#im getting a little worn out lol. there just hasnt been a lot of other music that ive been discovering lately so i just have it on repeat
wickymicky · 4 years
oh sick lol odd eye hit 100 listens for me
#its actually at 103 currently#and that counts the stage and fancams because i have a chrome extension that records youtube listens on lastfm#and like i know a live performance video isnt the same as a normal listen to the song via music video but...#i mean im still hearing the song both ways so why not still record live stages as listens?#i dont record them with the album info though#so the amount of times ive listened to the album reflects the number of listens to the song minus live stages and things like that#thats the system ive settled on anyway#tbh i think ive absolutely 100% been listening to odd eye too much#im getting a little worn out lol. there just hasnt been a lot of other music that ive been discovering lately so i just have it on repeat#pretty much anyway#im thinking that i dont like it as much as scream or boca#i do like it a lot and it probably is in my top 10 dc songs... maybe even as high as top 5?#but scream and boca are both higher i think#scream definitely is but idk i could imagine liking odd eye more than boca eventually#i also have been listening to it a lot in order to stream it but... like... while i do wanna be listening to it a lot for the next few weeks#....i should do most of my streaming on my phone with the sound muted. like... while i watch and do other things on my laptop#muting the phone volume doesnt affect anything#i'll obviously still be listening to the song a lot lol but i just mean that when im doing other stuff i can stream odd eye on my phone#and i dont need to feel like i actually have to listen to odd eye 10+ times a day cause like#that'll really burn me out. im at 100+ listens in three days cause i listened 50+ times on day one... and i cant keep this up lol#i like the song... and thats exactly why i gotta cut back lmao. i would like to keep enjoying the song and not ruin it for myself hahaha
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ffuuuuuuuck · 5 years
september 24, 2019
Today was such a bad day my thoughts kept pulling me in different directions- all of them bad
ended up skipping class today, thought about dropping out of school entirely like a lot
like, i know im capable of it and it’s not even hard, it’s just the looming fear of failing again like i did in my first highschool. I’m falling into the same patterns, it’s getting harder to maintain a positive mentality. it sucks because i was doing so good and then one thing sets me off and im back on my bullshit. 
somehow writing it out makes me feel a little better, makes it feel like the thoughts aren’t all just stuck in my head. 
my family helped today- my mom sang one direction with me in the car because i think she could tell I was on the verge of crying lol. That’s what she used to do with me in middle school and felt bad about the way i looked- it was cheesy and dorky but nice. she also took me to meet my baby cousin for the first time since she’d been born-5 months old and shes fat as fuck but also cute as fuck
i think i might just go back to spending time with my family again- it was easier than having to deal with friends. I love them, but i don’t feel the same with them anymore. it was different when i was into the same shit- smoking weed, doing drugs, doing nothing but walking around all the time. but now i’ve got school and work and actual responsibilities, and none of them seem to get that. Some of them even get mad because i cant spend as much time with them. I understand being upset, but it just makes me feel worse because i already feel worn thin. Plus, we dont really have anything in common anymore other than weed. Even that i’ve been trying to quit, but that’s all they ever wanna do and my lungs are all burnt out. And frankly, i like the feeling of being sober better than being high now. 
I guess that’s the only thing me and Maurice had in common. When we first became friends,  i was so happy to have someone like me. Into musicals, into anime, into all these dorky things my other friends weren’t into. but now its nothing but weed or talking about her ex boyfriend, or our friend bianca. I’m really glad her and bianca get along so well- i knew they would, i would always try getting all of us to hangout so they could get to know eachother more. But now it just feels like im on the outside. Whenever im with them they always just go off in their own space, talk about their own things that i can’t contribute because i wasnt there or not in on their inside jokes. I tried for awhile to just get used to it, because i shouldve been just happy that they were happy. But then they started hanging out without me all the time, and yeah, it makes me a little sad but no biggie it’s not like theyre my only friends. it feels like im not allowed to feel anything, like anything negative that i feel is just a sign that im getting bad again. But it hurts, like a lot. Bianca is always going on about stuff she told maurice, how maurice said that and that her and maurice always do this, and how great maurice is. Maurice is always saying how amazing bianca is and how much she loves her, how’re theyre gonna go do this and that. lately they started inviting me to hangout with them, but at this point it just feels more like pity than anything. Even when we’re all together, it’s like im intruding on their space. It just sucks. Like it’s not like i want to break them apart or anything, or for them to include me more. I don’t really want anything to happen, like im happy they get along. I just feel shitty about it. Even today, i found out something new about Bianca and yeah it was cool learning that about her but she threw in “really you didnt know? Maurice knows” and i dont know why but it stung. Probably because i was already feeling shitty today. 
Maurice had asked me earlier in the day to hangout with them tomorrow- but it was only because it had come up in the conversation because i had told her about something concerning bianca. and honestly, i felt like i couldnt go on pretending anymore to be ok. so i told her that i didnt mean to sound like a dick but i didnt really like hanging out with the two of them together- but i still liked hanging out with them seperately. which, typing this out now i realize i really went the wrong way about this. It’s different when its just me and maurice and me and bianca, its not much different and nice. but when theyre together i just feel really crummy. i wanted to try to tell her that but she just told me “okay whatever i dont even wanna ask why.” and hasnt talked to me since. my mom said if they cared theyd understand, but im not sure i even went about it the right way, if there is a right way to tell your friends that. I told her what happened and she said that bianca would talk to me about it because my mom said that she definitely cares. 
But when i told bianca about it, about maurice being upset with me and what i had said, all she said was how did they exclude me. That we played cards together that one time. That we had gone to go get hair dye that one time. I explained to her that yeah, when we went to go get hair dye it felt better because i was actually apart of their conversation. but the other times i just didnt feel like i belonged there with them. She wasnt upset about it like maurice was, but she seemed... i dunno, annoyed? not annoyed but like it was just me back on my bullshit. like it was all in my head. I think she did say it was all in my head. And after we left school a guy we knew was supposed to come with us, and she said “What, are you gonna feel excluded because Robbys coming?” in a really sarcastic voice. I just put in my headphones after that and actually did my homework. Because im supposed to be the chill one- im supposed to be the emotionless one, the one who doesnt let anything bother them because if i acknowledge that im hurt, then that means i could be getting unhealthy again. But fuck dude it did hurt. I barely tell my friends what I feel, and to be shot down like that, to be treated like i was just acting dumb again really hurt. especially because it wasnt like i was asking for anything to be different, other than me not wanting to hang out anymore. also especially coming from bianca. Out of all the people, i felt like i could count on her the most. I guess i was wrong again. Which sucks because its not like my brain goes to “ok they were a dick that time whatever”. When im not feeling good (aka when im not drugged out), my brain immedietely goes to wow what a dumbass trusting people again. 
It didnt help that Quenten came to hangout today. I normally love seeing her, and everytime i see her she vents about her problems and i support her because i know she has a lot on her plate all the time. But today it just made things worse. She vented like usual and i tried to support her the best i could, but when i tried to talk about something that was bothering me she kinda just shut me down. Cut me off, started talking about her problems again. Usually she does that, but today it hurt because i really needed someone to talk to, and i thought we were that person for eachother. 
Some shit went down with this Guy one time, and its kind of fucked me up. For awhile i tried my best not to let it get to me, tried staying friends with him and making the best of a situation because everyone told me that it wasnt that big of a deal. Not directly, but through their body language, the way they just change the subject, so i just believed that. Tried letting it go till eventually it built up inside me and blew up and left me feeling ruined. The other night i saw the Guy, and i had been doing so good, had been feeling happy and safe and just better. But he walked past me and it was like all of that just fell apart, i felt terrified again and unsafe and it was that feeling all over again, of not getting a choice, of not getting to have control, of putting my complete trust in someone only for it to be ruined. Anyways, its been leaving me fucked up for the past couple of days, and i just needed someone to talk to that wouldnt brush me aside. Im not sure why i thought that though. Quentin still thought highly of the Guy, still cared about his opinion i guess. its not like they were friends, but still. I shouldve known she wouldve blown me off when i tried talking about that situation. 
I might need to see a counselor about it, because theres no one that i can even really talk to about it. I tried with this one girl, and she really helped me. But then it turned into a shit show because she outed the guy when i asked her not to, and one of my ex good friends came to me, and basically said i was making it up. when before we stopped being friends she believed me and understood why i got scared around the Guy. I guess that situation fucked me up too lol. But theres no one i can talk to, no one i can even bounce my thoughts off of. I wish i could talk to my mom about this. Sometimes she’s really good with this shit. But i know telling her about this will just make my life worse. Ill go to being looked at like some broken pitiful thing. Im not. I might be broken but im strong and i dont want to be pitied or someone to get mad in my place. I think some part of her already knows.
I think im done talking for today. Guess spilling my guts is too much too. 
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a collection of my honest (yet irrelevant) thoughts. | wednesday 8/30/2017 |
current adventure: college. 
I feel stupid sitting on a bench on campus writing a post to (possibly) nobody; but after 3 classes (with another one today) spanning these first three days of college, I feel like I need to write it out. crying can only relieve so much in all honesty. so emo, my apologies. 
classes started Monday, 8/28/30 and from the moment I woke up on Sunday, I've felt so empty and drained despite only taking two hour-and-twenty-minute long classes. Monday was okay. Class let out 30 minutes early, and since it was my only class of the day I walked a few blocks down to Girlfriend’s campus. Her school is insanely nice, just my style. Very industrial, modern, and taken care of. A drastic difference to my school. 
Its dirty and old (not a cute-worn though, it just looks like it hasnt been taken care of) and the kids are crusty bums. Granted, Girlfriend’s school has weirdos, lots of them, but theres a sense of safety because you know they won't try to shank you if you bump them! I don't have that luxury here. Her school is a private art school, mine is just the local community college. gotta save those dollars.
Anyways. On Monday I sat on a bench (at Girlfriend’s school,) similar to this one, but I had the grass next to me instead of the dirt and sticks here and a young guy was cutting the lawn and it was quiet (aside from the lawnmower) and pretty and I felt like I was at home. The guy was nice, he felt bad asking me to move for a second so he could cut the grass next to me. If I was at my school I bet they would have just mowed right over my folders. Girlfriend got out of class after about an hour of me sitting on her campus and I got to see her for a few minutes, really the only other time I’ve seen her aside from the 20 minute car ride to school (which is two days a week keep in mind.) 
We used to hang out everyday. Senior year was the best because I got to see her during practically every period (1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th actually... that is a lot lol) and then we would hang out after school. Perk of your girlfriend not driving- you have an excuse to see her more often; she has to run errands, she needs a ride home, she needs a ride to, etc etc. 
The smell of funnel cake keeps distracting me. I don't think theres any funnel cake, it just smells fried and sweet because the cafeteria is behind me and I'm getting hungry for the first time this week.
Not seeing her is one of the shittiest parts of college so far. I really miss her. Her classes are super long, each one at least 2 hours long I believe, and even though our schools are less than a 10 minute walk from each other, I can't see her because when she gets out of class, I'm just going into class. I also hate not seeing any familiar faces. Yeah, you have to make friends blah blah blah, but its a shock going from my nice high school with students I’d gone to school with since middle school; some even elementary school to this. sounds privileged, in know... I don't know why it keeps surprising me as well seeing full on adults walking into classes. Good for them though. 
My next class starts in 40 minutes (at 11:00 and its 10:17) but I’ll probably head up in a few. It’s a 2 hour and 50 minute class and I didn't bring any of the 6 books we have to read because I already had my two English books and I didn't want to lug 8 novels around in my backpack, especially since we haven't needed any of our books on the first day. But then again, its a 3 hour class and I doubt we’ll get out that early. 
Ew it smells like kerosene... not my favorite smell by far. They're setting up lame tables and tents and “Week of Welcome” activities. Will I participate? no. Am I the cause of my misery and tears thus far? Mostly. 
I read up on all of my professors I could find on “rate my professor” and this next one seems super fun. He has like, 4.4/5 review and apparently he's hot. everyone said his class is easy too which is a bonus. The reviews weren't too wrong about my Comp 2 professor, they didn't speak too highly of her. Right now I'm not a fan. She comes to class 5 minutes before it begins and seems very disorganized. I really don't like that. My Psych teacher is an absolute loon, but I feel like thats to be expected from a community college psychology professor. No offense if thats what you want to be, or if your favorite professor (or family member) is one. Just my honest thoughts. 
The sun came out, thats nice. Eases my anxiety a little bit when its nice out. 
Jesus Christ (pardon my language if it offends you) Chris brown just started blaring out of the welcome week speakers. they're trying to make this shitty cheap ass campus a party. no thank you. “now everybody put your hands in the air. yeah yeah yeah.” its lit. sense the sarcasm.
Hopefully this class will be better and when I get home (1:50 can't come soon enough) the feeling of empty darkness inside of me that has lingered for the past 3 days will subside a little bit. I won't get my hopes up. I should start a tear jar, a warning to seniors.
its been a while, its almost 5:30 now. my 3 hour class was boring as hell. he is not hot, nor young and he was 5 minutes late to class. you can hear him suck back his snot every few minutes and choke on it a little. but his class will be easy so thats great. I'm just questioning whether I need it or not. 
I haven't cried yet today, we’ll see how I feel later though. I miss Girlfriend. She’ll be home soon but I’ll bet you she’ll have to eat dinner as soon as she gets home, and then she’ll start her homework. nobody disrupts her art, not even me so I'll get to talk to her before bed for a few before I pass out at 10:00. It sucks because I was supposed to see Her Friday after my morning class ends, because she doesn't have class but then my new manager asked if I could come in. so instead of finally spending a day with her I'll be getting trained. my old manager is starting at the new store which is why I'm coming with him, but he has to get trained first, so really, its like starting a new job completely. I don't know why I decided it would be a good idea to switch jobs the first week of school. granted, there was no way in hell I would have stayed at my old job. I just should have waited until this first God awful week was over. but thats just my luck. 
Im always so tired now. I say always like its been a few weeks of school when really its been 4 days. mom asked if I wanted to go on a walk with the family, and of course I said no. “it’ll be good for your mental health” ahh I see, she can see me slowly slipping downhill again and wants to prevent it. well, I don't think a walk is going to make me feel much better about the fact that my school is dirty and the hallway I was in for my last class smelled horrible, which obviously worsened my mood, and the added fact that I'm starting a new job this week and don't know what I should wear. oh, and the other fact that I don't get to see my girlfriend anymore already and its only been 4 days. 
I had a bad feeling when She had her orientation and made her schedule. I new going to different schools would be horrible, but I didn't realize it would be like this. she's actually having fun and enjoying herself and making a few friends, and then theres me and I'm miserable and still have yet to speak to anyone really and she can't text in class when I'm out of class and I can't text in class when she's out. so thats great. I'm just waiting for the day she says someones flirting with her and she doesn't hate it. perks of dating a poly. I can't say no and deny her, especially when I'm not doing anything for her, or even seeing her, when someone else sees her almost every day. here come the watery eyes. plus, those kids are so much like her, they share her biggest passion. She always says she could never date someone who does what she does because it would be too much competition, but I feel like she's going to meet a photographer or videographer and it’ll be different enough to not impede on her talent, but it'll be similar enough that it’s great conversation and bonding. I'm just a jealous girlfriend, and college for us is looking to be the way I thought it would.
so, a summery for my future self who doesn't want to listen to this pity party:
Wednesday august 30, 2017. college sucks, I cry everyday, I hate my cheap dirty school and lame ass professors, I hardly see Girlfriend already, her experience is going great and I’m stressed af about starting a new job. countdown to the end of the semester-  74 days, 15 weeks, roughly 3.75 months, aka, too long to keep doing this shit. 
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wickymicky · 5 years
2020 Comeback Ranking: End of February Edition
this is an update to my ranking of 2020 comebacks, i’m keeping a running list lol. i updated it a couple times this month, but as comeback schedules return to a normal pace (possibly) i’ll probably just update this once or twice a month. maybe on the 15th and the 30th of every month or something. unless i just stop doing it after this update altogether lol, who knows. this is not a ranking of every comeback so far in 2020, just the ones i’ve heard and decided that i like. if it’s on the list at all, even if it’s near the bottom, that means i like the song a lot. 
this is just a list of title tracks, since i dont listen to every group’s bsides, and idk things like music video and concept are factors for me a lot of the time. i’m not sure how many songs i want to limit the list to once there get to be too many to list... and honestly i’ll probably leave some off of this one if it gets too long. take everything with a grain of salt... my opinions aren’t set in stone. if you go to my “2020 comebacks” tag, you’ll see previous lists and laugh at how different they all are. my next one will probably have a bunch of these songs in different orders again, as well as having new songs added in of course, just because my opinions change. okay here goes
Dreamcatcher - Scream: still at number 1 lol. i dont have all that much to say about it that hasnt already been said. you all already know
Weki Meki - Dazzle Dazzle: it might fall in subsequent updates, but as of right now it’s the one i’ve been listening to the second most, and i really like it. i’m not sure it’s really second-best-of-the-year material, though. but that’s where it’s at for the time being. it sounds like a weki meki song, which i’m soooo happy about, lol
GFriend - Crossroads: wow Crossroads really grew on me, lol. this song got better every time i heard it and now like.. idk, i really really like it. i’ve been enjoying watching stages for it too, i think it, Dr Bebe, and Fiesta have the best choreos of the currently-promoting songs. well, i think Crossroads is done promoting, but that’s pretty recent lol. sometimes i get emotional when i listen to this song real loud and let it take me away haha.... sigh....
Pentagon - Dr Bebe: it fell a little bit, partially cause two songs passed it, but also just i havent been listening to it that much lately. i like it, and sometimes when i listen to it, it really hits me... but it’s not the kind of song that i’m always in the mood for. you know? it’s not an any-day-any-time type of song lol. i think the velvet-ness of it is cool but i’m starting to get a bit tired of it unfortunately :( i’ll see how things shake out. for now it’s still number 4.
Cignature - Nun Nu Nan Na: i like this song a lot, it’s good, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
Izone - Fiesta: this one has also really grown on me. Fiesta slaps lol. i love the choreo, i love the surreal visuals in the video, i think the song is a bop too. hell yeah. if this had indeed come out last year then i’m not sure where it would have landed, but i think i like it more than Violeta. if it’s holding it’s own against the comebacks so far this year then maybe it would have done pretty well last year too haha
Loona - So What: idk this feels about right. i think a lot of orbits are a little tired of the song at this point. even those of us who liked it... you know... the novelty’s worn off, the line distribution and screen time is still irritating, the choreo’s not quite as fun to watch as we had hoped, and they’re just about wrapping up the promotions. still, i think this is a song we’ll revisit through the year, and once it sounds fresh to me again it might rise on the list, so i kinda expect it to hover around the 6-8 spot on my list even as more good comebacks keep coming out. it’s certainly an interesting song lol. 
Cherry Bullet - Hands Up: fairly simple lol this is just a weird bop
Ateez - Answer: i really dont know where to put Answer haha. just like Dr Bebe, this isnt the kind of song i wanna listen to 24/7. it has to be the right mood. so sometimes i feel like “ugh i dont feel like listening to Answer at all, i need something with more energy... im so tired of this song...” but then sometimes it really hits the spot and i go “you know what? this is still one of the better tracks of the year. this is powerful stuff” haha. again, it just has to be the right mood. so idk, i’ll put it here.
Everglow - Dun Dun: speaking of songs i’m tired of.....
Red Velvet - Psycho (i’m counting this as 2020): shrug. i like Psycho, but yeah, same thing as Dr Bebe and Answer. i like songs i can listen to on repeat at any time in the day, i like songs that pump me up and make me feel energetic. still, credit where credit is due i mean, this song’s real good lol. i know that’s not saying anything you didnt already know haha, but still
Elris - Jackpot: aaa! i love really straightforwardly weird girl group songs! that’s why Cignature is so high, and that’s why this song is on my list! i dont think it’s amazing, but i like it! it’s quirky and i like that! is it gonna even be on this list on my next update? honestly who knows, lol. maybe not. for right now though i think it’s cute
Moonbyul - Eclipse: this was super high on my last list lmao. it’s alright. my non-kpop-stan bf likes this one a lot and so i was listening to it a lot cause of them, but i think it’s not really where my head’s at right now. 
Rocket Punch - Bouncy: at first i thought this song was annoying and then i thought it was kinda cool cause it’s indicative of the trend towards teen crush concepts becoming the majority and then now i think it’s a bit annoying again. the embarrassing lyrics are hard to overlook lol. it’s not bad though.
Siyeon - Paradise: same as the other more emotional songs that i listed lol (other than Crossroads, which is emotional but also has a kind of fast drive to it that i like). it’s cool but i don’t listen to it that often cause i’m not always in this mood. i love siyeon though, i really do
3YE - Queen: lmao this almost definitely won’t be on the list next time. i think it’s cool but it’s nothing to write home about. i’ve been listening to it enough that i felt like i had to include it though. there are some really sick-sounding ideas in this song, but... it’s not like it’s oozing with personality, lol. it sounds like what you expect a girl crush song to sound like in 2020. cause it is one. lol. money flex all day.
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