#im jaebum kpop
kpopfeeds · 2 years
Jaebum’s Facts
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Birth Name: Im Jaebeom 
Stage Name: Jay B 
Position: Leader, Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, & Center 
Birthday: January 6, 1994 
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn 
Height: 179 cm (5′10.5″) 
Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs) 
Blood Type: A 
Jaebum doesn’t have any siblings. 
He has a chic personality. 
He looks cold or tough to people who doesn’t know him. 
He became a JYP trainee in 2009, after winning 1st place at a JYP Open Audition shared his place with Jinyoung. 
He can speak Japanese. 
He attended Sewon High School, then took up Film major in Geonguk University. 
He doesn’t like fried food. 
His hobbies are watching movies, taking pictures, traveling, eating outside, collecting shoes. 
Jaebum favorite sports are basketball and football.
Jaebum has 5 cats. 
Jaebum is allergic to dog hair. 
He becomes mad when things don’t go as he wants. 
He becomes relax when he takes a walk alone or go somewhere alone.
Jaebum is ambidextrous. 
Jaebum said he can’t do aegyo but does it to his parents. 
He is a fan of Soul Music. 
Jaebum also has a soundcloud where he has posted a few songs. He produced them under his alias “Defsoul” and collaborated with JOMALONE on some of the tracks. 
Jaebum had his first kiss when he was 13. 
He likes Girl’s Generation’s Yoona. 
He likes to cook, especially omelet rice and kimchi stew. 
Jaebum is friends with B.A.P’s Youngjae. 
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army-in-the-stars · 10 months
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gaiaicons · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀ 𓈒⠀ 𓏲𓍢    __ ׄ  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ( 𝓲  )⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ⁎ 𓈀 ִ   𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕤 ⠀ ⠀ ⠀   ♡⃔ .  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀  ゐ” ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ jay b ⠀⠀ ⠀   ﹏ ⠀ຯ ⠀⠀ ⠀   𑁯 🌸⠀ ִ ۫⠀ ⠀ ⠀got7 ⠀⠀ ⠀   .⠀ 𓂅
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riachanzerothree · 21 days
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Jay-B fanart
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kpopweb · 1 year
‣ searching for... GOT7 fans!
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‣ if you're an ahgase/igot7 wanting to connect with others, please interact with this post!
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sinnobuns · 6 months
Okay so I have a shitload of requests for Day6 and Guki was the Day6 admin so those requests are gonna be deleted due to me not having even the slightest feeling for who they are as people. If it were under any other circumstance I would be happy to recruit a Day6 admin but this is ultimately my decision and my blog so we are gonna start over with that specific area. As of right now, requests are closed but I'm gonna look over what we had in the drafts and see what I can get back into and push out for you guys in order to stay relevant.
I am partial to got7 as they are my BG but I would be willing to try my hand at say, Monsta X or EXO. BTS is not totally out of the question but I AM super rusty at solo writing. I am a thousand percent sure it's gotten a lot better over the years but I think it's gonna be a process getting back into it for sure. I would also be willing to explore SVT in the future but as of now, as mentioned above, I am keeping requests closed for the time being. I would imagine I could get a few things done before the new year and start to open reqs again.
In the meantime, I want y'all to know how grateful I am to be able to come back to this blog and do what I can to make up for that massive absence I had, and if anyone wants to request got7 stuff on my main blog you can do so here.
All my love,
-- Admin Def
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theloldombruh · 2 years
Jyp: did you find anything interesting in the dorm.
Employee: they have this book where they write what they thing about everyone in this entertainment.
Jyp: what did they write about me?
Employee: you weren't in it.
Jyp, gasping: those bitches!
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got7paradisejust4u · 2 years
GOT7 Scenario - Hard To Resist ~ Im Jaebum
Post Date: 6th July 2022 Content: Angst + Smut  WC: 4.1K TW?: Enemies to lovers/ Coworker!Au/ Profanitites/ Name calling/ Slight voilence/ Unestablished relationship/ Nipple play/ Penetration/ Ass Slapping/ Handprints/ Bruising/ Overstimulating
Masterlists: Reactions / Scenarios / As If you like my stuff and wanna tip, just buy me a coffee!
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Hey! Thanks for the request and I hope you like it! <3 ______________________________________________________________
Well that’s fantastic, isn’t it? The company needed people to travel across the country to help out in another store since they’re extremely understaffed, though you couldn’t comprehend why they had to send you. That wasn't the worst part of it, you wouldn’t have cared so much if you were paired with another one of your coworkers, however, they insisted that you had to travel with and work alongside Jaebum even in this store. Multiple times you’ve been dragged into your manager's office to discuss the negative work relationship the two of you had, and it wasn’t even your fault to start with, Jaebum made you feel unwelcome the minute your foot stepped through the doors, making stupid little comments and just being a plain, straight-up douche. There was no reason for it, and you gathered that he was just stuck up, very opinionated at the first glance and just cocky because he’s one of the best employees in the company. Hence why you were paired together, the two best employees for your shop being sent somewhere else to show how it’s done in the workplace. Though the company compromised by paying for your hotel, paying for petrol and giving you a car to travel in, you just wished it was under different circumstances. 
The car journey had already set you both off on the wrong foot, arguing over who is going to be the designated driver and bickering over directions, already a great start, right?. “Jaebum, you have to take the next left onto the highway, it’ll be quicker!” you shout, shaking your phone with google maps showing the different routes that you could take. That wasn’t even the worst part, he puts his hand up as if to signal to you to shut up, shaking his head and muttering stuff under his breath, you barely even make out what he’s saying. “Grow the fuck up, Jae!” you whine, putting your phone back in your bag. You were so grateful you didn’t have to work straight away when you got to the destination, you had the rest of the day and night to have time to yourselves before having to spend 6+ hours together again for the shift. “God, you’re so whiney” Jaebum mutters, shaking his head as he continues to take that left turn you told him to take. Yo go to bite back at him but you quite literal bite on your tongue, it was best not to retaliate, it’ll make your life easier. As a last resort, you put your earphones in to listen to music, watching the landscape go by as you stare out of the window avoiding any type of conflict with Jaebum. 
A few miles away from the final destination, the car starts to grumble and stall, until eventually you become stranded on a side road, the car completely breaking down on you. “What... why have we stopped?!” you shout, pulling out your earphones to look at Jaebum who has irritation written all over his face, sighing hard to himself, head rested on the headrest, slamming his hands on the steering wheel. “Fuck... sake...” he growls, unbuckling his seat belt, opening his door and leaving the vehicle, to phone your boss. As you watch his every move, you realise that this was gonna be a fun trip, first they pair you with the worst person possible, but now you’re only an hour or so away from your hotel. Your head falls into your hands, rubbing your temples with your fingers as you regret your life decisions. “Yes, we’re stranded, but I see a hotel down the road. We’ll have to stay there until the car gets fixed... I know it’s inconvenient, but what else do you expect me to do?!” you hear Jaebum shouting down the phone, almost bringing out a laugh at how short his temper fuse is. “Thank you!” he shouts, punching the car before taking a deep breath. His head pops around the door frame, signalling you to get out of the car, with a swift movement of his hand and thumb pointing behind him, nothing but anger on his face. 
It was an extremely long wait for the repair services to come and look at the car, leaving you to walk to the hotel down at the end of the road to ask for rooms for the night, and to see if anyone was able to tow the car into the hotel carpark. Luckily the only thing going your way was the fact they had a tow truck on sight from another customer, paying them off to tow it for you, as you check yourself in for two single rooms. It was unsure how long it was going to take before you could get back on the road so the only option you had was to pay for the hotel just in case, throwing Jaebum his keys to his room as you storm off to your own, peace as you walk in. It was bliss.
The TV quietly fills the room with some form of sound, you’re comfortable sitting on the bed, on your IPad, reading something you found to waste some time. You felt at peace and had no worries until a knock on your door makes you jump out of your skin. “Y/N, it’s Jaebum!” he shouts, his voice muffled behind the door and all you could respond with was a groan, unwillingly pushing yourself to go answer the door to him as he barges past you before you could even fully open it and even ask him what he wanted. “I... well...” you stutter, as he makes himself comfortable, sitting at the end of your bed, shoving his phone in your face when you got close. It was a text from the company, apologising and informing you that the services won’t be with you until late in the night as it was the earliest they could get anyone out. “So it looks like we’re gonna be leaving here extremely early in the morning to get to the shop on time, fantastic!” you sarcastically end your sentence, throwing yourself into the armchair across from him. 
There was a moment of silence before Jaebum breaks the piece, his frustration over this whole situation making him act out irrationally, “Why did they have to send me on this stupid fucking trip for a stupid little job!”. His sudden outburst makes you jump in your seat, wide-eyed at him as his face is covered by his hands, letting out a loud growl before dropping his arms, looking over at you, his face red with anger. “All because you told me to take that stupid left turn!” he points at you with an angry finger, walking closer to you as you stand your ground, standing up to him, sick of his disgusting attitude towards you. “Hold the fuck up! I only suggested a quicker route! I can’t control a car breaking down Jae!” you scream back, getting into his face. “Get out of my room now!” you add, pushing him out, but he flips around, grabbing your arms tightly, “Don’t fucking touch me you stupid bitch!”. The horror of his words showed in your face as you finally see red yourself, slapping him across the face. He cups the place where you slapped, wide-eyed at you, storming out of the room. With instant regret, you crash onto the beg, sobbing into the pillow that you hug tightly, you’re never one for violence but you couldn’t just let him speak to you like that and part of you hopes he’s learnt a lesson this way. 
The sound of your sobs could be heard through the door, though muffled, it was still eligible that you were crying as Jaebum goes to walk past your room, unable to help himself when he puts his ear to the door, sighing to himself and rolling his eyes. He held a grudge, though knowing it was none of your faults for the both of you to be in this situation, his pride wouldn’t let him admit to himself that he was out of order, and in all honesty, he won’t admit it to you, you did knock him down a peg with the slap. It made him realise that he has no right to even talk to you that way. Through multiple contemplations, he knocks on the door lightly, wanting to apologise but not even sure himself how he was going to if he could get it out at all. “Go away!” you shout from the other side as he slumps against the door, “Leave me alone, once we’re done with this job trip, I’m done with you and this company!” you cry. Not understanding why, or how, this makes Jaebum feel a massive lump in his throat that he struggles to swallow. He’s messed up big time, knowing that he’s just going to have to push past his pride at some point. 
For about an hour, he leans against you silently, listening to you cry and his heart sinks, even more, realising he’s made so much damage to you that he knew he couldn’t fix, though he wanted to try. He didn’t want to become friends, but he never wants to anyone to be crying because of how he treated them. During that hour, you finally thought he had given up and gone back to his room, ready to leave your safe space that was your hotel room to see if there was food being served downstairs. After throwing on a cardigan and some comfortable shoes, you go to unlock your door, opening it to see Jaebum leaning on the door frame. Your instant reaction was to wipe the tears from your eyes, stiffening your upper lip as you try to be firm with him. “I told you to leave me alone...” you state, as he shakes his head, refusing to look at you, scared that seeing your tear-stained cheeks and red eyes will cause him to feel worse than he already felt. “I told you-” you tried to speak again but he cuts you off, “I’m not leaving!” he bites, instantly apologising for his tone of voice, “Please let me in,” he begs, as you go to close the door on him but his foot stops it, “Please?” he asks again. With your emotions all over the place, this was the last thing you needed but you knew if you didn’t let him, he’d be persistent until you did.
All you could do was walk away from the door, letting him let himself in as he shuts the door gently behind him, “Look, Y/N, I-” he mumbles but you had something to get off your chest first, “No, I’m going to speak first, Jae. I’ve been trying for years since I’ve started this job to forgive you for the asshole you are, that it was just something I’d have to get used to. Yes, I hate you, I hate you with every inch in my body, but now, I want to forgive you even though you’ve treated me like a doormat, and getting in my face? Calling me a stupid bitch? You can go fuck yourself, you deserved that slap!” you cry, arms furiously wailing around, expecting him to react badly. All he did was nod, looking at the floor as he listens to you getting it all off your chest. “I agree,” he replies, sincerely looking up at you, shoving his hands into his pockets, attempting to walk closer to you, “I agree, I deserved that slap, I’m an asshole for treating you the way I have. Thank you for making me realise that”. You attempted to read his face for any hints of him being disingenuine but struggled to, his eyes were soft, tears forming in the corners. He really means it. 
It takes you a moment to even process this different side to him that you’ve never seen, struggling to comprehend that he can even be capable of apologising in the first place. It felt unreal, the tightness in your chest increased as all you could do was look at him with confusion, hurt and whatever else you could possibly feel at that moment as his head is bowed again. “I’m not expecting you to accept my apology, it would be foolish of me to even think you’d even talk to me after it. But you needed to hear it, Y/N. I genuienly am sorry,” his apology really hits deep as he gently takes your hands, into his own, using one of his to wipe the tear that falls out of your eyes. “I’m sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow for work,” he adds, letting go gently before heading towards the door.
“Jae-” you call for him and within seconds, he’s turned around. You really didn’t know what you were doing, why you were even believing him and accepting his apology, maybe you were just hoping for an easier work-life, for an easier life full stop. To stop wondering what you do wrong for him to act the way he did. “It’s gonna take me a while to completely accept your apology, but thank you. Keep this nicer side up and we’ll see,” you struggle to say through tears, but his instant reaction was to run up to you, to hug you. Your whole body freezes up, really unexpecting this interaction with him but buy god did you only then realise how genuine he was being, your head is pressed to his chest, his cologne softly radiates off his body as you breathe in, the beating of his heart becomes relaxing as your hand caresses your hair and the other wraps around your shoulders. Your arms slowly snake around his torso, really indulging in the hug, realising it was much needed and for a moment, you forgot about everything that happened.
The hug was short as sweet, as his grip slowly loosens around you, letting you go, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have hugged you...” he says softly, unsure where to look or what to do, his heart sinking when he catches you shaking your head, “Jae, it’s fine. I think I needed it. Thank you”. A huge sigh of relief falls from his lips as he clutches his chest, and a small smile creeps onto his face. “I’m glad,” he whispers, looking at you sweetly. There was something in the way his attitude has changed that made him extremely attractive to you, the soft smile you received, for free practically, made something in your mind feel really attracted to him.
It was awkward for a moment as you twiddle your thumbs, not sure what to do or say next, though to try and break the silence, you offer him to sit with you whilst you watch a film. You would’ve never thought of asking to spend time with him but if there’s going to progress in your relationship with him in a positive way, it would be nice to do something chill together. As you sit on the bed, you tap the space next to you, offering him to take it up which he’s more than happy to take up. Slowly and gently, he shuffles next to you, happy to just even know that you completely don’t hate him right now.
The channels flick through different shows and films, almost nothing jumping out to you to grab your attention until you give up, putting on The Simpsons to just sit and watch, surprisingly enjoying it a lot more than you thought it would. Though, after a long and eventful day, your eyelids slowly start to drop, your head wobbling as it slowly falls onto Jaebum’s shoulder. He scoffs to himself as he pulls the blanket up over you, his movement making you sit up, apologising for falling asleep. As you look back at him, his soft eyes gazing at you, as your scan his face fully, for the first time ever, taking in his beauty before your eyes stop at his lips. No one could ask you why you had the sudden urge to kiss them, but they looked so soft, a peck wouldn’t hurt, right?.
Just over 2 hours ago, you absolutely hated his guts, and now you were thinking about kissing him? You were so confused about how you felt or what you were doing with yourself, but the more you look at him, the more you want to kiss him. “You okay?” he whispers, placing a hand softly on your shoulder as you nod, biting on your bottom lip as you turn away from him, squeezing your eyes together to avoid looking at him and thinking about kissing him, but your mind has other ideas. “Fuck it,” you whisper to yourself, turning around and placing a gentle peck on his lips, pulling away quickly, blushing to flush over your cheeks as he clicks his tongue, laughing to himself. “I’m so sorry.. I-” you attempted to apologise but the gentle grip on your face makes you look at him, who wastes no time in returning the kiss. The fact that he kissed you back made you momentarily freeze before melting into it, unintentionally turning it into a slight makeout session, throwing yourself into his lap as his hands roam your body, placing both onto your ass, holding you in place. 
“Someone’s. A. Little. Eager,” he giggles through the kissing, as you turn hungry, he kisses better than you thought, his taste was even better as you slowly become addicted to him, his touch, becoming needy for more than just kisses. “Fuck, what I’m I doing?!” you cry, coming up for air from the kisses, your mind racing with so many different emotions, you didn’t know what you wanted or what you were doing to yourself, but for some reason, you really didn’t want to stop. “I’m so sorry,” you apologise, covering your face in embarrassment, his breathing gets slower as he moves his hands up to your waist, his thumbs caressing your sides, “It’s okay, we can stop here”. The stupid thing was, you didn’t want to stop, as much as your mind was telling you to, you really didn’t want to, or could. You’ve had a taste of Im Jaebum, jow you’re hooked. “I don’t want to... stop.” you whisper, slowly removing your hands from in front of your face, looking deep into his eyes before his lips briefly brush against yours, testing the waters.
Holding you tightly, he flips around, laying you down on the bed, as your back slowly touches the mattress. He hovers over you, in between your legs, his thumb pulls your bottom lip down slightly, caressing it before kissing you again. His hands slide up your top, taking a handful of the breast into his hands, teasing your nipple through pinched fingers. “Fuck...” you hiss, breaking from the kiss, using your hand to turn his head so you could reach his neck, placing tight kisses followed by licks down it as he grunts lowly. “Carry on like that and I’m not going to be able to hold myself back,” he growls, nibbling at your earlobe as your eyes roll at his words, really not caring at that moment and time of anything else. You needed him. “Then don’t hold back...” you whimper, and within seconds, your trousers and underwear were on the floor, followed by his own. “Are you sure about this?” he asks, with a raised eyebrow. The sight of his length surprises you, causing your walls to tense with nothing in you, a whimper leaves your lips as you nod, practically begging as you pull at his shirt for him to get on with it.
He gets himself positioned at your entrance, leaning down to kiss you as he slowly pushes his cock into your core. Letting you adjust to his size as you bite his lip, moaning at his length slowly going in. “Awh fuck, you’re so tight!” he groans, slowly picking up his pace as your walls tense around him, your hot and wet core making his cock harder than he thought it could ever get. As you wrap your legs around his torso, his hips do magic, effortlessly slapping against your ass and top of your thighs, as the kisses become sloppy and wet, your tongues clashing. He couldn’t just deal with that, he needed to see all of you as he slips your shirt over your head, exposing your whole body to him. He nips at the skin across your shoulder, leaving dark bruises that he licks over, making you cry for more as his pace picks up, his moans vibrating on his skin, as he makes his way down to your nipples, taking them into your mouth, his tongue teasing them as the pit in your stomach starts to burn.
You grab a fistful of his long locks, pulling his head back up to your face to kiss him, a hiss leaving your lips as he pulls away from your nipples, which he had a gentle bite on. Whilst your kisses and his hips slamming into you made you both sweat, the smell and sounds of sex fills the entire room as your volume increased, the pit burning completely. The way your walls contract around him indicates you’re close, pulling your legs up to your chest as he pounds hard into you, “That’s it, cum for me, doll!” he orders, rolling his hips into you, his tip presses hard against the spot. Within seconds, your body shakes as you paint his cock white, “Fuck, Jaebum!!” you scream, nails digging into his back as you drag them up his spine.
When you thought you were done, able to get a breather, Jaebum temporarily pulls out, flips you so your face was in the pillows, and your ass was in the air. A hard strike of his hand creates a hand print on your ass, as he merciless pounds back into you. His hands grab tightly onto your ass cheeks before gliding down to your hips, holding onto them tight, as if to hold you still whilst he slams hard into you. This makes you scream into the pillow as he grunts hard, a hand holding your head down into the pillow as he slowly feels himself getting the urge to cum. “Fuck, you feel so good... I’m gonna...” he grunts, slowly turning into loud groans and moans as you tense around him, coming to your second high, though he doesn’t slow down to let you ride through it gently, he keeps his pace, overstimulating you as he pounds hard. Just after you finish cumming all over his cock again, he pulls out, jerking off his cock, whilst holding an ass cheek again, beads of his cum dripping onto your ass cheeks. “Fuck... Fuck!!” he growls, coming to a stop as he kneels back on his heels. Catching his breath as you come up from the pillow for air yourself. 
After coming to your senses, and the stars in your eyes have gone, he rushes to the bathroom to grab tissues, ready to help clean you up. “Well that was... something,” he laughs, helping you up as he passes you your clothes, before taking them back, assisting you in getting dressed. You scoff at his comment, rolling your eyes before smirking at him, “I guess I don’t hate you as much now,” you reply, as he pretends to be offended by your comment, knowing full well that there’s still some work to do to build your trust up but this was a great start. “We really should talk about th-” you try to add but the sound of Jaebum’s phone ringing interrupts, he puts his hand up as if to apologise, answering, coughing to act like everything’s normal. “Hello... Okay, yeah sounds good. Yeah, we’ll pack up and get ready to leave soon... Bye.”. After putting the phone down, you could only guess that it was the head office, letting you know that the repair service is on its way and you should be able to get back on the road. “I guess we’ll have to save that conversation for when we get back from this trip, I guess.” you add. He nods, kissing your forehead, pulling away, and getting ready to leave. “But I can’t leave this room without knowing what this means for us,” he speaks up, looking up at you with slight concern. “It means something good, I’m not sure what I want yet but maybe I was a little harsh, and maybe if we continue to be like this, something definitely can come out of this,” you reply, taking his hand, pulling him back towards you so you could place a kiss on his lips, which he happily returned.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Im Jae Beom (Solo / GOT7) Relationship Role Analysis based on Tarot Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Relationship Role
Full Name: Im Jae Beom
Stage Name: Jay B
Group: GOT7
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Im Jae Beom
Jay B – Solo / GOT7
Spread: Relationship Role
Deck: E. A. Poe
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝
Friend - 6 of Wands, II The High Priestess
Jay B is likely to be the mysterious friend in the group. He keeps his thoughts to himself and will only speak when he feels like it’s needed. He’s a master observer and nothing can escape to his eagle eyes and tiger sharp instincts. Jay B is a confident and supportive friend but he won’t suffer hypocrisy or manipulation from his friends. He’s got a good nose to spot liars and cheats.
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Boyfriend - 3 of Swords, XIV Temperance
Dating is likely to be difficult for Jay B. He probably carries some heartbreak and trauma from the past and he simply resists falling in love again to avoid more harm and betrayal. He’s likely to drag the initial stage of dating to infinity, until he can be really sure about his partner being truthful and good. He’s quick to spot any disguise so it’s likely for him to go through several breakups before finding the right person.
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Lover - Ace of Wands, 4 of Swords
As a lover, Jay B is passionate and sensual. He truly enjoys intimacy and needs it to be happy. It's very important for his comfort to be on the same wavelength with his partner. Jay B is going to enjoy long slow heated makeup sessions in bed. He’s like a lion beast, indeed. He can spend the whole day and night lying among the soft cushions and indulging himself in the inferno of lust and passion. Jay B’s stamina is likely to be epic and his partner should make sure to have plenty of liquids by the bed to avoid dehydration.
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Husband - XII The Hanged Man, 8 of Wands
Marriage is likely to be one big step for Jay B. He’s likely to avoid it till high age, to be honest. We have already mentioned his trust issues and it goes without saying that becoming a husband might scare him. Jay B knows it’s a great responsibility and unless he feels it deep in his soul and heart, he will escape any avid bride trying to hunt him down.
✮ .   . ° ☆ . °¸ . • ✮  . •
One-Night-Stand - 2 of Cups, 3 of Pentacles
One night stands are not likely to be a common thing for Jay B. If it happens, it’s more likely to be with his friend. At one moment the chemistry happens and he spends a hot moment with someone he knew for a long time. It’s suggested that it doesn’t ruin the friendship, maybe it can lead to an occasional reprise. Something like on and off friendship with benefits.
✮ .   . ° ☆ . °¸ . • ✮  . •
Thank you for reading!
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kpopfeeds · 2 years
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2 j a e 
0 8 . 0 1 . 2 0 2 2 
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army-in-the-stars · 1 year
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Jay B x GQ Korea
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maknaeae · 2 years
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PSD 21 - GOT7 Moon
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springday-aus · 2 years
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Grim Reaper!Jaebum moodboard
© to the owners of the pics
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jjntloverx · 2 years
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kpopweb · 2 years
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dollydaisies · 5 months
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"hey zumi, what do you like?" that is a wonderful question! i suddenly forgot everything i have ever liked in my life.
૮꒰˶˃ ^ ˂̵˵꒱ა
anime. bungou stray dogs, blue lock, tokyo revengers, my hero academia, saiki k, ouran high school host club, a3!, jujutsu kaisen, soul eater, assassination classroom.
characters. osamu dazai, nagi seishiro, mikey sano, denki kaminari, denji, makima, chifuyu matsuno, takashi mitsuya.
kpop groups. seventeen, monsta x, shinee, btob, exo, stray kids, got7, txt, dean, kinda ateez | nmixx, twice, le sserafim, gi-dle, red velvet, mamamoo, billlie. completely unrelated and is jpop, but i love yoasobi a lot. :)
kpop idols. lee jihoon (woozi), kwon soonyoung (hoshi), lee yongbok (felix), byun baekhyun, lim jaebum (jay b), park jinyoung, jung ilhoon :(, kim hongjoong, jung wooyoung, kim kibum (key), choi soobin. | chaeyoung, sana, momo, seulgi, yeri, solar, chaewon, yunjin.
i'll eventually add tv characters and things like that, im just incredibly lazy...
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