#im feeling intensely unwell tonight
babygirltangerine · 2 years
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tojisun · 9 months
Sun!, I would like to start by saying that I greatly admire your talent and ability to write. The way you are able to create stories, is simply fascinating. Every word you put on paper seems to have a unique intensity and depth. Your writing conveys such strong and immersive emotions that it feels like I can feel every feeling, every shiver, and every moment of tension. It's incredible how you capture these elements and convey them in such a vivid and impactful way.
One Of The Girls reminds me of the early stages of the reader's 'relationship' with toxic!biker!simon. Where the reader wants to be one of the girls and fully immerse themselves in Simon's life, even if it's just scraps of an unhealthy love (that never was).
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Daylight, oh my God, it's the mid-stage, where the reader is not just with Simon because of his looks... But because she loves him, but at the same time she discovers how much he harms her, but she doesn't want to leave him, she can't, because she always goes back.
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Elastic Heart is their final stage in the relationship... As you yourself said, sun, my sunshine. The reader will have a happy ending, but not with Simon. It's when she will realize that their "Relationship" was never so healthy.
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So, sun!, look, my future husband, Leon Kennedy. Shhhh... Simon can't know-. But I've already moved on from toxic!biker!Simon-.
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This is my husband, my current obsession, the muscles-.
oh my god mocha?? thank you so much for such kind words– im genuinely melting, giggling underneath my blanket and kicking my legs because of how thoughtful and kind this!! because of how thoughtful and kind you are!! im seriously speechless, unable to think past the giddiness rushing through me like, thank you again sweet luv <33
i am so so happy that u enjoy my works! that somehow, along my ramblings and run-ons, i was able to convey the emotions of a specific scene/fic :’> im glad that u get to enjoy interpreting it too!! (especially because biker!simon became such an endearing group project that i adore. i get so heart-achingly happy when i see ur guys’ asks n links n tags!!!)
time for the songs:
OH MY GOD??? ONE OF THE GIRLS BEING READER BEGGING SIMON FOR A SCRAP OF HIS AFFECTION – “we don’t gotta be in love / i don’t gotta be the one / i just wanna be one of the girls tonight” – OH I AM UNWELL!! and the way the song fully presents their ‘relationship’: how it’s a plea from the reader, how she tries finding love from him in something thats only physical and ephemeral, how he extends an inkling affection only to pull away and leave her with nothing. again.
(heaving so bad rn)
I DIDNT EXPECT DAYLIGHT TO BE PART OF THE TOXIC BIKER SERIES BUT I SEE IT SO CLEARLY!! “oh i love it and hate it at the same time” – the way she knows their arrangement is harmful to her, and the way she knows it’s laughable and pathetic how she’s always the one doing the running and waiting, but she can’t stop because when simon calls her, sometimes she thinks it’s love. AND the part that goes “hiding all of our sins from the daylight / … / you and i drink poison from the same vine” SHOWING THE WAY SIMON NEVER BRINGS HER TO HIS HOME. AND HOW SIMON, for all his tomfoolery and bitching, GRAVITATES TOWARDS HER. HOW HE COMES BACK TO HER TOO.
(im probably gonna gnaw my lip off at this point from how much im biting)
SIA AND ELASTIC HEART IS ALSO SMTHN I DIDNT EXPECT IN THE ROSTER AND YET IT MAKES SENSE HOLY SHIT. “you did not break me (but) i’m still fighting for peace” IS READER WHEN SHE MET PRICE HELLO? the way she was hesitant to trust him. hesitant to like him because she thought, ‘not again’. but then price shows her how it is to be loved. to be prioritized. to be cared for. and yeah she starts letting go of simon and starts forging a relationship with price and!!! SHE WILL BE HAPPY I PROMISE.
(i feel like a marionette. untethered and floaty because this whole.. meta? is so fucking good oh my god)
somethings shifting in my brain hold on hold on hold on hol
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moonrvsworld · 3 years
(chapter 3)
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Its been a month since Keonhee made his own decision at the library about how to put aside Youngjo in his life. Honestly, its not as easy as he expected. He’s been through the long term agony to manage his emotion, loneliness, and he missing Youngjo so much. Its torturing. Even in his deepest heart, he hope he never tell such a stupid decision like that. But the worst fact is, Youngjo never call him again after that day. They excatly still meet at the campus. Youngjo become his regular teacher as usual but its nothing since they didn’t talk each other like a stranger. Keonhee hurts his own pride by put high expectation about Younjo who might be beg for his generosity.
“Its not an expensive restaurant but I’ll make sure you’ll like the steak.”
Alice’s voice breaks the silence in Keonhee’s mind. For a second, he blink his eyes and realize that he’s on different situation. In front of him, Alice sat with her beautiful red gown. The A-line part of her shoulder shows how attractive her colar bone is.  Her red maroon lipstick make everytime she speaks, she looks more sensual. Its such a different view from the Alice who Keonhee used to see at their class with oversized sweater and sharp frame glasses.
“You often come to this kind of place?” asked Keonhee without any curiosty.
“Not really, only if I have to celebrate something spesial.”
Keonhee nooded his head. Even though he doesn’t even know what to do next, he refuse to look more awkward.
“Whats celebration that you have with me now? I just accepted your dinner invitation without any special meaning.”
Alice smiled widely. “Have a dinner with you is special enough to celebrate. You want some wine?”
Keonhee shake his head. “I dont drink, sorry.”
“Its okay,” said Alice while raised her hand at the waitres.
Keonhee let her choose the menu since he knows nothing about it. Steak right? He can deal with it. For almost several weeks, he couldn’t eat properly. Everthing in his life seems screwed up since he need more time to fix it. Broken hearts thing always leave linger feeling. Its not that easy to move on, though.
“How is it?” Alice stared at Keonhee with dreamy eyes. Full of interest and something which can be called as love.
“Delicious, you have a good taste.”
Alice give her intense gaze she never had for another man. Keonhee only wears simple black shirt and denim, but he looks so hot tonight. His eyes always try to look around. Alice didnt know what he’s watching for. Seems like they’re two prisoner who runaway from the jail. Is it a sin, or Keonhee feel uncomfortable?
“Are you okay?” Alice’s hand touch Keonhee’s arm. “You look unwell, Keonhe. Like a broken hearted man I always see at some pubs.”
Keonhee chuckled for a while. “Am I look that bad?”
“Is it because the assignments? Even Professor Youngjo gave us so many papers to finish by the end of this month. Don’t you think its too ... weird?”
Keonhee tried to swallow his meal so hard. Suddenly he feel like there’s something as big as tennis ball stays in his throat when Alice say Youngjo’s name. Whats with this effect, actually? Its ridiculous.
“You’re the weird one,” said Keonhee.
“Me?” Alice opened her eyes widely.
Keonhee cutted his steak with annoying feeling. His tremble hands make him grapped in too the knife little bit thight.
“Its weird to hear that kind of words from girl’s mouth since Professor Youngjo is none other that oneshot guy. Every girl campus will floored in front of him to get his private class.”
The sounds of Keonhee’s voice full of sarcasm. He even smirk to him self right now.
“Not every girls of course. Im the one who will never get down on my knee to suck his dick,” answered Alice easily. She said that with a mouth full of meat.
Keonhee chocked and reach his glass to drink all of the lemon squash. Its was so hard to do since talking with the girl is the unusal thing for him. The spontanious statement from her make Keonhee’s brain freeze for a moment.
“I’ve seen him naked, its not that awesome.” Alice said that fact by murmured her own mouth. But it has a huge impact to surprise Keonhee.
“You see him what?” he asked with horrible looks.
“Nah, it was an accident,” she answered back with her funny expression. “I think is my fault to not knocking his door before. It was a surprise for me since it doesnt look interesting at all. I dont even have any intention to touch it.”
Keonhee rolled his eyes while looking at the window. The first snow finally fall. People keep walking eventhough its too cold outside. Alice keep watching his reaction and hide her smile by turn her head down look into the rest of her steak.
He manage to finish his meal faster since he feels a little bit annoyed after hear what Alice talk about Youngjo. Keonhee never hate that guy no matter he need to ends their relation ship. He adore him, as  brother or lover. He never missed Youngjo class, regardless of love affair that they have, the lesson always fun and worth to join.
Alice give some reason about why she should invite Keonhee to her house. She live alone while his parents stay abroad and the silly explanation about scared being alone finally make Keonhee agree to follow her.
Such a bullshit.
“Why you dont live with them?” asked Keonhee while Alice opened the front door and take off her coat a little hurry in the foyer.
“I will,” answered Alice. She walks even faster to the kitchen and raised her voice to continue. “We have a huge property business to do. Right after we graduate, I’ll catch them up.”
Keonhe nodded his head though Alice wont see that. He spread his sight around the living rooms. There are three sofa made from suede material in front of wide big flat screen television. Those navy colour give the darker effect since Alice only turn one small lamp on the ceiling. Its too dim, Keonhe need to squint his eyes to scan everything.
In front of the sliding door, Keonhee see the beautiful fireplace. This house looks like the mansion which always appear in vampire series. The furniture, the wood floor, even the ceiling and back yard. Its remind him to the scene where vampire family life covered by their mysterious existence. This house located far from the crowded. A little bit move to the up town.
“Don’t you think that this house is too spacious to live alone?” Keonhee turn around after he make sure that the swimming pool must be something that never been touch since they built it.
“I like empty and large space. I dont even know why,” said Alice. “I hate being stuck in the crowded place, that’s why I didnt choose to live with my friends at the dorm.”
She keep her bright smile everytime she meet Keonhee’s eyes while she handed apple juice to him.
“Since you dont drink alcohol,”  told Alice.
Keonhee replied her smile and follow that woman to sit on the couch.
“You’re not an introvert, aren’t you? Seems like we can always find you in some chaotic places.”
Alice laughed so hard. Her eyes narrowed and suddenly she shed a tears.
“Oh, Keonhee that’s what you think about me all this time?”
Koenhee damp his throat by drinking almost half of the juice.
“We’re not that close, I can’t judge anything about you more than this first impression.” He mumbled and put the glass back on the table.
“Then why you never try to make us getting closer? You know you make me wait for too long to be in this situation.”
Alice lay her body to relax while she keep watching Keonhee unusual gesture. He looks so uncomfortable and keep avoiding her eyes.
“Lee Keonhee, do you ever dating someone in your life?”
Keonhee turn around. Alice move a little closer and rub Koenhee shoulder while waiting for his answer.
“Why did you suddenly ask about that?”
“Just curious.”
“Because you never see me talk with the girls?”
Alice releases a big puff of air and lean his chin into Keonhee’s shoulder. Now their face only an inch apart where Alice can feel his warm breath with apple juice’s scent.
“Because I know your deepest secret.” She whispered.
“What do you mean? I dont have any secret.”
“In front of other people? Yes. But ...”
Her lips touch his cheek. Keonhee gasped for a while before he realize and makes his frigid stare. Alice not affected. She count slowly inside her mind where Keonhee finally shows some reaction.
“I can see what others cant. About you and him.”
Alice whispered her statement. No one can hear it, but in Keonhee’s ears, her words as loud as the sound of train horn. Its distracted him with empty mind.
“What do you mean, Alice?”
“Your secret, honey. Something that you’ll never let anyone know unless ... your careless like a curtain falls which allow me to see everything.”
Alice innocent face push Keonhee to his restless. Suddenly he feels the strange heat all over his body. A cold sweat appear on his back and neck.
“You know what are we talking about. Ore beloved professor. ” Suddenly Alice feel like she cannot hold any longer to spill his name.
“Some people sometimes make a comfortable affair because they think the others will not notice. Honestly, I wont believe what I see since I believe how straight you are all these times. But I can’t deny that his stare towards you always has something different. Like a ... magic. It covered with heavy coulds, but suddenly I can feel it. He loves you so much, right? And so do you?”
Keonhee gulped his spit so hard. He cant believe this truth comes from the girl who looks like never care what happened around. He’s one hundred precent sure that Alice will be more busy with her achievement, projects and her popularity among the boys. He lost his guard and think that everyting’s move on the right why like it should be. What if its not only Alice who realize? Othe people might know but they choose remain silent since Youngjo is one of the best teacher at the campus?
“You look unwell, wanna drink something else? I have some wines.”
Alice intends to reach Keonhee’s empty glass but suddenly that man grab her waist.
“Dont you ever spread the rumors, or_”
“Or what sweet heart? Are you afraid being hurt by people’s judge?” Alice cut his words.
“I dont wanna him to be the one who get hurt.”
He almost mumbling when he said that. Alice smirked and move her hand into Keonhee’s thigh.
“You’re such a kind boyfie. He must be treat you well. Do you guys often making out in any situation? How does it feels? I’m curios about what is  the most position that you like. Under or upper?”
“Alice.” Keonhee squeal with disbelife.
While that girl only laugh and without any warning, she jump into Keonhee’s lap and pushed him lay back to the couch.
“Is he dumped you nowadays? I can feel something happened between you guys. Or its because the last incident, when I asked you to join some party?”
“There’s no related to that. We have our own business.”
Alice bit her lips. “Im not interesting with that actually, I just curious about something. About how is this gonna help your heartbreaking.”
Alice rub his pussy to Keonhee’s dick. Slowly. Hindered by their jeans but she can feels it getting harder. She smile widely and put her lips to Keonhee’s neck.
“Wha-what are you doing?”
He asked frantically. His hand try to move Alice from his lap.
“Calm down, you dont want me to tell everything I see about what you always do in his office every Saturday, right?” she wishpered beside Keonhee’s ear and lick it.
Keonhee feel the strange reaction. Like an electricity attack all over his body. Its impossible. For almost two years he fucked up with only one person. A man. A lover he loves so much. Then why this desire also appear when Alice touch and kiss his sensitive area.
“You can do it with me too?”
“Alice, stop it. I ...”
“I can’t. I wanna taste you tonight, that’s the only way to shut my mouth up. Your secret save with me, Lee Keonhee.”
He cursed so hard inside his head. He knows that the Saturday night idea in Youngjo’s office was the bad one. But ohh ...
Alice move her lips slowly to his. They kiss with hesitation. Keonhee actually. Because Alice seems like she doesn’t care. She push her tounge inside Keonhee’s mouth and try to taste every side in it. Her hands free to take off Keonhee’s shirt and unzip his jeans with skill of experience. Keonhee even didnt realized since when Alice’s finger sneak in his underwear and squeeze his dick softly. Like it was a precious thing to touch. Half naked Keonhee burnt her desire. Its amazing, she turn up her intention for touching every part of his body.
“He dumped you? Or you make him dissapointed for some reasons?” asked Alicia while she pull her self to watch Koenhee’s expression after they kissing.
“I dont wanna talk about it,” he murmured.
“Oh honey, you can always come to me. We can talk like this, in a deep way of course. You need some distraction, cause me too when I broke with Sam.”
“Why should I?” Keonhee stare at her like a little boy.
Alice looking down, right into his big gloomy eyes.
“Because I know you’ll like it. You don’t deserve living in one side of the world with his obession to having your body and soul.  Im here too, available to taste right inside your mouth.”
Alicia guide Koenhee’s hand to touch her breast. Its firm and beautiful. Since its his first time, Keonhee only stare at it while he waiting for another electricity effect. That girl dont wanna waste the time. She lower the straps of her gown and let her bra show. Its black and looks sexy on her breast.
“You will never get this one from Professor Youngjo, honey.”
She take off her bra and let Keonhee see her pretty niples. The colour was pink and pretty with vague brown around it. With their hands squeez slowly, Alice moan and hiss. Her voice turn into the lower tone. So raspy and aluring.
“Touch and feel it in your arms, mmyeeahh... like that. Ohh Keonhee, your dick ...”
Its a magical. Keonhee let himself hypnotized by her command and comment. His dick tighten and he doesn’t know what to do about it. Usually Youngjo will lick or suck, but Alice only let it rubbed with the outside part of her vagina.
“Aaaahh, baby.”
Alice hiss while bitting her lip. Another effect showering Keonhee like a huge wave. He hold Alice’s back and settle her in his embrace. Her body suddenly convulsed. She stroke Keonhee’s hair and pull his head closer to her breast.
“Suck it, Keonhee. Like a baby who need his mom.”
Keonhee use his mouth and tounge to taste everything. He feels so excited since he was free to be more aggressive. Alice let him explore new things. About how delicious woman’s breast, about how  his fingers can move and touch the wet pussy and give him another sensation, about gentle kiss to increase the passion.
“Mmmmhh yeaahh.. like that, ohhh... you bite it so well.”
She moan loudly. This big house give the freedom so she can scream as much as she want. Other Keonhee’s hand squeeze her ass. The tension getting higher. Alice starts to make her move. She push Keonhee to lay down while she help him strip his denim. Now that guy is fully naked with hardened dick and red tip. She bend down and stroke that dick before put it in her mouth.
Exactly as expected. Taste good. The fluid and the vein line become another sensation. Keonhee hiss so hard. He’s about to scream when his heart beat getting faster. While he watching Alice suck his dick, she grab her hair and imagine that she is Youngjo  who need to be punish. Keonhee gather Alice’s hair into a bun so he can see clearly how she lick and suck his dick with her tounge playin around and give him unexplainable sensation.
“You like it?” asked Alice.
“Shut up and keep going.”
He’s mad because its not Youngjo who do it as usual. Alice use this opportunity to provocate him more. Man always great and make sex wilder when they’re upset of something. She crawl up and take off all her clothes while she sat on his stomach. The view of this naked and nude become something unusual since both of them are trully stranger before.
The taste totally different. Alice play smoother and dont mind to let the emotion leads more than penetration. That girl now lick and kiss Keonhee’s neck and chest but her hands never let go. Keonhee grab her joints, so soft and warm. Their bodies drawn in sweats.
“You wanna taste me?”
Alice turn around and trapped them in 34+35. She open her crotch in front of Keonhee’s face and start swapping her pussy towards his mouth. Its so wet. Keonhee suddenly know what to do by putting his warm tounge and play with her clitoris.
“Ahhh .. baby, nggghhh ...”
Her hiss make Keonhee hornier. Beside, he feel relief  since finally he knows that he’s normal for doing this with a woman. There will be no more burden on his shoulder if finally he really has to let Youngjo go.
“Yeah, right there. Mmmhh ... sweety.”
Alice keep moaning while she’s busy to suck the dick. Her right hold into the couch and she growl when Keonhee’s tounge getting wilder. She  shake her head, her stomach rumbles with thousand butterflies bring all the flush.
“Aaaahh ... Ahhh baby- Im- Im cummiiingg...”
She almost yelled. Her body convulse for a while when Keonhee’s tounge stay still inside her pussy to suck and lick the cums. The red colour and cracked shape of her sensitive area look more beautiful when its wet.
“You give up that fast?” Keonhee asked with arogant tone. He was a dick pleasure for Youngjo, that’s why he beloved so much by him.
Alice lay her head on Keonhee’s thigh. Without any warning, that man change their position. He recline her and spread her legs to put on his shoulder. He grab her hips tight, and start to push his dick inside that pussy.
Keonhee’s hiss make Alice ready to drop all her insanity. He start his movement back and forth, slow to fast. Its all manage, and flow so well.
“Deeper, baby. Yeah, that’s it. Oh, you’re so good.”
She keep praising him, so the tense getting higher. Man like to hear good words while having sex. It will built all the spirit and burning it with strongest desire.
“Ahh ...”
Keonhee close his eyes. For the sake of God, he try to keep his mind sraight while his dick move quickly inside Alice’s pussy. The taste like a hell. Warm and burnt inside. Keonhee’s stomach flare up with euphoria about something new. About how good it feels to fuck up with woman. He cannot believe that he making out with the most beautiful girl in his campus.
“Can you push deeper, Keonhee?” Alice beg him like a servant ask some mercy.
Keonhee piling up his whole body to her. This time he shake his joints a little bit fast and start to get the perfect rhythm. Alice’s  finger scratch his back. She immerse her nails into Keonhee’s skin. Why women are noisy like this when she fucked up? Every movement turn Alice into her hysteria. Sometimes she give Keonhee a beautiful tired smile, and then it change into deep cold gaze while cursing how good his dick hit her womb.
“Say my name.” Alice touch Keonhee’s lips with her finger.
“Oh, Alice.”
“Is it good, sweety?”
“Oh yeah.” He try to answered with his heavy breath.
“You ready to cum?”
“No,” He shakes his head.
“Faster, then.”
Alice lift her body and reach Keonhee’s lips. They kiss while moaning. The air feels so hot and moist. Keonhee start panting. He almost there, the highest spot. He hit it after Alice bite his tounge because she’s gonna cums again. They hugging each other, and muffle the screams with kiss. Like a rollercoaster which finally need to stop, the movement getting slower. All that left is silence. Keonhee immerse his face to Alice’s neck.
“Honey, that was great.”
Alice kiss his forehead and stroke his hair gently.
“Im pretty sure, I’ll always be here whenever you need someone to fun start from now. Do you hear that, sweety?”
Keonhee only nod his head. But he’s the one who never sure about this.
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fairycosmos · 4 years
dude im SO MAD at my parents, my mom is the most self centered person and while during quarantine she stayed home from work she now decided that she didn't want to give up on going on holiday in france (we're in italy - and btw in france the virus sitch is pretty bad) and they've been there for a Whole Week now and tonight she called me saying that she felt sick I SWEAR I CANT im so scared and so fucking mad bc i told them the risk is not worth the trip but she just has to have what she wants
BRO .... the way my blood pressure just kept rising while reading this omg i literally feel my pulse in my forehead i CANT 😤😤 i have no idea how anyone can look at how bad things were/are here like even just around europe especially italy and STILL decide to travel. it really is pure privilege and selfishness and people being stuck in their own bubble - my grandparents are the same. they travelled before the uk lock down and got stuck in lockdown in the canary islands because they're fuckin degenerates and i spent weeks pissed at them, still am, can't even verbalise the disgust 😐 im so sorry you have to put up with your mum. i absolutely understand your frustration and it is COMPLETELY justified, no matter how much they act like you're being neurotic. you're really just displaying common sense and thinking of others, as should be common practice, but apparently it's not. i think your mum will have to quarantine where she is if she's displaying corona symptoms and if not i really hope you can stay away from her as much as possible to protect your own health and wellbeing until she's confirmed to be alright. but at the same time try to remember that there's a million reasons she could be feeling unwell ESPECIALLY while traveling, and flu like symptoms are very vague. obviously it's natural for your mind to jump to corona but try to take it one day at a time love, check in with her when you can and trust that she will receive the medical assistance she needs if the situation does escalate, which as of rn is not guaranteed. obviously words don't do much to calm this type of intense anger and anxiety so i just want you to know you're not alone at all and it won't be this intensely stressful forever. im clinging onto that sentiment too !! if you need a friend or someone to vent to feel free to hmu any time 💖 i hope everything is okay, all my love.
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