#im missing all the cool new expansions but THEY GOTTA WAIT
touchmypixels · 2 years
when i see how many packs I’m missing after being gone for 2 years
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citadelspires · 3 years
Amphibia Oneshot Thing(I Never Claimed To Be Good At Titles)
I had an idea for a fun little story thing while I was at work over the weekend, and decided to take the time to write it up into this. In all honesty this is ridiculously self indulgent, and I wrote it late at night with no editing, beta reading, or even just looking back over it once I finished. Essentially I wrote this entirely for myself and just threw it on here in the hopes maybe a few other people might enjoy it like I do. That’s all I gotta say up front so just, here you go. (this is a long one so most of the story will be under a cut).
Anne found herself wandering around a lot of parks these days. After all her time inAmphibia sitting around in her house only made her anxious, and the city was just dull. So she would sit in the areas with the most foliage, where it always felt the most comfortable. Like one of her old adventures could come find her any second. Like she could pretend her friends were just around the corner and surely if she waited just one more second Marcy would come tumbling out of those bushes, launching right away into a rambling speech about a new plant she'd found, the perfect mix of adorable passion and somewhat interesting information that would always make Anne smile.
She knew that wasn't going to happen. She'd known and tried to force herself to get used to the idea, but even as her miserable daydream was interrupted by the rustling of the very bushes she'd imagined, she hoped for a second maybe she'd imagined it all. She hadn't of course, and the boy who pushed his way out of the bushes was anything but her Marcy. Even so, he must have noticed her solemn expression, because he immediately walked over to where she sat with a look of concern on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Anne was surprised by the question for a moment, then again, she realized, she probably did look pretty miserable, moping around in the dirt in a random park. She was tempted to give an offhanded reply of dismissal, she was fine and his concern was almost certainly just a polite formality. But she was never good at following through with all that smile and say Im fine stuff.
"I've been better," she sighed.
The boy in front of her frowned, and took a seat beside her.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Anne blinked in surprise, not expecting that reaction. She took a second glance at the kid, wondering what his deal was. He looked a few years younger than her, probably about Sprig's age, dressed for wandering around the woods. He looked like a kid who liked an adventure, maybe that's why Anne felt like she might be able to talk to him. She couldn't say everything of course, god knows she'd need a full time therapist for all her turmoil, but maybe she could simplify it a little bit, dance around the truth slightly. Besides, the more she thought about it the more the idea of talking to a regular kid sounded nice.
"Well," she began, searching for each word and phrase carefully, "a while ago, me and my friends found this weird place. It was scary at first, and I was nervous for a bit, but after a while I grew to love it a lot. I think- I know my friends felt the same. It was a really magical place, but it, uh, well its not around anymore. And I feel like I left a part of myself with it." Anne suddenly became overwhelmingly aware that she had just poured her heart out to a random stranger, and probably sounded insane on top of it, "Ugggh I sound stupid, nevermind kid just ignore me, thanks for trying though."
She started to get up and walk away but the boy jumped up at the same time.
"Wait, hold on. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but from the sound of it, I think I kind of get it. I've got a pretty magical place of my own, I can't imagine loosing it. I know it's not the same but, I could take you there, if that would help?"
Anne turned back to look, not sure why this kid was so eager to help, until she saw the look on his face. He just looked like a kid who wanted to help, just for the sake of being nice. In that moment he reminded her of Sprig again, and she couldn't help it, she laughed.
"Seriously? You don't even know me. You sure?"
The boy shrugged and smiled. "There's lots of cool people I don't know yet. And you seem nice. So," he reached out his hand, "my name's Craig, nice to meet you."
As weird as this was, Anne had seen weirder, so sure, why not. She took the boy's hand.
"Call me Anne."
As they walked Anne started to wonder where this weird kid was taking her. Sure “magical place” in her situation was fairly literal, but she didn’t think she was exactly in the most common position for a kid. Or really for anyone for that matter. Still, the boy seemed pretty excited about it, so she figured she’d give it a shot. Better than moping around in some random bushes all day. Who knows, maybe she could even get her hopes up a little bit there would at least be something cool out there.
‘Something cool’ turned out to be a tree stump. Anne wasn’t sure if the kid was serious or not when they first got to the clearing, but based on the way he jumped up on the tree base and spread his arms wide.
“Welcome to the stump!”
Anne stared at him for a few seconds, not sure how to respond. Before bursting into laughter. She just couldn’t help it. There had been so much buildup, all for, apparently a regular tree stump. Craig crossed his arms and spoke up.
“Hey, I know it doesn’t look like much, but you haven’t seen anything yet, watch this!”
Whatever he was about to do, though, was cut off by a battle cry and a flash of orange hair flying at Anne from the trees. It was pure instinct, really, when Anne dove behind cover of the stump screaming,
“It’s an ambush!”
She realized her mistake a few short seconds later. Ivy Sundew literally could not be here. So, with no small amount of hesitation, she peeked over the edge of the stump to see a small girl pointing a homemade sword at her while trying to cover up a pouting expression. Anne could vaguely make out the girl muttering under her breath about how “noble warriors don’t ‘ambush.’“
“So, uh, are you gonna put the sword down orrr...”
Anne trailed off as the girl gave her a weary glance and muttered something about ‘intruders.’ It was at this point that Craig, who seemed to have tripped and fallen off the stump in the chaos, also poked his head back up and called out,
“Kelsey, wait! She’s with me!”
The short girl’s demeanor changed immediately.
“Oh, cool! Hi Craig, hi new girl, sorry I attacked you, I thought you were a devilish intruder.”
“Don’t worry about it, I get randomly attacked a lot, it happens.”
The girl, Kelsey, apparently, looked over Anne again, a thoughtful expression on her face.
“You do? Do you need a heroic guardian to protect you?”
Well, Anne noted, maybe this girl wasn’t so similar to Ivy after all. Though she still got the feeling the two of them would get along exceptionally well. She gave Kelsey a grateful smile, but shrugged off the offer.
“Nah, I’m good.”
Kelsey nodded, seeming to finally relax, though she did pause for a moment and stare off into the distance, though to Anne it seemed more like she was probably just gazing into the depths of a random tree. She gave Craig a curious look, but he only waved it off, apparently this was just how things worked with Kelsey. Noted. When she came back down to earth Craig was waiting with a question,
“Where’s J.P.?”
“Oh he found a butterfly and then chased it into a mud puddle. It was close though so I went on ahead.” Her tone of voice suddenly changed into a much more dramatic one. “He and I both had our own battles to fight.” Before immediately going back to her normal one. “But he should be right behind me.”
Sure enough it was at  that moment another boy crawled out from the foliage outlining the clearing. This one already in a considerably messier state than either of the kids Anne had met so far. He wandered over to the stump, repeating the tale Kelsey had just told them, this time with a much higher focus on the mud puddle. He didn’t seem to notice Anne at all until she cleared her throat and waved hello. The boy, J.P. she assumed, immediately jumped with an exclamation of surprise.
“Relax J.P. she’s cool.”
Anne was a little pleased to notice this reassurance came from Kelsey this time, and didn’t miss the way Craig nodded in agreement.
“She was off by herself so I thought we could give her a tour of the creek.”
That last bit caught Anne off guard, just a bit. Up till this point she had just been assuming Craig had took her here to see the stump and his friends. She wasn’t sure how much more exciting one creek could be, but after all her time in Amphibia she wasn’t one for making too many assumptions about that kind of thing. Turning her focus back to J.P. she noticed how he looked her up and down with squinted eyes, before seeming to focus on the leaves and sticks that had (again?! seriously?!) gotten tangled in her hair, and nodding sagely.
“Good call Craig! I like her style.”
As J.P. immediately began to inspect the ground for his own leaf, which he immediately deposited snugly in his, much shorter, hair, Craig waved Anne over to the stump, where he’d rolled out a large piece of paper.
“This,” he announced proudly, “is my map of the creek!”
Anne wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but a fully detailed expansive rendition of what must have been a really large area of land, complete with notations of inhabitants, activities, landmarks, and literally anything else one could find to write down, had not been it. She gave a low whistle of appreciation. Man Marcy would’ve loved this.
Craig beamed at her show of awe, allowing himself a pleased, “drew the whole thing myself” before asking, “So, where do you wanna see first?”
After that, Anne was pulled around the creek to all sorts of locations, each one more intricate than the last. There was an entire colony of kids in these woods, a civilization even. Even on Amphibia she had never seen anything quite like it. It was wild, and, kinda cool? The more she saw the more she started to get what Craig meant. The whole place had its own feeling to it that didn’t quite mesh with any of the surrounding area. After a while, she was even able to push (most of) the weight that had been on her shoulders for so long to the back of her mind.
Which wasn’t to say that her time in Amphibia left her completely. In all likelihood it was more inclined to have already made her a primary target for whispers and gossip to all the kids there. Though she never would’ve expected it before she’d gotten flown away from earth so long ago, she was kinda an expert at being in the woods now. Though she did slip up once or twice. For one dangerous moment there she was mortified that everyone would think she was insane when, upon being shown to the trading tree she had casually remarked,
“I don’t see why you need a whole place to trade for snacks when there are so many perfectly good bugs to eat out here.”
In her defense, she also preferred a good bag of chips over tiny dirt critters, but what could she say, she’d gotten used to a lot of weird things. While her immediate first reaction upon the words escaping her mouth had been to play it off as a lame joke(especially considering the way all the kids stared at her, some in horror, some in awe, at least one clearly wondering to themselves why they didn’t think of that first, the clearing totally silent save one kid who apparently didn’t get the memo and loudly exclaimed something Anne thought sounded like “my candy!”) her backup plan ended up being totally unnecessary as J.P. just started laughing, confidently proclaiming,
“I told y’all, she fits right in here”
And sure, maybe that made Anne smile just a little bit.
After that they had a few more people to meet, including a few girls prancing around a big open field, one of whom blushed slightly as she informed J.P. that she liked his leaf, to which J.P. gave a cheerful giggle and a thanks. (Anne considered it one of her foremost signs of character development that she didn’t break out any magazines as soon as they got back to the stump). But eventually things started to wind down, and the trio of friends, along with their new straggler, made it back to the little home base.
Anne took a few minutes to discuss the finer points of exploring woods with Craig, who had been eager to talk about it since they’d gone out earlier, while out of the corner of her eye Anne watched Kelsey do mock battle with an imagined enemy.
“You know, my little brother is much better at this stuff than I am, maybe you’d like to meet him sometime?” Though she’d posed the question to Craig, she didn’t bother to wait for an answer, as she saw Kelsey perform another made up sword move, and something occurred to her. “Hold that thought.”
Walking over to Kelsey, Anne continued to watch her form, confident enough based on where she was swinging and where her eyes were trained on that she had a pretty good idea of what the fake enemy the other girl was fighting might look like. Eventually she offered,
“You’re pretty good, but if you’re fighting something that much bigger than you, you’re gonna want to switch up your strategy a little bit.”
Without waiting for Kelsey’s reaction Anne grabbed a stick off the ground and performed a demonstration of a few moves she’d picked up in Amphibia. Though sword fighting was never something she had expected to be proficient at, she couldn’t deny that at this point she’d picked up a decent amount of skill. Once she’d finished her quick combo demonstration she turned to where Kelsey was standing, a little surprised to see a look of pure awe on the younger girl’s face, before she shouted,
Anne grinned sheepishly at her excitement. “Uhhh, yeah, a little bit I guess?”
She’d barely gotten the words out before Kesley was on her, begging her to show more moves or better yet, spar with her. Anne waited for the tirade of excitement to slow down before smiling and offering,
“Sure I guess I could, but honestly my little sis knows way more about this fighting stuff than I do. If you want someone to practice with she’s your best bet. I could bring her out here some time, if you’d like.”
Kelsey’s excited nodding was interrupted by an instrument Anne couldn’t quite place, and suddenly the smaller girl’s shoulders fell in disappointment, before immediately perking back up again.
“That’s dinner, but you can bring her tomorrow! I’ll see you then!”
She waved goodbye as she rushed off, as did J.P. though with considerably less rushing, leaving just Anne and Craig, who seemed to also be on his way out. Anne figured that was just one more of the natural ways of the creek. As he left, though, Craig paused for a moment.
“I’m not sure where your special place was, but this is a pretty good one for a lot of kids here. I hope you had fun, I know we did. See you around Anne?”
Anne could tell the last bit was phrased as a question, and she paused to think, if only for a moment. Sure this was no Amphibia, and sure a lot of the stuff that had happened since Craig had tumbled out of those bushes was pretty weird. And maybe she did feel a little guilty that she was off playing around while her friends in Amphibia were, well... But still, for the first time since her birthday, Anne had gone one day where she actually felt like the 13 year old kid she was. Sooner or later she could blow their minds with magic powers and frog siblings, but for now, she was just Anne, she was just a kid. She gave a grateful smile.
“See you around, Craig of the Creek.”
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cviperfan · 7 years
E3 2017: Ubisoft Conference
-"HOW TO TELL YOUR FAMILY YOU WANT A JOB IN VIDEO GAMES!!!1!! :D" me: *stares into the camera like on the office* -Well after like 3-4 years of running poor Aisha Tyler through the ringer they just tossed her away well GOOD she deserves better than this shitshow lmao -"Let the games begin! The hunger games that is now all of you look under your seat and you'll find a random weapon--" -I don't like the new Ubisoft Logo it looks like someone split it in half in PS and then tried to put it back but it didn't line up exactly right and then were like ‘well it’s probably fine’ Mario x Rabbids: Kingdom Battle -WELP ITS REAL Y’ALL OWE LAURA KATE DALE AN APOLOGY -I CANT IMAGINE A WORSE MASCOT TO TEAM NINTENDO UP WITH OUTSIDE OF POSSIBLY THE MINIONS LMAO -OH GOD THE COINBOX VORED HIM -stfu Yves you've never ever wondered that -FUCK YALL WHY ARE YOU APPLAUDING FOR THIS LITERALLY NOBODY ASKED FOR THIS -MIYAMOTO holy shit -see the reason they all have guns now is bc they killed Samus McMetroid and ate her corpse to absorb her power -BILL LMAO -God I fundamentally dislike this but god I can't dislike Miyamoto for it im trash -....oh my god that awkward silence -"Representative Director, Creative Fellow" -well it sure is a Mario game that's never been made I guess -THREE YEARS?????? -'tactical adventure', Switch exclusive -I gotta say the art direction is honestly really strong -Peach is gonna murder that fucker lmao -turn-based strategy -FUCKING CHEST HIGH WALLS IN MARIO I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS -Okay but this is MARIO XCOM which... that's interesting tbh -LIke... idk the rabbids tie in is....bad but mechanically it looks sound? IDK -Figurines?  Not amiibo then? hmm AssCreed: Origins -if they were smart they'd use Roundabout for the soundtrack on the trailer just sayin' -jeez has it REALLY been 10 years -so if they're going to the origins of the lore are they eventually gonna bring the Future Past Space Gods back cuz that shit was actually interesting -a nice trailer tho tbf ubi has been good at making trailers for a while -"hey here's a teaser of gameplay on a off-angle monitor that's way darkened lmao" -GOD I didn't even think about it but the eagle is literally just the carry-over of the drone bullshit they've had in half their games over the last couple years -LIKE UBI REALLY HAS JUST GOTTEN THEIR ONE GAME FORMULA EVEN CLOSER TO A SCIENCE LMAO The Crew 2 -WHO IS THIS WEIRD FUCKER -Inception: The Tie-In Racer?!?!?!!? -...what exactly *is* this -so is there like a weird narrative now or..... -Ubisoft stop you don't know what Iconic means -oh because you don't drive planes, boats or bikes right -IDK Formula 1 racing is pretty intense -"excuse me my car is stalled or something i can't get out of this donut" South Park: The Fractured But Whole -well Fuck South Park but it looks like they at least added the option to play as a girl so enjoy that i guess Transferance -ELIJAH WOOD?!?!?!?!?!?! -?????????????? -IS THIS SOME FUCKIN FMV SHIT?????? -That's.... actually kind of cool -OH GOD THIS IS MY SHIT THO Skull & Bones -"something really, really unique that happens to use the money saving baseline of our established Pirate Sea Battle Engine from AssCreed" -Anne Bonney? -OH DAMN THAT PIRATE CAPTAIN LADY IS FUCKIN SICK -...hmmm -hmm so it's a deeper take on the pirate mechanics of AssCreed 3 and 4 then -"shared systemic world" mmmn - so it sounds like a more simulation-oriented version of what Sea of Thieves is going for - god I hope this isn't a full-on multiplayer thing -aww so is boarding purely a numbers thing that sucks -"the world of skull and bones is one that evolves" doubt.jpg -.............WAIT WHAT -okay sea monsters makes that a little more interesting Just Dance 2018 -YEA OBLIGATORY UBISOFT DANCE NUMBER -Man sub-zero's new costume is a little weird -welp Ubi takes E3 I guess -I like how they don't even bother to really *talk* about these games anymore it's literally just now "hey new one's out" South Park: Phone Destroyer -....k -it's literally just the turn-based system from the other ones transferred to mobile Starlink: Battle for Atlas -"Atlas.  Jewel of the Pleiades" oh yea sure -Let me guess was it an evil scary alien race yup -Oh that art direction is pretty cool -*switch controller* ...wait WHAT -WHAT IS THIS -Modular toys-to-life? ...Interesting -Like i mean you missed the boat on the fad by literally a couple years there but hey -huh so it looks like it's designed to work with *all consoles* not just the switch hmm -like honestly that might not be a bad strategy of building the toys-to-life gimmick around a game that's 'friendlier' to older collector types -"I grew up in the 80s" OH GOD  -"massive open living star-system" *jefferson voice: uh huh* -Oh okay so you can get the same content digitally you don't have to track down specific toys necessarily so... that's something actually. the price point is key though Steep update -wow that's kinda nuts they've gone a whole year without an expansion tbh -so it's an Olympic update?  makes sense actually Farcry 5 -I'm way less interested now that some plot details have been revealed that really makes it easy to "other" the White Nationalist Religious Cult tbh -still there's some value in its intent i suppose even if it's largely courting controversy for attention -"a place where people don't even lock their front door" oh god -OKAY GRACE ARMSTRONG IS GREAT I ALREADY LIKE HER -YEA tactical doggo -I can appreciate the response to all the whining from Not-Racists,Honest types complaining about """racism""" being a montage comprised entirely of murdering white nationalists :) Beyond Good and Evil 2 -Did Guy Ritchie direct this????? -YOOOOO SHES COOL -What is this if the game plays anything like it looks im down -I'm super curious about thie strong south asian influenced aesthetic -FAITH?!?!?! -....WHAT -WHAT -NO WAY -I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS IS REAL -Michel Ancel finally released from the UbiSalt Mines -DAMN FUCKIN RIGHT -I CANT BELIEVE THIS CHRIST -Prequel (oh so it's literally the explanation of why there are anthro characters in BG&E1) -HEY LOOK SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS WHAT CYBERPUNK IS ACTUALLY ABOUT :)))))) -Okay honestly this sounds like Infinite Space IM DIGGING IT -Online multiplayer -....huh -yea I would fully expect It's Gotta Have Multiplayer would have been the One Condition Ubisoft would have attached to allow this to exist
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