#im going to try to finally finish botw before it drops
captain-mozzarella · 2 years
Watch me slowly but surely get hyperfixated on Loz after watching the second totk trailer
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endwalkr · 5 years
this is an ask based thingy but im really in the mood to infodump so im just gonna answer them all under the cut !
Favorite video game?
starting off with the absolute hardest question huh? i can’t possibly name ONE favorite game of mine because i adore my favorites for many different reasons. my overall favorite video game is ffxv or botw. ffxv because it has brought me so much joy for such a long time, and because i have such a connection with the characters. botw because i was actually in the fandom when it first got announced in 2016 so i got to be there when the hype was at an all time high– and finally being able to play the game after waiting for so long was an unforgettable experience. i have more favorite games but ill talk more about them in the ‘’special place in ur heart’’ question.
First console you owned?
my first console wasn’t a console. my friend and i used to play on her nintendo dsi all the time and at one point tiny little me reeeally wanted one of my own so i saved up and got one in [redacted] when i was 7. my first actual console was a wii though, we got that around the same time.
A game that holds a special place in your heart?
ffxv and botw mean the absolute world to me, but super mario galaxy and skyward sword are very important to me too. skyward sword is the game that got me into zelda which got me into anime which got me into final fantasy etc etc etc.  super mario galaxy was the first non-mini game collection and more adventure story-ish game i played. i was so proud when i beat it for the first time and mario was my first ever ‘’fandom’’ :’) 
Favorite video game character?
bro. i cant pick just one so i’ll choose one per game : prompto, ryuji and link. they were all my comfort characters at some point and i projected like crazy onto them. this doesnt mean that i wouldnt absolutely die for noct or zelda. 
Least favorite video game character?
i dont think theres anyone i distinctly dislike? i always talk about hating ardyn but that’s because he’s just a salty bitch. as a character i think he’s a great villain and i rly love him. i honestly always end up liking everyone somehow, maybe there is someone i just forgot about but i cant remember at all. 
Favorite genre?
adventure games, or action rpgs. 
Video game character you’ve had a crush on?
every character ever, but i distinctly remember the moment i fell in love with prompto sjghfkshd i was watching a playthrough of xv in december 2016 because i didnt have a ps4, and the guy got to the scene in galdin quay where the bros learn insomnia fell. i had watched about 6 hours of the game by that time and wasn’t particularly interested in the characters but not uninterested enough to drop it. i hadnt even gotten a good look at the characters faces yet, so when the camera zoomed in on prompto when he said ‘’might not be save for us here!’’ i noticed he had freckles. oh god. oh fuck. oh my god hes fucking cute. oh my god better watch 30 hours of this game now
First video game you remember playing?
wayyy before i got my own gaming systems, my then-best friend had a gamecube in her attic. i was around 5 or 6 at the time. whenever i was over at her house and we didnt know what to do, she’d sometimes propose to play ‘’mario kart’’. important is that we are dutch, and i was a literal child. i thought mario KART meant it was a fucking card game, so i always declined whenever she asked. on one fateful day, i finally gave in and was pleasantly surprised it was in fact not a card game, but a viddy game. so we played mario kart double dash. (…i had never played a video game in my life besides browser flash games and was Very Very bad)
Age you started gaming?
so i played my first video game that i didnt own when i was about 5 or 6. then i got my first supply of games at age 7/8, but i dont really consider that time to be when i started ‘’gaming’’. i’d say that was when i started mario galaxy, so i’ve been playing video games for real (ie. story adventure games with boss battles) for about 6 years now.
Hardest video game you’ve played?
this is gonna sound stupid, but the witcher 3. there’s like 7 difficulties and i played on the EASIEST and still had a hard time, i just couldnt get used to the combat. i had the same problem with assassin’s creed syndicate, but after about 10 hours i actually knew what i was doing, and ive played the witcher longer than that and still am clueless. this is kind of an unpopular opinion but i dont particularly like that game
Video game you’ve spent the most time on?
i guess i am what you’d call a casual gamer; i really like video games but during a normal school week i only game for like 2-6 hours. most of the time i dont play for like 2 weeks if im busy. gaming has kind of taken over my life not because i play so much but because i get so emotionally invested lol i’m currently on summer break and even now im not playing a lot because of exhaustion and executive dysfunction. this derailed slightly but the game i’ve played the most despite my casual gamer status is …. … …. ffxv. surprise, right? the runner up is botw, but xv wins by a landslide. 630+ hours. botw is 350. my main save in ffxv is almost 200 hours i think. damn. i really managed to keep myself entertained with that game… (………i was thinking recently, since the loading screens in xv are so long, how much of this total amount was spent watching screens. i imagine it’s several hours, especially if you fast travel a lot.)
Most embarrassing gaming moment?
many moments in my gaming experience are embarrassing, but a more recent one: i was in xv’s postgame, beating some dungeons on my new save file. i had just finished daurell caverns and hadn’t saved in about 2 hours. (uh oh) i was driving around in the regalia type d and got to the big cliff near lestallum, and remembered someone made a gif of jumping in there so i wanted to try it too. i imagined the game would just put me back on the road, like it does when you crash into something. except it didnt. i got a game over. where was my last save? 2 hours back all the way in hammerhead. yippee.
Scariest video game you’ve played?
i never play horror games, cuz for me games are supposed to be relaxing experiences. no hate towards horror games of course, they just stress me out. the only time ive played horror is when friday the 13th was for free on ps+, and my friends really wanted to play it. (theyre kinda addicted to it now. huh) they had already gotten over the initial fear of having jason chase you, but i was still terrified. i can play the game without getting scared now tho. the horror sound effects just rly freaked me out at first jhsdkghsd
Most memorable gaming moment?
playing breath of the wild for the first time, or beating it for the first time. both experiences were filled to the brim with excitement and nostalgia. seeing botw as a blank slate, a world for you to explore, having no idea where you’re going… that was pretty incredible. now i know every nook and cranny of the map, so i wish i could play it for the first time again. i was so incredibly immersed. beating it was insane. i cried for 30 minutes and the end wasnt even sad, i was just so amazed at the fact that i was really here, playing breath of the wild, it was really real. the fucking main theme in the background (which i cannot for the life of me listen to without crying) didnt help with my emotions sgkdjh
Video game character you wish you could meet in real life?
…………..its prompto again. maybe 2017 me …. was .. kind of a kinnie
PC, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo?
i dont care about console wars at all, but i think hardware-wise, pc is the best, because if you have a good pc you can basically do anything. i however do not, so i just play on consoles. ive never particularly liked xbox, so i only play ps4 and nintendo. not the switch though. its kinda petty, but my best friend and i really dont like the switch djghks
Gaming company you’re most loyal to?
none. i used to call myself a nintendo nerd (oh my god…. i m. gonna die) in like 2015 but since the switch came out and since i got a ps4 they kinda lost me. i still like their game series of course, but as a company i don’t care for them. the only reason i see square enix as one of ‘’my’’ gaming companies is because ffxv took up like 70% of my gaming experience, but besides final fantasy i don’t really love them too much either.
If you could only play one video game for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
atm i’m really into ffxiv because theres just so much to do, but that’s just a new, possibly temporary interest. if i had to choose, i’d say botw. maybe i’d say ffxv, but i feel like running around doing nothing in that game isnt very fun, because the world is sorta empty after completing every quest and getting to level 120. in botw, just fucking around on your horse is still really relaxing and nice. 
Do you use strategy guides?
yup. in certain games i try to avoid them but i usually end up stuck or in need of advice. i couldn’t have gotten so many p5 trophies if not for the internet lol
How often do you use cheats?
never, simply because the games i play often do not have cheats. unless im playing the sims and are in need of a motherlode, i dont use them.
Competitive or single player?
single player. im bad at video games and like to do stuff at my own pace. online multiplayer can be fun every now and then in games like mario kart 8 or splatoon, and i also like teamwork stuff like ffxiv or comrades. but ultimately, i prefer playing on my own.
Video game character you want to/have cosplayed?
have never cosplayed, dont have plans to either, but it would be fun to cosplay link. omg. i just remembered i have that fucking chocomoogle shirt… sorry link im gonna slap on some sasuke hair, black jeans and ugly sneakers 
Ever go to a video game convention?
i have not, i have however gone to three (3) video game concerts which is basically the same thing. 
Hardest boss fight you’ve been in?
the hardest bosses for me are usually the ones with a gimmick. you have to use a certain item or tactic to beat them or something. other hard fights for me are when you fight someone with a similar skill set. (in ffxv, this happens twice, once with the iggy-noct sparring match and once against ardyn. somehow, the final boss was easier than getting the prince to eat vegetables.) i don’t know an actual example of THE hardest boss fight ive been in though. at the time, the first bowser battle in mario galaxy was the hardest thing in the universe and i got stuck for like a month. currently, i’m having trouble with the riku-ansem fight in kh1. 
Video game you wish you could burn from your memory?
the zelda cdi games? no, i dont really know. i dont hate a game so much that i’d want to forget about it altogether, but i dont exactly love ocarina of time that much. it hasnt aged well and playing it on the gamecube for the first time in 2015 wasnt a good idea. im sure it was revolutionary at the time, but i cant handle the outdated controls gsdgksjs 
Favorite gaming series?
see, i love ffxv itself more than the entirety of the zelda series, but i dont love ff as a SERIES more than the zelda games. so if were talking series, zelda for sure. i fucking love those games and they mean a lot to me. 
Do you skip tutorials, or find them useful?
i often skip them because i cant pay attention, but then find that i need them anyway. so i usually do skim through them. 
Best online gaming experience?
one really good one happened a few days ago in ffxiv, some guy and i exchanged emotes for like 30 minutes and it ended with us becoming friends on psn :’) ppl dont usually emote back at me in that game so this was really wholesome and nice gjshksdj 
Worst online gaming experience?
i dont really have a worst? theyre more annoying. think try harders in gta online killing you 15 times in a row because they want to show you how good they are or something. magically, online gaming hasnt been too hard on me (mainly because i dont game online that much)
Why do you game?
it brings me joy. it’s a fun way of relaxing, while being stimulated at the same time. games have meant a great deal to me the past 6 years and i wouldnt want to lose them for the world.
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saintkimora · 8 years
ok so i have lots of things to say so im just gonna put it all in one post. its how school has been going, how my relationship w caleb is going, my rpdr pre season rankings, my thoughts on bbcan5 even though i havent watched a single episode, and my progress in botw
so first its school. so i literally failed my orgo test yesterday. i gave up on the last 2 synthesis questions bc i just didnt know what to do so thats like 30 points off right there. i most likely got this other synthesis and a mechanism question wrong so honestly i prob got like a 50. he drops the lowest test grade so i just need to step it up after this but like...rip. i studied but i got all the reactions and reagents and stuff mixed up in my head bc theres so many different things yet theyre all super similar so i just couldnt keep the information straight. so rip to my gpa this semester i guess
today sociology was cancelled so i just had psych and anatomy. i fell asleep in psych and anatomy was boring 
so today i had a date w caleb and it was v nice. BUT he asked if we could bring leeann along again!!! like wtf its been not even a week since that disaster of a date and you already want to bring her again??? like he really just does not get it smh but i said yes bc i didnt want him to think i was being difficult. luckily she was busy so she couldnt come anyways
we had lots of fun in the park! he like undid my jeans and started playing w my dick while we were sitting on some concrete block and it felt like i was in one of those porn videos that take place in the woods or something. there was like no one else there obv
he did say one thing that really got me pissed though. and i didnt think too much of it at the time like i was kinda :/ but then when i got home and thought about it some more i got a little upset about it. he called me on the phone to talk as usual and i told him about it and he felt really bad about it. he didnt think much of it in the moment but after i told him it bothered me i could tell he felt really bad and honestly? good! i hope he did feel bad about it bc he was being a dick for absolutely no reason
also i found out the stuff with alex! and like its so weird bc caleb has previous interactions with like 4/6 of the other guys ive been with. so ya apparently they both worked at mpowerment together and caleb just didnt like him lol. so today alex sent me a friend request on fb and followed me on insta bc he found both bc hes friends with/follows caleb on both things. and caleb posted a pic of me on insta w a bf goal type quote but once again it was NOT a good picture of me!!! i looked sooooooo pale bc of the lighting and my facial expression idek 
so i saw alex liked the pic and THEN tonight during our phone call caleb told me that alex messaged him on fb asking if him and i were together and caleb was like yeah and alex didnt respond so caleb asked why he was asking and alex just replied with “...” like he really is cracked! idk if hes like offended or something but like idk why he would think he has any chance with me after ive literally ignored like at least 10 total texts/messages/etc from him! like smh every time i think hes finally given up he tries to come back into my life like it was a one night thing stay away! *naomi campbell/naomi smalls voice* check your asshole before you come and talk to me
so yeah. that all w that. caleb wants to take me to the movies on saturday for our next date. but also another issue im starting to have is that caleb is starting to talk a LOT about eating my ass and fucking which is getting on my nerves bc i told him that it will be a while before we get to fucking and he keeps bringing it up its like being w freddy all over again
anyways. heres my final rpdr s9 pre season rankings
KIMORA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aja > shea >>>>> valentina > eureka > peppermint > alexis > nina > jaymes > trinity > sasha = farrah > charlie
literally the only 3 i actually like and am interested in are the first 3. valentina i dont like that much but i feel like im gonna end up ironically liking her. the middle ones idc and sasha farrah and charlie get on my nerves. alexis was in my top 3 when the cast was first revealed but after seeing some other stuff on her idk i dont think i like her. aja moved up to second bc shes funny on twitter. kimora is my fave obv. shea i like but im kinda worried shes gonna get a boring edit
and now for bbcan5! the only bbcan season ive seen is 3 but i am officially team ika and gary! idk which one i like more but those are my top 2. sindy is 3rd karen is 4th and i guess cass is 5th. i didnt like her on s4 but from what ive seen this season i think i like her. idc about the rest. tbh i dont plan to watch a single episode i just want ika gary or sindy to win 
now for zelda botw. i just finished the vah medoh quest. so i have 2/4 divine beasts done and im going for the gerudo one next. im just hoping to finally find some cute armor in the gerudo town bc i am sick of only finding ugly clothes! for the map i think i just need 1 more tower to finish it. i also killed my first guardian today which was satisfying but not really bc i didnt even know what i was doing bc it all happened to fast lol. ive also been kinda reckless w my horses bc i wanna see what happens in one dies but they are resilient! my horse accidentally got hit w the blast from a bomb arrow when i was trying to hunt and it caught on fire and still survived! i dont wanna straight up kill it bc thats weird but i want one of these horses to die already! i feel like it would add some drama. so ya my main focus rn is just exploring while slowly doing the divine beast quests
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thegeminisage · 8 years
today’s zeldablogging which is full of spoilers:
the sight of my new sword sends a thrill into my heart tbh
if i ever replay this game, which tbh idk if i will, it's so Big, SS was only a third or a quarter of this size and i've only beaten it twice, im going to get it as soon as possible next time
anyway im back at the tower i suppose i'll crawl down and check out the enemies properly
i dont like gliding to towers i've discovered bc it feels like i've been plopped down into the middle of nowhere with no context
vs if i walk to them i know "where" i came from/am, if that makes any sense
(it doesn't)
i can see that flying thing closer than ever from here and it's DEFINITELY a divine beast no doubts left
yk tho. i dont WANNA check out the enemies. i wanna find that weird blanked out place at the top of my map!
haha i can feel it already
i'm so anxious to get to the end of the game and uncover the plot im gonna be like "FUCK EXPLORING" for the rest of it and only go to the places i need, now that i've got this map
i can always do more thorough exploration after, i've been spoiled that there's postgame content, but even if there's not like any other zelda game it'd put me right back before the final battle
god im having to go ALL THE WAY AROUND the lost woods i can't even glide over the nearby river to make the path shorter i bet there's an easier way to do this from the other side but i havent been there yet
ah, another forest covered in fog. black fog. how inviting.
ohhh, it's a shrine trial. wonderful. in the pitch blackness!
this is already worse than eventide
luckily i have the weird glowy skeleton suit i bought from the boy gerudo clothes store
i forgot to mention it bc i had no IDEA what it was for, but here we are
like. this has to be lmao
i keep dying in my first six steps what am i doing wrong??
oh, maybe bc i'm gliding in, i see a bridge on the map
ohhh god i hear a hinox...why, lord
haha im like.following the ways the statues point and. they're pointing at the hinox! wow!
lol when i realized the stone birds had torches on top i started over so i could light them all
oh god this glowy armor has no defense!!
i'll just leave the helm on, then
oh thank fuck i used an atk+ elixir and it waasnt so bad
see, like, i COULD explore that upper ridge but thanks to the map i already know it's full of silver lynels. no thanks.
oh my god the yiga clan is RELENTLESS right here i guess bc i'm going around the back of (shudder) hyrule castle
oh!! a stable, thank goodness, i was starting to get wigged out
i guess all those people on the road had to have meant something
this isn't even on the map!!
oh wait lol yes it is
aww, i don't see beedle here...i was sure he'd be at everyone, i don't think i've encountered one where he isn't yet...
i'll be honest, i've grown kind of bored of combat
and know i'm biased but i genuinely i don't think it's me, i think it's the game's difficulty/"difficulty"
i used to see monster camps and think STRATEGY, is there a beehive, barrels to blow up, a place i can glide down from, this is so fun!
which gradually morphed into "okay this is gonna be a bit of a long haul but there'll be Treasure and sniping from afar is still fun"
idk if the black bokoblins/moblins/etc show up after you've done more things or bc of the area you're in but i'm noticing more enemies with more health, higher defense, and higher attack, and the barrels/metal boxes/beehives/etc becoming rarer, and when they do appear, being almost pointless to use because you're more likely to blow yourself up than do any real damage to the mobs
and like i love this game. it absolutely deserves every bit of its raid reviews, and this feeling COULD just be because i've been marathoning it for 12 straight days and i'm anxious to see the end and get back to my life
but to me, attacking a flat area full of black moblins and bokoblins isn't fun even with the stealth/snipe element bc you can't take them out in 1-3 shots, you have to stop and slash at them, and that alerts EVERYONE else, and it's just pointless
(lol i found some flat ruins by the stable which triggered this rant)
like, even the yiga clan hideout - my instinct was to snipe the enemies as i went, which would have made it a bit more fun imo, even though the stealth bit wasn't bad and i enjoyed that section quite a lot
i just don't like the—idk a better term for it unfortunately—"fake difficulty" thing where you just have to slog your way thru 1000s of random battles, i don't like it in rpgs either
kind of like almost wherever i explored at first i would run into minibosses rarely and then almost constantly
which, yeah, most of them aren't as hard now, But Still, it's the point of the thing
maybe i'm a bit defensive about "real gamer" bullshit and "women can't game" stereotypes while being super bad at games my whole life while my brother was fantastic at them
but like i just don't find that fun?? sure a good challenge once in awhile like eventide isle would be fine (even tho that was hellish and i'll never do it again) but that should be. every once in awhile, not. EVERYWHERE
frankly @ this point i'm REALY tempted to speed thru it before my surgery
bc i would hate to be laid up in bed and still have to worry about mobile browsing bc botw spoilers and tumblr's interface being awful
anyway i can;'t travel further in this direction without getting over near rito/hyrule field territory
and not only are those towers further away than i'd like but i wanted to do gerudo highlands first so back to the desert i go i guess rip
oh my god the wastelands tower goes down into NOTHINGNESS you're SUPPOSED to apporach from above
also i heard kass!! kass, buddy, where are you ;_;
oh i LOVE these cliffside structures i've been looking forward to them for so long
but i can't find kass ;_;
ALL tower shenanigans must CEASE until he is located!!
wait, he's...i see him! he's at the top of the tower! oh my god!
awww he wants to play the song for the hero who fell 100 years ago! he doesn't know it's me! ;__;
oh gross level two cold here and i didn't bring much cold food...just my warm doublet
i have food AND the jacket and im STILL cold? this is level THREE? wtf wtf wtf
good thing i also have the ruby circlet but jeeeesus
i still have no food so i can't stay long
oh shit i found some guardians
still ones thank god
dude i found a HUGE cool mural for one shrine!!
yeah, this game is definitely still as full of fun secrets and as deslightful as when i first began playing it
and it came at a good time bc i just lost angela and it helped me feel Real Joy again
most displeasure i find with it now is because "AAAH ZELDA AT SOME POINT I NEED TO GET BACK TO MY FUCKING LIFE"
i'm so worried about spoilers and being behind now that some of the fun is draining away
i think after a bit of time has passed i'll either go back and finish exploring properly or straight up start a new file
and do it Thoroughly
when i can relax and go at my own pace instead of feeling like i'm racing the internet, my dashboard, my friends, my brother, etc
this region is soooo cold and i am so certain i'll get better cold gear in the rito area that im just activating the shrines and not even going inside to use my little food as efficiently as possible
im lit not even going inside
oh it's dropped to level 2 cold...thank god
THERE i got them all now to rush to ritoland
wait...i thought i read the 10k fairy wrong but i see ANOTHER on the map!
i bet SHE wants 10k and i have four thousand fucking rupees UGH
i thought there were only 4 and the horse fairy counted.......
ohh my god the divine beast is much closer from where i'm gliding...it's so big
oh i've been typing it wrong all this time. dinRaal.
ohhh this region is so pretty so far...unlike the highlands which is miserable, i HATE snow in this game, i actually do wanna explore around here, i wish i didn't feel so hurried
oh god that divine beast is just So. it is So Big
god i passed the fairy on my way to the tower...10k! and i haven't been watching my cash bc i thought i misread something
all this time i've had 12 and 13 thousand rupees and i was blowing them on dumb shit
SILVER bokoblins...? come ON
good loot, tho
got the tower!
ohhh man. tat divine beast. oh boy. oh dude. big. so big. jesus fuck
oh hey i see rito village!! just where i wanted to go first
they better have good cold gear here :|
oh my god it's SO BIG im SO SCARED jesus FUCK
i wonder if kass will be here
oh god it's BEAUTIFUL
aw omg the goddess statue here has a flower crown!
all right, fifteen heart containers...the rest will be stamina 5ever
no wait fuck i should have gotten stamina this time!! i'll get a heart from the beast
well i know you can trade them, somewhere out here i think
this beautiful too tbh this is all nice and orchestrated Damn
geez the armor will set me back even more money! not TOO much but when you're saving up for 10k...
well, against my brother's advice, i'm selling monster parts...i know i'll regret it later if i need them to upgrade armor, but i'm trying to stick to the common ones i have like 100+ of, so
aaand 10! woohoo
awww all the little baby rito in the hammocks :')
OMG the biggest rito looks like an owl! kaepora reference
oooh here comes a memory
revali and link were rivals. ok. im down with that for sure
and his specisal ability! an updraft!! PERFECT tbh
aww teba's husband doesn't want her son to be a warrior
tho i like the idea that ritos are hotheads hahahaha
zoras and gorons are both kinda collected we needed some assholes
HA i look forward to when revali gives me his special ability
i'm crying teba is such an asshole i LOVE him
wow i guess it's time to fight the beast already...? that was so FAST
omg i get to ride him!!!! yessss
oh my gosh we're up so HIGH oh man oh man the world is so tiny but i know it's really so huge oh god the divine beast is so BIG
lol i probs should have upgraded this rito armor.......
oh well too late now lmao
ohhh i love it when they talk to me
nintendo would never kill him but omg im so worried about him
ohhh he's a DICK i LOVE HIM
ooh the master sword DOES glow when it's near the malice blight stuff
lowkey tempted to go back and upgrade this armor lol but i don't wanna leave and who even knows if i have the mats...
i'll just brave it thru like this and it'll be something to brag about later since apparently i suck at everything else
like doing eventide with five hearts on the blood moon
LMAO REVALI IS SO SMUG "you'll need to activate all the terminals, think you're up to it?" he's a DICK and i LOVE HIM i LOVE THE RITO
the music in this one is SO COOL?
i feel more like i'm fighting for my life/against something larger here, rather than just trying to creep through gently without disturbing anything and solve a puzzle for the others
and it's 100% bc of the music jesus christ
i LOVE how much gliding is involved this is EASILY my favorite divine beast so far
lol revali's tone of surprise in "there are two terminals remaining" i love him so much
"just one terminal remaining hmph what do you know" pls
all five down now the true test is can i beat the boss LMAO
the last 3 weren't nearly as bad as i expected, tho the lightning one's teleporting thing was almost too fast for me with my one-handed weapons
so maybe hopefully with good food this will be OK too
ok, i got level 2 cold food so i can get by with just wearing the pants :U not as much defense as i'd like but better than nothin
"it only defeated me bc i was winging this"
"can't believe i'm saying this but avenge me link!!"
ohhh there's accordian in this version of the fight song 
KASS ;_;
i wonder if kass's teacher WAS revali, or knew him
LMAO revali trash talks me when i get hit
KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME i didnt even watch that movie and im laughing at the meme
lmao "broke" the master sword with the last bow
wouldn't even look at link as he left "your job is far from finished you know zelda has been waiting an awfully long time"
haha "i'll be plucked" as well thanks nintendo
"we've been ARTFULLY patient these last 100 years you won't suffer a feather over a few more moments"
geez i love him so much
that was definitely the best divine beast
tho the zora one is a close second
i gotta go make sure teba is ok
soon i promise ok
time to go see the great fairy :U man i really thought my armor had been improved all it could be...
and 10k down the drain...
omg she's pink :3
im ALSO warping back to akkala to see if i can get any guardian armor yet i've collected a fair amt of parts!
ohhhh i see a new storm over hyrule field...DNW
lol maybe i SHOULD have explored it before now...too late now
holy shit i almost ran straight into a flying guardian going after this soul piece
ok, i need a plan...if i wanna beat the game before friday i gotta be Smart
i still need to finish exploring all the provinces, at least at the sursory level i gave to the highlands, but hopefully maybe a little better
i need to go back and do shrines and sidequests
and obviously i need to actually finish
counting today i have three days left so i guress i'll assign one task to each day, the last task obviously being on thursday
less than two hours left for playtime today, but i guess today i should explore, tomorrow i should shrine/sidequest, and i can do a LITTLE of that thursday if needed, and thursday i'll storm hyrule castle. ok
aaaah the ruins music makes me so sad ):
pffft cute i got a memory where zelda was like STOP FOLLOWING ME I DONT NEED A BODYGUARD at link how adorable
i wanted to get all the memories before i beat the game but they're like ALL in/around hyrule field/castle and i'm afraid if i go there now that i've gotten all the beasts freed i'll trigger endgame events that i can't stop
so i guess i fucked myself over
i think i'll go ahead and get all the towers tho
so i can move around freely
i have time for like one MAYBE two before stream starts
aw this tower in the cold place is so cute and short
looked it up & apparently the heart/stamina swap is in hateno so im gonna go find it!
oh i came at night but that monster store guy is here!!
omg DUDE he sells DARK LINK gear?!?!
and apparently your movement speed goes up at night
the mask and bridles are pretty cool but i HAVE to have this
lmao and i just sold all my parts for that 10k...!
man he doesn't give you a lot tho...like, it has its own currency...i could never sell enough to get even one :/
ok, i can buy the tunic or the legs...but not the face. hmm
i guess the legs alone would look pretty dumb, but i have black pants and a hood that can kinda go with the tunic, so
this is kinda outta nowhere but i wish there was a recipe book for everything we've unlocked or read about, i just can't keep it all in my head
LOL omg that was freaky
okay but now i gotta quit
i didn't get all that i wanted to done, but maybe more later tonight but def tomorrow!!
playing a bit more bc bad choices
oh hmm it looks like i was mistaken and that storm isn't over the castle afterall! thank goodness
oh my god there's SO many shrines in the hebra peak range?? why???
LMFAO im thawing blocks of ice to get to this shrine and one has a moblin in it
me: stops thawing
and i missed snapping a picture because of enemies!!! im so mad
too bad SO sad i am going back to those fires that started and waiting for night again i WILL get a picture
ugh and now it's snowing
i guess i could unlock this nearby shrine in the meantime
ooh, is that a cabin
;___; old man
end of the game and i still miss you
O: shield surfing
oh man i didnt actually wanna DO it now but
i actually dont know how to do the thing lol
lord, i had to google it. no one said a thing about pressing A
that was fun!! also i was worried i'd get lost so maybe i'll just. not do this for now
ooh god there's a silver lynel down there
i know i've been bitching over and over about fights but i lowkey wanna fight it to see if i can
i won't though bc my cold armor isn't very upgraded and my defense would be shot probably even with def+ food
as an aside im glad rivali's ability recharges so quickly i was afraid they'dmake me wait ages like the others
ohhh my god there's SO MANY silver lynel around here WHY
they have such a long detection range and such a scary roar )))):
thank god for rivali's gale i can fly right over him...otherwise i'd have to Run
there's another maze shrine here and im highkey like Ugh
idk if i'll quit when i get to the entrance or after i solve the maze...
i guess i'll give it a quick try and if it's horrible i'll stop until later
naturally i'm wondering if i can solve it on my map first and/or get to the top
if i could before with as little stamina as i had then: sure i'd be able to
probably there are guardians and the answer isnt THAT easy but
the entire maze seems to be one path which is absolutely useless to me like it doesn't look like a maze you solve on paper so i obviously have to find a door or go above or below all that somehow
there are no guardians up here at ALL
in fact i think i even see a hole down to the shrine...
ok, what's the catch, what gives
ah no the hole only goes down a couple of feet and has a chest with a diamond in it
the devs saying "nice try but no" lol
i did find the entrance pretty quick from the top tho! and now i can warp back anytime
or no wait this WAS the challenge i can just go get my orb and ches
ok i gotta figure out the shrine the chest is in and get it i NEED it this armor plus a def+ elixir? i'd be unstoppable, no more dodging fights for me!
well, less dodging fights
ok, so i looked it up and the chest is in a gerudo maze which i didn't even know existed bc i either missed it on the interactive map or it wasn't ther
but it looks Difficult so im gonna save it for tmrw
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