#im gonna do the most silliest shit w him now.
glytchflower · 7 months
HE IS HOMEEEEE (bastard)
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found-wings · 1 year
aaaaaa codebreakers have my heart- rewatching the vod where the french-speakers first joined and oh my god etoiles literally has my heart omg so I'm at 2:46:30 rn and I just hear etoiles going "hello philza :D !!" and trying to get his attention and asking if he likes to explore and phil saying he does but he'd have to bring his kids, one of which (chayanne) who's been trying to get their attention for like a couple mins now and etoiles sees the sign asking who he is and says he is a warrior and explorer and wants armor to be able to protect them and i just AAAAAAAAAAAA HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN JUST SUCH A KIND SOUL TOWARDS THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING MUCHHHHHHHH IM ACTUALLY GONNA EXPLODE
on a less sweet but more funny note, he also talks to baghera about socializing and that he's gonna go explore and runs off (note : wearing just a diamond helmet) and baghera just tells phil that he's going to explore alone and that hes going to die and she'll watch while drinking a cocktail and then returned like 2 mins later in 3/4ths diamond with an iron chestplate from ramon LMAOOOO
and i am holding 2:51:03 very close to my heart as its the first time they ever did one of their dumb little sparring sessions from etoiles boosting him up the waterfall 😭😭 they then start running around shouting nonsense before they start beating the shit out of each other and etoiles profusely apologises for breaking the potato farm after shoving phil onto it and after like 5 mins of waiting for pomme he just goes "philza philza !!! do you want to see me mlg ??" and tosses himself off the wall (successfully mlgs tho W) omg the sillies I want to squeeze them like stress ball
also also extra minor thing but when etoiles got the paraglider he was like "oh its like zelda !!" and I just love whenever someone new joins the island bc there's always at least one person in each group whos played botw and every single time someones hyped abt the zelda mod 😭😭 anyway no clue why i choose here to rant abt it but i needed to get codebreaker thoughts out and here was the best place ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ - 💿
God I really need to rewatch the vod of them first arriving, I love them both so much RAAAH
Etoiles wanting to protect people from the literal start since he has been on the island has my heart, just wanting to protect everyone and help them as much as he can - he‘s so <333 RAH
Also I deffo need to rewatch the vod purely because of the first silly sparring session. Sometimes they both share a single braincell, especially when doing the random, silly fights and I‘m absolutely living for it WHEEZE
They are not each others impulse control, they nudge each other’s impulses on most of the time in the silliest ways sometimes and support the other through it 100%. It‘s either all or nothing AJAJJA
Also so true on the Zelda bit - there‘s always at least one person who‘s hyped about the mod
Hell I don‘t even play Zelda but I was hella hyped about the mod AJAKAJ
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (5) | T.H.
Summary: Harry and Harrison made it to New York without witnesses. One secret is revealed and a relationship could be broken up for good. What will the future hold for Y/N and Tom?
A/N: Everybody buckle up and grab your tissues, we’re in for a bumpy ride. Lemme know how you feel after this! Was it what you expected??
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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It’s one thing to keep a secrets, but it’s another thing when you’re hiding it from the people you love. For Kate, she was becoming consumed in her own guilt as each day passed. Everyday her breaths would shorten, her heartbeat quicken, and her conscience relentlessy invading her inner thoughts. Kate tried to find all the possibilities to avoid the truth, and make everyone happy...but it didnt matter. One way or another, someone was going to get hurt.
Kate stood in front of Harrison and Harry at her doorstep. While she was relieved and excited to see them, a slight tinge of fear was present. “How are you going to find out the truth?” She asks calmly as Harrison and Harry made their way into the apartment. Kate picked up her phone, checking for an message. None showed up.
“Well, we might have found something. A clue maybe, but we’re not sure.” Harry explained as he picked up his macbook, turning it on.
“Is Y/N here?” Harrison asked, and as if on cue she appeared, heavy bags under her eyes.
The moment Y/N laid eyes on the two, she couldn’t believe it. Her hands quickly rubbing the sleep from her eyes, almost convinced it was a dream. “What? Harry? Harrison? What are you guys doing here?” Y/N excitedly asks. She made her way towards the boys giving them a long awaited hug. “I missed you guys.” She whispers.
“We want to help you.” Harrison says as he pulled away. “The unknown number? We might have an idea.”
Y/N looked at them suspiciously, checking her phone for cryptic messages. “Does anyone know you’re here?”
They both shook their head. “We didn’t tell anyone back home. As far as anyone knows, Harrison and I are going on a 3 day hike with little reception.” Harry reassured her with his boyish smile. Y/N look at him with admiration. He may not look like his brother, but his tone had Tom written all over it.
“Great. Just make sure your location is off on your phones..they could be watching us.” Kate warned as she checked her phone again.
Harrison looked at Kate with sympathy. In the years he’s known her because of Y/N and Tom’s relationship, she always seemed to be the sweetest most loyal friend out there. He was happy that Y/N had someone like Kate in her life. Not to mention it was also a plus that she was fairly pretty, even with the worry written all over face, she was still beautiful to Harrison.
“Hey.” Harrison spoke out for Kate’s attention. “We’re gonna figure this out. I promise.” While Kate nodded, she silently knew that this was not going to end well.”
“Wait...so Tom? Is he—?” Y/N asks the boys with anticipation.
Harrison knowing, exactly what Y/N was asking before she could even finished answered swiftly. “No! Of course not!” He laughs as if it was the silliest thing to answer. “Y/N, Tom loves you. He still does.”
“But the pictures..”
“Was a PR stunt set by Natalie’s publicists.” Harrison finished. “He’s doing a project that Natalie somehow got involved in, and they wanted a PR relationship to sell it. He didn’t want to at first, but then they showed him pictures of you and some div.”
“Hey he’s not some div! Matt’s a good guy.” Y/N defends. “Sweet actually, but I turned him down at the end of it. We’re just friends.”
Then it clicked. “Wait. You said that Tom saw the pictures?” Y/N asked trying to piece it together. “How did he get pictures?”
Harry and Harrison took a moment to think it through. “Well...Natalie’s publicist showed it to Tom.” Harry answered.
“But we don’t know where she got the pictures from.” Harrison added. “My money was on Natalie...still is.”
“Cmon mate. There’s no way she could have gotten pictures in New York and suddenly fly back to London.”
Kate slowly made her way to her own room, no longer wanting to be part of the conversation. They were getting too suspicious, and the more they questioned, the more nervous she got.
“Well maybe the unknown number sent it.” Harry said as he continued to be deep in his thoughts. “Or they found out on that fan account you found Harrison.”
“Wait? Fan account? They know?!” Y/N freaked out. Three years into making sure she was kept in the shadows, and it went all down the drain. If it there were fan accounts then it would only make it harder to finding out who really did sabotage her relationship. Let alone everyone’s lives.
“We don’t know yet, but Harrison found a fan account that was posting about Tom and you. Not together at least, but seperately. The weird part is...barely few people follow it, so we’re not sure what it means.” Harry explained, as he tried to pull up the account. “Oh no.”
“What? What do you mean ‘Oh no’?” Harrison panicked.
“I cant find the account.” Harrison said as he tried to pull it up, but the page disappeared.
In the nick of time, a message was sent to all three of them.
Looks like you’re back to square 1 ❤️
“Shit! How did they know?” Harrison questioned in anger. “We were this close!”
“It’s okay Harrison. I appreciate that you guys tried, but it’s a lost cause.” Y/N consoled him, rubbing his shoulder.
“It won’t be. We’ll find another way.” Harry encouraged as he hugged them both. “By the way, where’s Kate gone?”
All three looked up to notice she was missing. Y/N waved it off, assuming it was just one of those days. “She probably went to bed early. Kate gets tired easily, nowadays. It might be because of her new job on top of watching out for me. Its a lot to take on for a person.”
The reasoning seemed valid enough Harrison and Harry. Plus it was Kate they were talking about, she always had Y/N’s back from day one, she wouldnt blackmail any of them or ruin Y/N and Tom’s relationship..right?
Late in the night, Harrison had trouble sleeping because of the jetlag. Since it only was a medicore 2 bedroom apartment, Harrison and Harry slept in the living room on the sofa bed. Luckily it was big enough for the both them and they didnt have to resort to cuddling. Harrison lied on his back as he looked out to the NYC view, thinking about everything and nothing at all. He smiled, thinking about it all. For a very serious couple, a lot of shit has gone down and yet here he was with trying to save it. He cared about the two so deeply, they were his family and family never turns their back on the other.
Then he heard something, whispers coming from the hall. Harrison didn’t dare to make a move but he trained his ears to listen carefully at the voice.
“Im telling you they are getting suspicious.” The voice whispered into the phone. It sounded like Kate’s and Harrison continued to listen in.
“No.No. I sent the damn pictures to you for a reason. No one told me that they would come here. I wasn’t prepared for that.” Kate continues as she paces in the corner.
Pictures? Harrison was awake more than ever, as he quickly shook Harry, and told him to stay quiet. They continued to listen.
“Look I did everything I was told to do. She got what she wanted, now —” Kate stopped in her tracks as she saw Harry and Harrison in front of her. Immediately she dropped the call, her lips moving, unable to find the words.
“How could you?” Harry said his brown eyes glaring at at the girl who just betrayed her best friend. “She was your best friend! How could you?!” He spoke louder.
Kate tried her best to quiet them down, but there was the point. She knew this day would come. “You don’t understand.” Kate whispers, looking at the ground. “I was only doing this to protect Y/N.”
“Protect Y/N? Blackmailing her? Sending pictures of her and a guy to Tom, so he would turn against her? That’s protecting her?” Harrison questioned, hurt by her actions. If he was hurt, then surely It would hurt Y/N far worse.
Y/N comes out of her room as she sees the three gather together, glaring at each other. “Hey..w-what’s going in?” She asks nervously.
“Why don’t you tell her Kate?” Harry spits out as he gestures to Y/N. Kate looks into her best friend’s eyes tears welling up. Y/N had fear struck into her face, afraid of what she had to say.
“I’m so sorry.” She cries. “I didn’t have a choice. She would have ruined our friendship if I did.”
“Kate. What.Did.You.Do?” Y/N asks, emphasizing each word to the question.
Kate shook her head as she let out a deep sigh. “Im the reason your pictured with Matt got out Tom.”
Y/N shook her head, tears streaming. She didn’t want to believe it. “Please tell me you’re lying.”
“Im sorry Y/N. I swear I didnt mean for this to get out of hand. I was threatened that if I didn share them, then they would say something that could ruin our friendship..and...I didnt want that to happen.” Kate frantically explains, sobbing at her no good explanation.
Y/N shook her head, her face switching from sadness to anger. “Looks like you didn’t need them to ruin it at all for you. Now you’re gonna tell me what you know and then Im packing my stuff and Im moving out.”
Kate sobbed as she try to plead to her ex-bestfriend to stay. “Look I’ll tell you everything okay, but it’s not much.” She takes a deep breath before she continues. “I was the one that started the rumors and created the fan account Harry and Harrison saw.”
“Why?” Y/N asks, her disappointed face unchanging.
“I was jealous of you at the time. Y/N you had everything I could have ever wanted in my life. A job, a boyfriend that doesn’t leave you, a family that loves you, and the fame which you didn’t even want to accept with open arms. You were always a step ahead of me at something and I was tired of it. So when you told me you felt uneasy about Natalie when she first moved in, I sold that info online and twisted the story so that it looked like Tom liked Natalie and they were a potential couple.”
“Oh my god.” Harrison said as he let his head down. “You made Natalie think that Tom was in love with her secretly thats why she had become so persistant.”
Kate slowly nodded as she took another breath. “As for the fan accounts I can’t tell you much because I was just asked to create them by the Unknown number.”
“Wait so you’re not the unknown number?” Harry asked confused.
Kate shook her head. “I don’t who it is. Im just a vicitim as much as you guys are.”
“No cut that bullshit. It’s because of you that all of our lives are a mess. It’s because of you that I had to lose the most important thing in my life. So don’t say you’re a fucking victim when all you really did was try to save your own ass.” Y/N yelled.
“You didn’t have to if you were so confident in your relationship with Tom.” She spat back.
“I love Tom with all my heart, but I was referring my best friend. I never want to see you again.” Y/N states, emotionless. No one had ever seen Y/N like this. In fact no one had ever seen her mad as she was on this very day. The day she lost her best friend.
Y/N went to her room to quickly gather her belongings, stuffing them back in the bag. Her phone was ringing and she didnt hesitate to pick it up.
“Tom...” she answers, holding back her sobs.
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