#i am hurteth
ruvi-muffin · 2 years
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Frankly this got me more than vex dying bc i was Not prepared for Kiki's core fear of her loved ones dying before she's ready to hit me this Soon
I am in Shambles !!!!!!!!
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
me watching star trek picard season 3 ep 1: a visualisation presented by our best girl raffi
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practicalafterdark · 11 months
Touching grass isn't enough. I need to touch an electric fence.
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gamergal-ds · 1 year
I have been STRUCK with the curse of
but I am being
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i've spent basically all day packing for move in tomorrow my tummy hurteth and i am exhausted.
that being said its time for me to try and write a lil
sorry if ive been mia on disco i'm stressed as hell and i have like three spoons rn and one is metaphorically bent
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dancing-cockroaches · 2 years
Since me and my husband moved, we no longer needed renters insurance. It was bundled with my auto through Allstate. We could share a renters policy, but even then had to have separate auto. They were like sorry y'all are pretty much strangers to eachother come back when its official. So anyway now that it's not bundled, my car insurance skyrocketed past $400 a month. I drive a fucking kia soul by the way, nothing fancy, insurance charges are just insane here. That's on the lower end I've been quoted, because oh bitch I looked.
So I know I say "my husband", we got into that habit despite the fact our marriage license [application/information] is still sitting at the marriage bureau. A few hiccups caused the finalization to be delayed. Literally last second at the ceremony, as in right before it, we had to be like "oh yeah uh.. due to sudden circumstances we're gonna need that paperwork to not be official so this is just gonna be like a last second symbolic thing now". So they gave us a (very obviously fake) souvenir one instead lmaooo. Like health insurance (being on his policy would be pricey, being married would make me unable to remain under my dads). But right now, I don't give a rat's ass about health insurance despite the fact my body is in such shambles (inability to stay asleep for more than 3 hours, complete loss of appetite, severe eczema covering my already sickly skeletal appearance. My entire abdomen/tittays, back, arms, bootayy, reaching up my neck & collarbone to my face shit is painful bitch it fuckin hurteth) that it's noticeable enough to make others look at me in shock like "damn bitch you are not ok, I am legitimately concerned". Like yeah I should really go to a doctor, I can go a month without it until insurance kicks in from my new job. At this point, fuck health insurance it's no longer my primary concern, that would be car insurance since I legally need it to get to work and make money to pay that ridiculous amount. I could be told I have a severe staph infection from my eczema (a small part of a particularly bad area is already starting to possibly look infected, no I DO NOT scratch it, I know that just makes it worse, i always either use an ice pack or rub with the palm of my hand) and the first thing on my mind would be "ok bitch who cares when I'm having to pay HALF A GRAND FOR FUCKING CAR INSURANCE".
The thing is, my man's got that USAA savings. Already got a quote on my car if it were under his policy, shit would drop down to around $50-$100. I immediately called him up like "we gotta get that paperwork finalized. I dont care if I have to drag a random bystander off the street to be the damn witness, or if we have to do it at 2 am or whatever weird time since the bureau is open 24/7, I ain't paying over $400 a month". So this weekend. Definitely. Hopefully. Because Allstate over here trying to make my heart stop with their bullshit.
Getting married for health insurance is out, getting married for auto insurance is in.
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pieroulette · 1 year
okay! *cracks knuckles* here we go!! i have a lot of praise for this series, the more i read it the more i fall in love. 🤩🤩🤩 i’ll go into specifics about what i loved the most from a technical point of view:
the prose and flow of the writing: everything flowed together seamlessly from scene to scene, i honestly loved how smooth it was to read. it felt shorter than it was in the best way possible — as in it was so easy to consume, but not to the point of being juvenile; and it was also adequately descriptive, but not so much that it took too much away from what was happening in the scene. that’s definitely not an easy think so well done!
the subtle progression of emotions: at first, i thought it was a bit harder to tell with jungwon’s character how he was able to go from “interested” to deeply in love, but then i noticed that the little things showed it for him. for me the whole “marry me” part felt a bit insincere on his part (as a character, i mean not because of you’re writing). but it really showed how deeply he felt about the mc when he did things like defend her from slander, rescue her from the lake and fell asleep in her presence, despite  having trust issues. and the final nail in the box was when he gifted the handmade book to mc as a gift. he took something the mc was genuinely interested in into consideration and don’t just gift her jewellery or dressed, and put effort into making it. that was really touching
the development of relationship between mc and jungwon: you managed to make a very swoon-worthy romance, not going to lie. but it was for a lot more than simply kabedon and “milady” (though that was admittedly a big part in it). a key example of this would be the shooting star scene. i am ashamed to say i didn’t give it proper acknowledgement in the first read through, but once i read it again it actually pulled at my heartstrings. it’s the point in time where both the mc and jungwon become more honest with each other, and rather than a tug of war game, it’s like them meeting in the middle, if that makes sense. when they wished upon a shooting star, the mc wished to be more true to themselves and jungwon wished to be more sincere in his endeavours — it wasn’t anything dramatic, and that’s why it works. because everything else on their relationship until this point was dramatic (the proposal, the confronting the marquess, the lake incident, etc) that this moment was all the more impactful
the ending: jungwon has always been upfront about his desire to marry the mc, but in the ending scene I feel like we get a sense of vulnerability from having confessing his love. the fact that he — a prince — knelt down before mc shows just how much he adores her. and when he asks if he is worthy of being mc’s lover? that shit hurteth — because he was always so forward and confident in his advances and we finally get to see him become somewhat insecure. he’s showing mc another side of him, and i love that. 
this is honestly more good feedback than anything else! but if you want critique, in terms of writing here’s something I picked up on:
misplaced colloquialism: this might just be a nit pick but i’ll explain what i mean here. so since mc isn’t from the time period, it’s understandable that their thoughts wouldn’t be in cursive, fancy, writing of that makes sense. like obviously her way of speaking would be different. but sometimes that bled into the narration a bit— sometimes you would use modern slang like “ain’t”, which is fine in mc’s pov, but something to be careful of when switching from mc’s pov to jungwon’s, if that makes sense.
other than that I couldn’t think of much off the top off my head but will let you know if I find anything else!! hope this helped in some way and sorry if it’s too long!! 😇
— 🌅
OKAY SO THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH, THIS IS SO PRECIOUS TO ME <3 !!! your review gave my brain something to think of lol, something to keep in mind for my next stories so thank you! It's rlly a great help, no, it's a very very big help to me that's why thank you 🌅 anonnie!! It is never too long, i love every word and you put sm effort in this so why would i not like it? 😭😭 THANK YOU VV MUCH <333
i'm always going back to read this, it rlly makes me happy too shooting star scene/glasshouse scene, it was actually my favourite and it was the scene that I put the most effort. that's why it kind of makes me rlly sad that no one mentions it ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ that's why thank you!!
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it’s very embarrassing that i only consciously realized this just now
dean and cas are both, like, defined by allegiance to their fathers & families that has kind of warped them into an agent of violent action and unquestioning loyalty, where you exist to serve instead of to be
but then
they meet each other
and finally have a space where that’s not all that they are
(watching the rest of s4 is going to be interesting for me. watching the rest of this show is going to be interesting for me. i’m still trying to recover from cas laughing a little at one of dean’s quips while they sat on park benches together at the end of 4.07! THAT was too much for me! help!)
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dragonfire546 · 4 years
man end of season 1 of the dream smp huh
shit hurts
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hongism · 4 years
caly the new chapter of moc is amazing as well 🥺🥺🥺 the conflict, the tension, the animosity!! 🤩✨ i can feel the danger that will come in the next chapters and i am both excited and scared and Not Prepared™️ 😔 i’m so proud of wooyoung for standing up to yeosang and knocking some sense into him!! wooyoung bestest boy!!!!!!! i do have a question — is there a reason (or reasons) why yeosang hates y/n so much ahjshajs 😔 is it partly jealousy? because of their first mission together that ended in a mini fight between the both of them? or are there more underlying reasons that’ll be explored in the future? bc wow when he told them that they aren’t a “real” part of the team that really hurteth my feelings like what a d— 💔😔 -🦔
hello darling lil hedgehog!!! im so glad to hear that you enjoyed it 🥺 i get so nervous every time i post a chapter and yall are always so reassuring and kind to me so thank you 🤧 danger is truly on the horizon but!!! it’ll pay off and be worth it in the end so don’t worry!!! i don’t know yet if the pain will be worse or better than act two pain??? we shall see though! our darling precious baby wooyoung truly the only person brave enough to stand up to yeosang and knock some sense into him >-<
as for your question!!! hehe there are Two Reasons for his dislike of her! all i can hint at right now is that one is related to the military, and the other is related to wooyoung!!! i can’t say anything more than that right now bUT there definitely is jealousy involved in there, but how that jealousy ties into wooyoung won’t make sense until later revelations (or it might tie into your theories depending on what they are) so yes there are reasons! it is partly jealousy! and there are more underlying reasons hehe :3 yeosang is truly a bitchass hoe right now but he’ll have his redemption and development 🤧
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clockworkswans · 5 years
alright, you assholes....who’s gonna take responsibility for making me watch the untamed?? cause i caved in and now i am HURTETH
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ruvi-muffin · 2 years
I love this book but it does also just Hit Me where it Hurts
Edwin is incredibly gifted and clever in his own way but was devalued for not being able to do magic the same way as his family and had to compensate by being extremely Precise and Careful and it's still never enough
To the point where he constantly expects cruelty from others. Even ppl who Do like him
On top of the alegory he also spends most of his time in librarires and is fond of animals bc neither animals or books exist to judge him. And he does lil twirls when he reads bc it, quote, "helps him think" ;_;♡
And despite being incredibly clever he's "bad with people" and thus finds himself unable to fill the void left by lack of care at best and outright abuse at worst.
He's also extremely attuned to magic, like he'll Sense magic in the air where his more powerful siblings won't
The magic man has autism.
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thearistocratsblog · 7 years
6. The Pale Criminal
Ye do not mean to slay, ye judges and sacrificers, until the animal hath bowed its head? Lo! the pale criminal hath bowed his head: out of his eye speaketh the great contempt.
"Mine ego is something which is to be surpassed: mine ego is to me the great contempt of man": so speaketh it out of that eye.
When he judged himself—that was his supreme moment; let not the exalted one relapse again into his low estate!
There is no salvation for him who thus suffereth from himself, unless it be speedy death.
Your slaying, ye judges, shall be pity, and not revenge; and in that ye slay, see to it that ye yourselves justify life!
It is not enough that ye should reconcile with him whom ye slay. Let your sorrow be love to the Superman: thus will ye justify your own survival!
"Enemy" shall ye say but not "villain," "invalid" shall ye say but not "wretch," "fool" shall ye say but not "sinner."
And thou, red judge, if thou would say audibly all thou hast done in thought, then would every one cry: "Away with the nastiness and the virulent reptile!"
But one thing is the thought, another thing is the deed, and another thing is the idea of the deed. The wheel of causality doth not roll between them.
An idea made this pale man pale. Adequate was he for his deed when he did it, but the idea of it, he could not endure when it was done.
Evermore did he now see himself as the doer of one deed. Madness, I call this: the exception reversed itself to the rule in him.
The streak of chalk bewitcheth the hen; the stroke he struck bewitched his weak reason. Madness after the deed, I call this.
Hearken, ye judges! There is another madness besides, and it is before the deed. Ah! ye have not gone deep enough into this soul!
Thus speaketh the red judge: "Why did this criminal commit murder? He meant to rob." I tell you, however, that his soul wanted blood, not booty: he thirsted for the happiness of the knife!
But his weak reason understood not this madness, and it persuaded him. "What matter about blood!" it said; "wishest thou not, at least, to make booty thereby? Or take revenge?"
And he hearkened unto his weak reason: like lead lay its words upon him—thereupon he robbed when he murdered. He did not mean to be ashamed of his madness.
And now once more lieth the lead of his guilt upon him, and once more is his weak reason so benumbed, so paralysed, and so dull.
Could he only shake his head, then would his burden roll off; but who shaketh that head?
What is this man? A mass of diseases that reach out into the world through the spirit; there they want to get their prey.
What is this man? A coil of wild serpents that are seldom at peace among themselves—so they go forth apart and seek prey in the world.
Look at that poor body! What it suffered and craved, the poor soul interpreted to itself—it interpreted it as murderous desire, and eagerness for the happiness of the knife.
Him who now turneth sick, the evil overtaketh which is now the evil: he seeketh to cause pain with that which causeth him pain. But there have been other ages, and another evil and good.
Once was doubt evil, and the will to Self. Then the invalid became a heretic or sorcerer; as heretic or sorcerer he suffered, and sought to cause suffering.
But this will not enter your ears; it hurteth your good people, ye tell me. But what doth it matter to me about your good people!
Many things in your good people cause me disgust, and verily, not their evil. I would that they had a madness by which they succumbed, like this pale criminal!
Verily, I would that their madness were called truth, or fidelity, or justice: but they have their virtue in order to live long, and in wretched self-complacency.
I am a railing alongside the torrent; whoever is able to grasp me may grasp me! Your crutch, however, I am not.—
Thus spake Zarathustra.
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ruvi-muffin · 2 years
Can i just be emo for a second that kingsley's alive?? ;u;
And essek's alive ????
We never expected to Actually have nine of them AND YET 😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iQr2Jq
by Cant_Smoke_Eggs
Everything is going swimmingly, or as swimmingly as it can between the two with their History, but hey at least Jason isn't trying to kill Tim anymore?
At least not ALL the time, only when the Pit flares and Tim is usually the victim the Green screams for Jason to seek out.
One such episode occurs when the two are alone, on a rooftop in the middle of Crime Alley, backup in 7 minutes out and Tim is stuck with a Murderous Out-Of-Control Red Hood. This is fine. Everything is fine.
Whumptober Day 2: Talking is Overrated Garotte | Choking |Gagged
Words: 3201, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Whumptober 2021
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Red Robin (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Nightwing (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon
Relationships: Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Hurt Tim Drake, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Lazarus Pit Mad Jason Todd, Lazarus Pit Side Effects (DCU), Choking, Tim Drake isn't having a Good Time, The Author Regrets Everything, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Swears, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Hurt Dick Grayson, Hurt Jason Todd, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake Needs a Break, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Poor Jason - Freeform, sorry bby, I am going to go cry, :) Fun times, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Jason Todd's death jokes, He has a morbid sense of humour, Smoking, how to tag, i forgot, frickle, but yeah oh goD WHUMPTOBER HURTS, even im hurt, DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON JAYTIMDICK FEELS IN THIS, bros being bros, until they're not, angst with aN ENDING THAT MAKES YOU CURL UP AND CRY, AND REGRET WRITING EVERYTHING BUT EVIL CHORTLING EVERYTIME SOMEONE IN THE COMMENT CRIES, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Jason isn't vibing, He does be hurteth, Poor Dick, Poor Everyone, I hurt okay, I am very much hurt, Help
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3iQr2Jq
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