#im like what do you mean u dont sense the rlectricity all around u at all times
ruvi-muffin · 2 years
I love this book but it does also just Hit Me where it Hurts
Edwin is incredibly gifted and clever in his own way but was devalued for not being able to do magic the same way as his family and had to compensate by being extremely Precise and Careful and it's still never enough
To the point where he constantly expects cruelty from others. Even ppl who Do like him
On top of the alegory he also spends most of his time in librarires and is fond of animals bc neither animals or books exist to judge him. And he does lil twirls when he reads bc it, quote, "helps him think" ;_;♡
And despite being incredibly clever he's "bad with people" and thus finds himself unable to fill the void left by lack of care at best and outright abuse at worst.
He's also extremely attuned to magic, like he'll Sense magic in the air where his more powerful siblings won't
The magic man has autism.
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