#im mad 😁
threemouthedcanine · 10 months
"S-some people write incest fanfic to cope"
I DONT CARE, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of whether the author is a survivor, whether the fic is 100% perfectly tagged, whether they crossed their t's and dotted their i's, there is such a palpable and obvious difference between creative writing and other artworks that have incestual abuse as a core theme to explore and depict within the artwork, and some weird broads openly fetishistic incest shipfic. It is so fucking LAUGHABLE that y'all keep insisting that because a theoretical few survivors "write and publically post incest fic to cope" it makes it:
1. Automatically value neutral.
2. Above any and all critique, including those from other survivors.
3. Exist within a vacuum where it has no influence on others.
Lets start with number one and by far the most common excuse. To put it simply, these bitches are not Vladimir Nabokov. They are not creating worthwhile or interesting art, it is openly drooling eroticized & romanticized swill that is triggering as all fuck, and the people who flock to it and praise and reshare it are getting off to that eroticized portrayal to the detriment of all other survivors who in fact do not ship incest to cope. We all have seen what works this theoretical "coping artist" produces and regardless of the intention or mental state of the author the end result is still swill, both for its contents and for the presentation of said contents. I do not care.
Its so funny how the theoretical "coping artist" is absolved of all wrongdoing and criticism because they're coping but OTHER survivors are supposed to just suck it up when we're being negatively impacted by the constant fetishistic portrayals of the worst most terrible abuse to ever happen to us. It's not as if we don't try to avoid it, we do. As much as possible. But incest fic writers are determined to put their incest fetishism out into the world where all can see, whether they like it or not.
Do you understand how fucking exhausting it is to enter a character tag for a moment of peace and relaxation and have to close the tag, go to your blacklist, and add it #cw incest #tw incest #incest tw #twincest #incest warning #1nc3st #(specific ship name you barely remember and are hoping you spelled right the first time) because some chucklefuck decided to tag their fic with the character name and a new subtle variation on a warning tag that slipped past the blacklist and you can block them! You can go and block everyone in the notes too just to cover all your bases and hope that you don't get triggered too badly while blocking every name you see for minutes on end.
But there's always fucking more. My blacklist has quite literally hundreds of tags on it and that still doesn't protect me from other peoples negligence. Not to mention the mental toll of having to be so vigiIant, having to constantly keep my head on a swivel for this shit because some vague post about "censorship in art is bad innit" wasn't actually about censorship but about some cunt mad that their incest fic didn't get the praise and accolades they felt they deserved. I'm exhausted.
But if any survivors express anger, hatred, and resentment over this bullshit, we're in the wrong, because don't you know? They're #coping.
Well. As a survivor I cope by telling people who post their incest fic to character tags to kill themselves. Do I also get to be let off the criticism hook scotfree, or is that privilege only for the survivors who happily write the porn you jack off to?
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chrisbangs · 1 year
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Bang Chan .:. 5-Star MiFan Meet MCountdown [230608]
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jsvausvqbd · 4 months
Im Sol’s decision
Is this out of character for her? No. Does it make sense in the grand scheme of it all? unfortunately, yes. Ultimately, Sunjae would’ve still made the same decision over and over again because of how in love he was with her, so it makes sense that to guarantee him a future, she’ll completely erase herself from his life.
Does this mean I’m not sad? Absolutely not, I’m in shambles in fact. It’s incredibly sad to think that everything we’ve seen so far was completely erased. But what makes me the saddest is that Sol still remembers it all, she’s once again the only one bearing all of the burden. In a way I almost wish she had erased her own memory too :( I really want her to be happy
I guess it’s good they did this on ep 13 so that we can see Sunjae once again fall in love with her, which we know he will because it’s literally him lol. No more Sudden Shower tho, and that’s a loss for the kpop community
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hiphopcherrrypop · 8 months
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i was tweaking bad this scene 😸
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
💚Green X Pinky🩷
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For you, @ntj2pj and/or @mcticklefan ✨ bro your art is too good we gotta do another art trade sometime 😉
This was low-key difficult but as I kept going, it became a lot of fun! I like these fellas and drawing the tickle-zeds was a killer time too, their fur gave me life ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
Tickle-zed creator is @multifandom-brainrot :3
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undeadlilies · 1 year
Neytiri meeting Spider for the first time in chapter 2 of Eywa Ngahu:
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rustyelias · 1 month
results day tomorrow chat I’m so scared… I put so much work into those exams…
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babymorte · 1 month
when they cancel plans to help you finish some games you’ve been stuck on for months 😭
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jentlemahae · 10 months
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karda · 5 months
my birthday is in 8 days and i am n nnotttt feeling it . at all.
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lunicho · 5 months
Here’s lip ring Nico also 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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prodbyton · 6 months
hi toniiswrld nation i am having the worst fucking day but how are you guys 😇‼️
im gonna rant in the tags so feel free to ignore😁
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superbellsubways · 1 year
do you ever get mad over the things youve had to learn or experience in the past.like i know about so much bullshit i wish i never learned about ever I wish i could've had a normal internet experience but no ofc i had to dive into the worst of the worst out of morbid curiosity when i was young . I HATE IT I wish i never had to experience the bullshit drama ive had to experience i wish i never did things i ended up doing I was so stupid UGHH whatever. Hi
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nrc-confessions · 7 months
I snitched
you didn’t even spell my name right. minus ten points. do better next time.
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17gz · 20 days
aaaaand my mom just hit me with the she/her in a convo like its no big deal and as if she wasnt the one who asked me abt my transition in the first place. genuinely why do i even bother being honest and upfront abt who i am and trying to meet her with compassion as she comes to terms w this. she wont even make the fucking attempt to respect me. AND i was having a good day up until now.
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lleclercism · 11 months
I'm so tired that everytime charles gets pole all the f1 content pages start talking about most pole without wdc, conversion to win, jokes about charles pole / max win
When other non red bull drivers get pole this season is always a moment of celebration, considering how dominant red bull are, but with charles it turn to a opportunity to mock him
And even him said in a interview yesterday that he doesn't get much excited for the poles anymore because Sunday is what matters. Last weekend he also talked about people focusing on the convention to win as a bad thing, when he simply doesn't have the car.
I feel like the way people and media are always focusing on this when he gets pole is also starting to make him enjoy less the poles he gets now
i noticed that too! when he immediately went on about his pole vs win conversion and the only reason why he knew that is because he saw that topic being all over twitter during austin and has not been able to stop talking abt that stat, or ask ppl to stop talking abt that stat in general
i think it comes from the fact that ferrari is one of the most iconic and well-known brands, everyone who knows abou f1 KNOWS about ferrari, so if charles gets pole is not about him, is about FERRARI being on pole; and when he doesn't win, it's not about ferrari losing, it's about CHARLES losing. it's also bc charles himself is one of the most beloved drivers and just his face is very marketable so he despite him not having a wdc title, he is everywhere, and that means more eyes on him specially on sundays
i wish ppl would put some respect on his name, because he has been very consistent with this driving throughout the years and has been one of the drivers that has challenged max the most (who drives the most dominant car on the grid) despite never having a dominant car himself. idk at the end of the day it also falls on ferrari not being a circus so their drivers don't make fun of themselves on the track, but that's a whole other topic lmao
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