#the conclusions are always 🤮🤮🤮
htylmg · 1 year
i have a subscription to the nytimes and every time i see a think piece i just steel myself to read the most egregious piece of dead serious unironic so-dumb-it-loops-all-the-way-back-around-and-is-still-dumb white liberal opinion that just makes you feel guilty for no reason and ends in a call to action that brings to mind a ninth grade debate team
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anonybaby · 4 months
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I don’t make this up.. I am but a humble observer.
Same. exact. energy.
15 years later..
It’s just always been like this huh?? They are really running around out here considering each other the most precious and endearing thing they’ve ever laid eyes on??
(And the contrast in what they find endearing is just a wonderfully sweet testament to how much they love each other. Randy being all vain and boastful makes Cody melt.. and Cody being a sweet, emotional angel makes Randy melt)
Thanks to @luxinwonderland for sharing the first pic🫂 she a real one) I literally can’t NOT jump to conclusions here.. #Candy leads me to it!!
HELLO?!? I’M SICKENED 🤮🤮🤮🤮❤️❤️❤️❤️
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an-analysts-analysis · 3 months
Kim and Ron Dating Headcanons
we need a better ship name for them
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They both often infodump, penguin pebble, do parallel play, and support swap. Ron helps maintain Kim’s routine and Kim helps with his sensory needs since he’s always fidgeting (Kim stims about half the amount of time Ron fidgets)
They’re both age dreamers, flips specifically. Sometimes they dream together other times one is a caregiver
They celebrate each other’s holidays despite not being that religion. Kim isnt all that religious but she’s Christian so she does the Christian holidays. Ron is canonically Jewish
Ron takes Kim with him to all kinds of conventions and introduces her to more nerdy stuff that she ends up loving
Got matching streaks in their hair as a date
They both get PTSD attacks at least once a week after the alien attack and after talking about it on TikTok, the government gave them each a service dog
When Ron joins Kim at her college, they move into a nearby apartment together
Kim and Ron discovered they were pansexual and bisexual -respectively- due to a comment asking if they were in the lgbtq community, they realized they’d never really thought about it and did some research. They came to that conclusion and Kim also finds using he/him pronouns nice sometimes. Also Shego was Kim’s gay awakening BUT, she NEVER told Shego. Not even after she went good in the end. I hate that ship 🤮
They either keep their last names when they get married or put a dash between them, Possible-Stoppable
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2djdanger · 1 month
Just rewatched Astro Boy 09 & man I think the art style choice was good for the times but hoooo I forgot especially after rewatching 03 Astro in Japanese coming straight from that episode 50 into that mess how disappointed English speaking fans would be. I think the writing & some line deliveries weren’t the greatest which is what made the movie weak. More like some dudes fanfiction than an AB movie. But also idk if that’s fair bc I’ve read some rlly top notch AB fic soooo yeah 🤷🏻‍♂️ but also lemme just rant for a min there’s parts of this movie that rlly rlly work & I love I think some of the subtle quick ways were shown Astro’s powers like when he first learns he can fly & then directly afterwards starts digging thru the side of the mountain is great. Also unpopular take prob but I think the president Stone guy kinda works as a surface level AB villain. Def 🤮🤮🤮 @ Tenma’s design ever since I saw the movie in 2010 I’ve always hated bros design but like who doesn’t at this point this is rehashing old news. Also I get that Nic Cage knew the source material & is good on screen but idk if it was his delivery or just his lines written that poorly or if I’m relooking at this post round 2 of 03 anime for me but his char was so off. Also DEF AFTER 03 anime the war between robots/humans getting boiled down to the goofy RRF bots bruh I’d be so pissed if I worked for the companies involved in making this movie. YOU HAD GOOD SOURCE MATERIAL IF U CANT FIT IT ALL IN THE MOVIE DONT INCLUDE IT!!! Also alsoooo again prob reiterating old news but the Amerification & dumbing down of the source material to be more palatable for kids is just sad. Like the movie would’ve functioned exactly the same without a few of those goofy scenes it just stalled the story honestly. You could’ve added more of the other stuff in if that was taken out. Also weird using Tenmas Japanese last name but Ochans English name was always kinda huhhh?? to me. I get it’s for the ease of being able to say their names for everyone outside Japan but if we’re going English names why not just stick with whatever Tenma’s name was in English in the animes since people already knew it?? I kinda prefer Tenma tho & ik not everyone can say Ochanomizu but yeah. The surface kids I used to think in my kid brain were waaaay more fleshed out than they rlly are which is kinda funny since they literally just show up & are there a handful of scenes, handful of lines & then that’s it. I’m torn too bc idk if it was necessary to have the new kids or work in Tamao, Kenichi, & Shibugaki somehow & I liked the new kids too. But man this movies a hot mess. I prob have more thoughts but this posts getting way too long already. This movie was my intro to the franchise when I was a kid & legit did not know what anime was or that a whole thing existed outside of this movie xD I literally always used to wish there was & then like 10 yrs ago at this point after being deep into anime I found out about Astro Boy anime/manga & straight went:
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So in conclusion Astro Boy movie ok, has deep place in my heart, animes waaay better & manga: god tier.
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clairehadenough · 2 months
So Captregina chose her favorite servant today, aka Rogersstorm2005, to ask herself a question and answer as “CAA Anon”.
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Now, this ask is stupid on so many levels and proves one more time that she is CAA anon (among others). It also proves how wrong she is about everything. How?
Let’s dive in:
1) The point she is trying to make from beginning to end actually highlights the fact that this is NOT a PR marriage. She says that Chris hasn’t been pressured by anyone to get married, not by HW not by his family (she knows his mom, you see😆). She says that if he was forced to do it (which they claim as a fact from the beginning), he would have chosen someone who isn’t as “bad” as Alba (we’ll get back to this). She says people who fake a marriage for benefits do not choose the likes of Alba to do so. She goes on and on and on. What does this prove then? That this isn’t a PR marriage, because the bride isn’t PR material. She is literally saying this.
2) His “peers”. She mentions them twice, to say that he isn’t respected by them and that they’re dragging him on every platform. Really? Who? We all have social media and have yet to see anyone “dragging” him or saying they lost respect for him. Literally, non of his “peers” is doing such things.
3) The obsession with Alba. Alba is such a bad girl, she strips, she has “immoral beliefs”yadda yadda yadda… but also, Alba “wants to be an influencer”. Really? Alba who posts once every blue moon? Alba who only posted her husband once? Alba who never once baited Chris’ fans like one of his most famous girlfriends used to do? Please do enlighten us how she is she trying to be an influencer again? 😂
4) XENOPHOBIA. Captregina has always been xenophobic towards Alba and everyone who isn’t American or everyone who speaks “broken english”- her words not mine. In this ask she proves it once again by having the need to mention that Alba comes from “overseas”. Why? What does her being from overseas have to do with the whole thing? According to Regina, Alba has a footlong list of bad qualities, why use her being a foreigner as one of them? Why mention it altogether?
I guess we know who this woman is voting for in November 🤮
5) Punctuation and spacing. We have always said that one of the easiest ways to spot if an Anon is sent by Regina is to look at the spacing and punctuation in the ask. She doesn’t know how to use them properly so she always gets busted in a second. CAA Anon has ALWAYS had this problem. You can check. In every CAA anon ask prior to the one from today, punctuation and spacing weren’t used correctly. And we kept pointing this day in day out (@teamtouchgrass did it best). Today though? “CAA Anon” made zero mistakes. Literally zero, all the spacing, commas and full stops are used perfectly well. How strange!! All of a sudden, CAA Anon changed the way she’s been writing from day one. What a coincidence! It’s almost as if someone carefully proofread the ask before posting this time. I wonder why that is lol.
Conclusion, Captregina proved once again she’s CAA Anon, proved that she doesn’t even understand what she’s saying. She is a xenophobic 🐷, who is failing at absolutely everything. Same goes for her lapdogs and her friends, plus the 3 idiots who still believe her.
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jenyifer · 11 months
Boston Home Analysis
So we know a lot from this outside shot of Bostons home. And I’m gonna talk about it cause I’m “not one of those normal girls” 🤮 I also high key want to get this screenshot on canvas and hang it in my house.
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I’ll go least unhinged to probably just in my mind
1. The table and chairs on top of the extension to the house are the same ones from the roof top confession scene from ep 10.
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I had speculated we had missed a scene and that happened on the roof of YOLO maybe Sand called Nick telling him Boston was on the roof being depressed. But now we know that’s at Bostons house. How did the events of last week really go then? I’m more confused and concerned. Let’s talk so Nick didn’t give Boston an answer at the shop then. HOWEVER because Boston had sought nick out. Nick thought about what had happened in the shop and came to the conclusion Boston was in a cry for help situation. That night Nick walks over to Bostons debating if he will go in or not and sees Boston on the roof. Nick gets in past the gate and up a ladder maybe? To get to Boston’s roof to comfort him? Nick needs an award or something. I mean I know he and Boston got to make love but damn that was fucking brave imagine if Boston had rejected him. Boston could have called the cops.
2. Because I’m always resisting watching Not Me I realized Bostons home is a reused set from Not Me. It’s the bar Gram and Eugene meet up at I believe. Delulu talking here but set in same universe things. Maybe Bostons dad converted the bar into Bostons home because he didn’t want to be running a bar out of the back of his house as a politician. Also it gave Ton extra space. Soooo can someone use this as an excuse to write BostonNickYok fic plz and thank you
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3. Okay time for my head canon. I believe that the addition to the house was originally a sunroom for Boston’s mother who loved plants. The house doesn’t meld together. We see how the part where Bostons dad lives is very rich gold marble and Bostons apartment is green and concrete seems to be separated his dad doesn’t know what Boston is up to. Also it would make sense that the addition would have a separate entrance incase Bostons dad wants to rent it out eventually or if it was originally a garage. But Maybe it’s because Boston’s parents didn’t meld well his dad tried to buy her staying by building this hobby addition only for her to leave. When she left Boston missed her terribly and moved into her hobby area making it his own but still loving plants etc. we can see him getting distracted taking photos of the plants at the hostel so maybe it’s a habit he got from his mom. Bostons dad doesn’t go into the addition because it reminds him of his wife especially since Boston has decorated it with photos of New York and his other hobbies just highlighting how much Boston’s dad doesn’t know his son. It hurts my heart thinking of Boston trying to cling to this space to remember his mom who abandoned him. Probably is why he’s extremely cautious to make long term connections in general. Boston will leave first so they can’t leave him.
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gaybosposts · 1 month
This is super random and out of nowhere. But I want to start reviewing songs on their own. One good, One bad. Most of the songs are going to be non-very recent ones. But I’ll try to keep it as recent as possible. So with out further ado…
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Good: Feel It - d4vd
I’ve had a weird music craving for listening to this recently and omg is it still soooo good! (I’ve still gotta watch Invincible actually). But this is such a feel good song that is made by the brilliant d4vd. The lyrics are joyous and makes you feel like you’re flying high in the clouds. And the chorus always gives me chills by how fucking amazing it is. d4vd’s vocals absolutely make the song 100x better than it already is. It’s an amazing song from a highly rated show that everyone loves. I’m genuinely giving this a 10/10.
Bad: Fresh Out The Slammer - Taylor Swift
I do not like this song. I just never really liked the lyrics. But the production was just ok. Out of all the songs from The Tortured Poets Department, this is definitely the worst for me from that album. I give this a 2/10.
Ugly: Birthday Party - AJR
This is an abomination to humanity 🤮😭. The lyrics are not good, the meaning is weird and terrible. Like, I don’t think you would be planning for your future the minute you are born! I know it’s “supposed” to a placeholder or some shit. But I looked up the meaning of the song to not make any mistakes. And it didn’t even say he used the infant as a metaphor for something. What he sings is what he is legitimately him as an infant planning for the future. *screams loudly*. And the sample/high pitched voice makes this shit even more annoying. This dog shit deserves 0/10.
In Conclusion, this is all my opinion and if you hate me opinion, then ok.
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
Can someone shuts hendo's mouth?? Does the amount of money he gets from his current club not enough to make him shut up?? He keeps saying bullshit after bullshit, i really dislike him now.
I still appreciate what he contributed to liverpool but this interview he had left a bad taste in my mouth, basically saying if they had fought for him he would have stayed when he was the one that pushed for leaving, its just hypocritical and while I will remember his leadership skills back then, what he does now will always give me the ick,
to champion for the lgbt community then the second money comes up you leave, I mean ... it says a lot about English players, ( not saying all of them ) but I feel like Jordan was so deluded by how much Klopp loved him that he thought Klopp would do more ( and he did ) but Jordan wanted to shift the blame on Klopp and the management, conviently forgetting that his teammates loved him and a lot of fans did.
In conclusion, am I still a fan? A fan of the captain I saw a few years back but the person I see now, is just ... 🤮 those three years he spends there will unfortunately be forgotten because I bet you, when he retires ( idk ) he will get a job as a pundit.
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psychewritesbs · 2 years
It's the JJK writing ask one here! I really like reading your thoughts on the matter and truly give me a lot of great insight. I did want a little more of hakari during his fight when i saw your hakari panel insert (hehe i love him) but he's very entertaining. I honestly believe I will always adore the story despite my own personal issues with it because although I want to see its ending, I have enjoyed reading it when I started it. I really like what you said about failing and I agreed immensely with that. This is more personal, but I do believe that failure leads to growth and I'm curious to see what he can do in the future. I can try and imagine his reasoning for going the way he did with cg but spending that time doing that just seems kind of pointless when the manga is still ongoing. I do try to balance my negatives with my positives and take the story as it is. After all, we won't be certain if the cg was more than he could chew or not until the story is probably done. But, yes, wanting the destination has been a thought I like to selfishly indulge in and I'm terribly impatient I must say haha! Despite my own personal frustrations, I can't say I like having too many expectations, especially regarding jjk. Whether it's intentional or not, gege kind of keeps me on my toes and it can be pretty fun after a while whether I end up liking it or not Authors can be really spontaneous when it comes to their stories and we don't really know what changes they undergo especially as people or in a mangakas case how harsh they take the industry in general and how it affects their choices when it comes to their story. My optimism is not always up to 100%, but i do believe that while criticism is natural and i encourage it to have really rich dicsussions, a constant state of negativity for any series isn't all that beneficial. Anyway, I still love thinking about JJK and thank you for reading all my word vomits, I really appreciate it and you. If it's no trouble I might have another ask in regards to hana/yuji/megumi.
Yessssss for insights! 
Hiding the word vomit under the cut :)
So glad we both vomit words like there’s no tomorrow 🤮dfkjsd ;bgs.
“This is more personal, but I do believe that failure leads to growth”
Honestly? This is one of the things I struggle with the most. Sometimes I have such a hard time just allowing myself to not be perfect and giving myself the grace of being a flawed human.
The irony is that I am such a romantic about fictional characters that are depicted as “flawed humans”.
Also. Don't let me fool you tho. I'm totally such a shit talker 😂.
I recently finished a Gundam Seed re-watch that left me perplexed. 
I’ve come to the conclusion that the writers were both REALLY GOOD because they wrote the kind of melodramatic masterpiece that only a melodramatic teenage girl would love, but also REALLY BAD because they wrote the kind of melodramatic masterpiece that only a melodramatic teenage girl would love.
But to go back to my point of “what is good enough for you?” and finding reasons to love a story... while I won’t be watching Gundam Seed any time soon (or quite possibly ever again unless it’s in fast forward or in gifsets), the re-watch was totally worth it because the show has one of my OG anime crushes and OG OTPs. 
In my opinion, both Athrun as an individual, Cagalli as an individual, and the pairing itself actually happen to have some of the best writing in the series--I seriously think these two carry the show on their shoulders in terms of writing ability.
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Shameless Athrun and Cagalli plug because I have been looking for an excuse to use this gif because it’s one of my favorite scenes with them. Also, did I mention they make me fangirl like a melodramatic teenage girl?
Point being, I’ve been vocal about the writing being bad in Gundam Seed and I think all 15 people still engaging in the fandom have probably blocked me by now bahaha.
So... yeah: 
“I do believe that while criticism is natural and i encourage it to have really rich dicsussions, a constant state of negativity for any series isn't all that beneficial”
I totally agree with you and love how you put it :)
“Despite my own personal frustrations, I can't say I like having too many expectations, especially regarding jjk. Whether it's intentional or not, gege kind of keeps me on my toes and it can be pretty fun after a while whether I end up liking it or not”
Yessssss. This is what I’ve always loved about JJK.
Unpredictable story-telling my beloved. 
I think another thing that’s helped me stay with JJK a lot is that I can self-insert my psyche into Megumi’s character. I simply adore Megumi.
Have I mentioned that before? Yes? Ok. No worries I’ll probably say it again a bunch more times lol.
I simply adore Megumi and think he’s stupidly beautifully written.
“If it's no trouble I might have another ask in regards to hana/yuji/megumi.”
Awesome, I’ll do my best to answer if if you do get around to sending it!
Good talk good talk!
Thanks again for vomiting words with me, Recurring Anon :)
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abiiors · 1 year
how was the film? ;))) need an in depth review from u heheh
Okay I’m putting some spoilers under the cut
ANYWAY I WAS SHITTING MYSELF IN THE FIRST 20 MINS!!! Like girl you keep your chants and stuff, I will NOT be throwing culty gang signs around to save your kid SORRY. I went into it with all the info you gave me and nothing else so I didn’t know it was a found footage film which did make me hesitate a bit at first. I am a bit iffy about found footage films simply because shaky camera gives me a headache (can’t watch vlogs either ha) but this was mostly her placing the camera somewhere and then recording stuff so that wasn’t a problem after all! There!!! was a child!!! Children in horror movies are CREEPY and she was so cute which made it CREEPIER!
I quite liked that it keeps jumping back and forth in time and still it wasn’t hard to follow which I was worried about because I was watching with subtitles which isn’t always very well done. And the bit where dodo has the faceless entity in her room and she asks her mum to hold it and take it out had me going NOPE NOPE NOPE!! If I was undecided about kids before I have made up my mind now, fuck that shit! What if I have a kid and they tell me they have an imaginary friend??? Sorry, you and your imaginary friend are both fending for yourself from now on.
Rambling aside, I did think the strongest parts of the films were the first and the third act as the middle did get a bit slow but not slow enough to take me out of the film entirely. And then the whole bit where the monks wife (? Or assistant? I’m unsure) just fucking does that jumpscare??? Almost banged my head on the wall because of how hard I flinched back haha! That being said the hardest part of it was to watch ronan starve dodo like that and the whole scene with the holes on her arms and back 🤮🤮🤮 I WAS EATING WHICH WAS A BAD BAD IDEA, I still have the half eaten burrito in my fridge lmao.
The finally bit where she talks about how if she cursed a bunch of people then it will be diluted and her daughter will be okay had me going “HA! I KNEW I WAS RIGHT NOT TO CHANT AND THROW SIGNS AROUND” anyway, girl it’s your fucking problem, do not bring me into this ✌🏼
Also the bit where she finally unmasks the deity and you see the small tunnel like thing (its mouth?) before she dies??? Someone on Letterboxd said “r/dontstickyourdickintoit” which also sent me into the orbit.
In conclusion: made me very very uncomfortable throughout and I quite liked it, just don’t go to Letterboxd right after 😂
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jjsanguine · 2 years
Problems with hardsubs/ closed captions (subtitles that are edited directly onto the video)
People often make them too small, or so big they literally cover the bottom half of the screen.
People don't understand that white text with no borders doesn't contrast with every background
I've literally never seen hardsubs transcribe sounds that aren't speech but are still necessary to understand the video, such as if a door has been closed off screen
People sometimes like to get ...creative with font choices.
Problems with open subs / open captions (subtitles that can be turned off and on)
Correct syncing? Lol
The chances of the video player deciding to spice it up and just turn off the subtitles are near 100%, leaving you wondering why everyone suddenly started speaking in simlish
Increasingly they are actually unedited auto captions 🤮
The switch to google them always requires that first you must answer these riddles three,
In conclusion hardsub makers understand that same language subtitles are an art even if most of the time it gives "graphic design is my passion", and open subs that don't even have the decency to have decent subtitle customisation options are so much worse to deal with that they make me seriously consider if the moving image was a mistake
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lovingfinn · 2 years
hey haha im here with a lovely rant not on the st show it self but the actors * clears throat*
and no i didnt check for misspelling and tw: mention of gr**ming
without further ado
EXZIBIT A: shiping real people 😐
if youve heard or read wattpad and like stranger things i would like to tell you
i find it very weird including that ff with fillie ( finn and mille) or foah ( finn and noah )
most that i have found was made even while they were kinda still maturing like 15 or 14 i think that it shouldnt be a thing and if you really care about the show you wouldnt have made it
just because your little senses think they are a good ship doesnt mean shit its disgusting and makes me sick they are just friends but i would like to talk about fillie just no correct me if im wrong they have confirmed they are friends best friends even and it most likely make them uncomfortable its just weird
EZIBIT B : babying the actors 🍼🤮
ahem first off let set an example lets say noah finn and millie and talking and one of the use a word like fuck or shit
theres always that one person thats like ‘aw my baby they cant say that awww 🥺🥺’
yes they can they are older and mature so stop acting like they are 12 bc at the end of the day half of them are adults able to own a house and get a car and drive it idk why you think your they’re parents…
EZIBIT C: e*ise😷
or how you spell her name idc now
this girl is finns ex btw if u didnt know
please stop including finn he does have anything to do with that situation and if he want to talk about it thats him but yalll need to start talking about the victims of her gr**ming young teens and talking about how they don’t deserve it
so what im trying to say is shes a potential gr**mer and i would want to support or defend her until shes proven innocent. ykwim? bc i dont care if someone tells me oh the screenshots are fake blah blah blah i want her to be proven innocent thats all
EZIBIT D: lastly respect
dont be disrespectful to other ships or maybe dont say anything at all bc its their opinion and i guess people are so stuck they think everything should be how they think it should be like byler just bc its not mileven doesnt mean you go hate on it bc its not ur stereotypical boy and girl love
if so ur a homophobic
homophobics = 🗑
so i advise u think before u post about ur ship thats probably hanging on by a limb mileven *cough cough* A JOKE OK?
oh and yeah if its a joke get over it yall need to learn life isnt your way don’t control people
also uh thank for being there for me st fandom and actors the last ep will be very hard for me i will for love you guys ( crying bc im not ready for the end ) we had an amazing run 🥰🥰
oh shit bi lmao o forgot to say that bc sadie is somethin 😩
but to the conclusion idk why the world is like this and im rlly disappointed
now im done im tried me so im signing off enjoy ur night/day lol
i love u 🤟 < 3
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Hi! Hope you are doing well. :)
So is it true that Japanese and Chinese fans thought Sakura raped Sasuke sometime in the blank period and hence Sarada was conceived? Really? Are they serious? People would think that? Why? Don't they know Sasuke but at all?
Hahahha but it's kinda sad.
Am good, anon. Thanks. 😍😍😍
To be honest, Am a new watcher who started this series just 5 months ago and binge watched obsessively for about 4 times.
I honestly don't know how fandom reacted back then.
But I heard Japanese fandom tagged Sakura as a Toxic Stalker after the Gaiden was released. For the sole reason, she chased after him during the blank period even though he specifically told he wanted to be alone and she was very persistent. The term 'persistent' was used by Kishimoto to explain her toxic obsession.
People think Sakura raped him because of her behaviour throughout the series. At every given chance, she always touch/hug him without the neccessity. She was like this ever since her genin days and Sasuke always pushed her away. And if you notice her behaviour in the War Arc, God!!!! She literally acted out like an animal in heat waiting for her partner to mate at any time. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
Every time when she was near Sasuke, she was constantly vying for his attention. So you see, this extreme rabid animalistic behaviour made fans to assume that she might have raped him. Since Sasuke was feeling guilty already for the crimes he committed, she might have guilt tripped Sasuke by saying, ‘Do you remember Sasuke-kun, you tried to kill me with your own hands?’ or something along the line and then somehow stuff happened. Poof!!!! Sarada was conceived.
This theory was even more consolidated when Naruto Gaiden was released. This is what Sasuke asked Sakura after seeing her for the first time in a decade.
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If he really understood her love and loved her back deeply, the first thing he would've done is to smile and ask her 'How are you, Sakura? Are you alright?' or ‘Thanks for the help, Sakura’ or ‘I didn’t expect to see you here’.
So, you tell me Anon, will you ask your partner 'Why are you here, exactly?', if you meet her after 10 years?? and with that grim face???
Kishi decided to make Sasuke ask the latter. Which evokes the question, ‘Does he really love her?’
This panel drove everyone to that conclusion when Sarada asked Sasuke ‘Whether your feelings are connected to mom?’
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Sasuke could’ve simply said, ‘Because I love Sakura’, ‘Because I love your mom and she understands what I feel’
But Sasuke, without any smile, said bluntly that ‘Because we have you Sarada’... It definitely hints like someone living in a relationship just because of the child. Not because of the Wife. 
If you loves your partner very much, you should show your love by putting your partner on the high pedestal before everyone. Your child should be the product of that love. It shouldn’t be like your love is extended to your partner because of your child. 
All these interactions screams  'Dysfunctional family’ for everyone. 
Throughout the entire novel, I never saw Sasuke call Sakura by her name, not even once. He called Naruto’s name a lot though. LOL. To add more salt to the injury, he refused to kiss her even though she asked him coquettishly. Grrrr.....
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Connecting all these canonical facts, Sakura chased Sasuke (as Karin says above) and probably Sasuke might have injured himself in one of the battle. Sakura being a cringe woman, as always, tried to hug or force herself on Sasuke without his consent. Then stuffs could have happened. 
All in all, this sounds like a mild low-key rape to me. LOLL.
What’s more pathetic for me is, Sarada was born in Orochimaru’s hideout. (Puke!!!! 🤮🤮🤮). You know what kind of a creepy place it is!!! Why wasn’t she laboured in Konoha Hospital?? It’s not like a baby will form today and comes out tomorrow. Even if she found out about her pregnancy after 3 months, she still had 7 months to deliver her baby. Why didn’t she go to Konoha after finding about her pregnancy?? Is Sakura that horny to travel with him despite being pregnant?
When you dig deeper into details like this, it only gives you even stronger disgust towards Sakura. It might lead you to think, ‘Probably Sakura could’ve raped him’.
But I believe this is one way of seeing. A valid one.
I see a different perspective anyway.🤷🏻‍♀️
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sab-teraa · 2 years
Ur A patriot in 2k22 🤮
You’re absolutely correct. I am extremely proud of my nationality/country/culture 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I’d be damned if I let someone else force their political beliefs on to me.
Our gov maybe a mess … but my patriotism does not stem from a political affiliation. It stems from the South African sense of community, our love for sport and nature, our acceptance of differing religions and cultures (to name a few).
So please don’t shame me for loving my country … bc yeah I may get annoyed sometimes (like an normal person) … but this is my home … and no matter what happens it will always be my love.
In conclusion, if you have a problem with YOUR country … that’s on you. Don’t make it a Tyesha problem.
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Aaaahhhh, you are writing too fast, I can hardly keep up 🤣🤣🏃🏻‍♀️...
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Chapter 10, I loved it... of course, how can I not 😁...
I don't know where to start so let's talk about Katlyn first...she's as horrible as Steve and a jealous, insecure piece of shit...what have their parents done to them that they bacame like this? ...and in the end the apple doesn't fall far away from the tree 😝 and it's just the confirmation for me that they only feel better when they dug others down. When there's something I hate then it's women who offer themselves like a whore and overstepping private space constantly...and Katlyn is one of them 🤮
Bucky is just a pathetic bootlicker who doesn't want to lose his job and thinks Steve is his friend... Steve would drop him like a hot potato just because he can 🤷🏻‍♀️
Is Steve more evil because he got aware that there's somebody who cares about y/n? Someone who gives her attention and safety? I'm a little bit scared for y/n...and for Loki 🥺
Touchy, touchy, y/n and Loki 😏💚❤️, I love them so much. I really hope they all stop bullying y/n and let her eat in peace....when she really gets married to Steve she will starve to death and maybe this is exactly what he wants so her money would be all his ...I guess they will never stop tormenting her and the only conclusion will be to run away with Loki...or he should burn this house with all of them in there down to the ground😈🔥🔥🔥
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Loki absolutely adore y/n, every inch of her body, her heart, her soul and her true self. She's sweet when she danced and tried to rile him up and made him jealous...and it's a tragedy at the same time because she's so sad 🥲. Also that she still thinks there's nobody who cares about her. She will need some time and has to learn again not only to eat properly but also to see that there's Loki who does care about her. It hurts me how much this shitty family has destroyed her already. It's a gift that Loki is there and she's able to open up to him.
Y/n agreed to listen to Loki and to eat properly (hmmm...I can see a little sub! Y/n here😏😏) , she wants to be his good girl
...not yet in that 😏😏👀👀 way ( we have to be patient 🤣🥵) ...I guess now she just wants to show him that she appreciates his efforts so she will do what he "demands".
The feeding scene with the granola bar...that was so sweet and hot💖🥵 and I grinned like an idiot 😂😅.. I love this so much 😍
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I hope my comment doesn't became too long ☺️🥺. Your writing is excellent like always and I love you, my Queen 👑💖
Ahhh I can't help it I'm so Inspired 😭
Katlyn and Steve are the product of their environment, their parents are rich snobbish awful people and I don't think their mother gave even a minute of her life to their upbringing. That being said you can still choose to be a nice person but ofcourse they are not.
I mean I get it loki is super hot but hey have some self respect? He doesn't want you, does he have to spell it out?
I think Something is brewing in Steve's head for sure 👀 I mean he's not dumb, he must see the way loki looks at her.
He definitely adores her from head to toe, when he saw her getting irked with Wanda for bringing her coffee with sugar , his first thought was spoiled princess ,but now he knows very well why she's that way, she cares for animals and that's just a bonus for him. He's definitely attracted to her in every way;)
She's definitely a sub but I don't think she realises that yet 👀👀
More granola scenes to come 🌝🌝
I love you dear, your comment can never get too long 😘
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Nah cuz I will never understand being a bg stan. What can bgs possibly offer that ggs haven't already offered, often even much better? How can you possibly be interested in men?? Blegh 🤮
No but srsly, bg music is usually so fucking generic and noisy and gives me the ick cuz it's always way too masculine and aggressive for my taste. The few bgs I stan and ult are obviously the exception, but that's exactly why I only have a handful of them. Most bgs are just not impressive enough bcs I've seen so much better from ggs. And don't even get me started on how much more versatile ggs are when it comes to switching up music styles or genres. For example: loona can totally pull off cherry bomb as an actual comeback but there is no way nct127 will be able to do flip that and do it justice. See women can both be feminine and masculine concept wise whereas men are so limited to the same boring overused masculine concepts. In conclusion, women >>>
(user u****e*** on instagram can suck it cuz I know I'm right)
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