#im literally only renewing it for the games atp
htylmg · 1 year
i have a subscription to the nytimes and every time i see a think piece i just steel myself to read the most egregious piece of dead serious unironic so-dumb-it-loops-all-the-way-back-around-and-is-still-dumb white liberal opinion that just makes you feel guilty for no reason and ends in a call to action that brings to mind a ninth grade debate team
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hawkepockets · 6 months
Hello I am secretly Zelda Lore Nerd and I must know your thoughts on like. The story progression and plot beats and how it's all put together in Twilight Princess because I've only ever watched playthroughs I haven't played it myself and I'm invested in your liveblogging of this now.
omg hi yaaaaaan
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^ u n me rn
ok so im ONLY on the death mountain dungeon right but so far in terms of story structure & level design i love this game. i feel like it hits a real sweet spot of being a little perplexing but never punishing yk like u get to use your noggin but it’s easy to progress.
like i mentioned already i LOVED the tutorial ramping you up for a horseback adventure to hyrule castle as a human guy with a sword & slingshot and the power of speech only to take it all away with the wolf transformation and hurl you directly to the twilit castle so the journey you were promised is instantly fulfilled, and stolen, and given back much harder, darker, more complicated.
you haven’t spent much time with/as link atp but it HITS like. his screentime as a guy has been so well spent in establishing his relationship with ordon village, both animals & people, and hyping you up for him to prove himself and see the world in a way that he then isn’t allowed to. the transformation feels authentically violating—it’s fun to play as the wolf, but the first time you try to talk to a familiar npc and they scream, or to open a door and find it’s an unnavigable barrier to you in this form, the realization that just as link doesn’t know how to move through the world in this body, you don’t know how to move through the game without most of the mechanics you just learned… like it hits it hits!
the spirit cleanse 🐺 -> dungeon 🧍 -> spirit cleanse 🐺 -> dungeon 🧍 pattern works really nicely. keeps things fresh, means you didn’t really waste your time in the tutorial, and also alternates the dimly lit, easier but utterly lonely wolf phases with the brighter, more social and challenging human phases in a way that characterizes the twilight itself as a threat imo? it’s melancholy, it’s peaceful, it consumes without killing, it’s vast and feels like a natural disaster… but it’s also easier to reverse than more mundane instances of greed, corruption, and violence. the motif of link with and without a community is repeated over and over. it’s yummy!!
i like that the dungeons seem to have their own characters beyond just the set dressings too. the forest temple felt a bit like a memory pair matching game with a lot of backtracking to previously explored rooms with new context for what you found in there. the goron mines seem to be a lot more timing based, with a lot of speed checks and, so far, more linear forward progress. so the elemental character of each region goes into like. what’s the most challenging quality of each dungeon, instead of just everything getting harder across the board. wood & air for flow, growth, renewal, return. metal & fire for enthusiasm, impulse, persistence, and rhythm. YUM!
midna of course is a nonstop delight. it’s not always clear when she’s available to help mechanically, like it took me forever to realize she’ll only warp during twilight phases, but that’s ok—i’ve never regretted hitting the button to talk to her extra times. (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ to me, she’s the perfect fusion of TP’s dark and silly elements. it was love from the first time she yanked on link’s ears and told him to be a good boy. um. mm. hhehe.
literally my only game design complaints are that the day/night cycle isn’t explained in game and isn’t very intuitive (time doesn’t pass in every map), and since it does determine enemy activity & merchant availability i feel like that shouldn’t be smth you have to ask reddit for… and on the wii soooo many things are bound to the A button, and the console is NOT good at interpreting which function makes the most sense for a given situation. it makes some tasks a lot harder than they should be. ah well. forgiveable!
#1 best feature without contest or dispute:
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that’s my 2 cents up to this point!
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yea everyone has been obsessed w ofmd atp theyre like blorbos in law. i wanted to watch it w my older brother at some point; is it rly good? like obviously ppl like it but i value my friends opinions more<3 and omg i didnt know u were ever into danganronpa did u have a favorite character. tbh the cast of the 1st is probably the one im least attached to but i love fukawa i promise she gets character development n a gf later. although still horrible rep she deserved better. and yea starting off drawing is the most overwhelming part literally all i did for weeks was use danganronpa sprites for reference until i kinda understood the anatomy n started branching out -H
MY FRIEND I AM SO SORRY i was so focused on ofmd that i kept forgetting to log back into tumblr dskjfhkjdf i have no idea how long this has been sitting here!!! Also yes ofmd is SO good and absolutely worth watching i am frothing at the mouth waiting for the s2 renewal announcement because it's been the #1 breakout series in the US for 7 weeks in a row they HAVE to renew it sdkjsfdkjfh
also omg my very brief danganronpa phase was so many years ago i barely remember it, and it was only the first game and the anime lol. my best friend got way more into it for way longer and knew the series as a whole far better than i ever did. i remembered i liked the main guy and the girl who knew computers and wore green and the girl that the only descriptor my brain can come up with is "president" and i have no idea if that is a helpful descriptor because it has been THAT long lol
ahh, fun drawing!! Good luck with the drawing, I hope it's been going well and continues to go well!!! <3 <3
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