#im mainly watching it for tyrion.
sillyhubris · 4 years
i’ve been watching g*me of thr*nes because I wanted to look at costumes and think about swords and honestly I hate all these heteros and their drama. the only characters that should have gotten together are jon and sam tarly
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tymptir · 5 years
find part 1 over here, munchkins.
Maron Greyjoy did not take part in the Battle for the Dawn, but instead returned to Pyke alongside his sister Yara. in the weeks of battle preparation, Maron has used Euron’s absence to usurp his throne and establish himself as King of the Iron Islands by right of birth. he has captured ships along the coast, boosting up the Iron Fleet to a remarkably 80 ships, and increasing the Ironborn army to around 2000 men, mainly by taking thralls in raids and having them trained for combat. after receiving a raven informing him of Theon’s death, Maron sets out for Winterfell with only four ships, to collect his brother’s body, insisting that Theon has to be laid to rest in the fashion of his people and their faith. with revenge and Euron’s death on his mind he, as plotted with @killthebxy will approach Jon for an alliance against Cersei. considering that the Iron Islands are still the sole people, other than the South, with a large standing army, the offer is tempting of course. Maron’s price for the alliance? the independence of the Iron Islands with him as the rightful King, as well as the privilege of being the one to kill Euron after all he’s done to his family.
Orys Baratheon long long dead, entirely unimportant for this plotline. sorry, big guy.
Samwell Tarly canon compliant, again I am quite happy with what season 8 has given me for Sam so far. @killthebxy and I already spoke a little, and agreed that Jon will have tired to get Sam down into the Crypts with the women and children, but was met with very stern opposition. while Sam is well aware that he is no fighter, he knows he wants to be a coward even less so. the scenes in the courtyard thus take place the way they do, including Edd (in the case of @thedolorous almost) giving his life to save Sam. while Sam manages to kill some wights, he will spent a great deal of the fight cowering and crying and being scared to death. he survives mainly due to being overlooked by the enemy. after the battle, Sam’s mental health is essentially broken. he is traumatized beyond repair, the sole thing keeping him on his feet is the work he does trying to heal as many of the wounded as he can. he will become very, very quiet. Jon’s brief coma as headcanoned by @killthebxy will be especially hard on Sam, because right now he’d need Jon to give back some courage. if Edd died, Sam will suffer from severe survivor’s guilt for the rest of his life. if he lived, he will give it all to help Edd recover and ensure he’ll get back on his feet, blaming himself for all eternity for all the horrible wounds his friend has sustained. the little bit of ego he’s built up over the past years serving as a Brother of the Night’s Watch, will be pretty much shattered again. at Jorah’s death, Heartsbane will be handed back to Sam, who doesn’t know what to do with the damn thing.
Tyrion Lannister again, canon compliant. as well as Jaime and Sam, I enjoy Tyrion in season 8 so far. Tyrion survives the Crypts, managing to kill a few whights alongside Sansa. I’m relying on the unpublished materials for the crypts we’ve seen in videos, showing the two of them sneaking up on a wight to kill it. it will, however, not have been many and what ultimately saved their lives down there was Arya killing the Night King. post battle, Tyrion start conversations with Davos Seaworth about the possible rebuild of Winterfell. he will also aid Sansa in rationing food, and overseeing the treatment of the wounded. an abundance of conversations will happen with Daenerys as to how they will continue from here, given that in plottings with @zcldrizes we have decided that Dany doubting Tyrion was bullshit. in order to ignore the trauma he’s suffered from the battle, Tyrion will dive head first into the plans for the next war. as plotted with @perzyr he will find his comfort in an AU-ish scenario with Viserion, to whom he’s grown close since releasing her from her chains in Meereen.
Varys canon compliant. he survived the Crypts and returns to his post as Daenery’s adviser. essentially cut off from his network, Varys will put a lot of effort into re-establishing his little birds to find out as much as he can about Cersei’s current plans and movements. if the battle has mentally scarred him, he doesn’t show it. Varys is still pretty much the same man he was before the battle.
Victarion Greyjoy here’s me only just now realising I’ve never given Vic a show based verse. I am keeping Victarion as close to his book actions as I can, so considering that he is incredibly loyal to his King, Victarion will in fact be with Euron, commanding the Iron Fleet Euron has built for Cersei. he hates and distrusts his brother as much as he hates and distrusts Cersei, but loyalty to his family compels him to fight for Euron. given the chance however, Victarion may be convinced to turn on his brother, thus possibly proving himself to be a very, very important ally for Daenerys. plotting is required here, but getting him to change sides could potentially be a game changer for Dany and her troops.
if anything is unclear or you need me to elaborate on anything, by all means do let me know. I’ll accept all kinds of anons and whatonot, or come talk to me via IM or discord. same of course goes for plotting with any of my muses.
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