some of his secrets and becomes vulnerable for her because in his minds that helps make up for things, makes things fair again. 
Claude's like an onion many layers. He's been hurt by people too many times to be vulnerable with others but he also likes people and genuinely wants to help them which leads to this contradicting behavior of wanting friends and to be loved and understood while also being terrified of genuine emotional intimacy. Also, like Claude always hated Rhea he implies in Houses he'd rather have her dead and Fodlan would be better without her.
For Felix I get into details later but I saw a weirdly high proportion of Felix depictions in fandom being trans or asian like higher than any other character Even the actually brown characters like Petra or Dedue or Claude had less non-white "screentime" in fandom than the canonically fantasy European Felix (Petra in general is woefully underrepresented in this fandom), which was paired with a lot of transphobic and racist stereotypes. And then there's the disturbing prevalence of homophobic stereotypes when Felix shows up in fandom. 
Felix is like a magnet for homophobia, transphobia, and racism. Fandom disproportionately )like more than any other character I have seen) makes him every gay, trans, and asian stereotype under the sun (why people race swap him I will never know). And what's worse is that these people think they're woke leftists without ever examining their own bigotry and start crying screaming sending death threats when confronted about it. Sis do some self reflection on how the way you ship really is just latent fetishizing of gay, trans, and brown men. 
And you know it's controversial because I get downvoted into hell every time I say this by people who lack media literacy, won't self reflect on their own subconscious bigotry, and won't accept the truth. Which just means I should say it more.
fe3h fandom often tacks on a lot of bigoted stereotypes onto Felix instead of engaging with his actual in game characterization (well that last part is a problem of fandom in general but I digress). For example in gay ships Felix tends to more often be the submissive, bottom, feminine, trans, or non white partner. All of which is fine but starts getting suspicious when all these traits are conflated with each other and even more suspicious when this is contrasted with Felix's partner (I think Sylvain and Dimitri are the most popular ones?) which is usually a dominant, top, cis, and white man. Again nothing wrong with any if this but suspicious that this seems to be the most common (by a large margin) characterization in fandom. To break it down it plays into classic right wing talking points that how in same gender relationships one partner is the "man" and one partner is the "woman". Again fem/masc pairs are fine its in combination with the rest of the stuff. Next is the classic transphobic talking point about how transmen aren't real men or as masculine as "real" men, which is the justification for corrective rape. Next is the classic racist stereotype that asian men inferior to white men by being more feminine (aka lesser, because racists also tend to hate women) and less masculine than again "real" (white) men leading to being pushed out of most career paths and only allowed lesser jobs like laundromat. And again nothing wrong with any of these traits individually or in combination when when it happens every time with little variation and all people can do is parrot right wing bigot talking points, these something fishy.
Oh hey I forgot the misogyny. Like a lot of this loops back to (what I presume is) internalized misogyny in the authors and artists, because all the points I talk about above in some way intersect back to the basis of misogyny that female is bad. And it isn't which is why I'm always confused why the (female dominated) fandom clings so hard to misogyny. I noticed in fanfiction before I just stopped and blacklisted the whole thing is that Felix tended to be written differently than the other men which connects with the observation that fandom makes Felix the "woman" in gay pairs.
Anyways yall need intersectionality, a history lesson, media literacy, and self reflection (because everyone carries bigotry within them, we live in a society it's unavoidable. It's not the choice of having no bigotry or not, it's the choice of being aware of it and actively counteracting it, or not and having it leak through).
I don't have any problem with shipping or shippers. I don't understand the appeal most of the time but whatever, I'm mostly neutral about it, doesn't bother me when I see it (although tag so I can blacklist if it personally doesn't jive with me). What I CAN potentially have a problem with how it is done however if someone it just regurgitating bigoted stereotypes without any sort of meaningful contribution to the discussion.
(Sometimes with like really out of character stuff like different personality, different setting, shipping two character that have never interacted in canon, I think these people just want to write original stories but are cowards, but whatever do what you want. )
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mask131 · 2 days
There is something I absolutely despise about the French language, an expression that is being used a LOT today - "like a dog". It is an expression used to highlight when you do something in a miserable way. "To treat someone like a dog" is to badly treat someone. "To kill like a dog" is to kill horribly someone. Etc, etc...
And this is such a systematic use that people do not even think of the implications of what this all means. About how inherently, dogs are animals destined to be abused and killed horrible - at least that's what this expression implies. People have been fighting currently expressions like "like a woman" for how sexist they were, or "like a faggot" for how homophobic they are, maybe it is time to start thinking about some animal expressions too.
To show you I am not saying this just out of nowhere, I have a real story that happened to me recently and proves my point about how people literaly do not think about the words they use. I got into a fight with a person who was not treating well their dog in the street. The person literaly got up to me on the street and kept doing his shit right next to me, so of course I said something - in this case I told him he was acting like an asshole towards his dog, that it's not a way to treat a dog. The person got very angry, saying I had no knowledge of him or his situation and that I didn't have to just start insulting him in the street (he used a far more colorful language, I'm recapping here), and completed his speech with "Try to go up to me again, I'll kill you like a dog".
And... I was flabbergasted, I almost did the meme where you just silently open your arms to show the person the absurdity of it all. He was trying to say I had no reason to call him an animal abuser... and to prove his point of how he was definitively not a dog abuser, he said he was going to "kill me like a dog"...
That's how absurd things get when people stop thinking about the inherent implications in expressions and turn of phrases and colloquial speech. Yes, sometimes it's all fun and giggles and "Oh, look at how they say this in this country, it's so cute". But there's stuff like that which is just... arrg.
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idiotlovesongs · 1 year
i wanna talk about being latino (mexican and colombian) in bandom, specifically being a fan of ptv.
as we all know, bandom is so very fucking white. sure you can go looking for specifically poc bands, but the majority of the popular bands are white with one or two people of color in the band and they are either white passing or get treated fucking weirdly by fans because white fans don't know how to interact with their poc idols normally (not that they interact with their white idols normally but it's a bad weird when it comes to poc).
most bands are sexualized but with ptv it felt particularly gross in the way it was tied to the fact that they were mexican. they were and are hot, don't get me wrong, but did the term sexican have to be so fucking popularized?? the fact that they were latinos was really fetishized in a way that white artists really didn't get. i remember someone talking about how the only reason they got a girlfriend in middle school was because in between getting called a beaner and a wetback, she was also called a sexican. it gave emo and alt people almost a right to fetishize latinos, specifically mexicans. and emo latinos just had to sit and take it because it was the only love we really got from such a largely white fanbase. a lot of memes around them (at least the ones that i remember, the ones that stuck with me) were kind of racist and stereotyped them. not to say ptv didn't make those kind of jokes from time to time, but it's different when it's coming from your own people rather than some person on the internet who is probably white.
i really fucking love ptv. it was so nice to finally look and see someone like me up on stage playing music for you. it was nice getting recognition from other people that we could also fucking do that. it gave us something to be. and i grew up around a lot of poc, but i always identified more with fandom spaces and bandom cause i was a weird emo child with a fucked up sense of sexuality and gender. i experienced that sense of other from my irl community and then in bandom spaces because most people were white. i wasn't totally conscious of the effects until i noticed in my writing that all my characters (and i do mean all) were white. Do you know how embarrassed I felt? How ashamed I felt? How it still feels so fucking shitty? that shit sticks with you. how is it that i was so entrenched in a white community that i forgot that i existed? that people like me existed. ptv really helped pull me out of that.
rpf is bandom was and is a big thing. if you were gay or questioning in middle school and you were emo, you read rpf. that's just how it fucking goes. i read maybe like one or two from bands that i liked, but the ones that i fucking devoured involved vic fuentes. yeah most of the writers were white and fetishized him, but it was still nice to have someone there that looked like me. idk if other poc can relate to this, but i always feel super uncomfortable walking into a room and have there be only white people. it makes you feel alienated as fuck. having vic and the rest of ptv in these digital spaces made me feel less alone subconsciously. again, this works were definitely a little racist and homophobic but i wasn't super picky back then and i had yet to unpack some internalized issues.
a little sidenote that i've noticed is that people talk about gender envy a lot when it comes to white members in bandom, but i've seem almost no one talk about it when it comes to ptv. maybe i'm just on the wrong side of tumblr, but i've very rarely seen someone say shit about ptv giving them gender envy and they are so fucking gender. literally fuck y'all. the day another white twink gives me gender envy is a cold day in hell. i went to mexico and got it so fucking often because i finally saw what my actual fucking face could be. i saw my features on guys and wanted to fucking crawl into their skins just to see how it would feel. and the gender euphoria i got at everyone saying i looked just like my dad was literally unreal. and yeah i got told i was the female version but it was so fucking close. i felt like i could fucking taste it. tangent over.
this is not to say ptv were always amazing and helpful to the community. i mean, they definitely catered to a white audience. i still remember watching their music videos and wondering why all the actors were white. they were the only poc in most of their old music videos. i particularly took note of the fact that there were poc in the music video of pass the nirvana because they quite literally had none before. i still remember the day i watched bulls in the bronx and wondering why they didn't have latinos in a music video for a song that was so tied to their latin roots. i get that latinos come in all different shades, but they are always picking the palest shade?? come on.
and i acknowledge that ptv probably didn't have control of the actors chosen for their mvs, but it still demonstrates the issues in bandom and how even in their own music videos they are kind of othered. i know if i was in a band, i would at least try to push for one actor to be visibly latino or some other poc. but like i said, they could very well just have no control over this and it's someone else pulling the strings for their music videos. it just felt kind of shitty to look at their music videos and see that even their they were the only latinos in the space.
sidenote, being latino and emo is fucking hard. being emo is seen as a white thing and, if your peers don't make fun of you, your family and community sure fucking will. i was in mexico and had my hair dyed bright red (which is admittedly an attention grabber) and you have no idea the amount of stares i got in my dad's pueblo. kids, parents, grandparents, everyone looks at you and stares. i'm sure this isn't specific to latinos, but i'm talking about my personal experience. my uncle, who had admittedly been kind of creepy and weird, kind of stopped interacting with me as much when i got my hair colored, when it became very visibly obvious that i was kind of alt/emo, and i definitely felt like my family was gonna talk shit as soon as i left. but that's also just how latino families are. there's always chisme. i can't imagine what it must feel like to actually live in mexico while being emo (especially in the 00s-10s) but, from what i've heard, it's not fucking fun. you're just really othered in a way that i didn't totally feel in the states because i had my friends who were also emo. i mean the mexican emo wars is such fucking proof of the difference in the way white people interacted with alt cultures and the way mexicans did.
anyways this was just me putting words to a feeling i've always had about ptv. it is by no means articulate or well crafted, but i just wanted to get this out. i really do love pierce the veil and most of their work. i always smile when i see the way their heritage influences their music and they really effected the way i see myself and my culture. i love that they got a mexican folklorico dancer to dance with them on stage for bulls in the bronx. it seriously warmed my heart to see them embrace us that way and honestly makes me wanna fucking cry. don't come at me because this shit is half assed. i know it is. it is just me talking about my experience and feelings and what i've heard from other latinos. if you're latino too, add onto this post or message me if you want to talk about this stuff or just ptv in general. white people, don't engage in this convo. it is not about you and i don't care about your opinion on the latino experience in bandom. other poc are welcome to talk about their experiences too. was there a band like this that y'all had and how did that impact you guys' perspective of yourself and your culture?
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eddieydewr · 3 months
I have actually seen people say his career is on rapid decline 😂. These sweet little innocent babes are so very sheltered lmao. A 19 year old drinking is not a story. It's nothing. Who the fuck doesn't act like that when they are college aged? Besides that, he has been on the receiving end of nothing but made up shit for months and people just believe yet another story with zero evidence. Let's recap the fake shit people have said about him: - He hates Palestinians - He's a racist, genocidal maniac - He fights with his co-stars - He got dropped from brand deals - He had a mental breakdown on set - He is a pedophile - He's being isolated from his co-stars on set and they won't talk to him - He's being written out of the show and they changed the story And now - he got drunk at a bar and made a scene. At a time when things have been going well for him and the haters are pissed all of the things listed above are proving over and over again to not be true. The best they can come up with now is that he was drinking. Because they are that easily scandalized. Even if it is true, who the fuck cares? It would be the first true thing people have said about him in months. These stories say nothing about Noah and everything about the people who make them up. I'm not even surprised by the amount of people having a mental breakdown over this. This fandom is full of dumb drama. But people need to realize that the only reason that anything on that list above got so much traction is because they kept talking about it. So if you feel bad for Noah that all these people are constantly coming after him and making things up/dramatizing things, don't give them fuel and instead ignore the dumb shit they say. Rumors mean nothing when no one is discussing them.
rapid decline 😭 if finn quit acting to focus on behind the scenes stuff and his music, they’ll say it’s part of his trajectory but if noah does it, they will be like HAHA FLOPPED. even though noah always said he doesn’t plan on acting full time and is interested in doing everything he possibly can, which is already evident with his lifeguarding and volunteering work, setting up businesses, working with brands and sponsorships…
not to be dramatic but i rly think they want noah to kill himself. they just don’t realise the full effect of their words and actions. because they just say it on the internet. them, of all people, should understand what it’s like because i see them get angry at rowling for her part in endangering trans people… on twitter. noah has his own beliefs but he clearly isn’t genocidal, doesn’t hate palestinians, and he’s simply living his life but he’s somehow the worst person to live. their behaviour reminds me of young millennials when they hated on justin bieber. they thought it was funny to make rape and murder jokes about him when he was a kid, way before he started doing stupid stuff. the same happened to noah before 10/7. they’ve always hated him for being “cringe” aka jewish and possibly gay (or straight but simply a melt like bieber). and millie with the homophobic memes.
i know it’s best to ignore shit and not add fuel to the fire but i think the whole culture needs to change. especially when they claim they’re doing it because they care about a certain cause, like palestine. like besties, no. you’ve wanted noah dead for years because haha, memes.
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Writeblr Intro, Part Two
Fuck yeah, I’m doing this again, because the other one sucked.
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As the URL says, I’m cheeto-flavoured-pasta. Or just Cheeto. Or Pasta. I really don’t care. This was meant to be a strict writeblr-only, but I ditched it halfway through. This is a writeblr account, sure, but I do post/reblog other off-topic things (e.g. memes, rants, politics, etc.). Most of those are tagged under “not writeblr.”
I’m a hobbyist writer hoping to publish officially one day. I’ve hopped around online writing platforms (e.g Tapas or Webnovel; I am very hesitant about using Wattpad, sorry) but currently I’m not very active on many of them. I mostly write science fiction, dystopia (a mix of the two, really), with a side of some fantasy or contemporary works. Genre fiction aside, I occasionally dabble in poetry, be it free-verse, rhyming, or prose poems.
*WIP List Under The Cut!*
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APS [A Powerful Secret]
Genre: Sci-fiction, dystopia, speculative trilogy
Current status: On Break
General Concept: After decades of hiding, superhumans are discovered in a corrupt society.
I’ve talked about this one the most, so I won’t babble for long; most of the info can be found on the APS WIP intro. It’s been my longest-running WIP so far, being a trilogy and all, but I’m currently putting it on the backburner for a while to work on other projects.
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Running on Augments
Genre: Sci-fi, dystopia, cyberpunk series
Current status: First draft
General Concept [Book One]: It's been a year since Sylvester Strike woke up in the society of Xenom, where people are augmented cybernetically to accommodate to the work they do for the large companies that run the state — the Reform, everyone calls it. Much like everyone else, his memories are hazy, and all he can trust is the story of whatever government official came before him. The moment he tries to move on and accept his situation, his friend goes missing, and in the process, he’s forced to find out not only the real story of what happened before the Reform, but his own past as well.
I haven’t talked about this one at all, and that’s because there’s still some things left to this idea that I’ve yet to flesh out. Expect to hear a lot more about it once I’ve actually started writing it. I’ll definitely be making a WIP intro at some point in the coming months (hopefully. If I forget, show up to my door and slap me).
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Aside from my mess of writing and novels and short stories and whatever shit goes on in my brain, here’s some other things to know about this blog:
I might as well get this out of the way first: this blog is pro-Palestine. Zionists and pro-Israel users, please DNI.
Same goes for racists, sexists, TERFs/transphobes, homophobes, ableists--- bigots of any kind, really. I don't tolerate prejudice.
I'm open to tag and ask games, though do note that just because I don't respond to a tag or ask doesn't mean I don't care; it likely slipped my mind.
Writeblr asks like WBW, STS (Worldbuilding Wednesday and Storytelling Saturday) are also welcome, although I might not send them a lot. Trying to get back in the habit of doing so.
I might also post some of my art here on the occasion (using that dingy side blog doesn't really feel right for me). Still working up the courage to do that, but I might drop a few sketches here and there.
Other interests/fandoms: TLoZ (mostly the Breath of the Wild sequence but I swear I’m trying to play the older games), The Magnus Archives/Protocol, Welcome to Night Vale, Malevolent, fiction podcasts in general, really.
That about wraps up everything, I suppose! Thanks for reading, and enjoy your stay here :)
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Tumblr Arguing Tactics: What You Need To Know
Adding to the topic of the disinformation that claimed "system hopping" was appropriated from the RAMCOA community, people need to be aware of the tactics used by groups here who are trying to sew division.
Because these tactics have proven effective, and even being pro-endo doesn't make you immune from spreading anti-endo propaganda.
There have been many pro-endos who heard the false claims that system hopping was appropriated from RAMCOA survivors and started asking about other terms they could use, despite the claims being completely, verifiably false.
Some of these have been RAMCOA survivors who, while not hearing the term before, blindly believed it was a RAMCOA term because other people told them it was.
This has become a major tactic in Tumblr discourse, where when arguing for one thing, it's common to mask your true motives in ways that portray the other side as villains for unrelated reasons.
This has been commonplace in shipping discourse, with anti-shippers claiming ships they don't like are supporting incest and pedophilia. (Not just actual incest and pedophilia ships but ships like Sheith where you have two adult characters with an 8-year age gap who describe each other as being like brothers. Because apparently nobody who has ever described themselves with sibling-like relationships can hook up.) And if it's not claiming the ships are supporting incest or pedophilia, the ships are homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc. Whatever accusations they can land on in order to sink the ships of others in the fandom and prop up their own.
Accusations may be weak but that doesn't matter because the goal isn't truth. It's emotionally manipulating good people, and those who want to be perceived as good people, to take your side.
While other people who weren't invested in the discourse may come to believe the more marketable false reasons, make no mistake where they originated and with what intent.
It's not actually about social justice. It's about using the idea of social justice to prop up their given ship, painting their victims as horrible people for reasons that were never genuinely related to their primary motives.
But it spreads because people hear "[insert group] supports pedophilia" and that triggers a gut emotional reaction no matter how baseless.
And if you don't side with them, then you're supporting that thing too.
There's a manipulation tactic at play here that people need to be aware of.
Because it's spreading everywhere and is regularly being weaponized by genuinely terrible groups against marginalized people to pit them against each other.
If you don't like xenogenders? Just make up a controversy about how Fae pronouns are appropriating Celtic culture. See, now those nasty transgender people are being racist!
If you're aphobic, spread lies that aroace people stole the term "aspec" from the autistic community. Look! We're not excluding them because we're a hate group! We're excluding them because they're ableist!
Time and time again, these tactics are being used to create division and hurt people.
And time and time again, people in the communities keep falling for them.
We have to do better. We have to think critically about where these claims are coming from, and who benefits from them being spread instead of just blindly accepting what we're told.
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