#im just irritated at the blantent erasure of women in jojo fandom
jojosbabe ยท 4 years
Personal post do not interact. Personal vent. Im just gonna say it.
One thing that pisses me off. Ok. Look. Im kinda sick of fangirls/guys who wanna do shit with yuya (a very underrated character btw.)
And completely forget or ignore his girls just to ship him with a dude. Particularly keicho? (Which i dont understand anyways,why the hell him?! Yuya with josuke makes more sense because they actually fucking interacted?! Tho i dont ship any canon characters together. And i dont see josuke liking yuya that way. If its anything, it one sided. But thats besides the point. Keicho nijimura wouldn't even be worried bout certain people if he did live. He'd be more focused on trying to heal and be a better person. Or help them stop kira. Like fr. Ugh.)
Like bitch. No. Yuya is poly (at least i headcanon him as poly. Its somewhat obvious and many people also hc that). He loves his girls too. So if your gonna do yuya,you gotta do him and his girls,thats how poly works dumbasses. Fuck outta here. (Srry i just get heated with that kinda bullshit)
I dont care if you draw good. Fuck your art. If you gonna be fetishizing two men. Just to shaft a woman or poly relationships. I wont stand for it. Poly already has been underrepresented. And poorly respected. (Look you can love your bf as well as gfs. But if you dont draw or write bout the women too it becomes a very toxic and one sided relationship and thats a nono for poly relationships especially)
So please. Keep your hands off of yuya if you aint gonna write,draw,or do him right.
He deserves respect.
He aint even my fave character. And i get pissed when people do this shit.
Keicho is one of my fave character tho. And is very underrated and im sick of people getting his character wrong!!! Like keicho nijimura did not die for you to go and treat him like a piece of meat for your ships.
Dont bring him back only to treat him like some side meal fantasy.
Thats why i cant stand jojo fans and anime fans. Pisses me off.
We have amazing characters. And stories. And all you do is boring basic shit.
Im sick of minor antagonists being reduced to canon fodder or backdrop character development for main characters too. But thats for another rant.
Anyways. I love this one artist. An amazing artist. But i dont like their attitude towards yuya and keicho. I hate that ship. And it infuriates me that they keep his girls in the dark,or cuts them from their art. Just to ship keicho n yuya. That pisses me off. Just no. You dont say yuya is poly and then never draw or show his girls(im not talking about just drawing them once either,you draw them all or none at all) Thats just fetishizing two dudes together. And i dont stand for that bullshit.
I already have trust issues with jojo fans. An anime fans in general.( Manga readers i dont for some reason.)
So please. Stop treating yuya and his girls. Like their your fuck toys for your ships. They deserve better than that. Thank you.
This is just a personal post and vent. These are peeves of mine that just make my blood boil and skin crawl. I don't like people like that. I really don't. Like i dont care if they a popular artist in the fandom. You aint some megastar. You do poly shit right. Or you get the axe.
I dont like the ship,i really dont care for ships other than self shipping. But if you gonna do a damn poly ship. Do it right. And do it healthy. Bih.
End rant.
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