#im just pissed because my flavored air ran out
eethend · 2 years
nicotine withdrawals and a roommate playing tik toks at full volume at 11:30 pm who will win
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cellmint · 4 years
Star Gaze
Human Revenant x Wattson
Word count-1981
Warning/Tags-red tears, comfort, stars
Human Revenant takes wattson for a night stroll under the stars.
Revenant woke up from another nightmare. The image of him coming out as a simulacrum turned his guts upsidedown. He felt worried and scared. He fixed his scarf and walked silent in the dark. He rubbed his forehead looking confused. He got himself a nice cold water and drank it he washed his face after a while trying to focus on something else.
He wonder what his favorite defensive legend was doing. He walked down the hall each step he made was silent than the next. For a trained assassin that woke up from cryostasis it was fine. He looked thinking for a while of how he got to the Apex games. He was put to sleep by Hammond Robotics next thing he knew was waking up by the sound of Wattson opening the chamber.
Then he joined the games somewhere or another? Thinking about it made him feel sick. He could have sworn he died by an explosion. Then again he had a few adjustments and improvements on his body and gear, prosthetics perhaps maybe hammond removed some of his limbs.... Nono that be sick he looked down at his prostetics..
He heard someone pacing around he moved his face forward reading the room. He saw Wattson bitting her thumb nervously pacing around. She seemed to be thinking about something. She looked to the side and saw Revenant.
"Rev!" She spoke.
"W...what's wrong?" He looked at her.
"I locked myself out of my room and another experiment end up  failing."she looked down.
Revenant looked back and side to side in case some legends would be walking around the hall but it was only them. He took a few steps seeing as she was crying and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.  He lifted his finger and removed a single tear away from her soft face. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead.
"Hm... Come on." He spoke in a soft tone.
She look a bit confused and decides to follow.
"We are sneaking out of the dropship. I want you to look at a surprise" He smile.
The drop ship was located on the ground getting repairs and supplies. But legends are supposed to stay at night within it for protocol.
"Isn't it bad to leave the dropship?" Wattson ask as they kept walking.
"Nobody is going to find out relax" He held her hand leading the way.
As they both walk into the hallway they could hear some workers within the drop ship talk. There sounds getting closer to them. Revenant stop and took Wattson into a door opening it and going inside without being detected. The room was pitch black super small it was a janitors closet. Revenant look feeling wattsons breath on his neck as the space was cramped. She stayed still focusing on the sound of Revenants chest. He was so silent it was as if he didn't have a heartbeat. Revenant focus on the workers keeping his body away from Wattsons as respect.
"Did you hear something?" A voice ask.
"Don't know don't care. I just want to go sleep man." One of them responded tired.
The footsteps got far away and revenant open the door and walked out with Wattson. She was a bit nervous following him. He was blushing a bit rubbing his neck.
They went downstairs and got out threw the back of the dropship. Revenant could feel Wattsons hand grab his. He look a bit surprised. Her blue eyes could put him in a trance the more he kept looking. Her hair was uncovered since she was just wearing the jacket. They walked into skyhook. The town was alive with people, merchants street food and music. The smell of food hit there noses making them hungry.
"Want something to eat?" Revenant ask.
"Qui." She smiled.
Revenant bought some street food, eat it while walking and looked around.
Wattson followed eating the piece of meat on a stick. The taste was so smokey and the bbq sauce just combined perfectly. It wasn't too bitter or sweet the sauce was wonderful. Almost as good as Mirage's pork chops. She smile looking at Revenant as he kept walking, she noticed as he sometimes start peeking looking at her. She made a small smile going to his shoulder walking.
"Like it?" He ask.
"Magnifique." She smiled.
"Street food always taste best at night. Want some more?" He ask.
"No thank you, what kind of meat is it?" She ask taking another bite of the meat enjoying the flavors
"Leviathan." He respond.
"Wow!" She looked surprised.
They reached a mountain and she looked surprised.
"Come on take the zipline." Revenant spoke.
She took it first and he followed. They reached the top and walk to the opposite side walking on the edge. Wattson look around following Revenant. It was pretty dark to see anything.
The cold air could be felt blowing behind them as it slowly died down, Revenant didn't worry about the cold he enjoyed it. Wattson had a bit of a shiver and look at him.
"Its about to start." He spoke.
He grab wattsons hand and walked to the edge and sat down. He eat some small pieces of bread from the street food. It felt so warm, it had a bit of sauce on it. They where located in snipers mountain so the view of the sky was crystal clear. 
He looked up at the sky closing his eyes. She look at him as the sky was pitch black and got uncovered by a black cloud. Suddenly the sky glowed a faint blue and a lot of stars could be seen. Some meteors and even an aurora showed up.
Wattson was surprised by the sudden change of mood. She smile watching the sky. Revenant opened his eyes and felt Wattson plce her head on his right shoulder, he placed his arm around her giving her a kiss.
He felt her soft skin brush against his lips. Felt almost like kissing a scented flower and cotton. She grab his hands and shiver a bit do to the cold.
"Merci." She spoke softly and quietly.
"That's why I'm here." He respond.
"Whenever you feel alone, sad, frustrated, angry, im here for you." He spoke.
"Aren't you a bit nervous if we get caught outside of the dropship?" She wonder.
"Of course not because I'll make sure we don't get caught." He spoke.
She look up at the sky. So many different worlds and universes out there. So many planets each of them with living beings and even with there own ecosystems. Wattson wonder if she would be able to see some of them. She felt hypnotized by the stars and the colors of it. Purple, blue, black all of the colors shining brightly. The stars gleam some shooting stars could be seeing catching her attention. She lied down her back against the short grass it felt soft instead of prickly. Revenant join her and watched the show.
It was as if the stars wanted to put a show for them to enjoy. Each of them danced around one and another. The colors where just so soft, warm and even cold. Revenant took a deep breath calming down. He saw as just for once he could be happy and take his mind off Hammond robotics. Being frozen for so many years no contact with the outside world, unable to eat or even live his life. He wonder what happen to the people that he once knew.
Wattson look at Revenant as he got lost in his own thought. His gaze wasn't even focusing on the stars it was as if he was trapped in his own mind with his own problems. He's always there for her but he never wants to talk about his problems to feel better. Is it because of humiliation or fear that she won't handle it?
"Rev?" She ask.
Revenant kept thinking what would happen if he lived his full life, without being involved with Hammond. He felt a tear run down his face. He felt a soft hand embrace him in a hug. He could hear her heartbeat pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Rev" she spoke with tears seeing him.
He had tears running down his face, he looked surprised being hugged  by Wattson s he realized what she was doing.
"Are you alright?" Her soft words made his ears focus on her.
"I was just thinking." He lift himself up his back no longer touched the grass and he hid his face from her.
"It's alright to cry. What you been threw must've not been easy for you. Its alright, want to talk?" She ask.
"N...no." He look away collecting his emotions.
"Are you sure." She wonder.
"I....I don't know." He look at her with tears.
She look surprised a bit and paid attention. He look at her and moved his eyes away to distract himself. She look surprise when Revenant started to cry red, a red streak ran down his eye to his cheeks. She quickly grab a napkin from her pocket and placed it om his face.
"Your bleeding?!" She spoke surprised.
"I'm fine." He spoke.
Holding her hand. He gave her a kiss and look at her.
"I worked for Hammond as a hired hitman. Sometimes I worked for the person that can pay me the highest. I had a pretty good life until, I was set up. In one of my missions I was sent to kill a a mafia boss he lead me to a Hammond facility he worked in and next thing you know the sound of an explosion gets you deaf and you get burned by it. A scientist took me and repaired me forcing me to live. Next thing I knew I was thrown inside of a claustrophobic chamber and frozen." He spoke.
Revenant looked at his prosthetic right arm as a small little ball came out of it and he played with it. He uses it a lot for the games to cancel peoples abilities.Wattson look at him, and held his hands stopping him.
"The important thing is your alive and you have new friends and you can start again." She smile.
"Start again. I lost my perfect life, they made me this fucked up thing. All the suffering, they removed my spine while I was awake. You clearly don't understand!" He spoke showing his teeth and fangs pissed.
He forced her to let go off his hands and stood up looking away mad.
"You want to take down hammond for what they did to you. Your feelings are completely understandable. But thinking I don't understand you are very wrong. Being pissed at me for something I don't have to do anything with Hammond." She respond.
Revenant looked at her about to talk back and felt her embrace him in a tight hug.
"Nono!" He growl.
He was so mad he just felt Wattson. He looked quiet and embraced her back in a hug.
"Trust me if I put myself in your position I would be very angry and the time to adjust would be overwhelming. Its alright to be mad. But only at the people that did this to you. Not the ones that want to see you better." Wattson spoke.
Revenant look at her and stayed quiet fixing his golden hair covering it within his scarf. She looked down piking up the napkin from the floor.
"Now lets enjoy the night watching the stars together." She sat down and look as the universe itself displayed for them to watch and enjoy every minute.
"Thank you." Revenant spoke looking at the sky.
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mab2184 · 5 years
Valentine’s Day- Joshaya Fanfic Chapter 1
Josh woke up suddenly with the familiar ringing of his alarm reverberating in his subconscious. It took him a couple of seconds however to notice that the song that usually woke him up- "It's a beautiful day," by U2 was NOT what was ringing in his ears. It was an obnoxiously loud and terribly sung birthday song. The tone was off-key and the voice sounded like one of those munchkin videos. Who the hell was singing like that?
He sat up on his bed and spun around towards the direction of the singing to notice none other than his college best friend, Andrew Watkins. Andrew was excitedly jumping up and down in the middle of Josh's dorm room as he bellowed out the birthday song at the top of his lungs and threw a bunch of confetti in the air, thereby littering Josh's impeccably clean dorm room. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST JOSHIEEEE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU! YAYYYY!"
"HOLY CRAP! ENOUGH DREW!" Josh yelled as he felt his ear drums close to bursting from his friend's terrible voice. "I got it. It's my birthday. Please, if you care about me, just stop!"
"HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW?! HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW?!" Andrew continued singing even more loudly.
"OH MY GOD, DREW! IM GOING TO KILL YOU NOW!" Josh leapt off his bed and charged towards Andrew, ready to pummel him.
"OK! OK! I'M DONE!" Andrew held up his hands in surrender, and backed off from a clearly annoyed (and still sleepy) Josh. "Dude, chill. It's your birthday. Why would you want to start off with the murder of your adorable friend?" Andrew gave him a wide, toothy grin.
Josh just shook his head in disbelief at his friend's antics and took a look at his room which was now all covered in pink confetti. "Holy crap. Dude, you cleaning this up right?" Josh felt he was going to have a heart attack. He wasn't necessarily a neat freak but he had just spent a good part of his Saturday a few days ago cleaning up his room. And now, all of his hard work had been completely destroyed.
"Dude, nah, I can't, I got an exam in like two minutes. I shouldn't have even come here." Andrew responded as he checked the time on his phone and dropped something that looked like a cake box on Josh's desk. "This is from Jas." He said, pointing to the cake. "She said it's your favorite. Although, I didn't know you had a favorite cake? You like never eat cake. You eat veggies like all the time. When did you and Jas talk about this?"
"Dude, so you're seriously not cleaning this up?" Josh glared at Andrew in disbelief.
"Noo-ppe. Love you though man. Happy birthday! Jas and I will see you for lunch? We're treating you. Sounds good?"
Josh didn't respond. He kept staring at Andrew with a sour look on his face, and already thinking of ways to get revenge on his friend for trashing his room on his birthday of all days and just running off.
"O...kay. Silence means consent. Lunch it is! See you later, bud. Bye!" Andrew quickly ran off, sensing from the look on Josh's face that he had sufficiently angered the birthday boy.
Josh ran his hand through his hair and sighed loudly in frustration. "I'm going to kill him." He muttered to himself as he glanced around at his room once more. His attention finally settled on the cake on his desk. With a slight smile on his face, he walked towards it and opened the box, curious to see if Jasmine, Andrew's current girlfriend and Josh's friend as well, had really remembered his favorite cake flavor. He couldn't even remember having that conversation with her. He opened it up to see a scrumptious red velvet cake and his smile grew even wider. He would make sure to say a big thank you to Jasmine, after he killed her boyfriend.
He picked up the cake and was about to put it in his little dorm fridge when he heard his phone ringing. Quickly setting the cake down, he rushed to his bed and fumbled through his bed covers until he found his phone buried underneath. Glancing at the caller ID, he felt his smile grow a thousand times wider and his heart skip a beat as he quickly answered the phone. "Maya?" He whispered her name softly.
"BOING!" Maya responded enthusiastically. Josh grinned from ear to ear at the sound of her voice. He could almost picture the look of pure happiness on her face as she yelled out her favorite nickname for him, and he couldn't help but feel his heart expanding with euphoria.
"Boy, aren't you cheery this morning. To what do I owe this awfully excited and sugary cheery Maya?" He teased lightly.
"To your BIRTHDAY, you old man you!" Maya exclaimed and immediately commenced to sing the birthday song. Josh almost dropped the phone in shock as he listened to her angelic rendition of the song which his best friend had butchered just a few minutes before. He had heard of Maya being a good singer but he had never actually heard her sing by herself. The rare occasions in the past that he had witnessed her singing was during Matthews Christmas family gatherings. But even then, they were all singing traditional carols together as a group so he hadn't noticed anything particularly special about the beautiful blonde's voice...until now. My God, I could listen to this all day, he thought dreamily to himself as he felt himself completely entranced the more Maya sang.
"Happy birthday Josh! Wishing you lots of happiness today!" Maya exclaimed joyfully after she finished singing. Josh was literally tingling with euphoria as Maya's voice still echoed in his ears. He laid down on his bed, pressed the phone gently to his ear, and took a few seconds to consider his next words before he spoke.
"First of, my God, Maya, you have an amazing voice. I mean, I'm speechless right now. I'm pretty sure that was the best birthday song that I've ever heard in my 18 years of life. Please don't tell my parents or Cory that. Especially, Cory. He might be devastated." Maya burst out laughing at this comment, the sound of which filled him with a soothing warmth. That's another sound that I could listen to all day, he thought to himself. "Secondly, thanks for calling. You've definitely made my day after it was almost ruined by my soon to be ex-best-friend."
"Oh no! What did Andrew do?"
"Oh you know- woke me up with a birthday song that wanted me to kill him and then also kill myself and scattered my entire room with pink confetti- which by the way- he's not cleaning up. So yeah, I was pretty pissed before your call."
"Shoot! Why didn't I think of that?" Maya exclaimed amidst laughter.
"Uh no. You would have been on my naughty list if you had done that. You're on my good list now. Don't ruin it kiddo."
"Yes sir! Anywho what are your plans today birthday boy?"
"Hmmm," Josh thought as he took a quick look at the time- 9:30am. He had to go to class in an hour. Maya had called him at the perfect time. And then it hit him. Why was she calling at that time? Didn't she have school? It was a Wednesday morning.
"Hold on. As much as I'm enjoying this convo, don't you have school right now? How are you able to talk on the phone?"
There was a short pause where Josh could almost hear the wheels in her head turning trying to come up with a credible excuse for why she wasn't sitting in a classroom in that moment.
"Um, well I AM in school." She finally spoke. "Just not in a classroom..."
Josh burst out laughing, already anticipating where this was going.
"So you're cutting class- to call me." He responded, shaking his head slightly. It was classic Maya.
"Well, not exactly," Maya responded. "I might have asked your brother if I could go to the bathroom and I kinda haven't returned yet. It's been ten minutes now I think? I should probably get going before Riles organizes a search party to come looking for me." This comment made Josh burst again into laughter as he imagined his niece recruiting a search party which would probably comprise of Lucas, Zay, Farkle and Smackle- their friend group- roaming through the halls of Abigail Adams high school looking for Maya who was probably hiding in a bathroom stall. He laughed so hard he started to feel tears at the corner of his eyes.
"This is hilarious." He responded as he wiped the tears off. "Yeah you should probably get going because my adorable- but slightly overprotective niece- will definitely do that. She kinda takes after her father don't you think?"
"Oh my God, they're practically twins!" Maya quickly agreed as Josh smiled warmly. He absolutely adored his family and was even more grateful that Maya was practically a part of it. One of his favorite conversation topics with her whenever they ran into each other at family gatherings was poking fun at his family's crazy antics.
"Alright, Maya, I'm going to let you go before you get caught. Thanks again for calling."
"Wait, not so fast!" She yelled. "You still haven't told me your plans! It is Valentine's Day after all, and your birthday. I assume you are busy?"
Josh grinned- not exactly sure where she was going with this. Was she trying to ask him out? He decided to entertain her for now by giving her the details of his day as he currently had planned.
"Well no. I'm actually not too busy today. I have class, a lunch with Andrew and Jasmine- though that might probably turn into a funeral so stay tuned-" he heard Maya giggling at this, which made him feel warm inside- "and then more class, and that's about it. I got lots of homework to catch up on though. But in terms of birthday stuff- I'm coming over to Cor's on Saturday for dinner. I assume you will be there?"
"Um yeah duh. I practically live there." Josh laughed.
"Good point."
"So what I'm hearing is that Boing Matthews doesn't have a romantic dinner date planned on this beautiful day of luvvv?"
Josh chuckled- sensing exactly where the conversation was going. "Um no, I do not actually. Shocking, I know. Not sure what it is about NYU girls- I seem to be invisible to them apparently." That last part was a lie. Since starting his Freshman year of college, he had probably been asked out like 3 times which made him quickly realize that girls were a lot bolder in college than they were in high school where the norm was to wait for the guy to make the first move. One girl- Emily- he had actually gone on a date with. She was in his Spanish class, the first semester, a pretty blonde from Canada. They had shared a love of Spanish language and culture. One of Josh's dreams was to study abroad in Spain at some point in his college career. One date with Emily though was enough for him to realize that they would be better off as friends, so he quickly made sure things didn't progress any further.
And then came the weekend he would never forget, just over a month ago, when he accompanied Cory's class as a chaperone to their annual ski trip and ended up finally admitting (and accepting) his growing feelings for his niece's best friend. His affection for Maya had slowly developed over the years with every encounter he had shared with her. He wasn't sure when that affection evolved into something more but it probably started after she barged into NYU last Spring and started spilling her feelings out to Josh, Andrew, Jasmine and Charlotte during their small hangout party.
After that moment, Josh never forgot the intensity of Maya's gaze, the conviction with which she declared her feelings for him and the reasons she felt that way. His heart was racing as he listened in shock to every observation that Maya made about him. He couldn't believe that she had been paying that much attention to him- that she found him so worthy of her attention despite everything that was going on in her life.
When Maya was done speaking, it immediately occurred to him that he had never met a girl like her before- fearless, persistent, and extremely protective of those she cared about. In that moment, he was no longer able to dismiss Maya's feelings as an adolescent crush. They were genuine- he could feel them. Maya was a lot more mature than he had given her credit for and he couldn't help but be speechless as he gazed at her in silent awe. He had promised Maya at the end of that encounter that he would start seeing her differently. And he had kept that promise, especially in the quiet moments when her gaze, her mischievous smile and her words would invade his daydreams. I like you Josh. I'm in it for the long game. For a whole summer last year, she was all he could think about. And even though he was still bothered by her age, he could feel his walls getting weaker until they completely crumbled near the warm fireplace at the ski lodge when she gazed at him with utter adoration and declared yet again with utmost confidence- "I like you, Josh. It's you I like." He couldn't deny the effect she had on him anymore- his rapidly beating heart, the butterflies in his stomach, the elation on his face when he realized that she still liked him, and definitely not the cowboy.
Long story short, they were now playing the long game. Friends, until they could be something more at the appropriate time. And so far, he was satisfied with the way their relationship was progressing in their one month of playing the long game- frequent texts, occasional calls and of course the goofing off and flirtation whenever he would stop by the Matthews to do his laundry. There was a small part of him however that worried that Maya would be so focused on the long game and on someday that she would miss out on her high school experience. Zay raised this concern when he had first visited the Matthews after the ski lodge trip, and it had bothered him ever since.
As far as he knew, Maya was quite innocent when it came to relationships. She had never dated before and Josh was her first serious love interest. As much as Josh hated to think about it, he didn't want Maya shutting herself off from the possibility of other relationships or interests because of him. After all, who knew if he was the right person for her? Anything could happen in the future. He didn't want Maya putting her life on hold for a future that was far from certain. But he also couldn't imagine a future without her in it, and if she did seriously pursue other love interests, then perhaps someday might never be...
Needless to say, he felt conflicted about whether he had been selfish in promising her a someday and a long game which sounded nice in theory but in practice was probably extremely confusing and complicated for a 15 year old girl in high school. Was he ultimately hurting Maya, especially if they continued to grow closer and things didn't work out the way they both desired? It was a question that lurked in the back of his mind and haunted him in the moments when he felt their bond growing stronger- like now, on the phone, laughing and flirting with each other, neither one particularly ready to let the other go although they were both running out of time.
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