#a marvelous light spoilers
ruvi-muffin · 2 years
I love this book but it does also just Hit Me where it Hurts
Edwin is incredibly gifted and clever in his own way but was devalued for not being able to do magic the same way as his family and had to compensate by being extremely Precise and Careful and it's still never enough
To the point where he constantly expects cruelty from others. Even ppl who Do like him
On top of the alegory he also spends most of his time in librarires and is fond of animals bc neither animals or books exist to judge him. And he does lil twirls when he reads bc it, quote, "helps him think" ;_;♡
And despite being incredibly clever he's "bad with people" and thus finds himself unable to fill the void left by lack of care at best and outright abuse at worst.
He's also extremely attuned to magic, like he'll Sense magic in the air where his more powerful siblings won't
The magic man has autism.
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
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I need a Loki who remains.
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sunsetuniverse · 5 months
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Morph as Quicksilver in X-Men '97 S01E07 - Bright Eyes
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For all of you who think the car fight sex was NOT CANNON....
They were at it for HOURS! We saw but MINUTES. You're gonna tell me nothing E L S E happened?
no smoochies?
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No fondl-ies?
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No pokey pokey?
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No touchy?
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No spanky?
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N O T H I N G?
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shout out: skiplo-wave
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salome-c · 2 years
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You can’t have Daredevil without a hallway fight.
Daredevil (Season 1, Episode 2; Season 2, Episode 3; Season 3, Episode  4)
She Hulk (Season 1, Episode 8)
Taglist: @oscarseyebrow @the-little-ewok @mypedrom @prettylilhalforc @princessxkenobi @mariesackler @dailyreverie @nowritingonthewall @mandelirious @zinzinina @nadja-antipaxos @einno-arko @mario-pratt 
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yoyomarules · 29 days
it's not hard to see the boy is mine
(Robin x Edwin, The Last Binding, rated E)
After a second encounter with Arthur Manning, Edwin needles Robin about him.
‘Shocked as I’m sure we all are to discover I wasn’t a blushing virgin when we met,’ Robin murmured, when they came up for air, ‘might I remind you that one of your ex-lovers is our very regular dinner guest?’
‘That’s different,’ Edwin told him, tracing the bow of his upper lip with a finger. ‘Jack still barely puts up with me. Manning looks at you like he’d like to have you for dessert and then go back for seconds.’
‘He’s happily married, as I understand it.’
‘Still,’ Edwin said. ‘Only I get to have you for dessert.’
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notelcol · 8 months
The fallen prince of Asgard and the Mad Titan’s daughter.
Mildly edited, apologies for mistakes🫣
You were one of Thanos’ daughters. You loved your sisters but you weren’t angry like them.
“I don’t want to fight. I just want to live in peace, in some quiet corner of the universe.” Barely a teenager, you begged your sisters to come with you as you ran away.
“No! We can’t. He will find us and you know it.” Nebula stood firm. “We have no money, we won’t survive out there. We should let him teach us, make us rich. Then we ditch him when we are older and stronger.” Gamora was always the practical one. But you needed to do this.
“I’m going with or without you.” You wished it didn’t have to be this way, but you couldn’t stay here amongst this violence.
“Like hell you are.” Nebula wouldn’t let you go. She screamed for the guards, forcing you to do the very thing you were running from. That was the day you took your first life, becoming the first of Thanos’ daughters to kill. The sacrifice of your morality secured you your freedom. But as you drifted through space, lost and alone, you began to question if it was worth killing that guard. Was it worth betraying yourself and your family?
Nine years passed like a breeze once you found your new home. Cementing your confidence over your decision. You now lived on a beautiful and messy young planet named Earth. You were indeed accosted and questioned upon arrival by SHIELD, which was how you found your occupation. You began as a simple analyst, helping their scientists understand tech from other planets. They tried to make you fight when an Asgardian prince invaded a small town. You refused. You blamed yourself when the town was almost entirely destroyed. It was then you realised the difference between fighting to hurt and fighting to protect. You never wanted to feel that regret and fear again. You loved this planet. It needed protection. You wouldn’t let it down again.
You became an Avenger when Loki returned to take the tesseract. Immediately recognising the Chitauri army, you warned your teammates. Specifically you warned Thor, Loki’s brother.
“Those soldiers, they answer to my father. Your brother will die if he gives him that tesseract.” Your words confused the large man, so you elaborated. “Loki will have made a deal with my father. Most likely the tesseract in exchange for Earth. But I know Thanos, he will kill Loki once he’s used him.” The others all said that is changes nothing. But to you and Thor, it meant there was a chance that Loki didn’t want this. You knew how powerful Thanos’ manipulation was, you didn’t believe this was Loki’s fault.
Once yourself and the Avengers had won against him, you began to fight for a merciful sentence. It was thanks to you that he was allowed to return to Asgard to face punishment. You did not know what kind of consequences he would face, but Thor seemed happy with the outcome so you trusted it. While Loki awaited his transfer to Asgard, you took to opportunity to speak to him.
“What do you want?” He spat.
“I want to know about Thanos.” Your statement made him sit straighter, gaining his interest.
“How would a mortal like you, know about a Titan like Thanos?” He smirked, leaning forward in his cage. His eyes fixed on yours as you told him your tale.
“I was born on a small planet on the other side of the Universe, I don’t even remember its name. Thanos conquered it when I was very young. He took me from the wreckage and taught me his ways. I was one of the weapons he calls children, until I ran away as a teenager.” He seemed to take it all in, deciding if he could trust you. You could have been spying for Thanos for all he knew. Eventually he spoke, giving you an ounce of his trust.
“I fell from the bridge between Asgard and the known universe.” He started dramatically. “I hurtled through a wormhole and awoke in a cell. I shan’t go into the gory details but Thanos and his men tortured me until I agreed to tell them everything I knew about the infinity stones. Once I had done so I thought they would let me go, but instead he offered me the chance to rule Earth. All I needed to do, was bring him the tesseract.” You nodded, this was typical of your father. “I don’t care about ruling this heap of filth, I just wanted to be free. That was why I allowed myself to fall from the Bi-Frost in the first place.” You could understand that. “But I could see in his eyes that he would never let me leave if I didn’t help him. I had no choice but to accept.” Towards the end it felt like he was begging you to believe him.
“I understand.” Was all you could muster as you stared the fallen prince in the eye. He accepted your reply with a sad smile, glad to be truly seen, even if the moment was fleeting. “Did you see his other daughters while you were there by chance?” You hoped for an update on your sisters, you missed them more than anything.
“No, I’m afraid I did not know he had daughters.” His answer made your heart sink. He noticed and asked for a description, in case he had seen them without knowing who they were.
“Gamora has pink hair and Nebula has none.” You looked away. Afraid to hear another no.
“I do apologise.” He shook his head. Maybe one day you will see them again. You nodded and left. Leaving him alone to await his fate.
When it was time for Loki to be transferred to Asgard, you decided to see him off. You did not expect to exit the elevator to the sight of Tony Starks heart failing and the Hulk smashing up the the hallway. You stood frozen until you were brought back to reality by the tesseract dropping at your feet. You picked it up and when you raised your head to see where it came from, you were met with a fist. Loki’s first. You dropped the tesseract in a daze, your vision spotting and swirling. You forced eyes to focus, just in time to catch him with the tesseract in hand. You jumped to grab him before he could teleport, but you were too late.
You could feel the atoms separate and reunite as you were sucked into his teleportation. You were instantly covered in sand, it seemed you were in a desert now. You hate sand, but didn’t spare a thought to it as you remembered why you were here. You shot up, looking for Loki, only to see him already looking at you. His eyes were the image of guilt and sorrow.
“I’m sorry. I cannot spend my life in prison, and Thanos will find me if I run. Unless I give him this.” He looked at the cube in distain. You were about to convince him to go back, when you both noticed the people watching you. They looked absolutely baffled. Loki cleared his throat and brushed himself off quickly before he hopped up onto a rock. His speech of glorious purpose was interrupted not a sentence in, by apparitions of golden doors opening all around you. A group of soldiers waltzed through, odd glowing batons in hand. You could make out a small logo on their uniforms. It looked like it said TVA….?
Thank you for reading this💓
There may be a part two coming😉
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super-marvel-dc · 6 months
Sister: What's your type in men?
Me: I don't know.
Sister: What do you mean you don't know?
Me: *Shows her pictures* literally, I don't know...
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Sister: Oh. . .
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psychoblush · 1 year
I don’t wanna be one of those party poopers who is constantly comparing distinct and completely different pieces of media to each other but at this point, given the discourse around WGA strike and just my general inclination towards a level of artistic fidelity that I feel most franchise stuff is lacking, I want to address it.
The Mandalorian Season 2 had THREE writers in its writer’s room. Every episode of Mandalorian Season 3 was written by either Favreau or Filoni and it fucking shows. The quality of the show’s writing, even when it does its own voice well, is simply lacking. I get that not everything has to be an HBO dramatic epic but when the plot of the show isn’t revealed until episode 6 of 8, when the show’s most pivotal decision is undone off-screen in a hamfisted spinoff, when the show is more concerned with cinematic universe building than dynamic and expansive worldbuilding that enriches its own narrative potential, it’s truly annoying! It feels like marvel schlock because it’s so anti artistry.
I want to sing Andor’s praises without bringing up the mess that is the modern disney+ landscape but it feels criminal that a show like it got overshadowed by *obi-wan* of all things. Andor HAS that fidelity of storytelling where something isn’t dropped without being picked up, it has things to say and knows where it wants to go. Art is about bravery, it’s about confidence as Taramyn says, and to see the gutless content that gets manufactured in this industry receive platform after platform by - let’s face it, mid white guys - who build their careers off of exploitation and capital greed, it’s genuinely depressing at times. The only consolation is that I KNOW that great art can be made, I see it all the time, I just yearn for it to be seen and desired and recognized by the masses it knows it can uplift.
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daneol · 8 months
I don't see anybody posting what if hela version fanart here so ill do it 😭😭
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Most were on december and some are this month and i just polished and colored them
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ochizokulevy · 10 months
So.. I binged both Loki seasons, cuz I was in really bad state mentally and frankly bit deoressed and now?
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I. Am. In.
"I'm burdened with glorious purpose"
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ralexsol · 10 months
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water for the garden
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calkestis · 2 years
me, not knowing shit about daredevil or having watched the show on neflix: why the hell is everyone so obsessed with this dude
me, watching ep 8 of she-hulk: ooOoOHhhHh
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qwanderer · 10 months
“It’s something of a relief,” he said, “to be honest.” He looked around, at this space, at the multiverse, at… perhaps not every space. “That I am not holding all of existence on my shoulders.” Tony chuckled, a bit of a dark edge to it. “Oh, I remember that shit. Baby Iron Man strutting around like ‘I privatized world peace.’ No, you little shit, it’s not all up to you. There’s a bigger universe. There’s other worlds out there.” “A multiplicity of multiverses,” Loki pondered. “Lives I have absolutely no control over.” Tony laughed. “Did you ever think that would sound so great?” he asked. “I sure didn’t.”
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tfatwsiguess · 1 year
Dog Days Are Over was a fun song I always liked to do a lil dancey dance to and sing my heart out like I’ve seen some things in my life and was naturally the first F+TM song I ever heard. Now, it still makes me happy and wanna dance and scream my lungs out. Just also in a comfortingly hurt and crying sort of way 😃
Also holy crap it’s fucking 15 years old?! I scratched my head in the theater when it was under the 2000’s selection thinking it definitely came out in like the early-to-mid 2010’s at the latest only for Siri to tell me it was 200- freakin -8….. Like I was 6 when that shit came out? haha I don’t think so silly phone 🤪
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yoyomarules · 2 months
come feel this magic i've been feeling
(Robin x Edwin, The Last Binding, rated M)
As Edwin teaches him about magic, Robin finds himself distracted. Edwin proposes something a little more, uh, hands on.
‘Perhaps we should give it a rest for today,’ Robin suggested, when they parted. His hand slid round to splay over Edwin’s lower back, keeping him close as he lowered his voice. ‘Go and try something I feel more knowledgeable about.’
‘No, no.’ There was a determined look in Edwin’s eye that meant he’d regrouped and was about to tackle a problem from an entirely new angle, and a gleam that had Robin intrigued. ‘I’d be a poor teacher if I couldn’t work with what naturally motivates my student.’
He took a step backwards. Slowly, eyes never leaving Robin’s, he undid the top three buttons of his shirt, parting the starched white fabric.
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